Trump Towers over the Democrat Candidates

by | Feb 26, 2020 | Christianity Today | 10 comments

Joe Biden began by telling us that 150 million Americans have died due to gun violence since 2007. Who knew almost half of our population had been wiped out? That hyperbole was just the opening salvo. And none of the other candidates called him out for it because they relish the doomsday scenario.
The panel of screeching cats that stood before America tried desperately to out-whine each other. Meanwhile, the shadow of President Donald Trump and his achievements towered over them.  Trump is so amazing that he wins debates he doesn’t even attend.
You would have assumed from the rhetoric that our nation was on its last leg. You would have thought that viruses, heat waves, and Russians were about to destroy the pitiful remnant who have survived the gun violence. You would have thought that Black and Latino voters needed to be rescued from their better jobs, higher pay, and brighter futures.
Have you ever seen so many politicians compete to see who is best at getting Americans to feel sorry for themselves?  “WHAT WILL BECOME OF AMERICA IF WE LET THIS CONTINUE?!” they cried.

You mean if we keep winning? If we keep increasing manufacturing? If we stand with Israel and innocent babies? What indeed will become of us???? For starters, we will see the blessing of God return to law abiding, God fearing families. We will continue to see our enemies fear us and our allies respect us.
Tonight proved that this election is about being either strong or weak. Each Democrat made the case for weakness. ‘You need government. You need us to change the weather back. Racism is so bad you can’t even see it!’
The battle lines have been clearly drawn for all to see. If you are for Trump, you are for a strong economy, strong families, strong morals, and strong national defense. You are for trading with other nations from strength. You are for conducting foreign policy from strength. You are for strong personal responsibility, privacy and a private sector that is free from suffocating regulations.  You are for productivity, not dependence. You want a paycheck, not a hand out.

Trump thinks you ought to keep your money—he thinks you know better than big government how make your finances grow. Trump believes you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The other side believes in only one thing: getting rid of Donald Trump. And you could lose 150 million brain cells trying to figure out why anyone would want to do that.


  1. megagenius

    I don’t think the Democrats have any brain cells left. All they can do is point the finger and play the blame game. Some people say something because they have something to say. Democrats say something just to say something.

  2. Carolina

    Two days ago I was getting out of my car trying to maneuver several sacks of groceries in my hands. Our neighborhoods US Post Office Postal Carrier was driving by to exit our drive, he stopped and shouted, “You need some help”? I said “Oh how kind of you to notice”! He then proceeded to help me carry my groceries up to our townhome entrance. As we stood there talking we engaged about the political landscape of this nation, I asked him how he was going to vote, he responded with, “oh I’m not suppose to talk about that when on the job, but I will say, that I really like my bank account right now, I’m close to retirement, and am very happy with my bank account”! Then he giggled and I plainly said, “obviously a vote for Trump is another vote for that”!!
    Its a NO brainer…vote Trump/Pence in 2020, and an all Republican ticket!??

    • Desertstream

      Only way to go, Carolina. Have a nice day!

  3. susanrobb2870

    W O W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Danny Raymond Lake


  5. Noel

    I definitely lost some brain cells watching the last two Democratic Debates.

  6. kingskid48

    The clown show last night was even too much for many liberals. The screaming and yelling at each other would have been comical, if it wasn’t disturbing to see presidential candidates acting in such a manner. They all acted desperate. Every one of them. It wasn’t a debate, it was dog fight. You know what they say about dog fights. Throw cold water in their faces and stand clear. Breaks them up every time. But it does not make friends of out of the dogs.

  7. Margaret Wilmoth

    Thanks Mario. I love your emails. I sure hope multitudes are taking this election very seriously and if they call themselves Christians, we all should be on the front line taking heaven by storm!

  8. Kathy Dunagan

    Well said.amen




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