by | Mar 12, 2021 | Christianity Today | 320 comments

Some well-regarded Christian leaders found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. So, let me explain some important things to you.

I have total respect for those leaders. They are my brothers and sisters in Christ—many of them are far more visible and influential than I am. Their attempt to find something good in what Biden said is commendable, but I must disagree with the idea that there was good in what Biden said. I only hope the family of God is mature enough to consider another opinion.

After the dust settled, and I had prayed, it became clear to me that I had written what God wanted me to write. If it seems rude and unloving to you, I am truly sorry, but I cannot take it back—not a single syllable.

Today’s evangelical titans need to discern the signs of the times. The most urgent thing any preacher worth his salt must do is fully embrace the reality of what has happened to America. Until you do that, your words will not bring revival or freedom. Unless you wake up to the evil that is even now spreading across this nation, you will not be granted the proper weapons from the Holy Spirit that are needed to push it back.

The words of these notable leaders are driven by a model from a bygone America. Gone are the days of civil discourse. Gone are the days when political parties on both sides had respect for Christianity. Gone are the days when our leaders feared running afoul of the Constitution. Gone are the days when we counted votes, and the votes we counted, mattered.

It should be crystal clear that we are dwelling in a society that has become nothing less than a cyber-armed camp. It should be painfully obvious that the people in power are not legislating truth or justice. They are legislating immorality, hatred and division.

With a blazing rhetorical question, the Bible tells us how God relates to the Democrat party: Psalm 94:20 says, “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with You?”

You will know what to do about Biden when you answer the simple questions from this verse:

-Are they a throne of iniquity?

-Are they devising evil by law?

-Will God have fellowship with them, if they do?

-If God will have nothing to do with them, should we?

Verse 21 reinforces for us what the agenda of the Democrat Party is: “They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood.”

“You must trust the government.” The man who stood there speaking, as if he were actually the lawfully elected president, was an ominous and artificial voice. Joe Biden’s speech did not to dispel our fear about Democrat tyranny. It just confirmed it.

If you got nothing else from his speech, you should have picked up on the subtle wording about the vaccination he says “we are eligible” for.

But then he hinted strongly that we may all be forced to go under the needle. And it may be that, in order to buy, sell, fly or be educated, you will have to have been vaccinated.  Note what Biden said: “we’re mobilizing thousands of vaccinators to put the vaccine in one’s arm. Calling on active-duty military, FEMA, retired doctors and nurses, administrators, and those to administer the shots.”

While this may not be the Mark of the Beast, who can deny that it looks like a dress rehearsal?

So, the ultimate question is this: At what point does the church abandon the model of days of civil discourse and free speech. Those days were conducive to Billy Graham and Oral Roberts.

But these days in which we find ourselves are the days for other models—older models. I am talking about the Black Robe Regiment of the Revolutionary war. They were a regiment of preachers who rallied the Colonists to stand against the tyranny of England.

Closer to our day is the model of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who rallied Germany against Hitler. Or Watchman Nee who spoke out against Communist China.

Why am I so adamant in my writing? Because there is still hope to win back America’s freedom. But if we continue to placate and preach sermons better suited to bygone eras or act upon an outdated code of conduct, we will not get the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we yearn for, that is promised, and that we desperately need. Because, God grant that it brings awakening and reformation―not just a flashy feeling, or else America will become the next Venezuela.

God’s promises are conditional. If His people will humble themselves. If they will pray and seek His face. If they will turn from their wicked ways. THEN He will hear, forgive and heal their land.

There is nothing in that promise about finding ‘good’ in the lies of the enemy.

But before you can ask God to heal the land, admit what the sickness is He needs to heal.

P.S. We do not want to take away from the message you just read. This is a message to those who support Mario Murillo’s Voice to America.

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Why Satan is intent on destroying America.

The prophetic significance of the “Valley of Dry Bones” for this present hour.

The 4 factors of spiritual awakening.

The crimes that have been committed against the Holy Spirit.

How Satan is overplaying his hand.

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  1. T2020

    Anyone “Christian” who finds anything good in a speech from a Communist, criminal, accused sexual predator, possible pedo who supports killing babies should just tie a millstone around their neck and jump in the sea.

    • C. Jones

      I found something good in Biden’s speech: HE IS A SKILLFUL LYING HYPOCRITE. HE IS A GOOD FOR NOTHING BAG OF DEAD HOT AIR!

      • T2020


      • Wordforworld

        Thanks for NOT APOLOGIZING, Mario!
        There are so many espousing “love”, “correcting” speech, coming against the very WORD of GOD! Real love corrects the error of the ungodly.
        Within the Body of Christ we’re to be respectful as we correct.
        The polite, courteous, and saccharine will have MUCH COMPANY IN HELL.
        GOD hates the Liar; why should I love the children, the seed of the Liar? Those workers of iniquity! GOD said have nothing to do w/such! They’re of the throne of iniquity which GOD said HE would CUT OFF!
        Truth be told, I’d love to hear how those pastors would address the intruder, the mobster, the vandal, the thief that came to their homes??!
        Well, he and his cronies are “resident” in your White House, in your families, in your church, and in your school, in your media, in your science, & your literature. UNLESS YOU BIND HIM AND CAST HIM OUT!! SELAH! Why haven’t you joined w/the Remnant of GOD and spoken what THE LORD GOD OF ALL THE EARTH SAID.

    • Esther

      Exactly – this was Jesus’ idea.

    • Pastor Bob Phillips

      We stand for truth or fall for lies!

      • Jeanie


    • Mary Anne Kochut

      No Mario… you were not wrong. I couldn’t even watch the speech. The man is a liar and a thief and is not a legitimate president. You are speaking the truth and are a mighty Man of God!

      • Jeanie


      • Sopla

        Amen he is wrong for America. I can not trust him.

      • Sandy Hagen


        • HUSTUSA

          Now we all know why they chose to BLOW SMOKE…
          it was because they are all guilty of TREASON!!!
          https://youtu.be/CjjEwZ-NznE (CLICK LINK)

    • Frank Brack

      Totally agree!

    • Teresa

      T2020. PERFECT! I AGREE!

    • info warrior

      Biden kills Muslim babies. Its sad that so many ‘Christians’ support his wars on Muslims.


    Sent from my iPhone

  3. Sandra

    Wow! I say you are speaking the truth, Mario.

  4. C. Jones

    Mario, you have NOTHING to be sorry for! The most important thing a doctor must do is give the right diagnosis! This is precisely what you are doing. THIS is why you are one of the most valuable voices in America today. The issues we face today require radical surgery NOW! I have immense respect for you and thank God for you!

    • zmattman2


    • Frank Brack

      Would have been disappointed if Mario had not revealed his observations. Spot on!

  5. Patricia Van Den Nieuwenhuijzen

    Mario there is no need to apologise.The situation with Biden is serious and yes he is a bag of nothing but lies and receipts even in his current condition. In fact based on the life that he has led, being a compulsive liar in a way he is exactly in a state that he deserves.
    Now about your comment, remember when our Lord was frustrated and annoyed with Pharisees and others for not understanding, having closed minds and not really listening, you are experiencing the very same thing (Mark 9: 19) There is nothing to apologise, you are just faced with the truth of it all and had the courage to be totally honest. if you listen quietly you will hear the Lord remind you that he experienced it first, as you being his should be surprised to feel the same way. Our Lord did it with me, when I started using my art (as per his direction) to warn the world of the evil and that was coming, I was accused by fellow christians who resented what I revealed in my art (which is in prayer), the Lord whispered in my ear “They hated me first”. Those words have emboldened me to continue doing His work and being strong front confrontation.
    May the Lord continue to bless you, guide you and protect you. You are my dear brother in the Lord.
    Patricia (Canberra Australia)

  6. carolyn

    Keep going Brother Mario! Not many are speaking the truth and these ‘titans’ of ministry you mentioned won’t be a part of this next move of God if they don’t see the evil that is currently going on in the country. I think that the remnant of God is quickly appearing and those who are a part of it are standing out, right alongside those who are not a part. We’ve been hearing a lot about ‘just accepting this new guy in government,’ but we all know what happened. To fail to face that reality is to ignore everything about our country, as well as the rest of the world, the millions of oppressed, starving children, abortion, etc. What happens to THEM if we ignore this? Keep preaching – the remnant of God is praying with you and standing for righteousness.

  7. Clint

    You are on target I the truth. Forward March!

  8. Elaine Heistad

    No! No! You are speaking truth. We cannot mix light and darkness. It’s choosing life or death. We need the light to dispel the darkness. We need clear voices, not a mixture to appease the itching ears. We cannot mix truth and lies, right and wrong. We are at a crossroad in America to make godly, righteous choices. There are many of us that agree with you but you have the platforfm, the audience. We Will hold fast to Truth. The church has been deceived, complacent, lacking discernment. Keep up the good work. Praying always! Stand tall! Speak truth!
    Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

  9. Petro Swart

    If what was said will be done..but no there is no integrity of honesty! The main aim is to shut down the remnant!
    Praise God Almighty for Mario Murillo. Bless you brother! Keep on doing what God tells you to do!
    In the name of Jesus, we break down every doubtful thought!
    Praying for the strength of the Holy Spirit! Amen and amen

  10. L. Moore

    You are on the mark and over the target, pastor. Amen! People who think they can win over or negotiate with this cabal or any part of their death cult are deceived, misinformed, or both. It’s time to wake up. They’ll be pulling the crosses off the churches soon just like the Soviets did. God has given the death lovers their head; He has given them over to a perverse mind. They can’t even think rationally. Keep telling the truth, Pastor Mario! Keep putting on the whole armor of God and standing and continuing to stand. Yes, it is time for the Black Robe regiment! May the Lord richly bless you and all your efforts on His behalf!

  11. Dewayne Goodwin

    Hello Mario
    you have done the right thing.
    Evil is evil and look at it like this way what if satan made that speech(which he did) would you have any doubts?
    back in the old testament GOD would smite joe biden and his clan or send his servant to do it.
    I am behind you 100 percent GOD BLESS you Mario keep doing what you are doing.
    We can’t give the devil an inch of ground or any satisfaction that he is ever right
    what he has to say may sound good but you can bet deceit is in them words somewhere.

  12. Marsha Carol Watson W Gandy

    MARIO, You spoke TRUTH….Americans have been “blindsided” for years, and we are now living the results of that blindsiding by the Left, etc. WE HAVE TO FACE THE TRUTH…
    The Black Robe Regiment must ARISE! There still has to be remnants of them even now. Oh HEAVENLY FATHER—GIVE THEM THE COURAGE TO STAND, and remove the scales/blinders from those who are trying to live in an “alternate universe.” THEY REFUSE TO FACE THE TRUTH!!! YOU, OH LORD, WILL HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.
    I Trust You, MARIO,—and in this day and time I do not trust very many people.

  13. Brian Q

    Thank you Mario for having the stomach to even listen to the thief and robber. He is a forked tongue. You, though are my hero who inspires me. I look forward to spending eternity with you; but for now, I’m standing with you in prayer and support.

    • Natalie G


  14. Esther

    AMEN!! Mario – please keep speaking the truth – your words are so needed in this time. There was nothing “good” about this speech. We love you and pray for your protection!

  15. Julia Seward

    I like to watch Flashpoint. When I saw the Biden speech start to be played, I turned it off. It upsets me to even see him and I will not listen to anything he says. He has always been a liar and nothing has changed. I believe he is just a puppet right now. When they are done with him, they will cast him aside or kill him. I actually feel sorry for him and pray that God would have mercy on him. But, I think his heart is too hardened to repent. I pray that is not so even though I hate what he has helped do to this country.

    • Natalie G

      You are spot-on! I, too, have prayed for this enemy to experience a moment of enlightenment, ask God for forgiveness and get away from those people who are using him. And I will continue to pray for our enemies; I believe this battle belongs to the Lord. We, His church, need to be on standby, awaiting our ‘marching orders’.

  16. papaya3

    THANK YOU for your boldness.   I forward your emails all the times.  I live in San Diego in a liberal town.  My pastor failed his church as has many.  Keep up what you are doing!  I LOVE Flash Point!! Renee

  17. Judy

    No you were not wrong to attack Biden’s speech. People seem to think that Christians should never get angry about anything but they should remember the story of the dishonest moneychangers at the temple. The wrath of Jesus was pretty prominent in that story. In Matthew it talks about how in the last days the very elect will be deceived. I think we are beginning to see that now. Please continue to speak the truth that God has led you to speak, You encourage so many of us that read your blog.

  18. rogers5969

    It’s the TRUTH that we KNOW that sets us FREE ! And Proverbs 29:2 has never been more obvious! PLEASE continue to bring the unarguable truth. The ONLY government that we MUST trust is THE kingdom of heaven. Godspeed
    Amen ?

  19. Angie

    There are 4 of us in Melbourne , Australia who meet and pray very Tuesday and have done so for Trump before and since the election , along with your once, great nation of America . Where America goes , we always follow . Numbers 16 – 20 – 35 makes it very clear as to what happens to those who want to change and interfere in God’s civil and religious laws . The earth opened up and swallowed them , belongings and all , followed by fire from heaven for the religious usurpers . We are to stand well clear of their tents ! No unity , no weakening with the enemies of God . You inspire me on a daily basis Mario !

    • oneglory2014

      Thank you Angie to you and your group for your prayers. Your warning is well taken – we are to stand clear of their tents. Many are speaking of loving our enemy (which is true for the good of their souls) blessing them, praying for them and reaching out to them and while true it doesn’t mean we go beyond our common public ground and commingle in the intimate places; mental or spiritual. If you have a loved one that believes the wicked are good you pray that their eyes will be open and you love them but you do not enter in to a false belief to show your love for them – Even if we co-habitate in this physical world we must maintain our position in trying to live holy lives before Yeshua and yield our mouths to His service speaking truth in love. It will not be recognized as being loving where Truth is not loved but it is our task to stand clear of their tents. What a practical reminder that is!

