One of the greatest cruelties—if not the greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene. She was once sold on the streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession. She knew the yawning blackness of total despair.
Then Jesus rescued her. Jesus cast out seven vicious devils—devils she thought would never leave. Once deemed human garbage, she is now redeemed and planted into a family of indescribable love. Things would never be the same. Her nights of remorse, her days of futility, her shame, her emptiness, were now all distant memories.
For three years she lived a life she could have never imagined, crisscrossing Judea, hanging on Jesus’ every word, weeping gloriously over every miracle. Each morning, she awakened a more powerful and joyous woman of God! She thought that this would go on forever.
People use the phrase “nothing could be worse…” They use it before describing something unimaginably terrible. I will use it this way: Nothing could be worse than to be in hell, and then taste heaven, only to return back to hell.
Then on that fateful Friday, it all went horribly, horribly wrong. How could the One Who called the dead back to life and silenced a storm at sea, be arrested? How could the One Who gave words of exquisite beauty, love and wisdom, be tortured and killed? No one wanted to save Jesus more than Mary. No one felt more horror and helplessness than she.
That night, profound hope had given way to even deeper bitterness and disappointment. She must have thought, “If only I had never met Him. If only He had left me to die in the streets.” She slept only after exhaustion became more powerful than sorrow. Too wounded to go on living, and perhaps too tired to commit suicide…
Mary is of special importance to me today, because her testimony is the best one I can think of as we commemorate this Good Friday, in such a dark time as the one we are living in. Mary’s miracle is the miracle America needs now!
Here’s why: When the first shafts of Sunday morning light stirred her awake, she dreaded it. If ever a heart was broken beyond repair—if ever a soul would rage against the approach of hope—if ever a woman just wanted to go back to sleep and never wake up, it was Mary.
That is why she was shocked when she felt an odd energy coming over her. She soon felt an even stranger impulse—to go to the tomb where Jesus lay! How could she return to the only spot on earth that could reopen her wound?
What overruled her despair? What fuel was driving her so completely against her common sense and her broken heart? Paul answers that emphatically! “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you” (Romans 8:11).
Do you know any therapist capable of rebuilding the ashes and rubble of her soul? Can any drug, any teaching, any relationship, reassemble her heart the way the gentle but powerful Comforter could?
We all know about the power of the resurrection: it was the greatest display of power the universe has ever known; even greater than the alleged “big bang” that, theoretically, began the universe. The resurrection sent shock waves through the principalities and powers of darkness. It shattered Satan’s power and stripped him of the keys of death and Hell (Rev. 1:8). Jesus set the captives free in the bowels of the earth, and “led captivity captive” (Ephesians 4:8).
But, the first burst of resurrection power was much gentler. Mary was the first human to feel the power of the resurrection. Her eyes, which were red and sore from sobbing, were now refreshed and clear. Her arms which had hung limp from heartsick lethargy were now responsive, strong, and full of purpose. She sat up and found hope pumping through her veins. She wondered, “Why!”
A notion seized her, gently, but firmly. She knew she was to go to the tomb, and she immediately got going! Washing up, brushing her hair, and quickly getting dressed. All the while the expectancy of an indescribable ‘something’ was building in her soul. Before she knew it, she was out the door, and charging toward her worst fear. Only, now, she was not afraid.
She found the tomb vacant. Then she turned and saw Him whom her soul loved. Many awesome things happened that Easter, but none more wonderful than Mary reunited with her Savior.
In the genetically altered, politically charged, drug addicted, violent purgatory that is America today, Mary Magdalene stands as a poignant figure. She is the best testimony I can think of for our national dreams that have gone up in smoke. Our culture has wearied itself with perversion…hunting down everything natural and replacing it with a disfigured counterfeit. It has marched, protested, and boycotted the very color and life out of everything—to the point that everything is a cause for taking offense.
What happened to Mary, is proof that there is nothing better than the Gospel.
America! This is what you need!
“Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons” (Mark 16:9).
JESUS APPEARED FIRST TO MARY! He had never forgotten her. He knew she was suffering the most, so He healed this precious soul first!
18 January 2025
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
2 Nights of Miracles, Charlotte NCDaily
The Encounter Charlotte, 1651 NC-24, Midland, NC 28107
Jesus knows, and He cares! Yes!
Grace is a mystery that can not be explained, it must be proclaimed and enjoyed forever and ever! God’s Redemptive Riches At Christ’s Expense!
Blessings to you and yours Mario love conquers all.
