What can compare with seeing someone you love being saved or healed—live, and in person? It is one thing to claim that miracles are taking place. It is quite another to see them actually happen. On Sunday July 10, at 6:30 PM, with thousands of people from all over Colorado, we expect miracles to happen.
We certainly do not expect them because we deserve them. We expect them because Christ has directed us to hold this crusade. And we are not the only ones who believe miracles are coming.
A volunteer army of 1,500—the largest in our history—is converging on Colorado Springs.
A volunteer army of 1,500—the largest in our history—is converging on Colorado Springs. They are already on the streets, laying hands on the sick and winning souls. The openness of people to our army is in stark contrast to the images the media tries to project.
The timing for these four nights could not be better. Colorado Springs is already experiencing a spiritual rumbling. There is a widespread feeling that God is pushing a supernatural reset button for faith and the fire of revival. The message that, “SOMETHING BIG HAS ALREADY BEGUN,” keeps resounding among the churches. They believe that many things the Church has lost will be restored. And, many wonderful new things will be added.
The hand of God is heavy on this outreach. The expectancy is electric. But the two greatest miracles are just now starting. The first one is intercession. Colorado Springs is being encircled and bathed in prayer. Heart to heart, they are marching around the city. It is a massive appeal to heaven.
It is no coincidence that a vast contingency of fiery believers from South Korea will also be in Colorado Springs, praying during the tent crusade. This is not coordinated by us. It is a separate event planned by the Holy Spirit, and not by man.
These South Koreans are coming to many parts of America to pray. They are commemorating the great Billy Graham crusade that reached millions in Seoul Korea.
Beyond prayer is the next great miracle: Friends bringing friends, and families bringing families to the Tent. Mark 6:54-56 says, “And when they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognized Him, ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was. Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.” Truly, this Bible miracle of people bringing people to Jesus, will be repeated here.
Truly, this Bible miracle of people bringing people to Jesus, will be repeated here.
We are setting up every chair we can inside our new 190’ X 100’ tent. 2,000 new chairs have arrived by semi from New York.
“I will address the 1500+ army in a special rally on Saturday, July 3rd at 6 PM.”
Ah, brother, the eve would be July 9. I will presume that was a typo. I look forward to seeing what God will do. Driving in from Boise, Idaho, and a friend I met while volunteering at Hanford, California will be flying in from Georgia.
You are correct Jon. It is July 9
One of my patients is attending with his sister as volunteers. We live in RI, the sister I believe in CO. He has extreme back pain and the surgeon that operated on him performed a bad outcome. I am believing he will be healed, the surgeon forgiven and a beautiful outcome.
Rally on July 3? Or I’d that a misprint?
You are correct it is a misprint. The rally is July 9th
I am speaking in Eastern MT on the 3rd, but always praying!
Praying from TX & expecting same miracles as we take over 600 youth to camp July 4 – 9
Amen praise Jesus.
Father in heaven pour out the Holy Spirit like never been seen on earth before total healing salvations in the name of Jesus
Praying. Standing with you. May the Kingdom of God be on full display. May it be the epicenter of a huge wave of His glory and power through out the region. Amen and amen.
Prayer for Sandra in Arvada goes to the gathering and filled with the HOLY GHOST and with 🔥. AMEN!!!
Hi Marilyn, my name is Jan and I live in Arvada. Will also be attending the event on the 12th. Is Sandra looking for fellowship?
Amen Brother Mario & Sister Mechelle we are praying and thanking God for the miracles signs and wonders! You two are being used by Gid to shift the atmosphere by the power of the Holy Spirit! A miraculous move of God! We love you! 💜😇
Praising God always from Washington State
Brother Randy & Sister Liz Schmidt🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I want to join forces with your Ministry. I am a Music Ministry that is starting to Blow up. George Jacobs Music Ministry on YouTube. My music is free to use to Bless the Kingdom with my gifts. People are being saved and Healed through my Ministry. One person left me a comment and said all I did was listen to your music Video and I was healed of cancer. Glory to God. ..https://www.youtube.com/c/GeorgeJacobs
I can’t be at this one.. hopefully before. Long.. PLEASE pray for my son , Brian. He and his wife are getting divorce and have 3 small children together . Brian and Mandy need a relationship with the Lord, and guide children in conservative Christian way.
Prayers for my friend, who has lost eye and ear, and going through cancer treatment, and financial drained. She smokes and drinks couple of beers nightly.
Separated marriage. She feels Good has let this happen to her, because done something bad, but doesn’t know what. Beautiful heart and hearting! She is taking chemo weekly…
So incredible to watch the Holy Spirit orchestrate all of this!!! Thank You Father!! And I know He always tells you what to say! You ALWAYS know what to say and I marvel at that – from Flash Point, to interviews to preaching. Thank You Father for always being there putting words in Mario’s mouth! We hear and know it is You!!
Amen and Amen
I love how God choreographed you and and the Korean intercessors to be in Colorado Springs at the same time. Glory to God! I will be praying for this crusade.
This couldn’t have been more timely! Colorado is a hotbed of liberalism and one of the states that have said they will be a “sanctuary” for those desiring to kill their babies through abortion. The demons rage on, but the Lord Jesus has the last word, because HE IS THE WORD! May God’s Spirit move mightily before, during and after this crusade!!
My wife, Pat are praying your ministry. Both in Colorado, and Georgia this Friday Flash Point.
Can I come and learn from these people. I am in Greeley 2 hrs away. My pastors are not participating
Yes please come.
