Just because I am at an event does not mean I endorse everything about that event.
Someone criticized me for not believing the prophet who tells children that there are tame T-Rexes in heaven that they can ride, as well as candy stores and mountains of Jello. Apparently, that person thought I was not supporting the “prophets.”
Later that same day, another person attacked me for appearing on a stage with some leaders who they consider to be “false prophets.” So, in their eyes, I was guilty of supporting these prophets. Do you see how that works?
No matter what I do, it will offend someone. The truth is, I neither support false prophets, nor reject true prophets. I simply go and preach when and where the Holy Spirit leads me.
This story from the Bible shows my point.
In Second Kings, the wicked king of Israel, Jehoram son of Ahab, went to war against Moab. He asked the righteous king of Judah, Jehoshaphat, to come with him. I suspect it was because of family ties that Jehoshaphat compromised. When they ran out of water and were in danger of dying of thirst, they called for a prophet.
That prophet, Elisha, was not happy that Jehoshaphat was allied with Jehoram, but Elisha agreed to prophesy the word of the Lord to help them. In 2 Kings 3:14-15, Elisha spoke to Jehoram, saying, “As the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you, nor see you. But now bring me a musician.”
Sometimes, when you see me at an event, you might wonder if I am compromising. No way! There are people there I regard, so I will speak. I will speak for the sake of an audience that otherwise might only get false teaching. It is not that I am endorsing the questionable people on stage.
Just as Elisha would never have prophesied if the king he regarded, Jehoshaphat, was not there. Likewise, I will not go to any Christian event unless there is someone there that I truly believe in and support―even if there are some questionable characters in the mix.
What I preach is what you should be checking.
The next time you see me at one of these events, do me a favor and take the time to hear what I say in that event. And if you see me on a stage with people you deem false, listen to my appeal to truth and to the audience.
If I disagree with your favorite “prophet,” listen to what I am saying, in context, from the Bible. You should never defend any prophet’s experience above the Word of God.
Yes, the Bible tells us to shun heretics. Titus 3:10 says, “Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.” But it also says, “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18).
Most of my time is spent in a tent, winning lost souls. But I am sometimes led to various camps within the Body of Christ, because we must learn to talk to each other. My goal is to reach out to the entire church, to speak truth to them. We need to try to change the minds of ‘woke’ Christians who support the destruction of America. If we do not, then our nation is lost.
Everyone who volunteers in Sacramento will tell you the same thing. It will change your life. Use this link to volunteer
Every week between now and August 8th something important and wonderful will happen on the streets of Sacramento. Our teams from Mario Murillo Ministries and Inner City Action are in the neighborhoods, and parks.
We are handing out thousands of pounds of groceries door to door. We are leading souls to Jesus. We are praying for the sick to be healed. We are bringing hope to oppressed families.
We are stunned at the hunger of the people. They pray with us at their front door. Crowds form in the parks and listen to our unfiltered Gospel message.
Volunteer, it will change your life. See why Highway 99 is a corridor of the Glory of God. Our training will reduce fear. You will surprise yourself by how bold you can really be. And how much joy comes from doing this. Do not wait. Again, use this link to voluteer. https://forms.gle/3CUhD1PEVNU5XNHf8
Excellent word Mario!! Totally agree…your message is what I hear, and Love it!! Keep on keeping on…your message is most
important now!!
God Bless and strengthen you!!????????????????????????????????????❤️
Thank you Bro Mario for being a good man, and a man of God!
Thank you Mario for following the word of God. Like you said people will criticize regardless of who you do or do not support. Keep up the good work. We were in Nashville at the conference and it was anointed. Would love to attend the tent crusades.
I listen to several prophets, those that say “thus sayeth the Lord” and give specific events and dates sometimes. I constantly pray for discernment. We are told in the Bible to reject prophets who say “thus sayeth the Lord” when the word does not come to pass. Yet, these “prophets” will chastise people who question them when specific dates, etc do not materialize. “Do not attack God’s anointed!” I wonder about several giving similar messages. Is God really talking to each of them? Are they listening to each other in the “Prophets’ Club”? How many times are we expected to believe things occurred in the spiritual realm? Or believe far fetched claims that the Bible does not speak of? I do not want to be an unbeliever of God’s truly anointed prophets, but neither do I want to be a non-discerning fool.
This is why you need discernment and why it is so important so that you can rightly divide the truth from the untruth. I always ask the Lord to show me, if I’m not sure and to confirm it for me. He does.
I agree with what Brother Mario wrote. Blessings!
Thank you for your wise message. For many years I gave up speaking in tongues because some prophets who I later learned were false prayed with me for that gift. The Lord showed me later not to reject His gift because of some foolish men.
This was a wonderful word from you that I hear and appreciate! Blessings to your ministry from the heart of Elohim.
Don t let other opinions bother you you stand before God he s your judge not man as long as your doing Gods will you will always find those who coitize you .Keep on doing what your doing its a great word .God bless you and your team
Brother Mario I was just listening to Kim Clement in a broadcast from 2015. He saw
people in the streets crying out to Jesus all over America.
I of course immediately began
to rejoice over this and thank the Lord for you and others He
has called for such a time as this.
Foolish asumptions are a killer and delusional thinking doesn’t help either. Thanks Mario for being who you are in spite of the objections and ridicule.
