“Mario, tent crusades will not work in this day and age—especially not in California.” That was the voice of a highly respected minister. Then he gave me all kinds of reasons. His biggest reason to discourage me was this: “Tents do not work with modern audiences, but especially now that they are illegal.”
Well, God had other plans. He had plans to overrule human wisdom and to pour out His Spirit along Highway 99 in the Central Valley of California. A dream became reality, and in the process, destroyed all the “logic” of man.

Now that the tent crusade is back in California, it is time to bring something else back. The street meeting. I am not talking about a concert. I am not talking about a prayer meeting. I am talking about taking the gospel directly to the streets. Deliberately, setting up a stage in what some might call a “dangerous neighborhood,” and preaching a simple and direct soulwinning message.
Read this about the way street meetings were revolutionized by the Salvation Army:
“Soon after beginning his ministerial career in England in 1852, William Booth abandoned the concept of the traditional church pulpit in favor of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ directly to the people. Walking the streets of London, he preached to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, and the destitute.
“When fellow clergymen disagreed with Booth’s unconventional approach, he and his wife Catherine withdrew from the church to train evangelists throughout England. The couple returned to the East End of London in 1865, where many followers joined their fight for the souls of lost men and women. Within 10 years, their organization, operating under the name “The Christian Mission,” had over 1,000 volunteers and evangelists.

“Thieves, prostitutes, gamblers, and drunkards were among their first converts to Christianity. And soon, those converts were also preaching and singing in the streets as living testimonies to the power of God.
“When Booth read a printer’s proof of the 1878 “Christian Mission” annual report, he noticed the statement “The Christian Mission is a volunteer army.” Crossing out the words “volunteer army,” he penned in “Salvation Army.” From those words came the basis of the foundation deed of The Salvation Army.
“From that point onward, converts became soldiers of Christ and were known then, as now, as Salvationists. They launched an offensive throughout the British Isles that, in spite of violence and persecution, converted 250,000 Christians between 1881 and 1885. Their message spread rapidly, gaining a foothold in America and soon after Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, India, South Africa, Iceland, and Germany.”
Now, 136 years later, Frank Saldana and his team from Inner City Action and Mario Murillo Ministries are having our first major street meeting, tomorrow, on Good Friday! We will be on the streets in Modesto, CA, and we are hoping that as many as 1,000 people to gather in the streets to hear the unfiltered message of Jesus.

We will bless them with many things, food, clothing, and even a raffle. Someone will win a PS-5, another a valuable bicycle, and yes, someone will win $1,000 toward their rent. Why? That is the bait so we can tell them how to be free from drugs, poverty, and demonic power. This is going to be amazing! But there is even more…
Former Pro Wrestler Carmine Azzato AKA Demolition BLAST (9 Time World Champion) will be there in person. Carmine was supernaturally healed in one of our outreaches of deafness in one ear. He lost his hearing during a match when his opponent slammed a folding chair against his head. Since his miracle, he has been totally on fire for Jesus and is one of our associate evangelists. He will tell his story as only he can. Then Frank Saldana will take the stage to make a powerful appeal for the lost to come to Christ.

Why didn’t you know about this sooner? Because we have been promoting this entirely among lost souls. You may want to come—if you do, come with us and minister to these beloved lost souls. At the very least pray for this incredible outreach. God bless you! I can’t wait to report to you what happens at this amazing soul winning event! It is time to bring back the street meetings.

