At least 74 million Americans voted for Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the millions who comprise the Make America Great Again movement are, in no way, a passing parade of wackos.
You may believe they are going away. You may be convinced that CNN and ABC are right when they talk about ‘deprogramming and cleansing Trump supporters.’ If you want to follow the leftist Hollywood stars who today vilified Trump voters, go ahead, but you can never say you were not warned.
74 million people is an enormous group to insult and threaten. To question their sanity is, in itself, insanity. Labeling them as extremists only shows your extreme ignorance.
Above all, consider this: there will be a backlash, and I will explain why, in a moment. What you must understand is that the very first victims of this backlash will be Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. For obvious reasons, I should not even be letting this out of the bag…but railing against Trump supporters will make it impossible for Biden to succeed.
Joe: you will be hampered every step of the way if you keep attacking Trump people.

At first there will be a lull. Trump will go golfing and folks will hang up their MAGA hats. For the moment, corporations and banks will give in to woke threats and ban products and try to cancel folks like Mike Lindell, the My Pillow man, for supporting Trump. And, at first, that will work. But then, look out.
Remember when the LGBTQ people tried to put Chick-fil-A out of business, and soon the opposite happened, as folks lined up for hours to buy their food? The same will happen to Bed Bath and Beyond and Kohl’s—but in reverse, for banning My Pillow products. And, it will happen to any corporation that tries to cancel Trump voters.
Here’s why:
By attacking them, Democrats are in reality galvanizing an intelligent group of people to act as a single unit. These are not hayseed, backwater buffoons. These are educated business owners. These are middleclass families with deeply held beliefs. They are black and brown people who were faithful Democrats, but who saw the light and left the plantation.
All these people have one thing in common: they came by their convictions slowly and deliberately. That means you will only motivate them when you insult them for being racists, cultists and Nazis. Because they, more than anyone else, know how big a lie those insults are.
74 million people is a lot of influence and buying power. 74 million people who believe something fishy happened on November 3rd represent a lot of investigative power. Somewhere, someone who knows something is going to crack, and then, it is game-on.
74 million people who will not let an issue go is a Congressman’s worst nightmare. They can run, but they cannot hide. And if they want to be reelected, they had better listen.
74 million people remember who closed all those small businesses, and why.
Go ahead and enjoy the lull. Repeat this mantra over and over to yourself, until you believe it: “It was a fair and free election, and everyone believes it.” Everyone, that is, except the 100 million Americans whom the polls show don’t believe it.
Go ahead and keep lying about millions of citizens who are not brainwashed, stupid or fickle.
Go ahead and underestimate us. That will be remarkably interesting…

The problem with upcoming elections is their ability to continue cheating and breaking the voter laws
Beautifully stated and oh so true. I and many of my friends who voted for President Trump are banned from commenting on Facebook until 1/23/21. Good to read your email. Praying for Gods divine protection over President Donald J Trump and all who voted for him.
The Democrats are so desperate to unload the guilt they bear, so they expand and magnify their name calling and slander to the ridiculous point of being beyond stupid! Democrats are pathetic losers, sitting in the seat of the scornful! They will be consumed by their own diabolical dirty devices!
I can’t believe God didn’t answer our prayers and that evil won. America as we know it is over and we won’t ever have another fair election again.
Evil will never win be patient
Hang in there Karyn. Never say “never”. Our part is just to pray faithfully and God’s part is to answer “yes, no, or wait a while” in His own perfect way and time. Our finite minds often can’t understand why He allows certain things because …” as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. – Isa. : 55:9
What we can be sure of is His promise that, “I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jer. 29:11 (HCSB)
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” – Rom. 11:33
God’s not through. God allowed Daniel to go to the lion’s den. God allowed Paul go to prison, but God delivered then out of the enemies hand. God isn’t through yet.
God didn’t fail to answer our prayers. Sometimes God allows people to cheat, and to cheat on an industrial scale, because he allows free will and gives them space to repent. He allows other people to have an opportunity to act, and this time they have all failed. The left thinks they have won and they swell with pride in their power, but God has not yet ruled on the situation.
