by | Apr 14, 2021 | Christianity Today | 74 comments

It is clear that a new breed of weapon is about to emerge.  They are the wounded healers.  Who are these people?  Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record.  They are not the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. 

They have messed up and then gotten back up.  Trampled and left for dead, God restored them! They have no image to protect or ego to wound.  They are the most dangerous people that Satan will ever face!

They gained all new appetites in the furnace of affliction. They do not need the glory, and they eschew titles and awards.  Their unswerving passion is to show compassion and take prisoners of love.  You cannot get them to fight over doctrine, because they have been to the Cross.  They know the Blood that bought them, and then brought them back to life.

They are like Peter at Pentecost.  Only a soul who has been handed another chance after denying the Lord three times will understand the inner fire of a wounded healer.  Who could write such a dangerous song as Amazing Grace but John Newton whose plaque says, “Once an infidel and libertine / A servant of slaves in Africa / Was, by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST / restored, pardoned, and appointed to preach the Gospel which he had long laboured to destroy.”

 You cannot find such zeal in religious do-gooders who never brave beyond ivied halls of respectability.   You will not find this flame in the bleachers where the cold souls sit and keep score, but who will never take the field.

Wounded healers do not boast of clean uniforms and of battles evaded, but of scars and gates of hell invaded.  They have no preaching pedigree, only a song that sets the captive free.

We all know of the verse in Daniel 11:32 that says,” Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.“    What we tend to overlook is the verse that comes later that speaks of the wounded healers.  Daniel 11:35 says,” And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.”

 This is a word for you my friend!  Your attack is not to destroy you but to refine you!  Your rejection and your abandonment are not meant for shame, but for purity.   It does not matter how your garments appear to Pharisees, only that they are white before God.

The most incredible news is this… though religious voices have disqualified you; your destiny is yet for an appointed time!   The door that God holds open, stays open!

Now let us look at another aspect of the Wounded Healer.  They are able to reach the masses that the regular church cannot.  Therefore, they are the perfect weapon for this moment, at the end of all things. If only these special-ops believers could see who they are, and lose their need for the approval of cookie cutter Christians, then they will become God’s tractor beam for lost souls.

Getting rid of the fear of man was the principal prize that so many of you gained in adversity.   So many of you wrote to me about the horrific events of your life and in the face of everything else, it became so real, how much God meant everything and the approval of your judges meant nothing.  Truly, you shouted, “If God is for us, who can be against us!”

Many wrote of the life of power that rose out of the ashes of despair. They felt equipped to do more than ever. They felt useful and lethal!! AMEN!!    This has to be the purest meaning of 2 Corinthians 1:3, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

 Look around you and you will see how a new generation of leader is coming to the fore.  They do not wait for committee approval.  They rent a school auditorium in a bad area and just start preaching.  They preach raw sermons with an open heart and crowds come from everywhere.

Their frontline ministry is unlisted in the who’s who of the council of Churches but Jesus feels just fine showing up every time they meet! Look again and see others who carry “unlicensed weapons”.  They open their homes to youth.  They send out food, clothes and love in the most unconventional ways imaginable all with the smile of God.

Wounded healers may not wear denominational labels.  They do not schmooze in the right rooms, but they carry the fight to where it matters the most.  They operate under direct orders of the King of Kings!

When you see one, you will know them.  They will not judge you and no matter how far gone you feel, they will see you through the lens of the Holy Spirit.  They will see you as you will look after your miracle has come.  You will feel welcome in their presence and you will look priceless in their eyes.  They do not view the sinner as a commodity, but as kidnapped royalty.

What about you?  What will you do with your adversity, pain and shame?  All I can do is tell you what I did.  At the lowest point of my life, God was waiting for me to make a choice.  I chose to minister wherever the door opens, and to preach from now on as if each message is my last.

Deciding to go on when you feel nothing but agony, is the greatest victory that you will ever win.   Not caring who gets the credit will rip the lid off your limits.

