22 February 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pastors & Leaders Brunch, The Encounter Charlotte
The Encounter Charlotte, 1651 NC-24, Midland, NC 28107
Praise God!!! Thank You Jesus!!!
God bless you! So exciting! We celebrate all the souls that are coming to Christ.May God’s perfect will be done at this event . Praying for all of you!!
How can I sign up to help volunteer? I can stay with friends in Roseville!
use this link to volunteer right now. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfq8fYRZWBG61zHMLLmvCMEzgQ64e9gfrN7iXDyTCuQo__j_g/viewform
Oh Mario, I am praying so hard for God’s will to be done! I believe that God is giving us another chance, He isn’t done with our country yet! I feel so uplifted when I hear the wonderful things you and your workers are doing. A great harvest is coming! I have seen the great evil darkness trying to spread over our country, trying to envelop us, but then a great, brilliant light starts to push the evil darkness back until nothing is left of the dark. Glory be to God in the Highest! His will be done! March on Christian soldiers and defeat the evil forces trying to destroy us. 🙏🌾🍎🍇❤️
I was part of a great outpouring in 2003-2006 – in Tulare Ca. That’s when the glory of God took over Hiway 99. People came from all over the US and the world! Charisma Magazine and local newspapers reported it as well. A great Tsunami was also prophesied would come also during these meetings .. so I know it will happen again but it will be much BIGGER !
Revivalist Teri Gonzalez
Praying for your tent revival and thankful, Mario, for your dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I lived in Sacramento for 12 years and have a heart for that place. All God’s blessings on you with God’s angels charge over you!🙏✝️
My backslider son Michael is moving to the Sacramento Valley next month. Please pray with me that he will come back to the Lord in California!
We will be praying for all who can come . That are Lord and saver will pour out all the glory on you Mario and Lance and all the volunteers who help and the Church who will step out of the convert zones and help with the mass of people. Who will come to hear the message of salvation & healing and so much more. Are Lord what’s all to come to Him and expect His love and forgiveness, mercy, salvation and to be set free to share with other. THE BEST IS YET TO COME LORD JESUS.
We (2) are praying. We will see you in Florida. God is in control and prayer changes things.
Hallelujah that is Marvelous and we set ourselves in agreement and prayer for such a move of God.
God Bless you and this tent meeting ! Ca is my home
God is on the move! You know when the leadership in Sacramento ‘want’ this tent crusade to take place, that they are at the end of their rope as to having answers for so many needs. Let’s let Jesus back into our country!
May the glory of the Lord envelop all who come into the tent and and may His Word burn in the hearts and lives of all His children as the Holy Spirit fills the atmosphere.
Standing with you!
Crying out with you in joyful expectation of a mighty outpouring of glory and power, and believing and declaring that God will do exceeding abundantly above anything we could ask or think! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Absolutely awesome!
Oh wow praying for revival.
It is so awesome to hear your excitement 😀 😊
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow! This is the best time ever to be alive and serving the Lord! Bless you Mario, and all your team for staying faithful to your calling all th these years!
I have asked before but will ask again….please come back to Bakersfield. There is a hunger here for God….He is the only one who can deliver this city & we need your tent anointing.
Janice Houck
Janice we will be there in early 2023!
Praise the Lord God Almighty for boldness, foresight, knowledge and the Power of the Holy Spirit that directs you, Mario, to take on the prince of the power of the air, unafraid and eager to crush the damage he seeks to do in our nation and the mighty vision to see our Country free from the wickedness and damage of the current administration!! Hallelujah!!!
Praying for a mighty rush of GOD! Holy Spirit come flood the tent with souls unto salvation and miracles like never before! Over come evil with good in these last days! I feel like America is teetering on Sodom and Gomorrah destruction! Bless your ministry powerfully in Jesus name!
How absolutely wonderful to read all this. The Holy Spirit is very very busy and we must all occupy until we are raptured! Thank you for your commitment to God’s future family!
Amen! Praying for revival!
Praise the Almighty Lord who loves His people and will draw them to Him continually. Thank you, Mario, for all that you are doing through and for the Lord. You are an awesome vessel for Him and I pray that He will continue to bless and equip you to do what He has called you to be and do. Amen!
So thankful for your ministry and believe God will show up big time with signs, wonders and miracles – including the biggest miracle of all, thousands becoming new creations in Christ Jesus. Glory to God!
I cannot wait to see His Glory revealed! You are in my prayers, Mario! Do you ever need counselors to meet individually after conversions, to briefly explain what someone just did? I would be honored, of course, to do that. Follow-up to an alter call would have helped me in my youth to not go astray for awhile.
I am very excited! I will be there as a volunteer.
Exciting times for California! I hope His miracles expand all the way up the coast states to Canada! We in Oregon need changes too! Praise our God!!!
Praying for this event – and everyone that is there to minister. GOD HAS GOT THIS!!! So excited for y’all.
Mario. praying for you Brother!
We are keeping you and your team in prayer. So excited to have you here! Our intercessory team will be out early on Monday to walk the campus, declare the grounds and blow the shofar. Holy Spirit – bring them in!!
I have been at your last two tent crusades working as a volunteer. The blessings from doing so is unbelievable. If you havent volunteered for one of these be sure to do it. It is a once in a lifetime experience that you should not miss out on. I am praying that the Glory of God over the tent we be visible all over the city of Roseville and Sacramento. God bless you all. See you soon brothers and sisters!!!
Praying for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit to come.
I’ll see you there! I have been praying since you announced this and I also volunteered! God is going to move in a mighty way.
Signs, wonders and miracles in Jesus’ name.
Free re and Glory your book now is coming home.This is the beginning Mario.Special Angelic forces will open doors for American Revival and Worldwide revival.Praise Yeshua.The Lion of Judah Roars.We continue to pray over you and workers and Lance.Gods plan is Miracles and Wonders will happen.America rise up.George Washington had Angelic help.
I’m so excited for what God will do in California! Wish I lived closer, I would come on over! I will be praying for God’s success, victory and great annointing on this meeting!–Kathie FitzPatrick
Praying for God to move in great and amazing ways! What a harvest it will be!
Mario, never never give up never relent Never Back Down. God has given all of us a mandate, and since we have that mandate we won’t fail because we got the mandate for our heavenly father who is never failed he would never give us a something to do in his name there’s no no way that any of us will fail. God bless you.
I’d love to be up there this weekend next weekend after the elections but right now I’m going to lay up in the hospital and I’m in Southern Cal but our prayers will be there our intercessory prayer group will be praying for you and your group so you know what to do. Thank you Fred Holk