Amen Mario
Amen! Thank you MMM. The power of the resurrection defeated evil. In Jesus Name. Amen
Awesome brother.
The Chosen season 1 episode 1 has a beautiful scene of Mary’s redemption.
An apt word for our time. TY
I hank you for the great message. We must never lose hope.
Those forgiven much, love much
Those given much, much is required
To God be the Glory!
What a magnificent sermon! Praise God for sending His Son to free us from sin! Bless you Mario Murillo!
Beautiful you are JESUS and Beautiful you will always be deep within my Heart, Body and Soul. Thank you for saving my life JESUS and making me whole.
Good, good in deed good! The Lord is using you in a unic way. I bkees you and yor minidtries in the name of Yeshua!
I live only because of Jesus….He is all how Father God portrayed Him.. No one on this earth can love me like He does.. He knew me in my mothers womb.. He breathed life into me. He is the only one who understands me and loves me anyway. Like Mary Magdalene, he looked at her heart and not how she lived her life as a prostitute. He delivered her from demons and she was free indeed. Glory, praise and honor to Jesus, the King of Kings.
Thank you Jesus!
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Thanks Mario, an awesome word for these days!
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Wow! So so good!!!!
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I love the story of Mary Magdalen, and how Jesus met her and restored her first of all. It’s as though he met Eve herself, who must have been grieving all through the milleniums over the damage she’d helped to cause. Love healing it all, reunion with the One she loves. Thank you.
How can I donate to your ministry through our foundation? I have called the contact number twice with no response.
So good …hope for the wounded. My prayers are with you.
I tried to buy your books, but cannot find where you ship to Canada.
Bless you, I thank God for His angels surrounding you and your family, I thank God for His mighty outpouring on the streets, and in and around your tent meeting.
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Thank you that was awesome!!! Bless you !!!
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Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
He fooled the Pharisees and Sadducees that day by first appearing to what they would call a deplorable. Today He comes again and is surprising the lukewarm church that in these last days has come for the ones that they havenot reached out to. These days are exciting, supernatural asHeis redeeming and calling those that have been forsaken, the prostitutes, the addicts, those that appear to be hopeless. We will pray as you and many invade Modesto with the One, Jesus that came “to sek andto save those that are Lost.” The God of all hope is on the scene in America which has lost her way. America WILL BE SAVED! We call America back.
“He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons”
Mary Magdalene gives me hope for this angry, hurting generation that has been raised to mock God and put fleshly desires first. God ministered through Mario to the students of UC Berkeley in the 1970s. What a wonderful messenger He has risen for California in the 2020s! God bless the message going out in Modesto this month! May lives be transformed, just as Christ transformed Mary Magdalene’s.
AWESOME!! Thank you for this reminder.
He is Risen!!!
On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 11:01 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the greatest cruelties—if not the > greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene. She was once sold on the > streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession. She knew the > yawning blackness of total despair. Then Jesus rescued ” >
“….and she immediately got going”…..For me, words are a powerful call to action for whatever time I have left on this earth…Thanks as always Mario and your team for taking action EVERY DAY??????????
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Such a powerful word! Such amazing love Jesus demonstrated. Thank You Jesus
Thank you, Mario, for this beautiful reminder of who we are in Christ Jesus and how even in our darkest moments, Jesus never forsakes us! How wonderful that He bestowed His love and healing power on Mary Magdalene, knowing her sorrow and deep anguish! ???? ________________________________
Mario, during our Easter/Communion Service this week, my heart was overwhelmed as I visualized the pain, confusion, and bewilderment the disciples and Mary must have felt! And I realized I was feeling the same emotions at the state of affairs in this country, as if God is not in control. RESURRECTION DAY came for them, because Jesus proclaimed through His pain and LOVE on the cross, IT IS FINISHED! As I traveled home, with many tears, I proclaimed “It is finished! God still sits on the throne, all the earth is His, and He will come through for us in His WAY and in His TIMING, and in His EXCELLENCE.” “He is the Lord of Hosts, who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working.” (Isaiah 28:29) After asking forgiveness for unbelief, I laid down all my desires, my way, my expectations, my opinions, my self love, and all! We are on the other side of the RESURRECTION, just like Mary and disciples as they walked in the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT loving Jesus with all their hearts, even in persecution! IT IS FINISHED! We have work to do! Through Mario’s example and inspiration, God is calling us unto His Holy Calling. Watchman Nee in his book RELEASE OF THE SPIRIT says “Therefore, if we have never before wholly and intelligently consecrated ourselves to the Lord, let us do so now and SAY ‘Lord, for the future of the church, for the future of the gospel, for Thy way, and also for my own life, I offer myself without condition, without reservation, into Thy hands. Lord, I delight to offer myself unto Thee and am willing to let Thee have Thy full way through me.'” May we please and glorify our Lord in this hour.
