by | Jul 12, 2021 | Christianity Today, Revival in America | 48 comments


Everywhere you turn, someone claims  to have God’s message of the hour. With such a flurry of “messages,” how can we possibly know what God is really saying? Especially regarding America. Just what is God saying about our nation?

A growing number of Christians believe America is too far gone. At the same time, many say that a great awakening will save us. But who is right?

The proper course of action demands we be very clear about what we believe will happen to our nation.

Let’s be brutally honest. The case for doom is strong! Face facts.

-The NFL has launched a television commercial that begins with, “The NFL is Gay.” Why is such a mainstream institution so in-your-face toward the church? Because it is a tipping point.

-The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sings a song, literally saying, “We are coming for your children.” Their goal is to get our children. The lyrics state, “We will convert your children, it happens little by little, quietly and subtly and you will hardly notice.” In other words, we will not even know they did it. What has happened that makes them believe they can be so blatant, without any consequence?

-Democrats have elevated abortion from a health issue for women, which is an abhorrent idea to begin with, into a magical healing, that is to be celebrated. How can they not see that this is child-sacrifice to the god of socialism?

-The largest caravan of illegals in history is heading for our wide-open southern border. We are watching a human tragedy unfold that boggles the mind. Thousands of children will awaken in American cities and literally not know where they are or who will claim them.

-Murder rates triple in cities that defund the police. They are so poisoned with wokeness that they would rather destroy their own cities than admit it is all a lie.

On the other hand, there are powerful things happening in California—of all places—that stagger the imagination. I have been careful not to tell you about all of the things God is doing along Highway 99, because I feared being lumped in with the many exaggerators in the church today.

Thousands have been saved. Just today, we saw 50 souls saved in one Sacramento park, alone. People have reported cancers being healed. People who come into the tent leaning on walkers, some with M.S., are healed and dance before God. In previous Living Proof meetings in the tent, we have seen sinners rock back and forth in their seats, groaning under conviction. And drug dealers have charged the altar and have thrown away their drugs.

But now it has reached a level that is astounding. You remember I told you that, in a dream, I saw Highway 99 turn into a river. Now, people are colliding with the Glory of God when there is no meeting, while they are driving on highway 99!

This written testimony came into the Flashpoint prayer center:

“I do not know how to get this to Mario. My son, a former youth pastor, mental health counselor, weary after devastating betrayals, (being asked to use evil philosophies to work with disturbed youth), just quit and became a long-haul truck driver.

“While driving through California, he got hit with what he described as a “Wailing Wall anointing.” He had been cold in his walk with God. As he described this experience, I asked if he had heard of meetings with Mario Murillo. When I explained about the conviction, weeping, groaning, with need to get right with God, my son asked where those meetings were held. When I explained, he became very excited and said, “That’s where it was, Mom, that’s where I got hit!!! I was driving right in that area!”

“He then proceeded to tell me the greatest move of God ever to hit the planet is coming! (I had only been telling him for over 20 years, LOL!) “I’m calling my Pastor,” he said. “He’s got to get ready for this, he’s not ready for what is coming. You don’t understand, this is way more than has ever been seen or heard of before!” Praise God, Mario would be blessed to know the anointing is spreading throughout the land!”

“The time is coming when the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)

The message of the hour is this: The evil is greater, but God is far greater. The battle seems impossible, but God is on the move in ways that are bigger and mightier than we can possibly imagine. Please continue to pray for our upcoming crusade in Sacramento.

Thank you,



  1. Pastor Ralph Stamp

    Historically Awakening/revival has followed moral decay in this nation along with an outpouring of Holy Spirit. Once again I believe and I am praying for, preaching about another sovereign dose of the fulfillment of John the Baptist prophecy of the “the One who is coming (and came) will baptize you, especially you the remnant in the Holy Spirit and fire. Also I believe in the billion soul harvest that will come. But we need to believe and become one of the millions of one voice to not just in pray but speak up and speak out against the demonically inspired tyranny in God’s ordained Christian founded and formed nation. As Pastor Kent Christmas said” God chose Israel but America chose God”. Become one of those Holy Ghost, Anointed, fire breathing , life giving, courageous, bold voices. “And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:31‬ ‭NASB

    Thank you Mario. Your voice has been “life” pneuma to me”-FIRE AND GLORY

    • Wordforworld

      Yes, Pastor Ralph, we actually DO NOT need to beg for the “message of the hour!”
      It was given to us by the One Who said, have I not told you the end from the beginning?