What are you and I waiting for?  We have loved ones to snatch back!  We have miracles to unleash on lost souls.   There is a whole world out there that has never even heard of church fights or legalistic regulations.

When Elijah told the widow to go and get as many containers as she could and God would fill them with oil, she realized that the condition of the cans, bottle, pails, or pots was not important.  God put oil in all of them.   Wounded healers are not perfect containers, they are simply full of oil and that is all that truly matters.

God knows what he is doing.  Saul of Tarsus was the wounded healer who surpassed all of the twelve disciples.  He felt unworthy to be a disciple and said so in no uncertain terms.  Yet, he attributed his unsurpassed labor for Christ to his awareness that he was a broken vessel.

Jesus showed another power of the wounded healer in Luke 7:44- 47, “Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon (the Pharisee), “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head.  You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. Therefore, I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”

Therefore, to all you wounded healers, I say, you will not get credit from the religious peanut gallery, so you will have to be content with accomplishing more than any of them will for Christ, and loving the Lord more than they can ever imagine!


  1. geranna36@gmail.com

    You are on fire brother, what a powerful word
    Thank you

    • C. Jones

      This is the Joy Of A Negative Message. It is the Balm Of Gilead ( the Universal Cure). Cracked Pots shining in a dark world. Broken Bread and Spilled Wine. I feel at home in this message by Mario. EVERY SERIOUS CHRISTIAN NEEDS TO READ THIS BLOG! CLASSIC MESSAGE FROM A JUNKYARD DOG PREACHER NAMED MARIO MURILLO! OH, HOW THE WORLD NEEDS MORE PREACHERS LIKE THIS!

      • Margie Troxell

        God is surely with Mario . I had not heard of Him until 2020 . His is always a message of hope. He is a warrior!!

      • Wordforworld

        CJones, Yup, “I feel at home in this message by Mario” rings true for all of us here!
        When I’d tell people “I’m severely saved,” they’d look at me like I was crazy. Hey, I’ve never seen the Lake of Fire, but I know I’m saved by the Blood of Jesus from that! I’ve never been in hell, but I know I’m saved by the Blood of Jesus from that too! If that’s not “severely saved”, what is??
        By that powerful, yet precious to me, Blood of the Lamb, I am severely saved!
        ALL WHO BELIEVE AND RECEIVE that the payment for the entire Curse was paid in full BY THE DEATH OF THE SON OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST, SHALL BE SAVED!
        By one man, Adam, sin/curse came on all.
        By THIS ONE JESUS, in His death, & resurrection, The righteousness of GOD & The Blessing came back to mankind!
        We ARE powerful, because GOD the Father, GOD the Son, & GOD the Holy Ghost came into our hearts! GOD empowered us to proclaim the Good News, our witness, tell our personal testimony of so great salvation!
        GOD has given us HIS NAME, for the authority to cast out devils! To rebuke fever! Rebuke fear! To heal sick! Recover sight to blind! To preach Good News to the poor! To take dominion over the earth! To set free the captives! To bind & to loose! To enforce GOD’s kingdom here!
        No surprise that our joy is extreme.
        We so desire that those around us would believe & be severely saved too. And we greatly rejoice for the time of harvest is now. We’ll not miss this time of the LORD’s visitation, w/great outpouring of His Spirit. Signs & wonders, deliverances, salvations, miracles, all done in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen!
        Praying great joy to MMM & all those volunteers! Times of refreshing for them, that they’ll remark at how light they feel, lifted by the LORD’s Spirit. Thank you,
        From another severely saved!

      • kassie1948


    • Randy LeBlanc

      Awesome word, Get in or get left out. thank God for Mario and his willingness to stand (even in California) and those affected. I’m posting this on my churches fb page.

    • EVELYN

      Thank you for this Word! I desire to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me in prayer and how I can be apart of this to see this great move of God and yet , not stand in the way of His move.

  2. TFranklin

    Some of the Best Services I remember were in a school auditorium. This preacher as your blog reminded me, was a “broken vessel” with a desire to reach out… Preaching what was laid on his heart, instead of canned sermons.

