by | Jan 31, 2021 | Christianity Today | 259 comments

I was told to quit. The person who said this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They told me that anything I would say would be twisted—and, that not only would I be banned, but they would go after me until they had destroyed my career as a preacher.

I was ready to answer this person, because the Holy Spirit had warned me in advance that they were coming. So now I am going to relate to you what God told me about quitting. God gave me these verses:

Acts 18:9-11, “Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” And he (Paul) continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.”

The fact is that this blog and this ministry can’t be explained in the natural, anyway. Since it was born supernaturally, it will be sustained supernaturally. Not only am I not quitting, I will amplify all the words I receive from the Lord. You can count on that.

God is stands ready to refresh and empower you for a fresh attack on evil.

Isaiah 40 31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Now, I want to speak heart to heart with the remnant of God in America: This is a test. And we are in the worst part of that test. The rage of anti-God social media is out of control, because they feel emboldened to do whatever they want. And because they think Trump is done.

They are raining down shame and accusation on anyone who speaks truth. Nevertheless, we must not fear and we must not fold. Those preachers who cave in to fear, and then abandon their message, will pay a heavy price, not only from shame but also from regret―because they gave up just before the breakthrough.

1 Peter 4:17, “For it is the time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

Evil is having its day.

You knew this wasn’t going to be easy. You knew their evil had to have its day. You knew there was no way we could have challenged these devils without unleashing a storm of hatred.

I know that fear can feel irresistible in this storm. I know it is disheartening when you see people you respected—and some of the last people you would have imagined—caving in and recanting their convictions.

But again, this is the worst time to fold. This is the worst time to doubt what God has said to you. Fear is not an option.

Portrait of a young man praying

Compromising with the enemy can be seductive, but it will end in disaster, and, as I said, you will feel deep remorse if the breakthrough comes right after you quit. Can you imagine having to live with that for the rest of your life?

Job 23:10, “He knows the way that I take. When He has tried me, I will come forth as gold, refined in the fire.”

I feel God is imploring us to hang on a little longer. I know how hard it has been! You have heard stories that promised to uncover the truth and turn the tide. Each time they raised our hopes and, when it didn’t happen, it wounded us.

I am not asking you to trust in myths, legends, or conspiracy theories.  I am compelling you to trust in God Himself and in His inspired words recorded in the Bible.

Hang in there. The enemy is going to be shocked! Hang in there. There are options we don’t know about. God is going to finish what He started in our great movement!

Hebrews 10:35-39, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:

“For yet a little while, and He Who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith;
but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.”


  1. Dan Pickens


    • C. Jones

      Some wimp was trying to tell Mario to quit? AHAHAHAHAHA! Mario quit? Hell would have to freeze before Mario would quit! Mario gets louder when he is opposed. The more you afflict him, the more he grows! He doesn’t just affect you, he INFECTS YOU WITH KINGDOM COURAGE! The cry of the Eagle is in his mouth!

      • Darlene Zink

        Yes Mario… Quitting is never a option!!!!!
        ACTS 20:24 is one of my life verses and probably one of yours too.
        darlene zink

      • Mary

        Still holding on believing God and his Prophets. Praying for my Pastors and family to be awakened.

      • junglequeen

        Well said!!

    • Christine

      I take comfort in my Fathers word. Psalm 12 verse 5 – “For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy; Now I will arise says The Lord, I will place him in the safety for which he yearns.”

    • Anne

      I am so encouraged by those words from Mario. He is definitely a man who is not afraid to speak The Truth and keep advancing in the face of evil. Praise The Lord for Warriors like him. God is with those who have put their hands to the plow and do not look back. Amen!!!

    • Debra

      I’m holding on And have such a peace! Joe Biden won’t be there much longer One thing I have to say it was hurtful and not true when you said the church did not do it’s job by praying enough and that is why Trump did not win I think ? many people were upset about that since we all were following you and believeing and praying much but God is good and president Trump will be back soon ??

    • Susan

      I run a small business in Montana. I am also a minister. Of late I have wrestled with giving up as I seem to not be making headway. After seeing this I will hold on. I am alone here God my only real friend. Thank you for staying the course.

      • glolon

        Hold fast Susan, God will reward you. Jesus loves you and say what He says. “I will never leave you or forsake you” also you have a big family out here standing with you. Not to much longer we are going to see the Glory of the Lord!! Praise Him and speak His Word out of your mouth aloud!!

      • Dale Baker

        God is the same yesterday today and forever
        No weapon formed against us shal prosper
        Glory to God, He never fails

      • Kathleen

        Stand strong Susan! The body of Christ is with you!

      • anno711

        Susan, hang in there. There are millions of us out hear who feel the evil that has taken over. We have one thing that they do not have and that is THE LORD. Believe, have faith and know you can reach out to us to help you along the path to a new beginning. God Bless.

    • Lorrie Bradway

      Two weeks ago I awoke to a choir singing, “The Just Shall Live By Faith”. I asked my husband if he had been playing it on his phone. He said, “no”. When I looked at the lyrics, it talks about God hearing our cries, the guilty cannot stand, God brings justice for the whole world to see. When I saw you referenced Hebrews 10:35-39, it reminded me of this great promise God has given us. We must live by faith because this pleases Him.

    • Roseanna Christiansen Rizzo

      Dear Mario thank you for your bold obedience. I needed this perspective confirmed. I appreciate your humility.
      Blessings continue with HIS GREAT WISDOM And LOVE TO ABOUND TO YOU.
      Roseanna Christiansen Rizzo

      • Iris Flowers

        Our God did promise us that he will never leave us or forsake us..and I believe him with all my heart. We must not fall by the wayside. So saint’s let’s hang in there. God got this and he also got our back.? And let’s keep each other in prayer at all time as well as our country. Luv u all

    • Marilyn Thomas

      Love the bold stance. Never ever give up. The winds are blowing from the four corners of the earth. The earth will tremble as the Armies of God March through the land. Stand. Watch. Be bold as a lion. Seek the glory of His outpouring. He is always just in time. Faithful Father. Hope in the Lord who made the heavens and earth. Trust in Him forevermore!!!

    • Sheri Steiner

      Don’t give up. You are a encouragement. God is going to supernaturally act!

    • Lisa Duehr

      So good. Thank you. I concur.

  2. enoughenough1

    Quit for what?? Our Heavenly has never ever told a lie… period!!!!!!

    • Valerie Johnson

      Amen!!!! So encouraging to stand in faith. I have felt this so strong from the Lord and it is SO encouraging to hear this. Thank you!!!!! May God receive glory!

    • Carol Fink

      I am not giving up on the hope HE gives me as I read and study His Word. I am thankful for your calling to speak out and when I saw this post about quitting, I thought NO… Oh dear Lord don’t let satin tear him down. The thoughts came as I prayed how we should not give up. I told the Lord I was thankful for your obedience to speak and share Him with others and I was reminded of the scripture that encourages and teaches us to speak because we believe- “I believe in God so I spoke.” I was not sure where to find that to share with you Mario… but as God is always so good to lead us to His Word, my Charles Stanley devotional reading yesterday was 2 COR 3:4-18 and so I opened up to that and there underlined and highlighted 2Cor. 4:13-16… all of 2Cor 4 I read… 13- But we continue to preach because we have the same kind of faith the psalmist had when he said “I believe in God and so I spoke”…15…as God’s Grace reaches more and more people, there will be a great thanksgiving and God will receive more and more glory…16: That is why we never give up.- Please DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Help is surely on the way❤️????????❤️

  3. Susan

    Standing with you in love and support from Australia ????

    • Caroline

      Thank you! Caroline

  4. gege4god

    While the world is preparing the way for the ‘antichrist’, the Lord is preparing the church for the rapture!!!

    • Rosemary


  5. Lestra Gross

    One thing helping me is God told me yrs ago I “was born for such a time as this”. Born in 1948 when Israel established. We know we’re on Gods side , that the devil is trying to change the times & seasons & I heard curt landry once say “one thing you don’t mess with is Gods times & seasons”. He said God will put up with a lot, but don’t mess with his times & seasons. Amen.
    Sent from my iPhone

  6. Linda

    Mario,I love your tenacity! The Holy Spirit is your guide and I look at you as a TRUE MAN OF GOD! It is a answer to my prayer. This planet needs more like you. ONE must never quit and you demonstrate that every day. I Love knowing that GOD has prepared you for such a time of this. Stay Strong and know the World is watching. God Bless You Mario Murillo and the MMM team.

    • Dee David

      NO turning back, no turning back!

  7. Joyce

    Thank you for your words of encouragement!!!! If God be for us who can be against us! For greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!

  8. Rebecca

    Mario: A few weeks ago God spoke to me and said His judgement was coming without warning and His glory was going to fall on this nation. Then He almost yelled STAND! You are right this is not the time to quit but stand! God bless you for all you do!

    • Bob Sonneville

      The Lord says this battle belongs to Him , and you are to stand and watch the victory of the Lord. And be prepared to step into the calling that He has brought you to for a time such as this.


    Amen! Our Hope is in God alone! Our storm stopper is in the boat with us. Fear NOT..I personally have great peace, His Peace in all of this. Read His Word people, renew your mind. love and blessings to you!