      The One Who said of Babylon, “rejoice over her (demise) you heavens and holy apostles AND prophets; FOR GOD HATH AVENGED YOU ON HER.”
      Isa 14:4-5, 22-27 Rev 18:20
      If people would speak what the LORD told us we’d be (finally) cooperating with our Jehovah-Nissi. The LORD, our Champion.

      We are told to take up “this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
      The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked, the
      scepter of the rulers.

      How many times have you said this? Any others here? How many have heard a pastor tell us to say what God’s Word said?

      WE need to cooperate with, not frustrate, God’s great grace!
      These are the times the LORD said, in ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness to us thru Christ Jesus. It is the mercy of God that He has revealed the depths of wickedness! We had NO idea we were even captives! If it was all to our doom than there was no need to expose it. However, it IS exposed so that the ignorant would wake up, learn to discern the spirits, and agree with (speak) God’s Word. Perhaps the woke would repent of their evil. The signs & wonders ARE evident all over the place!

      We ought to know better, for this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;
      And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,
      will pour out of
      Spirit upon
      Again, in these last days God has spoken to us (now) by His Son….
      We need to address where we’re putting our strength, monies, etc. NFL has money to put out outrageous ads? Who paid for that? Who funds the sports programs? Who funds coffeehouses? Who funds big-box retailers? Who funds msm, fb, Twitter, utube, universities.
      Still? We need to research what businesses support ppp and foreign entities, etc. Phone calls/texts/emails/letters to all govt representation needs to be made. Our words may be the ONLY warning the ungodly have. Or ours may be the ONLY reassurance to the godly few!

      (I apologize for the length of comment, but not the content.)

    • Clayton Buddin Jr.

      Brother in Christ our Lord and Savior, keep STANDING STRONG IN THE MIGHTY FORCE OF GOD, He is the one guiding the direction of your life calling…. There is nothing the enemy can do to stop or alter God’s plan along with His personal plan in and for your life…. Keep Standing Strong and Courageous, you remind me of Paul and Peter, a perfect blend of His anointing…!!! We love you brother, and stand with you through all the trials and tribulations…..!!!
      I’m proud to call you my brother in Christ Jesus…!!! I will continue to pray for your faith to be strengthened as you forge ahead in His will for you and for His will for the Bride of Christ Jesus….!!! Amen and Amen…!!!

    • diane

      Thank you!!!!

    • David Halseth

      Seems like moral decay has been around in America for decades? I certainly was a part of that 40 years ago. I love all of the sermons below and appreciate all of you and what Mario is doing. If I were not disabled bed I’d be there too. Traveling all over the world with John Wimber and Brent Rue was an amazing blessing. To see hundreds saved, healed and delivered was quite fun and humbling. Got you bottom kicked by the devil for sure but worth every minute. The war was won on the Cross, nevertheless battles continue (a mystery).

      Blessing you all. The simple Gospel still works for mr weekly.


  2. Sara Moon

    I am excited about what God is doing through out the land and cities, but where are the Holy Ghost Prophets that will come to the little rural towns for people that can’t afford to go to the big cities or have no way! Has God forgotten us? No, I don’t believe He has, but please send your prophets to the rural parts of the big cities where they can’t go!!!!

    • Bob Klen

      HE is there in the rural areas, just open the Word
      Hebrews 1:1-2 NASB
      [1] … God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, [2] in a these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. …

    • Greg Dean

      G-D will hit everywhere. It is a spiritual tidal wave.

    • Meredith

      I live rural also. We don’t need Mario to come to town we just need Spirit filled Bible believing Christians willing to do what Mario is doing in our small towns. If just one will step out others will join an God will respond because of their faith.

      • Joyce Millef


    • Pookie

      Sara, I don’t know where you’re from but here at CrossRoads churchin Seguin Texas God has sent us a prophet. it’s happening praise his holy name!

    • Perry Donaldson

      Sara, Prophets I don’t think are needed in evangelistic crusade’s. According to Ephesians 4,11 And he gave some Apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some Pastor and Teachers, ( to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Acts 15,32 says Silas and Judas, who themselves were Prophets, encouraged and strengthened the brothers with many words. The only prophet that foretold something that would happen in the future, and that was Agabus , he said a drought was coming and it did otherwise the function of the Prophet is working with Pastors to equip the saints for the work of ministry

  3. Sara Moon

    I don’t remember it or maybe it has been sometime ago, but I didn’t receive an answer!