Will you be coming to Central Florida this year. I would love to see you..
Working on it.
People can be healed watching the conference online…I believe this because there is no distance for God. I would love attending this great meeting. If you are from Canada I would like to join you and hoping you are from Montreal or Toronto too. Let me know
Thank you so much for all you do. I am so grateful. Yes I will continuing praying.
I am and will continue to be praying for all who come to this crusade! I am elderly and cannot come, but I can surely pray !
I am 89 years young and have a prayer life of binding and loosing so now I bind anything on this earth that would be a hindrance to your this great outpouring of the love of Jesus as He heals and sets the captives free in Colorado! So it is bound in the Courts of Heaven! And I loose the power of our beloved Holy Spirit to fill every nook of that tent to realease
I applied to be a part of the ministry there during the meeting but I never I never heard anything back from the ministry
Praying for a great change in culture for this nation. Beginning with Colorado Springs. Lee up the important work you are doing.
Brother in Kingdom of the aBody of Christ 2.am here at your blog Christ’s Portals are opening in America There will be a Rainbow of Joy from Heaven over your knew tent.More chairs required.Overflow.Farmers Cattle people suffered from drought are coming.Its a victory of souls as music is playing Glory to God.🌈☮️🙏👍💓
Please pray for my mom. She is half way to reaching her 102nd birthday!! She has memory loss and this has been very difficult for her (and me). She lives in a nursing facility in Colorado Springs and I live in Alaska and have not been able to visit. I pray that her mental health be restored in Jesus name!
Marylyn, I live in Colorado Springs with my 95-year-old mother who has Alzheimer’s. If you like we could visit your mom and lay hands on her. Even with my mom’s Alzheimer’s, she is still a great prayer warrior. She may forget who we just prayed for, but she’s totally alive to God. We are going to work as ‘WelComers’ for the Mario crusade starting tomorrow. We will be lifting up your mom and believing God for healings from memory loss.
Awesome! Will pray!
Awesome event! God bless all it to HIs glory and praise!
I’m praying for your ministry in Colorado Springs. My daughter is moving and her moving to that area. if they get there in time I’ll encourage them to join you.
I will be driving from Lynchburg, VA to Colorado Springs July 1st. See you there.
I will be with you in spirit and standing in faith that my hearing will be restored as you pray for others. God bless you and your entire staff. Jesus is Lord!!
Intercession from Canada 🇨🇦 praying for you and the crusade. Would love to be there. However travel restrictions for some of us are still in place. Good bless all of you.
Praying for a great harvest and mirackes
“Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.”
Build the 🏕 tents 🏕 and Fill the
🏟 stadiums 🏟
I have heard time and time again from our Lord Jesus, that the calling of the church into a new place is here and it is coming from Colorado Springs, CO. This is where Holy Spirit has designated this revival take place. not many months ago there was no revival planned for Colorado Springs, but Holy Spirit is calling for this revival to spread across Colorado and into other states, a moving that can only reignite the fire, power and authority His (Tongues of Fire). 2 Tim 1:9 NIV: He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. It is time we answer the call of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 1 Chronicles 16:31, NIV Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, “The LORD reigns!.” I am but a servant of the MOST HIGH GOD to do that which He has called me to do. I obey God, not man,
Mario, I am so excited that God is allowing you and those standing with you to be the apostles of old with the boldness and authority to take the devil out from his hold on this Nation and the world. I am in my eighties and cant do much now
but I would like to donate what I can. Is there a number to call as it seems you are moving your headquarters – and phone donation is an instant deposit. Thank you and I am believing for miracle seed deposit to support in an abundant way. Go get the devil, Mario. Praying for the harvest of souls, multiplied volunteers and safety and health to all who serve with you.
I will be one of your volunteers and Have extreme sciatic pain. God will heal
Elieving for healing as we watch on line. my friend needs healing of Parkinson’s and I feel,Stromgly In my Spirit that healing IS to take place.His name is Marvin. He uses a wheel chair and cannot walk without it and has tremors as he tries to eat.
Whendoyou move to Nashville?
We live in Lafayette TN since last August.
Praying for your meetings and for your strength and rest to keep up with the intense pace. God is able to sustain you. Also praying the presence of His Holy Spirit would be so strong that you all feel a refreshing breeze flow through when the wind outside is still. I’m in the South but have family in Eastern WA. While overall that side of WA state is conservative, the enemy has increased his stronghold and it is having a devastating effect on the youth. I believe God is going to do a mighty work there and pray for Him to come quickly and release His Angel warriors there. Any chance that area is in the works ?
I want to Thank our Heavenly Father for the awesome strength and boldness he has given his people in the body of Christ to stand with great faith and called to have a spirit like Caleb. A spirit like no other that has great faith and will never fall to a compromising spirit. We have authority over all things that comes at us. As long as we walk in him he shall walk in us through the spirit of the HOLY GHOST. Praying every day in the SPIRIT WILL GIVE US THE STRENGTH WE NEED TO FIGHT THIS SPIRITUAL BATTLE WE FACE ALL THE TIME. It brings me great joy to see people receive the baptism of the HOLY GHOST. Thank you Pastor & Brother Mario MURILLO for doing what GOD has made you to be!!! I pray always for you and your family & staff that GOD provides that Great Wall of protection. Someday I know GOD will send me to be a volunteer prayer warrior for your ministry. GOD knows how many lives you have touched throughout your ministry. Blessings Always AmyHaynes.