We can defeat Woke—God’s way.
Let’s dig deep into how to do that. There are three steps to victory over the greatest evil and worse threat America has ever faced. That is correct. The Woke agenda is the most toxic lie ever smeared on Americans.
Woke hatred is the only way these groups got together.
Look deeper. Have you ever wondered how Marxists and Hamas could have ever teamed up? They are total opposites. Woke hatred brought them together. It is insanely bizarre that the LGBTQ+ movement supports Hamas. Hamas would murder them on sight. Again, Woke hatred is the only way these groups got together.
Wokeism got its hatred from Marxism. Henry Hazlitt described Marxism perfectly:
“The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community.
“Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects—his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity.”
Wokeism is a more demented form of Marxism. Wokeness breeds crime, perversion, and suicide.
Wokeness dominates the airways. It controls social media. But knowing its Satanic origin is a strange encouragement. It is Goliath and we are David. So how can we defeat it? We can defeat it God’s way. And there are three steps to victory.
1. The clean slate: Joshua is in a lonely place, staring at Jericho and pondering the impossibility of conquering the walls of Jericho. God was about to clean his slate—erase his blackboard if you will—in order to give him the means to conquer.
Joshua 5:13-15, “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, “Are You for us or for our adversaries?”
“So He said, “No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”
“And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, “What does my Lord say to His servant?”
“Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.”
The commander is saying “I am not for your plan or theirs. I represent a higher plan. I represent the interests of the Kingdom of God.”
For 2 years God has had me comment on political matters. I still believe we must vote, expose the corruption of our elections, and oppose abortion. But something happened to change me.
My slate was wiped clean when God said to focus on tent crusades in impossible areas.
I began to see that we were losing sight of the Gospel and changing hearts. Some of the voices I trusted seemed focused on temporal solutions to a supernatural problem. Suddenly, they were connected to conservatives who did not even know Christ. Then God cleaned my slate.
How did Joshua come to have a clean slate? God gave him something impossible to do. It was so impossible that Joshua had no plan, no tactic or experience that would avail in taking Jericho.
He realized he was not in charge. There were purposes that were far deeper than his human concerns.
My slate was wiped clean when God said to focus on tent crusades in impossible areas. But at first, He did not tell me how to do it.
Now here is what happened to Joshua next. He fell before the Commander of God’s army. He realized he was not in charge. There were purposes that were far deeper than his human concerns.
I also fell before God and said that I would separate myself and surrender to the impulses of the Kingdom of God. That is when I received step two.
Instructions: Joshua was about to hear something that was totally outside his military training. It made no sense.
Joshua 6:3-5, “You shall march around the city, all you men of war; you shall go all around the city once. This you shall do six days. And seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams’ horns before the ark. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. It shall come to pass, when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, that all the people shall shout with a great shout; then the wall of the city will fall down flat. And the people shall go up every man straight before him.”
This concept of getting instructions is reinforced in Proverbs 21:22, “A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the trusted stronghold.” Notice it did not say courage, faith or bravado brings down the city—it is wisdom! Joshua gained wisdom from beyond this world.
My staff wondered about me when I divulged the instructions on how to get tents, permits, choose cities, and make inroads to see vast crowds and miracles. I had my slate cleaned. I fell before God in awe. God gave me instructions on how to do it.
Oh, that God’s vessels who are weary and discouraged would only see the Kingdom of God. Just as Gehazi the servant of Elisha had his eyes opened to see the fiery chariots.
Reckless obedience: So, Joshua obeyed God. How ridiculous they looked to the people of Jericho. I know that looking ridiculous comes with the territory when you obey God. And so, we too obeyed God.
When you see Satan’s acts through natural eyes there is nothing but despair. But when you have your eyes opened to the wisdom, strategy and purposes of the Kingdom of God, you become indestructible.
It is this wisdom that will pull your ministry out of debt. By this wisdom, you will tear down the most trusted defenses of the enemy.
Imagine that moment when the strongest walls in the world collapsed before the shout of God’s recklessly obedient army.
Wokeism seems to have the upper hand in every way. But you know better. You know that God combs the earth looking for willing vessels who will throw off the glad rags of religion, take up the mighty weapons of God, and thrust the sword of the Spirit into the heart of the powers of darkness.
We can defeat Woke if we do it God’s way.
Amen, Mario! What a testimony!
Message is on point. The Lord is the one with the higher way of accomplishment. I believe many of us need to have our slate wiped clean to get the gospel out. Many of us are facing what looks like the impossible but God gives wisdom. Thanks Mario for obedience in listening, then acting on what God has revealed to you to do.i am encouraged in your stand.
