The unfolding events in Modesto read like something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M.
This is California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And even hate God. California where they are overscheduled and underwhelmed with the idea of having to show up early for anything. Right?
We rented 500 extra chairs, but almost immediately, they were filled. We used a tent much larger than our old tent, and still the overflow was larger than any previous tent crusade. Thousands came.

The only draw is singing, preaching, and Jesus. That is all. No bells, no whistles, no extravaganza. This in itself is a sermon. How far have we strayed from realizing the power of the presence of God to draw people? The presence that touches the human heart as nothing else can. The presence of God that Moses said would distinguish us from all the peoples of the earth (Exodus 33:16).
Why are they here? It is not just the presence of God, but they have been driven here because Satan and the Left have gone too far. The vision of the Left for California is an unmitigated disaster. It is misery for everyone, from the cradle to the grave.
Going ‘woke’, drains the color and enjoyment out of everything. It means living in a perpetual state of offense and paranoia. It turns otherwise rational people into people obsessed with racism.
They did not sit through just one sermon, but I preached two sermons. The first for lost souls, and the second, for revival.
It has been assumed by most, that Californians cannot sit through a full sermon, let alone two. That is just one of the sacred cows and false assumptions this blog has been targeting―but there is a simple reason: we are losing the war for America―and for all the wrong reasons.

Not only that, but my first sermon left in all of the items you are supposed to leave out. I preached against sin. I mentioned hell, often. I centered on the Cross and the Blood. I told them to repent.
When will we learn to preach what the Holy Spirit wants?
Then the Holy Spirit removed the protection and the resistance of sinners. They instantly left all, to follow Jesus. They tell me that 500 people came to Christ last night. But as always, only God knows the actual number.
The next sermon I preached centered on revival. I told the audience that we did not just want a great meeting. We do not want great pictures and memories of an event that came and went. “I want Satan to pack up and get out of town!”
To that end I made the following points:
1. Who knows when it will ever be like this again? What if this is the last time the door to revival will be open to California?
Esther 4:13-14, “And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
2. Understand what is at stake: We are fighting for our families! Nehemiah 4:14, “And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.””

3. Make room for revival. Jesus said to let down the nets, but they only let down one net.
Luke 5:4-7, “When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net.” And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. So, they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.
4. We need the outpouring of Fresh Fire in order that we may be turned into the people of this hour.
1 Samuel 10:6-7, “Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you.”
Acts 4:29-31, “Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.”

After the Word of the Lord was delivered last night, the fire fell, and thousands of people vowed to be lions of righteousness. They were sent out into the night to bring the sick to the great miracle service that will take place in the tent tonight. Join with us in prayer, and if you are coming―get there early!

I loved how you prepare. Everything is focused on the event to come. No outside distractions. Prayer and the Holy Spirit.
Yes we have a lot to lose. However G-D is out to gain, even if we cannot.
Since GOD is for us, who can be against us? GOD the Holy Ghost is confirming the Gospel of GOD with powerful signs and wonders, with eternal fruit to the glory of GOD the Father in the mighty Name of Jesus!
AMEN ! Preach it like it is pastor and get the lost saved. AMEN !
Awesome,Oh,GOD pour out your HOLY SPIRIT without measure upon this lost world. Grant Brother Mario and this ministry team an annointing greater than there expectations, save the lost, heal the blind,raise the dead, demonstrate that you are still GOD and nothing is impossible with you and for you. Thank you so much,LORD!!
Thanks for the update; I was praying often all day yesterday for such blessing from God! Will continue today. Hallelujah!
Aloha from Hawaii in Jesus’ Name!
Amen…praying for Holy Spirit and Anointing! NY faithful remnant praying for revival ?
Thats wonderful and what I love to hear, The problem has been man has been trying draw what only the Holy Spirit can, for he alone draws people to Jesus, we had to get mans ways out of the way, and let the Holy Spirit have his way, and preach as only he can, I know you do, but not many others do we have had life coaches come in and try to replace the Holy Spirit along with many others, the Holy Spirit has always comforted me when I needed it, but now we need life coaches, all trying to do away with the Holy Spirit, but sounds like a hungry people showed and made the Holy Spirit feel welcome, and he done as only he can do, we will never see America saved until we first give him full control, because its a supernatural work and he is the SUPERNATURAL MIRACLE WORKER, WE CAN’T EVEN GET SOMEONE SAVED UNLESS HE DRAWS THEM, MAN IS NOT QUITE WHAT HE THINKS HE IS, BUT GOD IS FAR MORE THAN ENOUGH. AGAIN PRAISE GOD THAT IS SO WONDERFUL, SEND THE FIRE, SEND THE FIRE TODAY, AND FILL US WITH YOUR PRECIOUS HOLY GHOST SEND THE FIRE, SEND THE FIRE TODAY. GOD BLESS SIR
Praise God Haleluiah.