  10. Michael Aggas

    God bless you Mario for this very important encouragement at this very difficult time. My wife and I have been speaking out and standing firm with God throughout this season. You have no idea how much encouragement you are to the remnant. You have no idea how powerful and encouraging and uplifting your words are! Thank you for standing up and speaking out and not holding back! Thank you for not compromising with the enemy! We have seen many churches and many friends drawback and retreat and live in fear while turning their back on the truth and the message of hope. Many people have so compromise that I don’t even recognize them anymore and our hearts grieve for them. Our hearts grieve for entire church congregations and pastors who have fallen away. Thank you for your heart for the lost! We have followed your ministry since the beginning, many years ago. We love you and we appreciate you more than you they realize. Thank you again for not shrinking back while we are all in the heat of the battle. We sense the battle all around us but we see the armies of God that Elijah asked for his servant to see. Blessings to you brother! May God give you all that you require to do what he has called you to do, and protect you as well!
    Mike & Debi Aggas

    Sent from my iPhone

  11. Nancy J Espe

    Praying for you brother, I pray for all the prophets that are standing firm. I am standing with you in prayer, I have no silver and gold to give you but I know sincere heartfelt prayers are worth much more. Thank you for your encouragement. God’s favor is upon you, who can remove that?? Love in Christ Nancy Espe, 82 yrs old, born again since 2/11/64, Leavenworth, Kansas

  12. Darlene Bihn

    We stand with you! May God’s will be done upon the earth….wexwill not give up or quit! The great awakening is happening now!

  13. C Duggan Harrison

    You are in my prayers Mario. God bless, strengthen, and guide you with is wisdom! Thank you!

  14. Sally McGrath

    Don’t quit. The enemy is in a state of panic. I am hearing God very clearly, and the Kingdom is advancing so fast that the demonic powers can only manipulate our technology and media. Even then, it is only until their evil is complete, and then their destruction will come.
    God spoke to me about Adam and Eve. They ate from the tree of life and gained the knowledge of good and evil. Only then, did they feel shame. This is so for this generation. Evil has to be fully exposed before the kingdom of God will be made manifest on earth as it is in Heaven.

  15. Sandra Gray

    This is a wonderful and encouraging word. Thank you for sharing your heart and for standing firm and strong in the midst of the battle we find ourselves in these days.

  16. Ruben

    I am with you Mario. Will continue to pray for you and the many others who are being threatened to be silenced.

  17. kinthenorthwest

    They want us all to all roll over and quit — When I was in school in the 50s and 60s, I always wonder how Hitler was able to do what he did. As a child and a teen, I just could not understand how so many people would allow such evils.
    Now I understand, but will NOT give up
    I will stand my ground
    Where hope can be found
    Oh! O’ Lord, o’ Lord, I know You hear my cry
    Your love is lifting me above all the lies
    No matter what I face this I know in time
    You’ll take all that is wrong and make it right

    • Susan

      Awesome reminder and praise song. Thank you-

      • kinthenorthwest

        TY–Seems KLOVE loves to give me the right song at the right time….It is only one of many I feel I was given so I would not give up!

      • Sally

        Great Reminder this song is…
        When the shroud of discouragement tries to come over me, I take my 3 chihuahuas for a walk and pray and listen to worship music in my neighborhood here in Los Angeles! This song will be one of my worship songs today!
        Speaking Blessings Over You!

    • Barb Funke

      Love this encouraging song! Thank you ? Is there any way to make it shareable?

      • kinthenorthwest

        Thank you
        its on you tube so you can share from you tube..

  18. Denise Sentner

    Thank you Mario. Standing w/you brother – God is in control & will continue to pray for America and the great spiritual awakening. You are a blessing.

  19. jen sandino

    I always like reading your blog. They are truthful, encouraging and spot-on. Thank you for staying in the fight!

  20. Jim and Minnie Lou Long

    We agree and stand with you. Thank you for your leadership and example. Exodus 14:13, 14 “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still'”

  21. John

    God richly bless and keep you Mario!!!!we must persevere to the end!!

  22. Anna

    Great word Mario
    We are standing with you in the Lord for America Jerusalem Canada and the nations!! Psalm 2:8 To God be the Glory!! Great things he has done is doing and will yet do!! Anna

  23. Mary Lou German

    Mario, I have heard your name for many years but have only heard your words for the past several months. Your words are like arrows to the heart, straight and true, and they impart life and strength and resolve. Keep speaking, man of God!

  24. Jan Preus

    Praise Almighty God. Thank you for your words and for your strength. Nothing, NOTHING, will shake my faith for I know whose I am. You, my online friend whom I hope to meet some day, give me strength every day. I appreciate you and your love for our Father. I say a prayer for you every day. God bless you in all that you do in his name.

  25. barbara527

    Thank you for standing for Truth.

  26. Diane

    God bless you. Our prayers are with you. Thank you for hanging in there for us. Diane Russo

  27. DebbieK

    Our God will fight for you and you will hold your Shalom. We declare and decree that even though you may be visible to the enemy, you are actually INVISIBLE to the enemy. And just as Jesus disappeared from the crowds of angry people, so you also will be transported to safety and protected. In the mighty Name of Jesus!

  28. PDDU

    Thank you so much Mario! I cherish your emails, every program I catch you on.
    I followed you back in the 60’s, I myself re-born in the Jesus movement. God has proved himself over and over to me, through very trying times and He will not fail us this time. I believe Him. We need to believe Him. We will see His mighty salvation!

  29. PDDU

    Thank you so much Mario! I cherish your emails, every program I catch you on.
    I followed you back in the 60’s, I myself re-born in the Jesus movement. God has proved himself over and over to me, through very trying times and He will not fail us this time. I believe Him. We need to believe Him. We will see His mighty salvation!

  30. Jenny

    Thank you so much much for your leadership, I really needed to hear this message today. We will hold the line

  31. Juanita Bayes

    Thank you, Pastor Murillo. The timing and message was of great comfort. I have shared it with others that I believe are struggling with the questions you pointed out.
    Your messages are always appreciated when I see them come up in my email.
    God Bless you… Juanita

  32. bobandnorma

    Amen! Seek the face of the Lord! The secret place of the Most High that is written of in Psalm 91 is the place where He lives in you on the inside! No one knows of that meeting but you and Him. Jesus said in Luke 17:20b-21 “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘see here!’ Or ‘see there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Receive from Him in this place! Be comforted in this place! Receive instruction, direction, correction and hope from what He says to you when you meet Him in the secret place! Then, you will be prepared and equipped to carry out the directions that He gave you, because the power and strength of the Spirit were imparted to you in the words that you heard from His mouth in the secret place! Rise to the occasion with what you received from Him and be victorious, in Him!

  33. bjalgier

    This goes with the message I heard in church this morning. Keep fighting the good fight of faith.
    Sent from my iPhone

  34. swordandspiritwriter

    Reblogged this on Sword and Spirit Writer and commented:
    I’m in agreement with Mario and those with fire of the Spirit like his. Warriors with pioneer spirits.
    I will not quit either. We should not only NOT quit, we should get louder than ever. Release the roar of the lion of Judah. Demand justice from those who work for us.
    God’s people shouldn’t even know what quitting looks like. We are called to consider NOT the deadness of any situation up against Almighty God and His promises.
    We must refuse tyranny in unison. Learn all our constitutional rights which say the government works for us. Not the other way around. They are the ones in rebellion I heard someone say. Not us. Because they who swore to represent us and our voices broke their oath to us.
    Not giving up on President Trump and the word of the prophets that HE gave them. Not a word found in a fortune cookie but by the Spirit of God.
    Did the prophets get it wrong about President Trump’s reelection? Heaven’s perspective – Part 1
    Glory to God whose name is Faithful and True. Resurrection and Life.

  35. Linda Hase

    I stand firm in the knowledge that God’s word does not return void! I have lost family and friends during this time, but know in my heart that God will guide and protect us!

  36. Linda Hase

    I believe God and remain steadfast in my faith! I have lost family and friends during this time, but know in my heart that God will guide and protect us!

  37. Laurie Harding

    What a POWERFUL declaration!
    To GOD be the GLORY!!!
    All morning long … the Lord has been speaking about GOLD!
    Stand Strong!!! We are praying for you! You are dead center!
    Thank you for your example to the BELIEVERS! ♡♡♡

  38. John Sweet

    Mario, I known you personal since 74 we will never go silent. We just go smarter and deeper in the FATHER’s Ruach. We may need to return to speak in idioms and parables again. Spending the last 20 years studying deep in the Torah the Prophet and the Letters of the Apostles, this makes one think very clear and that our FATHER has never changed with HIS people. Messiah echoed FATHER every word and promise. We are HIS people no matther which pharaoh or amalek spirit/character is in play. FATHERS cylastical methods work in HIS timing not ours. HIS revivals happen on HIS appointed schedual not ours and they all have started on HIS appoint days and time and not ever random. I would love to talk to you someday some. You brother Dave

  39. Mary Hinkle

    Quit?? Nope, not going to happen!! …and having done all to stand, stand therefore…!!

  40. Gleneva Vezurk

    I am standing! I have not quit! God doesn’t quit! It’s just around the corner. They’ve said, your God won’t say it’s just around the corner! That’s exactly what He is saying, “it is just around the corner!”

  41. Sandra E.

    Fine uplifting words of exhortation and comfort. Thank you, Bro. Murillo!

  42. Laura Merrithew

    Mario You must Stand, and we are standing with you,
    Love, Laura Lee
    No Weapons formed against you shall prosper. Isaiah 54:17

  43. Judy

    Lord send out an army of angels to protect Mario and his team. Jesus reigns!!

  44. juliekal

    we stand with the LORD!