Wokism is taking over the biggest cities in our state so those of us in the rural north have our votes swallowed up by their numbers. We need a tent crusade in Wisconsin. Please come here. To God be the glory, Teresa
Just to name a few:
Acts 2:14-39
3:2-9, 19-26
8:4-6, 26-37
Reveals the church was birthed in the “Market Place” not within the walls.
Do the work of an “Evangelist” under the power of Holy Spirit which just may create your on tent.
2Tim 4-6
Church pls Get off the lower dexterity, the Market Place is ripe.
Kings & Priest (Rev 5:10) don’t pray for victory; they pray From Victory; (Rom 8:37)
Heavenly warfighters take NO as the answer, they declare righteous judgments & divine justice as The answer. Is 54:17 God calls his warfighters of heaven to make right the masters of might. Matt 5:9-13
The American spirit is partnership with Lord Holy Spirits Stewardship. Ps 115:16-18
King Jesus is the companionship of our championship.
Father God Most High, by faith we declare this now by the Mighty Name of King Jesus our righteousness; so be it.
For God and Country. “GOD ALONE IS WORTHY”
To God be glory, honor, service/respect/reverence power/praise always & forever.
Thank you Mario fir the instructions on defeating are obedience. I too needed this wake up word I have grown weary in prayer groups that are social gathering. I will take your words of Wisdom and get back in my place in the battle🙏🙏
People have said “Hey, how come Mario hasn’t come to our town.” I tell them that you are going where your told to be going, it’s not your decision.,
God bless MMM.
Glory to God ♥️🙌 that we were born for such as time as this☝️😇Praise FatherGodJesusand the HolySpirit🗡️❣️
🙏🙏🙏Heavenly Father, I’m here for you🤲use me. Thank you 😊
Psalms 90:17 “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands among us; yes, establish the work of our hands.” Amen 🙏 I love you Jesus In your Holy name 🙌♥️😍
The Commander of the Lord’s Army was obviously Jesus. Joshua feel at His feet and worshiped Him. No angel would have allowed Joshua to do this. It is Jesus who leads us to victory.
Amen!!!!!! I thank God for this good word Mario. This is so accurate.
Praying for you Mario
God bless you. I am praying and rejoicing for every time you set up the Tent and people are saved and healed. Making Disciples. Empowering people with the Holy Ghost. And they are going out making disciples. Halleuia. Praise God.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Thanks for all your blogs and all you do.
Mario, your voice is a balm to the body of Christ. How we need this medicine in the Church!
Glory. Been praying toward this end.
It is true that the agenda is to get a hold of God’s agenda. We know the results coming. They are clearly seen in the prophecies. How we’re going to get there is in Jesus’ plan. Your tent meetings and Jentzen Franklin’s incredible outpouring with Perry teaching are how it will get done.
Jesus’ plan is working…surprise, surprise.
Amen and amen!!!
Mario, bless you for your spirit filled insights, in these messages on your blog. I for the most part agree with all your thoughts, and warnings as of late. The only thought I would add is to bear in mind, that our Father God is the final judge, and absolute authority, in all that is going on these days, and that our greatest freedom fighter Jesus, showed us what to do for the salvation of our spirit, and soul, in this temporary wilderness. I do reference a variety of people for truth, and insight, that follow, and can quote scriptural passages, to support their teachings. Today I watched Amanda Grace, on YouTube, teach a Prophetic Revelation about “The spirit of Pythos, and the United States” , and it is so much in tune with what you have talked about in your latest message. I believe Holy Spirit lead truth is in her message. https://www.youtube.com/live/OSaUpAm1Ils?si=j_64PK7UlNM156Hg
Another major BULLSEYE message directly from the HEART of God.Satans having a “coronary”over this one!😊
As usual, Brother Mario, this post is so now! It is now to the times, the situations, the methodologies, the sins, and so much more!
What amazes me, and the things of God always do, is the fact that I just hung up the phone from speaking with a friend and I was saying some of the exact things which you now posted! I was saying that the problem with many people today is the fact that they can’t stand (and actually are losing their minds) about the fact that some people and their ancestors had different experiences and outcomes. But hundreds of years gave their ancestors and all of ours the same time frame to accomplish something. If one set of people helped form a nation and one set of people just set about the destroy it, what does this mean? I have to leave things to God or I can’t bear the hatred and lies!!! But God says that vengeance is His, so I leave it there and do what I can with my little life to add to the good of this nation, which I believe in with all of my heart!
The second thing which is depicted in the picture of the storm is what I stated to my friend not half an hour ago. That is that I love to realize that God is more powerful than the storms He creates! All of that wind, lightning and thunder is so powerful and yet our God is more powerful! Awesome!!! And this anger that the enemy thinks they are displaying is nothing compared to the anger which is coming at them from our Almighty God!!!
