by | May 16, 2023 | Faith In Action | 43 comments

The ruling elite govern us in a way that tells us that they will never face another free election. Their policies pile grief upon grief—crushing the American spirit.

Deep State arrogance and corruption has poisoned the American spirit with helplessness and despair.

The Bible says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2).

Right now, you can hear the loudest and saddest groans in American history.


Right now, you can hear the loudest and saddest groans in American history.

Our children face fierce perverters who stalk innocence and groom their victims for the gratification of their adult perversions.

Wokeness drains the color—the vitality and meaning out of life. It darkens everything and redeems nothing. It is the perfect bite in the neck by a satanic serpent. It paralyzes and putrefies body, mind, and spirit.

Pandemic protocols damaged our children’s education in a way that they can never recover. China is rising over the nations of the world, burning with a passion to consume our freedom.

Small wonder that 60% of all teenage girls battle extreme sadness. Mental illness is at an all-time high. Loneliness is the nation’s number one mental vexation.

Our music, comedy, and films mirror a nation drowning in mortal grief and despair. Think of the Joker played by Joaquin Phoenix , and you’ve got it.

(Check out our newest 60 second video.)

Rivers of sorrow. Mountains of grief. Everywhere you turn you can sense what the Bible said would happen when it predicted the murder of the innocents in Bethlehem.

Jeremiah 31:15 Thus says the Lord: “A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children,
Refusing to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more.”

And even when the lost looked to the pulpits for comfort and hope, they found more of what they hated about the world.

And even when the lost looked to the pulpits for comfort and hope, they found more of what they hated about the world.

My point is very clear: America is begging for the Gospel. I remember trying to explain this to a fellow believer. “Americans are desperate for the Gospel,” I told him as we sat in the hotel lobby. He thought the opposite. He thought witnessing today has come to look like a hate crime.

Every once in a while, as we sat and talked, I would catch a glimpse of the young man at the front desk. He had all the telltale signs that God had taught me to see.

Finally, when I could take it no more, I said, “Just watch.” I walked up to the young man and flat out told him he needed Jesus and that he wanted Jesus and what on earth was he waiting for.

And right then and there, God melted his heart, and he broke! He did not care who saw him praying the prayer of repentance.

The hunger for the message of Jesus is so acute in America that it makes our silence a high crime against heaven.

When I am asked to name my greatest frustration, that answer is easy. I am all but paralyzed by frustration when massive numbers of lost souls charge to the front, and I know full well that they outnumber our workers by at least 2 to 1.

A sermon that ends without a call to Christ is a travesty. A believer who does not ever try to bring someone to the house of God is now without excuse.

Compounding the crisis is the fire that has broken out in the American church. Vast numbers of believers are consumed with a passion to be used of God.

Vast numbers of believers are consumed with a passion to be used of God.

We can see the greatest sorrow collide with the greatest hope. Let’s kill the lie that things are hopeless. Every night in our tent is a vehement rebuke of that lie.

It is time for the harvesters to leave the safe zones and win a sin-sick and broken-hearted nation to Jesus.

Matthew 9:36-38

“When (Jesus) saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:36-38).

P.S. Colorado Springs July 16-19 will be the greatest harvest of souls we have ever seen. I need volunteers to help we bring in this harvest with signs and wonders. Please join me in this greatest of opportunities! Use the link to register right now! 



  1. Dennis Conner

    Mario held our church in Campbell CA a series of services a few years ago. His staff were excellent. I’ve loved and followed this man for 50 years. May God richly give you souls.

    • Mario Murillo

      Dennis! God bless you. Nice to hear from you. I remember those meetings and the precious books you gave me.

  2. Susan Walter

    Dear Mario, Jesus is coming very, very soon to take away all these evil ones and their sick, perverted ways! We will then be free to bring in God’s final harvest! Praise God, bless His holy name.

    • April Kiessling

      We must work on the lost NOW! When he comes to take away the evil ones, it may be all over this earth. We can’t know. So work when the day is light, before the total darkness the Lord warns of.

  3. Mary Thompson

    Only God can save America. I do pray to the Lord of the harvest, to send laborers into the fields. May God help us yet again.

  4. James Chiavetta

    We were with you in Ocala, and will be watching the crusade from Colorado from Homosassa Florida.
    We hope to be with you in Winston-Salem.

  5. Kenneth Shelton

    If we could only add to the passion for winning souls, equipping them for the work of ministry, and making them disciples that last then I can see how we can cast a net for the harvest that won’t tear. Oh I see this need, but added to it the cooperation of the fine-fold ministry working in unity and love. It resides in the depth of the marrow of my bones that when we make spiritual babies that we have enough mothers and fathers in the church to keep us from the ever increasing spiritual abortion that occurs because we have too many babies in church who do not have the parents to take care of them. Come on church, our focussed efforts add value to the commercial fishermen (Evangelists) who bring in the harvest. Much love to this ministry.