10 – 4 ON…Samuel 10:6!!!
MOST…DON’T BECOME A “DIFFERENT MAN”…the “Poinsettia Fire” (ARSON), forced me to!!!
HUSTUSA ________________________________
I was there last night and was overwhelmed by shekinah glory, the Devine presence of God. I witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as people came forward in droves, many with tears. Since I live in Modesto, I will attend one more. Nothing like it I ever witnessed.
This report brought me to tears. So thrilling. I just saw a report on Newsmax that said those who are church-affiliated have dropped below 50% in the US for the first time ever.
Come, Holy Spirit!
How…how do we get this type of fire to flow through the western church!!!??? I’m so hungry for it and no matter how I try to call out for revival, those in my church just identify me as “that’s just her gift”. I’m crying out to God to bring it here, to pour fire on the pulpits throughout America so that she may be saved and in return, the world saved through her obedience. “Of Father, place a hedge about that tent–do not let the enemy have any legal authority in our around that place, for it is now declared “holy ground”! In the name of Yeshua–let it rain!”
AMEN – praise the Lord, been praying from Naples Florida!
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 2:39 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
PRAISE GOD for the first night of the Modesto tent revival! Standing with you in prayer and believing for salvations, healings and deliverances. With you in spirit here in upstate NY! All God’s blessings on you and angels charge over you!?✝️
?????. Thank you so much for sharing this!!
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021, 2:40 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
Praise God! Standing with you in prayer for the rest of the week!
This is Awesome!!!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Praise the Lord. Father I pray for Mario and the team to have strength and stamina foe these services. That your word flows like living water and your children be swept away in your glory and salvation ???✝️✝️✝️?
John T. Cento Overseer Mission WildfireInternational 407-619-4015 cell Email: missionwildfire .org Website: I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Him through your deepening intimacy with Him.” (Ephesians 1:17 TPT)
Prayed and continue to do so for Holy Spirit to brood over His crowds, preparing their hearts to receive the Word you have to give them! Hearts repentant! Chains of addiction broken! Doubt and fear be gone! Lives changed! All done in the name of Jesus, I declare these requests met by His authority in all who have so prayed! May our family grow more tonight!!!
Amen, Sharon! And so be it all week, forever!
Keep it up my dear brother.. God is on the move
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021, 11:39 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
Thank you. I had not received the report yet. How exciting.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ ❤️??????????????Hallelujah and Amen ♥️❤️????
Right time! Change is coming and we need all the prayer warriors fighting against the evil ones in the spiritual realm! GOD will do HIS part for us but we have to be HIS help against the enemy! Prayers for salvations, deliverance and healing and miracles in your services.
Thank you Mario for your bold, courageous and excellent leadership not just in California and the US but worldwide. What God is doing as you step out like this is an inspiration to us here in Australia. My wife and I are expecting God to move like this in Australia and we are preparing for it!
Amen, You Go God, Holy Spirit have your way tonight heal the sick raised the death and set people free of bondage In Jesus name . Ps 91 over Mario, workers and all people, protect them In Jesus name Amen Glory to God Freedom In Jesus. Thank u Jesus for loving us even when we r unloveable.!Love, Blessing Brenda
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 1:53 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
Praying for total healing for everyone!!
Praise the Lord!! We’ve been praying and couldn’t wait to read your blog today. The Holy Spirit is moving in California, and He’s using you. God bless and strengthen you.
Praise God!!! Will be praying!!
Praise God for this good report. May He pour out more of His Holy Spirit in every meeting this week and going forward, may it spread like a fire in dry grass.
