Before I talk about the lockdown and the message from God for California let me talk about San Francisco.
San Francisco was once the most beautiful city in America. Even Billy Graham once said that San Francisco was so beautiful, “I hesitate to preach about heaven while I’m here.”
I know all about that beauty, because I grew up there. Indeed San Francisco once was heavenly, but now it is a living hell. An ash heap of despair, filth, and violence.
You cannot walk the streets without being assaulted by the stench of marijuana clouds on Market Street. Hundreds of zombies sit in lawn chairs up against stores. Watch your step! That could be human waste or a dirty needle.
Step right up and see a pandemic of addiction. Witness the stores that live with mass looting. Oh wait, you do not have to come here for that. The police, who have been told to stand down, use their smart phones to film stolen merchandise being carried freely out of stores.
No need to take a long trip to Venezuela to examine the malignancy of Socialism, just visit the Blight by the Bay. This city is the manifestation of the policies of the Democrat Party.
Socialism in San Francisco is a soul-sucking experience. Ask the people who live here. Many of them came with a dream for equality and justice. Now, they just want out. A full 40 percent of her residents say they will be gone in 2 years. 40 percent!
San Francisco is a trophy of hell. It is a harbinger of what is coming for the rest of the state if they are not delivered from the Democrat Party. California teeters on the edge of oblivion.
On top of everything else, they want to lock it down again! What will that do to our crusades? Is revival still possible? Is this latest threat the death knell of California?
Can California be saved now? I have probably asked that question, in prayer, more than anyone. Is the Golden State so far gone that destruction is inevitable? Is there any hope for California?
I do not want to give a false answer. Or give you an idealistic pep talk. My intention is simply to tell the truth. The threat is very real.
Here is what God said to me.
Here is what God said to me: “The lockdown will not come. The work of God will not stop or even slow down. But the church must get to work.”
We must stop predicting and boasting about an instant miracle here. Many who put forth exaggerated claims are compensating for their doubt. If they truly believed that God can save California, they would do less talking and get to work.
Prophecies are all well and good, but now we must roll up our sleeves and show God by our actions that we believe His promise of revival.
Here are the steps that I believe God wants us to take to turn California from disaster to revival.
Mobilize the Christians. This is a two-edged sword. We must mobilize the laity. Every believer in business, education, law enforcement and yes, politics, must surrender their influence to God.
We must fire up the pastors to preach fire to the millions of Christians who live here. There is no place now for the pastor who wants to stay neutral. Do not waste time sitting under the ministry of a voice that refuses to take the Word of God and thrust it at the enemy. Find the house of worship that is ready to contend for righteousness by speaking out.
Both of these branches must come together. This means we drop our differences and meet at the foot of the Cross—that is our sacred common ground.
Think local, not national. Do what you can, where you are. Sharpen your facts and your presentation. Then prepare to speak up in your community.
When these two forces come together, schoolboards will tremble, leftist instigators will fold their tents, and we will win elections.
Stage mass evangelistic meetings that declare signs and wonders. One-on-one outreach will always be an urgent and effective means of saving humanity. However, because of the shortage of time, and the enormity of the evil, we must turn to a far more effective weapon.
Concerts will always be with us, and they serve a purpose. But this is a new day that demands a new weapon. That weapon is mass evangelism, with undeniable signs and wonders.
The day of the mass crusade has returned. Yes, some in the past have been done improperly, but that is no excuse for ignoring this miraculous tool. California Christians must unite around mass meetings—even in stadiums—where Spirit-filled voices preach an unfiltered Gospel.
For these crusades to work, there must be a cleansing in the church. We must stop abusing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We must stop limiting God’s power by only using ‘safe’ words in ‘safe’ places. We must take the power of God to the people.
What we are witnessing on Highway 99 is astounding.
Power is radiating out of our tent to entire regions. At this very moment, we are saturating the killing fields of Sacramento. The tent has not even been raised yet, but already hundreds have been saved and healed.
Every home within a mile of the tent site—more than 10,500 homes—is getting a personal invitation in the mail. Our workers have gone door to door, visiting each of those homes!
Everything in me says that we are heading for an explosion of souls and miracles on August 8th, opening night of Living Proof Sacramento.
But we are just one ministry, in one region of California. We need a soul winning fire to spread to thousands of ministries all over the state and the nation.
Finally, why do I believe California can be saved? The answer is the hunger that exists on the streets. The hunger is greater today than the hunger I witnessed in the Jesus Movement. California is ripe. Let’s get to work! The greatest harvest ever is sitting there, waiting for us.
But I want to repeat this promise from the Holy Spirit: “The lockdown will not come. The work of God will not stop or even slow down. But the church must get to work.”
Matthew 9:36-38, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
Rejoice in The Lord always! Support you in fervent prayers, in The Name of Jesus Christ
Thank you brother Mario, you’re truly God send for such a time as this. My husband and I pray for you almost daily and also support you financially. We thank God for you.