  3. contender4him

    Thank you …. I truly needed to hear these words. God bless you.

  4. Maria Bradshaw

    Wow! Just wow!

  5. Kim

    Thank You I needed this This Morning. It’s hard out here in The World today with Everything going on. Though through Christ who Strengthens Me Will guide Me. AMEN & GOD Bless Y’all.

  6. petergatekeeper

    So the cry of my heart has been for over 40 years and still in the midst of the battle I will not I cannot judge God I weep at times in my pain because of His Goodness. Meeting all my needs according to riches and Glory I don’t think finances I think of His Perfect Love and Salvation. Bless you your Family and Team in your labour of Love. Greetings from Norway Peter
    Sent from my iPhone

  7. Griselle Trujillo


    • Laundryboy

      And God will give you the desires of your heart.

    • rlseaton

      Me too Grisella.

    • Dan Swaningson's words and wit

      AMEN! I have been feeling this in my soul for several years now. I am so done with the church “establishment” that stands in the path of called warriors because they got dirty in the fray. I for one have been forgiven much, and forgive much, and the love that breaks free from that is unstoppable!
      And that’s why I refer to myself as a barbarian with a bible— not because I am one, but because that’s how the pretty people see me. Got has taken that barbarian determination, that keep it simple and get it done spirit, and tapped it for his Kingdom. And I will not apologize to anyone for it! And I will keep fighting to release others into that freedom.

  8. Ruth R.

    Amen and Amen! Thank you for the effort you put into providing us with these daily messages.

  9. becky clement

    On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 1:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is clear that a new breed of weapon is > about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? > Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not > the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. Th” >

  10. mrsbmp

    This article describes the true body of Christ! Believe me. You will KNOW it when you are a part of it. I am one! Beautifully written Mario. Thank you for your eloquence. God bless!

    • Cydney Beatty

      This is so profound. I learned long time ago only Gods approval and appointment is what matters. I love the least if these more than the religious pharisees. I am a wounded warrior. Nothing stopping me but me. Working on dieing to self more so He can live more in me. I love your sermon at the preacher’s conference. The dieing to self hit home.
      Thanks for your daily blog. I read it with explanations that I will learn something new I need to be doing in my walk with the Lord. God bless

    • Elaine

      Amen! Only a heart that diligently seeks His face and His likeness could so communicate a glimpse of Yeshua’s agape love, thank you brother Mario!

  11. Marcella A grateful servant of God from Canada

    Mario Man of God,God Bless You
    WOW!!!!! Simply Beautiful,,,Simply Powerful
    Truly God Annointed Message My Brother.
    I pray God release His Angels to go before you now to bring in His Greatest Harvest in your mission
    Go Mario Go !! And God Be With You
    In Jesus Holy, Mighty and Matchless Name sealed by the Blood of The Lamb of God.

    • Linda Percival

      Amen Mario!!

  12. Julee

    Brother Mario,
    God woke me up are 3:00am this morning to pray for you, your family, and Modesto, among other things. I am not young and my story is too long and not “pretty”. I just want you to know this post touched me more than you will ever know and to say thank you for being obedient to our God.
    May all the Glory go to Him for what he is doing and will do as His Kingdom Comes and He saves America and the generations to come including the “unlovely”!

  13. praying grandmother

    This is my life. I am the woman with the jar of perfume. We are broken like that jar. He who sins much loves much.

    • Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

      MARIO, This message describes me and my life…..Broken at an early adult age—wandering aimlessly with the heavy load on my back……But I had a praying mother and a praying young child—who even now though she is 55—she still says the LORD WILL HEAR AND ANSWER A CHILD’S PRAYERS BEFORE HE WILL ANSWER AN ADULT’S PRAYER. She told me not long ago—“Mama, when I would pray as a little child—JESUS ALWAYS HEARD AND ANSWERED MY PRAYERS.”
      The “TIMING” of this Message is PERFECT!

  14. prayinginok

    Beautiful message, Mario, thank you! Praying fervently for Modesto.

