The Left accepts men as women, but not terrorists as Muslims. “No. Not a single terrorist has ever been Muslim,” they assure us of this−despite the fact that the majority of terrorism in the world is done in the name of Allah. To put it another way, all other religions in the world combined do not account for a minuscule fraction of the terror done in the name of Islam.
Why have I waded into this explosive topic? Actually, this is the beginning of a series of blogs that draw attention to clear threats to innocent believers. This issue is at the heart of church life now and will become even more so in the immediate future.
I will never regret this blog. In fact, I know that in future days I will deem this one to be among the most important things I have written. I will always remember that while I was able to say something—I did say something.
How many innocent people have died because we refuse to face radical Islam? Atrocities—unheard of before in history—are being committed against women and children. But, according to the Left, not one of them is a Muslim—not even one!
It even gets silly. Politifact said that the photos of two Muslims who were laughing as Notre Dame was burning was a Photoshop fake. Forensics proved it to be genuine. Somali teens went on a rampage with hammers on a bus in Minnesota and the media totally ignored the entire incident!
Hillary Clinton actually said: “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” NOTHING? Take a deep breath—and read that again—then answer this question: In what universe is that possibly true?
“Liberals Accept Men as Women, But Not Terrorists as Muslims. Liberals are perfectly happy to accept a man who “presents” as female, as a woman, and vice versa, but they won’t admit a terrorist who “presents” as Muslim is indeed a Muslim,” says talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.
Anything but Islam: Limbaugh cites the fact that liberals in government and media blamed the attack on the PULSE nightclub and gaybar in Orlando on Republican opposition to same-sex marriage and other issues, rather than the truth, that the attack was inspired by radical Islamists. Those on the Left completely ignored the fact that Omar Mateen, whose massacre left 49 dead and 53 injured, was heard to pledge allegiance to ISIS during the shooting.
Obama fixated on gun control laws in light of the Orlando shooting but didn’t want to get to the root of Islamic influence (of course not). Focusing on the inanimate object used by a madman only prevents innocent people from being able to defend themselves and tips more situations in favor of terrorists.
Limbaugh said, “Men and women who want to “present” as the opposite sex can tell Democrats that that’s who they are, and there’s no doubt whatsoever,” Limbaugh said. “Somebody comes along and says, “I’m a Muslim! I don’t like you! I don’t like the fact you’re an infidel. I’m gonna blow up every institution of yours I can.” Then the Democrats say, “I’m not sure that we’re dealing with Muslims.” Limbaugh adds, “Isn’t it amazing?”
On the other hand—Limbaugh observed—when religion is blamed, it is Christians who come under fire. In fact, when a religion must be blamed it can always be Christianity, but never Islam.
“Yes, Christians, whether they know it or not, threaten homosexuals,” Limbaugh said. “Threaten! Heck, Christians threaten everybody, and that’s why people are not ‘themselves.’ Christians are to blame for every aberration taking place in this country.”
Are you looking for an explanation for this insanity? Do you want to understand why Obama, while President, imported one million Muslims into America? Are you ready to grasp the reason why we can’t take steps to uncover the growing network of terrorists in our nation?
Need I explain why Biden would do for America what Obama did for our embassy in Benghazi? He would ignore cries for help. He would deny a security problem exists. He would blame a video, or Christians−anything other than Islam.
So why do Democrats protect Islam at all cost, and accuse Christianity at every turn?
Why, you ask? Because 85% of Muslims vote Democrat…
It is not only an American problem, though more pronounced as you have a large population in one country. Here in little New Zealand at the other end of the earth, we are also being bullied by Islam. The shootings in ChristChurch in march in the mosques in which 50 people were killed and many injured has brought in the platform this government desires. Now it is getting heavy: police here are searching for the culprit who put a (harmless Jack Chick) Christian tract into a Muslims mail box. They got forensics and have his finger prints and are searching for the perpetrator of this hate crime. Yes we have the deliberately vaguely titled “hate laws” here in NZ.