      • Jose Zambrano

        Absolutely spot on, Brother Mario! Thank you for always speaking the truth with boldness and clarity under God’s anointing.
        God continue to greatly bless you and use you in this war we’re in for the soul of America.

    • Donna McDonald

      God bless you 4 in Melbourne Angie for your faithfulness to pray consistently for righteousness to prevail in America! God has seen and is answering for He looks for those who will stand in the gap and build up a hedge! Our Wednesday prayer group in Dinuba, California is in total agreement….God is arising with mighty acts! And yes we thank God for Mario’s obedience in posting manna from the heart of God!!!

      • Angie

        We have numerous American friends , visited there multiple times , fellowshipped with an American church and in essence we love America and think the vast majority of Americans are great people . I am saddened and angry to see what is happening there and pray for repentance and mercy towards you with many souls to come to the Lord from this time of darkness .

  20. Nancy Rugnetta

    You speak the truth, Mario……..Did you notice that Biden didn’t end his speech like other presidents with, “And, God bless America”?

  21. Lydia Gugich

    Thank you for speaking truth. No one else is.
    Each day this administration rolls out another intrusive law without comment or input by Republicans. Talk about being disenfranchised! Our tax dollars are being used to fund Democrat-Progressive causes that promote evil, while refusing to help Republican states in dire need.
    I have never seen such blatant and fraudulent power grabs in my life.
    I agree with you that now is not the time to compliment the Emperor’s new clothes, now is the time to repent and cry out to God!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  22. davidsstones

    > Is it good to find something commendable in Biden’s speech? Is it good a tree bears both good and bitter fruit?
    > The first 13 minutes is the damning fuel that burns throughout the next 13 political-moral minutes.
    posted by Charlie Kirk – Fr. Billy Kosco out of St. Henry’s Parish in Buckeye, Arizona delivers an absolute SMACKDOWN of pro-abortion catholics & Joe Biden.
    Rev Elizabeth Anna Glover

  23. GloriaE Riegsecker

    For a year or more I have felt that pastors are standing down and more concerned with not offending their church. I have been praying about the apathy in the church. I so wholeheartedly support what you said. It is truth and “christians” better wake up or be swallowed up in the lies of the enemy. Thank you.

  24. Dorothea Coffee

    Thank you Mario for SPEAKING up for righteousness.
    Yesterday in Scotland U.K. the following bill was passed in the Scottish Parliament…
    No one is allowed to be offended!!!!!

    A Hate Crime Bill


    Fury as SNP’s bill ‘restricting free speech’ approved.

    The legislation, introduced by the SNP, creates a new criminal offence of “stirring up hatred”. THIS CAN BE APPLIED TO CONVERSATIONS THAT TAKE PLACE IN PRIVATE HOMES as well as the public sphere.

    Scottish Tory MSP Murdo Fraser tweeted: “A shameful day for Scotland as the Hate Crime Bill passes – a law that will restrict free speech.”

    Is this the beginning of ‘the underground church in the U.K.?

    Thank you again for your voice


    Sent from Dorry Coffee – iPhone

    • Claudia

      Mario – There is no going down the middle of the freeway. If we would do that we would be hit by the traffic going in both directions. In these past decades there has been a false message about loving everyone and everything they say and do. If we stand up against the homosexual agenda, we are labeled unloving. Well…did or did not God rain fire and brimstone on Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim ? Jesus minced no words when he called the church hypocrites of his day VIPERS, SNAKES, HYPOCRITES, WHITED SEPULCHURS, full of uncleanness and dead men’s bones. It just so happens that Joe Biden is the head of a crime family. I found out many months ago what kind of things Hunter Biden did to 10 year old girls in China, and the whole family is guilty in so many ways. They have betrayed the American people, miserably,
      and have hurt the TRUE PRESIDENT through TREASONOUS ACTS. Why should anyone praise the name of Joe Biden ? We don’t need another Al Capone in our White House !! Keep up the good work and others will catch on to what brainwash has been indoctrinated into their minds and hearts. If you were to throw rose petals around and preach about a God who accepts just anything and everything, you would turn people into wishy washy marshmallows. Would a holy God approve ??

  25. miggyanne

    I TOTALY agree with you though I am not a preacher and neither am I American but British. I have the heaviest burden I have ever experienced in my life in intercession aobut what is happening with you all.
    I never even knew te difference between the 2 parties until Trump came on the scene! Many thanks for sending these I never miss reading any,

  26. Jodi Maze

    Pastor Murillo, the truth will stand when the world is on fire. Preach on Brother!

  27. Aletha (Maisie) Birkelbach

    Amen Brother Mario. Keep standing! You made some excellent points. Civility is out the window. You understand that apart from a wave of Holy Spirit fire across this nation, then all is lost. It is our only hope. Keep fighting the good fight.

  28. Roger Culwell

    It saden’s me to see that some found confort or any truth in such lie’s and methods of control, to more our les agree with pure evil, we do not agree with pure evil, we do not un ite with it, we come out of it and stand against it, and that speech was nothing but pure evil, try to take away our right’s and force a Vaccine on us, that does nothing for Covid, but rather is gene thearpy, that kills mens sperms, B. Gates another way to control population, and cause’s your immune system to work over time, and cause inflammation, and other bad thing’s, any thing they want we should run from, how do we condone what God condemns, we have bowed to baal, and are partnering with him, we allow evil plain and simple and God will not bless or heal our land with Christian agree with this evil, there is no decency among this people, they cancel good childrens books, and cartoons like Speedy Gonzales, and Dumbo, but allow child porn, adult porn, and dirty video games, while some have pizza parties with Children to sooth there apotite, The Holy Spirit will not move in a people who even back such, which most have told him they want him any way, that what they mean when they say tone it down, you can’t tone him down with out quinching him, and offending him, he is preaching he is running things, he does not obey you, you yeld to and obey him, he is God, thats how they mainly ran him out of the Church, they were doing it to me, when God said go and prepare for whats coming I didn’t understand it at the time, but when they said tone it down, I thought it’s not me preaching it’s him, and I will do what he says, not man I will not tone him down or try and put the fire out, I might not have gotten invited back, but he give’s my message’s and I preach what he say’s, the Church for the most part have offended him, not me I can’t live with out him, he has brought me through so much, and he will do the talking and preaching through me, the POB came in and pushed a Love that is not of God and told every body the one’s who preached with fire were prideful and arrogant, and turned the people against them, and ushered in these horse wisphers as preachers, who just whisper, and do not raise there voice, nor do they teach and preach the word, most told you, you had to come to them for a word, and boy when I told them we could go straight to Jesus now, and they were like a harlot on the street corner with a sign saying there price, they tried there best to destroy me, but allow of it was a plan of the enemy to take power and presence out of the Church and they did, and the fight out of the people, and look they push transgender,which castrate’s and mutilates the men, but does nothing to the women, they kill babies, and make the men faminist, some where there’s an angry woman responseable for that, but we must some how stand and fight and rebirth the Holy Spirit back in the Church, and we don’t do that by trying to get along with devils and agreeing with them, that speech was full of manipulation and control, and deception, and pure evil, we won our independence a long time ago, we just have a people who are not tuned in to the Holy Spirit, it’ seems they heard a different speach than the one’s who are awake did, there asleep, and don’t even know it, Lord help the wake up before its to lait, its like the Jews being led to the gas chamber’s, and they just follow right to their death, so deceived they don’t even know where the path goes they are being led down, Father help us it’s happening again, let us see truth before it’s to late, let us get back in touch with the Spirit of Truth before its to late, [ Holy Spirit] open eyes so they can see Lord. We must stand our ground and speak out loudly, even though as they tell me be sweet, to much sugar gives can cause diabetes and kill you, you don’t fead a child cake and ice cream all the time, or milk all the time, you give them meat and potato’s, and teach them how to stand, and we have had a lack of that in the body, I told them the word said we are salt, and we have gotten so sweet we can’t stand and fight or preach the word, because we are afraid we will offend, or lose a follower, some can say they never made any one angry, or upset, thats right and you never preached the word, or changed any thing, you were to sweet, but this is whats preached today, lost a few but truth is truth, we are supposed to be the mighty army of God, not the sweet army of God, time to really repent and turn from our wicked ways and follow the real Jesus and give the Holy Spirit complete control, I know not to many like me, but we have to get tough and try to take this nation back or she will be gone for ever, God called me because I won’t back down, and man have they tried to chew me up and spit me out, and destroy me, a couple top preacher’s here in America say whether you make it or not, they think, but as long as I do what Jesus and the Holy spirit tells me I made it in their book, and thats who I want to hear say you made it, because then I will be successful, and get the highest approval that any one could ever get. and that will make me a winner. SOME STILL NEED TO TURN AND REPENT, BECAUSE WHEN THEY REALLY CHANGE THE SOCIAL MEDIA WILL BURST FORTH WITH DISRUPTION ABOUT ALL THIS EVIL GOING ON RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE HIS SPIRIT DOES NOT ALLOW THIS EVIL, MY DOESN’T ALLOW IT MINE GETS UPSET AND TRIES TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, AND SO SHOULD THERE’S IF THEY REALLY REPENTED AND TURNED, FOR THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH DOESN’T ALLOW EVIL. We need to check ourselves. God Bless sir

    • archaios6

      many are called, few are blessed with wisdom. Teachers need to stand together to fight a common enemy. thank you for sharing your many insights that bring truth to the many that are lost but not forgotten

  29. wilcashhotmailcom

    Mario, what I heard was truth and hope. God is with us!! Thank you and may God bless us all as we stand for the grace of our Lord to be upon us!!

    Sent from my iPhone

  30. Joe Ventura

    No you were not wrong. Please keep telling the truth. America needs to hear the truth.

  31. wilcashhotmailcom

    Mario, your words gave me comfort that there is still truth out there. With Biden’s first statement being nothing but a lie I became very distressed and started my prayers that God would be seen. You are our Savior’s voice in these very dangerous and trying times!!
    Please continue to speak God’s truth. All Christians need to hear truth not just know truth. Thank you and Blessings as only God can give!!


    Sent from my iPhone

    • greatgran141

      I applaud you for not apologizing also. You based your reasons on Biblical truth and we must not water down that truth or encourage others to do so. I find it hard to fathom why those who seized power in our country just to ruin it for all of us are allowed to get away with it. I grieve for all who listen to the lies and believe them; believe that because he has the title of “President” that he must be telling the truth. I mourn for loved ones who can’t recognize the evil being forced on our nation because they pick out maybe one little policy point that they agree with, and ignore the murder of babies, the lying, the damage to our liberty and freedoms, the trashing of our constitution, the blatant espousing of all things anti-God and anti-Christian and anti-common decency/morality. Thank you for standing for righteousness and bearing that example for the rest of us.

  32. Greta Mullan

    Mario you are SPOT ON. THANK YOU FOR STANDING UP AND SPEAKING UP.  My heart is heavy for all who don’t see and comprehend whats going on. I don’t know why God has allowed me to see it but I do.  GOD BLESS YOU. Greta Mullan

  33. margi.kw@verizon.net

    Thank you
    Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS

  34. Kina Pearce

    You spoke TRUTH! That speech was a waste of time and full of Hooey and lies. Thank you. I declare America WILL BE saved.
    Kina Pearce

  35. Audrey

    I thank God for you Mario and your Uncompromising Light of Truth shines Bright in the midst of such tremendous darkness. The Word says that The Righteous are as Bold as a Lion. Glory to God, your life truly radiates both the Lion and the Lamb. You have such amazing Compassion for lost and wounded souls. We are in battle for the heart and soul of this nation and warfare isn’t popular in this man pleasing society. You have taken your orders from the Captain of your salvation and you will never back down or quit. Stay the course for many souls are touched by your Obedience to write these much needed Words for such a time as this. Psalm 85:10

  36. John Cento

    ?? times 10,000 good brother ! Lord grant your servant favor whereby his position reflects yours in every respect and they will be able “to see” your truth in what Mario presents ?
    John T. Cento Overseer Mission WildfireInternational 407-619-4015 cell Email: missionwildfire .org Website: missionwildfire.org I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Him through your deepening intimacy with Him.” (Ephesians 1:17 TPT)

  37. Denise

    Thank you Mario for writing the truth. Please don’t stop & we need to continue to pray for America.

  38. Linda Taylor

    I love you Mario!! You speak truth into this crazy world. May all Christian leaders wake up!!

  39. Horek

    Thank you for your clear uncompromising message. If we don’t bow we will not burn.
    Ekkehard sent from my iPhone

  40. Linda

    We can only be thankful that God does not retaliate against sin and disobedience as was written about in the Old Testament…whole armies drowned – first born dying not under the blood – grounds opening up and swallowing whole families …..He is merciful and just to continually forgive us …at some point He will say enough of our evil doings ….
    Sent from my iPad

  41. Kim

    Agree 100% Anyone give ear to those standing and promoting evil, are out of tune with the Lord. Thank you for continuing to be a voice for His truth when the world needs it most! “Titans” … that made me laugh…. let’s remember what happened to the last round of ‘titans’ ~

  42. Mary J.

    Mario we agree with you! We should love our enemies and be as innocent as doves BUT we are to be as wise as serpents. There is a place and a need for both gentleness and boldness. Only the Holy Spirit can safely direct us through these last days.

  43. Lloyd Hofferth

    Thanks for seeing the truth and speaking out.