    • Diana Watt

      So true, more mature believers reaching out sharing the walk with new believers is important. Some come so excited to respond to the gospel. Then a church get them involved with serving coffee, directing traffic and other physical assignments, there can be Bible studies and Life Groups and other forms of getting new believers involved. Where are the mature Christian when life begins to test their faith?
      Why are their so many prodigal children in the body of Christ? Loneliness, divorce, death, job loss, list goes on, Why in our world with so many blessings are their so many “judged as mentally ill?” Society tells us it is a disease, what about the heart effects on the body?
      Recently I sat in a church on a Sunday morning and listen to Dr. Caroline Leaf speak. I was familiar with her books, particularly “Who Stole My Brain.” I went to hear her message in a religious environment. It is a challenge in today’s culture to balance truth, science and reality. She discussed on a quick summary a level of the research and results. She referred to the mind, body, and spirit working in an individual. The Bible speaks of the :Renewing of the Mind.” (Rom 12:2)
      One of the weakness I view may be very different from others; however new believers come to Christ full of excitement and hope for a new life in Christ. They probably have heard “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” They come to the Lord with all the scares of life. Where ever they acquired these scars in their journey to “the Cross” can haunt them. Example: they may have been addicted to a behavior (sin) that is damaging to the physical body and life style. They maybe a single warrior of the King facing the difficult battle to overcome without the weapons for Spiritual Warfare. The body of Christ today from the early teaching of Paul, have a weakness for compromise. Where is the churches objective of walking in Christ’s love with a person struggling to find healing for the scars of their life prior to redemption? The first arrow of the enemy is “judgement.”
      My heart cry for the lost and the prodigal is; “you tell me end destination; tell me about the journey. People hear words without understanding that just hearing of the goodness of the Lord, it is a life journey. Accountability in our faith walk, can be weak without knowledge. I am not speaking of legalism, rather learning to know the Shepherd. Even Jesus disciples said; “teach us to pray.”

  6. Lorraine Regan

    Mario, your blog has been so inspiring during these last few years and glory to God I am going after the harvest daily now. I found a young woman sleeping on the street in my neighborhood after a fight with her boyfriend, she’s been battling alcohol addiction since 16, in rehab 17 times. I said it’s time to come to Jesus the one that can set you free. Pray for Amy

  7. James Brubaker

    Thank you, Mario. Spot on as usual. The darker the darkness, the brighter the light!

  8. Julie

    Are there hotels with special rates
    For the crusade?
    We live in Wisconsin

    • Mario Murillo

      The best way is to use various reputable travel websites. We studied blocking rooms but found there was no advantage only problems.

  9. Nancy Weaver

    Thank you for this message. Please pray for my family that they become on fire for Jesus.

  10. Bob squittieri

    A Christian over 40 yrs…. I am without excuse.

  11. Linda spohr

    I was healed in your paradise tent meetings. , thank the Lord, please pray for my brother bill, he has a tumor in his brain. Thankyou for your giving to the Lord.

  12. Caroline Rizzo

    God is 😊 good

  13. Nick

    Remarkable! I’m reminded of the many times in Scripture we read “be strong and courageous”. The overlooked part is what I see the Church suffering from weak knees and fear in the face of an already defeated foe. And I wonder why? To them Be Strong and Courageous. God bless you brother Mario.

  14. Forrest

    I am like most of the body luke warm . We need to repent an turn back to GOD .my ??? You , why is it hard to give to ministry when GOD said to .

  15. Lloyd Luthringer








  16. Regan

    Dear Mario thank you for another great blog. We would like to volunteer for one of your Living proof events . Have you ever considered doing one in the Midwest…? Like Omaha or Minneapolis. We would love to attend and volunteer. Love & prayers – Regan & Becky

  17. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Mario – I’m curious. What are the “telltale signs” you saw in the young man that he was ready to hear the Gospel? Thanks.

    • Mario Murillo

      There is a glint that looks almost like they are praying. You can tell they are crying out to God.

  18. Vicky

    I am so excited what God is doing in all these meetings! We do need to speak up, teach the lost what God says and what we need to do as a country fighting for our freedom and rights.

  19. Teresa Cawthon

    Keep it up Mario. Some are listening and responding. Still trying to get to one of your crusades. Praying for your teams.

  20. Shanda Donahue

    Thank you Mario for speaking the truth. God help the church to wake up.

  21. Chris

    Jesus is moving and attempting to bring the church to life. Last night my son and his friends were sharing food with the homeless, which they have been doing for over two years when a woman came up to them asking for help for her husband. They checked on him and he was shaking and growling. They began to pray and cast out a demon. Afterwards he gladly asked Jesus to save him and be his Lord and Master! Both he and his wife were saved! Replacing growling and grunting was laughter, joy and love for God.

