We can all find someone to blame. We can blame prophets. We can blame doubters. But as long as we are blaming, we are unavailable to take our nation back. We must shake off all distraction and division. God wants to give us our nation back.
The enemy has invaded. This is not the time to turn on each other! Look to God again. Listen to the stirring of the Holy Spirit.
The strategies and tactics for regaining America are being released from heaven to a special core who will shake off the battle fatigue of Satan.
I feel it is urgent to tell you how I prepare for a tent meeting and how that is a model for getting the church back on the offensive in America.
Sun Tzu said, “Warriors of old placed themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.” That is what I do spiritually. Can I get you away from the news for a moment? Can I get you to understand the secret for getting back on the attack—regardless of who you are?

Before I walk into that tent, I see those people already healed. I see the drug addicts already delivered. I have already won the war, alone with God. That is why everyone that knows me knows that they have to jealously guard my afternoon, because I cannot be with anyone but Christ. And Christ has to defeat me. And if He defeats me, and my flesh, then He will defeat the powers of darkness.
Besides hope, we also need fire. And fire will burn out indecision. It will burn out confusion. It will allow you to put all the controversy about ‘who failed’ and ‘who did what’ on the shelf, and then resume the urgent act of praying, “Lord, the nation is in serious trouble. You called me, You trained me, You raised me up for a specific purpose, and I cannot be distracted by all that.”
One important thing that everyone can take away from what I do to get ready for a tent crusade, is that I don’t let the outward vision be what I see. Can you imagine standing in front of a tent full of wheelchairs and people on crutches, and some of the most absolutely suffering humanity you have ever seen? I don’t see them that way. I cannot walk in there with my own eyes.
And likewise, you: you can’t go to your job, you can’t turn on your TV, you can’t do anything!
And that’s why I have a phrase that I live by, “The end times are not happening to me. I am happening to the end times.”

And so, suddenly, God will make you the catalyst. A catalyst is an element that changes everything around it without itself undergoing a change.
The Gospel is the message that God is most interested in. I think to myself, ‘Here is what God told me to tell America.’ Because, once you know that what you are saying is what God told you to tell America, you have the right to believe that the dead will be raised, the addict will be delivered, the churches will be unified, and you become unstoppable!
The pulpit I yearn for, for every one of my brothers and sisters right now, is that belief: ‘I have the fire. I have the message that God gave me for America!” And nothing will be able to stop you.
Here is the point I want to make. Dorcas was dead. And sometimes we need faith to come at us from a completely new direction. Dorcas was dead, and the people around her dead body said, “This is not right! This is not right!”
And they found out that Peter, the great Apostle, was in Joppa. They didn’t bring him there for a wake. They didn’t bring him over there to reminisce about Dorcas’ life. They literally said, “Bring him here, to raise her from the dead.” That is a level of submission to the Spirit and power in the Book of Acts that we can’t hardly relate to.
But it’s about right and wrong. Abraham Lincoln said, “right makes might.”
Here is what God is telling us: we are not supposed to let Biden teach our children. We are not supposed to let Kamala Harris dominate our lives. That isn’t America!

I can no more imagine an atheistic-America than I can imagine an atheistic-Israel. America is also a land with covenants. Wells. Deep spiritual history. And, folks, God is rolling up His sleeves. He is fiercely in love with what America was. A group of people that crossed an ocean on pieces of wood that you and I wouldn’t dare imagine stepping on, in order to have freedom to worship Christ. And they carved a nation out of the wilderness, and that spirit has got to get back in us!
God is with us. God is on us. I don’t know how we’re going to do it, but God’s going to give us a plan. God’s going to give us the money. God’s going to give us the gifts and the power and the influence and the open door. And no atheist spirit, no perverted spirit, can stand before the Body of Christ, when She shakes Herself from Her division and Her confusion, and Her lack of memory.
The second weapon David used on the giant was the sling. The first weapon was his memory of what God had done in the past. He looked at Saul, and said, “You want to know why that nine-and-a-half-foot tall man is going to die? It is because your servant killed a lion and a bear.”
The Bible says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”
Church! We have been here before, and we are going to win again by the power of God. God just needs to turn on the fire, and stir that fire again in our souls!