Thank God, for your inner God strength, and how the Holy Spirit continues to anoint and lead you with such fire, amen!
Praying for you
I am praying for you! May God bless you and keep you!
I was praying this morning as led by the Spirit…over San Francisco… and in that time it dropped into my Spirit the following statement, MARIO MURILLO IS THE KEY IN THE LOCK OF THEIR BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY. I felt like I was to send this however I could and opened it up to this blog… which started out as a confirmation as I had no idea that he was raised there… GLORY BE TO GOD
I pray for workers for your fields in California to go and work the harvest, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the captives of the righteous be delivered? Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away. And the prey of the terrible be delivered.: For I will contend with him who contends with you. And I will save your children. Isaiah 49:24-25
Heal California Lord! Bless Mario with strength and favor and allow him to see the fruit of his labors! We love you Mario. I tell everyone to listen to you!!
Yes and amen. That’s my heart cry also. Lord save your people …
I’m praying for you and with you for the lost in California.????????
Is that a question? There are all these question marks after you say you are praying, so are you asking if you should pray?
May the fire of God go before you and prepare the hearts of all of the people to be ready to receive, and the hunger for Jesus will never be quenched but will grow more and more for him. I pray for super natural strength and Gods fire will burn and spread to every city across America and beyond I pray for signs and wonders to increase and the gospel lives will be changed forever for his Glory and Honor in the wonderful of Jesus!!!!!
Praying for God send out laborers to this great harvest. ????????????????
Right on, Mario! Yes, the troops must rally. We have new orders, new directions and now, momentum must seize every open door!
Let’s pause just a moment to consider something. Remember when you were first born again? Could anyone shut you up? Didn’t you “float” on a high like no other? Weren’t you opening your wallet to ministries/missions, churches, evangelists, and those of same heart? Full of joy, free, and unable to avoid spreading the reason for your joy??
Well, judging by your “shy” preliminary estimates from the results of Fresno, Bakersfield, Modesto & Rocklin, 4300 souls were born again!
One can chase 1,000.
Two can chase 10,000.
What can 4300 do??
Be encouraged, saints!!
There’s nothing like a “hot” newborn believer to blaze a Holy Ghost trail through their families, co-workers, and relatives!
San Francisco is a stronghold of the adversary. If it is taken for G-D that would bring great victory. Remember that there are two major universities there as well.
Los Angeles is even greater. Just as Israel took the strongholds in the Promised Land so will believers take California.
Yes Bother Mario,
I am working IN CA Public School and yes there is planning to shut down the schools and return to Isolate due to Delta COVID-19. it doesn’t matter the CDC said the vaccine protects against this variant, the “Pretty Boy” Governor Gavin Newsom is mad because we recalled him. They will try again to use the Covid-19 and remove the Flu/cold season and say it’s all COVID-19.
An “honest” specialist, a doctor with published articles on covid, said that the dreaded delta variant will most likely give a “sniffle” for a couple of days. It is not a death sentence, but neither was covid, to people without underlying conditions. I had covid, and if I had not lost sense of taste and smell, I would barely have known I had it.
Mario we are praying for you every day and I believe God is hearing us. Gods’ mighty hand has reached out to you. No man can do the things you do without God. To God be the Glory. I also pray for every person commenting here. Help us Lord to do all we can do as well. God Bless you Mario and keep you safe.
I was idly wondering why GOD didn’t get out raged over evil people who enjoy hurting others and penalize them. The reply that came back was this:”I expect My people to deal with these problems.”. The game plan list of Mario’s is helpful, but our responsibility’s are daily ones.
Amen, we believe with you, the lockdown will not come and God will continue with revival! My wife is from San Franciso we went there in 1983 it was still beautiful. My daughter and her husband went last year it was much different and someone broke into their rental car and stole all Cody’s camera equipment. It’s bad now.
So again I say…
Amen, we believe with you, the lockdown will not come and God will continue with revival!
We need… our nation needs… an outpouring here on the East coast too! May it start here in Florida! Spreading out from the East and West coasts, this tsunami of God’s power will swell over the country, meeting in the middle! People saved, lives changed, families healed, power demonstrated in signs and wonders! There will be NO one able to deny this is a true work of the Holy Spirit… Lord, we pray earnestly for a revival in our land… may it start in our hearts!
I received this message when trying to reach the site from the Brave browser:
“This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from * This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.”
I bypassed the warning to get here. I’m just pointing it out in case something needs to be corrected in the site’s configuration.
I had the same problem with safari – I had to bypass the warning .
I had the same problem. An alert popped up saying that this site was unsafe.