  4. Glenda Hurt

    I have yearned for this hour. God spoke to me in service one Sunday morning in the 80s. The preacher had mentioned Job and how the last was better than the first. As I was listening to message. God spoke these words to me “I HAVE SAVED THE BEST FOR U TIL LAST. As I pondered his WORD. He spoke again. I HAVE SAVED THE BEST FOR THE CHURCH TIL LAST !!! WE ARE THERE. PRAISE THR LORD. ITS GOING TO BE GLORIOUS !!

    • Clayton Buddin Jr.

      Yes indeed….!!! Stand Strong and Courageous my friend and brother….!!!

  5. Robin tamburi

    I feel some excitement everyday… that something huge is on the way. God bless your ministry. I awoke today with a smile and this thought in my head “it’s a good day for battle… good vs evil and light vs dark. I’ll put on my full armor of God and March forth. God always wins!”

    • Linda Bates

      Thank you, Mario for speaking the truth about the evil that shows it’s ugly face AND for sharing your what God is doing in California.
      In the early 1980’s, I felt compelled to learn all I could about the Azusa Street Revival. I began to pray that I would be a part of the next Great Move of God. That hunger to learn about revivals has never left me and the cry of my heart is that I see it sweep the United States and the whole world!! I
      I believe the great awakening is here and that we will see billions of people come to Jesus!!!
      Holy Spirit, have Your way!

  6. cs1

    Amen Brother Mario, I live in California and work in a local school district. Your message in Fresno CA at Cornerstone was very timely and yes I have your book :). I want to thank you for your wonderful pentacostel history of the church you have so correctly warned we are losing in our churches today. I am praying for a revival and seeing God move yet, I too see serious economic trouble, and possible military action very soon before 2022. I am not saying that prophetically but geo-politically. AS a military man for 20 years. we have a short window in California as they are already the Governor of Ca is planning another shut down in the fall. We must stand against it. CDE said those who are vaccinated don’t need to wear masks. the CS Teacher union and CA Govnor said all must wear masks vaccinated or not. All this I must say I am very much stirred in my spirit and there is going to be a great move of God and it has already started. The prayer life of the church is not there yet. We have seen God save and take the homeless off the streets in Patterson CA but only a hand full will pray corporately which is greatly needed.

  7. Sue Brookshire

    Where did you get your tent? Did it come from Miami Oklahoma?

  8. Gunnar

    Cs1: I would NOT be in a Church OR a Conference unless it was Fasting, Praying, REPENTING; Praying and speaking the Bible and Worshipping. Not to mention truly helping and serving people meeting people where they are at. Been praying for the Glory, the Fire of God and the LOVE of the Father to come but it’s “HIS KINGDOM COME, HIS WILL BE DONE”. Judgment begins where? I Peter 4:17. (i’ve been having some pretty ugly conversations with God about condition of our World and worse the so called condition of our church as “to see a sick church in a dying world”)! Mario probably wouldn’t post brutal so gave him what for on his Contact Page.

  9. Eddie Bowers

    I have been taught that the churches in Revelation represent the Church age. The church of Philadelphia is the obedient church and one of the descriptions is that it has a little power(dunamis) and has not denied his name and kept looking for his return. How does that fit with what is happening now? Will it end quickly with a lot of emotional conversions falling away and becoming the Laodicean church? Would you write a blog about this?

    • Kathleen Wood

      I am a minister, walked with the Lord over 40 years, and have studied Revelation extensively. I believe that in regard to your question about the churches in chapters 2 and 3 we see specific churches mentioned which existed at the time John wrote. However, we also see that these same signs, warnings and errors Christ addressed in those specific churches might also be applicable in today’s church in this current age. So, rather than looking chronologically at the letters to the churches as if one later evolves into the next, look at each one as if Christ is addressing us in the now. What can we learn? What does Christ say to us? What does He warn us about? What reward is He encouraging us with through repentance and heeding His Word? After the church age is over, and indeed I believe in the Rapture of the church, we will see Him face to face. Though His judgements will be poured out on all this unbelieving world, I believe that He still has a plan and place for His Jewish nation of Israel and has reserved a remnant there. When Christ is ready to set up His throne we shall be part of His kingdom on earth. God bless you richly in your studies for His glory. Keep your eyes on Jesus. And learn of Him.