P.S. We do not want to take away from the message you just read. This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America. We have opened the vault and put together a treasury of the highlights of 50 years of ministry. All this and much, much more for just $20. Not only that, you get free shipping and, the proceeds go to soul winning in America making this a win-win offer. Order now: https://mariomurillo.org/product/treasury/

Here are just some of the treasures you will find in this flash drive:
-4 Bestselling books: Critical Mass, Fresh Fire, Edgewise, and I am the Christian the Devil warned you about. The books on this flash drive are all out of print.
-Witness 14,000 people the world famous Cow Palace in San Francisco where nearly 2,000 came forward to receive Christ.
-Witness 30,000 people in Los Angeles at the World Convention of Victory Outreach.
-Plus more videos.
Handpicked audio sermons:
This includes the classic message The Orphan Heart preached to 18,000 in the World Trade Center in Johannesburg South Africa. All this and much, much more for just $20. Not only that, you get free shipping and the proceeds go to soul winning in America making this a win-win offer. Order now: https://mariomurillo.org/product/treasury/

We are pilgrims looking for our country above:
Hebrews 11:13-16 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. (14) For they that say such things make it manifest that they are seeking after a country of their own. (15) And if indeed they had been mindful of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. (16) But now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed of them, to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city.
Father spoke of America spiritually all through the scriptures:
Jesus commanded His church to OCCUPY till He comes.
Please study the root etymology of the Greek word “pragmateuomai” which the KJV translated “occupy”:
You will be “occupying” in the wilderness definitely by the second half of the tribulation:
Hi Bro! Because the serpent is going to chase the woman(church~bride) out of his beast kingdom:
Revelation 12:14 And there were given to the woman the two wings of the great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
OCCUPY till He comes…be about the Father’s business. The Harvest is the end of the age.
Amen and that will be done in the wilderness where the true church will begin to be driven into as the tribulation commences:
Revelation 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that there they may nourish her a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
Revelation 12:13-14 And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he persecuted the woman that brought forth the man child. (14) And there were given to the woman the two wings of the great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
You’re a wonderful writer and wonderful man. I was just watching you on FLASHPOINT! HAHA! I was intently listening to you when your blog came through, I jumped because I was loving what you were talking about, as USUAL. It’s 3 hrs. later in Pgh. GOD BLESS YOU, AND I THANK GOD FOR YOU!
Amen! Thank you for the reminder and encouragement MMM- it’s so easy to get side tracked.
Beautiful, absolute truth, Mario! And inspiring. This “I must know how” thing is the work of the enemy. We DON’T have to know how – in fact we don’t even have the right to know how – that is pure arrogance and must be put away. Moses didn’t know how, Gideon didn’t know how, Abraham didn’t know how – and these were mighty men of God. Ever heard of faith? THAT is stepping out when we don’t know how. Thank you!! Blessings…
So True, junglequeen!
It’s ALL about WHO we know, isn’t it!
In God have we put our trust?
PS, in case anyone takes it wrong, the question above is rhetorical.
Hi MarioI’m an intercessor from South Africa who loves America and prays for your nation. Yes, Christians must wise up to who the enemy is and his devious strategy manifesting amongst us. There are so many voices on social media and a lot of “opinions” which ultimately bring confusion and deception.God will have His Way in America. Blessings Mary Lynch Sent from my Galaxy
Amen my precious Brother! The Church & our Nation must not just have Revival; we must have Resurrection from dead! The foolishness of “blame is just as foolish as the nonsense of being “woke.” We must roll up our sleeves, unite in the Power of Holy Spirit & “take back” what the enemy has stolen from us! I decree every single soul for Jesus Christ with signs & wonders confirming His Word! Your Apostolic anointing is contagious! I say “Go Jesus Go!”
May the fire burn in hundreds / thousands of churches all over USA.
May we go out into the highways & byways and continue to bring in
the lost Sons & Daughters into the Kingdom.
I, (we) our church have been praying for an awakening and a shaking from
San Diego to Northern California and then all across the United States.
Praise God.
Mario, I believe that simply showing those in the darkness the truth is what will bring about the change we desire. Did you notice that gas prices are going up? Simple things we need like gas and the fact that it is getting more expensive under the enemy is what will lead to change. God has always been in the fight. He told Moses to go take the promised land but because 10 spies came back with a bad report they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. They believed a lie. They believed that God wasn’t going to go with them after he had been with them all along. So it is with us. God IS with us. God is going to see us though this. We ARE going to win. We just need to use simple things like gas prices to get the attention of those who are not informed. Once they start listening to you then the door is open for bringing God into what you are sharing. God is good. He will not forsake us.