Remember how close we are to the tent crusade and pray!! If you can–please bring someone who needs healing to the crusade. And especially remember to bring those who need to be set free by the Gospel of Christ! MM
Sadly the wrestling community has been infiltrated by the deep state and his character looks demonic. I like the testimony however I don’t like “celebrity” as I feel like it could be an act. Just my opinion.. I love this ministry and pray for the souls that need Jesus ????
Bro Carmine is a dear personal friend of mine and we have ministered together for years.
He is the real deal and loves the Lord with all his heart. He has a great testimony that everyone will be able to understand and respond to the call of Christ in their lives. God is using him in a great way.
God bless.
Bro. Pudge
Well I’m glad to hear that! Not trying to be a “Debbie Downer,” I’m personally acquainted with some wrestlers myself. God bless y’all!
Man looks on the outward appearance, BUT GOD LOOKS ON THE HEART. The Debbie Downers are a dime a dozen.
I doubt he’ll be wearing the face paint when he speaks.
His face will be painted with the grace of God, and a heart full of gratitude for the rich mercy of Jesus that saved him and healed him!
Praying for this wonderful, amazing work! Wish we were close enough to be there!
God bless the street meeting! May His power and love and great salvation do a mighty work there tomorrow! In Jesus’ Name!
Your message brings tears to my eyes. The carnival-like event and your upcoming 5-days of tent meetings look like so much fun. It is exactly what will draw them in. Chum the waters. God bless you and your ministry, Mario!
Praying for this supernatural event and believing for a supernatural outcome! God’s blessings and God’s angels charge over all of you!?✝️
??????????….and on GOOD FRIDAY??????????
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What a great idea…finally my prayer getting answered! Thank you Jesus
On Thu, Apr 1, 2021, 7:04 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” “Mario, tent crusades will not work in > this day and age—especially not in California.” That was the voice of a > highly respected minister. Then he gave me all kinds of reasons. His > biggest reason to discourage me was this: “Tents do not work with modern a” >
This is exactly what has to happen. I’m so excited. Will be praying for everyone involved!
Bring them in, Dear Holy Spirit!
Father in heaven may we as your children open our eyes to what the spirit of God has to say. Open our hearts Lord to what your will is. Let lives be changed and salvation occur in the ones who are lost. Father your word states that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. According to your plan would you increase the workers so that you would reap. Would you create boldness for workers to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. With your provision there will be divine intervention. Your Angels will rejoice in heaven over the one lost soul. Father in my heart lies the urgency to preach the gospel of Christ. Here am I Lord choose me! Holy Spirit guide my words and Jesus be at the center of my heart. Thank you for this ministry that you formed. Thank you Yeshua for being Lord and Savior over us. It will all go well in our souls for we love you Lord with all of our hearts, our minds, our bodies and our strength. You are our first love. We trust you, love you, adore you and are willing to give our lives as a sacrifice so that you may receive the glory in Jesus name! Amen!
Amen!!! Come Holy Spirit Fall upon Mario and all who are at the street crusades coming that you will fall mightily on all there in Jesus precious name Amen ?
Amazing work you’re doing for the Kingdom!!
???? Prayers lifted for Good Friday Street Event and for the continuing tent revivals…. and NOW begins the praise❣❣❣❣
On Thu, Apr 1, 2021, 10:03 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” “Mario, tent crusades will not work in > this day and age—especially not in California.” That was the voice of a > highly respected minister. Then he gave me all kinds of reasons. His > biggest reason to discourage me was this: “Tents do not work with modern a” >
sic’m bro
Bro Carmine has been a friend of mine for years. We have ministered together and he has a true heart for the Lord. His testimony is very powerful and has brought many to the Lord.
God bless.
Bro. Pudge
Godspeed Mario.Believing for exceedingly,abundantly above all we could ask or dream all along highway 99.There are no limits.
Praise God ?, we have been praying for you and your tent event, daily. Maybe you could come to Auburn or Roseville? Will be praying for you tomorrow! In Jesus Mighty Name Amen ???✝️
I have been praying for California’s revival for many months. Thank you Mario for standing true. God bless this street meeting with many salvations. I will be praying for the meetings April 2 and April 18- 23. May God be glorified and many soul come into the kingdom. Amen.
I will be praying, Mario!! I can’t wait to hear how it goes!!
Amen! Best news ever that is happening in USA Today. God Bless you MMM!
Mario, I couldn’t agree with you more. The word says the fields are ripe for harvest. People see what the devil is doing and feel hopeless. But, when you talk about Jesus, you give them hope. The word says light repels darkness. We are the lights of the world. God gives us the fire to share the gospel. Like ourselves. We didn’t just become Christians. There are many who were raised in Christian homes but they never accepted Jesus into their own hearts and minds. But, because of that upbringing, they know that something is missing in their lives. Oh the joy that comes from knowing Jesus. I believe a big revival is ready to come. People feel powerless but Jesus gives us back our power. I’m ready for whatever God wants to do in this present age.
I am praying that every single unsaved person attending this event will walk away redeemed by the blood of the Lamb with a passion to share the Good News to others…..
I will be praying from Australia – California belongs to Jesus
Thank you for taking the Gospel to the streets!
Sent from my iPhone
God bless you and everyone who is involved in this incredible event. To God Be The Glory!