  44. joyce miller

    I am so thankful that God has put the fire I. You to warn us & remind us that God is not happy how these leaders are changing AMERICA! Keep preaching the truth ‘ exposing the evil!!! Pray all of our spirit filled pastors & children of God start speaking About what the BIBLE says about SIN! Stop thinking about Offending people!!’ Stay strong!! ??????
    Sent from my iPhone

  45. Freda Crump

    Thank you!
    Sent from my iPhone

  46. Pam Morrison

    I am so grateful for your posts. We would despair without voices like yours. You mentioned Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I also think of Richard Wurmbrand who stood up against the Romanian communists.
    I couldn’t stand to watch the Biden speech but watched analysis of it so I saw clips. His anti-American, anti-woman, anti-baby government is disgusting. We, as Christians must pray, but we’re going to have to also act.
    We need to speak up as you are saying.
    And those who are saying the Christian thing to do is be nice and get along with all of this are ignoring our history and scripture.

  47. Mary Ann


  48. Patricia

    Thank you for speaking the truth. When I saw those eyes of JBiden it was like looking at pure evil. A demon in disguise? Please never apologize. Truth is what we need and faith that God will be merciful to all who call out to him.
    God Bless you Mario keep on preaching your winning souls for the kingdom.

  49. Mary Clark

    No Mario, NO! YOU WERE NOT WRONG!!! I do not know who those Christian leaders are but they sound to me like they are starting to wear down. This is dangerous. That’s like saying there is some good in what Hitler said. But let’s take this a little further, was there some good in what satan said to Eve in the garden?? I mean after all, the tree did look good to eat of, right? Sheesh.
    If you give him an inch, well as Andrew Wommack says: satan will eat your lunch and pop the bag!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for standing and speaking Truth!!
    Standing with you, Mary Clark
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 2:49 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  50. tealadyrhodes

    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  51. Theresa McKenzie

    Thank you so much Mario for your bold strong stand for the church and our nation. I admire the fire of God in you! Please keep it up as we pray the church listen and obey ?
    Sent from my iPhone

  52. Peggy

    You plainly spoke the truth, thank you for taking a stand and being a voice for us who don’t have platforms

  53. John Willoughby

    No you hit this dead on “Hit me again I can still hear him “ JW
    Sent from my iPhone

  54. Jayne Hayden

    Heavenly Father, please annoint Your Shepherds to lead us with Your great love and integrity, and to guide us with Your fierce discernment, confidence, and in power of the Holy Spirit.
    Thank you Mario and God Bless you, for you are a Truth Warrior and Great Shepherd to the Kingdom.

  55. Valerie L Gottschalk

    Do NOT relent. You are in the right place. The righteousness of the Father will never share a place with evil and lies.

  56. Joyce

    Please don’t back down! You are speaking the truth.

  57. Jan DiMillo

    God help us,now
    No more of them telling us what we need to do,in the name of Jesus
    (No gab fo me)
    My Facebook is down,trying to figure out what to do, no cell phone and I’m not good with this technology…so glad i got your messages on my gmail, God Bless You

  58. E

    I agree with you totally Mario and iI stand firm in the word of the Lord !! Wake up Church !

  59. Gayle Saksa

    Dear Mario,

    I have been watching Flashpoint since the late summer of 2020 when the Dish Network I subscribe to started to carry the Victory network. From the time you began to join the panel on Victory I came to appreciate your candor, zeal for God and the lost & for truth in our Land & so did my best friend Sally in WI. Based on your tent gatherings I have begun to support you and you said right from the beginning that you were not a political pastor but were compelled by God’s Holy Spirit to speak out against the injustice of a fraudulent election and the raising up of political figures who have rejected Father God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and the Word of God in our government!

    So there is a balance for you that, on one hand, you need to speak out against the tyranny of a rogue government and its propped up (literally) fake president and all the lies being forced on us including the pandemic/vaccination necessity & on the other hand there is a call from God for you to speak out to those who are negated in our society & to gather the lost and win souls and heal minds and bodies with signs and wonders to follow!

    Therefore going forward you need to follow God’s leading and speak out as you did in the blog about the fake presidents speech and couple it with proclaiming what God is doing in CA to gather souls to hear a message about His Son our Marvelous Savior. For me, that will bring the attention of many who see the lies and hypocrisy but need to know what is the answer which is… – That many become members of Gods family by accepting the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Then, I believe, we will have an army that can go forth and change the direction that the enemy is trying to take us!

    We wrestle NOT with flesh and blood but we recognize the enemy of our souls hates us because God loves us enough to send His Son and to give us new life when we are Born Again!

    Speak the truth because that IS Love and win souls because God’s Word says He who wins souls is wise and I believe you are a wise man!

    Blessings on You, Your Family and Ministry in the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ
    Your loving Sisters in Christ,
    Gayle & Sally (Another Sister in Christ in WI)

    Gayle A Saksa
    5 Elm Court
    East Haven, CT 06512

    T. 203 468.5232
    C. 203 305.8813
    E. gaidyannie@outlook.com

  60. Sandy Hayes

    I agree with you. I have a friend who works around them he Washington. He says…. When you re around them, you sense the presence of evil. If I were free to tell you who. I would. As a devoured Christian ,this spokesman…has spoken truth. Thank you for doing the same Sandy Hayes A new follower
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  61. Jan DiMillo

    Thank You for being a light in this darkness And all the comments i read are right,we belong to Christ Jesus ♥️♥️♥️
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 2:33 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

    • greatgran141

      I can’t imagine any Christian leader liking what Biden says or stands for. Perhaps just trying to be politically correct instead of biblically correct? So sorry for them.

  62. Pat Wilcox

    No, please keep doingwhat you’re doing,
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 2:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  63. John R.


  64. Jeanne Locante

    Amen!!!!! Thank you for standing and not giving in!! We need more voices like yours!

  65. Connie Kilfeather

    Thank you for standing on God’s truths and obeying His Voice and not capitulating to these “Christian leaders.” When I read your blogs it reminds me of “a voice in the wilderness.”



  67. Matthew S

    Joe Biden is the forerunner of what Rev 13 refers to. The image was given breath. Joe Biden is a shell of a man portraying the image of a president whose every breath is given to him by someone or something else. He speaks as a ventriloquists doll. He walks like a marionette. His thoughts are not his own. He causes all, both small and great, to ‘worship’ the god of (so called) science. None will be able to gather to buy or sell without the mark of the vaccine.

    • Mary Lou German

      Exactly right.

  68. Jeanne Balfanz

    Dear Mario, I am in agreement with you! Do not let the lies and tactics of the enemy influence your bold and necessary speaking of God’s truth. I read your post each day and it is giving me hope and strategy to stand for God and America! I stand united with you! I was not familiar with you until recently and you are one that I trust to do what is critical for the kingdom
    May the Lord protect you, give you boldness, encouragement and favor! Know that many many many are hearing you and being influenced by you. I am grateful for your courage.
    Continue to be strong and courageous! I am praying for you in Minnesota!
    Jeannie Balfanz

  69. Judy from Canada

    Bravo! Well said. I believe God is waiting for his church to rise up!

  70. eanndw22

    No you were not wrong. He is the front face of Satan. The razor-wire fence stands testament to their evil plans, plans they know will enrage the people On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 2:33 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  71. Tessia Davenport

    I agree 100%!!!! You are not wrong!
    Sent from my iPhone

  72. Vicki Hart

    Preach it, Brother! Your voice has held the fresh air of truth throughout the attempted takeover of America. God will prevail!!

  73. RAFO

    Mario, these church “leaders” you mention are deprived of good old fashioned discernment… they don’t know who the enemy is (Satan) and they’re not able to discern his minions (O’Biden). There’s NOTHING good that can come out of the devil’s mouth, a traitorous demonic mouth, so why should Christians pretend to praise the great usurper?? O’Biden represents pure evil and has come to kill and destroy everything we Patriots hold dear. NO QUARTER should be given this man and his followers, as they are Satanic and follow their leader. Light has NOTHING to do with darkness. When are we going to wake up and realize God has allowed this to happen to draw us ever closer to Him?? The sooner us Christians get right with God the sooner He’ll repair the breach in our land! It’s not about the unsaved… IT’S ABOUT US!!

  74. L'Angel de la Mer

    I stand tall with you E. Murillo, against the evil.
    I am in agreement.

  75. lia.soetje

    You did the right thing Mario.  Continue to stick by your guns.  There are many churches/pastors that are not only nieve (clueless) but are in lock step with the deep state.Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note8, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

  76. Karen Morris

    My spirit was roiled at his speach. I shouted ‘NO’ when he said we must trust the government. I could barely listen to him. At some points I laughed out loud at his blatant lies. He was speaking to us like we are children who needed to follow his lead. This is an outrage and a falsehood that should move us to take our freedom by force (not violence, of course).
    I’m in agreement with you Mario…whoever is not, cannot see what is happening yet and my prayers include them who don’t yet know. ________________________________

  77. Barbara

    NO, you were and are right! He’s a thief and a liar, who is mentally and physically ill and should not be talking or addressing anyone or anything to do with God or America! He’s programmed, God expose the truth in Jesus name!

  78. chris sack

    Don’t give up or retract a syllable, we are with you, Mario. The mainstream church in America must repent.

  79. Steve Petets

    Thank you for continuing to be our mouthpiece. I am with you all the way. You are my encourager for me to speak up to those around me.

  80. Beth

    Mario, yours is the voice of The Remnant . Theirs is the voice of the lukewarm church whose fault it is that we are in this mess.

  81. Connie Sherman

    Thank you so much for continuing to speak the truth. Praying for our nation and especially the church to wake up and speak out. Love your ministry and know God is continuing to open doors for you. Blessings, Connie Sherman
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 1:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  82. John R.

    Thank you Mario for speaking out against this evil administration.
    I am dismayed over the number of Christian leaders who continue to fawn over Biden, despite his radical pro-abortion stance and socialist policies that will eventually transform the country into a totalitarian state, if not challenged.
    The ongoing battle for America boils down to freedom vs tyranny, free market enterprise vs socialism.
    On one side, you have Democrat leaders like Biden, Pelosi and Schumer who believe people should serve the state and those who control it, and others like Trump and the GOP at large which believe government exists to serve the people.
    The Democrats want a one-party system – their party – that controls all levers of power. Having successfully perfected voter fraud in last year’s Presidential election, they want to replicate it in all future elections. That’s why Democrats introduced HR-1 bill because it will make it easier to cheat and manipulate election results.
    Never forget that far-left’s goal is to create a powerful, centralized government that will vanquish states’ rights and subjugate all citizens to the ruling elite – the unifying feature of all totalitarian states, whether it’s Cuba, China, Russia or Venezuela.
    Pray that the Lord will restrain this evil that’s descending over our nation.

    • T2020


  83. Joyce Jones

    Mario, you are like the prophet Jeremiah and what you say is true. The words that came out of your mouth were voicing the words that we all were thinking so I know they are from The Ruach haKodesh. You are holding up the standard for all of us to see and it keeps us focused and strong in these dark days. Many Blessings on you this day. Shabbat Shalom.

  84. Muriel Paulson

    I appreciate your strong stand on God’s Word. I pray more and more of God’s people will also stand. Thank you.

  85. grady sumner

    Thank you for speaking TRUTH, praying God will open the eyes and ears of all Americans and Gods mercy will be upon our nation, IN GOD WE TRUST
    Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________

  86. Jeanette Elswick

    What lies ahead for you Mario, verses what is in store for those luke warm pastors…keep preaching. God’s anointing is all over you.

  87. Retha

    I agree people better wake up…

  88. karen44724

    Karen Heller

  89. fredsheltonministries

    Keep speaking the truth Mario, Joe B. Is the mouth piece of Lucifer himself. We need to be wary of Christian leaders who find good in that speech. That entire speech was filled with threats against God’s people. Many of these “leaders” are going to console their congregation while they are banned as terrorists and outlawed in the public square. Then they will tell them they have to submit to every law of man. FEMA began training pastors for this 15 years ago. It is beyond time for the eagles to leave the turkey yard!

    • T2020



    No! By all means, no!
    Den lör 13 mars 2021 08:37Mario Murillo Ministries skrev:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  91. Rrlamb1

    It is so refreshing to read what is really going on and I for one who has just become aware of you am going to be praying for your ministry.  Every thing you said about the Biden speech seems so obvious that we have lost sight of our heritage, especially preachers, don’t back down!  Genesis 3, a warning about giving in to the temptation to be their own god.  Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Tsidkenu
    Sent from the all new Aol app for iOS

  92. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Amen! and Amen!
    This is the way of the Prophet Evangelist, tells it like it is. PERIOD!
    Reposted to Facebook…

  93. Emily Creech

    Thank you for your posts. They are encouraging as well as very eye opening. As a senior who can not be physically involved in church or the community, I am praying all of the time for our beloved country. My prayers are for you and your ministry, for multitudes to be radically saved. God bless you!Emily Creech
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  94. Janet Murphy

    Anyone know who these Christian leaders were that found good in Biden’s speech? Mario, don’t listen to them. You are saying the right things. When July 4th rolls around and there are new restrictions again, they will understand their foolishness. When the church is forced to perform gay marriages or be shut down, they will understand their foolishness. Also, because the church is still so needful of discipline, I am sorry to say that the I don’t believe the “prophetic” voices are correct that very soon a quick turnaround is coming. But I hope I am wrong.

    • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

      [Also, because the church is still so needful of discipline, I am sorry to say that the I don’t believe the “prophetic” voices are correct that very soon a quick turnaround is coming]
      Sadly, have to agree. 2 Chronicles 7:14 remains key. But, the little word “Humble themselves” is a stopper in our modern culture. “We’ve” all got *the Word*, we’ve all got it together. But, like the Laodecian church we remain pitiful, blind and poor…
      I fear we are about to let our pride for Father to call His church home, and remove His hand from America entirely.

