by Mario Murillo | Apr 6, 2022 | Faith In Action, Mario Murillo Ministries
Disney parks are never, ever again going to refer to your children as boys or girls. Disney is not going to bow to moral pressure, no matter how intense it gets. No matter how far their stock price drops and regardless of how much business they lose. The die is cast...
by Mario Murillo | Jun 12, 2021 | Christianity Today
Why would anyone want to be a wolf in Christian clothing when Christians were being thrown to the lions? Yet that is exactly what happened in the first century. Paul said it would keep happening. “But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose,...
by Mario Murillo | Jan 7, 2020 | Christianity Today
They are saying what we should be saying. Millions have seen their videos. They are credited for starting a revolution of thought in North America. Here’s the rub: they are stealing our thunder. They are putting preachers to shame. They are Jordan Peterson and...
by Mario Murillo | Mar 2, 2018 | Christianity Today
They are saying what we should be saying. Millions have seen their videos. They are credited for starting a revolution of thought in North America. Here’s the rub: they are stealing our thunder. They are putting preachers to shame. They are Jordan Peterson and...