One of the arguments made by the editor of Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be analogous.
After the United States Army liberated the German concentration camps, General Eisenhower viewed the incomprehensible horror. His reaction was to make every soldier in the area come and see it for themselves.
When he was asked why he had subjected these men to such savagery and why he forced them to view images which they could never wash from their minds, he said this, “We are told that the American soldier does not know what he was fighting for. Now, at least he will know what he is fighting against.”
Millions of Christians look at Trump and see a man who is not perfect. He is not their model of a true believer. They reject him because they know what they are striving for: gentleness, civility and increased church attendance. What they do not know is what they are fighting against.
I know this, because whenever they attack Trump they offer no alternative for the office of President. They can’t tell you who else they would rather vote for. Or they assume it doesn’t matter if Democrats win. They only know they are offended by Trump’s behavior. But how does his behavior appear when compared to the horror of what the Left will do to this nation?
No doubt American soldiers had heard of the atrocities committed by Hitler and the Nazis, but they had not witnessed it first-hand. That is, not until they saw with their own eyes the ovens, the mountains of bones, and hundreds of rotting corpses.
Likewise, it is one thing to see leftists selling candles that say “Abortions are magical” and quite another to witness a baby being dismembered in an abortion clinic. Or to see a baby survive an abortion and then overhear an impossibly inhuman conversation, such as, “We’ll keep it comfortable until the doctor and the mother can decide what to do next.” How worried are you now, about how ‘rude’ Trump appears?
Does it ruin my altar calls in the tent when I support President Trump? Please, don’t reveal your ignorance if you don’t realize what an inner city is actually like. It is a cruel, disgraceful, soul-crushing place. And it’s the total property and legacy of the Left. They have crushed all decency in every city they control. Hopes and dreams die daily on an unprecedented scale.
California’s inner cities scream of injustice and abhorrent abuse. Not only is the machinery of government not stopping homelessness—they are actually causing it!
When I stand in the tent and proclaim the miracle of new life in Jesus, I declare the hope, the power, and the love that awaits them. I challenge them to break free. Of course, they need to be freed from sin. They need to be freed from addictions. But they also must be set free from something else.
It’s a funny thing that no one in the church attacked me when I preached against heroin. No one criticized my messages against violent gangs. But when, by the Holy Spirit, I identified a drug worse than meth, which is socialism, and a gang worse than MS-13, the baby slaughtering, corrupt, Left, suddenly I was surrounded by timid souls who tried to hide behind empty platitudes.
Will supporting Trump ruin my witness? Not for the masses who crowd our altars for Jesus. They couldn’t care less about political correctness.
Wake up Christian! Don’t be like those reluctant recruits who served under Patton and hated him because they thought him a crude and nasty leader but they forgot the monster he was trying to kill. Be honest! Do you not see the blatant abuse of power? Do you not see how power is being centralized under tyrants who hate God, who hate freedom, hate your faith, and want to dominate your children’s future? Can you not see how vicious they are, how deviant they are and how determined they are to manipulate every aspect of American life?
I never neglect to preach a scripture-laden message to lost souls. They understand what I mean when I tell them to get off drugs. But, I also tell them they need to get out of the mental-slave-plantation of the Left. It’s lukewarm Christians who don’t get it. Is it because they don’t want to?
You may know what you are fighting for, but I am for Trump because he knows, like I know, what we are all fighting against, and what the stakes are if we lose America.
I totally agree, Mario. It is these lukewarm Christians who I find offensive. They are blind. I stand by Trump. Thank you for your honesty and courage.
President Trump did not ruin our witness, he reinforced our witness to stand for the truth no matter what!
Absolutely, Linda!! I agree completely with you and with Mario!! Timidity and this disgusting “virtue signaling” is nauseating.
Thank you for saying what a lot of us are feeling.
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021, 10:14 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
Amen and Amen, Mario! Powerfully put! It breaks my heart to see how these so-called, prideful ‘Christians’ bow to ‘political correctness’, bow to ‘politeness’, bow to ‘no offense’. Didn’t Jesus say. “And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” (Matthew 11:6) HE was not afraid to call a spade a spade, and any who are, and still think they are following Him, are mistaken in themselves. They need to wake up to reality: the Enemy is pressing from all sides, and he takes no prisoners.