  95. SMZ

    Thank you so much for your blogs.
    I dont know anyone in leadership that is taking a public stand against this evil but you. It seems like Pastors are walking on eggs trying not to draw attention to themselves. But that didn’t stop the lockdowns and closing of churches which we needed open.
    Planned Parenthood didn’t lockdown, and was able to murder over 350,000 babies during 2020’s biological warfare from China.
    We the People have lost the WH after turning out in record numbers to vote. WE no longer have a Congess, their trying to bankrupt us, lower Courts won’t hear evidence, neither will the Supreme Court. This is the reality of what we’re facing.
    Thank you Mario, for being a vioce in this wilderness.

  96. mjpeery

    Mario, Thank you for always speaking the truth and calling out the establishment church.  Blessings, Mary Peery 
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  97. Sharon Bowen

    You are not wrong and I support what you wrote 100%!
    Sharon ?

  98. Shelley

    Awesome message as always, Mario!!! Right in every way!!

  99. barbara527

    Thank you for truth!! Keep speaking it please. We need it.

  100. Claudia MacPhee

    Thank you, Mario, for staying true! If there was anything redeeming in this “administration”, Joe Biden would come before the American people, confess what’s been done to the people, leave the office he’s been planted in and seek the restoration of the legitimate government of the United States of America! If there was any doubt of the illegitimacy of this forced regime, after seeing what has been perpetrated on the people of this nation in the last 50 days, it’s been proven there is NOTHING about this that honors firstly, our God, and secondly, the people “they” say “they” represent. Not one action has been done for the betterment of our citizens! Not to mention, in this outrageous “bill” they’ve given back our individual taxpayers money to the baby murdering machine known as planned parenthood absolutely AGAINST OUR WILL as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Creator! we cannot, we MUST NOT, condone and accept this administration. It’s not “kind” or “right” or even remotely the example of who Jesus was and is to do so. We all need to go back and read the first four gospels in the new Testament and study how Jesus operated in a corrupt government and yet had such love and compassion for all who would come to Him. There is our example; IN HIM is our hope, peace and salvation of the United States of America – the nation God Himself established to take His Word to the corners of the earth!

  101. lindayeatts

    Mario, I trust I don’t offend by using only your first name. I avidly applaud your insight, verbal assessment and commentary of the Biden (or preparer/handler of) speech.  I know you will continue to Speak Truth.There can be NO compromise with the Voice of Evil being perpetuated on this Nation.  We must NOT remain silent as this Voice of Evil continues to ABUSE the Authority, Authenticity and Morality of God’s Word and Rightful position of the Church in this Nation. I am apalled at the compromised nationalist ‘christian’ voices who are nothing more than ‘wolves in sheeps clothing’ leading a multitude of sleeping sheep over the Cliff of Compromise. Keep speaking with your strong Holy Spirit inspired and driven prophetic voice of evangelism! Godspeed??Linda Yeatts
    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  102. L J L

    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:34 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  103. hredhawk1942

    Mario, Please know that there are many of us who understand the masquerade of the enemy and those who are working with him. We can never agree with the enemy on ANY point without regard to how friendly it may appear. The enemy nor his workers ever do anything good or ever speak the truth. It is not what they are. If it APPEARS good, you can rest assured it is only a Trojan horse.
    Be strong and of good courage. Continue to speak the truth, continue to fight the good fight, do not back down, do not turn away. Blessings,
    Harry Leonard
    This e-mail and any attachment is intended solely for the addressed recipient(s) and contains information that may be confidential. If you are not the correct recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your system immediately. Any use, dissemination or copying of this email by any person or entity other than the addressed recipient(s) is prohibited.
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 2:31 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  104. barbmlee

    Oh my goodness no, you were not wrong!
    I am so confused when I see “us” not seeming to understand what is going on!! And wanting to find good where there is no good. No calling evil, evil! It IS evil and we need to be clear about this. I hear people say, well, there may have been fraud. WHAT?? There was obvious fraud all over the place in our face!!! We are not stupid!!
    You speak with clarity and grace and fearlessness and that’s exactly what kind of leadership we need right now.
    Thank you!!
    Barbara Lee

  105. HUSTUSA


  106. June Ericsson

    Dear Friends,  I am writing on behalf of my extended family of 12 people.  Please express to Mario our COMPLETE AGREEMENT WITH WHAT HE HAS WRITTEN HERE!  WE ARE SO PROUD OF THE STAND THAT HE IS TAKING FOR GOD, AND WE ARE ALSO TAKING THAT STAND. And you don’t really even need ANYONE’S agreement, because you have chosen to side with GOD!!!  Thank you for your good example to those who truly believe.  We love you and are continually praying for you and the Kingdom works that God has called you to.  Much love + blessings, The Ericsson Family  XO    

  107. NickT

    No Mario I agree, you are doing what God wants you to do. I wouldn’t be reading your blogs if you were a silent wishy-washy preacher. Lead the charge we are behind you we can’t let a fake government control us! We must speak out for our freedoms. Yes, winning souls is first but winning America back is
    needed also, over half the country is with us! We must restore justice to our nation and not let these evil politicians get away with what they have done and are going to do. I know God is on our side for justice and good and not their evil ways! Preach it, Mario!

  108. Toni Benner

    I am with you, Mario! We can’t go along with what the Democrats have done and continue to do.

  109. Molly Hintz

    Please Please don’t back down one inch!! There are so many that have heard from God as you have and agree with you. The lack of discernment concerning what is taking place in our nation is embarrassing. Our leaders in the church must stop compromising!!!
    Thank you and many blessings! Molly Hintz Marietta GA
    Sent from my iPhone

  110. HUSTUSA

    HUSTUSA ________________________________

  111. Lauri Karaglanis

    Dear Mario,
    I absolutely agree with your assessment of our government. I don’t understand how any church leader can say there is anything redeeming about this Administration. The weakness they are jamming through in the name of unity is horrific. I would love to sit in a church and hear you preach the word. We need your boldness in the Church! God Bless you! I thank God for you and look forward to reading your blog daily!
    In Christ’s Love, Lauri

  112. NickT

    By the way, My wife and I watch Victory\ Flashpoint channel on youtube every Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm.
    Great informative show and so true…

  113. Karen Mahan

    I thank God for your courage in boldly speaking the truth. Please do not be discouraged or silenced!

  114. archaios6

    Revelation (for the bold who dare to reach out and understand without judging)
    …As babies become adults, students become teachers, seeking to understand the miracles life offers. There are many paths of learning. A few choose isolation, many become part of a family to learn how to, share, love, understand the mechanics of life. We are all part of the whole but are separated to learn and reach out at what makes us whole. Something is missing, as we search to find what draws us to believe. Most call this missing piece GOD. A misconception that HE holds the key to unravel what everyone seeks. The Almighty is the way to truth and peace, where we shed the embodiment and accept a body of light. The scales are removed from the eyes, so we can see and understand what was divided, becomes whole. As students preparing to become teachers, the Keeper of wisdom opens the vault of time where all mysteries are kept.
    First lesson: is compassion linked to memory. Second lesson: grace seated with protocol/laws. There are many lessons and students, very few teachers. The realm of learning is infinite. The human family are but a sliver, steppingstone, in the universal garden of knowledge. To watch a pebble become a mountain, a seed become a tree, a fertilized egg creating a baby, the wonders are endless, the formula simple. The Creator of this miraculous process is known by many names, only a few are chosen to teach what was forgotten when the “soul/word” entered the embodiment to explore what was created as a playground for students seeking what the “word” is related to. So many are fascinated with the toys scattered on the planet’s playground, few will reach out and seek the tool of learning, sitting in the sandbox/tabernacle of time. Fear cripples the soul. Third lesson: perhaps a negative, many are called, few are chosen because of doubts and commitments.
    Thank you Mario for the truth and teaching you share. You are truly one who reached out for the key of wisdom

  115. HUSTUSA

    BROTHER…think of a flock of sheep…they all turn away from danger…AS A GROUP!!! WAS IT TRULY DANGEROUS TO THE ENTIRE GROUP???
    HUSTUSA ________________________________

  116. Cathy T.

    My spirit had the same reaction watching the fake, phony president. It was actually creepy.
    Thankfully there are those who have the Avenue to voice the truth.
    My prayers are for you and your team as you spread God’s love, salvation and truth. May God’s words be heard with hearts.

  117. DD

    I couldn’t watch the whole speech. All I could say is liar, liar, liar. He’s been a reprobate pathological liar his whole career.

  118. Judi Elliott

    Thank you, Mario, for speaking truth, clarity, and reality into a nation, especially many in the Church, seduced by deception. Regardless of candidate, that any Christian, no matter how “well meaning” could vote for a party that is vehemently in favor of killing babies, among many other ungodly policies, is beyond me. This is not a time for pastors and leaders to play nice with tempering the truth. May God continue to strengthen you with courage and clear vision. Blessings.

  119. larry

    PREACH THAT, I pray daily for God’s hand to be with you, your ministry, and your family. Where are the other Church leaders why are they not speaking out? Who knows what the vaccines long term issues will be, I believe this virus isn’t as dangerous as the socialist people who are charge right now. Matthew 5:15 MSG
    “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
    THANK YOU, for your love and courage

  120. Colleen Davies

    We 100% unequivocally agree with you. We are praying for you. You have our total support. THANK YOU for the bold stand you are taking. There are not enough words to say how much we appreciate it.
    Colleen and Matt Davies. Sent from my iPhone

  121. Jessica Rogers

    I am in absolute agreement. I read the feel good post from a well known minister about Bidens speech and thought the same thing you just stated. Its time for The Church to stand up. Awaken and Arise. Praying for California (by birth place-Oakland) and the up coming Modesto Outpouring!!
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 1:45 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  122. Naomi Kauffman

    Mario, The Lord bless you and keep you and give you peace. Thank you for speaking truth and this powerful message.

  123. Anonymous

    Never apologize. It is evil and we must discern the spirits and the signs of the times.
    I stand firmly with you pastor Murillo.
    Thank you for your voice.

    Get Outlook for iOS

  124. Gary Kayser

    Preach the word we cannot compromise with evil.

  125. David Carroll

    great word brother.

  126. Lisa Algarin

    Mario, I got such a wonderful laugh about what you said on Flashpoint and I even told it to my pastor, not as effectively as you of course, but he also got a good laugh! You tell the truth and that can never be wrong. God bless you abundantly. I never miss a video of yours and thank you for all you do to honor the Father and to fulfill the great commission.

  127. addedperspective2020

    You are 100% on target today! “But before you can ask God to heal the land, admit what the sickness is He needs to heal.”, that is seeing the signs of the times”. Sadly, too many refuse to admit there was election fraud, too many still refuse to pray against the murder of innocent children, too many still refuse to accept the evil of Socialism. We cannot expect God to heal the land by accepting evil. The following headline “Calif. Forces School Kids to Pray to Aztec God of Cannibalism, Pushes ‘Genocide’ Against Whites”. How blatant do the signs of the times have to be before we pray against the evil? https://greatamericanpolitics.com/2021/03/calif-forces-school-kids-to-pray-to-aztec-god-of-cannibalism-pushes-genocide-against-whites/

  128. Sandra

    It’s refreshing and deeply encouraging to hear a Christian leader unequivocally call out the lies and the truth being fleshed out through MSM and the Biden administration. The religious disconnect from government, science, education and business is what got us in this mess…add to that formula a lack of courage inspired by biblical foundations. A righteous man hates falsehood Proverbs 13:5a.
    MARIO, THANK YOU for being such strong unapologetic leader in this day. I would guess that leaders who contend with you for calling our Biden are challenged by their own lack of courage and conviction.

  129. Jeff Pechacek

    Add this to the message for today’s church:
    Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?
    Galatians 4:8‭-‬9 ESV

  130. Bonnie Louise Locke

    I do not think you were wrong! Thank you for your willingness to speak truth, follow the leading of God and for your intense caring about lost souls AND the christian community that have eyes but cannot see and have ears but cannot hear!
    I don’t know if you have heard this song before but if not wanted to share-
    It’s on youtube-Love has overcome- Live with David Binion and Covenant worship!
    [Verse 1]
    Now’s the time for all the world to know Your name
    Now’s the time for every heart to sing Your praise
    No more silence in the church, no more standing to the side
    By Your Spirit we’re empowered
    Let the darkness run and hide, yeah
    Now Your church is rising up
    And Your children singing out
    With Your praise our hearts erupt
    And a song of love resounds
    Be exalted God of all
    In the heavens and ​the earth
    By Your grace we are redeemed
    Love has overcome!
    [Verse 2]
    Everyday let us proclaim Your truth and love
    In Your name, we ask and pray Your kingdom come
    Wake us up so we can see
    We’ve been sleeping long enough
    Time to demonstrate Your power
    We are called to overcome, yeah!
    Now Your church is rising up
    And Your children singing out
    With Your praise our hearts erupt
    And a song of love resounds
    Be exalted God of all
    In the heavens and ​the earth
    By Your grace we are redeemed
    Love has overcome!

  131. Mary Ellen Thurman

    Most respected leader, Mario Murillo: Oh my gosh!! Never back down. The reality of your words, so well written, resonates in my spirit as the cold, hard truth! Such division and confusion by Evangelical leaders may become the ‘falling away’ spoken of in 1 Timothy 4:1. Oh the hearts of men are deep and hard to know (when pride is in their heart). We must be humble and submitted to God. Humility is not silence and agreement. No, humility is to boldly agree with TRUTH and not be afraid to say so, even if you are cast out for it!! I am so grateful and thankful for the voice you are in these confusing times. I believe we are here for such a time as this. We must TRUST in the Lord at all times, fearing HIM, not man! Amen? Amen!! You are prayed for and honored as the leader you are. Thank you. As one in HIM, Emmie
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 12:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  132. sararod52

    Thank you Brother Murillo for standing for righteousness sake! JB’s message was nothing but threats and manipulation served on a bed of false hope and hypocritical caring for the people. It was easy to see past the charade. God bless you and the other front line fighters of freedom! Don’t give up nor give in to the mediocracy some are peddling. Blessings!! Sara

    • Laurie

      Mario, we appreciate all that you do, thank you for showing us the strength we need to trust in Gods words in these dark days. Through your love and devotion we can be encouraged that God will prevail.