Great Words of Understanding
Dear brother, you’re taking the right action. We need more saints like you for the end time harvest. When I listen to your message in the middle of the right and false prophet in such conferences it’s clear your words don’t agree with the false message of the false prophet. They are doing a lot of damage to the prophetic voice. Kenneth E Hagin was a great prophet, he always said it’s as the Holy Spirit wills and that we should judge every prophecy if it doesn’t agree with God’s word we should leave it. We have the Holy Spirit, we can judge those prophecy and pray for the false prophet that he may repent and save his soul by the renewing of his mind through the word.
Actually, you’re using the term ‘false prophet’ wrong; Biblically a false prophet is one who leads people away from God and none of these men are. And Mario never said any of the prophets were wrong; I took his message more to say he didn’t usually attend events like this.
Mario this reminds me of the criticism that Jesus received when he ate with the tax collectors and sinners of his day. He knew the Word and the truth he would impart to them was more important than the criticism hurled at him. Keep speaking the truth.
Yes! May God Bless you abundantly for your faithfulness!
Such a good example, Connie. This also reminds me of a Baccalaureate I attended where there were two ministers speaking. The first, a Universalist, told things that made me cringe: ex. “People created God, not the other way around.” Then a Baptist minister spoke, and he didn’t dispute or debate, but spoke God’s true word from Scripture. I am so glad he followed the other “minister” and the crowd got to hear the truth. Both men had sons in the graduating class and therefore they were both invited to speak.
Thank you Mario for your dedication to God and Jesus. For all you do to get God’s word out to others.
I love seeing you on Flashpoint.
May God raise you up with his almighty power to reach out greater and greater to his people.
May God take away the criticism from people who do not see clearly what you are doing fir God.
BLESS YOU and your mission from God!
On point! It is amazing so many people just seem to skim through God‘s word instead of paying close attention to the circumstances and the time if you rush through the word, you are not going to be able to rightly divide it
Thank you, Brother Mario, for this balanced explanation and teaching. May God continue to bless and keep you as you do His will.
I’m so very thankful to God for you and your ministry! My Jesus richly and abundantly bless you in all you do! May He protect you and your family and all who work for you????????❤️????????????????
Scripture says love is the bond of unity. None of us in the body of Christ agree with each other completely. We are living stones. We all have jagged edges. We need a bonding agent in order to build God’s building. That bonding agent is love. Until we lay down our pride, criticisms and divisive attitudes we will not come into maturity in Him. I’m with you Mario!
Amen brother! Amen!
Tame T-Rexes and & Jello mountains.?Wow…Sounds like someone wants to go to a rave instead of the euphoric presence of God himself and needs amusements and sideshows. Weird and a gross underestimate of the Glory of God.
Let the wheat and the tares grow together… The Lord will sort it all out in the end
Brother do you stand with Hank Kunneman and his prophecy that Trump would be President this term and that he will be instated this term into the presidency? Yes or No?…God bless
The Pharisees often tried to corner Jesus with no-win questioning. If you read the article you’re replying to, Mario addresses this very thing and yet you’re trying to get him to define a definitive allegiance. What’s your motivation?
First Corinthians 14: 3 -4 , I believe says “ the one that prophesies speaks to people for edification ( to promote their spiritual growth and speaks words of )encouragement to uphold and advise them concerning the matters of God and consolation. And they edify the church promoting growth in spiritual wisdom devotion holiness and joy ! So I would say if the prophets are up there condemning and saying God is striking people down like in the old covenant they’re probably not a true prophet because that’s not what the Bible says a prophet is supposed to do in the new covenant which we are living in now ! we’re living in a time of Grace we’re supposed to be doing with Mario is – saving people before the Lord comes back! And as far as the prophets that were in Nashville on July 4th , the only prophet that actually has prophesies something correctly was Robin Bullock in 2016 he prophesies the pandemic and then again in April 2019 .
I disagreed…a lot of Hank’s and Dutch’s and of course Kent’s have come true also. Time will tell if it’s from God or not.
That is correct and it is far too early to condemn anyone.
I believe he is GOD’s chosen vessel for a reason and such a time as this! Look up the meaning if his name! That alone should convince anyone! Be sure you can hear from GOD to know when someone speaks HIS word and when it could be themselves!!! We are one in Christ! And we have the same mind as Christ! God bless!
You will know them by their fruit. We must be lead by the Spirit and use discernment. Does what they prophesy come to pass?Does it bear lasting fruit? We should be slow to speak and quick to listen to what the Spirit is saying. On another note I listened to you in Nashville. It fed my soul.
Clyde, you totally missed the point of the blog.
I doubt he will answer that, but too many prophets have seen Trump getting back in for it not to happen.
Amen, Karyn
AMEN! We need it to happen soon.
Hank Kunneman’s prophecies have come true so far. This satanic administration in the white house will be brought low.
Thank you for your honesty. There have been times I have doubted some that were on stage with you. But I know the Bible states in the last days, false prophets will come. So I always take what is said and compare it to the living word of God.
I trust you and what you stand for. No criticism from me! Keep on keeping on, Mario.
This is what’s wrong with the church – so much division – we need to come together as one voice and I agree the Lord will sort it all out in the end.
If a person (me) were to come for a weekend to participate what are the hotel situation like? What expenses would I incur?