  15. RAFO

    Spiritual fires will begin to break out all over, and in places and through people no one would’ve suspected. Satan’s “fire brigades” will rush to the scenes of these fires to quell, but they won’t be able to contain them. Many “bystander” type Christians are going to get burned and put ablaze by being around these hot spots. Spiritual “smoke inhalation” will affect others as they realize what’s happening. Look for it to happen soon!

  16. Ken Scarbrough

    My wife and I love all your BLOGS, but this one was so right on and special that I will save it to share forever. AND, GOD WILL DO GREAT THINGS IN MODESTO! Thank you, Mario got your message last Sunday and for all you do helping to lead God’s army and save more souls!

  17. Jeff Ratliff

    This word was for me today brother Mario.
    Thank you for speaking God’s word

  18. rlseaton

    This is such a gift to me today. I’m one of these whom God broke. I don’t fit molds but love Jesus with my whole heart. Today my new website goes live. A ministry to the broken who are ready for Jesus. There’s been so much warfare over this – that I’m not qualified. I’m not enough. But God. Your words TODAY speak life to my bones. Directly from my Lord to my spirit. Blessings! I soooo needed this TODAY. The new website going live sometime today is: http://www.soulcries.org

  19. Connie Strock

    May God continue to bless you and meet all the needs there. Thank you Jesus ❤.

  20. Bettina King

    I have been trying to obtain a mailing address and telephone number of this ministry. Could you please furnish me with this and also a brief biography of this minister, whom I just recently met via daily posts. I should like to know more about him. God bless you. E. King

  21. cjlaesgmailcom

    Keep writing. I feel the Holy Spirit leap off the page when I read your messages. For the first time in my 70+years I find myself shouting, “ok! Not want can I do? But, what do you want me to do…

  22. jeanette lamb

    Dear Brother Mario, Thank you for this beautiful word!  I am always so encouraged by the words that the Lord gives you.  They are full of life and fire!  I was especially encouraged and inspired by the message you gave on Sunday at the Fresh Fire Conference in Nashville. I would love to go and serve in Modesto, but will not be able to.  However, our church (Firepoint Church in Tujunga) is serving free food and the love of Jesus on the streets of Tujunga.  One of our pastors, Pastor Clayton Golliher, has been in charge of this for 1 year now.  He and his team (I have helped volunteer too, such an amazing blessing) have also ministered to people when we had the protests in downtown Los Angeles for many weeks.  Now he is leading us to minister to the youth at Venice Beach, where many are coming to know Jesus.  All told, there are hundreds of people who have come to the Lord through this ministry.  Praise God!  We are a rag-tag bunch, but that is exactly who Jesus is using, as you so eloquently put, for such a time as this. We are praying for you, as you minister in Modesto.  God is going to do a mighty work among you!  I cannot wait to hear about it!
    Please pray for us as well, as we serve in Tujunga, Venice Beach, and wherever the Lord leads us. We love you brother!Jeanette (and Steve) Lamb

  23. RL Perrin

    Great and wonderful word, truth will always prevail.


    Oh, Brother! You are speaking my language! The Jesus People movement started and spread with those broken reborn vessels and spread like wildfire. I haven’t been able to go to church for years because of the memories of what God ‘really does’ when He’s in Harvest mode! This younger generation has no idea how great that Shekinah Glory IS!

