by Mario Murillo | Aug 23, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries
Joy? What Joy? Where is this joy they keep trying to sell us supposed to come from? What devilish alchemy can transform corruption, incompetence, arrogance, and misery into joy? Answer: Nothing can. They know that. That is why they won’t answer questions and she will...
by Mario Murillo | May 16, 2023 | Faith In Action
The ruling elite govern us in a way that tells us that they will never face another free election. Their policies pile grief upon grief—crushing the American spirit. Deep State arrogance and corruption has poisoned the American spirit with helplessness and despair....
by Mario Murillo | Dec 7, 2022 | Mario Murillo Ministries, The American Church
No Red Wave. New threats and setbacks in our battle for America. What happened? We had a shout without the clout. The bragging you heard in so many Christian gatherings about power and authority is baffling. If we are who we say we are—how on earth did evil enlarge...
by Mario Murillo | Nov 3, 2022 | California
I am writing this prediction in fear and trembling. I am writing it as if I was going to be ushered immediately into the throne room of God to give an account for what I am saying now. I am warning you! Brace yourself for a miracle in California! Do not believe...
by Mario Murillo | Sep 9, 2022 | Saving America
All around you is the rumble of revival and reformation. An earthquake of American freedom. It beckons you! But you are waiting. Every atom of your being screams for you to jump into the river that is healing America. All the cells of your body are vibrating with...