Yes and Amen to what you said. We are all not going to agree with everything people say. But the focus, as you stated, is praying for revival and speaking out for God to save souls and all believers in Lord Jesus speak up about the injustice in our nation and for God and we the people fix this, for our
once great nation and also the rest of the world.
Mario, you are truly doing Jesus work. He has given you so many gifts including the boldness we need to stand up for the gospel in love. The love of God will win. I have supported you for over 35 years and will continue with you in the journey to win souls for Jesus! Thank you for fighting the good fight!
Nick, we were there in Nashville, hearing Mario on July 4. We saw Kent Christmas approach him to say he realized Mario was uncomfortable with some of the prophetic. I appreciate both of these men. I trust them and Dutch for their insights from God.
I didn’t see that. I took his comments to Mario to more mean that he didn’t attend events like that often. Mario is going to Hank’s church for a conference in September.
I appreciate the boldness of those in the prophetic. The Word says tell a prophet if his prophecies come true. Do you know that even all the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets have not yet come to pass? God will expose ALL false prophets.
Also, about animals in heaven. Teach your children what the BIBLE says, not tickle their little ears. When the grow up they will know the truths you taught, and the untruths. If there is no tooth fairy, Easter bunny, etc., will the believe you about Jesus, and All Mighty God?
…just saying….
Seemed like the tickets were gone after a day or two…we saw the video (awesome)
Yes, I noticed that from the expression on Mario’s face when he spoke but overall, it was a great event. Only time will tell if all the prophets, prophecies will come to pass. There may be a miss-fire on some…
Anyway, it’s great to see Christians getting fire up for the Lord and revival and our nation and the world.
I am instructed to “LISTEN” to what is spoken; Out of the heart the mouth leaks. IF I am reading my bible I can hear what you are saying. I don’t look at the stage or platform.
Awesome, true words of wisdom for these times. “We need to try to change the minds of ‘woke’ Christians who support the destruction of America. If we do not, then our nation is lost.” Its time to pray that the pastors that have failed as watchmen on the wall, to warn their flocks to the dangers of the false teaching of today like CRT.
Amen to that !
Amen! Thank you for showing up at the events. You are heard loud and clear. Your presence there makes a difference.
May the Lord continually bless, protect, favor and defend you, your family and anointed ministry team. Praying for Sacramento and beyond!
Consider Rochester NY someday (soon)?
Thank you, Mario, for being obedient to the Lord and continuing to do the work of the Lord. I see the anointing and love of God upon you. Whether you are on Flashpoint, in a tent, or on a stage, I see, hear, and feel the pure love of the Lord that’s in you. I know the Lord sees what’s in your heart and I know that it’s to do his will. Perhaps your critics should be praying to hear from the Lord and not worrying about the people you are on a stage with. Did they not realize that you weren’t the one that chose the ones appearing on that stage? Of course not, because then they wouldn’t have anything to criticize you for. I thank you, sir, for every time you allow those of us who are so far away from where you are to be able to see and hear you. You inspire me to seek the Lord more and to do more for His glory.
I have suffered 2 great losses since the beginning of this year and you have continually inspired me to keep seeking the Lord and His will for my life. God bless.
Stacy, good message. And praying for the Llrd God to fill the void. Joy comes in the morning.
AMEN! I trust the Word that comes from Mario!! I am 90 yrs old traveling to be in Sacramento for The Meeting jn August. Halleluyah!
Sinea, Mario IS coming to Rochester. We are the church hosting him. Check out:
God bless you.
Blessings to Paul Doyle answered Sinea’s post; Mario is COMING TO BATAVIA NY. Checking link now…may wait a bit, my eyes are tearing up! God Bless and Protect Living Proof Ministries and Mario’s family and team. Thank You Jesus
Rochester hey? My grandparents on both sides immigrated there about 100 years ago. If not Mario then someone who has the call. Why not you?
Hi Sinea, I have a beautiful daughter (30) named Sinéa, would you pray for her as she has Cerbral Palsy, has never spoken or walked, is in a wheelchair and she is such a joy – I will keep believing for her miracle – be blessed!!
AMEN AMEN ROCHESTER oh ROCHESTER…COME and SEE…I live in Fingerlakes Region and upstate New York needs a Holy Spirit break out! Charles Finney evangelist in eighteen hundreds ignited REVIVAL. I am so blessed someone in Rochester area is praying Living Proof Ministries PLEASE COME
Dear Servant of God, Keep going forward and doing the best you can. Ultimately it’s up to individuals who fear and respect the Lord, to discern everybody.
You are doing on the big stage what the local believers are doing in their own towns… doing their best to network through mixed groups of sheep wolves and the confused. Keep telling the truth. It will shine through
Mario, there is no doubt in my mind that your primary desire in life is to serve the Lord your God by winning souls and speaking His truth. Pay no heed to those who only want to criticize. Just keep doing what God leads you to do. We love you and pray for you.
By the way, if you at anytime would like to visit Carteret County, North Carolina, we’ll find somewhere to host you. I don’t think any of our larger churches would do so, and that’s another thing I pray about. We really need a spirit-filled, bold preacher.
The Body of Jesus is made up of PARTS. Think about the metaphor; does the big toe know what the liver is doing? Does the spleen endorse the breast? Body parts, pretty much, are not sentient but ALL respond to the Head in such a way that we fit and work together —specifically because of the Head.
It’s wonderful when HE permits us to “know” those with whom we are knit together in HIM. Let’s not be attacking that which is simply outside our purview as a specific body part.