  45. Judy C

    Mario, I have watched you on Flashpoint and I am impressed by your great faith and passion for our Lord. You speak and write so convincingly and from your heart. We need encouraging and fearless words like yours , we from all nations. By the way, I am from Malaysia.

  46. Clint Cheshire

    There are those who are standing with you, blow by blow, and will not quit (Luke 18:1) until we see all fulfilled. You strong stance is a blessing and an encouragement to all believers, especially to those of us who do not have your wide audience. Keep the faith, it won’t be much longer until we see the goal of our hope.

  47. Deborah Rieger

    Mario, I am so blessed to have you as a virtual mentor. I love how you continue to encourage the remnant in this hour. Thank you for standing firm. I am too. It gives me great comfort to know you are not giving up, giving in, or cowering to the establishment or so called well meaning friends. Press on my brother, and may Holy Spirit continue to be your guide. Amen, and Amen.

  48. Darlene

    Amen! God has given me the same word. We are being tested and judgment comes to the house of God first. We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved. I’m holding on to the word God gave me. I’m believing for a breakthrough in March!

  49. marcottjgcinet

    A heart of gratitude for the encouraging message from all of us who are determined to hold the line and stay strong. We feel intimidated by all the messages that seek to cancel our moral principles. Prayers for you and your ministry and for all of those of us who are standing on God’s truth for the strength and determination to endure. God richly bless you for your truth posts and give you supernatural strength for this day.

  50. Tricia

    Powerful message that the church needs to heed! God honors TRUTH, TRUST, and PERSEVERANCE!

  51. thatgirl7762

    Who’s report will you believe?
    Sent from my iPhone

  52. Heather Harrell

    Praying for you and Knowing that God will NOT allow any harm to come to you. How sweet it is to KNOW that unless God gives them permission, they can’t touch you! So very thankful for your ministry and your courage to Stand up for Jesus and when you go home, you’re taking a LOT of others with you! Others that have been rejected by the world, and sometimes me. I thank you for your teachings – how to take authority given to us by Jesus, and heal and bless, for God’s Glory. Thank you for having a heart like Christ and for Not giving up on them. I’ve been judgemental, unforgiving and frightened of my ex-husband (who was a drug addict- he has now passed away) and I Wish I had handled things differently. I want to HELP in this battle! I can and do pray, but wish I knew of a legal and moral way to “beat the bullies”. Trusting God who is Always Good and Faithful! Showers of Blessings for you and your family!!!!!!!

  53. zadokman

    This THE word for today! ________________________________

  54. manners1944

    Lord, I ask that you will protect and defend your spiritual warrior Mario, his family and his organization from all forms of evil assault and increase his soul count for heaven.
    Gillian ALP (FRANCE)

    • HELEN

      You are in France and reading this? Wow.

  55. Barbara witmer

    Thank you so much. This is just what I need to hear right now! I will continue to hold you up in prayer for bold strength and God’s special protection. From here in Canada.

  56. Jody Aldridge

    The Lord has never let me down, even when He tarried longer than I wanted Him to. His ways and His thoughts are greater than we can imagine so stop trying. Just rest and keep leaning in to His heart to keep holy perspective. ❤️

  57. Callie Masten

    So thankful for your strong faith in our God! Prayers for you and your ministry.
    Sent from my iPhone

  58. Sam

    It seems that Mario often recycles his blog posts. Oh, well—it was a good read the first time around, and still is now. 😉

    • C. Jones

      “I don’t mind repeating what I have written in earlier letters, and I hope you don’t mind hearing it again and again, because it will keep you on track. Keep you ready, and prepared— a great safeguard to your souls.” Philippians 3:1?

      • Sam


  59. Laurie Bowen

    Thank you so much! What an encouraging post to stay the course and trust in the staying and sustaining power of Yahweh. Your message totally confirms John McArthur’s message this morning, which we just finished listening to. May Yahweh continue to bless and protect you, and work His power through you. We were praying for your Bakersfield crusade and will be in prayer for your Modesto crusade. Exciting times ahead. We pray for a similar harvest to start sweeping across Canada in the midst of deep spiritual darkness as well. Blessings!

  60. Roxanne Fredrickson

    Amen n Amen!!!!

  61. Jim Alford

    Amen in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S10e, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

  62. Wayne

    Mario, great message, but I must ask you in all sincerity… why would God exempt us from extreme judgement and persecution when there’s many examples in the Bible of nations, including Israel, being severely judged for sins less egregious than ours? A nation that has been given so much light has seen fit to murder untold millions of the unborn. Why would God give us what amounts to a slap on the wrist and then continue to bless us?? What makes us exempt from the extreme punishment our nation deserves? I’m just looking at this through the lens of what has happened in the past to nations that forget God. Truly, we must be one of the worst offenders, if not THE worst offender, in history. We’ve basically turned our backs on THE LIGHT as a nation. Why a spiritual and national revival now?? Thank you!

    • junglequeen

      I’d like to offer a suggestion here – and I can see very clearly where you are coming from. God has most definitely punished nations severely – including Israel. The Israelites, for their unbelief, wandered 40 years in the wilderness until a new generation was established. Judah suffered 70 years in exile. Sodom and Gomorrah were totally annihilated for the sins of their people.
      But looking closely, Abraham bargained with God for those 2 cities, and God said if ten righteous men could be found in them, he would not destroy them. Because no-one could be found, He did. Before the exile in Babylon, a number of instances are recorded in Jeremiah where the people ‘as a man’ turned their backs on God and said, “We will not.” This was total, stiff-necked rebellion of a nation, and it was punished accordingly.
      God has HIS plans for America. They are not contingent on our perceptions, thoughts or aspirations – they are intended to fulfill His destiny for a country founded by believers on a written covenant with Him. I am not an American citizen and I do not live in America, but looking from the outside, America’s role in the world is clear. There has been considerable repentance and turning during the last few months. If God pours out His spirit on America (and I believe He will), it will not be just for the sake of American believers – or even for the sake of America only – but for the world.
      Just my thoughts.

  63. Jackie Price

    May God strengthen us and give us discernment during these times of testing.

  64. Marietta

    We will never quit! We stand with the Lord and what He is doing! His victory is won! Standing strong till it manifests! Standing with you, Mario, and His body who still stand! May the Lord strengthen us all to not only stand but take ground! And may all Glory be His alone!?

  65. Connie Strock

    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021, 12:49 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  66. Lynn Kishaba

    Agree with you Mario! We all need maximum courage in these dark days.
    I read your books – excellent:) ! Lynn Kishaba

  67. Lillian Kraly

    I am standing with you brother Mario! I, also, will not quit. I will not be take down!!!!!!
    I respect you, and appreciate you for your boldness, and your passion for the salvation of souls. It shows openly, your love for Christ Jesus and the Gospel. I also enjoy your input on Flash Point.
    Praying God’s protection and blessing upon you, and those you love.
    With appreciation and in sincerity,
    Lillian Kraly

  68. mysteryfan247

    Your words are powerful and true. I love the promise of Proverbs 29:16 “When the wicked increase transgression increases; but the righteous will see their fall” NASB Our job now is to remain steadfast, hold the line, and sound the trumpet!

  69. Julie and John Morrow

    Amen, and thank you, Mario. From supporters in New Zealand who share your conviction for God’s will to be done in the USA.

  70. Maria Ginny Ginny Arroyo

    Amen Mario!

  71. annejelena

    You have reached out to me in the Netherlands, and You Will Continue Reaching Out To Me In The Netherlands,
    Where We Go All, We Go One in Faith, Stenght, Love and Power

  72. Karen

    Praise the one & only living God.
    Thank you for obeying God. So many of us are with you. I stand for God.

  73. Peggy Timmerman

    Thank you, Mario, for being the voice of faith we need to hear in these times. Standing with you. May God bless you abundantly.

  74. despenla

    thank you Mario for your great example and encouragement! We are with you!
    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are divinely powerful for the DESTRUCTION OF FORTRESSES. We are destroying SPECULATION and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of GOD.
    Keep going Mario!

  75. alanmittan

    I believe the best way to prepare ourselves is through repentance, turning from unbelief and fear. We need to repent of preaching a cheap grace message which is producing a Luke warm Christian. Forgive us oh Lord and have mercy

  76. sfladyblog

    When the Lord warns you, you’re in God’s hand. You wont fall for weakness the demons want you to fall for. God be with you.

  77. Gina

    Thank you for standing!!! There are times it isn’t easy but I remind myself what Jesus endured for me. So this is nothing in comparison!!! He loves us so much the least we could do is stand. I need a little exercise anyway and I have always been a bit stubborn!!! Might be stubborn for such a time as this!!!

  78. Susan

    Every Scripture in this blog is a jewel. Thank you so much MMM. Right on!
    My experience is that there is a blitz of attacks of discouragement right before the breakthrough and it’s right around the corner.
    Waiting with hope and expectation-
    God Bless You

    • C. Jones

      Susan, that is an excellent observation!

  79. teteangela1

    Thank you for your words, spoken plainly and truthfully. I am not giving in to the enemy! Your words on this blog and on Flashpoint continue to encourage me. I pray for you daily. We are all in this together and we will see victory in Jesus!Sent from my Galaxy Tab® S2

  80. Lynda Ianuzi

    Keep it up brother! There is am army behind you.
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021, 2:15 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  81. tallman1948

    for a while when I prayed, I would get a picture in my mind’s eye of Israel standing at the brink of the red sea and the Lord saying “why are you standing there crying out to me? Go forward! Later I would see a little picture of Israel down in a valley of death-threatening walls of water, some “fleeing” some simply “going forward” but with the enemy in hot pursuit. These days I “see” in my mind, standing on the other side, and the Lord speaking to us to extend the rod of His authority upon the spiritual enemy and us saying “may your wheels swerve off your intended course, crash into one another and be hindered, and may the heavy hand of the Lord be upon you until you realize it is indeed the dread of God…” That is my prayer now. I think God’s heart is to turn a one-time company of blessed “slaves” into a new company of “warriors” for the sake of His Kingdom! Not for our comfort.