  133. Maureen Iverson

    Truth is truth! You spoke truth Mario! As Oswald Chambers said in his book, “unbelief will not accept truth.”

  134. Reed Higby

    Right on, 100%, Brother Mario! DON’T back down or apologize! Ps 94:20 that you quoted says it all – it makes discernment EASY. Plus hundreds of other scriptures! That is part of the huge problem: most so called “christians” don’t read their Bibles and are scripturaly illiterate – or trust dead religious men and women to interpret it for them. Love ya Bro!

  135. Sandra Hutchison

    You spoke the truth!
    Sent from my iPad

  136. Laurel Young

    Preach it, Brother Mario! Don’t stop speaking truth!

  137. Andrea Moré

    THANK YOU for standing up for the TRUTH! More prominent Christian leaders need to as well! I am thankful you and your ministry are doing it! I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I found you on Flashpoint!
    Andrea >
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:42 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  138. Sheila Price

    I must disagree on ONE THING. Those in the biden administration are creations of God but until they receive Jesus AND Holy Spirit they are NOT brothers and sisters in Christ. And this is my constant prayer for them, ALL OF THEM, that God grant them repentance, (2 Timothy 2:25), that they become able minded enough to know they need to override the evil one who controls them and say with sincerity, “Jesus, HELP”, so that HE CAN come into their hearts and clean house. Then I pray for God to overwhelm them with His Love and get them connected with Holy Spirit filled people who will guide and help them become Holy Spirit filled. I pray that for the Biden’s, Harris’s, Obama’s, Pelosi’s, Soros’, and all in Congress and Senate and Supreme Court, as well as State and County governments. Them ALL getting Jesus and Holy Spirit filled are the only way they can be brothers and sisters and it’s the only way for WIN/WIN!
    Love and Blessings
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 2:36 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

    • prayinginok

      I think Mario was talking about the “well-regarded Christian leaders”.

  139. ali

    “But before you can ask God to heal the land, admit what the sickness is He needs to heal.” Are we as a nation praying fox hole prayers? Have we as a nation realized our “own” part in the destruction of America? Have we as a church taken responsibility, as did Daniel, for what is happening in America? Do we yet realize it is “we – not he” who is in need of prayer? Until 2 Chronicles 7:14 becomes reality in we His people, America will continue down this very slippery following in the footsteps of once vibrant nations, now a shell of what could have been…if only! You, we all, must continue to speak truth – too many “pastors” have chosen to look away, refusing to see the beam in their own eye, they pick splinters from the eyes of others. LORD bless. aw/tx

    • archaios6

      thank you for being a patriot of truth.

  140. sbruser52@yahoo.com

    Thank you!
    Sent from my iPhone

  141. Leslie E. Everhart

    Yes Mario, new wine for new wine skins! Amen!

  142. Hilda Winzeler (@hwinzeler)

    the Dems are ruled by Lucifer and Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler and the communist handlers of Biden have passed to being reprobate.

  143. Williamson Paula

    They need to read your book Vessels of Fire and Glory. I stand behind you.
    Sent from my iPhone

  144. Cyndi Goodrich

    May your courage and conviction be contagious! ???????️

  145. Aaron Jackson

    On one hand I am glad that I didn’t know who these Christian leaders are.
    I would like to know names so I can guard the flock God has entrusted me with from there hypocrisy.
    Could someone tell me who these people are and there idiotic comments please?
    Thank you.

  146. prayinginok

    “After the dust settled, and I had prayed, it became clear to me that I had written what God wanted me to write.”
    That is all that matters. 🙂 You are a God-pleaser, not a man-pleaser.

  147. gary@integratedtrustsystems.com

    Brother Mario, A resounding NO! You were not wrong to attack Biden’s speech (I could only stomach about a minute of it). All past indications show, at least to me, that if Biden tells the truth about something, it is to ultimately promote his big lies. He hasn’t changed since the Biden-led Robert Bork debacle in 1987. I believe you are fast becoming the voice of MANY very concerned Christians. I, for one, am 100% with you. I love your demonstration of faith and courage… and leadership. Please keep up the great work. Gary A. Loftsgard, CFP Integrated Trust Systems (AZ) 602-377-9000

  148. mrsbmp

    Too many Psalms prove your message to be spot on. Psalm 18 etc…keep on reading each one. It declares His Glory!

  149. prairieroseinco@juno.com

    You do not need to apologize or back peddle..You are right on! Keep up the good work!

  150. Juanita Bayes

    You indeed spoke the truth about the current administrator holding this office.
    Keep on with what you are doing and may God give you strength and wisdom as you continue to seek Him out and do His will
    Thank you Mario Juanita Wysinger-Bayes

  151. Emery Clark

    Bravo Mario . . .

  152. archaios6

    Mario, the voice of the people are responding to the truth you teach. Other ministers could learn from your integrity. From the remarks, there are solutions to heal a divided nation.

    • archaios6

      Until teachers of truth come together as a team, ineptitude reigns. truth must always lead.

  153. twolistenersorg

    The truth hurts sometimes. A  real Christian and prophet is not afraid to tell the hard truths.
    in my opinion these people are aligning themselves with evil instead of standing against it.

  154. Margaret Lehman

    Thank you for standing strong and being a light in the darkness.
    My reaction when I listened to Biden read the speech was that it was 100% lies.

  155. Teresa

    Mario, so glad you didn’t apologize for what you said about Biden’s speech. You are 100% correct. These so called “Christians leaders” should be ashamed. I’m glad I don’t know who they are or I’d have to repent.

  156. bettytymes

    Dear Mario, I praise and thank God for you and all you are doing! I appreciate your boldness and refusal to back down! I have been so blessed by you sharing on Flashpoint! The ones who are criticizing you are in the wrong! They have failed in their calling! Two of my five children and all five of my siblings are on “the other side” and just will not believe or hear truth! I leave them in the Lord’s hands. God bless you and keep you as you reach California with the Gospel! I’m praying for you!
    Blessings, Betty

  157. Mark Pearson

    Mario, don’t listen to those pastors.  They’re willing to sweep truth under the rug, for their own personal ideals.  You are speaking truth, and the truth is hated by many Christians, sadly.  Jesus was also hated for speaking truth.

  158. shoshanausa

    Thanks Mario for standing strong! We are the vast Majority worldwide, but we need people like you to gather us, to be our voice. You have my back totally!!!
    God is in control. He will turn this evilness down and bring back righteousness, love and care for each other.
    Please God, open the ears and eyes of your people, so they turn around and repent from their wicked ways. Especially the false Church Leaders like Franklin Graham. How dare he to appreciate Biden. Absolutely disappointed in him and God is too.

  159. fromanislandinnewhampshire

    What makes a successful liar is the ability to mix enough truth into the lie to make it sound believable. These respected Christian leaders need to understand that before they can even see the evil coming from the enemy’s mouth, or they will be ineffective in battle. They keep thinking people aren’t that bad. We are dealing with a deadly foe who is playing to look like a savior. You’ve got to understand that first.

  160. Rochelle Smith

    Thank you Mario. I tell my friends you keep hitting home runs out of the park with your daily blogs. DON’T back down. Continue to be bold and courageous. You are setting an example for all of us who follow Jesus. We need to hear His voice of truth that deals with the reality we are living in.
    Sent from my iPhone

    • Lynne

      Amen brother Mario!

  161. P&M Villa

    Yep, and Proverbs 24:23-25 says it!!!
    God bless you,

  162. Rebecca Beverly

    Thank you for speaking truth!

  163. Etta Danielson

    I could not watch it. There is a proverb “It is not what you say that counts, it is what you do”. And we can all see what is being done.

    • shoshanausa

      You are so right. Franklin Graham disappoints me most. I don’t hate him, but I pray God may give him discernment and leave this cowardly attitude. He wants to be called loving and understanding. But he is annoying God. Rather annoy people than God.

  164. Margaret

    I agree 100%. One well known evangelist on twitter wrote a favorable comment on Biden’s speech. I was appalled as to me he was fellowshipping with evil.

    • shoshanausa

      True! It’s an abomination to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  165. Joyce Daugherty

    I stand with you…I was sick to my stomach and mad at the same time…He is NOT my President nor does he speak for me…I’m not going along to get along with evil..we as Christians need to stand up and push back with the prayers of the Saints. God has called us for a time as this….you were right to call him out and they need to look at his records of how he voted for all his years in DC….all evil things.

  166. Paul Pratt

    “revered Christian leaders”… Caiaphas was well regarded, but that did not make him right. Those revered leaders seem like the band on the titanic continuing to play while the ship sank.

  167. Connie Strock

    We all need to use the boldness that God blessed us with to speak the truth.

  168. bejeg

    Thank you so much for keeping our eyes open. And encouraging us to put our hope in God. I will be there in Modesto praying with you all.

  169. Daniel Palmisano

    Preach it Brother! I’m with you 100%. God bless you. You boldly preach the truth. My dad was a Pentecostal preacher, now I’m 65 years old. I pray for you, you’re important in this battle against evil. God bless, bless, and bless you!!! Kathy Palmisano
    Sent from my iPhone

  170. Kathryn PALMISANO

    God bless you Brother Mario. You boldly preach the Truth. Your words are important in this day and age, you call it as it is, one of the few who do. You’re in my prayers. God bless and prosper you in all ways.

  171. Jeanne LaCroix

    I hope you get this message..
    Keep up the good work.I so appreciate your straightforward posts. I disagree with those that are calling Biden president, he is NOT the president..I also believe that those that would find anything good in his words are those that accept the sleazy politically correct, business as usual that has led this country into the situation we are in. Time to wake up & arise.. God bless you Mario.

    Sent from my iPhoneJ

  172. leebeem

    Never apologize for speaking the truth. I have great respect for you. The price of standing for truth and SPEAKING it – especially publicly- has increased greatly and I think most of us reading this are well aware of this. There is a cost to those who seek the truth as well and sad as it is that it’s so hard to find these days, it also blesses and encourages me to see more and more people actively seeking it. The old adage “the truth is out there” still stands. I’d correct that phrase to say “the truth is right here – for those who pursue it”.
    Taking offense is a choice. I pray that I am never offended by the truth. Its value has increased greatly – supply and demand. The cost to you has increased for sharing what is just and right. God honors you for sharing His heart. And so do we. Bless you, Mario.

  173. powerproducer1978

    Mario, is ANY of these so-called Christian leaders watching what is unfolding right in front of our/their eyes? Watching Biden speak was painful as all get out! He is not a leaders but rather demon possessed. Speaking in code claiming government is the trusted one – NO WAY. Something about the shot alone is out of sync with anyone that can discern at all, much less claiming all he says to be truth as he does HIS evil in the open, in front of GOD and man. Keep up the ‘ righteous battle’ Mario!

  174. Bobbi Gulick

    I think you were absolutely right! One of the things I so appreciate about you is your unwillingness and downright refusal to sugar coat things, be mealy-mouthed on these issues, or compromise the truth in the interest of not offending.
    Please do not stop!
    Bobbi Gulick

  175. Jacquie Bohannan

    My husband and I are retired pastors and we are with you 100%. Biden does not have the place of honor of President as he was not legitimately elected..it’s time for truth and the Ecclesia stand up and unit. We do not have to bow to Baal!

  176. Judy Champagne

    Good morning, although I haven’t read all of this post, I did read your comments regarding Biden’s speech and I agree with you. The body of Christ needs to grow a backbone it’s over due. I’m a believer in Metairie Louisiana (a suburb of New Oeleans) and praying for the fire of the Holy Spirit to consume us. Praise God for the work He is doing through your ministry. God bless you and continue to give you strength and protection. Judy Champagne
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 1:29 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  177. loradollarhide

    Good word Mario, I don’t put my trust in government only God!!!
    Thank you for standing behind what you’ve spoken I truly believe it’s from God!
    The answer to all is in the scripture
    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
    I’m not sure this is happening, God has spoken and we must obey!
    I want yo see this turned around and I want up be in the middle of this end time revival!!
    God bless you and your ministry, I know you are a man after Gods heart!!!!

  178. Jane Zelinsky


  179. Joanna Evensen

    Thank you Mario Murillo, I believe ALL the churches in America need to hear your Message. The pastors who taught their congregations to be Against President Donald Trump and His Vision for the United States Of America — have also divided families. My youngest sons pastor in Lynden, a city in the state Washington, was/is an anti President Trump Pastor. This is heart breaking — Thank you for your courageous Voice for Truth and The USA (One Nation, Under GOD, Indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for ALL!”
    Thank you for your obedience wisdom and Courage to Educate speak TRUTH Against such “Religious Spirit” hatred.
    Sent from my iPhone

  180. John McDaniel

    You keep doing what your doing, speaking truth, you have many people behind you and pray for you, you keep being honest, and my prayer is that through your honesty, many of those you speak about will be set free, “….the truth will set them free.”

  181. cindyzarley

    I totally agree. Thank you for speaking out!Sent from my Galaxy

  182. Charlotte McIlnay

    Just wanted to say I’m listening and I’m part of the remnant! Please don’t stop speaking and writing what the heart of the Father is saying.
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 1:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

    • Connie Kilfeather


  183. ontiptoe

    Mario. Thank you. I agree. Psalm 94:20 says it all. We’re there. God bless and keep you.