For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7
So excited to hear the news!! I have been praying for the glory of God to spread like wildfires!! I’ll be fanning the flames!! To the glory and honor of God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:46 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7 Buds are beautiful, and promises not yet fulfilled are worthy to be admired. If joy were more general among the Lord’s people, God would be more glorified among men; the happiness of the subjects is the honor of the sovereign. “And in the name of our God we will set up our banners.” We lift the standard of defiance in the face of the foe, and wave the flag of victory over the fallen adversary. Some proclaim war in the name of one king and some of another but the faithful go to war in Jesus’ name, the name of the incarnate God, Immanuel, God with us. The times are evil at present, but so long as Jesus lives and reigns in his church we need not furl our banners in fear, but advance them with sacred courage. “Jesus’ tremendous namePuts all our foes to flight;Jesus, the meek, the innocent LambA Lion is in the fight.”
Amen & beautifully stated, Michael! LOVE it!!
All Glory to The Righteous King! Yeshua is His name!! ?????????????
Continuing in prayer, Brother Mario! I’m dancing in the Spirit & praising Yahweh for answered prayer!! ??????
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Praying and sent an extra love gift
Praise God
Keep preaching the Truth!!! Kimberly ten pas bell
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Awakening of the truth, the word , the gospel, opening hearts & ears, unveiling eyes so people will walk in truth in holiness in righteousness. To God be all the glory, we are partakers
So glorious to see the throngs of people. We have an amazing God! You have a powerful, wonderful annointing on you, Mario. To God be the glory.
God is going to take back California! She belongs to Him. God, Gold and Glory!!!
Letter from my Senator in PA
Dear Mr. Mckown:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me about the Equality Act. I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.
I am a proud cosponsor of S. 393, the Equality Act, which was introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon on February 23, 2021. This legislation would amend existing federal civil rights laws to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in education, employment, housing, credit and federal jury service. The bill would also amend existing laws to prohibit discrimination in public accommodations and federal funding on the basis of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity. On February 25, 2021, the Equality Act passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 211 – 195 and was sent to the Senate for consideration. I am hopeful that the Senate will take up this important legislation to support LGBTQ+ individuals soon.
As your United States Senator, I strongly support the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. This Nation was founded on the principles of freedom and equality, not for some, but for all. As a society and a government, we must continue to move toward the ideal of inclusion. I am committed to ensuring that our government provides equal protection under the law for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
In recent years, there have been significant changes, both changes of the law and changes of public sentiment, regarding same-sex marriage. In June 2013, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision in United States v. Windsor, finding Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional. This decision required the federal government to fully recognize legally married same-sex couples. Less than one year later, on May 20, 2014, Judge John E. Jones of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania struck down Pennsylvania’s ban on same-sex marriage, finding the prohibition to be a violation of due process and equal protection guarantees, and issued an order barring Pennsylvania officials from preventing same-sex couples from obtaining marriage licenses. I supported both the Supreme Court’s decision regarding DOMA and the Pennsylvania decision, as both were critical steps toward achieving equal rights for all Pennsylvanians and Americans.
On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, finding that marriage is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. As a result, all states are required to issue marriage licenses and recognize marriages performed in other states of same-sex couples. I believe the Supreme Court made the right decision that will ensure all couples are treated with dignity and are able to enter into marriage with the person they love.
I was an original cosponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act to officially repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and ensure that all legally-married, same-sex couples are treated equally under federal law. I consider the cumulative effect of various court rulings pertaining to same-sex marriage to be a positive one that expands the reach of civil rights and confers equality on potentially millions of Americans.
Despite the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of marriage equality in 2015, it was still legal under federal law and in many states, including Pennsylvania, to fire someone or deny them access to public accommodations because they are gay or transgender. On June 15, 2020, however, the Supreme Court issued a decision the case of Bostock v. Clayton County, which held that employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. This is a monumental victory in the fight for equality. However, the fight for equal protection under the law for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, remains in areas such as housing, credit, jury selection and more. That is why shortly after the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, I joined my colleagues in sending a letter to Senate Majority Mitch McConnell urging him to bring the Equality Act before the full Senate for a vote to fully enshrine in federal law explicit protections from discrimination for LGBTQ+ individuals.