  25. M V

    I am a wounded healer!!! Thank you for the clarity this gives me! I am in the process of being restored from a 24 year satanic onslaught to take me out. It hasn’t been pretty, and my way has been littered with sin, failure and difficulty. But I received a personal promise a long time ago God gave me from a prophet, that there would come a time when I would have “a ministry that would cause an exodus for them, and the devil would ever be sorry he deceived me.” That is a portion of what the Lord said to me 24 years ago. As you can imagine, I’ve had a huge target on my back ever since. I have cried out to the Lord for a fulfillment of the deliverance he gave me then, with the caviar that “when I get completely finished taking all of Egypt out of you, then you’ll go back to them and minister the same life I gave to you.” These 24 years have been a long, difficult road! I’ve cried out to the Lord for complete deliverance, and all He would say is, “ I’m going to teach you about my grace.” I went to Teen Challenge trying to find freedom from my addiction. God met me there and worked in me, but found no deliverance. What I did receive was a deep calling on my life to minister Gods grace, compassion and truth to those caught up in addiction. Because I’ve tasted the Lords mercy and grace, even though I’m not completely free yet, I saw the Lord working through me in ways I never imagined were possible! He prophesied to me through my mentor, “ you are a carrier of my glory! If you will pour it out one on one, in small groups, and larger groups, I will give you the purity and deliverance the way I planned it from the beginning.” I was blown away that despite the fact I didn’t have my freedom yet, that the Lord could/would actually use me….. but He did! I always knew that we in Teen Challenge know the mercy and grace of God on a deeper level than even the church can know. Thank you for this article, Mario! The Lord has also prophesied to me through a minister in South Africa, that I would preach Gods Word, and lay my hands on the sick and see them recover.” I’ve had such shame over the nature of my “bent” that it’s hard to figure out how the Lord could use me like that. But I’ve fled to take hold of the hope/promises He’s given me! I’ve fallen, so many times over this 24 year period, but I get back up and go again because I know He is faithful (even when I’m not), and His promises are yes and amen….and that His is word never returns to Him void. Your email has given me confirmation and hope that He is still working in me, and my re-validates hope for the fulfillment of his promises in my life. Thank you! I’d love to talk with you sometime about this! 228-697-7393.
    On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 12:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is clear that a new breed of weapon is > about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? > Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not > the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. Th” >

  26. priscilla LISCHIN

    Sent from my iPhone

  27. Judy Bacon

    I have read some awesome articles that you have written, but this just might be the best and so on target. The line about seeing sinners not as a commodity but as kidnapped royalty went off in my spirit like a bomb. God bless you and your ministry!!!

  28. Sandra Douglas

    So Powerfilled is this message, received as a true blessing!!!

  29. Sandra Douglas

    So Powerfilled is this message, received as a true blessing!!!

  30. phillip griffin

    thank you mario for the timely words …. where sin abounds grace abounds much more! Romans 5:20

  31. Gordon Hofer

    Sent from my iPad

  32. joan caruso

    what an awesome message. thank you
    On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 1:56 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is clear that a new breed of weapon is > about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? > Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not > the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. Th” >

  33. Doris Martinez

    love and prayer for you and Micheal and team body of Christ 

  34. Susan Omanson

    On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 12:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is clear that a new breed of weapon is > about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? > Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not > the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. Th” >

  35. Carolyn Stingo

    Wonderful message!

  36. archaios6

    thank you Mario. your message runs deep and powerful. It is a reminder of what the Lord is looking for in HIS remnant. People who have been tested by fire and become stronger in their faith.

  37. hredhawk1942

    Good word, Mario. Amen! We are the Occupying Army. Go forth and recapture our brothers and sisters.
    Harry Leonard
    This e-mail and any attachment is intended solely for the addressed recipient(s) and contains information that may be confidential. If you are not the correct recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail and all attachments from your system immediately. Any use, dissemination or copying of this email by any person or entity other than the addressed recipient(s) is prohibited.
    On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 1:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is clear that a new breed of weapon is > about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? > Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not > the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. Th” >

  38. Jane Zelinsky

    Amen ✝️Mario may God continue to bless you and keep ?✝️❤??
    On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 1:03 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is clear that a new breed of weapon is > about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? > Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not > the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. Th” >

