15 February 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pastors & Leaders Brunch, Tyler, TX
Tyler Metro Church, 14196 Hwy. 110 South ~ Whitehouse, Texas 75791
Let those who have an ear to hear, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!…beautiful Mario, Apostle Peter like so many of us oft feel we’re disqualified for service to The great Master of our soul’s. I was riveted and captivated by what John Foxe records regarding the 1st persecution of Christians in Rome under Nero where it says that Peter gathered with the brothers and sisters and they encouraged Peter to escape the city of Nero’s persecution – Foxe says …
“the story goes that as he (Peter) came to the city’s gate, Peter saw Jesus coming to meet him. “Lord, where are You going?”Peter asked. “I’m come again to be crucified,” was the answer. Seeing that his suffering was understood, Peter returned to the city (of Rome), where Jerome tells us he was crucified head down at Peter’s own request, saying that he was not worthy to be crucified the same way his Lord was. (end of Foxe’s recording). Hence the title of Quo Vadis! “Where are You going!”
Many theological debates arise whether or not Peter was ever actually in Rome but I for one trust John Foxe’s historical record of Martyrs, and Peter’s compelling desire to never let Jesus down again.
My dear brother Mario,
The intensity of anointing on your writings continues to grow… it brings me to tears at the beauty and insight into the heart of Jesus and the mind of man. Thank you, God bless and heal you, but please don’t stop writing!
We love you, ya know.
Hi Mario,
I read both the Mary and Peter blogs this morning and enjoyed the truths they bring. Talk about two people who had every reason to give up. Jesus made such a difference for them and He surely does the same for us. I find it amazing in these days, those of us that man has cast aside, God is raising up. The purposes of God are not being fulfilled by the big names, and as you wrote in previous blogs, those of us with little names are being given big revelations to share with the body. Thanks for being there to encourage us, your voice has given us the strength and encouragement we needed to believe that God has a place for us in His service.
So Good is the TRUTH imparted to the world through your ministry from the Wisdom of God directly to our searching eyes and hearing ears to keep our lamps filled with the oil of gladness that we can continue on in the faith to lay hold of that Joy that is set before us daily …in the presence of our enemies that our joy may be full and Christ may be Glorified by means of His Victiry over the rulers of darkness …let our light so shine before men that the revalations He has for us may shed abroad to all around us as we are so encouraged to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. Stay blessed !!