Psalm 73
16When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;
17Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.
18Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.
19How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.
Psalm 22:28 and Psalm 2 will help. The left thinks they have won and they think they control their own destiny because they can cheat in elections and silence the opposition. But what they don’t know is that the final judge hasn’t ruled yet. There is One Governor and like the ancient Babylonians, if they don’t repent, they will be measured in the balance and God will speak their sentence. If Trump or the judges or state legislators had been able to stop the cheating, they would have gotten the glory. Now only God can rise and pronounce His sentence on this nation and when He does, He alone will be glorified and credited with transforming an impossible situation and bringing down the wicked, or calling the sinner to repentance.
Karyn, don’t give up. God often waits until things look absolutely hopeless from a human standpoint so that He and He alone has the power to fix things and He alone will get the glory. I think He had to wait until the “abomination of desolation” ( my nickname for Biden) was installed in the White House for things to get to that point. Hang in there and keep praying – it isn’t over until God says it’s over!!
The inauguration is not God’s timetable. God will answer prayers. Remember when the Jew who followed Jesus thought he would become their earthly Messiah? When they hung Him on the cross, they thought it was over. They had forgotten about the prophecy or didn’t understand it. The two on the road didn’t even know that was Jesus walking with them because they were so blinded by their disappointment…until he explained to them the scriptures. I think some of us are that way. WE expected Trump to win and he did, but the socialist stole his votes so we thought the Supreme Court would listen, but they didn’t, and so forth. God doesn’t operate on man’s time table. Hold onto your faith and believe the prophecy. God will come through and you will be amazed
But have faith. What the devil meant for evil. God will turn into good. Remember this verse:
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” — Genesis 50:20 NIV
The battle is now the Lord’s.
Im canadian , I wish I could have voted for Trump. Please pray for us in Canada. Trudeau is just another Biden. We need God to intervene and drain the swamp here in Canada
Remona prayers are being lifted up for God to reach the evil tyrants around the world (including Canada and America) as He is MIGHTY to save!! ? However, if they choose not to repent and come to God, may He remove them from their “so-called power”. ?
Daniel 7:22
Until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One and the time came when they possessed the kingdom. ”
Ancient of days as old as You are
As old as You are oh
You will never change
Blessing, honour, glory and power be unto You
The ancient of days
I will bless You and honour You Lord
Because you are worthy to be praise
From every nations all created,
Will bow down before You.????
Thank You brother Mario, you took all the words out of my mouth! Exactly what I say! SPOT ON!
Stand strong America, wait and see what God will do!
Another excellent post on this blog. Obviously, the people who voted for Biden, Harris and the other Democrats don’t realize that they not only voted for people who hate Americans and America, they also hate all humanity in general. In other words, they voted for the complete destruction of America by voting for the Biden’s and Harris’s of the world. I pray that all of these people will realize that they’re sinners (which all of us are, see Romans 3:23), repent wholeheartedly, and ask Jesus Christ to come into their hearts as Lord and Savior. If there was ever a time for serious repentance and revival in America, that time is right now. Please pray for that repentance and revival, and heal our land. God Bless You.
“Deprogramming and cleansing” are Marxist – Leninist speak. These terms and the mentality that uses them are a revelation of the ideological depravity these ‘woke’ leftists have sunk to. Empty brains regurgitating empty mantras. You are right, Mario – Americans of true grit will not stand for this nonsense. I still believe the fall of these cheating liars is imminent It will be in His timing and by the strength of His Truth!
Spot on.
Amen? 100% agree
I totally agree even though my heart is so heavy at the moment, this too will pass as we pray and pray hard!
Right on Brother Mario, another post that is Not for the church of big screens, skinny jeans, and fog machines and the cowards that didn’t stand for God’s Laws and President Trump. The sleeping Giant has Awaken?⚡️??
I would like everyone to remember this and these words and what it means if Biden takes the oath of office today.
The first presidential inauguration was held on April 30, 1789, in what was then the nation’s capital of New York City. On a second floor balcony of Federal Hall, George Washington took the oath of office as the first president of the United States. With one hand on the Bible, Washington recited the words that would be said by every president after him: “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” ????????