The Kingdom of God is what we are to be building, you are so right! He does give us the plans, the resources, and the outcomes! The cleansing, the insight, the ways of God some others of us are also going through and it is an amazement! God is faithful, He is able to bring to completion that which He has begun — He is the Alpha and the Omega! God continue to bless you in your work and for your faithfulness, Brother Mario!!! Let’s all be God’s Willing Vessels!
Awesome post and yes Mario’s ministry is a GOD one. My friend opened my eyes to what we need to do now. We have prayed for salvation and for Godly men and women to rise up and lead our Nation so now we believe He heard us and now we just praise Him. What power we would unleash if we praised Him for results to come forth from our prayers! He is so worthy of our praise! Going yo a-praise service tonight with an awesome praise leader where I with to church before Covid closed it!
Dear Mario, we need you here in Oregon! I remember back when you came to my home church Portland Foursquare (which has since gone woke). I have moved to the Redmond Primeville area ,and joined a spirit filled church,that prays every Tuesday and Thursday morning for the state and the America I love and believe God will save. PLEASE CONSIDER A TENT REVIAL HERE. You are one of my favorite preachers and I support your ministry.
Amen Mario!! Love this!!👏👏👏❤️
What an awesome parallel! I so love how you use God’s soldiers in the Bible to show us how to stand against the evil that is trying to take down this awesome country in which we live. My favorite verse in the Bible is Isaiah 40:31, and God has prepared His eagles to run and not be weary; to walk and not faint. Praise the LORD 🙌
Thank you Mario for being a trusted man of God. I love how you see the things of God and share them with us. I ask the Lord to Bless you with much wisdom and knowledge. May The Spirit of God rest upon you, even all the 7 Spirits of God.
Please come to Washington State.
Notes taken. Meditating on them now. 1. Set aside all preconceived notions 2. Seek wisdom, ask for & listen to instructions on what to do/say 3. Obey no matter the cost. Thank you so much.
Grabbing Hazlett quote, working on a writing to expose the fraudulent notion of scarcity economics … God creates not created we by submitting can discover. Sorry, thanks Bro Mario
The brand new documentary by Kevin Lundberg senator from Colorado and a Colorado family of a6th grade daughter caught in web of wokeism in ART ClUB.
Dear Brother Mario,
I so appreciated your message and was deeply moved with compassion all day – Not just by what was said, but also by what was unsaid.
Though the Bible is full of many solitary figures with powerful commissions (Moses, Joshua, Nehemiah, Elijah, John the Baptist), there are not many extraordinary friendships in the Word.
The special, God given, one-on-one relationship of fellowship around a common revelation and passion for the Lord that only comes along very few times in any man of God’s life.
David had that with Jonathan until his friend was taken away… Later, Ahithophel seemed to be the friend he had longed for.
Paul & Barnabus also shared just such a relationship… For a season.
Knowing the cost in relationships and even friendships that the Lord’s revelation & commission means to you, I appreciate your steadfastness and integrity all the more.
In you I hear Micaiah’s words: “As the LORD liveth, what the LORD saith unto me, that will I speak.”
You truly are a gift to the Body of Christ.
But I know the pain of seeing a friend looking back at Sodom with longing and knowing you’ll have to go up the mountain alone.
The voice in the wilderness has sometimes been made into a romanticized hypothetical by those who never really experience it… But to be that voice, you truly have to be in the wilderness, alone.
I admire the grace and commitment with which you have borne this “thorn in the flesh.”
I’m praying for you as you lay down your life for your One True FRIEND, the Lord Jesus.
All My Love
Lately I’ve been wrestling with my need to ‘let go and let God’ — even knowing full well that His purpose and plan is far above any concern of mine. You testimony, in both content and timing, is a great help and much needed. Thank you!
Thy will be done, Lord, on earth as it is in Heaven.
I love everyone’s comments to you, Brother Mario. I cannot really add more, but I want to tell you I can’t wait to order THE CHRISTMAS BOX! It is going to my daughter and family, and I pray that she will not return it. Last time she tossed the Resurrection Day gifts out her car window at the bottom of my drive. Jesus never promised us a “rose garden.” But He did say much about the last days of this church era. Satan and all his cronies were defeated at the cross. We are overcomers! I love you and your ministry. We have some great evangelists in this country and I am proud to be in America to fight this spiritual battle!! Thank you to all who support this ministry and many others as well!!!! You can’t take your money with you. Sow into the Kingdom of God with all your heart!!!!
Greetings to all from Middle Georgia. I was very blessed by your blog, Mario. Thank you for your commitment and time that you put into your writings. You encourage us to work while it is still light but to seek God about the work first. His Will, His Way, Seek them first and then Obey! I would love to be able to attend one of your tent meetings. May God bless you, your family and your helpers, and your intercessors.
I fully concur!