Greatly encouraged, this has changed my perspective on evagelising. “This is not right ! this is not right!” People all around me walking blindly on their way to hell ! When I go evangelizing on Saturday, here in the UK, I will see each person God sends me to as healed, delivered, saved, already chosen by God, purchased by the blood of Jesus. Thank you Mario. All glory to God.
Wow – just wow! Thank you!!
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Romans 4:17 “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.”
This is a good one. Enjoy!
Sent from my iPhone
I want to thank you Mario for your candor and true speech of exactly what is going on in the church and in this nation! My husband and I appreciate you so very much and we appreciate the calling that God has placed on your life. Please continue what you are doing for The Kingdom of God and we are believing with you for the innumerable souls that are being delivered, saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and serving God with their whole beings. I give God all the glory for what he is doing in you and thru you for such a time is this. May God Bless you and yours for all that you do, in Jesus Name and The Precious Blood of Jesus cover you and yours and everything that you do for the Glory of God!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING US SOULS FOR YOUR KINGDOM SO THAT HEAVEN WILL BE ENLARGED AND HELL DIMINISHED!
Thank you. May the fires of revival burn hot everywhere in America to the glory of God!
Dear Pastor Mario,
I stand with God and with you. Every day gets more exciting with Christ. We are what God says,” One Nation Under God”
! Our response will always be, “In God We Trust. Thank you God for renaming our White House to the name Light House as your Glory fills this place and all over our land and across the world. Holding onto the flame of Christ in my heart daily. God bless you and your team. Bernadette Pickles
thank you for sharing your messages that are so critical to Christian who want to be part of a revival. Is it possible to broadcast the “call to faith” so that others who cannot attend be a witness to a miracle, believers need.
just a thought; the Right Side Broadcast Network, has followed many of president Trump’s rallies and they are a Christian network.
Washington D.C. is a cesspool of demons walking around in human form and has been for some time… it’s just more obvious now than anytime in our history. Many of our state capitols are in the same boat. There’s a Jezebel spirit in Washington that has taken over our Capital building… it is oppressive and suffocating to most who work there. We need to focus our prayers on Washington so that this spirit is broken and bound, in the name of Jesus! There must be a release from this bondage and demonic influence… trust in the Lord to work great miracles in our nation’s seat of government… these evil spirits must be shown the door!!
I am asking permission to reprint this blog post in my Christian newsletter – Singles/Spirit & Life – publishing since 1981. Please reply.
Thanks. Sandra Turner
You got it!
God bless you Mario for being the example I need today. Please pray for me that I too will an effect on the end times rather than it being an effect on me. May I live out the visions God has let me see. May I not slip away in the waiting for things to happen, but be ready when He says now move I will move with Him!
Truer words were never spoken! I remember praying in the spirit fir a young girl to be delivered from a demon and had no idea how to but holy Spirit did. I will not sit on a phew and do nothing like a dead stone but will rise to the need. We are HIS mouth, hands and feet here in satans’ kingdom with rights given us by JESUS the Christ Himself. Let’s not forget what our job is for Christ who wants to take the Kingdom away from satan! I am HIS voice crying out come Lord Jesus! There is Heaven to gain and hell to shun! My desire is to pray and help as many as will to want to go to Heaven for eternity! Have already received a prophecy that one I worked with shall be saved! Gives me such hope! Bless your ministry! So pray there are more like you and not wanting the riches of this world! You are storing up great wealth in heaven and remember that is for ALL TIME not for just a few days as our life is down here!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Amen! Good word of encouragement!
[The second weapon David used on the giant was the sling. The first weapon was his memory of what God had done in the past. He looked at Saul, and said, “You want to know why that nine-and-a-half-foot tall man is going to die? It is because your servant killed a lion and a bear.”]
While I have memories of protection and preservation, I haven’t see real giant killing power in the church for decades…
So we either cower, or we extend ourselves to do exploits and let Jehovah, The Holy Spirit and Jesus worry about the lions, bears, and fiery furnaces…
David didn’t fight Goliath on his knees, he boldly advanced, fetched five stones, one for Goliath and one for each of four brothers, IIRC.
I HAVE seen real giant killing power in the church, in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! It wasn’t the giants on the outside that defeated the ten spies. It was the giants of fear, doubt, and unbelief on the INSIDE that defeated them.