Good Luck with that oath Biden!
Biden, the Duke Of Death, has this “sworn oath” in his darkened heart to preserve, protect, and defend the brutal murder of helpless children in mother’s wombs. He will faithfully execute the unborn with the citizen’s tax money! He promises to make Hitler look like a choir boy! He solemnly swears to uphold his own Constitution, and hoodwink all the blithering idiots who voted for him and helped him steal the election! Ecclesiastes 7:6 is the Banner over Biden’s head! The curse of the crackling of thorns under a pot! The Democratic laughter of fools which will only last a short time, will be turned into weeping and howling! Biden is a flash in the pan! His pernicious and wicked ways will make him fit for the fireplace! Job 20:5 is written on Beastly Biden’s forehead! “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment!
Psalm 68 1Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.
2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.
3 But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Thank you for this article! Well said.
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I wrote a letter asking President TRUMP to act because there is going to be bloodshed no matter how much we detest it no matter how much we want to avoid it.
My question to him was how much blood and whose…
Determined American Vietnam Era Veteran! Still praying for Fathers last minute reprieve, but also prepared for whatever comes…
Thank you — we the 100 million couldn’t have said it any better! The heart of the matter is and always will be the true matter! God is looking at our hearts — will we be after His and wake up and pray: Father what can each of us 100+million do for your kingdom here on earth to honor you and keep the values of the county as your anointed, Donald Trump has done and will continue to do — despite so much opposition— we cannot go back to sleep we must do our part and agree and support the heart of our God!
Returning the hearts of the children back to the Father…….Let it begin with me Lord: I repent for being about my business and not Yours God, sleepily allowing this to get this way, allowing our country to come so close to socialism and communism! HEAL OUR HEARTS AND THE LAND WILL HEAL!!! To God be the glory!!!! Let us get busy being about our Father’s business like Mr. Murillo because all souls matter to our Father! God bless you all and God bless America as we turn our humble hearts back to Him!?
Praise God for your ministry Mario and encouraging words. What I feel God is speaking to me is praising Him in the storm and continuing to rest and trust in His plan for all us. God always wins, this is but one battle the war has already been Won. May God continue to use you Mario to evangelize and may we experience the biggest revival ever because the battle is always darkest before the breakthrough. Praising, trusting and glorifying my heavenly Father thru every season. ?❤️?????
Still STANDING—still PRAYING—still BELIEVING—still holding on to my GREAT FAITH!
Heavenly Father, Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of Wisdom….Teach us to number our days that we may Rejoice and Be Glad……For a Thousand Years IN YOUR SIGHT IS MERELY A WATCH IN THE NIGHT—-SO BEFORE WE ALL FLY AWAY—-Teach us—Teach us Oh LORD—Teach us to number our days, in the Precious and holy name of Jesus the Christ, the only Begotten Son of THE LIVING GOD. Amen
Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
A—MEN ?❤️?????
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, 2:51 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Awesome message
A powerful force of God is rising up! Your Will be done on earth! Hallelujah!
A Powerful Spiritual Force is about to be released within the body of Christ it will be the greatest manifestation of the power of God the world has ever seen.
Another 10 million votes were just recovered!. Stay prayerful today folk.
Where? I’m so down today. I never thought I would see this happening in America.
Karyn, I think God showed me why today. You know all those people who voted for Biden, not believing he could be bad, and that Trump was not speaking the truth? Who believed all those nice comforting lies? I think, besides testing us, to see if we’ll believe when this is absolutely impossible for anyone but God to change (like raising Lazarus from the dead) He wants those delusional people to get a real look at how a Leftist government in America with the gloves off will be. Just a taste, to put the fear of God in them and wake them up to the truth. For repentance. God is not late. What the Left tried to do for four years; remove Donald Trump from office, will as promised, boomerang back on them. They will not keep the Presidency or anything else. They will fall into their own traps. Right now, when it is impossible, God will do it! He always does it then, that’s how we know it’s Him and not us. Praise and thank Him now, when it’s so hard, and He will lift you up. Blessings, believing for joy in the morning.
thank you… I’m smiling at your post and echoing the thoughts with a great big YES, but at the same time, I am hearing Hannah Whithall Smith quietly reminding us of another huge factor, God, God Who sees the depravity, the lies, the schemes, the haters… blessings, ann westerman
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 2:55 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
It’s not over. I believe God.