  82. Stephen

    Moses parted the Red Sea, well actually he didn’t, it was about timing and hence co-ordination with a natural disaster that was taking place at that time.
    For example, when a tsunami occurs, the tide is sucked back a long way exposing the seabed which normally doesn’t happen. Or there could be a damming effect caused by earthquakes and volcanoes stopping the normal flow of seawater. Extreme weather occurrences create physical anomalies. Think of a lake freezing in winter making it traversable by foot, but not in summer.
    Watch “The Exodus Decoded” on You Tube. Excellent documentary
    Anyway that is an aside, but still good to know.
    It is timing that is important in God’s Providence, and how things need to be accomplished within a certain time period as witnessed throughout the bible. Also we know this from our own life experience, not just with the weather but all sorts of things.
    What’s my point? By virtue of the seas ‘parting’ or being damned up, a land bridge was opened up, so the people could cross to the other side.
    President Trump’s time in office has created also a ‘spiritual land bridge’, buying us time to cross to the other side by now taking responsibility for what is happening physically in the nation. Moses did not finally lead the people into Canaan, Joshua did.
    There was a 40 year hiatus from crossing the Red Sea to Crossing the Jordan river, another water mass.
    Therefore let’s believe we have another 40 based time period to cross the ‘Sea of Tribulation’ to enter the Promised Land and remove the Philistines and Canaanites of this era, as Joshua and the Israelites did.
    We must focus now on removing the Canaanite king Biden, and his Jezebel ‘wife’ Harris from office, exposing all the corruption of these ‘pagan rulers’ and their ‘court’, who worship demonic deities. What Trump could not do, patriots and Christians must.
    Satan has taken the White House, and God’s people must take it back, just as the Jewish Temple was defiled by false gods and later by the people themselves as in the money changers.
    At that time, Jesus fashioned a whip that he used, and overturned the tables. Jesus was just one man using ‘force’.
    Mt 21:15 “On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’ ”
    18 The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for *they feared him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching*”.
    Jn 2:15 “And making a whip of cords, he drove them all, with the sheep and oxen, out of the temple; and he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16 And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; you shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” 17 His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for thy house will consume me.”
    America is God’s House, so the false gods, the idolatry and immorality must be driven out of America by force if need be. The Democratic process has failed as Satan invaded this system as he invaded the Garden, so it was up to Adam to tell Satan to get behind him and subjugate him ultimately with the Word as Jesus did in the wilderness, “Do not tempt the Lord your God”.
    Mt 4:10 Then Jesus said to him, “Begone, Satan! for it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God
    and him only shall you serve.’”
    Mt 4:4 “But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”
    Christians must now stand up and do that to save God’s House, their Nation, the Promised Land.
    Do you think God will be upset if you have to use force given that you are also a majority in the land. What do you have to fear compared to what the spies originally witnessed?
    We are allowing Satan to steal America with impunity. This is an illicit president, vice president and cabinet. Only imbeciles would allow this ‘grand theft election’ to take place and get away with it.
    America has been intimidated and cowed by Satan’s words as Eve was, and the Philistines mocking the Israelites.
    As Jesus rebuked Satan, and also said to Pilate:
    Jn 19:10 “Pilate therefore said to him, “You will not speak to me? Do you not know that I have power to release you, and power to crucify you?” 11 Jesus answered him, “You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from above; therefore he who delivered me to you has the greater sin.”
    Jesus was alone, Christians today aren’t. There are 180 million of us. How do that many people surrender to a handful of criminals.
    The Constitution has been shredded, defrauded, and you want to play by Queensberry rules. Tell that to George Washington, Winston Churchill, Douglas MacArthur and those men and women who gave their lives for freedom.
    Christians must unite and fight back against Satan’s tyranny, as men and women have done throughout history. Are we waiting for a Pearl Harbour? It’s already happened numerous times with the violation of the American people’s right to free and fair elections, the First Amendment, soon the Second Amendment. Do you want to wait until you are on your knees with only a bible in your hand to fight back? How has that worked out for Christians in Communist countries?
    Why do you think there is a Second Amendment which everyone likes to talk about. The Founding Father’s were preparing us for this day so we could defend our Nation, God’s House from enemies foreign and domestic. Well we have got both.
    Very few countries have such a provision in Law, their Constitution, should they even have one. America is responsible for the world, as it is a microcosm of the world within itself. Every nationality, race and culture lives in America. Why did people come here? To be free, so we are just going to give it all up for a ‘pottage of lentils’; to be safe and a ‘headful of sand’?
    The early Christians experienced incredible suffering and persecution under the Roman Empire because realistically they were just a minority. Do you want to face persecution and genocide under another empire? A Marxist, Maoist Empire when we are in fact a majority but happy to accept a fraudulent election outcome instigated by God’s enemies?
    Democracy is over!
    It is going to be either God’s Kingdom or Satan’s kingdom now, just as Adam and Eve had to decide in the Garden. Did they want God’s Kingdom or Satan’s Kingdom. They chose incorrectly because Satan deceived them into making the wrong decision.
    America had better not make the wrong decision this time as God’s children facing the same moment of truth. To be expelled from the Garden or not. To be expelled from America or not.
    That is the reality we are facing. With this understanding, we had better do something. Waiting for the mid-terms will be waiting for our own execution if we do nothing now.
    America must be turned upside down and right side up again. By accepting Christ you forfeited your life, as a ‘servant is not greater than his master’ and as Jesus said to Peter:
    Jn 21:18 “Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you girded yourself and walked where you would; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go.” 19 (This he said to show by what death he was to glorify God.) And after this he said to him, “Follow me.”
    Will we follow Jesus to a death that will glorify God as Peter did?
    ‘No greater love has a man than to lay down his life for a friend’, and God’s House, God’s nation.
    We must gird our loins and be prepared to go the way of martyrdom, and when we are this serious as Abraham and Isaac were, Moses, Joshua, David and Jesus (in the Garden of Gethsemane), then maybe the angel will stay the hand of death.
    Like the Hebrews we need our ‘Passover’, but only if we take responsibility. They only had to put lamb’s blood on the doorframes, we will need to do more. In reality they did do more. They had to ‘pass over’ the Red Sea, the Sinai Desert, the Wilderness, the Jordan River and ‘pass over’ many wars and battles, build the First and Second Temples, till Jesus came.
    But then they failed to ‘pass over’ their own blind adherence to the Old Testament in order to receive life through Jesus and the ‘new truth’ he brought by way of the Gospels. ‘New wine into new wineskins’.
    Jn 5:39 “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life”.
    Then Christians having accepted Jesus assumed the ‘baton of Passover’ and responsibility till this very day, and that Passover moment is again beckoning in order for us to enter the ‘promised land’ and build God’s Kingdom which until now we have neglected to do.
    The Lamb spilt his blood for us, so now we must also be prepared to spill our blood for God’s Kingdom as so many have done in the past, as we have failed to take responsibility to ‘Seek first God’s Kingdom’ and therefore build his House, that is His nation.
    So repent to God, and shed no tears for yourselves or loved ones, but only for the Father, who we have continued to betray since Adam and Eve. “Where is My House, My nation and My people”?
    God is also seeking first His Kingdom.
    If you believe in Jesus then pick up your cross and do what Jesus did. He too was seeking first God’s Kingdom of which we are a part. He shed his blood, sweat and tears to do so, therefore so must we, if we want any part of God’s Kingdom, which is only accessible through knowing the Heart of God.
    Do we, when we don’t listen to our God, and do what He asks us to do as expressed and shown by Jesus?
    False and disobedient children can not enter the Kingdom. Could Adam and Eve who were both born sinless, and were the first born of God?
    To finish:
    Mt 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few”.
    This is referring to us after we become Christians, not before.

  83. sandilebel

    I stand encouraged by this word!
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021, 2:11 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  84. Elaine Middaugh

    Thank-you. Thank-you. Thank-you for continuing and for your e-mails. You have been faithful for sooo long. Thank-you. An Arizona Great- Grandma

  85. SAS

    As Jesus is Faithful and True so are we to be concerning Him!!
    God wins and so will we WITH Him!
    Keep standing for and with the Lord….

  86. Cal B. Twitty Sr.


  87. Linda Roberson

    I did not come this far to quit. Thank you for all you do to teach and encourage. ???

  88. ktenpasbell

    Thank you Keep on going forward I am with you in financial and prayed support!!!
    Kimberly ten Pas bell
    Sent from my iPhone

  89. Linda Cameron

    Mario, David Barton spoke 3 weeks ago on RUN TO THE ROAR! He used the passage in Hebrews 10 as you did. I encourage all to watch it on YouTube.
    He says we the body need to start locally. We can’t all be you or other evangelists but we can commit to disciple one young person for a year. Those old and set in their ways may be too far gone to reach but the youth are hungry for Jesus.

  90. dcoltson

    Amen, we haven’t quit and we aren’t giving up our faith.Our hope for this day is in our Lord.

