by | Apr 18, 2021 | Christianity Today | 54 comments

Today is the day and I am getting ready. I feel it is urgent to tell you how I prepare for a tent meeting and how that is a model for getting the church back on the offensive in America.

Sun Tzu said, “Warriors of old placed themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.” That is what I do spiritually. Can I get you away from the news for a moment? Can I get you to understand the secret for getting back on the attack—regardless of who you are?

Before I walk into that tent, I see those people already healed. I see the drug addicts already delivered. I have already won the war, alone with God. That is why everyone that knows me knows that they have to jealously guard my afternoon, because I cannot be with anyone but Christ. And Christ must defeat my flesh. And if He defeats me, and my flesh, then He can work through me to defeat the powers of darkness.

Besides confidence, we also need fire. And fire will burn out indecision. It will burn out confusion. It will allow you to put all the controversy on the shelf, and then resume the urgent act of praying the right words: “Lord, the nation is in serious trouble. You called me, You trained me, You raised me up for a specific purpose, and I cannot be distracted by all that.”

One important thing that everyone can take away from what I do to get ready for a tent crusade, is that I don’t let the outward appearance sway me. Can you imagine standing in front of a tent full of wheelchairs and people on crutches, and some of the most absolutely suffering humanity you have ever seen? I don’t see them that way. I cannot walk in there with my own eyes.

And likewise, you: you can’t face live, do your job, or even turn on your TV, until you refuse to let what you seen control what you believe.!

God can make you the catalyst. A catalyst is an element that changes everything around it without itself undergoing a change. Imagine how important that is right now.

The Gospel is also a catalyst. When I charge onto the stage I am tell myself: ‘Here is what God told me to tell America. And knowing that I am saying what God told me to tell America, gives me the right to believe that the dead will be raised, the addict will be delivered, the churches will be unified.

My confession: ‘I have the fire. I have the message that God gave me for America!” If you get that same confidence, nothing will be able to stop you.

Here is the point I want to make. Dorcas was dead. And sometimes we need faith to come at us from a completely new direction. Dorcas was dead, and the people around her dead body said, “This is not right! This is not right!

And they found out that Peter, the great Apostle, was in Joppa. They didn’t bring him there for a wake. They didn’t bring him over there to reminisce about Dorcas’ life. They literally said, “Bring him here, to raise her from the dead.” That is a level of submission to the Spirit and power in the Book of Acts that we can’t hardly relate to.

In the same way that they said “this is not right”, so I will stand in that tent and tell sickness and addiction to go. ENOUGHT IS ENOUGH!

In that same way–by confessing that the condition of America is not right and must be changed–we can reclaim our nation and see victory.

Here is what God is telling us: we are not supposed to let Biden teach our children. We are not supposed to let Kamala Harris dominate our lives. That isn’t America!

I can no more imagine an atheistic-America than I can imagine an atheistic-Israel. America is also a land with covenants. Wells. Deep spiritual history. And, folks, God is rolling up His sleeves. He is fiercely in love with what America was. A group of people that crossed an ocean on pieces of wood that you and I wouldn’t dare imagine stepping on, in order to have freedom to worship Christ. And they carved a nation out of the wilderness, and that spirit has got to get back in us!

God is with us. God is on us. I don’t know how we’re going to do it, but God’s going to give us a plan. God’s going to give us the money. God’s going to give us the gifts and the power and the influence and the open door. And no atheist spirit, no perverted spirit, can stand before the Body of Christ, when She shakes Herself from Her division and Her confusion, and Her lack of memory.

The second weapon David used on the giant was the sling. The first weapon was his memory of what God had done in the past. He looked at Saul, and said, “You want to know why that nine-and-a-half-foot tall man is going to die? It is because your servant killed a lion and a bear.”

The Bible says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”

Church! We have been here before, and we are going to win again by the power of God. God just needs to turn on the fire, and stir that fire again in our souls!


  1. C. Jones

    When you have unshakable confidence while you are under the anointing you find that you don’t have to make anything happen. You simply get out of God’s way, and you let it happen!