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, 1:53 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Thank you Mario for standing up and for reminding everyone to be courageous and stay in the Word.
Your messages are still encouraging as the first time my husband and I heard you in Orlando Fl in late 1970!!
Praying for your ministry.
NO weapon formed against Jesus and His church will prosper. Isa 54:17
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord
U got that right Mario♥️
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, 1:16 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Incredible! My thoughts exactly…
79.8 million. What a dark day this is.
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, 2:11 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
That barley loaf is headed to their camp and it is going to strike it and bring it all down!
Praise and Thank You God!
What a great post! I forwarded to as many as I could! God bless you Mario and your team! I look forward to all your posts!
YES, YES, YES!!!!!! And “THANK YOU” Mario Murillo for being a VOICE for us!!!
YES, YES, YES!!!! And “THANK YOU” Mario Murillo for being a VOICE for the American people!
Brother Mario, once again, “thank you”! And once again, you are spot on! Truth ALWAYS wins over lies! Light ALWAYS exposes darkness! Righteousness ALWAYS wins over unrighteousness! Life ALWAYS triumphs over death! The Kingdom of God is an upside down Kingdom. Parasites eventually kill the host and all that is left is a corpse – dead. Dead things cannot produce life. Obvious to us Jesus followers, but “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving”.
amen I stand with the profits of God ,and will never stop believe for the second I stop we loose ,I will stay on Gods side , and wait to see what He will do , I will continue to read my bible ,seed my fiancé ,write down the things God is saying to me ,I would rather be called a cult by the media than be counted on the left anytime
Reblogged this on Covenant Chronicles with Chris Lovett.
Excellent insight, and very accurate. Bless you for your courage and boldness.
Kn R. Schultz
Amen to that Mario!
Talk about brainwashed, the left and its allies, (MSM, Big tech, Censorship)
( BLM & Antifa, the real domestic terrorist)
The only thing they have is their lies, lies, lies.
Right on!
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 1:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Amen. The hypocrisy of the leftists is only exceeded by their narcissistic blindness to the truth.
I agree with you, Mario! Praying for you and your next tent revival. (Please come to Michigan!)
First of all it is not 75 Million people. It was closer to 100Million. if you take away the False ballots given to biden that would be more votes which would be closer to 100 Million. The american people are angry and very upset. There will be a price to pay for the dems and republicans . the majority of REP’cs will leave the party no longer support them. There will be NO unity but a line in the sand Dems/ REp vs the American People.
…a judgement is decreed upon the people in the USA because the people allowed the ruling elite to commit atrocities against others without holding them accountable for their corruption of truth. Therefore, the people are judged as accomplices in the criminal act of deception for personal gain while imposing servitude and poverty on the poorest of the poor. What President Trump discovered was greater than the fraud, in the three branches of government, it is linked to the Vatican that governs a greater amount of people worldwide and will not relinquish their authority to a lesser non-religious form of controlling the masses. Until the truth comes out, people are living a lie. Beware of the inquisition and dark ages being revived. Only the Lord can stop the madness unleashed by the antichrist that has replaced a follower of Christ and was mercilessly attacked for his love of truth…
Dark ages? Don’t insult them. Lol
I don’t know if you will ever see this email, but I completely agree with you. We HAVE to act on our principles and not just let this go. I have already started the process of putting my money where my mouth is.
1) I have deleted my facebook account and will no longer be involved in social media where my actions are tracked. I will choose what I see and listen to. 2) I no longer use google as my search engine but have gone with DuckDuckGo. They have the same search power but do not track my private information. 3) I no longer use Amazon. I am shopping locally or searching out other vendors. It may take a little longer, but so be it. 4) I no longer watch or listen to mainstream media. I cannot fill my eyes and ears with the constant barrage of lies.