  22. Rick

    I know I’ve mentioned this before are you ever going to post your full Bakersfield living proof crusade on YouTube? For those of us who do not have Facebook

    • Mario Murillo

      Thank you Rick. Yes we will.

  23. Patsy Hedrick

    Thank God for your heart for the lost. I’m in the Hickory NC area. On my way to my part time job I go ,or pass by street with homeless,alot of addicts . It hurts my heart so bad.I cry and ask God to send a Mario anointing to our city.I would love to go out and tell them their loved by Jesus, and theirs a better way ,truth life! I want go by myself. But I’m reminded almost every day and it hurts my heart. Please pray for laborers in my city. Thank you for all you do, and your love to the addicts! God bless brother Mario!

  24. Lenta

    Amen. This message is being sent out to everyone one I can think of. It is a clarion call to fulfill God’s desire – bring Him souls.

  25.  James Lassiter

    I believe the Lord has revealed how to have enough altar workers at any crusade, but no one will let me get this information to Mario.

    I have been a missionary to West Africa for 47 years. I work with a church of 350,000 members. This church knows how to follow up at evangelistic meetings.

    This will be my last effort to get this information to someone.

  26. Marie Groves

    Mario, even though I can not make it to you and Lances crusades. I will be fasting and praying for them from Eden,NC. And when I can I will donate for G-d has sent you both to be my Harvesters because I am unable to “go out”. Love and prayers from Eden,NC-Marie Groves age 64 date:5/17/2023

  27. Joyce Miller

    Very very true Marillo!! You are our voice crying in the wilderness!! Pray God will strengthen and keeps you safe!!
    Keep standing up for truth!!! 🙏💞💞

  28. Lora (Jody) Sink

    I am not able to be a volunteer, but know for sure, I am covering y’all with prayers.

    I am healing from major back surgery and at 77 yrs. that is not a picnic.

    I thank God for being with me every second of every day.

  29. Ramona Nordhoff

    So True America needs to be awake to the corruption in our government. But American need to wake up first & call upon Jesus. We must have massive to awake to the Lord. Then in boldness take back Our Country & Families.

  30. Bradley Gudgeon


    Again, you are spot on. I see that you let God be God. We have so many man made doctrines, interpretations, & worldly influences that it maligns the Body. Just be what you are in Christ. Stay in your lane. I see so many leaders, (even at Flashpoint Nashville recently, and I don’t mean to be hypercritical) that go outside their calling or try some other kind of man made formula and it never works! The key, I believe, is to understand that we can’t know everything and what we do know, we need to use. We need to see with His eyes and hear with His ears, not our own.

    The problem I see in the Body is one of confusion, because people inherently need to have a basis, or foundation of truth and if that truth is outside what they have been taught through denominational bias (or e.g., outside influences), they tend to reject it, especially if they have been teaching what others have taught, which as a Berean should always be inspirationally investigated.

    I will be 69 on July 1. When I was 19 (in April 1974) I had a vision that manifested in the physical and that was my green bedspread turned blood red and lit up a completely dark room! I was told that when I was 69, I would be helping His people during a time of international bankers and war. Of course, being so young, I had no idea what He was talking about (at least in its total understanding). Let’s suffice it to say that I am one who has been hidden for such a time as this. My job is to write songs for the kingdom, teach the hidden mysteries, listen to Him when He talks to me, and being ever attentive to the ebb and flow of the Spirit as men can receive Him. I am to walk circumspectly with the Lord.

    We were never meant to live in the past, but instead learn from the past and live in the now, knowing what path we are on and where we are going. The Keys to the Kingdom comes to mind, a concept, which has been grossly misunderstood and misapplied.

    According to Adam Clarke (early 1800’s):

    Verse Matthew 18:18. Whatsoever ye shall bind, c.] Whatever determinations ye make, in conformity to these directions for your conduct to an offending brother, will be accounted just, and ratified by the Lord. See on Matthew 16:19 and, to what is there said, the following observations may be profitably added.

    Οσα εαν δησητε – και οσα εαν λυσητε. Binding and loosing, in this place, and in Matthew 16:19, is generally restrained, by Christian interpreters, to matters of discipline and authority. But it is as plain as the sun, by what occurs in numberless places dispersed throughout the Mishna, and from thence commonly used by the later rabbins (rabbis) when they treat of ritual subjects, that binding signified, and was commonly understood by the Jews at that time to be, a declaration that any thing was unlawful to be done; and loosing signified, on the contrary, a declaration that any thing may be lawfully done.

