I’d like to talk about prayer. People make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.”
The person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their busy day to go and pray. A person with a life of prayer, designates a portion of their busy time of prayer to do life…
When Paul said, “Pray without ceasing” I am certain he understood that we had to sleep at night, that we had to have jobs. What he was talking about is that we must get to the point where life is interrupting our prayer time, and NOT that our prayer time is interrupting our life. Meaning, I am in an attitude and state of prayer, all the time.
No matter how much I can plan, sometimes a jet is late. Sometimes a flight will be cancelled, and I arrive at the church where I am to preach, only moments before I am supposed to preach. I can’t rely on an afternoon where I was alone with God. What I rely on is the fact that I never broke that communion at all. Just as Paul told Timothy, “Be instant in season and out of season.”
That is what needs to happen. We need to rediscover prayer to the point where, I think, “I don’t want to leave this room to go do life, because I’m not ready yet.
That’s what Martin Luther said. He said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/29874.Martin_Luther
As much as I love my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and I certainly don’t want to sound like I am anti-pastor. I’m not. I think there are a handful of men and women that have been real traitors, but by in large, the pulpits in America are God-fearing, sacrificing men and women who love their people and would do anything for them.
Men and women who didn’t buy into the big screens, skinny jeans and fog machine version. And they paid a desperate price for it. Some of them have lost church members. But I have a word of encouragement for them: It is going to turn, because America’s appetite is turning. And the person who is in search of a good cup of coffee and a 12-minute sermon with valet parking, is a dinosaur.
They are going to be replaced by, “I don’t need coffee because I’m wide awake. I don’t care how long you preach, Pastor, because you are turning me from a confused person, into a soldier, fit for war. Pastor you are making me armed and dangerous, to fight for my community, and against the works of the devil.
The appetite is changing. So, I would tell every Pastor, hold on just a little longer. Don’t compromise the blood, the cross, the second coming of Christ. Don’t sacrifice the baptism in the Holy Spirit or signs, wonders and miracles done according to the Spirit of God. And most of all, preach holiness, “without which, no one will see God” (Hebrews 12:14).
God has placed a tremendous burden on me for this hour, to speak what He says, when I hear it.
Scientists discovered, some years ago, that the electricity that runs through your house is far more powerful than we ever imagined. An electric current, at a certain temperature, far below zero, begins to superconduct. This means that at room temperature there is a drag on electric current.
Now, if you use that as an analogy for the anointing: when a vessel of God dies to self, they remove the drag that is on the anointing. When we witness in history a woman like Kathryn Kuhlman, or a man like Oral Roberts, healing evangelists, we wonder why they operated on such a seemingly different plane of power than others. The secret is that they learned to superconduct, and not allow the anointing to be dragged by anything. They had no axe to grind in the pulpit, a personal viewpoint, a hidden agenda to make money, or to be famous. They simply wanted to please the Holy Spirit. And, in that obsession, they superconducted and the anointing flowed freely.
That is also my obsession. When I get in the tent and I begin to preach to lost souls, and I hear that a parent brought a child who is dying of leukemia, or that a man with children has had multiple heart attacks and maybe won’t live through the next few months, and, instead of relying solely on doctors, they come to my tent. That places an awesome responsibility on me. Not to believe that I can heal them, but to believe that I can get out of God’s way.
When I wrote the book, VESSELS OF FIRE AND GLORY, at a certain part of the book I felt a certain grief. I grieved over the Holy Spirit. Because the Bible says, “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not grieve the Spirit. And that word grieve means, don’t hurt Him. We have broken His heart. I began to see how He was insulted, marginalized, misrepresented and reduced to some New Age ‘force.’ This member of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit was wounded and hurt by our behavior. Because Jesus emphatically stated that it is to our advantage that I leave. It is for our sake I must go away, because otherwise the Helper cannot come. And we have rejected that help. We thought we knew how to preach better.
Billy Graham said that it amazed him how the preaching of the simple Gospel, and the truth of it, that the Spirit of God would drive it into the hearts of men everywhere he went. We have got to let the Holy Spirit take over again. He knows how to handle the virus. He knows how to handle the government. He knows what we ought to be saying.