    • Wordforworld

      True, CJones, but the years of Mario’s intercession for his beloved California, had a little bit to do with his ministry’s wonderful successes. Admirable dedication! Admirable focus! God is good!
      I’d sum it up this way, following Jesus’ model, Mario, the man of God knew:

  2. Tanner from Louisiana

    Praying God’s favor and blessings for the meetings. Just wanting to encourage you Brother Mario and your team, your about to bring the ?Shekinah Glory to the tent meetings. ?The “Shekinah glory” is a visible manifestation of God on earth, whose presence is portrayed through a natural occurrence. The word ☁️ shekinah ☁️ is a Hebrew name meaning “dwelling” or “one who dwells.” Shekinah Glory means “He caused to dwell,” referring to the divine presence of God.
    ? Jeremiah 10 ? ⛺️
    ⚡️The Sovereignty of God?
    1Hear the word that the LORD speaks to you, ?O house of Israel. 2This is what the LORD says:?
    “Do not learn the ways of the nations
    or be terrified by the signs in the heavens,
    though the nations themselves are terrified by them.
    3For the customs of the peoples are worthless;
    they cut down a tree from the forest;
    it is shaped with a chisel
    by the hands of a craftsman.
    4They adorn it with silver and gold
    and fasten it with hammer and nails,
    so that it will not totter.
    5Like scarecrows in a cucumber patch,
    their idols cannot speak.
    They must be carried
    because they cannot walk.
    Do not fear them, for they can do no harm,
    and neither can they do any good.”
    6There is none like You, O LORD.
    You are great, and Your name is mighty in power.
    7Who would not fear You, O King of nations?
    This is Your due.
    For among all the wise men of the nations,
    and in all their kingdoms,
    there is none like You.
    8But they are altogether senseless and foolish,
    instructed by worthless idols made of wood!
    9Hammered silver is brought from Tarshish,
    and gold from Uphaz—
    the work of a craftsman
    from the hands of a goldsmith.
    Their clothes are blue and purple,
    all fashioned by skilled workers.
    10But the LORD is the true God;
    He is the living God and eternal King.
    The earth quakes at His wrath,
    and the nations cannot endure His indignation.
    11Thus you are to tell them: “These gods, who have made neither the heavens nor the earth, will perish from this earth ?and from under these heavens.”
    12The LORD made the earth by His power;??
    He established the world by His wisdom
    and stretched out the heavens by His understanding.
    13When He thunders,
    the waters ?in the heavens roar;
    He causes the clouds☁️ to rise
    from the ends of the earth.
    He generates the lightning ⚡️with the rain
    and brings forth the wind ?from His storehouses.
    14Every man is senseless and devoid of knowledge;
    every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols.
    For his molten images are a fraud,
    and there is no breath in them.
    15They are worthless, a work to be mocked.
    In the time of their punishment they will perish.
    16The Portion of Jacob is not like these,
    for He is the Maker of all things,
    and Israel is the tribe of His inheritance—?
    the LORD of Hosts is His name.
    “Let’s Build the Tents and bring the greatest revival we have ever seen. The earth is coming back alive, every living thing that has breath will praise JESUS”
    ⚡️??? ⛺️????⬆️??????????

  3. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    MARIO, I have been praying fervently for the Modesto Crusade ever since you first told us about it…..AND NOW IT IS HERE!!!! i AM SO EXCITED ABOUT GOD’S MIGHTY WORKS BEING MANIFESTED! It is the 18th! Why, it may not just go on through the 23rd—-it may last for weeks and weeks and weeks.

  4. mackcent1958

    Brother Mario, May God bless you and keep you, I pray for you daily ?

  5. Sam

    Rhema Word for Modesto! Word of God spoken in Power into the Moment.
    Captivity being turned and sheaves meaning precious souls being saved!
    Rejoicing and Praising God for the Great Things He Will Do.
    Psalm 126
    King James Version
    126 When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
    2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.
    3 The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.
    4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south.
    5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
    6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

  6. Sandy Kay Duskey

    Praying for you,Mighty Man of God!! May God flow through you mightily.
    I love your daily Words of encouragement and faith building! You ARE making a difference.