  91. John Cento

    Brother Mario Continue in the boldness of the spirit. Fret not for He will uphold you in all your battles and insure a total victory way beyond anyone’s thoughts. I pray Lord Jesus for strength and stamina and words of faith and encouragement anointed by your heart and hands. I certainly agree to pray for and with you.
    Godspeed ?✝️
    John T. Cento Overseer Mission WildfireInternational 407-619-4015 cell Email: missionwildfire .org Website: I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know Him through your deepening intimacy with Him.” (Ephesians 1:17 TPT)

  92. dcoltson

    We are standing our ground.We have not given up. Our faith is in the Lord our redeemer.

  93. Kina Pearce

    Thank you for heeding the Call of God on your life. You encourage me so much. Today you shared the Verse of Scripture God spoke to me shortly after I asked Jesus into my heart. It was: “The just shall live by Faith.” I was saved during the “Jesus Movement” which sadly, also at that time was offered the “Name it and claim it” movement, That did not work for me. But I never forgot God’s Words to me. I am finding out how to “Live by Faith.” My Best Friend, Love of My Life and Husband died almost 4 years ago. My life fell apart. I had a wonderful job for 29 years that I had to quit to care for my husband before he died. I prayed my guts out for my husband’s healing and was lost when he died. Then our home was auctioned off and I was homeless. God was so Gracious and Patient with me. I was mad at Him for Bob dying yet He never abandoned me. Holy Spirit seemed to challenge me to take a step over the line drawn in the sand–to let go and press on. It is still happening, these challenges. I stand with my Father God with His plans for our beautiful country. I also join you and other brothers and sisters in unity to fulfill our Destinies He has for us in this hour. I also LOVE my President Trump. No man owns him and as my mom used to say when somene made her laugh My President “tickles me.” I stand with seeing him fulfill the call on his life. Sorry to ramble on but seeing the Scripture “The just shall live by Faith” brought back to me how I am learning the true meaning of it. Thank you again for taking a bold stand. God Bless you and keep you.

  94. Warner Armbruster

    I was just in Jacksonville, FL yesterday worshiping with about a thousand people in downtown on the streets at Hemming Park with Sean Feucht. There is no shortage of enthusiasm here! About 50 kids from a youth group were there just behind me worshiping their hearts out and when Sean finished they broke into song on their own. People were getting saved, healed and delivered and baptized right there. It’s not time to stop, it’s time to ramp it up. There are videos up on YouTube and Facebook. God is moving. Don’t get left behind!

  95. Debbie Pilkenton

    Standing strong with THE LORD!
    Debbie Pilkenton
    Greensboro, NC

  96. Edna Huwe

    Thank you so much God bless you!

  97. Jim D.

    Thank you Mario, for being a voice of one crying in the current spiritual and political wilderness, and encouraging believers to prepare the way of the Lord and make our lives a straight path for Him to travel on so He can minister His light in the midst of the darkness surrounding us.
    I believe if each of us do, “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.” (Lk. 3:4-5)

  98. Judy Braland

    I am with you dear brother and praying for God’s sustaining power AND WORD to anchor all you do. 

  99. Janet Burud

    Amen! We keep holding onto the truth, but the encouragement of a fellow believer, a leader of the Church is like water on parched ground.

  100. Janie Levin

    I stand with you Pastor Mario. I have been told by ‘christians’ that I am being rebellious by not bowing to the left and accepting the illegitimate person who is trying to play leader. I will not back down. I know what God said to me the day after election, “remember Adonijah, and what happened to him! “ God will show up and Show Out??? I have No doubt. You are an encouragement.
    Thank you. Shalom
    Janie Levin

  101. Cruze Harrison

    How do I give to o your ministry?
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021, 1:13 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  102. Rustyn Mooney

    Your word are so encouraging and affirming. Thank you for your submission to the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your courage and faith! You are edifying the remnant and building is up to do what God needs us to do! Thank you and blessings Mario!

  103. Mary J.

    Isn’t this what Kim Clement prophesied? He prophesied about Donald Trump – people will say this man is not speaking enough (for the first time Donald Trump has become unusually quiet). Next he says that they will say – impeach, impeach (two tries). Then he says – Jezebel has chased away the prophets and even Elijah. (Haven’t so many for the first time turn tail and run?). It goes on to say – GO BACK for this shall be dismantled, so there will be no more corruption in the White House. This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration…

  104. jgracemo

    AMEN Brother Murillo! I thank God for you and pray for you and I know God is protecting you and the remnant. God Bless you!
    Jean Morris Tucson, Arizona
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 12:11 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  105. Reed Higby

    Amen! Thanks Brother Mario! The Saints quitting, hah! The Saints losing, hah! I’ve read the end of THE BOOK – we win because Jesus won! And HE comes out of heaven with ALL THE SAINTS and totally defeats the devil and his allies and sets up HIS rule on the earth!! Why fear someone who has already been whipped, defeated, and has lost? God Bless you for being a cheerleader in God’s army. Thank you.

  106. kingskid48

    At a time in my life that I was a total mess, He intervened supernaturally to pull me back out of the pit I had managed to get myself into. I deserved the worst, but He gave me the best.
    Not that everything became wonderful in my life from Day 1 of returning to Him. It didn’t. I had many issues to work out and many things still to deal with. But the point is, I was able to deal with them and to work through certain things, and stand strong for Him, because now, I had Him with me and inside of me. He supernaturally filled me with His Holy Spirit and saved me to the bone.
    I deserved the worst, but I received from Him the best!
    And for that reason, I guess I can answer the question by Wayne above, and others who say that the nation has sinned too much and we deserve nothing but judgment. It’s true, that’s exactly what we deserve.
    But God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He knows the beginning to the end of every one of our lives, and evidently, He still had a plan for me and a work for me to do.
    And in the same manner, I believe, He is not done with America. He still has a plan and a work for America to do among the nations. Sins, warts, and failures, and all….He still has a plan for America.
    And for that reason, He will intervene and pull us out of this pit that we are right now sinking into deeper, daily.
    He didn’t give up on me, and I am not about to give up on Him. I will stand and see the Salvation of America by the Lord God Almighty, and so will all of you.
    Stand strong, Saints. Lazarus was dead for four days and He purposely allowed things to look their very worst before He moved!

  107. Linda

    I stand with you Mario and interceding from Canada!! God bless America, the land of the free!

  108. Patricia Roloff

    Hallelujah! We will not back down. We’re moving forward With God’s plans. Praying for Boldness to preach the Gospel of Christ Jesus throughout America and to the Nations. We are standing with you.
    MN Grandma

  109. kingskid48

    And thank you, once again, Pastor Mario, for your strong and encouraging words. You are right, your blog is happening in a supernatural manner.

  110. Dee

    Never Quit. What can we quit to?!!! Watch, pray, get violent w the enemy. I hate him and will pray harder for the ones who even are involved in these evils- to see and be converted like Paul!
    BRAVO BROTHER MARIO, u get me steamed lol. Its the italian in me.
    Love u family of God!

  111. Edna Lewis

    Keep up with your ministry.Your compassion for souls is needed.God is using you in great way.

  112. dsc59811sweger

    It is such an incredible time of dividing. The remnant is becoming obvious! We know by the Holy Spirit what is coming. exciting!

  113. Paul Pratt

    Amen Mario. The Lord keeps giving me dreams that point toward hope and victory. I don’t know how or when but as you said, we are being tested, and I hope to be counted among the faithful.
    It is not that I live and die based upon what this or that prophetic voice is saying, and I would not consider myself a prophet but The Lord is continuing to give me dreams that point towards hope and victory. If you could rationally explain it, then it would not be called faith.

    • C. Jones

      The Door of Hope in the valley of trouble.

  114. Kathydeal

    Amen. To whom should I go. Jesus is eternal life. I choose to believe Him.
    Sent from my iPhone

  115. n9nwo

    It does appear that we face severe persecution over the next decade. Especially when Kamala Harris ascends the throne in July.
    G-D has not forsaken his promises. However many of those promises will not be until the Messianic Age (Millennium or the Kingdom). The first century church had the same promises yet were persecuted.

  116. carol.bowen11

    Amen brother!  It is not over….interceding for your ministry…keep on pressing on.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  117. Sue

    No matter what happens in this world my faith in God shall remain! Thank you for your ministry and God keep you safe from all evil
    Sent from my iPad

  118. firstaveonsiteconnectgroup

    Look forward to your bloggs! Here in Canada we are with you and praying and otherwise supporting. Many of us are using this season as a training ground to tackle our own evil powers. We pray for healing in the US on the basis of “Pray for each other, that you (Canada) may be healed.” You rightly say the world is watching the US. We are and taking copious notes on you powerful progress. Continue to be a blessing and be blessed too. Idris Cann

  119. Joan Selph

    Keep preaching the Word and winning those souls! God is with you! You are in my prayers! God bless you!

  120. Nancee Morgan

    I STAND! I am so glad that you are a true man of God and I am thankful for your emails. It is a pleasure to stand with the remnant army of God. There are a few others that stand! God said, ” Are you up to the challenge?” What an honor that God would choose us in the battle. He trusts us with the assignment. He said, “STAND” and ” UNSHAKABLE FAITH” in this season. God is for us so who can be against us? He is the God of War and teaches our hands to fight. It amazes me that many people have stepped down and apologized? For what? President Trump won just as it was prophesied. There was a hostile take over of our government and the enemy is in the camp and the counterfeit is trying to rule. Ishmael! They stole our votes and committed fraud. These are crimes and I believe the Just Judge has ruled. I know that God will not abandon us His beloved bride! Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! for standing and not backing down. Shalom

  121. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    Hebrews 10:35 through 39 STANDING.
    Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

  122. Anita Coutu

    I stand !