If we are not careful, the whole world will go down in a heap of ‘political correctness’. It takes a strong man to deal with times like these – trust in the Father’s judgement when He says, “This is my Cyrus.”
Totally agree with you jungle queen and Mario! People need to wake up to who the real enemy is!
As Trump liked to say, they are not coming after me; they are coming after you; I am just in their way. Folks, like Trump’s demeanor or not, he was our firewall!!
Yes indeed – and a bulwark for Israel too!
TY, Mario, for another hard-hitting, “right on” article. I do support President Trump- because I saw what he was able to do while in office- despite all the 24/7 hate & push-back from all…and yes, even the “Christians!” Yes, I cringed at some of his tweets- but they worked! Exposed the “fake news” and more of the Swamp. The Church is still sleeping, and complacent- but not for long- too much is changing too fast, and Father God is working to expose the very roots of the evil in the USA and the other nations of the world. God has this, and He has us- I just want to become a strong witness for Him! Keep up the good work- you are an excellent writer!
It amazes me how willfully stupid some Christians are. This blog from Mario is so crystal clear that even an idiot could understand it. Those spineless jellyfish must be gluttons for punishment! Proverbs 26:3 is written on their foreheads: “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the back of fools who refuse to learn”
Mario , I hear what your saying. There are so many sheep out there. I’ve confronted some of those lukewarm churches and they don’t have a clue. The government is running them they are asleep at the switch! God loves this world, he wants to set all the captives free! Kay
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 10:13 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
Well said, thank you!
I say this all of the time to others who tell me they canât stand Trump and I say, Do you think someone weak and passive will break thru to the evil? Ignorance is bliss for them.
Many Blessings,
We are Praying for your upcoming meeting with Pastors. We have been trying to wake some that we know here in Arizona. We are recommending your blog and information to many and getting some very interested folks pointed in the right direction thanks to your Fire in the Belly Truth anyone that is Honest can see and feel. Thanks so much for all that you and your team are doing. Praise the Lord for blessing you with a full house of Pastors for your message to them this week!!!
John and Marsha
AMEN! Through these past 5 years, Anytime someone has said something against Donald Trump, I have replied this way:
When he announced he was running for President, I said: “LORD, I don’t know this man, but Hillary Clinton is terrible!” So I began fasting with prayer (breakfast and lunch 5 days a week for two weeks) concerning Donald Trump. The following Monday morning in my prayer time and waiting quietly before the LORD, HOLY SPIRIT spoke:
“I have not called Donald Trump, I have CHOSEN Donald Trump. He will be President. I am doing a Great Work in his heart and life.”
So I knew he was GOD’s Chosen Vessel for America. GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES—-We blunder pitifully and blindly, at times, through life—but not GOD!!!
Those who were jealous of he and his family and their success, I realize are narrow-minded—not realizing what is a stake for our nation and Each One of Us! Being Very Imperfect MYSELF—at least I have no illusions of Grandeur about PERFECTION…..
There never has been but one Perfect person: THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Actually, Donald Trump is much more “flawless” than any one I know—INCLUDING MYSELF!!! The Wake Up call has been given….THEY BETTER LEARN TO APPRECIATE HIM…..GOD KEEPS ACCURATE RECORDS—on Each One of Us.
So totally agree w//you Marsha Carol
President Trump is such a ‘type’ of Cyrus, it is remarkable!!
He has done more for Jesus than the Body of Christ.
He has done more for Israel than former leaders.
The list of his accomplishments for American citizens requires a lot more space than is permitted here. And lastly, he has donated over $20,640,000.00 to charities during his entire first term. He truly is a servant of God, chosen of God: appointed and anointed, and NOT TO FAIL.
People have erroneously accused voters of worshiping Trump. We voted Trump in, we have NO KING BUT JESUS CHRIST.
More babies lived because of Trump!
(I hope the parents named the boys Donald, and named the girls Donna! Just my opinion)
What a very special time this is, for our God to show up and show off!