  39. Erin Walker

    Love this post… Lord help me to stand along side these wounded healers

    Blessings of joy and peace

  40. Roger Culwell

    They make me sad with their accusing of everything, and I didn’t go back into anything, there’s nothing to go back to, but if a sickness gets in your body now you did wrong, according to them and your never stack up to them which it doesn’t matter now most I don’t won’t to know personal, not because I am to good, but because to them I am not good enough, and I will put my life style up against there’s any day, I don’t look down on anyone, but to many of them to put a like on a post some used a dirty word in two post ago is a cardinal sin, how are we ever going to reach people we think we are better than, or are beneath us, I just don’t understand we offer a gospel that should have no racism, or allow evil, even though I was sent to warn the church still to hear them tell it, it’s me who has the problem even though I preach the truth with fire and always have, but because I am not sweet enough, they scream, i have been frustrated by the way this election was stolen, and somethings are hard for me to see right now because of an infection, but I have not went back on God, and he has not stopped giving me messages, I am seeking and going higher, because I am disappointed in the one’s leading the people now, and God is touching because for the firest time I seen a change today, so he is doing it, but we have a long way to go to really doing what the bible say’s about running this country and the Church winning souls, from get in your land or field, the only thing is God owns the whole earth, and if we only worked our part of the field as they say, then the one’s who quit early or just plan left, that part of the harvest is not brought in, and we have to take up the slack, or it will not be tended, we are suppose to go after souls, and train disciple and teach people to be able to stand, so we can help get as many people to heaven as possible, because the only thing we can take with us when we leave here is the souls we won along the way, and our fire will not be put out, for God called us and some try to label us Holy Ghost filled preachers, as being prideful and arrogant, to try to put the fire out, and make us answer to them, and they destroyed the church took the fight out, and what you to submit to them, and they are full of hate and devils, who even send spirits to try and kill you during the night, but they brought in this love greater than Gods they think, that allows sin and evil, when God doesn’t, and all this just makes a Holy Ghost fire filled preachers stomach turn and say no you want that is not of God, We want to see this nation rise back up, and the church back in Charges of things and on fire for souls to be won, and evil to be stopped, stop uniting with it and allowing it, be the Church God called us to be, the pulpit is where everything went wrong and we must first correct that, before we can correct the rest of the world, because all those position in congress and every where else must be filled with spirit filled Christians, when we start being upset and sick to our stomach over the evil going on, and then start doing some thing to change it, we will be headed the right direction, and get a hunger for lost souls, and want Jesus more than we want our next breath we will be ready for revival and to change things. God bless sir good word