When I began writing my blog, and writing this book, and speaking out, I said, “Lord, You can’t anoint me to do that! You can anoint me to do ministry, and He is, but why?” The answer was found in 1 Samuel 10:6, “Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you mightily, and you will show yourself to be a prophet with them; and you will be turned into another man. And when these signs meet you, do as the occasion demands; for God is with you.”
The kind of things I am saying in this hour would have been inappropriate, even ten years ago. But this is what the occasion demands. And that is why, Pastor! Let the anointing have its way. Begin to speak the message that may not be the line of your denomination. It may not be the tradition that you are used to. It is from the word of God, but it is a focus on exposing the evil of the swamp and the power of God to overcome that evil, and bring America back to God.
I want to pray for every Christian that loves America. Do you love this country – the home of the brave, the land of the free? The land of opportunity created and forged out of a wilderness by a miracle from God. We can’t lose it. We can’t lose this gift. And the stupidest reason ever to cripple our children with socialism, would be because they were too afraid that they couldn’t succeed without the government being their nursemaid.
God, I pray for an awakening. I pray an anointing for common house cats will turn back into lions. I pray that a fire will be ignited in the heart of everyone listening. Those who have been called by You to preach your Gospel in a pulpit, as a Pastor, help them to see their duty. Help them to understand that safety is in obedience and not in escape.
If we’re in rebellion against God, if God has told us to speak out, there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, unless we obey the Lord. Jonah discovered that, when he was told to go to Nineveh, but refused, and went in the opposite direction. God, let us run toward the truth, and not away from it. Give us the courage to speak out in an hour when thieves are robbing us of our rights and our freedoms. Lord, let us be turned into a new vessel of God, and do what the occasion demands. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer should be to praise and to thank G-D.
Speaking in tongues is perfect prayer as well as perfect worship.
The Perfect Prayer ends like Mario prayed: “ In the Name of Jesus. Amen”
Amen. Your words get us back on track. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33
Amen!!! Let us be your willing and obedient vessels, LORD!!
Prayer is perfect communication with our God. We speak He listens, God speaks we listens. Prayer is always speaking and listening to His reply.
Dear Lord Jesus when sometimes I come to pray and words just won’t come out, please
Help me. Help to find the words. Holy Spirit guide me to your side. Be my helper Lord.
Take me, reshape and mold me to the soldier I want to be. Give me boldness to do what I was born to do for you. Help me not to go the other way, but turn to your direction. Amen.
I pray with you in agreement Vivian! Thank you.
The times we are living in demand complete focus,commitment and surrender.As we listen to the Spirit’s promptings and obey,He will see us thru whatever may come.Prayers for MMM and this great awakening.
Most say they have to find time for prayer, and prayer should be coming from us all the time, even in times when it seems impossible when someone wants to fight, for I find now there’s a battle all around and we have to be in prayer to really keep from saying some things, because we have a bunch of unlearned people today and its frustrating, in the early days under the tents I stayed all night either under the tent or in a RV and prayed until 5 the next morning, it seemed break through came about 5 every morning, sleep a couple hours and get ready to sing and help in the morning service, but some didn’t under stand and I took some slack, because they said I didn’t have to pray like I did, and so one day we were on the way to Io. and I said lord why do I have to pray like this, and HE SAID SOME ARE CALLED BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN, the scripture says many are called but few are chosen so that bothered me, I thought that means not many today are even called, but praying seems to be a natural thing now, its just not right to not be talking to the Lord, so many things going on so many troubles in the world, so many people to pray for, and when we step out to preach we should say Father I set down so that you might be lifted up, sweet Holy Spirit say what you want to say here tonight, save heal deliver set free, for to many are trying to do a Supernatural work in the natural, and it can’t be done in the natural, the Gospel is a Supernatural work of God, and some keep trying to tell me us Holy Spirit filled preachers are not qualified to preach, because we don’t have a bunch of Dr. degrees, and Holy Spirit is God and I don’t care if we have so many degrees they can call us Fahreinheit, we will never know as much as the Holy Spirit and can