EVERY member in the Body of Christ was born for such a time as this. May we all be counted worthy for such appointment. God help us to rise up in strength, in voice, in vote, and in demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s power!
Yes, the Father is recording in His own journal, what His children are saying of Him. Are we magnifying the deeds of evil? Or the deeds of good? Magnifying the Father’s Grandness, or the enemy’s tantrums? Do we build each other up? Or are we miserable comforters? What spirit are we of? With the Holy Spirit: as Joshua & Caleb, Moses, David, Jael, Deborah, JESUS? Or the ten doubtful, fearful, traitorous spies who tried to “fake news” the Israelites back into bondage??
As for me and my house we will serve the LORD JESUS our KING FOREVER.
Thank you, Mario. You have never been more eloquent in exposing the evil enemy and his plans for America. We shall resist the enemy of our souls standing firm in the faith. Glory to God!
If God, the Father Almighty can raise up Trump for the fight, then I can support him, pray for him and speak up on his behalf. To quote a favorite passage from Shakespeare, “He who hath no stomach for this fight, let him depart.”
Thank you Mario. This article is brilliant! So God inspired! So Clear!Plain and simple Truth!
Bless you Mario Murillo Ministries There is a Mighty God who is Glorified by every Word you speak! Every prayer for healing and deliverance!
Holy Spirit sweep over the Meetings and organization . Bless everyone person attending these meetings. God bless America! God bless President Trump, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ!
We bind the accuser in the name of Jesus!
Thank u so very much for ur strong stand for God, babies, Christians, and this nation which has flaws but has been ordained by God thru our founders to send out the Gospel all over the world. I am so passionate for Him and this nation and Mr Trump’s passion and guts to work so hard for us that I will never give up nor give in to this hatred that’s been unleashed on us all. Thank u again for the faith to thunder Gods truth!!
Some well written words in this one.
Sent from my iPhone
No doubt… JESUS is Lord!!
On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 12:15 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
Dear God…thank you for the voice of Mario Murillo whom you have raised up for this time to give hope, strength, and courage to your sons and daughters. Bless this man Lord I pray beyond what he asks and anoint his message at today’s Pastors’ luncheon to go forth and accomplish Your purpose in Your church to be catalysts In bringing America back to You. Merciful Father, pour out Your Spirit, save this nation, and bless us With the knowledge, desire, strength, courage, and willingness to stand up and fight the good fight of faith to restore Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, the life, justice, and righteousness to His rightful position as King and Lord over America. Grant us Your favor O God, we can do nothing without You, tear down the altars of Baal, abortion, human/sex trafficking, pornography, drugs, greed, and all evil doers and perpetrators, in the name of Jesus the Christ I pray this day. I am praying one of those Pastors attending the luncheon is from my area, as I have been looking for a stand- up one to serve in the congregation of like-minds. God bless you so Mario Murillo, light in the darkness! Never giving up trusting God, Karen Heller
God bless you Mario. You speak truth. I am praying the revival in America pours over into Canada. We need our country back. Thank you.
I did a Facebook post where I made the statement that they expected President TRUMP to be better than Jesus.
I seem to remember Jesus giving some pointed retorts and making some comments about “that fox”, which wasn’t something a kind gentle man should say.
But, can you imagine what it would have been like if Jesus had had Facebook, Twitter and other platforms?
“We” have created a “gospel” that’s all blessing, all sugary and sweet, no sacrifice, no atonement required.
Their idea of a perfect Jesus, isn’t the Gospel record, sorry folks. You can be angry and sin not, you can make a pointed point and sin not as well.
No Trump wasn’t perfect, by any means. If anything he was a baby Christian thrust into the center of the fight of the Century.
As Mario stated we need to remember what this fight is about, and what we are fighting against.
NO ONE is perfect by any means. President Trump is the Perfect Wrecking Ball, who demolished the damnable devices of demented democrats! I would rather have a “baby” Christian like President Trump who displayed strength and took action, than an “adult” self righteous Christian coward!
[NO ONE is perfect by any means. President Trump is the Perfect Wrecking Ball, who demolished the damnable devices of demented democrats! I would rather have a “baby” Christian like President Trump who displayed strength and took action, than an “adult” self righteous Christian coward!]
