The tent has not just been holy ground—it has been ground-zero for life-altering miracles. As amazing as each Living Proof Tent Crusade has been―Modesto will be different.
Why do I believe this? Let me tell you why. California is a heartrending tragedy. People are abandoning it in droves. Every aspect of any quality life has been devastated here. California is not just suffering, there is a palpable grief that hangs like a heavy cloud over the people.
Now, nearly 2 million voters have signed the petition to recall Governor Newsom. His statement today about movement to have him recalled has only served to further solidify public opinion against him.

With his classic smugness, he insulted the 2 million signers and dismissed them as being nothing but rightwing loons and leftover Trump supporters who hate the mask. He is counting on the blindly loyal Democrat-base to forgive his towering failure and vote the party line. Never mind that 37% of those who signed the recall petition are Democrats.
This is the dismissive arrogance that got him into hot water in the first place. It is the same disconnect that let him dine with family and friends at the French Laundry restaurant, while at the same time he was warning families to cancel their holiday gatherings.
Today, he reinforced why recalling him is the right thing to do.

And it is this very Democrat-created tragedy that is the biggest reason I expect the Modesto Tent Crusade to be different. The darkness and despair will itself be the catalyst for a fresh anointing and a raging river of miracles. The desperation of the people is why the power and presence will intensify. The cry of the people is reaching to the heavens.
A further reason it is going to be different is because of the workers. Psalm 110:3 says, “Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power…” Hundreds are lining up to work in the streets, in the neighborhoods, and in the tent. The groundswell of volunteers tells me this is the Day of God’s power!
These workers will join Frank Saldana and the army from Inner City Action on the streets. The workers are coming from everywhere. You can also volunteer! We will hit thousands of homes, bringing groceries and clothing, and we will minister in power to all of them.

The neighborhoods in Modesto where addiction and violence reign will be overwhelmed by this army of light and love. And because of our partners, we have more resources and supplies than ever! This will be the biggest invasion by far. But there is still more.
Every Saturday morning prior to the tent going up, hundreds, perhaps thousands, across America will jump on a Zoom Call to pray for the Modesto Crusade. Not only are we putting boots on the ground, we are sending up fervent prayer to the heavens.