never do the Supernatural work of God with out the Holy Spirit, and we must pray for the anointing to be in our lives, I am not a gifted speaker, the Holy Spirit has to do through me, I was an old cowboy who love to be on a horse or motorcycle, and talk to God while I rode, I had stage fright, so the Holy Spirit had to speak through me, I got ahead of him when I was 15 I thought he was calling me to preach, I got up and school kids came to hear me, I froze not a word came out of my mouth, so I said you don’t want me Lord and didn’t think of preaching again until my wife died when I was forty, and he started giving me parts of messages, and I said Lord why are you giving me parts of messages, and it hit me, and I said your going to have to say it this time, in 99 Aug, but I had been seeking the Lord with all my heart, but I can’t do it with out him, but I know praying has been a big part of it, as legs grew out and cancers healed as I prayed, so many things, but it is through prayer that all things are accomplished, and we can’t give up on this country, and must demand fair and honest election, or they will keep doing as they want, WE NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT IN CHARGE OF THE CHURCH AND US, FOR AGAIN IT IS A SUPERNATURAL WORK, WE DO SOME CAN PLAY CHURCH IF THEY WANT, BUT THEY WILL NEVER HAVE CHURCH UNTIL THE HOLY SPIRIT AND POWER AND PRESENCE OF THE LIVING GOD IS THERE, TO MUCH PLAYING CHURCH, AND NO WORLD CHANGER, WE HAVE PLENTY OF WORD CHANGERS BUT NOT MANY WORLD CHANGERS, WE NEED WORLD CHANGERS FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST AND FIRE TO SPEAK OUT NOT CARRING ABOUT THERE LIVES OR HOW MANY FOLLOWERS OR MEMBERS THEY LOSE, YOU SHOULD SEE THE KICK BACK I GET FOR SAYING WE NEED TO OBEY THE WORD, AND IN HIS PRESENCE ALL NEEDS ARE MET, BECAUSE IN HIS PRESENCE YOU DON’T NEED ANY THING BUT HIM, BUT MAN THEY SAY IT ISN’T ENOUGH, WAS AND IS FOR ME, I NEVER HAD A NEED HE COULDN’T TAKE CARE OF, BUT THATS NOT WHAT SOME SAY TODAY, WON’T GET INTO IT, BUT PRAYER IS THE ANSWER. GOOD WORD SIR, WE NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT AND FIRE AND THEN WE WILL HAVE WORLD CHANGERS, AND NT WORD CHANGERS. GOD BLESS SIR
Absolutely, bro! Inspiring comment. All it takes is willingness and the guts to make that first step. The kingdom does not come by observation, but by stepping in faith into an unknown outcome, with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you
Roger, you are going to have a really special place in Heaven. Keep on doing what you’re, doing and being faithful to your call, just letting God have His way with you. Blessings.
Thank you be blessed
Roger, blessed and encouraging to my heart. “Yeah, many WORD changers but few WORLD changers!” The Lord lead me to MMM Blog this September” have read Fire and Glory…prayerfully God is preparing His to engage in revival…
Thank you
Have you heard this? Will bless you!
Be Blessed! Nina
AMEN! WOW, Mr. Murillo! I pray the Holy Spirit will give me strength and faith. You are a tremendous inspiration. Smoking hot message coming to me tonight!
Thank you!
Amen and amen! The Lord give you everything you desire for allowing His Love flow through you. May the waiting ears be filled with the life giving Good News! Blessings in abundance!
On Mon, Feb 1, 2021, 9:35 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I’d like to talk about prayer. People > make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the > saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.” The > person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their bus” >
Thank you MMM. Spot on! Amen!
Good word Mario.
We must obey the Holy Spirit .
We must do and say what He has asked us to do and say.
People may disagree , but it never removes our responsibility
to obey HIM. We are to do what God says and not what man says.
I have appreciated your straight forward words from God.
I appreciate that you don’t sugar coat your message.
I appreciate that you do not water it down to make it more palatable.
If we are to be a part of the great moving of God we must do and say what
HE commands now. We either serve man or God.
I like that the apostles when persecuted counted it all Joy that they
were counted worthy to suffer for the sake of Christ.
My prayers are with you.
Yes & amen! We are called to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. That means walking in constant communication with the Father, walking in an “attitude of gratitude”, and constantly having a song of praise in our heart! For the joy of the Lord is our strength! In living this way, I am filled with an air of excited expectancy, waiting to see what He will do next! As I walk forward in this manner, His joy bubbles up and overflows me! God is moving!!
It all started out with me prostrating my self on my face before the Lord in repentance!
God is faithful! His wondrous works to fulfill!! ??????
(I should add, as I was prostrate before the Lord in repentance, he showed me that deep within my (our) spirit(s) there was a throne that belongs to Him, and I needed to get my *self* off of His throne!)