Beckie I agree completely. Feet criticizing hands for not being better feet needs to end.
Keep following the Holy Spirit. He will not lead you wrong! And God Bless the “Tent Man” wherever you may be!!!
I think a lot of us would like to be a fly on the wall when your having off camera conversations with some of these folks.
Posted to my Facebook News Feed
Thank you
I guess there is not always room for jello????????????
Whether or not there are tame T-Rexes, jello mountains or candy stores in heaven, I don’t know, since I’ve never visited heaven and the Bible doesn’t touch on these matters. If they say they’ve seen these things in heaven, I cannot prove or disprove it. I will continue to listen to the prophets and judge the things I can prove or disprove according to Scripture. In other words, eat the meat and throw out the bones or just set aside the things I cannot prove or disprove. Unless God allows me to visit heaven and see for myself.
If we diss a move, encounter or experience with God because of a human that is involved in a gathering, then we don’t have faith that He can change them…or us. God can handle it.
Me too!
Good word and full of wisdom.
If all Christians would spend more time in the Word and in touch with the Holy Spirit, they wouldn’t have to wonder if someone is actually a false prophet or if they are just saying something with which they disagree.
There are Bible Prophecy teachers/writers who are good friends but disagree on some major specifics of End Times. If we all (as Christians, whether we’re teachers/preachers or just lay people), agree all the time on everything, wouldn’t that be kind of weird? Not to mention boring? We’d be in danger of turning into one huge cult.
There are false teachers. Jesus warned us several times not to be deceived. But the constant labeling of anyone who says something that we think is “off” a bit, as a false teacher, seems a bit over the top and unproductive. We should weigh their overall teaching in the light of Scripture, and with prayer.
As far as dinos and jello mountains in Heaven..who knows? God can do whatever He wants. But when someone says God told them that everything is about to turn wonderful, the Church… (seriously…THIS Church?)… is going to bring peace, love, and glory to the entire world and then turn it over to Jesus at His Return…no end time battles, no Tribulation, no Rapture, no Millennium….that is seriously NOT a hard one to decipher.
Amen to Karyn, Hilda and Daniel !
Kingskid, I really like what you just said. I think I am the one Mario is referring to as the person who criticized him for singling out Kat Kerr. I know she loves Jesus totally, and seeks to lift him up. I know that Mario does too. We should be slow to speak and not contentious, and seek to lift Jesus up before anything else. Weighing things against Scripture is vital, but there are things we won’t know until we get home and see for ourselves. I know God invented gelatin and He can do what He wants with it. Sometimes He needs us to be dead serious warriors and sometimes He needs us to rest, and laugh, and play, and be with Him to enjoy Him. We don’t want to be mad and scrapping at each other. We have no idea of all the facets of God here on this earth, but I do know He has a sense of humor, and we need more of that, and genuine love for each other.
Mario, Mario, Mario;
You’ve GOT to quit hanging around w/those weirdos!
That naked so-called prophet, what?? Oh and Mr Crazy the shipbuilder, building nowhere near any water.
A stuttering murderer, here?What’s w/the psychedelic guy who’s always in a trance, eats paper???!
Just what is “Grumpy’s problem anyway. So who let the guy on stage that married an adulteress.
They invited the mercenary gentile here. No-one needs that abusive guy. Where did you find the militant one?
And, what IS that stink!? Doesn’t he ever wash?
Gee, Mario, you might besmirch your reputation hanging around people like those. You need to unfriend the lot: Isaiah, Noah, Moses, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Hosea, Balaam, Nehemiah, Jonah, & Jeremiah!
Love good satire. Thanks.
I totally agree. Mario: If you do not want to associate with the other persons on the stage then don’t go there. You have just labelled yourself a hypocrite.
That was fun to read and an apt word for the moment. Well said…and thank you!
I love and support your blogs. I always share them with as many others as I can!
Mario, people so called (Christians) and other non-Christian don’t even know what they support. They are used to living a life pretending they think that if you are with other pastor, prophets; that a person is in their same ring. In this days, the Gospel has to be preached. Even if you are among wolves, you need to do what God has called you to do. Our world is dying from wickedness that many preachers, prophets, and other so called evangelist are not proclaiming the word of God the way they should and are leading their followers into a false church. There are very few ministers/pastors left that are not afraid to stand for God and America. There are more cowards pastors and evangelist that did not and have not stood up for their congregations and America when this chaos started with the Leftist and the Covid-19. Regardless, if anyone that is faithful and preaching the Gospel, they should have done something for their congregation instead they compromised themselves and sit back and let it play out. So many people are still lost and confused. America’s so called Christian churches are not doing their share of the Gospel and will be responsible for the lost souls. Many people need direction especially the non-Christian person(s). If they only preach the true Gospel as directed by God. But, no this Church Leaders now feel that they will lose their popularity and will not have the big congregation and will not get their tithing that support their luxuries. The World now resides in most churches. You are now entertain with an agenda, where there is little preached and maybe just music and a prayer and out you leave church.
Mario, you not only preach the truth about the Gospel, but you are giving God’s living waters to these thirsty souls that are lost and sick. We need more Ministries like you to step up!