  184. Neal Cunningham

    Great word! Where do we start? I appreciate a leader that is standing up and taking a lead for a good cause; pleasing the Holy Spirit. So many of us are ready to stand up but don’t know where to start. God always delivers and I believe he had sent you and others to take a stand and fight. It’s not just a fight for ourselves that motivate us but a fight for good vs evil. God will lead us thru this if we will take a stand.

  185. gailseesbcglobalnet

    Thank you for being a voice of truth that continuously resonates with my spirit. I pray you keep going strong in the power of the Lord! May Holy Spirit give you His discernment rather than the surrounding peers. God is leading us back to “True North” and you have been wise in your articulations of the steps to get there.
    With blessings,
    Gail Downey http://www.GailDowneyPhotography.com https://www.facebook.com/Gail-Downey-Photography-243048722564171 Sent from my iPhone

  186. Susan

    Amen MMM! In Jesus Name. Amen.

  187. Ruth Storkel

    We agree with you. You spoke the TRUTH.
    On Fri, Mar 12, 2021, 11:32 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  188. Susan

    Never ever defend a baby killer.

  189. carol weiler

    Dear Pastor Mario, no… you did the right thing… Jesus called them hypocrites, vipers, .. We must stand up to the devil and call him what he is… a liar , deceiver, thank you for standing strong… I’m with you.. Blessings Carol Weiler
    On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 11:30 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  190. Bonnie Smith

    Wow….so good Mario. Thanks for speaking the truth!! Bonnie in OKC
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 1:28 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  191. elycebm@gmail.com

    Thank you Mario for always speaking the truth and backing it up with the Bible. We do need to repent and seek the Lord’s face and pray. This is the only way to bring the out pouring if the Holy Spirit upon all flesh and He will open their eyes and ears.
    Elyce M

    • Carol Helms

      God is judging them, their message, their church. That is enough!

  192. Dave Peterson

    I agree with you totally, keep speaking the truth!!!!!
    Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS

  193. unevenfaith

    “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”
    Blatant sin is making this easier every day but counterfeiting and distortion will always be Satan’s tools.

  194. mary moore

    Thank you for staying true to the truth !!Bless you in the name of the Lord !!AMEN!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  195. Debrah Haar

    Brother Mario,
    I am PROUD to call you Brother! You are spot on and saying it nicer than I could. Don’t ever back down. The devil is a liar and you are calling the people out that need called out. I respect the office of the President but this man Joe Biden is not the President he is a poser the devil is using him as a puppet. It is time to take the gloves off as true believers and call those that are playing church out, we are in a battle on all fronts but I for one am up for the fight calling a spade a spade. Thank you for speaking the truth.
    God Bless You,
    Debrah Haar

  196. Dr. Rebecca Orchard

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!  Totally agree!!  You keep fighting the Good Fight and speaking Truth as the Holy Spirit leads you!!!

  197. Ann

    Your discernment is spot-on. Christians, Conservatives, Patriots, and I might add, farmers are being targeted and persecuted like never before in this country.

  198. yesua7

    Fight on brother

  199. mary moore

    I pray that the lord will wipe the reprobates off the map right before the eyes of the victims!!!!AMEN IN JESUS NAME!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  200. Kathy Miller


  201. Siv Saak

    I applaud you on the strong stances you take. Biden is the servant of satan and there is nothing commendable about him in any way – it would be like “Jesus” shaking hands with Satan, which Jesus would never do.
    For years I’ve been so disappointed in ‘today’s church – too christianeasy – too compromised. All they do is talk about the ‘love of God’ and ‘forgiveness’ and ad nauseum. Sometimes when I hear what ‘christians’ say, I ask them ‘what Bible are you reading – haven’t you heard how Jesus talks, even to His disciples: e.g. how long must I bear with you, oh ye of little faith, and so on’. People aren’t really reading their Bibles – Jesus is not as sugar coated Saviour.
    Keep up what you are doing and never back down.

  202. Sandra Duffy

    You guys are hilarious . Each of you has a god who tells you to say exactly what you want to say anyway. And it’s always an old testament mean god you ‘find’ sympatico. Keeps you all determined that your working and social conditions should remain half a century behind all the other developed democracies because ‘gaawwd’. Pitiful.

    • Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

      First, you evidently have no True Experience with the Jehovah God of the Bible. A Just God. But, also a Sovereign God, a God who means what He says. Yes, we relate to a COMPLETE GOD not just a God of the Old Testament, but also a God of the New testament.
      You cannot have the God of the New Testament without the God of the Old testament. Period. Remember he said, “I am The Lord, I change not!” Without the Justice and Law God of the Old Testament there would be no need for the Grace and Mercy revealed in the New Testament.
      But, never forget He remain the same, you either accept the Sinless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary and be covered by The Grace and Mercy extended by a Righteous, Jealous and Just (one and the same) God, Or, you remain under the Old Covenant expecting His Just Deserved Judgement.
      Secondly, we were NEVER a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Except the the fraud of the demoncrapic party this last election there was NO other country as free as America. Period!

      • shoshanausa

        You are so far from the truth that you’re not even worth for a respond ..you are a poor lost soul …God may enlighten you or you wake up on a place where there is no return.

    • fromanislandinnewhampshire

      Well, St. Paul did say that if the Gospel was not true, we are of all men most to be pitied. I think we’re willing to risk it. What are you willing to risk everything for?

  203. Michael A Druckenmiller Sr

    Without Justice there can be no Mercy or Grace, because without Justice there would be no need of them.
    Those that accentuate Grace and Mercy without explaining why there is the need, God’s Righteous Judgement, do a disservice to their listeners.
    This, IMHO, is why some see good in biden’s actions and speech, they can’t see either the logical conclusion of his administrations actions, nor God’s impending wrath (because it’s all grace and mercy).
    Deliverance for America will require God’s Judgment. and it will not be a sweet and loving when it rains down on them.

    • Lisa

      True and very well said.

  204. Reida A French

    BRAVO, MARIO! Are we to find good in the plans of the enemy?? Absolutely not! This man is a tool of the enemy, and every plan he promotes is for our destruction. Thank you for your inspirational words!!

  205. kingskid48

    Well, you said exactly what I have felt and thought for weeks, months, Pastor Mario. Anyone who is even somewhat aware of the Scriptures that tell us of what to expect in the End Times, should be aware that we are seeing types and shadows of what is to come. It’s stunning to me that pastors who have been to seminary can be so oblivious to the fact that we are being primed and prepared to accept a chip that will contain all of our information, and the ability to either accept the demands of an all-powerful government and leader in order to be able to function in society, or reject it, and be shut out of the system.
    We can see and hear it coming by their rhetoric. They’re not about to tell us blatantly, loud and clear, that it’s not really, “voluntary”. They tell us it is our “choice” to take the shot or not, but if you’re paying attention, you are hearing and reading discussions already of, “Covid Certificates”, or “Covid Passports”. Don’t get the shot? Fine, but don’t expect to be able to go anywhere, hold a job, get an education, or shop for groceries.
    It’s coming like a freight train out of control.
    Once they have the populace sufficiently scared and compliant enough to accept all of the rules and regulations, they’ll sneak the chip in so fast, our heads will spin. And sadly, an unchurched, Biblicallly-illiterate population will stand in line for the chip, just like they are for the shot. They will put their trust in government (sound familiar), instead of Christ.
    I’m not telling anyone not to get the shot. It may be the right thing for many people. Pray and ask for directions for yourself from the Lord.
    Use discernment, People. Listen to what they are truly saying. Read, read, read, read between the lines. Watch programs on Bible Prophecy. Read their books. Find out the names of the most trusted sources. Don’t get thrown by differences in opinion on the timing of the Rapture, etc. Realize we are all human beings and sometimes we see things differently out of our world view and life experiences.
    (Watch programs like Prophecy Watchers and Skywatch, both of which are about to be included in Daystars lineup, btw.)
    But the Mark of the Beast is one of the clearest prophecies in all of Scripture. It won’t be implemented today or tomorrow, but it’s coming.
    The true Church, the Bride of Christ may not be here to see it, I don’t think scholars even agree on that, but some of our loved ones will, those who are not saved. It is up to you to inform them, and it’s up to you to leave them as prepared as possible. Store up supplies for them, including Christian literature.
    The pastors, preachers, including prophetic people, who are not preparing us for what is coming according to End Times are amiss. One of the most irresponsible things they could be saying right now, is that He could be, “hundreds of years”, from returning. If they were reading up on the advances in science and technology, they couldn’t possibly say such a thing with a straight face.

  206. Mary Frost

    Hello Evangelist!
    As one Evangelist to another YOU ARE NEVER WRONG TO INSPECT THE WORDS OR DEEDS OF THE UNRIGHTEOUS AND TO SPEAK OUT ABOUT THE WRONG OR MISINFORMATION THAT THEY ARE SPEWING OUT UPON THE INNOCENT AND UNKNOWING …. This Interloper is doing exactly what Satan did in the garden, he has placed a hostile takeover of a plan of God, and is trying to ram his petitions and ways down the throat of people that want no part of it !!!! And if I am feeling like this as a prophet of God and I know I am a profit! And if I am angered by what I have seen and heard and I’m not trying to see and hear what they are doing but it is being exposed more and more because God said he would give President Donald John Trump his modern day Cyrus the treasures of darkness and the treasures of darkness are going deep the things that darkness treasures is everything that you say Joe Biden and his regime stand in for. He is working hand-in-hand in leagues with the devil himself. So keep speaking keep critiquing stand up and speak out as you have always done and are still doing I’m praying for you I watch flashpoint and I am praying for you and praying with you. That God will give you a voice more and more deeper into this planet because I’m right behind you honey. I speak blessings upon you and all your household in the mighty name of Jesus

  207. Rhonda Lowry

    Thank you for not apologizing. As the saying goes, The truth hurts. Don’t ever apologize for stating the truth. You weren’t the only one that heard all the lies.
    Rhonda Lowry PO Box 969 Wolfforth, TX 79382 806-773-5811
    “Thought flows in terms of stories—stories about events, stories about people, and stories about intentions and achievements. We learn in the form of stories.” ~Frank Smith

  208. archaios6

    sound advice

  209. cindysuszko

    No please. I totally agreed with you and support you. Christians cannot accept Biden’s speech of lies. Not even one thing he says. He does not have a Christian heart. He is evil and controlled by Satan and his minions. As Christians we should pray for him, but not support nor respect anything he says or stands for. I appreciate you and your Biblical words of wisdom. Keep up the great Godly works. You inspire me as a Christian and help keep me on track.
    Thank you!
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 2:47 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  210. Mart Riddick

    I normally do not reply to things however; I am no one important but I feel you’re right on. I watched his speech. I felt lied to for the entire speech I felt we were to have a government rule over us. I felt we were no longer free. And I also felt when is the mark of the beast coming. I prayed for a while after his speech. May the Lord be with us and help us. Thank you for your letters

  211. Linda Morris

    Praise God you have been obedient to our Almighty!!!! By the very act of the ‘well regarded’ Christian Leaders the Lord gave you another platform to state yet again the truth concerning Biden!!! Thanking the Lord for your boldness in the face of the tyranny taking place in this country while so many pastors are hiding behind their pulpits!!! Please know you will be in my prayers!!!
    In His Love, Linda R Morris

  212. Jeff R

    To the conflicted, powerless, suicidally-conciliatory arm of the American church, the words of Wyatt Earp to Ike Canton in the heat of the gunfight at OK Corral speak best:
    “The fight has now commenced; go to fighting or get away!”

  213. Jack Giles


  214. yolieyortiz

    We are with you Mario, every WORD. ????
    Get Outlook for iOS ________________________________

  215. janiceespo

    I am reading Eric Metaxas’s Book about Bonhoeffer and would recommend any one criticizing you to read it- especially chapters 9 and 10 which I read last night. The similarities and warnings for today are there. The church needs to wake up. Thank you for your comments and writings . Many people are being misled today but it has always been this way. Psalm 37 i s my chapter for this season.
    Blessings, Janice Esposito
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 2:35 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  216. barclayronda

    Mario, I SEE your (our) war intensifying! You are GREATLY appreciated and loved by many!! I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for ALL that you are doing (The Lord working through you). We desperately NEED voices if truth and courage!!! Praying for you!!
    Sent from my iPhone ~Ronda~

  217. Nora Salazar

    Mario, thank you for always standing by the truth. If Christians have not realized that Biden is a fake President and does not represent Gods values, his nice speech is just a way to forget all the anti-Christian and ant-American executive orders he is passing….the devil comes like an angel of light.

  218. Lisa Kaye

    Amen, Mario, stand strong cry aloud and spare not.
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 12:37 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >


    I found the speech very upsetting .He took credit for what he did not do. But some of us know that he did nothing. Too many have been told a different story. The ones who continue to tell their version are the ones to be upset with. What you said broke the tension of the situation. But we must pray that the truth will set us all free.

  220. jojeanknardyahoocom

    EXCELLENT !!! Thanks.  Prayers. Jo Jean

  221. isidra101

    NO! Not wrong! May our Lord keep you and your family under His wings. In the mighty name of Jesus, our Lord had given you favor and He will guide your words. Thank you Thank you for guidance to do many of us.
    On Fri, Mar 12, 2021, 11:28 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  222. NewHeavenOnEarth

    Our trust in ONLY in God our Father through Jesus by the HOLY Spirit; we ask for the usurpers to be exposed and removed, and God’s appointed and anointed to replace them, as we raise the standard of righteousness over America, “Righteousness exalts a nation” Proverbs 14:34, and come UNDER God’s Government on Christ Jesus’ shoulders as a constitutional republic under God, with liberty, freedom, and God-given unalienable rights; casting down the ungodly, unbiblical laws, and times of cancelling Christ, and the Way, Truth, Life of God he gives FREELY to ALL when we come to him. Abba Father, make America godly again! In Jesus Name! under the Blood of the Lamb! in the River of Water of Life! in the HOLY Spirit!