  123. charlotte savage

    AMEN MARIO. we stand on the love and character of a loving father. we believe GOD!!!! We must believe God. Jesus came that we have abundant life and we cannot accept death and defeat. I pray that they all repent before its too late. thank you for your stand and encouragement as a man of God who preaches the word and God confirms his word with signs following.

  124. Susan Spivey

    No weapon formed against you will prosper. You have been doing exactly what God wants you to do like God said for his saints to look up not down. He does want us praying for his prophets he knows they’re having a tough time, but he choses the one’s that are strong, that he knows can handle it. Keep looking up you’ve done an amazing job for the lord and you will be highly rewarded one day !!
    God Bless You
    We’ll just keep on praying, hopefully it’ll all be over soon. One of the prophets had said most of it would be over by April.
    I hope so …
    Keep singing Victory songs, God will have the victory Hallelujah.

  125. Linda Matson

    I am overjoyed and encouraged every day that I find a message from you, Mario. I pray that God continues to fill you and that His light shines from you. I am so grateful for your sharing. It gives me assurance that what I see happening is not an overreaction or my imagination. There is darkness, but praise our God for the light!!!

  126. Leisha Messmer

    Never Give Up ! Never Relent . You are correct in what you say . I commend you and I know Gods reward is yours for standing on his word and not backing up . Period

  127. JuLee Ada,s

    Our President Trump is not giving up. He continues to stand strong and not give up. So Lord help us to remain in your Word and stand strong for you.

  128. Mike

    Good job!!! The Lord is pleased with your actions and your words! You give the rest of us courage… “Joshua” Murillo! Thank you!

  129. itsalovelydayintheneighborhood

    That person who said what you reported here. I thought he sure can’t know you well!

  130. Barbara C

    We stand with you brother Mario!!!!! The gates of hell will not prevail!!!!!!!!!

  131. Marsha Beaton

    Very good. I had NOT read this one, must have been yesterday afternoon. I just remember it didn’t come in the morning like usual.
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 1:11 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  132. Mari

    Never quit! Never, never, never quit!
    I knew a pastor who didn’t do what GOD told him to do, and it did not end well!
    Hold steady! JESUS is in the boat with you!

  133. kerrygg2016

    Thank you Brother Mario.
    I stand with you as we stand together with King Jesus the Great I AM, The Sovereign One, The Ancient of Days!
    I love & appreciate you Brother Mario.
    Abundant Blessings in Jesus name!
    Psalm 29:10 & 11
    10 The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood,
    And the Lord sits as King forever.
    11 The Lord will give strength to His people;
    The Lord will bless His people with peace.
    Kerry in Ft Wayne, IN.

  134. Danneca

    Thank you so much, Brother. We stand with you from Santa Rosa, CA. We are praying for you and praise God for your boldness and obedience. God bless you and your family.

  135. karen44724

    Amen, Mario Murillo! God bless you. Thank you for continuing to stand…I am standing with you, sir, praying for you and your ministry, President Trump, America, the Great Awakening, the Great Harvest, and the magnificent Glory of our God! Never give up!
    Karen Heller

  136. Josephine Tarantino

    Amen and amen
    Sent from my iPhone


    Beautifully said..This goes along with Gods message to me. He was sitting across from me from an interrogation type table telling me to keep the FAITH and the table started to shake uncontrollably and the ground started to fall piece by piece and the evil falling into the cracks of the ground. We stood there untouched as a message of this is where those with Faith in him will be.
    Many Blessings,
    Denae Duarte

  138. Martha Wertz

    Excellent commentary, MARIO! As we start to SEE the enemy dealt with bit by bit, large by large, ‘giant by giant’, we will also see the Lord’s GIANTS in FAITH ARISE, STANDING, SPEAKING UP, SUCH AS YOURSELF AND OTHERS. NEVER does God refer to challenges in HIS WORD by telling us to go home, hide, be a coward, give up, throw in the towel. In fact, right in the beginning, Genesis 1:27-28, it is written:” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ” Be fruitful and increase in number: fill the earth and SUBDUE it. RULE OVER the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” So be it. THANK YOU MARIO & TEAM, for a time such a this.

  139. yesua7

    fight on bro

  140. michaelzpw

    Man’s greatest frailty is that we have the tendency to believe that which we want and need to believe.
    michael zitterman

  141. Ann Marie Stone

    Thanks for standing, I knew you would. Praise God for we stand with God.

  142. Larry Clark

    God bless you!!!
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021, 12:50 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  143. Libby Carter

    Thank you Mario, for standing. WE STAND WITH YOU!
    Sydney, Australia

    Sent from my iPhone

  144. Debra Fritts

    How can I help Mario? I live in the Sacramento County area and would love to be part of a team to help make your tent meeting in Sacramento successful. Could you please give me some churches you are using so I can join with them to volunteer? Thank You Debra Fritts
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 11:13 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  145. Mark DuBois

    Right on brother Mario,
    don’t quit, we must not give up.

  146. Sandra Satterfield

    Love you marrio

  147. Claudia Lamb

    Mario, thank you for not listening to the one advising you to quit. Don’t ever quit preaching truth! We need you! We all need one another more than ever before! You are one of the few voice still preaching and encouraging the troops to action…onward in faith! Quitting is not an option! We must never relent or acquiesce to the enemy and we are thankful for your voice. When we feel as though we are the lone voice in the wilderness, let us remember that God will always have His remnant and we want to be in that number. Speak loud and clear! Now is the time to press in! Be encouraged dear brother! You are in our prayers and we know God is able to do exceedingly more thank we can think or imagine! Blessings,

  148. Gary Burden

    GOD had me create this logo in 2003! At that time I didn’t know the meaning but he was insistent on the United States flag being inserted inside the letters to represent his endless love for the United States! The grey swirl represents the wind on Holy Spirit and the Red Border represents the Blood of Jesus!

  149. Peggy Loser

    Thank you for being faithful. God is faithful to His word even when we can’t see it or it doesn’t look like we think it should. Praying for you.

  150. Marieta Henning

    On Sun, 31 Jan 2021, 21:11 Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  151. archaios6

    Dream message of madness
    …as the day draws near, and disaster strikes, the world is left pondering the outcome of anxious apathy. The Earth’s shoulders, shutter as the children of mankind haphazardly, denounce signs foretold. Truth, is without strength, as it is consumed by somnolent attitudes. The trumpet blares its omnipotent warning. The pit is open and venomous gas escapes to be inhaled by the wayward children of a world wrought with chaos. It is written, but no one reads. It is spoken but no one listens. The signs are everywhere, yet no one heeds the warnings. The “Lord” sayeth “hear my pleas, for I AM stricken with grief. Let that which is earthly, be judged earthly. Let that which is spiritual, be judged be ME for I AM, HE by which all things are created.

  152. Wanda Carpenter

    Mario, God bless you for your faithfulness. You are a blessing to multitudes of true Christians.

  153. Michele

    Thank you for not giving up & encouraging those of us who still believe & are waiting on God.

  154. Marilynn Place

    Your blog is ALWAYS SO ENCOURAGING!!! I look forward to reading it every day! Thank you ?
    Sent from my iPhone

  155. E Chrapcynski

    March 15, 2019 at 10:55 PM Matthew 2:18* “A cry was heard in Ramah–weeping and great mourning. Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted, for they are dead. Matthew was referring to the scripture from Jeremiah..,, Jeremiah 31:15 This is what the LORD says: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing consolation, because they are no more.” ✝️⭐️✝️⭐️✝️⭐️✝️ Before I went to bed a couple nights ago, I began thinking about the unborn children that the enemy has killed and the ones who could be aborted even as I was praying… That’s when Holy Spirit brought the above scriptures to my mind and I thought… am I weeping like Rachel and refusing to be comforted or am I being complacent and just going about my usual day while hundreds and maybe thousands of precious babies are being murdered every day at the hands of pro choicer’s and Planned Parenthood! That’s when I decided I must pray and declare an end to this slaughter of precious babies by the enemy. Declaring Gods angel armies to invade the abortion clinics and cripple the wicked hands of the ones that are being used by the thief, the one who comes to kill and steal and destroy! I must declare life… by the Blood of Jesus, the Holy and anointed one who has come to bring abundant life to these little ones who are made in Their Fathers image to carry His Glory and anointing! Father send your mighty angels with their flaming swords to fight off those who desire to harm your precious babies! Let the evil ones fall on their own swords! I declare… Stop! Stop! Stop! This killing NOW! in the name of Jesus ! Like Rachel said with weeping and great mourning…I will not be comforted until this evil is arrested and the enemy is convicted! In Jesus Name! Holy Spirit reminded me that this is not a political issue, it is a spiritual issue… it is a wicked evil sin, an abomination to God in heaven! Man’s law says it is legal to do this terrible thing but God’s law says it is murder! God’s law says..Thou Shall Not Kill! The church the Ekklesia , the governing heavenly body here on earth must judge this issue and declare justice and life for the unborn! Yes and Amen! ?????? That word was spoken to my heart back in (March 15, 2019) and has stirred my spirit since! Just today (May 1, 2020,) after supper, the Spirit spoke to me and reminded me of that first word. He then said to me… “now crying will be heard by those who commit this crime against my little ones and shed their blood. They will hear those cries and be troubled…Even as they try to sleep, they will be awakened by the soft cries of babies in the night and will know it is from me says God. Yes those little ones are in my presence and they do not know pain or suffering. They only know Joy! They only know Love and Peace! I do this thing to draw those that are guilty and I desire to change their hearts by the Precious Blood of My Son. I say to you again… “declare that their hearts will be changed by the Blood” I am still the God of Comfort And Hope. I am extending My Mercy to those who need Mercy. Forgiveness to those who ask forgiveness. Love and Peace to those who will go and sin no more. Declare it to the world… “Your heart will be changed if you will call on the Name of the Lord, On Jesus The Lamb of God!” ??????? The people living in darkness will see a great light! Yes! I believe revival will soon be upon us and a Great Awakening is on the horizon! Hallelujah! Yes Lord Jesus!? ?✨?✨? I Sing Praises To Your Name, Oh Lord.? Praises To Your Name, Oh Lord.? For Your Name Is Great And Greatly To Be Praised! ??? Thank You Pr Mario! I will not quit either! I am 82 yrs old, my wife and I were saved during the Charismatic Renewal in the late 60’s – 70’s I am resolved in my spirit that my God does not have a plan to lose! Sent from Ohio…. Blessings, Edward