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praying “on earth as it is in heaven”, in Jesus’ name. I can’t wait to get on the streets of Orlando this weekend!
May the Lord our God send his “Hosts of Heaven” to battle with you for thousands of souls,! I am humbled to tears to see and hear of what you are doing. I plead the blood of Jesus cover you and all your helpers and join with you in praying for the saving of thousands of souls, in Jesus name!
Teresa here: Amazing and wonderful. Praying for all of you. I remember street preaching and ministry in Modesto during the early 70s. Lord do a new and glorious thing in Modesto
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Amazing using the time when remembering Christ is on the cross, life Christ’s life will come alive to those who are there!
BLESS THE LORD, in His love, Dona
Our dear brother in Christ Mario and all, we in Alaska stand with you for miracles of salvation and all kinds of healing and deliverance! My nephew Daniel is right now in ICU for alcohol related seizures..BUT God arises to show mercy!
Lifting our “ shield of faith” over you and by our own words, releasing the most powerful move of God yet!!! Judy Weir
Brother Mario, you have been an inspiration. I have been praying about how God wants me involved with this revival that God is raising up. I remembered a friend of mine who is having Bible Studies in Echo Park here in Los Angeles. I am going to pursue setting up an outdoor evangelistic meeting.
God Bless you for what you are doing and the fires you are igniting all over the country.
Pastor Matthew
Awesome! Lord, please send your fire of healing, compassion and salvation tonight in Modesto.
Praying for Modesto for souls to be saved and miracles from God, at these meetings.
Mario, I read all your posts and they are so important. However, here is something you REALLY need to know about if you haven’t heard about it. It needs to be put in front of every Christian in this country. Please address this in a post. Thank you!!
“The ‘most TERRIFYING story I have EVER had to report’: Glenn Beck reveals newly approved CA school curriculum” https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-glenn-beck-program/california-schools-chant-aztec?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 Read the whole story and then watch the 12-min. video “Soul of America at Stake” to get the shock of your life!!! Sean needs to be aware of what is happening in his state because it will spread across the U.S. It has been said – “As goes California, so goes the nation”
Carol Jackson, I went to that web site. We are under siege from Satan like I’ve never seen before. This country, as we know it, is being, systematically, destroyed by those who are under the dark influence of the adversary. Until we get back to the Christian values of our founding fathers and have been taught for decades, this country is not going to be what we have known.
I am sending that web site to a cousin, who is a teacher in California. I also am sending her the information of what Mario Murillo is planning so she can be informed to pray for her students and Mario’s ministry of bringing souls back to God.
As much as it hurt my heart to read and hear what the board of education has done, I’m thankful I have been made aware of this travesty of God’s Word.
One last thing, Rome fell. God’s Word prevailed because of what Jesus Christ did for us by dying on the tree, being dead for three days and three nights, then was resurrected and ascended to be on the right hand of God, our Heavenly Fathers side . It can be turned around again, when we, as believers, take a stand against all the darkness of this world. When believers step up to the responsibility of taking their children out of those public schools that demand they are taught such devilish curriculums, home school them and teach them the Christian values so they, in turn, will become exactly what this nation needs.
I suspect it won’t be in our life times, certainly not in mine, that these can be done. But they will stand for what is right and it is what is best for your children and grand children and their children to take this perverted nation and turn it back to God and his matchless Word, which he puts above all His own name.
Dear Brother Mario,
I just love the work your Ministry is doing. I pray for you daily.
I was part of “Impact “that you did with Upperroom in Wyandanch and Huntington, Long Island some 15 years ago. I was telling Carmine on Facebook I actually live in Wyandanch now. The complex is called Wyandanch Village part of the Wyandanch Uprising project. It was a town and private venture to build affordable housing. They built it across from where we did the gathering. The buildings surround a brand new train station and a beautiful plaza which is the perfect place to have a gathering that is so needed. I believe the Impact meetings were instrumental in bringing the plans for the building project to fruition. Who would have thought that the streets I walked and prayed for would be home to me but God! However you can build all the beautiful buildings to change a neighborhood but there will be no real change until the hearts and souls of the people are changed! “The harvest is plentiful the workers are few”. Prior to COVID Myself and Bobby Reidel who Carmine knows well did two gospel concerts and were hoping for some support from the local churches to come out and evangelize. I pray you come back to Wyandanch and I will be right there with you. The developer of Wyandanch Village just happens to be a Born Again Believer! I know him personally a very humble and integerous Man who stays connected to this community. God Bless and Prosper the work you are doing!
God bless you Mario for taking the promise to the lost! Please pray that I will have the courage when it is needed!
It’s too bad/sad what happened to the Salvation Army. Nowadays, they never go out on the streets and Witness. So, many are fat and sassy. william
On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 6:59 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” “Mario, tent crusades will not work in > this day and age—especially not in California.” That was the voice of a > highly respected minister. Then he gave me all kinds of reasons. His > biggest reason to discourage me was this: “Tents do not work with modern a” >