There is more: our prime minister Jacinda Ardern wants to close social media in NZ if any more hate speeches are posted. A hate speech could be anything as benign as someone saying they were once a Muslim and now are Christian. Anything really.
Brothers and sisters including brother murillo: please read Psalm 37 . I feel impressed to say that. “I have seen the wicked in great power, spreading himself like a green bay tree, yet he was not!” (Don’t you love the way the Lord talks? “Yet he was not!” 🙂 Yea, I searched for him and he could not be found.
“When the wicked are multiplied like the grass (you better get your Bible for this one, I am sitting in semi darkness here typing, trying to recall it, ) it is so that they shall be cut down forever!”
God is encouraging us with these verses and many more for a time such as ours, so read it again.
Brothers and sisters, brother Murillo is right! Islam is the biggest threat we are facing as Christians. We need to pray up and share the Gospel while it is yet day, because I can see that night is almost upon us, when no one can work.
You people are the salt of the earth. You are the only hope of your nation.
Your prayers, tears and intercessions, and sharing the Gospel will save your nation.
They are both of the same spirit…the spirit of Anti-Christ….. it’s the same thing.
Yes it’s that Lie perpetrated on all flesh called good and evil as ALL Coming from that same tree “SATAN” We who are ALIVE In Christ who is and must only be Jesus are “NOT” Warring after what appears as flesh and blood be it called Muslim or Christian or any other FALSE system of righteousness. Our Warfare is ABSOLUTELY ALL SPIRITUAL coming from the invisible evil spirits of this worlds economy even as many come to us even in our Lords Name “God Forbid” Amen. We “MUST” bring these wayward thoughts and evil imaginations and speculations into “CAPTIVITY” IN Christ IN Us making them Obey Jesus is and should be our prayer for one and all because believe me when I say they which many are professing Christians don’t know what they are doing Amen.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. It would be awesome for you to do an in-depth study of Islam for your reader. Truthfully, it is Radical Islam that terrorizes.
Just like Christianity, we have many factions between Baptist, Methodist, etc. Something very interesting is how Islam came out of Catholic teachings since Mohammad was a Catholic.
Many Muslims do not know the wicked deadly words in their own text or just don’t agree. There is a very small percentage that are radical and these intimidate and kill their own people for not following them.
The issue is very much misunderstood. Take a deep dive into this subject and explain the truth and real issues.
I recently met a Jewish man who had never stepped into a church. He thought all churches were the same. When his job requires him to go to a church, he had to obey or lose his job. He chose to keep his job.
The church he was invited to attend was charismatic and people were being slain in the spirit. He thought they died because they were covered with a sheet. The music was unlike anything he had ever seen and he walked away thinking every church was the same. When I heard his testimony, I laughed and laughed. Today after many years, he has attended others Christian services in other denominations.
My point is that those on the outside looking in never have a complete understanding or picture. We have seen evidence of a radical group that lies about everything and wants to terrorize the world but they are few in number. You have Gaza to observe from all angles to see how the works. Gaza’s people are starving because their way of living a peaceful life was stolen by radicals who hate God. Gaza was once beautiful and thriving until the radicals were not happy to be apart of something good.
You might actually take a look at earth topology from a satellite view. Where Christianity thrives you see green and where Muslim live it is brown. The difference between life and death is God!
I could say much more. It is important to know your subject from the inside out. Very different perspective changes everything. I personally believe God broke them out to put them into a country where they freely choose Him! Complete Freedom from oppression…but the churches won’t wake up to be The Church and go win them.
Take politics out of Freedom in Christ. There are no divisions or factions in Heaven.
Just thinking ?
