15 February 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pastors & Leaders Brunch, Tyler, TX
Tyler Metro Church, 14196 Hwy. 110 South ~ Whitehouse, Texas 75791
Great Word!
I’m thankful for the voice of the Holy Spirit in this hour through brethren like Mario. We need to do our part this morning. People need to touch the passion of the Christ today. He is alive and we are blessed for it.
Hey Mario,
Back in the 70’s we were living in So. Calif. and attending a church called Melodyland.
I can still remember a young firery preacher by the name of Mario Murillo who would come and preach, usually Sunday nights.
He had a contagious fire way back then and Praise God that fire has not been extinguished.
Wow! The chuch is compromised….
Mario, thank you for posting on facebook the words that the Spirit of the LORD has given you to share. May the fire in your heart cause other heart’s to be set on fire and be part of a great move that will sweep our nation into a return to our 1st love.
Amen, the truth!
Yeshua H’Mashiac took back the keys to the kingdom and gave them to us, the body of the Christ, let’s use our authority to win souls and defeat the enemy!
Love your message. Would like to be an inspiration to help. Currently in Mexico, will arrive in Reno, my home town on April 30. Will be there for a few weeks. Let me know if I can help. Love the Lord.
Lena Cornell
Lena, let us know when you are in town. 775 238 3473