    • Lisa

      Yes and Amen!! ?&?

  223. ernestwoodward

    Because they didn’t want to retain thought about God in their thoughts He gave them over to a reprobate mind devoid of God. That they should believe a lie. Not everyone that says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of God. (All paraphrased)
    Sent from my iPhone

  224. Louise French

    I really appreciated what you said about the speech. Thank you and may God protect you.

  225. Mike DeWitt

    Sadly, Todays Church identifies a degree in Theology as a calling to Ministry.. Is it any wonder we see these things happening? Thank you Mario for staying true to your 1st Love…

  226. Mary Lou German

    Thank you, Mario, for speaking truth! You are like an air hose connected to the pure truth of God, in the midst of a sea of lies. My skin crawled and I felt nauseous listening to Biden’s speech. I am so thankful for confirmation through you, and to read the comments of so many believers who are discerning the same thing.

  227. kwc1953

    Thank you, brother Mario for standing up and for your ministry. I just received your thumb drive of resources and look forward to going through them. I just got out of the hospital AGAIN. Ha! Ever since I had cancer of the tongue over 0 years ago. Life has been kind of tough for my family. God is good and forever faithful. I can’t work and can’t speak but you know that God has been with me and I have been so much closer to Him though this process. Would appreciate your prayers for myself and family especially for the family’s relationship with the Lord. Keep up the good work. I look forward to your videos. You might want to have a backup venue to Youtube just in case.
    God bless you all,
    Ken Chambers

  228. Sheldon and Marilee

    You were absolutely right on in calling out Joe Biden. Please keep preaching the truth. Marilee and I love hearing it.

  229. Linda Quintero

    You were not wrong!!! Keep listening to the Holy Spirit!

  230. Stephen

    We know that America has now been invaded by a ‘foreign entity’, foreign in thinking and practice, foreign in culture, as a virus which enters the body and takes over the host. What has happened physically has also manifested spiritually.
    America is defined by the Bible, the ‘Declaration of Independence’ and her Constitution, and the hopes and aspirations of those who came to America to find liberty, prosperity and happiness as expressed by the Founding Fathers. America was also born out of the crucible of the Revolution, allowing the American people to separate from Satan externally from England, and internally as a God fearing people from Satan, and therefore establish a God centred nation, that loves God and loves her neighbour, people who came to America from all different parts of the world.
    America became the nation closest to embodying God’s Two Great Commandments. That is America’s foundation, inspired by God and established by the Founding Fathers. That is why God loves America. America is God’s House, God’s nation, and woe to those who play the harlot with God’s House, undermining God’s Will and seeking first Satan’s kingdom as is happening now. “It would be better that they were never born”.
    America is far from perfect, but her origins and founding purpose was in accordance with God’s Will. Therefore as a nation, America was moving in a direction that God was happy with, but then America forgot her purpose and her responsibilities like the errant steward, who she was, and why God had established and raised her up like a ‘beloved daughter’.
    Immorality set in under the banner of ‘free sex’, and that was the ‘delivery system’ Satan used to undermine America, corrupt her, and create a corridor for Satan to invade God’s House as when Solomon allowed foreign gods to be brought into God’s temple – same meaning. America is now teetering, swaying and beginning to stumble like a drunk person, reaching out grasping for support and a way back to safety and her origins. Now however there are many roadblocks and checkpoints that Satan has been able to put into place, not just metaphorically but also in reality.
    A ‘supranational body’ and parasite stole the US election, meaning that very Constitution, that very ‘Declaration of Independence’, and that very Bible which America was built upon. Collusion took place between domestic and foreign actors and they successfully captured America, which no overt foreign invading force had achieved previously. The President that the people elected, was defrauded of his rightful election win, that is President Trump, not to mention the Senate and House of Representatives seats that must also be called into question for the same reason.
    This ‘coup’ was plotted and orchestrated by enemies foreign and domestic, and the military should have been called in to liberate America from this invasion, as now all the institutions of government have been exposed, they are all rotten, including SCOTUS, the Supreme Court. Therefore men and women in support and recognition of President Trump, should now be arresting America’s enemies, holding trials, and exposing this voter fraud and treason to the American people and the world.
    That this didn’t happen and isn’t happening is a disgrace. Everyday Americans are arrested and detained with far less evidence, even just on suspicion, including the so called ‘Capitol Insurrection’ – ‘a storm in a teacup’ at best, compared to the ‘tsunami’ of voter fraud evidence being ignored.
    It beggars belief, and I have to wonder if God forgot to give Americans a set of ‘family jewels’, thinking that they could just talk their way out of this nightmare.
    You have just been shafted, the shafting of the century, and you want to have ‘post mortem’ after ‘post mortem’ and allow that rotten cadaver to occupy the White House defiling it with his ‘spiritual stench’ along with all the other orcs, goblins, and foul fiends that are now infesting it. It will have to be fumigated and sanctified after this lot are moved out for sure. They have kicked God out of America and God’s people are doing ‘zip’!
    Americans are totally justified, morally, spiritually and legally to take up arms against this impostor and his administration, this thief and brain dead president to put in place a President who will do the Will of God and the will of the people through an election.
    I now believe that can not be Donald Trump. He failed to protect the Constitution and by extension the people, and protect his own Presidency, as Adam failed to protect his role as heir and successor and God’s son. Even Moses after all he had done, did not get to enter Canaan after striking the rock twice. God repented that he had made Saul king. President Trump should have invoked the Insurrection Act. He didn’t.
    Isn’t that what a normal people with a pulse would do. If you cheat in an exam, or in a sporting event, any trophies, medals and accolades are stripped from you and given to the rightful winner/s.
    If the military won’t act, then the people must. The rule book has been thrown out the window. This is now about those people who know right from wrong. That is all that matters now, not what some newspaper says, or a judge or any other mealy-mouth pundit. An evil action was visited upon the American people, and they need to ‘arm’ themselves and take their country back, as in 1776. It is not an option, it is a duty and an obligation to defend the Constitution and the nation, from enemies foreign and domestic. King David understood this.
    It’s not only your country, it is God’s country which he established for what purpose? Ultimately to welcome the the Lord of the Second Advent in order to build God’s Kingdom beginning with America as the launching pad, and then spreading throughout the world. America has to separate from Satan, and right now Satan has taken a giant leap forward into controlling and dominating America, her seat of power, through violating and undermining Democracy. He ‘acid rained’ on your Democracy and so far you have just accepted it.
    Patriots and men of courage now need to step up and realise that no greater love has a man than to lay down his life for a friend and especially his country. The ‘Tree of Liberty’ must be replenished with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Do you want to die on your knees begging for your life and your loved ones, or die fighting evil.
    Look to Communist China today as to how they treat their citizens, is that what you want for America under Chicom Joe? Similarly the former Soviet Union and Nazi Germany to understand what happens when you don’t fight back, especially when you can. What kind of regret do you want to live with, looking through the razor wire at what was once your home, your state, and your nation, smouldering and lying in rubble?
    Lk 23:28 “But Jesus turning to them said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck!’ 30 Then they will begin to say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us’; and to the hills, ‘Cover us.’ 31 For if they do this when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?”
    Lk 19:41 “And when he drew near and saw the city he wept over it, 42 saying, “Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes. 43 For the days shall come upon you, when your enemies will cast up a bank about you and surround you, and hem you in on every side, 44 and dash you to the ground, you and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another in you; because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
    Remember, they were the ones who committed sedition and treason by stealing an election, not those fighting to get their freedom and nation back, and for a free and fair election to have been held and not stolen – “Grand Theft Election – 2020”.
    We need to strike now whilst the iron is hot, or with time everyone will grow lukewarm, fainthearted, and dispirited, being ground down by time and false hope, and a system that will become more entrenched so that you always lose, and then you forget what it was all about in the first place.
    Trump held a rally with a million people supporting him in freezing conditions, like George Washington in Valley Forge/Delaware, that was his mandate to do something, call in the military under the Insurrection Act, not the national guard to protect the Democrats. Good grief! That was a sad indictment on what had been a largely illustrious Presidency.
    America and God’s Providence is bigger than one man and one government. At best we can be instruments for God. When one instrument fails, God will call another. When Saul disobeyed God by not killing all the livestock and allowing Agag to live, he lost his crown and Samuel anointed David to be king whilst Saul still continued to be king. Saul was commanded to kill every man, woman and child and all the livestock. Moses had three thousand killed after the Golden Calf incident. Elijah had all the false prophets put to death. Are you seeing a pattern here.
    We have gone beyond democracy as a system of government. Satan is establishing his dictatorship/kingship under Biden and Harris. God’s side must now do the same thing, create a heavenly dictatorship under God’s Kingship.
    Trusting now in democracy is like trusting in a car that has no engine, or a ladder that has rotten rungs. Democracy has come to the end of its shelf life. God’s Kingdom must be established centring on the will of the people coming into alignment with God’s Will. In other words, the people must want it, and make it a reality through loving God, keeping God’s Commandments, and loving their neighbour, embodying God’s Word.
    There are people who know what to do, and that God has been raising up, and they just have to do it. God’s people must unite, and take back their country. We did it before, we can do it again.

    • archaios6

      Stephen: your words are a call to arm and desperately needed to be alert and responding to the corruption that is killing freedom. Perhaps what happened under Hitler has come to pay a visit on U.S. soil and the people are too inebriated to care. Pres. Trump is a man of honor, was limited when his staff defected. What we see now is mass defection from defending truth and freedom…all it took was voter fraud.

  231. ggramma

    You were NOT WRONG in your assessment of Biden’s speech!! It was sickening, sneaky way to deceive many to bow to his..( the left wing Nazis) plans for more and more Government Control!! Going to read Bonhoeffer again ..such a parallel to what is (and has been) taking place right now in America!
    Keep speaking truth Mario! We so need you powerful voice to cut through so much deception, so much confusion on so many, and still so many sound asleep, as tho’ all is well and God will “bail us out” at the last minute!
    Praying for the meetings in Modesto!!
    God Bless you Mario!! ??????????

  232. Gary Frazelle

    You are rightDont let upPeople still need to wake up to what is happeningBiden s speech could have been a page in Rabbi Cahns books the harbingers  ThanksGod blessGary
    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  233. Ramona Nordhoff

    No Sir Mario, You have spoken the TRUTH. The Church & People Around The World Must Wake Up. Satan is involved & playing his last Act. God is the only HOPE we have as a Christian Nation. But America Christian People has been dumped down in the Churches. Bro. Mario, I watch you on Flashpoint & other Christian Networks. You are few Pastors that are speaking out. I know you are in the SOUL business with God. But you are WAKING UP people TO WHAT GOING ON IN DC. Brother the Church has been sleep a Long Time to let critical issues take such roots without speaking out. May God Have Mercy On Our Nation & Around The World

  234. ktenpasbell

    Mario Please keep preaching what the Lord leads.
    We are in the latter days and people need that awareness.
    Thank you and God bless you
    Kimberly ten pas bell
    Sent from my iPhone

  235. Kenneth Langham

    Keep speaking the truth that the Holy Spirit leads you to and do not worry about what any man thinks about it. Thank you for your courage and willingness to follow God regardless of the cost. You are an inspiration and blessing to me personally and have encouraged me to be bolder in sharing the truth in love with people regardless of what they may think of me. Keep up the great work!
    God Bless,

  236. bobandnorma

    Once again brother Mario, I thank you for standing for what is right, and standing against what is evil. 2 Chronicles 16:9a For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him. We must all stand against evil, and resolve to accept nothing less than complete and total victory over it. God has given us all that we need to defeat the devil. We must continue to stand against satan until he is in the lake of fire. We will prevail! Jesus already won! No compromise! Ever!

  237. Philip Fields

    Dear Mario. Please don’t stop speaking the truth. I served in ministry with a man who you know very well. His name is Carlton Pearson. I was one of his pastors. We all watched as he defected from the gospel. I remember when you used to come to the church and to our meetings. Many reached out to him to try to get him to see the light and the error of his ways. But he refused. He caused many to fall away from the gospel. The real casualties are those that remain loyal even when they knew it was wrong. We can’t afford to worry about the feelings of soft leaders have about the truth. It is time to be absolute and resolute. We must be willing to die for the truth. Please do not let off the gas pedal. Put the hammer down. I am standing with you. I am praying for you. We are creating a Courageous community here in Atlanta Georgia. It’s time for the Joshua‘s in Caleb‘s to rise. God bless you God bless your ministry
    Sent from my iPhone

  238. Kathy Matthews

    I have know badge with a name. I am just a daughter of the most high God and a sheep that hears His voice. And this is what I believe He has spoke to me.
    Back in 2008 the Lord told me “ The same spirit that rose up in Hitler will rise up in America only with a different face.” Back then Obama was running for his first term. Every time I thought or prayed for Obama all I could think of was Hitler. I told many of my friends and was looked at like an alien. That being said, I think he was the donkey that spirit rode in on.
    Just last week I told the Lord I don’t think your people ( or Americans period) understand the evil that this regime ( that’s what HS called it) is operating from. Hitler didn’t start out a tyrant. That would be to obvious. If you read some of Hitlers agendas and the evils he performed you would understand how evil evil can be. The Lord told me to read about Bonhoeffer. He blew the trumpet in his day and the church wouldn’t listen then and most will not now. The Lord told me He will save America but she will go thru a humbling so we never go down this road again. We are not there yet.
    All of this is preparation so when the man ( I realize this is controversial) of the anti-Christ takes his seat, America will not bite the apple. We will recognize it.
    I know not the timing on any of this I just know what I have heard.
    And I know you ( Mario) have talked about Bonhoeffer.