I can agree with that! 🙂
Thank you, Mario. You always have the words that help me to share. I feel like a Moses; I know the truth about the worldly ways, I can discuss at lengths, but some folks become so belligerent and accusing, they get loud and don’t let me get a word in edgewise, then I’m losing my train of thought and I get flustered. I walk away from those folks, but when it is family, there is nothing more that I want than for them to know the truth. You help me form my words in a loving way. Some are willing to listen, others just expect me to be silenced and be told how to believe the correct way.
Amen Mario you are so right on with what you speak. My husband (Wayne) and I (Sherrill) are for President Trump all the way. He has done so much for the American people. We are born again Spirit Filled Christians all the way. We also support you too Mario and love what you are doing in spreading the gospel. We are from Minnesota and support Mike Lindell too. We pray every day for your protection and all those that are standing up for what is right. I am a prayer warrior got that from my mom who also was a prayer warrior who won souls for the Lord too although I miss her she is celebrating with Jesus maybe she got to meet your mom too. Sorry for your loss it is tough Hugggsss for that. God Bless you and we love you.
I am so thankful for you and the Word God has placed in your heart. I have the same burden and meet the same platitudes in my leadership at church. Don’t get me wrong, they voted for Trump but fail to fight all that’s going on. I don’t hear a word about it. Praying and talking about it constantly. Maybe they are listening, we just don’t know it yet.
Sent from my iPhone
Many churches don’t understand that we are in a fight for this nation and it does matter who is in charge – Trump is the only TRUE pro-life president ever in our country he stood boldly fighting for babies in the womb – he is the president who move the capital of Israel to its rightful home in Jerusalem so NO I could give a rip how he talks in fact that is what our country needs right now not some woos or someone (like Beijing Biden) who can’t even talk a sentence coherently – good grief.
Christian Storm
A revival storm is brewing, and people are unaware of its strength and tenacity. Few will prepare while the multitude wait for the tempest to shed what was accumulated over eons of neglect. They see the clouds of perdition in the distance but are unaware of the destruction it holds.
Mario you are truly a prophet speaking the truth with power and love. The more you sound the trumpet the more ears are opening to hear the truth. Thank you for being the voice in the wilderness to bring good tidings of the gospel of Jesus to the people and to awaken those who have slept for too long in not hearing the truth.
God bless you and keep you in His will. Elyce
Mario wrote this post on 2/27/2012; I write this in tears and with a broken heart) enclosed is a reply from a follower
10. Phillip Schaff said: “This Jesus of Nazareth, without money and arms, conquered more millions than Alexander, Caesar, Mohammed and Napoleon; without science and learning, He shed more light on things human and divine than all philosophers and scholars combined; without the eloquence of schools, He spoke such words of life as were never spoken before or since, and produced effects which lie beyond the reach of orator or poet; without writing a single line, He set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art and songs of praise than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times ( anyone interested can read the post in the archive)
I agree with you Pastor.
Want to share this wonderful piece on facebook
Please keep the Truth coming. The Church, made up of a lot of Christians ‘in name only’ will be judged first. The Bride of Christ will be made pure.
Praying for your meeting with 1000 pastors today! May the Fire fall!!
Deborah Stock
Faith gets answers. Enduring faith gets answers with character. Bill Johnson
On Thu, Mar 4, 2021, 12:10 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
Thank you for trying to open the eyes of the blind! Praying that they will receive the Holy Spirit and see the truth!
Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
You’re right! We’ve seen close up and personal the hideous evil alternative to Trump… and that some who call themselves followers of Christ actually voted for the evil. Trump isn’t perfect, BUT HE LOVES AMERICA, AND AMERICANS! Why else would a billionaire subject himself and his family to what they’ve endured for the last five years? He saw a tremendous need and stepped forward. Those who have been anti-Trump will have to explain themselves before Christ someday, as he is God’s man for the hour we live in. Like the Terminator… he’ll be back (sooner than most people think).