The day I discovered that there were modern day prophets was back in November, 2020. God has stirred my heart in a way I never saw coming. I must’ve watched the YouTube videos of 10 or more prophets and most certainly felt a quickening in my spirit for some and not otherrs. One that God brought me back to is the lady with pink hair! I believe every single word she says along with you, Hank K., Robin B., Kent C., Timothy D., Dutch and a few more..
Now I am troubled that you have sort of made fun of her? I walk in the Spirit and ask Him to always help me discern what’s truly of Him and because I hold you and her and the others in such high regard I’m thinking Lord…have I been mislead because I WANT it to be so?
You’re ministry is such a blessing to me as are the others. I guess that’s why I’m a little confused right now!
It is good to hear prophetic voices but they can not replace opening the Bible and letting the Holy Spirit minister a personal word just for you.
The woman with pink hair is Kat Kerr. I think she’s one of the better prophets also. Her words glorify God, not man. Nevertheless, I take all modern prophecies with a grain of salt. 1 Kings 13 has an interesting story about a prophet who was told by God not to eat while on a journey in Israel. But a second prophet told the first prophet that God told HIM to have the first prophet over for dinner. The first prophet was judged for obeying the second prophet instead of what he heard from God personally. You will know a correct prophecy when it comes true. Until then make sure you’re spending more time in the Bible than on YouTube, because we know the Bible is divinely inspired.
Yes amen to that “ spend time read the Bible “ !!
Being criticized at the same time for not supporting the prophets and for supporting too many prophets reminds me of Luke 7:31-35. John the Baptist came neither eating bread or drinking wine, and people said “He has a demon.” Jesus came eating bread and drinking wine and people said “He is a glutton.” Wisdom is proven by one’s actions – this blog post by Mario is wise. We should not assume he agrees with every word spoken in his presence. We should judge him by his words only. And a great point that many real prophets of the Old Testament prophesied while surrounded by false prophets also prophesying.
Still Sir, while I respect you- I consider you standing on a platform with those in error, an endorsement.
Sir stand tall, stand strong take the land. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Never back down, never back up, it is yours Take it by Force if necessary. Get them lying spirits on the run. They will shake and quake at your presence. Surly God is in this place.
So even if Mario says it is not an endorsement, you’ll take it as an endorsement! Not much someone can do against that attitude!
He just told you he is not endorsing them. Is he lying to us or telling us the truth???
An endorsement. I would hope so. But he said no, and I believe the man does not lie.
To our own master we stand or fall, and the Lord is able to make us stand! ROMANS 14:4
Your Character speaks for it self sir, some how to many have come to the conclusion we must all agree and talk just a like and act just a like, but the truth is we are all different God didn’t make us all a like, to be just a emotionless robot to do only as another Christian says, we are to bring the truth in places where they may not unerstand or know, we are all on different levels, and can reveal different things to each other or bring to light, to many do not want any contact with some one different, and how can we ever share truth, with that att. we all have to be brught to the knowledge of the truth, to much shunning the wrong thing and not doint the right, and some need to stick to what the bible says instead of fairy tales about heaven, to much teaching on junk and not truth and not enough of the truth and Holy Spirit and fire, we as the Church just need to learn some spiritual things, how can we save and change a world we are neither ready or equipped form which is why America is in the mess its in, sadly the controlling spirits are not only in the world, they are bad in the church also, a man full of the truth can change the world, with help of the Holy Spirit, but a man full of fairy tales can only impress children, what a man is should speak for him where ever he goes. and your speaks for you sir God Bless You and your work greatly
You know Brother Mario we will be judged by the company we keep. Many will assume it is an endorsement of those said by that person. I am sure Billy Graham who has been in many pictures with many people did not agree with them or their policies as he saw so many POTUS.
Thanks Mario, for your commitment and your courage.
Not only a Man but a man of courage, in a time of tremendous upheaval.
I live in Australia, but I am watching the US with great interest and now realize how great a part the USA and its freedoms have meant to the world.
May God continue to bless you with with wisdom and might.
It was painful watching you on the Nashville stage. You do what you want, but it was painful. As for the T Rex lady, I hope God tells you to do more of it. If not you, then who? It’s getting pretty bad, Mario. The scripture about “Not enduring sound doctrine” is so far in the rear view mirror now. It’s becoming full of witchcraft it seems. When Jesus asked if he’ll find faith when he comes back, maybe he was talking about the rapture. I just find it sorrowful.
If it was so painful, one wonders why you were watching it.
I needed to hear this. Thank you.
Mario….I can’t believe all this business about going to heaven and seeing God and Jesus. Did not God tell Moses he (Moses) could not look upon God’s face, if Moses did he would die?
Please expound on this subject in your blog. People are believing these prophets.
Sandra, I’ve been wondering the same thing. Although I’m not saying certain prophets are false because they claim to have seen God, it does not seem to be in agreement with what the scripture says.
Brother Mario,
I love what you do and how you do it. You are a true Evangelist and are anointed to do that work. God is using you mightily because you obey His voice. Continue the good fight as we hold up your arms in this battle.
PS There will always those who cast stone, keep the faith.
God called you to be an evanglist. Prophets are not instructing you on how to conduc t crusades. Others have been called as prophets and to reveal heaven. You should not be telling them how or what to say or what to reveal.
True on that
MARIO, I TRUST YOU……as for participating in events that have multiple “speakers”—I “tune out” those who are “questionable.”
What many don’t seem to realize is: when an event is planned—many times those who are hosting the event are reaching out intentionally to those of various “persuasions” to draw more of a crowd—to please more people.