  41. Rick Booher

    People that have lost it all and fine Jesus Christ are the most dedicated loyal subjects to Him. The become an advocate the can’t be swayed. Much like people that overcome addiction as they have seen the results and the complication those types of addiction cause, and now they speak out against it with authority and confidence. Much like those that choose the alternate sevual lifestyle once they come it the fullness of light of Jesus they can’t go back to that lifestyle and they speak out against it with authority and confidence. However when brought to restoration with Christ they are compassionate, loving, patient, and understanding of the pressure and hold it has over people much like they were, thus they become highly effective as a advocate for Christ. Their testimonials make it clear the struggles and pitfalls they faced and those that did the same can relate positively and will listen more attentively. Many times they try to go back to the people that knew them before their encounter with Christ and are rejected because they don’t believe it is the same person, which reminds me of the story of Jesus going back to His home town and was rejected and they even drove Him out. All because like Jesus whom they saw only as the carpenter’s son. Yet when they speak to those that don’t know them they are highly effective. Much like a person who found Christ in prison when they get out the go back to the same area and friends they fine they ate not welcome as a Christian and they find those same friends try to seduce them back into the old lifestyle. However they go to the prisons and minister where the people are in the bondage of prison many come to Christ,  because they see the hope of Christ in them not the criminal they once were and they come to accept Christ. Even families and friends that knew you when  didn’t practice any faith or worship of God at any time before their encounter with Christ, they reject their testimony because they see them as the old person from before but strangers and new people will listen with intensity and craving for the light of hope in them thus the relieve Christ. It reminds me of Paul’s transformation on the road to Damascus once he encounter Christ Paul’s life never was the same and the people He once supported him began persecuting even desire his life unto death. However many that new Paul as Saul the persecutor judged him and feared him and would not hear him but as he traveled to place that didn’t know him embrace him and the gospel as he explained it to them.
    Thus that is why we should never judged by the looks, tattos, past mistakes, postion, status, race through color of skin or ethnical background, or by gender of male or female if they are in Christ they are children of God you very well by rejecting them or act differently towards them you are do it unto Christ Himself.  That why when people get the burning of the Holy Spirit will witness to anyone and everyone. Sadly they do get worn down from the rejection not the faith but causes them to question theit faith. That is why it is so important to surround yourself her with brothers and sisters of faith, which should be in their lives and surrounding them with the word and to helip them, to reassure and support them  to rekindle the flames of passion in their faith in Christ, so they become regenerated to go back out on fire for Christ. Nevertheless those that have gone through the battle from the depths of sin and found Christ they just remember that and it helps them in their need to reencourage themselves, much like David at Ziklag , as they seek the Lord and the Holy Spirit they become  renewed and their strength groes and through encouragement iin turn inspires others. And as others fire kindles they helping them to see how far each have come in and with the Lord from where they began. And when others join to pray for their ministry, for their spiritual well being with those that surround them will encourage their fire rekindled it so it bursts into a roaring fir of hope and faith, which burns brighter than  before. The enemy hates this group of people as like the disciples of Jesus, even  the threatening of death does doesn’t stop them but encourages them, which causes the fire to burn even brighter in them and people that come around them can see that light and they begin to desire to find out why they are so confident, effective and blessed in all they lay their hands and mind too. Thus there effectivity increases and more souls come to Christ. They are the true soldiers and warriors of God because they know that they know He exist, they know what, when and where the were delivered from and Who was the source that made it all happen and they are will to defend it with their life if necessary. That was the story of early Christianity to as the gospel grew the persuction became worse but the power and authority of the Lord’s followers would not surrender to the powers against they couldn’t denounce their faith for it was the fire burning in them was their faith, that faith was in Jesus Christ and the promise of hope, with everlasting life with Him. And like those disciples, the modern day disciples of Christ that have rose from the depths of despair, addiction, bondage and sin from the moment when they found Jesus Christ they begin to change and  become powerful warriors standing boldly and fully resolved against the spiritual enemies of Christ. And we are about to see great numbers of new disciples because of all the nation has had to bare over the last year.  The attacks against Christian faith and Christian worship has been all but silenced but the faith has gone away but has gone underground across the land and people are searching almost groping for some higher power, which will makes sense and deliver them from the darkness over the land. There are many looking for a leader to lead them out and  to the surface, and some of those disciples are the new leaders that will bring forth the restoration, the reformation to the forefront and by that strenght and encouragement. It will light the fire of hope in many more until every being sees the light of hope in Christ, and desire it for themselves and America will begin to experience an awaking , which has never every been seen before. We will see signs and wonders with miracle encounters and healing, which can not deny the power of God’s existence and His authority is everlasting. And when that day comes America will become the American it was meant to be and dreams and vision will multiple the faith and and the willingness to become obedient to the Lord God the King of the universe, Redeemer, and Savior Jesus Christ will be the heart of America’s people. And through the manifestation of His will being done, it will be seen around the world. Thus He will be further be glorified through the praise and worship from all around the world. It is the time and the place is America and by Faith it will happen as more and more repent  from there ways and turn towards God and then will not only restore His people to wholeness but also heal the land as God’s will will be seen everywhere. Amen

  42. malohyph

    Thank you in Jesus Name thank you!!! And keep on preaching preacher!!!
    Sent from my iPhone

  43. NickT

    I have a special place in my heart for the wounded down and out people who then get saved. I too was one of them back in the hippie 70’s the then got saved
    and delivered in 1982. Go Mario, may God bless those meetings coming up!

    • NickT

      The then typo

  44. yesua7


  45. Julia Wesley

    Oh my God, thank you ? so much!
    On Thu, Apr 15, 2021, 1:06 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” It is clear that a new breed of weapon is > about to emerge. They are the wounded healers. Who are these people? > Well, they do not have every hair in place or a clean record. They are not > the sanitized, immaculate version of the Body of Christ. Th” >

  46. Linda C

    May God raise up an army of wounded healers!