  156. Jo Ellen Stevens

    So thankful for you and your ministry Mario, I just wanted to let you know that I was looking at your messages in my email today on my phone and wanted to share this one and when I went to share it it and all of your other messages were gone and so I opened up my laptop because for some reason they send them to spam . but they were all gone from my g-mail. Praying this communism ceases before it is too late! Your ministry is very vital to us right now! God Bless you! Jo Ellen Stevens

      • C. Jones

        NewHeavenOnEarth: Yes, we can think the way God thinks and know His ways! We have the mind of Christ.

  157. John Davis

    Once again Mario, you have spoken a irrefutable truth and with sold out courage. I for one appreciate the gift of candor that the Holy Spirit had graced you with. I pray and believe that God continues to empower you through such gifting. Thank you for being a beacon of blessing in speaking the truth!

  158. LaWanda Badger

    “Some find strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle deliverance can never be won by man. Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us Strong and give s us the victory.” Psalm 20:7 TPT
    Stand strong, Mario. We are standing with you!

  159. kayconn

    I’m praying all is all right. I have not received your letter for today!
    Sent from my iPad

  160. Carol Helms

    I am standing on God’s word too,,,,all this confusion will pass!

  161. L'Angel de la Mer

    Amen and Thank you!


    Thank you for your words each day!! Pray Gods peace upon you that He will strengthen you each and every day. god bless

  163. Pete

    Thank you for the gospel, Brother Mario!
    24 “‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
    25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”
    Numbers 6:24-26
    Let the heavens open where the word of God is spoken in spirit & truth!

  164. Jeff Ratliff

    Brother Mario,
    I’m sure that you remember the story of Nehemiah as well, and the many that tried to discourage and strike fear in him.
    But “God has not given you a spirit of fear,” so please continue to stay bold. Your warnings and words are very much like Jesus’ forerunner, John the Baptist. He had a job to do, preparing the way and proclaiming the coming of the Messiah.
    Your works are very similar to his. And you are preparing the way for the second coming of Christ.
    God’s best to you,
    -Jeff Ratliff

  165. NewHeavenOnEarth

    When we stand on the Truth of God and Trust in God we are immoveable, unshakeable, of the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and our God who is consuming fire. “Know the Truth and the Truth sets you free.” “If the Son sets you free you are free indeed.” “For Freedom Christ has set us free; STAND FAST therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”

  166. lttrack

    Thank you!!! I appreciate you standing up for what is right and encouraging everyone!
    Sent from my iPhone

  167. Lori Unruh

    Amen pastor Mario thank you for this word today. Easy to get exhausted and upset in these days. We have to build each other up, seems the world just tears everything down. God Bless and Protect you with his angel armies. Cover the saints Lord Jesus!

  168. exploringeternalvalues

    Mr. Murillo, your interviews and blog are the primary reasons I have not lost hope. I needed Word based, common sense messages and you provided them.

    • John McDaniel

      Those of us who believe in prayer are behind you, prayer is the key I will not let that antichrist spirit that seems to be running wild even in the Christian community cannot stand up to the truth. You keep doing brother we have your back.

  169. Irene

    Thank you Pastor Mario for still standing. What God promised about President Trump – Is 44:28 hasn’t yet been fulfilled. Feels like all of them except a handful, moved on to reformation and feel like discarding President Trump. We are still in the middle of the story. It is true naturally, all what I heard from the Lord and believed hasn’t come to pass but like Jesus’ words to Jairus, I will keep believing for God to finish what He Himself started through President Trump and the remnant. May the Lord of Hosts continue bless you and protect you from the evil one.

  170. Theresa

    Thank you, Mario for persevering and encouraging, not only the brethren but the unsaved as well.
    I am standing & looking for the day of redemption for our country AND my family.

  171. Nidia Marshall

    Thank you so much Pastor Mario!!! I just read Exodus 14 and 15! The Israelites lost the will to fight and were just happy to stay being slaves! The Lord gave Moses the words, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. … The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Just like the Lord did with Joseph! Thank God for you and your posts, please continue! In full support, Nidia

    • kingskid48

      I totally agree, Nidia. Some of these “Believers” seem to think He is not the same God that He was then.

  172. Phyllis

    Hallelujah!! Glory be to our God who is a Mighty God and without question the Supreme Being of all!!!! We will not quit – we are not moved by what we feel (it is just a feeling, it ain’t real) nor are we moved by what we see (we see in part and we cannot see the whole picture at once). Our God is in there and His will be done for our Appeal to Heaven is renewed and our armor is on – it is armor for forward motion – Jesus has our back1

  173. eleanorebaker

    I am just one of many that want you to continue in you ministry. I will pray for you and your family s safety. God Bless you Mario. Eleanore Baker
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 1:13 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  174. Kim James

    I thank God for you and the Father you are to the church in these days. My husband and I are praying for you and sowing into your ministry as He leads us. We are so grateful for all the encouraging words in this hour. Together we stand as one!

  175. Marilyn Eckhardt

    Praise the Lord I agree in Jesus Name!!!

  176. kingskid48

    Right now, Dr. Michael Brown, who I like and respect, is out there telling those who prophesied that Trump would serve two terms to repent before God, admit their errors, admit they gave false prophesies, and take their lumps.
    No wonder Jesus asked when He returns, would He find faith on the earth? It’s a good thing people like this were not there when Mary and Martha were waiting for Jesus to come back to town. They would have told them to hush up, accept that Lazarus was dead, and don’t bother the Master.
    Do these people have any idea what kind of country we will have if the democrats are allowed to get away with their massive fraud, lies, and crimes, and they remain in office? Why do they insist on thinking there is anything whatsover that Jesus cannot do? Any situation He cannot handle?
    Evidently, there are those who are fretting that they can no longer talk to their family members about the Lord because, to them, He did not come through in the manner in which they thought He would. I told my unsved family members the same things they did, and I will not, and am not, repenting of what I what I said and what I believe.
    He will raise this modern-day “Lazarus” from the dead. America is not going to into marxism.

  177. Sam

    Right now, Dr. Michael Brown, who I like and respect, is out there telling those who prophesied that Trump would serve two terms to repent before God, admit their errors, admit they gave false prophesies, and take their lumps.

    Well, I don’t have a very high opinion of Michael Brown. Besides the fact that he seems to love parading around the title “Dr.” (which Jesus warned sternly against in Matthew 23:10), he is “agnostic” concerning the election fraud. In other words, he’s still not sure it happened. 😛 So, he thinks we should all just accept the “results” of the election and move on. ?
    Anyway, even though I actually do agree with some of what Brown is saying concerning the prophets, I think he needs to get the beam out of his own eye first before criticizing anyone else.

    • kingskid48

      I just read that Ted Cruz is now out there badmouthing Trump. What is it with these so-called “republicans”, that they think they can pacify, and curry favor with, the nut cases on the left if they just get out there and bash Trump?
      Surely we must be nearing our quota of rinos by now? So sick of it.

      • kingskid48

        Btw, it gets worse…I saw where the WH supposedly has figured a way to cut Trump out of intelligence briefings.
        On top of that, more busloads of National Guard are unloading in DC. Who in the world can justify this behavior by an American administration? What in the world are they planning, that they think they need more soldiers guarding them?
        And liberal Christians think we should stop praying for a miracle that these terrible people are removed from office?

      • Sam

        I just read that Ted Cruz is now out there badmouthing Trump. What is it with these so-called “republicans”, that they think they can pacify, and curry favor with, the nut cases on the left if they just get out there and bash Trump?

        Sad, but not surprising. The more you learn about these politicians, the more you learn that they only care about themselves. 😛

      • Sam

        I saw where the WH supposedly has figured a way to cut Trump out of intelligence briefings.

        Oh, once they exit the White House, Presidents are still supposed to get briefings? Didn’t realize that.

        On top of that, more busloads of National Guard are unloading in DC. Who in the world can justify this behavior by an American administration? What in the world are they planning, that they think they need more soldiers guarding them?

        Good question. Hopefully it will all backfire eventually.

        And liberal Christians think we should stop praying for a miracle that these terrible people are removed from office?

        I think “liberal Christian” is an oxymoron. 😉

  178. mwrathell


  179. Erma Christensen

    I thank you for your word from God and they have been a great blessing. I am standing still yet praying that The Lord will not tarry. Yet His will will be done. I thinks at times people think they tell God what to do but now God is letting them know who is in charge and it sure isn’t the people. I just get excited waiting on Him to show up and show off.