That was a beautiful account of Mary Magdalene’s redemption and devotion to the Savior. The best I’ve ever heard or read.
God bless you for what you are doing in Modesto. I pray for you, your team, and all involved, and will be donating.
Mario this is a beautifully written depiction of Jesus resurrection power, bringing life and hope to Mary Magdalen! God has given you a unique and powerful anointing for depicting the very real and broken heart of an almost hopeless woman in the natural. Yet I Love what you’re saying here in that the power of Christ resurrection from the dead…quickened Mary Magdalene in the Spirit. It’s super- natural ability to alert the heart and mind of Mary speaks. How brilliantly written! I pray that this beautiful letter reaches many in this hour, because the suffering individuals in America are so very broken and desperate.
God Bless You Mightily Mario!
On Fri, 02 Apr 2021, 07:58 Mario Murillo Ministries, wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the greatest cruelties—if not the > greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene. She was once sold on the > streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession. She knew the > yawning blackness of total despair. Then Jesus rescued ” >
You are a troll and not a brother in Christ. You NEVER have anything good to say about anything that Mario posts. Why don’t you start your own WordPress blog that will attract others that like to condemn, like yourself? No, I actually think you get joy… a real rush… by reading people’s reactions to your lunatic rants. That’s why you write them… you’re looking for something to give you joy as you’re such a miserable creature. Why not try the Christ that Mario so eloquently preaches? You will find acceptance and love through Jesus and will no longer have to be contra to all good that is ministered. Your choice… but you’re running out of time… make the right decision and get right with the Lord before your days end… I feel they are numbered.
Brought tears to my eyes that kind of Love that Jesus had for Mary and especially for us. I can full hope rising…as I recall the greatest sacrifice that gave us back our lives. Hope is eternal if you have The Resurrected Jesus living within…Preach on Pastor Mario you are bringing light to the darkness!
Thank you,
Amy Smith
Thank you Mario so well said!
You sir could not have put into words how I feel right now, and what a great reminder for me just how great our God is.
On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 12:55 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the greatest cruelties—if not the > greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene. She was once sold on the > streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession. She knew the > yawning blackness of total despair. Then Jesus rescued ” >
wow! powerful word! thank you MMM! but most of all thank you Jesus for the finished work of the Cross!!!
Very powerful!!
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All the Glory To God! HOPE!!!!
So true and amen!
And the LORD said, if I be lifted up I will draw all men to Myself.
We lift Your Name up LORD JESUS CHRIST, during Passover and forever!
We magnify the Father’s great love, the Lamb’s greatest sacrifice & the Holy Spirit’s great confirmation TO ALL WHO WILL BELIEVE AND RECEIVE THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN THROUGH THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
The beautiful plan was put into effect before the world was! Praise be to GOD ALMIGHTY! Praise be!
???….Oh my gosh! What powerful words! Thank you!! Emmie Cox-Thurman
On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 11:02 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the greatest cruelties—if not the > greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene. She was once sold on the > streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession. She knew the > yawning blackness of total despair. Then Jesus rescued ” >
Thank you, Mario, for this wonderful message of hope!
praise God for the resurrecti
Thank you for all your stories. They give me hope and strength. God bless!
Miracles are coming!!!!
I’m weeping with Holy spirit tears ! Praying for you and your ministry always. Revival begins with you in California !!!
Beautiful! The story of hope!!!
On Fri, Apr 2, 2021, 2:13 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the greatest cruelties—if not the > greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene. She was once sold on the > streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession. She knew the > yawning blackness of total despair. Then Jesus rescued ” >
Thank you so much for this beautiful story.
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*Love this brother! Awesome reflection. Thank you.*
On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 11:55 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “One of the greatest cruelties—if not the > greatest in history—was done to Mary Magdalene. She was once sold on the > streets. She knew the special insanity of demon possession. She knew the > yawning blackness of total despair. Then Jesus rescued ” >
Please pray for my mother, her name is Mary Magdalene Hurt and she fits the description of her name and of the biblical Mary Magdalen.
Tammy Nicewander God Bless You
Well put!