I have heard from many Pennsylvanians about the importance of these protections. One letter I received from a seventh grader in Southeastern Pennsylvania stands out to me. In the letter, the boy told me he “recently heard that LGBTQ+ individuals have no protections against being fired in Pennsylvania. I have two moms, one is a nurse and the other has been a teacher for 17 years. They are hardworking individuals who provide for my sister and me. I do not think it is fair to be fired for who you love.” As a Senator, I cannot, in good conscience, take a position that denies these parents or children the full measure of equality and respect.
As your United States Senator, I will continue to support the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals throughout Pennsylvania and across the Nation. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of importance to you.
For more information on this or other issues, I encourage you to visit my website, I hope you will find this online office a comprehensive resource to stay up-to-date on my work in Washington, request assistance from my office or share with me your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and to Pennsylvania.
Bob Casey
United States Senator
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
To God be the Glory. I am so excited and full of joy to read what God has already begun. This is just His beginning! Keeping you in prayer. United with you in faith.
What Awesome Fresh Fire Move of the Holy Spirit its exciting Preach It Brother Mario, Give The Devil
HELL… May the Lord bring in Harvest of Soul, Please pray for my Younger Sister and Husband get right with the Lord and give their Hearts to Jesus (April and Rob) thanks so much Prayer Warriors
I totally understand what you are going through…I’m dealing with that with my Beloved husband whom I love so much.
It breaks my ? when he is being attack by satan. I’ve tried many options. Sometimes they work other times N?T!.
But, I will NOT give up.
I will be ?✝️for you & your family.
Please, ?for my husband Bill.
MMM is such an inspiration for these times. I’m grateful God placed ALL of us here, at this time as now. WE WILL SEE REVELATION
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! God is so awesome! Thank you for your obedience!
I was able to read your report to an elderly Christian friend in a care home that I could phone. She is 95 years old, and has macular degeneration but with the phone to her ear, she could hear your report and be blessed by it. She spent many years overseas leading people to the Lord. Thank you so much for keeping us up-to-date!
Precious report!! God’s blessings to you & your friend,
Thanks, Marrion!
Praise Jesus !!! God is so awesome !!
This is awesome, praying for y’all in California that God will move mightily!
Praise God, will come tomorrow.
Excited to hear about the Modesto meetings. God is able to turn hearts around. Hoping to come tomorrow. ??
EZEK. 36:26-38
Glory to God. Infinite thanks to God for each of you
Pastor Mario Murillo this is so exciting what is happening in Modesto today. I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to spread through out Ca. and across America so millions of Souls will come to Jesus. You have given me new hope, knowing with God all things are possible. Bless You Pastor Murillo for stepping outside of the church and coming where the people live that hunger for the Truth in God’s word.
“At the Cross—at the Cross—where I First saw the LIGHT—where the Burden of my soul rolled away…..It was THERE by FAITH—I Received my SIGHT—and NOW I AM HAPPY ALL THE DAY.”
Revival/Harvest will come, but when it does, it will be Pastor Mario, Perry Stone, Hank Kunneman, Jentzen Franklin..people like that who will be the ones who brought it. Not the churches.
The churches are all-or almost all-into themselves and what they are doing. Not what God wants to do overall. Until they learn to work together to bring in the Harvest, they won’t. It will be the evangelists that do it, without their help.
I don’t like having to say that, but it’s been a problem for decades and it has not improved. I have much more I could say on this, and I will type it all out one day. I’ll step on some toes, but so be it.
Not the churches?
Amen MMM! Keep it simple. His truth. God Bless you and your ministry. In Jesus Name. Amen
Praise the Lord!
Mario, i just want you to know that my church’s small prayer team is covering you, the town, the workers and those coming to the meetings with prayer. Praying for your protection as well. A mighty outpouring! And miracles, signs and wonders tomorrow night!
Also, as the World is looking to rioting due to the G.F. circumstance; God, please everyone Pray, Repent, Fast and kinda shock corrupt MSM give them NOTHING to report and fall into their corrupt playbook. Again, we can all Fast, Pray, Repent, Worship; The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13.
Joel 2:17 Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? KEEP PRAYING!
Dear Mario, I can’t find the right words for thanking you for your obedience snd boldness , moving to such a tough territory, spiritually speaking !! Blessings galore . Keep moving forward, opening hearts and paths to REVIVAL !! Shalom!
This blesses my heart, to see that so many people are coming to or coming back to the Word of God. His Kingdom reigns!