Dianne Beattie 214-693-2165
I could say much more. It is important to know your subject from the inside out. This is precisely the ETERNAL TRUTH. As in to many Christians in name only only know Jesus from the letter of scripture externally or OUTWARDLY where He was done away with and crucified in the flesh and made ALIVE INWARDLY In the eternal Spirit as in God in Christ In us from the INSIDE where He now ought to be Indwelling every SOUL by the indwelling Spirit preparing presently an eternal place for us to forever dwell IN with Him and the Father as that One Spirit where one’s soul is eternally joined (married) into Him Amen
Mario’s blog on this subject needs no improvement. He is concise and to the point.
Psalm 1
1 Blessed is the one
who does “NOT” walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that disobedient sinners take
or sit in the company of those mockers of Truth,
but whose delight is in the law of the Spirit of our Lord Jesus,
and who meditates on His law WITHIN their hearts day and night. This is the Living life-breathing Word from our Lord Amen
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
The coming of the lawless one (Muslim, Christian, flesh) is by the activity of the FALSE god of this world Satan with all lying deceptive power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked HIDDEN SPIRITUAL”DECEPTION” of spiritual DARKNESS for those who are still in a perishing state of their innermost being, WHY? because they refused to love the truth as it is and can only be In Jesus as Christ IN You so as to be (delivered)saved. 11 Therefore God the only LIVING God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that ALL as in Christians, Jew, Muslim, male-female bond or so-called free may be condemned who did not believe INTO the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness NOT Conquering and Overcoming Evil as is the world through Good as there is No Good but in Christ as in God alone as are the doors of the Living Word “NOT” merely the professors as in the hearers Amen
They won’t stop with voting for Democrats. They want to take over period! They will subjugate every single left, right or center person. Their plan is demonic and the foolish Left are playing right into their hands at the expense of everyone else.
Foolishness at its worst!
Amen!!!!!!! People know, but they are not allowed to say so. Grrr!!! I’m so tired of being told to sit down and shut up, especially in the church starting in 1993. (After a certain election, talking about the moral caliber of leaders became verboten. I was STUNNED at the time. Now I’m heartbroken.)
Riveting article Mario, along with all these responses.
I would add to what is said here to be Christians biggest threat Islam, that it is blatantly Jewish peoples biggest threat too. These bad actors have openly cried out with their mandate world wide to wipe Israel and its Hebrew people off the face of the earth. As all this hate filled rage toward Christians & Jews propagated by the radical left agenda and Islamic radicals, begs the question…Who really ‘was’ Barack Obama in all this? Why on God’s green earth did he even bother to call himself an American or patriotic, when NONE of this behavior or belief has anything to do with America and real American values! It is drastically impossible for someone who “claims” to be all out for this nation and its citizenry, to adhere or lean into a belief system which is foreign in its concept to everything that the framers of the constitution held dear. These radical left types ignore and try to radicalize the American Constitution and would, “if” they had 1/2 a chance, wipe the American Constitution off the face of the earth as well.
unstable CRAZY behavior on every level is whats happening today yet GOD is not mocked whatever people sow ‘they’ shall surely reap.
To me, the Most POWERFUL statement you mentioned was that God YES THE LIVING God is Not mocked nor could He ever be as Yes whatever mans sows his life to that he shall reap from being it the flesh even All dressed up like a Christian externally (outwardly) or a heathen unbelieving gentile. It just doesn’t matter what we say it’s what we are and who we are actually “IN” be it the 1st man Adam cursed or the Last man Christ In us our only present Living Indwelling Hope of His Glory Amen. The True Jew is the one INWARDLY Circumsized by Christ Himself who is the Spirit. And wherever the Spirit of this Glory is this is where we/you will discover true FREEDOM as the implodes Amen
“WORLD” Imploded!!!
Good morning,
Blessed Shavuot! Always love the blogs! Right there with you. Question: will the July conference be webcast? Praying for you all as you continue with the tent meetings!
In His Grip!
It is a fascinating thing to behold. But here are some similarities;
1) Both Islam and the ideological left or liberals have a deep seeded hatred for Christians and Christianity
2) Both practice lying as a way to get what they want. Liberals through false narratives, false reports, fake news etc. and Muslims through their own doctrine of Taqiyya
3) Both have a hunger for political power
4) Both justify pedophilia
5) Both hate Israel
Thats just off the top of my head.