I will continue to seek out ways to get away from big tech and others who stand for lies. I will try to purchase things that are not made in China (although there really aren’t many options out there–it’s surprising how little is manufactured in the USA).
I am praying for our nation and will continue to pray for our leaders (even though I do not agree with them), because my God tells me to pray for my leaders. I truly hope these 74 million people will not become complacent but will STAND FOR TRUTH. We see where complacency has gotten us.
In Him, Dee Kohlhoff ________________________________
AMEN and AMEN, democrats are to stupid to figure this out, they just want to scream and have Power, they are crooked and corrupt anti-Americans.
Great words Mario.
love the blog and what you are doing.
Congrats to the great revival you hosted in Bakersfield. Thanks be to God.
I pray and decree you continued works increase 30 60 100 fold.
God Bless you Mario and your team.
I saw on Flashpoint last evening where you are going to do another revival in CA. on March 4,
I had a thought about that date. its the original date of inauguration in Philidelphia. with prophets speaking about Philidelphia prior to and just after the election make me wonder if God plan to Make America Christian Again has something to do with that date. just a t thought.
The establishment is over confident. To the point that they will battle each other for power.
At this point we wait for G-D to move
I agree 100 %. GOD said HE would defend us and take care of our enemies and HE means what HE says. The evil crowd better watch out!!!
I am a praying gma, thank you for the trump-it sound! Lost a lot of so called Religious believing friends. I will never stop praying for America and His people and the lost souls. The Aaron’s and Hur’s are standing beside you, lifting your arms until the victory in Jesus! Shalom, Lynda Beatty
Sent from my iPhone
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 12:59 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Amen (So be it!)
Amen, Amen and Praise the Lord!! You hit the nail on the head Mario!!
We will never stop standing firm for America, to see the tons of evidence of the evil, fraud, lies, and corruption that has hijacked the election! It is not over if that’s what Dems are thinking!! It is the lull before the storm as we 74 million will grow daily and become louder and louder until justice is returned to AMERICA! We will never stop praying and trusting in our MOST POWERFUL GOD to bring forth that justice!!
Thank you Mario!! Praying for your upcoming Modesto Revival!!????❤️❤️
This is a great read!
Sent from my iPad
Brother Mario, you wrote: “Somewhere, someone who knows something is going to crack, and then, it is game-on.” This is what I’ve been praying for since November 4th. That they will be so overcome with the fear of the Lord that they will be unable to NOT speak. Kind of like Acts 4:20 with Peter and John, except in reverse! 🙂
When I woke up this morning, immediately the old worship song, You Are God Alone, by Phillips, Craig and Dean came up from my spirt and I was belting it out:
You are not a God, created by human hands
You are not a God, dependent on any mortal man
You are not a God, in need of anything we can give
By Your plan, that’s just the way it is
You are God alone from before time began
You are on Your throne
And right now, in the good times and bad
You are on Your throne
You are God alone
You’re the only God whose power none can contend
You’re the only God whose name and praise will never end
You’re the only God who’s worthy of everything we can give
You are God and that’s just the way it is
Unchangeable, unshakable, unstoppable
That’s what You are
Unchangeable, unshakable, unstoppable
That’s what You are
I love that despite this travesty of justice, OH! how I believe that so, so many in His Body across the entire globe are worshiping the King of kings in UNITY and in FAITH – such as He hasn’t seen probably in a long time.