  180. Gerald J Slaminski

    love your email posts. keep it up brother.

  181. nellsh

    If you’re abused because of Christ, count yourself fortunate. It’s the Spirit of God and his glory in you that brought you to the notice of others. If they’re on you because you broke the law or disturbed the peace, that’s a different matter. But if it’s because you’re a Christian, don’t give it a second thought. Be proud of the distinguished status reflected in that name!
    1 Peter 4:16 MSG
    Oh I just love this

  182. Sherrill Roderick

    I follow you as you follow Christ.
    I would like to share a vision I had early Thursday morning 1/28/2021. I saw a beautiful and majestic Lion seemingly just watching, he shook his head as he rose and started walking and the word came to me “The Lion of Judah has started to move.” I believe and know that God is moving!

  183. Michael Bull

    Amen Brother. So be it.
    Michael Bull Latter Rain MInistries
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 11:15 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  184. Cya

    Thanks brother Mario. Standing with you, not giving up. The waters may be bitter as at Marah but right around the corner at Elim were twelve springs of water and seventy date palms. Prepared for battle and thanking God for the victory!

  185. Jean Edwards

    Thanks Mario and God bless you. My prayers are with you!

  186. CindyR

    Thank you, Mario. Praying for you. I’m so thankful for your words of encouragement. I am not getting any from my church. It is lonely at times, but God is faithful and His Holy Spirit ministers and leads. We pray for your strength too. God bless and keep you safe and strong.

  187. Julie Andrews

    Shadrack, Meshack & Abednego “even if we die we will not bow the knee to your idol, Nebuchadnezzar” So in they went, and Who was there with them? JESHUA. Never give up

  188. Victoria Scott

    Amen Mario. Do true. Praise the Lord. We stand.

  189. Deb Chachere

    I guess I didn’t realize you ONLY post replies that support and agree with you, Mario. I followed you for many years, but I no longer support your approach and interpretation of Christianity. My reply to this blog article was apparently marked “do not post” because I disagree with you. I guess “cancel culture” is ok as long as you can benefit from it. Very disappointing!

    • mariomurilloministries

      Your comment was removed because you blatantly lied about me. Do it again and I will ban you permanently. God bless

      • Deb Chachere

        No problem, I will remove myself. I certainly didn’t lie about you, Mario, but since no one but you was allowed to read what I ACTUALLY wrote … well, then no one knows what I ACTUALLY said. God knows, and that’s good enough for me.

  190. Melissa


  191. Melissa

    God has answered our prayers and it will be a few more weeks before it all goes public. What you are seeing play out has been a well planned thing. These people have been stealing elections remotely for years..but our military had to allow them to do it on US soil to bring justice and get rid of the many traitors and satan worshipers in our government, media and Hollywood. Many of us already have the info Lin Wood and others slowly releasing..but before I got it, I did not doubt not one minute..or falter, everyone should calm down…it doesn’t matter if usurper is writing orders, they will all be undone, he is going to jail along with much of our corrupt government, and many will be saved..our military is in charge..the plan will come out over emergence response system in a few weeks, but they have been arresting hundreds of people..we had corruption at national and local levels…devil worshipers and pedophiles all bribed or blackmailed by CCP and ensnared and connected to Epstein and CCP..many worldwide will come to God when they see what we have been living among for years. I watch Mario, and Kim Clement, Hank Kunneman also…the only ones I follow. I grew up in a church where we didn’t believe that prophecies and prophets were used this day and time. 4 yrs ago I was backslid, God convicted me, I listened, began prayer and fasting and growing a relationship with him. Got rid of wordly stuff in my life, and have began prophesying myself. God will tell all his children things if they will draw close to him and avoid sin. Many are not willing to pay the price, they want to have one foot in the world, one with God. Talk to God daily, pray and praise him daily, fast also..prophecies take time..Kim Clement prophesied what is happening now back in like be patient like 3 more weeks. Christians questions should not be…when prophet when? but why isn’t God speaking to me? If believers cant have faith while in your homes with Bible available, and such, how would they ever be able to stand one day if ever told recant or die? This whole pandemic (while real, but way over blown), have you noticed we have no reported cases of the flu? does that tell you anything? I am a nurse of 25 yrs. I would not take what there wanting you to…is it the mark? let me tell you this, I can tell you a few things for sure..they are doing a trial run to perfect it, it can and most likely will change your DNA and has the ability to stun a chemical in the brain that responds to religious beliefs…Bill Gates and others are evil…it was created for “radicals” like those bombing in other countries…would the corrupt use it on us? you bet, hundreds of hours of peer-reviewed research, my papers have to much Biology gook so here is a link for you all draw near to God as he is and will expose all and give justice very soon, very swift We will have a harvest of souls, and need to be ready to minister…I know this is my purpose for these times. We will be doing great works for God, casting out devils, and he will get all the glory! Praise be. So stop worrying, stay off the news and get in the word, not just the US, but other countries will be getting justice and have harvests. God Bless

  192. Elizabeth Tramontano

    I thank the Lord every day for you Mario Murillo. You give such hope through the Holy Spirit. Giving us rest in God’s word
    On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 2:21 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
    > mariomurilloministries posted: ” I was told to quit. The person who said > this was deeply concerned about my welfare. They made a chilling case for > me to go silent while there was still time. They talked about websites with > millions of followers that were suddenly wiped out today. They ” >

  193. Emylie Springle

    Amen! Thank you for not quitting. I heard you in the early 70’s at Southern California College in Costa Mesa. You had a message for the body then and you still have one. It’s great to see you still moving ahead and God still using you. I also remember hearing you at Jesus West Coast in Santa Rosa in the 80’s. That was empowering too!

  194. bjweaver697

    Hi Murillo, I am not a quitter!! I am a FIGHTER!! Alway’s have been, always will be!! Praise be to GOD!! Betty

  195. Sam

    “Around the world, reports are pouring in of people dying shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. In many cases, they die suddenly within hours of getting the shot. In others, death occurs within the span of a couple of weeks
    “Ironically, when seniors die before vaccination, it’s due to COVID-19 and something must be done to prevent it, but when they die after vaccination, they die of natural causes and no preventive action is necessary
    “Several areas have reported that deaths are rapidly increasing after vaccination programs are implemented, including in Gibraltar, which prior to a vaccine had recorded a total of 10 deaths due to COVID-19. Eight days into the vaccination program, the death toll had risen to 45″

  196. Lynne Timms

    Dr Lynne Timms
    South Africa

  197. Sam

    Wow, get a load of this! In general, pharmacists are trained to detect forged doctor signatures. Well, a Missouri pharmacist believes that Biden is so mentally deficient that his wife is actually forging his signature!!!
    “I am a pharmacist in Missouri. I read a few days ago that none of Biden’s Executive Orders have been posted to the Federal Register, so I looked, then, a few days ago. Those Executive Orders are showing up. However, I believe I have accidentally discovered his signature may be a forgery. I just sat on this discovery, thinking someone else more important would notice it. I guess no one has yet.
    Part of my job as a pharmacist is to watch for forged doctor signatures and I am pretty sure Joe’s are forged. I suspect that he is embarrassed by his shaky signature and had his wife sign for his signature stamp used for official business. As you can see on the attachment the last three signatures are identical, indicative of a stamp, and that’s fine as long as it is his signature. Maybe that’s easier to submit to the Federal Register. Otherwise, I believe it is illegal to have someone else sign for a signature stamp that binds a legal document. I have seen the signature of doctors get shaky at the end of their careers, but never change in a single year as Joe’s purportedly has done.

  198. Tonya

    Thank you my brother in Christ. I have read your blogs and 1 of your books. GOD BLESS YOU ! I know he does and during these exciting times that we live in, your ability to give scripture and point out God’s facts has helped me so very much. I’m growing and shedding off the old. Im a loud boisterous excitable gal and I used to get so frustrated because I wanted to see and touch and smell a move of God. I heard stories I was so eager and alas I became frustrated. That mayby somthing was wrong with me. There was I did not have an intimate relationship with my Father. Ouch. That hurt. I realized that I was easily distracted and did not have the slightest idea of how to wear his Armour, and then wondered why I was so beat up. I asked him to show me and teach me his ways and He is and has. Do not quit brother we are at 2 different ends of the spiritual spectrum but going in the same direction, I am not giving up, Jesus did not give up his life and ask me to live for him and through Him to give up. I pray for you and appreciate your diligence to further the Kingdom of God.

  199. Eric

    “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  200. Gunnar

    Mario/Bloggers: “THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH”
    Sent you two memo’s that got totally removed because The Occult can’t handle the truth; that’s why have to remove Blogs, Parler, entire websites, video’s etc.,

  201. Paula Ward

    They want an apology for what God said. I speak what I hear Him say. I must stand in faith till I see His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!!!!! Thank you for standing!! God help us!! Increase our faith Lord!!! We will see God’s wonders on Earth!!!!

  202. Ike

    Is this article about the blessed hope of the Church, the appearing of Jesus Christ to take His body (the Church) according to His promise, or is it motivating believers to continue hoping on the return of Trump as US president again?
    I believe Trump will come back to power, possibly not as a US president, but as a One World Leader, in response to the rapture of the Church. So far, he has fulfilled many key prophetic signs only the Beast is supposed to fulfill.

  203. Carolyn Scheppler

    Sent from my iPhone

  204. Robert Puga

    Amen and God Bless you Brother Mario for standing firm.How can I prayerfully and financially support you.




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