Perhaps a bit soft but well said. Thanks for standing in the gap and not backing down. The stakes are far too important to let a few rough edges offend us. Which of us does not have rough edges. Blessings,
Harry Leonard
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On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 1:15 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
Not but a couple months ago, was fighting for my life, after being diagnosed with a rare terminal cancer that had wrapped its self around every organ in my body, the Doctors gave me 60-90 days but I just replied “as doctors and professionals I respect your opinion, but on this I trust only Jesus, for He has the final say! They looked at me with pity and disbelief. On December 7 they put me under the knife for 16.2 hours, removed 11 1/2 lbs of high grade tumors as well as my spleen, gallbladder, 1/2 my diaphragm, my colon and 72% of my small intestine. I went from 210lbs to 139lbs in a few days following the surgery, and I was informed that they had to leave 10% of the cancer or 1 1/2 lbs of high grade cancer wrapped around my liver and what was left of my small intestine. The team of Doctors all agreed that I had 30-60 days left before these tumors breached my liver and ended me! But again I told them, with all do respect my God has the final say I put my faith in Him . Well last week the cat – scan that would confirm there worst fears was completed and I was called in to go over the results… the team turned on the scans the one done after the surgery showing the active cancer wrapped around my liver, then the new scan… and what happened next broke me, before man and my Lord! To there dismay there was no sign of cancer anywhere in me not even the 1 1/2 lbs they had left in. It was as though it was never there! I looked at my team in tears and said “ my God has the final say” and my atheist Doctor, just scratched his head and said “Nurce let’s go with that” I was having a hard time gaining any weight, now I weigh 173 lbs and am walking 3 miles every other day praise God!! ??? my point is this in our politics surrounding this great nation My God has the final say! I put my faith in Him! He has raised men like you Mario for such a time as this praise Jesus forever! Our home is not of this world, lean not on your own understanding but rather Trust Jesus for He sees us in eternity and this time here is our only chance to suffer for our Lord and by it surrender all to Jesus??? amen
I LOVE your posts!!
MARIO…please remember I mentioned my step-father Robert Louis Linn…he was one of the first US soldiers to enter those ovens and he even took photos…they confiscated his camera and film!!! What he saw, did humble him and so did seeing best buddy get cut in two, by machine-gun fire!!! EVIL…JUST LIKE FIRE, requires extinguishers…AND MANY TIMES…ORDINARY MEN TO DO THE JOB!!!HUSTUSA
Rev 3:16
16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
Yes, I was thinking of that verse when reading Mario’s blog.
JENNY RAY Sent from my iPad
President Trump does good and just things for our country, Dem’s want to destroy our country and abort all the babies they can. There is NO justification for what the democrats do!
Thank you Mario for standing strong for the truth.
On Wed, Mar 3, 2021, 11:17 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
I’m 100% behind you and I agree we are at war against an enemy within our government, as Kim Clements prophesied, Jezebel, witches and a viper so you see the evil trying to distort out government and take all our freedoms away. Trump knew it was corrupt but not sure he knew how deep it runs that men are so scared of jezebel! Sex trafficking has started again in local state college indoor parking garages! Biden better hope it doesn’t my grandchild or I will sue him personally!!!!!!! Although I have angels guarding her just do not want someone child to be put into sex trafficking horror! Helping raise a drug baby taken from parents and he is so sweet and smart! Can not imagine him being destroyed before birth! I know of several drug babies adopted and they are thriving! GOD help your children is my prayer!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Thank you MMM! God bless you and your ministry and family! The covid relief package is pure pork and very little for the people; if they took out the “pork” and gave 2 trillion to the hurting people it would change lives; further more, if they stopped preaching social justice, social engineering, political correctness, elevating aberrations over God’s natural law: the Word of God, and stopped all the other anti-Christ propaganda and indoctrination, and gave them Pure Jesus: salvation, redemption, healing, deliverance, and freedom in accountability to God and personal responsibility in Christ, this world would transform.
You said a mouthful, NHOE. I have been praying that God would pour out His Spirit on all of the deceived, spiritually blind, thus confused leftist political “leaders” as well as the rest of us in our wonderful nation,. At this stage, national revival producing repentance and faith in Christ in the hearts of a majority of Americans is our only hope of restoring sanity and common sense to all of us citizens.