When a Christian experiences revival andvis awakened to the Bible, he loves more, gives more and serves more.
When a myslim experiences revival and awakens to the Quran, he wants to kill people and blow stuff up.
On a side note regarding your Reno event with Perry Stone. Has he renounced his previous teachings on the pretrib rapture?
A little confused to see the Mario Murillo (the great evangelist) ministering with soneone who preaches a very bad and grossly false doctrine that has single handedly undermined the spirit of evangelism.
I believe in a pre trib rapture I also believe in tribulation saints – the virgins who took no oil in their vessels (Matt 25) who were left behind and shut out of the wedding feast. I am not saying that to debate, as I refuse to debate here, my point in mentioning it, is that quite often when two ministries get together, they do so on the understanding that their own views on subjects that do not affect a persons salvation (and whatever one might say – ultimately, it does not matter if you are pre mid or post,) but they work together and used their combined gifts and callings to reach lost souls for Jesus. Brother Murillo is all about reaching lost souls, casting out demons and healing the sick; I think he and Perry will do well together.
I like what you had to say about the difference between the two revivals (Islam and Christianity,) yes, that is so true. I don’t “like” it, I mean it is well said. I don’t like it because I live in a little country (NZ) being flooded with Islamic immigrants each month and none of them are checked out for ties with radical groups.
Ted, the main thing is to be ready at all times and occupying until He comes. I found this is to be the best approach concerning at what point our Lord Appears to Catch Up His Bride.
Ted, Ted, Ted…!
My husband was a man who read The Word from cover to cover during his nearly 50 years after conversion. He was known as “Rolodex Bob” at his church for his ability to recall scripture text, book & chapter, and his pastor used him often to help find a Word. In saying this, he followed MannaFest for many years, although wasn’t in agreement with the pre-trib message. In 2017 we moved from WA to TN -being lead by God – to attend OCI & sit under Perry’s teaching. (Where there is anointed Word preached & {an aside} – where most services end with an altar call for receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit!) It was during a Tues night service when Perry was speaking on this subject, that my husband was moved to reconsider this belief. We both agreed that, pre-, mid-, or post-trib, we need to be “ready for the worst but hope for the best”! No man knows the day or the hour, but we all need to ask ourselves if we are doing ALL that our Lord commands? If OUR hearts are right before Him is the crux of our great Hope, not to pick each other apart when the subject is… subjective! Our salvation does not hinge on when He’s coming, but rather if we will be ready when He does come!
Love for you, brother.
This is for brother Murillo: I HAVE TO ASK Brother I am still waiting to find out whether you believe speaking in tongues is always the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost. And if not – just what are people supposed to be expecting when they go forward to pray for the Holy Ghost…a feeling??
POWER Sister POWER! Yes, POWER to both conquer and Overcome the world in one’s own soul. The Kingdom of God is “NOT” In Words but it is in POWER. If I/we speak in tongues and I/we do continually but do not press on into the greater Manifestations of His Spirit to produce Godliness and holiness in one’s vessel clothed with His Love as opposed to mans love then its all vanity All of it plain and simple Amen
That was NOT what I asked. I said, “.. speaking in tongues is always the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost. ”
I want to know brother MURILLOS’ belief regard whether he believes speaking in tongues is ALWAYS THE INITIAL (Pause on initial – never mind the pressing on – evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost.”
But I understand and appreciate brother why you thought I was asking for lack of understanding.
I wanted to hear from HIM, which is why I addressed it to him.
You cannot have the POWER of the Holy Ghost until you receive the Holy Ghost and if you have not spoken in tongues you have not yet received.
Its that plain in the Book of Acts and I Corinthians 14.
I am concerned (have been for decades) about the preachers who talk about power and tell the church to “activate the Holy Ghost within,” when they have never even received!