  7. Heather

    I’m thinking about how you must be guarding yourself right now and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you….I watch Flashpoint two days/week on the Victory channel along with the thousands of others who listen to you. We are all praying for you right now.
    Heather, from Tennessee


    I am praying for you, Modesto, for you: Spirit , soul , body being well protection, knowing you are filled to overflowing with Holy Spirit power and might, changing lives from darkness to light from the kingdom of satan to the marvelous Kingdom of Jesus Christ. For the masses: God is breaking up fallow ground so He will rain righteousness down. They will have a desire not only for the miracles of physical healing, their spiritual healing will put in a deep desire to grow so their lives will be rooted and grounded in the Lord. So they will be an army that is strong in the Lord, knowing their past is washed is the blood and they are set free with no desire to turn back to their former life. God bless you Mario, we bless God for you.

  9. Deborah Barnard

    I am praying in agreement with you for the Mighty move of God’s Power to work through you and everyone on your team to tear down and incinerate every work, bondage, and lie of the enemy, satan, off of every precious soul who reaches out to the Hope and Truth of God!
    To GOD be the Glory for the things He has done!

  10. RAFO

    Mario, may the name “Modesto” go down in history like the name “Azusa Street”… may the power of God fall on the meetings there and spread like wildfire across the globe! We’re looking for great things to happen… get ready!

    • mary

      I agree! I do love Modesto and know God has His wonderful Praying Remnant there! It is a Well to be re-dug and is shall begin in this meeting. In Jesus Name.

  11. rogers5969

    Ongoing Intercession and spiritual Kudos…While I may not be in Modesto in the flesh, I shall be there in spirit!
    Joy To The World ! (That’s a declaration for ALL SEASONS !)…Mike from Texas…

  12. cretagirl

    I declare and decree, that Mario’s tent meetings will go viral around the world, sparking Holy Spirit fires everywhere. In Jesus all powerful name. Amen????????????

  13. mrsbmp

    Finally, the day is here. God, I KNOW that only YOU will be shown at this gathering. We are all expecting your LOVE to redeem us once again to set YOUR world on fire for your glory!

  14. Harold Butler

    Brother Murillo, my prayers are for your success and victory in Christ. My soul says yes, yes, yes. You are the LORDS weapon of mass salvation. GOD Bless.

  15. John R.

    Praying for you Mario and a great harvest of souls this week in Jesus name. God bless you!

  16. Linda Stegman

    Great word of encouragement! Lord, stir that tent full of people with faith and fire and the miraculous!

  17. Judy

    Another awesome Word. I am praying with you from Canada. My Godneeds a visit from God too. Bless you.

  18. Sandra Calhoun

    I am fasting and praying today for the fire to fall and the glory will come because of your zeal for GOD and people and this Country! Reading in Isaiah and oh it is marvelous what God will do for his beloved and what is coming for the evil ones, they are scared and they have all right to be. Praise GOD from whom all praise belongs! We win against the evil ones! Oh the horror of them we can not imagine but they will get their just rewards and I feel it will be soon! The witches, warlocks, vipers and high up satan worshipers shall fall in one day like lightning! Praise GOD from whom ALL power flows, praise FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST! We win!!!!!!! 
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  19. n9nwo

    There is a great sense of defeat among Americans. We have Christians who state that every country falls. That it is our time to go into the night. Or that this is the end times and people will “fall away” that the antichrist is here.
    It is not yet. And I doubt that believers will be on the earth when the end times come. What you said in your message is what I have been looking for:
    Besides confidence, we also need fire. And fire will burn out indecision. It will burn out confusion. It will allow you to put all the controversy on the shelf, and then resume the urgent act of praying the right words: “Lord, the nation is in serious trouble. You called me, You trained me, You raised me up for a specific purpose, and I cannot be distracted by all that.”