Hi Newheavenonearth! It is no wonder that we thought our congressmen were being plain ol’ evil people for wanting to pass such garbage as “Equality” Act and Covid-19 Bill.
We found out they never even read the contents!!! They have to have clerks READ TO THEM what they had ignorantly signed. Are they illiterates?
They signed their name to legislature that we have to finance, to the tune of almost 2 trillion dollars.
Thank God Almighty that Republican Senator Ron Johnson had the wisdom to put a stop to the insanity and to demand those bills be read and understood before going further.
THIS is another sign that God is moving and we do rejoice.
REJOICE PEOPLE! Don’t be ingrates! Magnify the deeds of the Father, He is greatly to be praised!
Amen and amen. Keep preaching it!
great word brother murio,i am in the fight with you, God will win.God bless you brother,there a true church rising that God will use to defeat satan ,and this evil government we currertly live under.
Trump was the firewall against an enemy so vile that they no qualms with murdering babies. They steal elections as though it were the normal thing to do. They are silencing Gods people while terrorists, murderers and rapists roam the streets freely. Now, we’re supposed to feel bad for supporting Trump? Not supporting him is the crime against our witness.
Amen brother! Very well said!!
Amen, Mario! Only satan could blind the minds of Christians to vote against/speak against President Trump simply because he tells it like it is and b/c of his past – as if the blood of Jesus is not powerful enough to cover his sins as it did ours. Blasphemy!
Guess what? Jesus was rude by today’s ridiculous standards too. I don’t know what bible they are reading, but the bible I read has the Lord calling like it is – evil is evil and good is good. A hypocrite is a hypocrite. A viper is a viper.
We need tell it like it is people right now. Like Pres Trump, Marjory Taylor Green, and Mario, etc.
What kind of lunacy is this??? “Trump is rude. Let’s vote for Biden who says he’s for unity but loves to ensure babies are slaughtered, boys are castrated/genital mutilated, girls can have their breasts removed and genitals mutilated, men can go into girls’ restrooms, evil evil evil, etc etc etc.”
Dear Lord, I ask Him, “Are these “Christians” even saved?”
Biden is shooting out evil like a machine gun. Where is the outrage from ALL of the church? Where are the Micaiah’s and Elijah’s and the Paul’s saying,” Biden/Harris, you thieves, you harlots, the hand of the Lord is against you!!!”
Thank you for your bravery and honesty.
This is so true!!!
[] Callie
Amen MMM! Thank you! Thank you for your courage and wisdom.
May God continue to speak His truth through those who seek it.
In Jesus Name. Amen
Those who are choosing blatantly to side with a lie will be held accountable – sooner than later.
Trump is the Lord’s plan. He is the most pro life president ever! And defender of the most innocent and weak. Only the Holy Spirit could move an extra 10 million plus people in the most peaceful manner – to vote for Trump.
We are to place our hope in the Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen
Those who are choosing blatantly to side with a lie will be held accountable – sooner than later.
Trump is the Lord’s plan. He is the most pro life president ever! And defender of the most innocent and weak. Only the Holy Spirit could move an extra 10 million plus people in the most peaceful manner – to vote for Trump.
We are to place our hope in the Lord.
President Trump is STANDING for this great country against China and the Dems. I stand with you Mario and President Trump. Please pray for my new business so I can support your ministry. Evil is called good, and good evil. We are in the days of Noah. Thank you.
I stand with you Mario and I am praying for you daily. I command the armies of angels to surround you and every pastor. I entreat Holy Spirit to drop into all your hearts His plan, His purpose, His strategies.
I plead the BLOOD OF JESUS to cover ALL…pastors, leaders, and ppl who need Him, who need healing, and saving and deliverance. GOD’S WILL BE DONE … HIS KINGDOM COME TO AMERICA!
Thank you brother!! I am not American but live right across your border. We too are fighting the battle – national 24 hr prayer. We know!!
And we’re not stopping either.
I just wanted to thank you brother for standing in the gap. I was in Alaska for 25 years, under an anointed lady Juanita Vinson, Spiritual Mother to many such Heidi Baker, Roland, myself. We saw miracles, signs and wonders and learned how to pray there. She was the Catalyst for what we are doing now for Jesus.