Thank you for sharing that strong, convicting and encouraging word, Mario.
I think this is your best yet – and that is saying a lot! Thanks.
Re-posted to FB w/out comment.
Mario, Go With God! May the Power & Anointing of The Holy Spirit rest on you.
Call saints to repentance, call sinners to Jesus! Build a new church!
Rock our world for Jesus! Amen!
Thank you for that wisdom Mario
Yes, turn us from cats to tigers
in this hour Lord, to run to the roar
of the enemy.
Gillian Alp (France)
You go Mario! It’s time we come out of our closets and hiding behind our masks and push back the darkness with the power of the Holy Spirit gloriously filling us. I don’t want to hurt Him anymore either and I believe we have to be careful to not fill ourselves with negative news and to not trash and bash but to move positively forward anointed with His glory and His power and bring that light everywhere we go boldly courageously, not backing down! I am comforted by your outspoken words they are a light in the darkness for people like me!
I have shared this with all the pastors I know and with friends to share with pastors they know. What God is doing is soooooooo amazing!!!
?⚡️Big screens, skinny jeans, and fog machines. ⚡️?
The Power of Little Things.
To The Work! To The Work! —
Dwight L. Moody
In the twenty-fifth chapter of Exodus we read: “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying: ‘Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering. And this is the offering which ye shall take of them: gold, and silver, and brass, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats’ hair, and rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins, and shittim wood, oil for the light, spices for anointing oil and for sweet incense, onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod and in the breastplate. And let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.'”
I am glad this has been recorded for our instruction. How it ought to encourage us all to believe that we may each have a part in building up the walls of the heavenly Zion. In all ages God has delighted to use the weak things. In his letter to the Corinthians Paul speaks of five things that God uses: “God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence.”
You notice there are five things mentioned that God uses — foolish things, weak things, base things, despised things, and things which are not. What for? “That no flesh should glory in His presence.” When we are weak then we are strong. People often think they have not strength enough; the fact is we have too much strength. It is when we feel that we have no strength of our own, that we are willing God should use us, and work through us. If we are leaning on God’s strength, we have more than all the strength of the world.
This world is not going to be reached by mere human intellectual power. When we realize that we have no strength, then all the fulness of God will flow in upon us. Then we shall have power with God and with man.
In Revelation we read that John on one occasion wept much at a sight he beheld in heaven. He saw a sealed book; and no one was found that could break the seal and open the book. Abel, that holy man of God, was not worthy to open it. Enoch, who had been translated to heaven without tasting death; Elijah, who had gone up in a chariot of fire; even Moses, that great law-giver; or Isaiah, or any of the prophets — none was found worthy to open the book. As he saw this John wept much. As he wept one touched him, and said: “Weep not; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the Book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.” When he looked to see who was the Lion of the tribe of Judah, whom did he see! Lo, the Lion was a Lamb! God’s Lion is a Lamb! When we are like lambs God can use us, and we are strong in His service. We can all be weak can we not? Then let us lean on the mighty power of God.
Notice that all the men whom Christ called around Him were weak men in a worldly sense. They were all men without rank, without title, without position, without wealth or culture. Nearly all of them were fishermen and unlettered men; yet Christ chose them to build up His kingdom. When God wanted to bring the children of Israel out of bondage, He did not send an army; He sent one solitary man. So in all ages God has used the weak things of the world to accomplish His purposes.
Thank you for preaching the Jesus and the Bible Brother Mario.
⛺️Build the tents ⛺️
Thank you for the Dwight L Moody excerpt. A great reminder that the educated elite are living in an illusion. God did not use the pharisees.
Oh my God, I am so convicted. Forgive me. Remove the drag on my anointing and fall afresh on me.
Me too.
There is always a battle before the victory, please dear Lord give us the warrior spirit, I can do All things in Christ who STRENGTHENS me,thank you , Jesus our Savior.
Thank you Mario for the reminding – for a refresher of what we are here to do -thank you for telling it like it is – amen.
Amen brother Mario.
Dear Holy Spirit, have thine own way Lord, have thine own way. Thou art the potter I am the clay. Mold me and make me after thy will. ??❤️??
Thank you so much for this blog! It is right on!! Thank you for the prayer and may we all take it to heart!!
Just, Awesome!