If one attends, they can tune out who they do not agree with….If watched on line—they can do like I do and just FAST FORWARD over the one or ones they do not want to hear.
For those who choose to Criticize—-I SAY; SUBJECT CLOSED. Amen
It’s so easy to assume we know things we don’t really know. Unless we have been given the ability to read minds or know another’s heart, shouldn’t we be a bit cautious in presuming we know why the organizer of the event invited certain persons to participate?
Believers have a major Holy Spirit outpouring to prepare for. The end time release of the Holy Spirit is already in the earth and we must be prepared to bring in the end time harvest. There is no time for our foolishness at this stage. Yes, President Trump will return to office after all hidden and dark things are brought to light. Yes, we will have to be prepared to work with him to restore this nation back to God’s original intent. And yes all of this is connected with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a scale such as no man has seen before. The point is repent, develop a close relationship with the Lord through His Word and the Holy Spirit. We really don’t have time for lesser matters. Keep the main thing the main thing.
FYI: For me, the comparison of True vs. False Prophet is “Why Revival Tarries-1959 and America is Too Young to Die”-1979 by Leonard Ravenhill. NO ONE I know, can hold a candle along with “Sodom Had No Bible” etc., Then Arthur Katz writes “The Prophetic Call” and he ask a question to the readers of True vs. False and reading your B.I.B.L.E. Holiness MEN/Women which WHERE ARE THEY?
Again, Mario is the Prophetic Evangelist; so i hope he is rebuking, as we’ve had such a display of “pillow prophets” who are into New Age and Mysticism, Witchcraft and have absolutely NO fruit. Go through your Bible and pull out EVERY verse that says the Old Testament is for Today, for the Liars that teach it is NOT so then they don’t have to live the God of the Bible and teaching lies to fit their narrative, agenda and self-serving Business.
Example. Ministries that are taking Apostolic Titles when NOTHING Apostolic about them habitual self-serving liars that they are as NOTHING like Joseph or God the Father at all. Same applies to the Prophets if they take titles of Apostolic and or Prophetic you weigh it out True vs. False. “Wounded and Betrayed Believers Are Useful to God” as, message exposes the False vs. True also.
Oh, to have ARMIES of: http://www.ravenhill.org/prophet.htm AND https://worldchallenge.org/newsletter/1988/we-need-more-troublemakers-in-the-church; where are they?
Amen to Jeanne, Hilda, Karyn and Hilda!
Mario is not discounting prophets or saying there are no TRUE PROPHETS.
Some of you are using this blog to defend your idea that there are no PROPHETS today. God gave a 5-fold ministry to the church……not just a 3-fold. If you believe in pastors, teachers and evangelists, then you must also include prophets and apostles….it,s in the BIBLE!
The devil wants to divide the body of Christ. Plain and simple. Any way he can, he wants to make the church ineffective. Thank you for always standing with the Truth. Keep fighting on.
False prophet’s words are always “extra-Biblical” or a twist on what’s actually in the Bible. Like the Berean’s , we’re to take what’s said and measure it against the standard, God’s Word. REALITY CHECK!
Here is what is dangerous, and only time will tell. If all the exposure and arrests prophesied about the evil in Washington do not take place, then what? If Trump doesn’t come back, then what? I’m concerned about many losing faith.
They said July 4th would change things. Then they say it took place in the spirit. They say the month of July would see the dismantling. They make it sound that it will be CLEARLY seen. OK, let’s check back in August. Fair enough? You don’t know how much I want them to be prophesying correctly. But what we never see is accountability.
When Mario’s there he’s the smartest guy in the room. Not only in what he says but what he doesn’t say. A (NT) prophet should be able to see around corners and make connections the rest of us don’t see. But, IMO, the pull of the dramatic in the moment causes many of these speakers to get ahead of their skies and over-deliver. Prophecy is about way more than prediction. Saying Trump will be reinstated this term accomplishes nothing but exposure to ridicule when it doesn’t happen. Believing he will be re-elected and advocating for that is another issue altogether. We need to keep our feet on the ground and be smart about the issues at hand and how to engage them.
No shortage of opinions about how Mario should conduct his meetings and order his schedule.
I typicaly stay out of lengthy diatribes on this blog.
I read others and joke around a bit.
but I am making time to do this.
Most likely the ones who are most vocal about their displeasure, support the ministry with the least amount of sacrifice.
Mario didn’t have to address the subject in the first place.
The blog post gave a very concise common sense explanation to the Debbie downers who always have a spiritual measuring rod out ready to critique.
If the crowd was in danger of being led astray the logical conclusion would be that those who are spiritual would have an obligation to steering those folks toward sanity.
1 Thessalonians 5:14
We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Romans 14:1
Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions
Rom 15:1
We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
So can we be our brothers keeper and keep our integrity?
If Mario has found a way to do that don’t be angry with him.
Go get your own platform and let’s see if God can trust you in such a circumstance.
You see from what I can discern God has trusted Mario in such circumstances to do the right thing.
Another thing, at least the people on that stage stand publicly against Abortion and government corruption ,woke culture and homo lifestyle, they have not apologized for what they believe God told them.
It’s easy to pick on some eccentricities than to stand up front and center and be bold against evil.
I can handle some wacky stuff more than armchair apostles.
I come here to be encouraged time to time purchase merchandise and I respect Mario.