Pardon me for believing the Bible but Acts 2:4; 10:48, 19:6 and I Corinthians 14: 2-4 all show us plainly that tongues is the evidence initially of receiving the Holy Ghost (the fruits take time to grow and you cannot have the gifts of the Holy Ghost without first receiving the Holy Ghost.
I am saying WHY not tell people that when they speak in tongues they have received the Holy Ghost!
Why have an altar call and they don’t know what to expect..they may experience a sense of Gods Presence, but Biblically, they will speak in tongues.
You have well known respected preachers saying, “You receive ALL of Gods Power within you the moment you receive Jesus as your Saviour.”
No you don’t.
Acts 1:8 says it comes AFTER you receive the Holy Ghost. Then all the verses I cited from Acts show that it is a SEPARATE experience.
I received back in 76 and have been used in power evangelism. I evangelise in a town and people get saved then I baptise them and pray them to receive the Holy ghost. (I dont tell them to copy me, I worship with them and soon they are speaking fluently in tongues.)
I KNOW they need this to survive the race and to do well in it.
No one believes tongues is the evidence anymore and they still call their church Pentecostal.
I am used in healings and deliverances I am not requesting an answer from brother Murillo as one who has never experienced the power of the Holy Ghost.
I am well aware that the greatest need we have to conquer with the gift of the Holy Ghost is our own self. I am also living a holy life and preach “without holiness no one shall see the Lord.”
I simply wanted him to state clearly his view on the initial evidence.
Ted, Ted, Ted…!
My husband was a man who read The Word from cover to cover (each year) during his nearly 50 years after conversion. He was known as “Rolodex Bob” at his church for his ability to recall scripture text, book & chapter, and his pastor used him often to help find a Word. In saying this, he followed MannaFest for many years, although wasn’t in agreement with the pre-trib message. In 2017 we moved from WA to TN -being lead by God – to attend OCI & sit under Perry’s teaching. (Where there is anointed Word preached & {an aside} – where most services end with an altar call for receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit!) It was during a Tues night service when Perry was speaking on this subject, that my husband was moved to reconsider this belief. We both agreed that, pre-, mid-, or post-trib, we need to be “ready for the worst but hope for the best”! No man knows the day or the hour, but we all need to ask ourselves if we are doing ALL that our Lord commands? If OUR hearts are right before Him is the crux of our great Hope, not to pick each other apart when the subject is… subjective! Our salvation does not hinge on when He’s coming, but rather if we will be ready when He does come!
Love for you, brother.
The Democrats support Muslims and deny the facts because it’s all about POWER for them. Yes, they garner their votes, but more importantly, the violence & chaos they create allow the Left to blame others (aided by the media) and propagate division in emotionally charged situations – all for the purpose of gaining POWER.
The liberals or secular humanist have a plan in place, and while we were sleeping they were very busy. The first red flag for me was when Bush 41, announced the New World Order.
I voted for the Bushes I believed father and son. That family has been behind the scenes since WW1. They are in agreement with the Clintons and Obama. Pray that President Trump can drain the swamp, and pray that no one assassinate’s him pushing us into a Civil War.
This is always about Psalm 2. That’s the bottom line in this country and rest of the wicked around the world. This is about the anti-christ.
Looks like you’ve picked up a couple of trolls, Pastor Mario. Cultists, possibly. I think you can handle ’em. On the serious side, I had not thought of this as being the reason that leftists literally fall all over themselves to appease radical islamists at every level and in every area, worldwide included. Leftists the world over all seem to have fallen prey to group think. I do believe we are seeing, not the beginning, but the continuing, of the Grand Delusion that was prophesied to come upon the ungodly in end times. God bless you for your boldness, Pastor Mario.
That’s right ‘kings… the delusion will become so thick and strong that multitudes will end up believing the Lie. Let’s keep our eagle eyes sharp, keen, and focused on the Son of God with eyes that see and ears that hear.