What about this:
Would it help us to pray better if we realized the times we have entered into❓
Thankful for your boldness!
Sent from my iPhone
Yes Lord. Change us. Renew us. Thank you for speaking and standing on truth when many haven’t.
sir, I love what you are saying, but I respectfully beg to differ on one point – it WOULD NOT have been inappropriate 10 years ago!
This is inspiring to me because I pray all day from 8:30 am until after 5-8 pm depending on interruptions. I get so angry when I hear the office calling me to tell me I have to go to the lobby for something because I know that will put me a 1/2 hour behind…A few days ago I was complaining to the Lord about this and I guess this is his answer. I have no choice to let life interrupt because I do have the life of prayer that I signed up for! Hope you all have a blessed day!
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021, 12:30 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I’d like to talk about prayer. People > make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the > saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.” The > person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their bus” >
Wen I read your message each day, I sometimes go to comments to read the replies. After I’ve spent an hour!!! I feel like I’ve been to church all around the world. I love these people! My mother died of a very rare disease at the age of 52. On her death bed she spoke to all that was gathered at her bedside and one thing she said was “stop playing church!” It has stuck with me to this very day..and that was 1979! Mario, you had come to our church in Vallejo CA…have always believed you were a man of God. Thank you for all you are doing and what you will do. We are all blessed to be a part of it all. My heart aches for America and a day does not go by and into the night where my tears fall freely. Oh Lord, send the power just now and baptize everyone! Thank you, Jesus! Amen.
Wonderful Word, thank you
God continue to bless you
Finally someone who will “bring it!”.
Oh LORD, Help Us to be “Super-Conductors”—so that YOUR ANOINTING WILL FLOW FREELY threw Us to Others—that THEY MAY BE IRRESISTABLY DRAWN TO YOU, HOLY SPIRIT. Help Us, Oh LORD—that We may EMIT A FREQUENCY that will draw others to us—even if they do not understand why just now. PREPARE OUR LIVES, OUR MINDS AND OUR HEARTS—AND ABOVE ALL, OUR WORDS, THAT YOU GIVE US TO SPEAK TO THEM—SO THAT WE WILL NOT FAIL THEM IN THEIR HOUR OF NEED….Many, I feel, could be getting Their Last Call.
Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
Thank you for words of encouragement
Well said Brother Mario. Thank you for being a willing vessel for God.
Brother you are a chosen vessel for this time! I love to read your post daily and know my beliefs are on target! The anointing is going forth in ways you and I could not have imagined! It is not about us but about HIM and HE is showing off in small ways to let us know what is about to happen! When He will use someone broken or a child to help someone to get right with Him then I cannot wait to see what He will do next! Excitement is in the air with the winds starting to blow! Keep up your good words!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
yes amen fight
Hallelujah, Glory to God in the highest. Let your people seek your face – night & day!
Amen, Lord. Help us get out of Your way, every last one of Your children, so we can be conduits of Your love, power, and authority – a roaring lion like You who open our mouths and demons and strongholds instantly fall away so the light of the gospel may shine on every heart and mind. That Your anointing is so strong upon and through Your people that our very presence as carriers of the kingdom of God shakes hell off people – sickness, disease, demons, etc. in Jesus’ name, let it be so. Amen and amen.
Mario, I need to ask….have you…or your staff, been sending out Friend requests? I received one and accepted it, but then wondered if you’ve been hacked. So I deleted it. Thank you for your quick response. Elaine Matherly.
On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 10:27 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I’d like to talk about prayer. People > make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the > saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.” The > person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their bus” >
So good thank you Mario!!!
That was a beautiful blog, Pastor Mario. I know, I for one, do need to spend much more time in prayer.
I used to spend 2-3 hours a day praying in the Spirit, and I saw my prayers answered and had a very close relationship with the Lord. Where I lived, I was able to see out from all sides of the small house and had much of the day to myself. I don’t have the freedom and privacy that I did but I won’t try to explain that here, but I know something’s missing.
I have thought of a possible plan to find a private space to be able to get back to that powerful prayer time.
I just read this word from Charisma. It’s kind of unsettling. I don’t know anything about this person that gave it. I’m curious what Pastor Mario and the rest of you might think of it:
Yes, kingskid48, that’s definitely an unsettling word. Another thing to keep in mind is that very often (as we see in the Bible), dreams are symbolic and need to be interpreted. Anyway, what he had to say is certainly sobering.