Thank you, Mario, for your words of wisdom. Three names came to my mind when I pondered on your words: Mike Pence, Brett Cavanagh, Amy Coney Barrett – how quick we Christians were to call them out as traitors for things they did or did not do like we thought they should. This is not the time for indulging in our criticisms. Even the criticisms of President Donald Trump. We all have said and done things that aren’t right – now is the time to repent and turn back with our whole hearts to God. Now is the time to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer and love. We will find common ground and unite to bring this nation of the United States of America back to our rightful covenant with God! Jesus IS Lord over our country.
Thank you, Mr. Murillo for reminding us that “United we stand, divided we fall” is not just a motto for our country, but also our faith.
I urge all of your readers to remember 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV / 25, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Let us all utilize our power, love and self-control to focus on what Mr. Murillo has directed us to do!
Excellent message, Mario! The plan unfolds day by day through His Word. Everyone has a voice. Thanks for waiting on Him to send inspiration. The vision is excellent and available to everyone.
Continue living in the power of an endless life, because as Hi is, so are we in this world.
Moreland Gaddis
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 1:57 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” We can all find someone to blame. We can > blame prophets. We can blame doubters. But as long as we are blaming, we > are unavailable to take our nation back. We must shake off all distraction > and division. God wants to give us our nation back. The enemy ” >
Thank you Pastor! Our God is a mighty God. ❤???
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021, 2:58 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” We can all find someone to blame. We can > blame prophets. We can blame doubters. But as long as we are blaming, we > are unavailable to take our nation back. We must shake off all distraction > and division. God wants to give us our nation back. The enemy ” >
Thank you SO MUCH for this word! I so needed it!! God bless you dear brother!
Henrietta Reed
Sent from my iPad
Is your service going to be televised? If so, please send me the date and time. Thank you.
My prayer group prayed for your physical healing to be on you as well as those you minister to.
On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 11:56 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” We can all find someone to blame. We can > blame prophets. We can blame doubters. But as long as we are blaming, we > are unavailable to take our nation back. We must shake off all distraction > and division. God wants to give us our nation back. The enemy ” >
thanks MMM! remember what God has done in the past; stand strong with Christ in the present in His Presence; rest assured and secure in our future with God!
I like you brother Mario, your Holy Ghost enthusiasm is contagious.
What a wonderful message of inspiration to the body of Christ. The part which touch me was first Christ has to defeat me, my flesh ( Sarx, five senses, human nature) first. Before He can put His will and fire in me. What a great wake call to hear. Thank you Mario again for leading the charge to the Lords victory.
I have ran into many “leftists” who attack believers for not being “loving” which means accepting them. What these leftists do not understand is that G-D does not love us for what we are but in spite of what we are. Too often the left demands us to be perfect. They focus on love which makes G-D one dimensional . Thus the left is filled with rebellion against G-D and man. This is manifested in their hatred.
We have to enter arena understanding that they are seeking love, acceptance. They want to EARN love. We have to be able to show that G-D loves them knowing that they are flawed. They have to learn then that as G-D loves them then they have to love themselves.
Salvation does not come from being perfect. It is faith. I believed that Yeshu’a was raised from the dead by G-D and that I, freely, submit and swear alliance to Yeshu’a as the messiah. I pledge my life, my sword, everything I have to him. He is my liege lord.
I enter the arena knowing, even in my imperfect nature, that my master has equipped me and fully backs me. That I have brothers to my right and left. I have the tools and the power to confront the rebellion that fills the souls of those opposing my Lord.
This past year has been a time of surrendering all to the guidance of the Holy Spirit,of realizing we can do nothing in our own power.But through Him we can do all things.God bless MMM.
Amen! So well said.
Standing with you ALL the way! Our God is supreme in us just because we are surrendered to ALL His purposes! Not distracted, not discouraged but on fire of His love like never before!
God alone IS exalted in all our lives, as we continue to “set our hearts and minds on Christ Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father” Col 3: 2
Sent from my iPhone
YES, YES, YES,!! Mario…such a message of hope and such a jolt of realty for the call of the remnant to go after!!! YES! The fire of God burn out all the dross, lethargy, weariness, Of battle, mount up in the power of the Holy Spirit and Fire to take back America!!
Thank you for your uncompromised TRUTH!!??????❤️
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021, 1:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” We can all find someone to blame. We can > blame prophets. We can blame doubters. But as long as we are blaming, we > are unavailable to take our nation back. We must shake off all distraction > and division. God wants to give us our nation back. The enemy ” >
Amen! Thank you for sharing, energizing, and pouring out to so many people who need Jesus Christ BUT also may it awaken the body of Christ to rise up and be who God says we are!!! May God move through you mightily and move through the army of God that is now arising to defeat the enemy in his move to take over this country and its people!!