I was there tonight, Monday, sitting next to a dear friend who experienced a miracle. Her meth addicted daughter texted her during the meeting, indicating repentance and asking to come on Tuesday! Praying nothing will be able to keep her from attending, and that she would experience a total deliverance once and for all!
Amen!!!!Praise God
I’m praying.
Mario, wish I could have been there. The fall I took really did some damage and I have been really tired and in a lot of pain. But I am getting better every day. Last night I got to here on line a wonderful sermon by Tony Suarez at LOH church. I was so blessed and so encouraged. Praise God, because I believe God was trying to speak to me some of those things I heard, but I wasn’t paying attention like I should have been and it was hard for me to believe, because of so many things I have been through. I am really excited about what God is doing in California and the people who are responding to the Word of the Lord. If you get a chance it is well worth listening to at Hank and Brenda’s Kunneman Church. I was greatly encouraged and laughed a lot. The whole service was awesome. May God be with you!
Praise the LORD!
Praise the Lord! I thank God for you Mario and how He is mightily using you in this time of revival! I pray for God’s protection over you and all the precious people coming to your meetings!! God’s richest blessings to you sir!!
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 2:39 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
Praise God!!!
Dear Apostle/Brother Mario,
Your preaching is like no other I have EVER HEARD. Its to the POINT! HONEST! THRUTHFUL! DIRECT! ETC.
NO! Sugar coating I L♡VE that about Y♡U!
You talk about ?hell. Which is so IMPORTANT! For ALL of us to understand.
Given why we are where we are today. The “religious” churches NEVER came close to your way of EVANGELIZING.
I was weeding & ?✝️ thinking of your crusade at Modesto to bring MANY of God’s children back to him. I’m ?for my husband Bill to be FILLED GLORIOUSLY BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY ? SPIRIT.
GOD will keep BLESSING Y♡U!
And those HUNGERING & THIRSTING for God. I being one of them.
Praise God!!!
Wonderful answers to many prayers, supplication and intercession. Thank you, Lord Jesus! Thank you, Mario Murillo Ministries.
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 11:40 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
I think this time of intense spiritual warfare is a great time to learn about the spiritual gifts God has given us. ?
Do you know what your spiritual gift is? Most people do not. Romans 12:6–8 lists the most common gifts: perceiving, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, and showing mercy. Once you discover what yours is (some people have more than one), you can serve God much more effectively.
Anyway, just wanted to share about two books that are great for helping you discover your spiritual gifts. The first one is short and sweet (in other words, a great introduction), and the second one is much more detailed:
1) Know Your Ministry by Marilyn Hickey
2) Discover Your God-Given Gifts by Don and Katie Fortune
Hope this info is helpful to anyone who wants to learn more about their spiritual gifts. It’s a very interesting—and practical—topic.
Thank you, very true, Sam! Many think a “gift” is limited to a few, select people.
We’re all told to occupy (territory) wherever we TREAD. With shoes or radials: claim the streets, school yards, neighborhoods, church property, shopping malls, police dept, courthouses, etc! IN THE NAME OF JESUS Declare these and the inhabitants delivered from the power of darkness; AND declare them translated into the kingdom of GOD’S DEAR SON, IN WHOM IS OUR REDEMPTION, BY HIS BLOOD.
Acknowledging & agreeing with WORD that the power of the Blood of Jesus- which repels all evil, resists every disease—protects us and our families.
SAY what WORD says, it is Father in us Who does the works. WORD OF GOD said HE WORKS WITH AND CONFIRMS HIS WORD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING.
Usually, the WORD we seem to be drawn to indicates a “gifting” that is already deposited in us. Being available is BEST oppty for the LORD to use us, in any scenario. We are useful when yielded to the Holy Spirit’s Fruits and Gifts.
One caveat: don’t say “oh no, I’ll not say that! I don’t think I want to do that, I am not going there, etc. “ Most find eventually, they SAID, DID, and WENT exactly as LORD had prompted. ?
Thanks—good insights, Wordforworld. 🙂
Sam and WordfortheWorld:
Sam, read about spiritual gifts, why? Can honestly say, NEVER sat in one Church or Ministry that brought out anyone’s gifts or callings without motive and agenda; hidden agenda of being self-serving narcisstic entity. David Wilkerson and RCAL heard it for years as explain J. Lee Grady, William Lobdell writes etc., drop in the bucket.