I think it’s possible that what he dreamed will come true some day in the future, but I don’t think that time is now. When I fasted for 3 days back in late September, I went into the fast thinking “these are the end times, so this is how things are going to be.” But during the 3 days, God took me from that mindset to “Not yet! It’s time to fight for this country.” So my personal viewpoint is that God has amazing things ahead for His bride. 🙂
Thanks for the encouragement Mario. It’s hard not to just walk away from the pulpit when you keep preaching Spirit led truth and the attendance seems to keep dropping. It often seems I’m just wasting my time when the skinny jean latte smoke machine churches seem to draw the crowds.
I keep hearing and getting promises of a harvest but the granary is nearly empty today. I will not compromise the gospel and I will not deny the Spirit to make all “comfortable.”
Hallelujah! That is what the Lord is looking for. I believe Truth is going to be victorious, and it will take time. Trust in the process…
Good clear preaching.
In Jesus’ wonderful name, Amen and Amen. ❤️
Excellent message. Yes, we Christians definitely need to become bold and courageous in speaking the truth. The only small part I disagree with is the positive mention of Billy Graham. If you want to learn more about what Graham was really about, please start reading on page 197 of this online book:
Amen Mario.
To be truthful I have a heart after God and love to worship him and go to church and listen to the word from our Pastor but
my prayer life stinks and I’m not proud of that either. I must find more time to commune with our Lord. Convicted.
Yes, Lord, wake us up. Wake up your sons & daughters, in Jesus’ name.
Mario…I knew most of what would happen but it had to happen. Back in November I couldn’t shake the scripture about “practicing lawlessness”. I felt we have entered into a “judgment of ones self through this vote”. Now my wife and I have been instructed or should I say been led to fast for the next 40 days and get ready for shaking. We are only into this fast a few days and I can already feel the shaking of darkness’ grip and sensitivity to feeling grace for victory no matter what the circumstances look like. I hope others will join us in a 40 day fast and watch the power of the Holy Spirit create earthquakes in the dominion of darkness.
Thank you for your dedication, the invitations to see, hear more of what you are doing across this great nation. God be with you in greater power than you have known before.we love you, Mario. I want to see major changes in my life, in the church and most importantly in this nation.God has not turned His back on us, nor a blind eye. I have been dealing wit issues, my spiritual father, perry stone nailed it last wee youtube fromISOW. HE willrootout that root of bitterness. ;if WE WHO ARE CALLED BY HIS NAMEHUMBLE OURSELVES, TURN FROM OUR WICKEDWAYS, THEN HE WILL HEAR AND HEAL OUR LAND. some of us have been holding up the Lord and need to get serious and we will not only see better intimacy with Him,but our nation will explode in revival and renewal.
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 12:29 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I’d like to talk about prayer. People > make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the > saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.” The > person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their bus” >
My spirit leaps when reading what Mario has written . I remember the day I was baptized by the Holy Spirit. Fire and Power. Faith level is different from such an experience. One question posed to Mario if and when you have the time to address it through my email address., if you would. I have family members and friends who have yet to experience baptism of the Holy Spitit , how does one reach out to them on this ? It was such a glorious experience and I hope others would have it too. In my case , I was very blessed as it came upon me without me fervently asking God for it . Thank you in advance .
Amen!!! Glory to God!!
Great word! Thanks for the encouragement.
Mike Albright
Mario, my name is Gwen Bullard my husband Don and I want to ask you to pray about coming to Santa Maria, California with your tent. I believe we are ready for revival. We also Invite you to San Luis Obispo County, there has been MUCH prayer going on for last Five Years from Paso Robles to Santa Maria. We support and pray for you in all that you are doing. God Bless you and God Bless America!!
Gwen, love Santa Maria Healing Rooms with Rick and Lori Taylor. There’s a ripe house of God right there too. Be blessed!
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 9:26 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I’d like to talk about prayer. People > make two statements. One is, “I have a prayer life.” And there is what the > saints of old said, the world changers: “I have a life of prayer.” The > person who has a prayer life designates a certain part of their bus” >
Thank you Pastor Mario for such a great uplifting word and prayer. This brought tears knowing how quickly we are capable of causing grief to the Holy Spirit.
God bless you and the MMM team and family.