Yes! Amen! Glory to God!!
All so true, Mario. Thank you for another great blog.
rlm4765-That’s referring to Israel.
I understand what you have been taught bro as that is what I thought as well but after diligent study of our Father’s Word He proved with hundreds of His scriptures this which no pastor has yet been able to refute:
There is a blessing promised for those who hunger to know Revelation:
Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein: for the time is at hand.
But there is also a curse for those who teach His prophecies improperly:
Revelation 22:18-19 I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto them, God shall add unto him the plagues which are written in this book: (19) and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are written in this book.
That is why I chose to read our Father’s NT over 180 times along with much time in the OT before I even attempted to post my first teaching on prophesy:
There are not two Israels. But you guys believe what you want.
I’ll believe what God’s Words says.
Hi Michael!
That was Michael A Druckenmiller Sr who is claiming two Israels. Father’s Word only teaches one Israel called one olive tree that is made up of both natural and wild olive tree branches:
Not worth rebutting as it is not germane to the problem at hand. Have a good day.
Oh it’s very “germane” with the present problem as God is going to demand His true church go into their wilderness just as much as when He sent Moses to draw out “all Israel” then:
piggy-backing on your post…
All I know about Israel is that there are two. Historical Physical Israel and The Israel of God.
And, I know that though I be a wild olive shoot, I was grafted into The Holy Root and have become a part of The Israel of God.
When we get into these discussion of end time events we need to be careful to be clear about who, which and when we are talking.
Also, a lot of The Revelation is allegorical and not intended to be properly understood until it starts coming to pass, IMHO.
Also, pre-trib; mid-trib and post-trib have been devices used to divide the church for centuries.
It really has no relevancy to true Salvation, you are either committed to Jesus 100% or you are not. You will either accept what He allows or you will rebel.
Also realize that when the New Testament was written Sacrifice was a way of life, every deity man raised up required sacrifice and usually a blood sacrifice.
We live in a “Bless Me” cultic society where no one can do any wrong and atonement is not required by most “gospels” preached from today’s pulpits.
So, to me, the real question is are you really saved, and if so are you saved enough to echo Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when they said, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” Daniel 3:16-18
Hi Michael! According to Paul there are two types of branches grafted into ONE olive tree called All Israel and referred to as ONE body of Christ. There are some OT branches of Israel that are left in the ONE olive tree that the wild olive branches are being grafted in among which becomes ONE commonwealth of Israel. There will be some branches of natural Israel grafted back in toward the end of the tribulation. Please read this link and let’s chat some more here or preferably via my email via the “contact” on this website as I do not want to irritate Mario if he wishes these discussions not be done in his comment section:
Pastor Mario, Did you stop taking prayer requests on your website?
If it’s okay, I will send a prayer request through the Contact Us button.
Amen! Thank you MMM for another encouraging word and confirmation from God. Its just like the counterfeit to try to dissuade us from our wonderful beautiful Savior Jesus Christ. I was just speaking to my Christian sister tonight about the “unsettledness” in believers and the church trying to “go back to norm” right now,…..it’s about the “stillness” with God so He can prepare us, His army, for Gods’ next move. The move of fire! God is moving, we just have to have FAITH and TRUST He is doing something. Our great and powerful God is the Master of the Best! We have to show him and be the best he’s called us to be. Praying for the fire to come!
God bless you Pastor Mario, the MMM team and family. May God continue to bring you to the fire!
great word brother.
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Amen. Once again, Thank you for All you do for the Kingdom. I thank the Lord for using you as a Catalyst to Spark a Flame that will spread like a Wildfire all over this Nation. Each and everyone of us has a Part in this. Yes, let us be Still and wait on the Lord. Let us not be dismayed by the Giants surrounding Us. I declare the Lord is doing a NEW Thing Isaiah 43:18-19. Let us stop finger pointing and refocus on Our Warrior Lord’s Leading, instead of the Distractions of the Enemy to keep us Off Balance. I declare 2 Chronicles 7:14 for All the Brethren, To Trust In Believe that God has not fallen off the Throne and is Still Watching, Listening, Setting Up, and Orchestrating the Next Moves. Are we Listening?…..Blessings to All of you Warriors of the Armor Of Light..