I had the same problem with safari then had to bypass warning on google. With that being said, praying for California from SC! Believers must unite in prayer! I have had a song in my spirit over the last couple of months, “God’s got an army marching through this land, deliverance is their song with healing in their hand. Everlasting joy and gladness in their heart and in this army I’ve got a part!” Just a song from my childhood I have always thought. Until the last few years, I have seen and felt the reality of the words. We are called! We must unite, strengthen ourselves in the Lord, stop quenching the Holy Spirit and go!
His lovingkindness
leads us to repentance!
Ditto on the above. And google has blocked me from posting on this blog. I have to use an alternate method.
Hi Mario – Just wanted to let you know that I clicked on the link to get to your website and got a warning from my anti-virus program (Kaspersky). It said your “certificate” had expired. You might want to check this out.
Blessings from Minehead, England. Watching and praying for you from over here – this country has such deep needs too. Chris
Please has your webmaster to find out why Your site is blocked and wont open unless i go through about 4 links!
Thank you for your blogs.
I had the same warning over here in Canada, a warning that it may not be a secure and safe site. But I also bypassed it.
God bless.
Everyone is right. It says it’s unsafe, but that is a ploy to steer people away. They are trying to mess with us. That’s correct it is unsafe to the enemies plan and his plans will not prevail in Jesus name!
I get your emails, and tried to go to your blog from the email.
But, whomever or whatever, kept posting a message, saying this site wasn’t real, it was a fake site trying to steal my personal info.
When I tried to get to your site from google, same message, fake site, trying to steal personal info.
I finally figured out how to get through!
I wonder how many others are being detoured from your blogs.
Had same warning here in Al. on safari , I realized some for.of censorship, boy did they pick on the wrong believer!
May thousands of the Lords heavenly hosts surround and protect every tent meeting,home visit, and any other form of outreach Mario Murillo’s ministry has in California. Holy Spirit draw the broken souls to Jesus, in His pre ious name I pray dear Lord God. Amen
You are the man God has chosen for this time for this purpose I pray for you every day and for the outreach in Sacramento
Safari would not let me go to the website!!!! I had to force a bypass to get the blog !! We are praying. WE MUST DO SOMETHING NOW !! 2024 will be too late
Praise God for the power of God at work in Sacramento with souls saved and bodies healed. Greater works and signs and wonders are on the horizon. I’ve never had this happen before but when I tried to open the blog today it would not let me as it said that the website was “Not Secure.” I had problems last week opening the blog and finally after praying and multiple attempts, it opened. I noted in the Comments my problems and others had the same issue. I believe this is demonic. In Jesus’ Name and by the power of Jesus’ blood, I command the enemy to stop causing problems with MMM’s website, blogs, and anything else and that everything functions perfectly. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
I believe and trust the Lord living inside of you. The fervor in which you preach and teach has lit a flame within me. My heart is heavy for California, I am praying for your ministry and all the souls that have come and will come. Thank you for your faithfulness. We love you.
Bless you Mario! Stay strong! Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might! Resist the devil and he shall flee from you! Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace. For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city. Amen and Amen.
I want to volunteer! Please contact me.
Thank you Mario. We will be praying and looking for the movement in San Diego area to help where we can.
God bless you. You are so inspiring.
All Glory Be To God ,,,God Bless You Mario and Your Laborers of Christ .
Thank You
I’m moved. I was a benefactor of the Jesus Movement. Now I see I’m at this time to be a part of the spark.
Great news! I would love to see you collaborate with Sean Feucht…he clearly is using his gift of music to reach thousands! His “Let Us Worship” movement is more than a concert…many souls are being saved and baptized as well! This is the time for unity in the Church that we all have longed and prayed for…now is the time to pool our God-given talents together. As the Word of God says “we are many parts but all one body”.
I, finally, figured out that I needed to click on the link on wordpress in order to see the comments.
I sure am glad to be here. I’m praying for deliverance of many souls. I also am praying for Christians who are being locked down and forced to give up their rights in Uganda.
I am friends with a wonderful man of God, Pastor Chrisman Mbogo. Even though he has had to do without food and some times, water, he continues to move the Word and give God the glory.
I wonder how many Christians here could stand in such adversity. I do know our country is heading towards the fascist life.
That is why I’m so thankful for your stand, Mario. I stand with you and all ministers, pastors, evangelists and teachers, who are reaching out to those who want better lives for themselves and their families. For those, who stand for God’s Word and not the cancel culture, we need to pray for them.
We need to rise up now or see America disappear into a haze of evil as we’ve never experienced before.
God told me what you said about all the prophetic word being spoken. God said they are all saying what I am going to do. Then God said I want to know what are they going to do.
Mario, We in Colorado will be praying for you and all the laborers the Lord is raising up for California for VICTORIOUS WARFARE AND JESUS GETS ALL THE GLORY!
Is ii possible to buy/get some flyers for the Sacramento August outreach so I might hand them out in my Rancho Cordova neighborhood…..or be e-mailed a sample that I might print out in black and white.