I got filled under her and started hearing the Sing of the Lord for services. Now I’m on the front lines here in northern CA with 27 year old outreach music ministry Machaira. We have a ministry to the poor, homeless street people mainly in Sacramento and sometimes through S.O.S. Ministries in San Francisco. I am walking in prophetic words spoken over me through Henry Grover, George Otis, Juanita, Heidi and many others. I was at your tent meeting in Marysville. I’d love to meet you one day, and maybe help you whenever in these last days!
Until He comes back, for us and those we help into the Kingdom,
Your Brother,
PS please sign us up for your blog…
Peter & Linda Richardson
9395 Stern Lane / P.O. Box 146
Browns Valley, CA 95918
Machaira- Dennis Hulbert bassist
(530)320-0155 Grass Valley, CA
Have Mobile Hydraulic Stage/PA/lights
And full band on fire for Jesus!!!
Millions of Christians don’t hate Trump. Lots of demons and CRINOs and RINOs do. That’s what happens the ability to rob and steal from true Christians gets taken away. Trump exposed some real nastiness in the world. Those exposed are angry. Too bad for them, their time is at an end.
Keep up the great work Mario!
Well said, well said!!! Thank you for always speaking the truth.
Sadly Pastor Mario, a lot of my Christian friends and followers in general, choose not to be vocal against all the new orders, laws being changed for the beliefs of the leftists only. I just do not get it. Jesus got upset when there were things done against His precepts/teachings. The thing is that many yes choose not to openly be bold to stand up for Christ. WE SOMETIMES HAVE TO GET MAD, DISGUSTED, and say and do something about it. Then it will be our fault for not speaking up. I am sure God is watching and knows who is standing up for Him, the widow, the poor, the person not able to defend himself. I subscribe to many Conservative News groups and I get online to protest and write to local gov officials about what immoral things are happening against my beliefs.
Thank you brother Mario for speaking the truth in love and with great boldness! God has ordained you to proclaim His message for such a time as this, the only message that will save this nation, or any other nation. Blessings!
Eph. 4;26
And I say, be Righteously Angry…..
Amen Mario! Amen!
I can’t think of anybody who speaks the truth about the current level of depravity as well as you do.
love you brother have your book on audio and print power full on time word I stand with you on Jesus who raised up President Trump to be used greatly and will be back soon as God is done doing the cleansing in His children and the this country Jesus will have His bride. praying for you your family and ministry we love you brother Bryan Mull and family
Amen! You are right on, Bro. Mario! Trump is not perfect, but at least he is not corrupt! He loves america, is pro-life, for freedom of religon, & liberty! As I have always said; Jesus is my Lord, & Trump is my president!! Phil Beatty
Such a good writer! Makes me wonder if those Christians offended by Trump’s personality/behavior even know Jesus! Jesus’s favorite people to associate with were tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, thieves, doctors, wine drinkers, radical dressers, bearded ones, rule breakers, rebels for a cause, loud. to the point , and loved babies and children and whose citizenship is in heaven. Matter if the heart… God wake us ALL up to get busy in what matters?????
nor mine……..bless you
Thank you Mario for continuing to identify and call out confused, offended Kristians. We need many more wise, fearless preachers to teach the truth of God’s word so that people are not misled by emotions.
Amen. As my husband said to me long ago when you came to the church we attended which was many years ago “you are in your face truth talking man of God.” . Keep preaching the truth. God bless you and your family
To: Mario Murillo Ministries From: Gary Nelson I really Can relate to using The historical references of WW2 God Bless You Mario Murrillo. THANK YOU .
On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 12:17 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
I’m for Jesus and President Trump
On Thu, Mar 4, 2021, 1:17 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the arguments made by the editor of > Christianity Today Magazine was that supporting Trump ruined our witness to > America. No one yearns to win souls more than I do, therefore, I will > tackle this argument, beginning with a story that seems to be anal” >
Pastor, Could you answer a question for me , please. I’m so confused about the COVID injection! I’ve heard so many things about side effects and dealings with DNA, so I can’t understand why people are getting it?? Also, what you s your thought, or how is God leading you in that direction. Thank you for your reply! I know your a servant for God????
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