Question Whats wrong with simply rejoicing that God has placed such a man in the midst of the church world to bring sanity.
The whole election issue is not over until all the audits and lawyers are done.
Regardless if you’re worried how you appear to people or not.
Because christians are whiny spoiled and impatient they can’t just live life, pray and reserve judgment until all avenues are exhausted.
If there was no chance of overturning the election the left would ignore it.
Are They?
Quite the opposite.
Joe Biden sees fit to travel to Pennsylvania over the fear he has?
Nothing those prophets say really change my life personally.
I’m not ordering my life any differently.
Still gonna pray, preach, give, praise, witness and read my word.
Still gonna listen to preaching and be the best man of God I can be.
My duty is to also educate the ignorant around me about Faith and the danger of coming judgment.
To awaken those out of sleep.
The left never attacks they’re own, so why are we so easily turned toward christian cannibalism.
I know the fact that we turn away from false teachers but we need to balance it out with some common sense.
Those folks are not teaching me.
I’m careful who I give credence.
It works the opposite way as well.
Personally I like Derek Prince.
I don’t see him referred to on this blog ever.
As far as I know Mario does not like Derek Prince but should that be a big deal to me?
Some say they are of Paul some of apollos.
it’s the big picture that matters.
But all in all my assumption is we are on here because we love Marios ministry and what God is doing through him.
I’m glad Mario even kept the Blog can we please not cause him to regret it?
I think the satirist above who described the prophets of old should have settled this entire discussion for everyone on here. Throughout time, God has chosen people of all types to deliver His Word. However, what I think we’re seeing is that there are people getting revelations but not certain how to use them. Brother Robin Bullock said this a few months ago that just because God gives you a word, it doesn’t mean that you should say it to the masses right then and there. Timing is everything, and he often mentions that he has many prophecies from the Lord that he has written down but is not released by the Lord to give them. That’s a seasoned prophet. Everyone forgets that we have had a desert of pastors actually preaching the Word, teaching, or even believing the Bible at all, so if God chooses to have people prophesy, then if they are listening, He will also tell them what to do with it. Pastor Kunneman said recently that there’s always a ‘human filter’ through which prophetic words travel, and that prophecy is up to the interpretation of the hearer. God will and has always quickened into the hearts of His people His Word, just check out the book of Jeremiah and see what happened to him. It’s a DIRECT parallel of what we’re seeing today. Pastor Kunneman writes down his words of knowledge so he can go back and refer to them when they come to pass. Remember the snow prophecy? Remember Brother Robin’s prophecy of the boats getting stuck in the Suez Canal? Just pray for the prophets – for their protection for without them, as we saw on Sunday when the entire 4,400+ congregation at the Grand Ole Opry stood up and gave Brother Robin Bullock a standing ovation, we would be without a clue as to what is going on right now. Think about it like that and how hard it would be to see all of this stuff happening and never knowing when it will end and where it is going. They are very much appreciated and we are blessed to have them and for their willingness to give up their lives to devote to the Body of Christ and to be severely criticized in the process. That’s not easy. So, pray for the new ones God is raising up for knowledge and wisdom for delivering His words of knowledge, as well as for the seasoned ones that they are protected and free to speak the Word of the Lord.
Why do you got the lengths to even address this issue? Why by addressing this issue do you give power to the ones questioning? You made them believe there were false prophets on the stage. You actually confirmed to them their opinions were correct.
You are too good a man to have been taken in by the emails resenting others. You speak boldly, now act rightly. Don’t be intimated by dissenting voices. Just do your job.
Just a Pilgrim:
I UNDERSTAND the sorrowful comment “it’s like to see a sick church in a dying world” and site below.
Andrew Jackson: Derek Prince was mentioned https://mariomurilloministries.wordpress.com/2019/06/19/but-i-am-not-a-prophet/ (know a lot of people were upset at his part in shepherd movement and all the ramifications even though he apologized, he had some good Books and was a good teacher and with everything, weigh it by the WORD. Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting and Lucifer Exposed, his Legalism and exposing witchcraft in the church at large).
Irony, know NONE of the names mentioned, haven’t heard of them kinda done replacing God with types of King Saul’s and wanting to see someone truly meeting the need of people and living LOVE; instead of being made twice the sons of hell as themselves. Think of the Homeless, Widow, Fatherless, someone brought up elder’s living out of vehicle and no help in the churches they’ve attended and tithed to for years, not going to beat that dead horse as 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 as thinking of those who committed suicide while Churches are empty all week and can’t eat or live in them! WE ALL NEED TO BE JUDGING FRUIT as agree with “it’s NOT gifts, it’s fruit”!
Good word Brother may the Lord give you strength to keep fighting the good fight of faith.
May He keep you and your family in the hollow of His hand!
‘Believing the prophets’ does not mean we swallow hook, line, and sinker, what anyone of them says, just because they said it. Any human being can make a mistake, and they are all human. Nor is it about ‘discerning’ what is real and what isn’t. It’s really about knowing Jesus. If you spend time with Him, listen to what He is saying, and obey His every word to you, you will come to know HIM, and will be able to recognize Him in whomever He speaks through. Very early on I heard something come out of this same person’s mouth as you, Mario, are referring to, that I recognized as totally unscriptural, and I wrote and told them so. I was never answered. I listened to 2 or 3 videos from this same person after that, and heard other things that denied what God Himself stated He would do in this day, and so I knew earlier on, that this person is not what they claim to be. When I heard that a well known ministry had a dream that included this same person, I warned him about his dream, but was brushed aside and ‘chided’ in a round-about way, by him and this person as they ministered on stage. These most certainly are the last days, and it is imperative that we stay vigilant in our pursuit of fulfilling God’s will for us. It’s never been so important to draw close to Christ, for as should be obvious to everyone by now, the DS is part of the Dragon’s system that is out to annihilate all those who keep the commandments of God and the word of His testimony.