  10. Roger D Culwell

    The enemy is definitely doing all he can, but God is going to do what he said in these times to, he told me, to prepare for what is coming, he didn’t say what, but he said prepare, so I think we best be ready for what ever God is going to do, and for what the enemy will try to do also, fight for our nation but be about our fathers business, win souls lay hands on the sick, cast out devils, I still think we could save America with Gods help but the first thing thats goint to have to happen is for the Church to wake up repent and get filled with the Holy Spirit and fire and then do as the Apostles did, and start preaching the word and standing and speaking out, and then change congress and repeal sec 230, or America’s election system is gone along with America, we can change the question is do we want to bad enough, and we need a congress thats for this country and not traitors. God Bless you sir and so Glad to hear whats going on on the highway. keep up the great work

  11. Greg Dean

    In the 1980s it was known that there would be a time when nothing men, both in the church and in politics, would have the ability to fix. That time is now and has been for the last four years. It is in times like this that G-D can move.

    We are seeing a G-D lead movement. A spiritual tidal wave. Mario is one aspect. So is The Chosen video series. And K-Love radio stations. Many more will rise up and be leaders in this movement. Churches and their pastors will be overwhelmed as they are not prepared. The political establishment will be blindsided, especially the left. The “Tidal Wave” will sweep them aside. Our culture will be renewed. Universities will be cleansed. Hollywood will change (look at what the Chosen is doing).

    No individual will lead this. It is G-D and G-D alone who will be glorified.

  12. Linda Whitaker

    My prayer partner and I and a few members of my prayer team were given an assignment from the Lord to visit each of the 58 counties of California which we began last October and just finished this last Friday. We live in Reno NV. At each site we would blow the shofar, anoint the land, make heavenly decrees, break strongholds as the Spirit led, pray for the fire of God, stand in agreement with all the ministries who have gone before, are now and will in the future visit California. We have prayed for redefining, realigning, and restoration for the State of California. We have stood in agreement for all that Mario is doing and feel a part of it as we traveled the land taking the authority we have as the Ecclesia of God. A Great move of God has begun.

    • Susan

      Bless you, Linda. I stand in agreement with you for the State of California.

    • Wordforworld

      We praise God, Linda! Thank you for doing and speaking God’s will be done! You DO know His will! Most pastors still don’t know God’s will. Everywhere we tread (by shoes or tires) we’re given permission to call into the kingdom of God’s dear Son.

  13. Larry Franklin

    Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.
    America in general, and the American Church in specific must rise up in these last days to again become a Christian nation. If we want to walk in the blessings of God so many can be saved, we need to come around to the truth. There is no time to waste. The time is now!
    Read Deuteronomy 28: 1-14

  14. Doris Martinez

    Thank you bro Mario, love and prayers that you and Michel & fam/team be strengthened in your innerman,spirit soul and body in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ ! Amen so be it !

  15. Gloria Garcia

    My desire would have been to be part of this awakening. Sadly, I’m battling BULBAR ALS. I miss teaching the word and small groups. But, I pray for this incredible move of God.

    • Kathleen Wood

      You can still be part of whatever God is doing. Pray! God hears and answers regardless of where you are – whether sitting in a chair at home or kneeling at the altar inside a revival tent.

    • Gail Erickaon

      Hi! I will pray for you. My brother is battling the same thing. Just wondering-nothing official here-have you tried a metal detox?

    • Gail Erickson

      Hi. I meant to reply to your post-see below.

    • Darlene W

      Reading Kenneth Hagin’s book The Believer’s Authority may help. We must know who we are in Christ Jesus and all that belongs to us especially in these times.

  16. Kathleen Wood

    Whether this is America’s last call as David Wilkerson described, a true revival, or “as in the days of Noah” preparation for the rapture of the church before judgement is poured out matters not to me. No one knows when Christ will return. But we know the signs are here and the hour is late. The message and purpose is the same as when the church began. “Today is the day of salvation! ” Don’t wait. The response of every born again Christian and the true church must be “whatever God is doing, I want to be part of it.” Don’t let a fixation on American politics become the end game. God and His will for souls is our thirst, our focus and our goal. Then, leave the rest to Him.

  17. Tina

    My family and I pray together every night at the same time for you, your ministry and the crusade because we know that you are doing the Lord’s work. Thank you for all the hard work you and your people do in service to the Lord. God is truly working a miracle in California and we pray that He blesses and keeps you and yours safe, healthy and prosperous.