But the most powerful promise that I have received from the Holy Spirit is this: Christ will be present in power like never before! That is what will make Modesto different. I cannot emphasize that too strongly. His presence will release miracle healing power like never before.
As I have said so often, we are the only movement in history where the Founder attends every meeting.
When even the most impossible cases walk into the tent, they will be healed and they will be delivered!
But the greatest reason I know that Modesto will be different, is embedded in these verses:
“And when they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognized Him, ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was. Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well” (Mark 6: 54-56).
For reasons that transcend human persuasion, I know that the sense that Jesus will be in the tent is already creating excitement, a frenzy of action, and a profound sense of expectation. People are being told by the Spirit of God, Himself, “Jesus is the one and only reason to come to the tent and to bring every sick loved one that you can!”
Glory to God, Modesto will be different!
Here’s a special video message from Mario Murillo
Been waiting until the Lord freed me to share this:
This time has been a pall of darkness over America. Been praying so much. Received a dream at night a short time ago which was really from God of the battle in the heavenlies with the angels fighting their way through with the answers needed for America reminding me of the story in Daniel where the angel had to fight his way through.
Daniel 10:12-14
New King James Version
12 Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. 13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. 14 Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.”
The next part given to me in that same dream was a pitch dark night sky with a cloud the size of a man’s hand. That cloud became bright and turned into a piercing beam of light running from heaven to earth. The pall of darkness began to retreat. My outlook on everything has now changed. (Cloud the size of a man’s hand is in the Elijah story in 1 Kings 18:44).
“Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.” This is from Joel 2:28.
That beam is landing on Modesto NOW!
Sam – as I was reading Mario’s blog this morning, and before I read your comment, in “my mind’s eye”, I was seeing such a beam of light shooting up that it could be seen from space and so palpable that even the mainstream media was reporting the phenomenon! I was laughing to myself about the commercial from Geico when the guy lights up his Christmas lights and a space station astronaut says “Houston are you seeing this!! JOY, JOY, JOY as our Father delivers and demonstrates His Omnipotent Power, Love and Light – LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS, and darkness overcame it not!
I love yours, and Sam’s, comments
“Jesus is the one and only reason to come to the Tent”, because he is the Great Physician. In Luke 5:17 it says, “And the power of the Lord God surged through Jesus to instantly heal the sick.” It is called the Tent Of Meeting where you can have an intimate encounter with God for yourself! The spirit of the Tabernacle Of David In Modesto, where the manifested presence of God makes all the difference! Acts 15:13-18
It’s interesting to note that Modesto means modest, humble, and unpretentious. “ Come into me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am MODESTO (meek and lowly) in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Let the Modesto Movement begin in America now!
I can confirm this dream, as the Holy Spirit has reminded me in the last two weeks of the cloud the size of a man’s hand and also that the angels are fighting through and DEFEATING the enemy angels in answer to our prayers. I have peace because of the assurance that God has given to me. He is working and we must be thankful and praise Him constantly! We cannot see what God sees. But, we must be still and know that HE IS GOD. HE IS GOD. IN HIM IS VICTORY.
I would like to get on the zoom prayer meeting. I have been praying for this since December when I heard about the first revival. I immediately started on Modesto when you announced it along with the luncheon.
I would love to have done street ministry with you. Since I can’t be there in the physical I want to be there in the spiritual. Dying to self so my prayers will be more powerful.
I’ve been on the Zoom call a couple of times – a very powerful experience! It’s on Saturday at 9 AM Pacific time. Here are the Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 916 2228 4909
Passcode: 232557
How can we join your prayer team?
I’ve been on the Zoom call a couple of times – a very powerful experience! It’s on Saturday at 9 AM Pacific time. Here are the Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 916 2228 4909
Passcode: 232557
Praise God for His ways! He starts with the toughest, darkest State in the Union and makes it a beacon of light, a powerhouse. Nothing is impossible for Him!
“The people who sat in darkness saw a great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death, Light has sprung up.” The light shines brightest in the darkest place. Matthew 4:16-17
Mario, you’re right… there’s a profound sense of loss, remorse and grief that presently hangs over this nation like a dark blanket… not just because an election was stolen and “our man” didn’t get back in. No, it goes much deeper than that. For us who know the Savior there is a definite spiritual component to all this that won’t be denied. God has allowed this, for now, to bring us to a place of individual and corporate repentance. When enough of us get on our knees, and break through to heaven, then things will begin to change in our nation. So, the ball is basically in our court and God is waiting to see what our response is going to be.
One man named Daniel, who humbled himself with prayer before God on behalf of his people, brought a great intervention from God Almighty for Israel. God was Daniel’s Two in the power of agreement!
Well said and so true. God wants repentance to start with His people and I am praying for that.
Praying and praising over Modesto! Every hindrance is bound in the name of Jesus!
Praying for you and your team!!
I can’t wait to hear about what God does in Modesto and all of CA!!
You and all “called out” workers are daily lifted in prayer for the ever increasing release of the power of our God’s love! Although I am in Alaska, a member of a small church, we stand with you AND all the revival reawakening the Spirit is birthing! NO busyness, NO Luke warmness, No compromise will distract us from the move of God’s heart for salvation and deliverance! Thank you! Thank you! Lifting up our shields of faith over you…that NO darts of the enemy succeed! Love you brother Mario! Judy
Where do I find the link for the Saturday morning ZOOM prayer meeting?
I heard years ago that Modesto was the center of what God wanted to do in California, that would influence the nation (or something to that effect), but the Enemy had set his sights on Modesto also.
It’s been as clear as it could be that this is true. A great move of God began in this area years ago, and was thwarted by the Enemy just as it was going strong.
Mario, you are so needed here. The area is suffering, the entire state is, from what liberal, “leadership”, has done to the state. And now, this area is under a terrible drought. It’s one of the driest years I can remember. The farmers and ranchers will have a very difficult time with irrigation this summer.
We need a spiritual turnaround in this area. I believe when that happens, the turnaround in the natural will begin.
I hear the Sound of the Abundance of Rain in Modesto, with a New Song from Heaven flowing out of the Redeemed across the land!
The Left does not have Leadership. It only has Dictatorship which ends in Shipwreck!
I live in Modesto (46 years) and it has changed for the worse the last 20 years. Modesto is now a satellite community of the San Francisco bay area with there liberal agenda. Huge homeless issue, high crime rate, and huge welfare problem. Modesto has a bright side and it starts with our churches. We have the Gospel Mission helping people. Modesto is ripe for harvesf.
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Great insight to share!
Yes, Jesus will be present in power. They will be healed and delivered and they will never be the same.
Praying for my daughter’s family in Rocklin, CA. My granddaughter needs her heart healed and her feet. My son in law needs Jesus and his knees to be healed. Praying for TJ and Russ and my daughter! My granddaughter is young but wants Jesus…her dad is not allowing her to go to church. My daughter is teaching her about the Lord.
praise God
Thank You LORD for MARIO and all who are having a part in this MIRACLE WORKING POWER that YOU ARE SENDING.
I’m excited and believing God and declaring that God’s people have
dominion over the evil one. In Jesus’ name, amen!