  20. bernidynet

    God bless you, Mario, and achieve great things through you. We need His Power, not just in America, to stir the nations where He once was mighty.

  21. mswelch52

    On Sun, Apr 18, 2021, 12:33 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today is the day and I am getting ready. > I feel it is urgent to tell you how I prepare for a tent meeting and how > that is a model for getting the church back on the offensive in America. > Sun Tzu said, “Warriors of old placed themselves be” >

  22. karen Finken

    I am with you mighty man of God! I’ve never been an intercessor but God has led me to intercede for your ministry. I was at a loss to know how to pray for you until this message–thank you!
    Since i did not know how to pray, I have been praying in the Spirit and saw a big spot light, you know the kind that they used to use at events and car dealerships, like a beacon thing where people would follow the light to the event–I believe God has turned on the Beacon of His Light and it is coming from the Modesto tent of meeting. I see people saying as they did when Jesus was born, “what is this Light?’and seeking to find it. Great will be the miracles-Salvation, Healing, Deliverance!
    “The people sitting in darkness have seen a great Light”
    “As He is, so are YOU in this world”


    Brother…God is with you today!!!
    Years ago… I named myself BERTONIUM… kind of an EXPLOSIVE catalyst sort of thing!!!
    As always, you’ve spoken with such clarity and stunningly appropriate quotes and scriptures…God’s got you covered, Mario!!!
    BTW… I witnessed legions of angels, descending into the USA, last Wednesday…hopefully others saw it too…it was glorious!!!
    [image: image.png]
    On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 12:34 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today is the day and I am getting ready. > I feel it is urgent to tell you how I prepare for a tent meeting and how > that is a model for getting the church back on the offensive in America. > Sun Tzu said, “Warriors of old placed themselves be” >

  24. Tammy Adams

    In the NAME and BLOOD of our GREAT High Priest Jesus….GOD WINS. God will SAVE America. God Bless You in the name of Yashua

  25. Helen Matthews


  26. Lynne

    Praise God for David’s like you Mario. I would love to be there with you. I’m there in prayer and spirit! God is moving!

  27. NewHeavenOnEarth

    Praying!!! May God bless the tent of the “meeting.”

  28. [Patricia Ventura

    One of the best words from you, wonderful, I will never forget you at Kent Christmas event, what a blessing! All moments from this day forward are blessed!
    My prayers are with you. Love Pat

  29. Christine H.

    Thank you again Mario for the truth the LORD has deposited in you. Your message made me reflect on our ancestors + how they struggled + paid a price to begin life in this new country America. Since GOD is generational, I believe we are continuing their work as well as paving new ground for future generations to run with. May we pass the baton with unmoveable faith to see GODS WILL done on earth. God Bless Christine

  30. ggramma

    AMEN MARIO!! Awesome message for right now!! Standing with you!
    Praying with you and for Modesto !! You have a double portion of anointing to speak every word coming from God!! It’s going to be a Miraculous Crusade!!

  31. kingskid48

    May the Shekinah Glory fall on the tent tonight, and remain throughout the entire week!
    I wish so much I could be there Tuesday night when Flashpoint broadcasts from the tent!

  32. Bo Gus

    I sent 700.00 today for this tent revival. $670.00 of it is a gift in honor of my parents 67 year marriage that we celebrate today!!!! Bless you!!
    On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 2:59 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” Today is the day and I am getting ready. > I feel it is urgent to tell you how I prepare for a tent meeting and how > that is a model for getting the church back on the offensive in America. > Sun Tzu said, “Warriors of old placed themselves be” >

  33. thewhiterabbit2016

    Thank you, Mario, for this inspiring messeage!!