    Our Saviour spoke to his disciples in a language which they understood, so that they were not in the least at a loss to comprehend his meaning; and its being obsolete to us is no manner of reason why we should conclude that it was obscure to them. The words, bind and loose, are used in both places in a declaratory sense, of things, not of persons. It is ὁ and ὃσα, in the neuter gender, both in chap. Matthew 16:0, and here in this: i.e. Whatsoever thing or things ye shall bind or loose. Consequently, the same commission which was given at first to St. Peter alone, (Matthew 16:19), was afterwards enlarged to all the apostles. St. Peter had made a confession that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. His confession of the Divinity of our Lord was the first that ever was made by man; to him, therefore, were given the keys of the kingdom of heaven: i.e. God made choice of him among all the apostles, that the Gentiles should first, by his mouth, hear the word of the Gospel, and believe.
    He first opened the kingdom of heaven to the Gentiles, when he preached to Cornelius. It was open to the Jews all along before; but if we should suppose that it was not, yet to them also did St. Peter open the kingdom of heaven, in his sermon at the great pentecost. Thus, then, St. Peter exercised his two keys: that for the Jews at the great pentecost; and that for the Gentiles, when he admitted Cornelius into the Church. And this was the reward of his first confession, in which he owned Jesus to be the promised Messiah. And what St. Peter loosed, i.e. declared as necessary to be believed and practised by the disciples here, was ratified above. And what he declared unlawful to be believed and practised, (i.e. what he bound,) was actually forbidden by God himself.

    I own myself obliged to Dr. Lightfoot for this interpretation of the true notion of binding and loosing. It is a noble one, and perfectly agrees with the ways of speaking then in use among the Jews. It is observable that these phrases, of binding and loosing, occur no where in the New Testament but in St. Matthew, who is supposed to have written his Gospel first in Hebrew, from whence it was translated into Greek, and then the force and use of the expression will better appear. Dr. Wotton’s Miscell. Discourses, vol. i. p. 309, &c., &c.

    “The phrases to bind and to loose were Jewish, and most frequent in their writers. It belonged only to the teachers among the Jews to bind and to loose. When the Jews set any apart to be a preacher, they used these words, ‘Take thou liberty to teach what is BOUND and what is LOOSE.'” Strype’s preface to the Posthumous Remains of Dr. Lightfoot, p. 38.————–….(back to my, Brad’s, comments).

    Now in light of the understanding that what was applied by Peter in his time may also be applied by us in our time (as I have received from above) and thusly it is expressly the key to reuniting the Body. I can take each and every misplaced doctrine that each denomination sets themselves aside from the rest of the Body for and prove my point that it has no basis in truth because it is has been misapplied! We are living in the past and not in the now. In light of this observation, the prophetic vision is:

    The message is plain and simple, “which way will you choose?”, for God is an all consuming fire! No more fence sitting, no more wavering. The fight now is about good vs. evil, not about man made ideologies or dogmas that only serve to divide us.

    I hope that what I’m writing here is taken to heart, for we are about to enter a New Reformation: a reformation of thought and spirit, head and heart. Time to get rid of the past and into the now. We look forward to a new wine anointing. Get ready, because it is about to unfetter the chains of the past and burst the old wine skins!

    Brad Gudgeon

  31. Doug Wingate

    No body is preaching the truth about how to save America from destroying itself than Mario. The salvation of each soul has always been the heartbeat of heaven, but the time has finally come that it is now critical for every member of the Church to do their part, if we want our children and grand children to have the freedom to continue to publish the gospel in our own land. He has said it so succinctly, “It’s our turn now.”

  32. Don C. Farnsworth

    This message is right on!

  33. Yasmin Vaughn

    My name is Yasmin Vaughn and I am glad you are helping to win the lost! God bless you! Please pray for my family’s salvation.

  34. Terry Haight

    Marrio, you never fail to deliver the hard true facts on the spiritual state of the world. I pray that God would raise up a million more Mario’s to facilitate Gods Harvest.

  35. J L

    We feel the same way and are street evangelist and yet our own son battles the discouragement, hopelessness at times, and frustration from listening to some pastors or Christians on social media painting such a negative picture of our country. Young people like him feel the future holds no hope of planning for a better day. Discouragement hits even the seasoned Christian homes like ours.

  36. Scott MacPherson

    I simply smile when I see the latest Mario Murillo blog, knowing that his truth will bless me and give me hope. We indeed live in a dark time, and Mario is shedding the LORD’s Light on a continual and effective basis. Thank you (and Jehovah!!) for your uplifting ministry!! Scott Mac


  1. A Nation Haunted by Sorrow Begs for the Gospel — Charisma News - […] For the original article, visit mariomurillo.org. […]
  2. A Nation Haunted by Sorrow Begs for the Gospel - Christianity House - […] For the original article, visit mariomurillo.org. […]
  3. A Nation Haunted by Sorrow Begs for the Gospel - Modern Christian - […] For the original article, visit mariomurillo.org. […]




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