Did we learn nothing from History?
Conferences have there validity if certain criteria are in place.
For example.
If people are pooling there resources to launch couples into the ministry.
I sometimes wonder what the end game might be for large crowds to gather at these big venues if there is no evangelistic thrust in the event.
What’s also a head scratcher is when huge crowds of Christians gather and call it a crusade and the alter calls for salvation are 99% church folks.
No sinners being compelled to come.
That’s why I respect Mario.
He is not playing that sort of game.
If he appears on a platform with some questionable folks, thank God he has an influence in that crowd.
Take your ranting and raving off this blog and into your local community and redirect your passion to win souls or write your own blog. Your ranting is just a useless expenditure of time…just like my commenting to you is.
Was looking for the articles that over 800,000 children go missing each year, do you care and where do they go? Looking for the articles where woman in USA and all Countries are prostituting themselves to make ends meet and feed their children, paying the Bills and oh largest number of Suicides ever since the Great Depression. Would you like to house Ryan, age 38 homeless, Herbert age 33 as friends we called over 4,000 so-called Ministries to help two homeless 36 year olds, plus the ones that are prostituting themselves to get off the streets; no help to date. Please call every Denomination in “Handbook of Denominations” along with those 4,000 big named Ministries and asked why not living James 1:27 and or Matthew 25:31-end. How about maybe you can try to Fund Raise and get all these self-serving entities that call themselves Christian or Churches and represent and speak for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit who don’t get a dime or a penny to build Housing and teaching program with life skills. You made me realize, i’m not doing enough.
While your at it, ask how many years they have been in Ministry and all the money they took it and what they did with it, research that and why didn’t they solve the Homeless, the Poor, Poverty Problem as the people’s time and money built their Real Estate Portfolio and Bank Accounts. David Wilkerson did a lot of articles on Homeless, one was over 13,000 women in N.Y. with Children were Homeless in the dead of winter and that was just one City. Someone invited me to a famous named Church who was the dead speaking to the dead audience and he closed off with he was going to build his School and where was James 1:27 as drove around looking at the Homeless situation. Guaranteed to get thrown out or ushered out or asked to leave a Church; if, the first thing you ask for is you want the Truth copy of the 501(c)3 Report the one they turn into the IRS and where is their serving and LOVING of Fatherless, Widow, Poor, Homeless, Single Parents and their children. Been told, we don’t want those types in their churches, or “the true poor aren’t in this Country” as could have taken that Pastor to Lotus/Colorado Blvd., in Pasadena, CA and showed him the Pimps and the Prostitutes let alone hey look at the “Soloist” movie, ever been Downtown and fed the Homeless in Los Angeles, CA giving out food, clothing, trying to help and asking Church Leaders to help to NO avail. Keep in mind per a Pastor, “over 6,000 churches in CA; how many in each State and what are they impacting? Joel John Roberts writes Homeless articles. Have you ever been Homeless?
Better yet, plant yourself in Shelters that call themselves Christian and then have to report the abuse to The Report Church Abuse List because legalistic rules matter more than LOVE. In OVER 60 years of asking for help, no help to date as it’s Matthew 7:13-14 that truly live servanthood. One famous name, bought two 10 Million Homes back in the day and wrote “not called to take care of the poor, fatherless, widow” as he made Dateline for lying that he was helping and building Orphanage in Mexico. Explain, “Sometimes if God Has a Kid’s Face” by Bruce Ritter and the Brice Taylor’s and David Shurter’s of this World. How about Documentaries/Articles of Brazil killing homeless Children and the one in Japan where people walking by homeless children as they’re dying. One Homeless man told me he could take the Bible given him and make it a pillow or takes the pages out and put between two slices of bread to eat. Personally, been saying it for over 20-30 years, USA coming under judgment due to the false church entity which “was set up to deceive” and “that’s been throughout History”. Been writing for years, the church could have been the wealthiest institution had it Provided, Blessed, Given Out, Preferred, Built Housing like George Bailey of “It’s a Wonderful Life” instead of consumed with “diabolical narcissism”. I’m NOT going to apologize for wanting Holiness, Truth, Justice and the Presence of God and loving and serving the poor. Then, there is the Finger of Almighty Holy God the Father. The Lord’s Prayer, pure prayer and Praying for the GLORY of God that will take care of everything and hope when Glory hits, i’m still standing. Also, then there is the Fire of God and the LOVE of the Father. Those who have nothing, give out of their nothing!
“As the Church goes, so goes the World”, if the World is Murderous and Corrupt it’s because the church is. Can’t improve on Leonard Ravenhill, NOT at all! Malachi 4:5&6!
Awesome John W. Whitehead “The Dragon Slayer” and the “Holy Grail Keeper of Amendment Rights”. Luke 9:58 and Matthew 8:21; Proverbs 11:30 King James Bible
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.