  18. Gayle Anderson

    I wonder again if a team could be sent to Concho, Arizona. Our area is in severe physical and spiritual drought. Our entire lake dried to nothing this past year. So much is dying. A fire burns about 20 miles away, filling a browning landscape with brown smoke. This is called Arizona’s armpit. It is mocked. The state government deposits its sex offenders here, we are told. And the sheriffs have been said to tell the residents to take care of business, and they will be by for any cleanup. It’s a Mormon area filled with practicing occultists, druggies, etc. Three first-nation reservations are near. One of the three major Protestant churches in the area has abusive leadership; and I think is sailing off the cliff. Even so, God has been giving the Christians here words / visions / dreams, etc. that something will happen here. And it will be HUGE. An expectancy is growing. As the landscape darkens, a small number have dug their nails into the hem of the Savior’s robe. The harassment and physical attacks are difficult, though. A lot of us are not trained to know how to deal with demonism. And we grow weary. If nothing more, please pray for our area. Thank you!

    • Rochelle

      Hi Gayle,
      The area where you live sounds like the perfect place for God to reveal His glory! Remember when people said, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”
      I hope you can gather a group (small or large) of believers to agree in prayer on a weekly or daily basis for the needs.
      Our ladies group found that using the “7 cultural mountains” was a good template to use so that we covered all the aspects of our community in prayer.
      I pray the deliverances and blessings for Concho, Arizona, are a tsunami.

      • Gayle Anderson

        Thank you, Rochelle. One of the heartbreaks is that it looks like we were pushed out of a prayer meeting we have participated in for years. Hubby is regarded by some as a false teacher because he does not believe women should be silent in church but use their spiritual gifts… We keep pressing on… Thank you.

  19. Noel

    “A growing number of Christians say America is too far gone. At the same time, many say a great awakening will save us. Who is right?”

    Matthew 9:28-30b- And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.” Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” And their eyes were opened.

    Hebrews 11:6- But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

    My prayer in this hour is- Lord increase my faith as I endeavor to hear Your voice alone. Open my eyes to see what is really going on in the Spiritual Realm.

    I am reminded of this spiritual reality in 2 Kings 6:8-17

  20. Darlene W

    The Highway 99 golden river of glory testimony was such a blessing to read. Our great God is doing more than we could ever hope or dream.

  21. Ava Hall

    You are an inspiration and my husband and I stand with you. We watch you on Flashpoint and appreciate truth and faith filled ministries. The just shall live by faith.Praying in Rochester, Mn. Ava C. Hall

  22. Cynthia

    Thank you brother Mario! Just this morning Holy Spirit put in my spirit an old song…
    God is on the Move! So thank you again for sharing proof.
    God is on the move in many mighty ways!

  23. kingskid48

    We are approaching Critical Mass for corruption, debauchery, crime, violence, tyranny, and perversion.

    I honestly believe that God is allowing this so that no one will be able to say that America saved herself. It had to be God.

    It’s my personal belief that we will see a huge Harvest of Souls, but not a turnaround in the corrupt culture, and certainly not a halting of the progress toward evil in the areas of technology and the sciences.

    I believe we are far closer to the End of this Age than most people, including world-dazzled Christians, want to admit.

    But God can do anything, and the timing is all up to Him.

  24. Richard Wilson

    I have been following, primarily through FlashPoint, Mario Murillo’s tent meetings revivals. That knowledge of revival had prompted me two weeks ago to submit a written request to a church that I attend here in Washington State as follows: “G____ C________ Church needs to have an alter-call (The Great Commission), and needs to have those standing in front of the stage in front of where worship service is preached to pray with those who come forward to help them cross the line througu the door into the Kindom.” At that church during worship service last weekend, July 10-11, the senior pastor gave an alter-call invitation and serveral (those online, unkown to me) people raisied their hand to be saved. That church here in Washington State currently has approximately 4,000 audience base of people. That invitation last weekend by the senior pastor of that church may have just between that pastor and the Lord, but I enjoy thinking that I may have had some part in the lives being saved at last weekend’s invitation at that church.

  25. Sharon Soldo

    Hearing things like this is such a blessing among so many terrible things happening! God is on the move! Praise God!

  26. NickT

    Amen, God is good!

  27. Kathleen Ann Callahan

    This is where we get to glorify God, follow His lead, pray, fast and do what we can in the physical, and rejoice as He pulls the impossible off in the most fantastic way yet.



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