    • archaios6

      thank you for sharing your timely message and reminder of what happens when good people donothing


    I agree with your conditional clauses. There is approximately 1600 “ifs” in the Bible. We must take them into account when writing about biblical topics.
    Keep up the good work and your writing is having a powerful effect on the church.
    We are looking for revival in America.

    Sent from my iPhone

  240. gege4god

    No Bro. Mario, you were NOT wrong! Biden is a poor, pitiful ,weak frail man. Not to be rude, but he has no business being president! IT”S A JOKE!! He needs to be impeached now! Trump is the real President of the United States!!!

  241. Janie

    What you said in your comments about Biden’s speech was RIGHT ON. As for many so called christian leaders; and I put that with a small “c” because many Do Not Know God, are so concerned for their $$$$$$ coming in they will say anything that keeps their milk toast sheeple coming in to drop money in the plate to ease their conscience. Keep preaching Truth Mario. God is going to expose the charlatans , soothsayers, false teachers, magicians – deceivers !!!!!! And mockers of God. Woe to them.

  242. parrillaturi

    Spot on, Mario. We have to stand up for our Christian rights. I do not pray for Biden’s success, but rather his demise when it comes to his agenda. I pray that all his plans will fail. I pray that all those around him who support the destruction of America, will feel the wrath of God. I pray that God will bring confusion to the Democrat Party, and they will turn on each other. I pray that eyes will be open, and that the masses will see how he is persecuting Christianity, murdering the innocent, aligning himself with America’s enemies. Do you find this offensive? Well, I don’t. I also pray that his administration will come to a screeching halt, and that the entire administration will be taken down. He was not elected, but selected through fraud. These pundits will answer to God. Their day fast approaches. I pray that he and his cronies and/or handlers, will repent before it’s too late. A dear Christian woman of God was asked why she didn’t pray for Biden, as we are supposed to pray for those in authority. Her response was, “Biden cheated, therefore, he is not in authority.” Blessings.

  243. Katherine E Black

    You were NOT wrong. Don’t people get that we are in a spiritual war?
    Our election was a coup. And had foreign interference as well. NO one in our DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc. cared.
    The progressives and democrats have “allowed” 60 plus million babies to die in tormenting, horrible ways. They just sent 414 BILLION Dollars to increase abortion around the world.
    Wake Up America and stop being NICE! We are to pray for our enemies and they certainly fit that bill. However, we are to fight evil every step of the way. They Tyrannizes, name call, etc. Bullies don’t respond to kindness. We need to call them out for what they are doing.
    Biden is NOT our duly elected President. He is a fraud, and so is Harris who know they stole this election. And worse…they probably know that China and Iran interfered with our election and don’t care.
    Every mother who has taken the life of her child is forgiven by God if they repent. Abortion is NOT forced on American women. They choose to do so and are guilty before God. These leaders not only allow the murder of the unborn but encourage and promote it. And they dare call us deplorable?
    Agreeing and going along with murder makes them all an accessory to the death of the unborn in my opinion. And every Democrat or Progressive bare some responsibility as well.
    Thank you for all you have said since the fake election. Pastors are not called to love evil just pray for the souls of those who do evil. We must fight like our lives depend on it, like our faith depends on it and our children’s future depend on it. Because it does.
    Blessings Patriot Scarlett

  244. Pastor Ernie

    I believe God’s servant once again has heard from God and I believe the courage and conviction that He has is directly from the Holy Spirit. Let us continue to lift God’s servant and Mario Murillo ministries in prayer and witness the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these last days and be a part of the final harvest of souls that will be ushered into the kingdom of God. I am expecting God to perform great miracles in Modesto and the greatest manifestation of the power of God to hit this city like never before. Remember very soon God is about to release a very powerful manifestation of POWER of God that world has ever seen. God bless see you in Modesto.

    • Ruth

      If you do not speak the truth publicly who will? Some days I personally felt thing’s becoming desperate and hopeless do to the lack of strong leadership in the church behind Trump!
      Thank God you started going on Flash Point! The tide seemed to turn back to support for our true president, Trump! Thank you for your courage in the face of all this dishonesty!
      God bless you Mario!

  245. Wayne Kachur

    Mario you speak truth. Biden is the wrong king , not anointed . His plans are evil and he has to be stopped. God will stop him. And the Democrat evil plan.
    Sent from my iPhone

  246. Lisa

    Thank you for speaking absolute truth and never backing down. When I read “or else America will become the next Venezuela”, it made me think of the following I wrote on 12/4/20.
    President Donald J. Trump is doing the right thing not only for him but for America!! At least for those like me that value our freedom and the constitution!! There is SO much evidence of evil corrupt fraud in this so-called election. Tons of brave and beautiful Americans from both parties have come forward by signing affidavits and testifying. Remember they are all under oath. This is way more than just about President Trump and He has already said that, but you sure won’t hear that on the mainstream fake media. This is about voter integrity (or lack thereof). I believe there are both republicans and democrats involved in this evil corruption and that they didn’t think they would be challenged like they are being!! I don’t want my country to be the next Venezuela. God bless Venezuela and God bless America. ? God is bringing to Light (He is the Light) what was done in the dark. Justice will prevail and the evil will fail. I am praying, petitioning the Highest Court/Judge, and trusting that my God will trump all that is going on for the Glory of His Name and for the good of America. The land of the free because of the brave!! ?

  247. Linda C

    Mario, I agree 100%. Thank you always for your courage to speak truth. I just pray that the remnant of the church will do what is necessary to bring revival sweeping across this nation. Please, Lord God.

  248. TFranklin

    Lifting your Ministry in prayer. The “Tent Meetings”, reminding Pastors of their calling, and motivating the rest of us in these times is a Godsend. Praying for the workers to rise and go forth defeating Satan’s agenda. TY

  249. Tim Zier

    Spot on! Keep up the good work!
    Tim Zier
    Get Outlook for Android

  250. Alan Porter

    Just remember..It is not Biden’s plan..He is a mere puppet..
    He is just mouthing what his handlers is telling him to say and do..
    Gates,Besos,Soros etc..
    No appeasement can be allowed by Christians..
    Last March was a test,allowing our churches to be closed down in the name of health,where was our faith..
    Christians all over the world in communist and muslim countries meet at the risk of their lives talk about risk of health!
    Next test,will the masses wear mask’s?Again blindly following an infringement of our rights for the sake of safety..Now the vaccine,line up the masses in the name of safety..
    Will we soon be lining up to get on box cars and th an asked to take a shower to freshen up after the long trip?
    We must all be warriors for Christ,first spreading the unfiltered Gospel and then standing up to all infringements to the US Constitution..
    God’s warning in Isaiah sounds eeriely similar to what we are facing right now.
    Isaiah 1:15-22
    [15]”So when you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; Yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood.
    [16]”Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil,
    [17]Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow. \”Let Us Reason\”
    [18]”Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, “Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool.
    [19]”If you consent and obey, You will eat the best of the land;
    [20]”But if you refuse and rebel, You will be devoured by the sword.” Truly, the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
    [21]How the faithful city has become a harlot, She who was full of justice! Righteousness once lodged in her, But now murderers.
    [22]Your silver has become dross, Your drink diluted with water.

  251. gamtnman61

    Whatever good Mr. Biden might do (which I doubt he will) for his very short stint in the White House is also illegitimate because he/they are not God’s choice.  They took their seats of authority by fraud.  God will answer it with finality soon.
    Keep writing what your Father in Heaven inspires you to do.  Because of the cheap grace message that the western church has tolerated, many church leaders have little to no understanding of God’s wrath and judgment. Romans 1 – the wrath of God IS revealed from Heaven against…
    Unfortunately, the majority of modern escatological views being taught by the five-fold relegate all wrath to occur at Christ’s return.  That will be much to our dismay and bewilderment when events do not harmonize with our end time charts and false perspectives of God.
    Again, speak/write the truth inspired by God and not as a political pundit.  You will not fall short there.  You are the voice of one crying out (not the only)…not just another political perspective that people are sick of hearing from.
    Thanks, Gary Patterson
    ⁣Get TypeApp for Android ​

  252. Gigi Cox

    Thank you for having the courage to speak the truth.

  253. Judy Braland

    Wonderful!JUDY BRALAND —- On Sat, 13 Mar 2021 07:47:12 +0000 comment-reply@wordpress.com wrote —-div.zm_-9135827808948354841_parse_1200637162500328042 a:hover { color: red } div.zm_-9135827808948354841_parse_1200637162500328042 a { text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 136, 204) } div.zm_-9135827808948354841_parse_1200637162500328042 a.x_-943140292primaryactionlink:link, div.zm_-9135827808948354841_parse_1200637162500328042 a.x_-943140292primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) } div.zm_-9135827808948354841_parse_1200637162500328042 a.x_-943140292primaryactionlink:hover, div.zm_-9135827808948354841_parse_1200637162500328042 a.x_-943140292primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }
    mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. So, let me explain some important things to you.
    I have total resp”

  254. Kirsten

    Brother Mario,
    You are 100% spot- on correct in your assessment of that vile speech!
    Please, NEVER stop preaching the truth, and know you are respected and prayed for from Las Vegas,

  255. pamelakoehn3806

    No you weren’t wrong!!!! What you write is a breath of fresh air and God inspired. Thank you for what you do.
    Those that accuse you have a ‘Spirit of Righteousness’. Keep doing what you are doing.

  256. Bill Beaty

    Don’t ever quit preaching it, Mario! You are our hero!
    Sent from my iPhone

  257. Kay Funden

    We live in evil times with evil trimming our country.
    On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 11:33 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  258. David Page

    Mario , I believe you preach the truth ! Love your messages and your encouragement to stand for the truth and to expose evil ! God Bless !

  259. joholc1616


  260. spiritmaiden

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL4FYXj0qQQ           I watched this movie today on Jeremiah.  It will give you some thought about bravery in speaking the word of God, and how valuable this currancy can become, especially if it is discarded.   It is not the best movie I ever saw (Nebuchadnezzar has a German accent??), but there were some good parts.   The parts speaking to the king were good.   God bless you for your work; keep speaking your mind.  I got kicked out of my church’s (volunteer) leadership for voicing similar thoughts last May, but I’m not sorry, because I think this is what God is doing.   God will have something new for our family.   NH

  261. Catherine Bast

    Love your wisdom from God Mario – please, keep it coming. – Mel and Cathy

  262. pwwoman

    Keep chopping away at that mighty tree of deception because one day it will come crashing down. Never back down, never give up! Thank you Mario!

  263. sandy long

    No, you were not wrong. As a matter of fact, you are leading the Remnant Church, the Esther Jews that were saved from genocide, from extinction! Thank you dear Brother for standing up in the face of enormous criticism & clear & present danger to the ignorant, albeit well meaning Evangelical leaders, and saying what The Word of God states as Absolute Truth! The Holy Spirit speaks expressly & does not sugar coat anything! We have been Awakened & we must stay awake to our earthly mission of winning souls & discipling Nations from within & from without! Love in Christ, Sandy Long
    On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 1:32 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Some well-regarded Christian leaders > found good in Biden’s speech last night. It made me wonder if I had done > the right thing by attacking it so vehemently. You may have wondered, too. > So, let me explain some important things to you. I have total resp” >

  264. Helen Ruch

    I agree with every word you said about Biden’s speech. I found it totally disgusting. All lies. He is a programmed dummy for all the evil ones behind him. I finally turned it off Keep writing just what you are writing and I’ll keep reading. God is speaking thru you. I LOVE you And your posts. 💯👌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Sent from my iPhone

  265. Ann Haigler

    I thought your comments were spot on! Biden is an illegitimate president and he knows it – or at least those propping him up know it. His speech was depressing and dark. I loved your comment “hit me again, I can still hear him”. I have no respect for Biden. Thank you for all you do! Excited about the results from March 4th and can’t wait to hear about what God will do in April. Blessings!

  266. Heather

    Keep on preaching the truth brother. Don’t change one syllable of what you said. One of the ‘evangelical titans’ you referred to has disappointed me lately. He publically congratulated the current person in the whitehouse. That is when I decided to not support him any longer. Initials are F.G….I say shame on you for misguiding the people who depend on you for leadership.

  267. Sandra Calhoun

    I did not listen to his speech and have no desire to!  He is not my president he is satan in human form with all the evil he supports and the so called christians that support him are just that! So called! God does not support evil in any form and what BIBLE do they read? I fear all this as evil in the last day from my King James Dakes study BIBLE which I study and read from front to back 2 x year!!! Satan is so very good at what he does to fill Hell to over capacity, therefore it is continually enlarging itself! Thank GOD I know him as evil and GOD as my Father and Jesus as my soon coming King and savior and Holy Spirit my dearest friend! Where is the preaching of the word and working out your own salvation with fear and trembling? Thank God for your stand for HIM and against our enemy! I will never take the vaccine!!!!!!!!!!!! 
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  268. Judi Cheek

    I didn’t think you said anything about Biden that should not have been said. Within the first five mins he lied and the whole 30 minutes was dark and morose. God bless you, Mario. Keep up the good work of preaching the true gospel.
    Sent from my iPhone

  269. Vicki Ammons

    Thank you so much for being honest, truthful, forthright and even all your wonderful adjectives you use when doing your blogs. PLEASE do not stop be a righteous voice for God! I am standing and believing for all the mighty works that God is doing in your ministry. To God be the Glory and thank you for preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ that truly wins souls for The Kingdom of God!!!



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