  47. Sandra Pettey

    Beautiful picture of the wounded loving their redeemer.

  48. Patricia Hughes

    This is an amazing message, we all wounded healers.
    Sent from my iPhone

  49. Beth

    This speaks to my heart!!!!

  50. Mike Vernon

    I am a wounded healer!!! Thank you for the clarity this gives me! I am in the process of being restored from a 24 year satanic onslaught to take me out. It hasn’t been pretty, and my way has been littered with sin, failure and difficulty. But I received a personal promise a long time ago God gave me from a prophet, that there would come a time when I would have “a ministry that would cause an exodus for them, and the devil would ever be sorry he deceived me.” That is a portion of what the Lord said to me 24 years ago. As you can imagine, I’ve had a huge target on my back ever since. I have cried out to the Lord for a fulfillment of the deliverance he gave me then, with the caviar that “when I get completely finished taking all of Egypt out of you, then you’ll go back to them and minister the same life I gave to you.” These 24 years have been a long, difficult road! I’ve cried out to the Lord for complete deliverance, and all He would say is, “ I’m going to teach you about my grace.” I went to Teen Challenge trying to find freedom from my addiction. God met me there and worked in me, but found no deliverance. What I did receive was a deep calling on my life to minister Gods grace, compassion and truth to those caught up in addiction. Because I’ve tasted the Lords mercy and grace, even though I’m not completely free yet, I saw the Lord working through me in ways I never imagined were possible! He prophesied to me through my mentor, “ you are a carrier of my glory! If you will pour it out one on one, in small groups, and larger groups, I will give you the purity and deliverance the way I planned it from the beginning.” I was blown away that despite the fact I didn’t have my freedom yet, that the Lord could/would actually use me….. but He did! I always knew that we in Teen Challenge know the mercy and grace of God on a deeper level than even the church can know. Thank you for this article, Mario! The Lord has also prophesied to me through a minister in South Africa, that I would preach Gods Word, and lay my hands on the sick and see them recover.” I’ve had such shame over the nature of my “bent” that it’s hard to figure out how the Lord could use me like that. But I’ve fled to take hold of the hope/promises He’s given me! I’ve fallen, so many times over this 24 year period, but I get back up and go again because I know He is faithful (even when I’m not), and His promises are yes and amen….and that His is word never returns to Him void. Your email has given me confirmation and hope that He is still working in me, and my re-validates hope for the fulfillment of his promises in my life. Thank you!

  51. fromanislandinnewhampshire

    When you know you are broken, then you finally understand what grace is. And then you can give it to others. Power starts to flow. I love this message, thank you.

  52. Gisele Cox


  53. Vicky Steeley

    Mr. Murillo,
    What you have put into words should be put on billboards across the whole world, read to all people and shared on all pulpits everyday. This is a Truth that is married to the Spirit of the living GOD . SO, SO many need this true message . Vs 5/18/21

  54. mark Dubois

    Yes and amen, Thank You Brother.

    • Linda Percival


  55. monagirlnyc

    *This*!!!! “Getting rid of the fear of man was the principal prize that so many of you gained in adversity.”

  56. archaios6

    Mike Lindell is doing more for this country than leaders in church and state who have their heads buried in the cesspool of lies and deception. Mike and Mario are truly the Lord’s warriors as they share the truth they have found and share with people. Mike’s new social platform (Frankspeech.com) is sharing all the corruption the Lord wants people to be aware of so that they can make an informed decision to get involve and bring back Christian values that are being censored by demonic leaders. Mike and Mario Murillo are two witnesses who can only do so much, it is up to “we the people” to get involve before it is too late. The good ship “United States” is being attacked while people sit on their derriere complaining, instead of helping to defend the freedom we once had before the illegal figurehead moved into the White House. To stand strong, we need to be united not divided.




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