  34. RS

    Yes & Amen! Praise God for His anointing upon you and your team, Bro Mario!! Been praying (& will continue) for this tent meeting in Modesto: for the Fire to fall, for the anointing to be so strong upon you and your team that NO one can resist Christ in you – the Hope of Glory – and that His Glory will come down to amaze even you! Go forth, conquering and to conquer – to vanquish the fiery darts of the enemy, to set the captives free, and to render total and utter defeat to that liar called Baal, Jezebel, Baphomet, Moleck, Ashteroth, and satan, and their cohorts, for according to Ps 75:10, “God says, “I WILL bring down ALL the power of the wicked; the godly will be VICTORIOUS.”!!! GLORY TO GOD!!
    With you in spirit from TN! ???????

  35. RS

    Yes & Amen! Praise God for His anointing upon you and your team, Bro Mario!! Been praying (& will continue) for this tent meeting in Modesto: for the Fire to fall, for the anointing to be so strong upon you and your team that NO one can resist Christ in you, and that His Glory will come down to amaze even you! Go forth, conquering and to conquer – to vanquish the fiery darts of the enemy, to set the captives free, and to render total and utter defeat to that liar called Baal, Jezebel, Baphomet, Moleck, Ashteroth, and satan, and their cohorts, for according to Ps 75:10, “God says, “I WILL bring down ALL the power of the wicked; the godly WILL BE VICTORIOUS.”!!! GLORY TO GOD!!
    With you in spirit from TN! ???????

  36. Christine Ambrose

    Praying that it ALL STARTS TONIGHT ✝️??✝️??✝️??✝️??✝️????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Sent from my iPhone

  37. Mary Jo Coleman

    Fire from heaven fall down in every meeting!!!! Alleluia Holy Spirit have Your Way and baptize every person in the tent and community!!!!

  38. mark Dubois

    Amen, turn up the fire Heavenly Father! Turn up the fire Lord Jesus!
    Turn up the Fire of the Holy Spirit!

  39. Sandra

    Amen!! It’s not right! “We are going to win again by the power of God.”

  40. Melinda Sue Ventura

    Pastor Mario we are praying for fresh Fire to fall on Modesto California and spread like a wildfire throughout the whole state and that many will be saved, set free and delivered and that our country will be hit with such a mighty move of God tonight and the next few days! We are with you in spirit and are praying for Lord Jesus to use your powerful voice to bring souls into the Kingdom for such a time as this Amen we love you from Cuero Texas

  41. Bob

    I arrived at 5:45pm and every parking space in all the lots were full. Drove around the ball park around to the other side. Parked and walked 500 yards to the tent. Tent was fully occupied and people were standing outside the tent several rows deep. Perhaps 4000 or more. Mario was his dynamic self and there were a lot of people making decisions for Jesus. I will be going to one more this week as I was blessed and encouraged.

    • Linda C

      Thank you for that report

    • MaryAnne

      Ditto, thanks for the report. It would be so awesome that this would be on msm!

  42. Linda C

    Amen, Mario!!! Let the church arise, and the enemy be scattered!! I am praying that Modesto is the spark that starts a spiritual wildfire raging across this country!

  43. yesua7

    you go brother

  44. Frederiek Bulthuis

    Praying for an abundant blessing ?
    Prayers from Holland ??

  45. mittens1kitty

    Praying praying praying for you all!
    Sent from my iPhone

  46. Carie Kramer

    Amen and GOD is with you!! Thank you for standing in the gap??

  47. Etta

    Praying for you and for The Lord to do signs, wonders and miracles for His glory.

  48. Marcie Hecht


  49. archaios6

    Mike Lindell is doing more for this country than leaders in church and state who have their heads buried in the cesspool of lies and deception. Mike and Mario are truly the Lord’s warriors as they share the truth they have found and share with people. Mike’s new social platform ( is sharing all the corruption the Lord wants people to be aware of so that they can make an informed decision to get involve and bring back Christian values that are being censored by demonic leaders. Mike and Mario Murillo are two witnesses who can only do so much, it is up to “we the people” to get involve before it is too late. The good ship “United States” is being attacked while people sit on their derriere complaining, instead of helping to defend the freedom we once had before the illegal figurehead moved into the White House. To stand strong, we need to be united not divided.




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