Trump Towers over the Democrat Candidates

Joe Biden began by telling us that 150 million Americans have died due to gun violence since 2007. Who knew almost half of our population had been wiped out? That hyperbole was just the opening salvo. And none of the other candidates called him out for it because they...


It is hard to convince many Christians that they are rapidly losing their First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  They either don’t believe it is happening, or they chalk it up to ‘fake news’ or ‘politics.’  But the erosion of liberty is...

Will Supporting Trump Ruin my Witness?

One of the arguments made by the editor of Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be analogous. After...


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