WordfortheWorld: Excellent reminder, and yes “never tell God you do NOT want to do something, NOT a good idea” as Acts 5:29!
Anyone know of a Ministry that helps homeless in Las Vegas, truly helps? One, also to Orphans?
Hi, Gunnar,
Sam, read about spiritual gifts, why?
Because it’s biblical. 🙂
Oh, I definitely believe you. But you could say the same thing about the gifts of the Spirit. So, does that mean we should despise these gifts? 😉
Hi, Gunnar,
Because it’s biblical. 🙂
Oh, I definitely believe you. But you could say the same thing about the gifts of the Spirit. So, does that mean we should despise these gifts? 😉
Paul said, Now concerning spiritual gifts my brothers, I would not have you ignorant. God does not work through ignorance. Lester Sumrall has an excellent book about the Gifts of the Spirit. Many Believers have the Gift of Gab…blah blah blah, and do nothing. 1 Corinthians 14:1 says to “Follow after love (motive), and earnestly desire the gifts of the Spirit” (weapons of warfare).
Yes, indeed—as Paul knew, ignorance isn’t bliss. 😉
Once you discover your spiritual gift(s), it can help you understand your personality and life a lot better. At least I know it did that for me. And armed with this knowledge, you can help others—such as your kids—discover their gift(s) as well. It’s all quite exciting, actually. ?
Love to see this brother. Keep it up
As I read this report I stopped to thank the Lord, I said, this is the best one yet, I heard the Lord say, greater is yet to come. Hallelujah, California shall be saved!
The Word of God says in one ofc the epistles, that YESHUA came to destroy the works of the devil. We must continually pray this Scripture for our nation and the rest of the world. Thank you for taking the GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL TO THE LOST. Praying for YEHOVAH ‘S will to be done!, and for Divine protection over you and your entourage!
Blessings of Shalom,
Mary Jo Vergara. On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 1:38 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
Beautiful report!!!! THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT!JUDY BRALAND —- On Mon, 19 Apr 2021 18:57:06 +0000 wrote —-div.zm_-2821108266654104992_parse_-5731528908715339468 a:hover { color: red } div.zm_-2821108266654104992_parse_-5731528908715339468 a { text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 136, 204) } div.zm_-2821108266654104992_parse_-5731528908715339468 a.x_1447761711primaryactionlink:link, div.zm_-2821108266654104992_parse_-5731528908715339468 a.x_1447761711primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: rgb(37, 133, 178); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) } div.zm_-2821108266654104992_parse_-5731528908715339468 a.x_1447761711primaryactionlink:hover, div.zm_-2821108266654104992_parse_-5731528908715339468 a.x_1447761711primaryactionlink:active { background-color: rgb(17, 114, 158); color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }
mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M.
This is California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And”
Hallelujah and Glory to God!!! I pray for your ministry every day!
Godspeed >
Andrea Moré
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 1:51 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >
Prayers for MORE than ever before that God would arise deliver and save with powerful love. With no hinderances or enemy strategies. We lift our shield of faith over all of you who are walking as harvesters?
Thankyou Mario and your team. The battle is phenomenal in its size and scope but to see your advancement is truly inspiring.
Thankyou and may God bless you more than can be imagined.
Tony from Qld., Australia.
Please send me today’s word……Monday was the last email I got….thanks…Cecelia Gepp
This was so wonderful!
Pray for the Power of God to increase even greater by tomorrow night!
Dear Brother Mario,
Do you ever feel that you will come to The Rogue Valley in Medford Oregon? Thats in So. Oregon . Oh how we have prayed for revival here in this valley for so many years..
Thank you for your service of the Lord and your obedience to the call. My prayers are for you and your whole team.?
Mario, my husband and I live in Gresham, Oregon and have watched all of the Modesto powerful meetings with tears of Joy of the salvation and healings taking place. To God be the glory☝?? Thank you for your obedience ❣ Please prayerfully consider coming to Oregon as well as Holy Spirit leads ☝?? Thank you and God richly Bless you??? We love you?
Wayne and Ann Gunter
God ? please touch us all
On Mon, Apr 19, 2021, 2:41 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” The unfolding events in Modesto read like > something from a bygone era. A full 2 hours before the start, the tent was > half full and we moved up the worship start to 5:45 P.M. This is > California. California, where supposedly, people do not want God. And” >