Thank you Mario for this uplifting message! My husband and I are in the 100 million that are not stupid and did not drink that cool-aid!! My children are on board with President Trump as well. We appreciate so much that you have such wisdom and strength from the Lord! We pray for you everyday and in your ministry. We believe and always have, that God is going to have His way with the evil! We are standing with God and will not waver!!! I’m praying that you will come to the Roseville, Ca. area someday! My husband and I are Chaplains and Prayer Warriors, and we would love to pray with you at your tent revival! The Lord has called me as a warrior and evangelist to speak the gospel on the streets. I love people and want to hear their story. We are behind you ?%! The truth will set people free!!! Thank you my brother in Christ! Blessings and more favor to you!?????????? Cindy
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 12:04 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
God used President Trump to reveal the evil that exists in our nation. It is now up to us to unite, stand firm in our faith, and take back our freedoms. God is testing our faith, we have been praying 24/7. Now He is putting our faith to the test to see if we have truly repented and are ready to stand strong for our belief in Him. If we endure, God will bless us greatly. We have His ultimate power. “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” Isaiah 40:29
God used President Trump to reveal the evil that exists in our nation. It is now up to us to unite, stand firm in our faith, and take back our freedoms. God is testing our faith, we have been praying 24/7. Now He is putting our faith to the test to see if we have truly repented and are ready to stand strong for our belief in Him. If we endure, God will bless us greatly. We have His ultimate power. “He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” Isaiah 40:29
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 2:56 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
I wonder what would have happened if those 74 Million Americans got on their knees and with tears in their eyes bowed their faces to the floor?
Dru-ckenmiller, What makes you think they are not doing that? I wonder? I think I know.
AMEN!!!Keep it coming.You keep me fire up, not that I need any help in that area.
Sent from my iPad
Praise God brother
You have the perfect name for the left,,,, The Plantation.
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, 12:58 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
The Democratic Plantation will degrade into a Penitentiary for all those who are stupid enough to follow them! Biden would be their Prison Guard! Mindless Donkey Head Slaves!
THANKS FOR CALLING IT AS YOU SEE IT, MARIO!!?????? In the past few days, I have heard babies crying out, not as those in pain from abortion or torture, but HEALTHY CRIES, such as in a nursery, 0ur Delivery Wards FiLL UP, with babies that get to LIVE!❤ I also hear the sound of a gallow creaking, as justice is unleased, the cries of the Egyptian soldiers as the Red Sea engulfed them in their pursuit of the Israelites. I can ‘see’ the surprised/ frightened eyes, smell the fear of those trapped in a large net, such as one finds on an African Safari. This trap they set to capture big game. Plan foiled. I see a new set of ‘house’ keys being handed to President Trump.? I hear the Battle Hymn of the Republic?? ?as well as the 1812 Overture cannons in the background, and can detect the aroma of gunpowder. ???? Time will tell the validity of all we are seeing, as we Seek the Lord in these times. ??❤??
Yes and Amen to that!
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On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 1:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Deborahcoates, we need the PRIESTLY INTERCESSORS NETWORK without the LEGAL THREATS!
Clark, she’s probably sending it from work, or from a computer she works on from home. My office and my brother’s office emails always carry the exact same message; they have no control over that. Smile. It will get better.
God anointed Trump for a eight year plan. Trump is being guided by and blessed by Jesus Christ. You cannot go against God’s plans for us. Evil will be exposed and brought to justice. You are seeing a move by God that will lead to the greatest revivals this nation has seen, and this will carry over worldwide. Prayers are getting answered and blessings are coming. Trump will be President this year. Corruption will be removed from government and churches. God is making a big move this year.
We were insulted today by words that pierced deeply. We were called brainwashed and a Trump cult, but we are neither The Lord said they hate Me and they will hate you also. We voted and we were cheated by evil people. The first thing biden said he would do today is to let any Muslims who want to come, come. Radical Muslims have PROMISED US they will take us down from within. Stay on your knees church revival is on the way and so is evil. The person who said the final prayer wore a scarf of a Muslim terrorist group, and did not say the name of JESUS!! That says so very much!!!!
Mario I am so happy to read this today. God bless you!!!! and God bless us and this great great country, founded on your principles Father!
Mario please don’t stop writing and take the tent meetings to America!
darlene zink
Zink, there are some Christians who come into Mario’s Blogs who are allergic to the name of JESUS! They refuse to say the Name of JESUS! THAT speaks volumes!
Yes we will not forget and we will not go away.
We show appreciate your ministry and love of God and heart for his people.
Your blogs are always inspiring, encouranging while being right on.
Keep up the work my brother, our prayers and appreciation are with you.
Greg and Janet Pollock
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Thank you Mario I have been watching you on Flash Point and was seeing you continue to work doing Jesus will to preach and convert God Bless all you turn your hand at I am encouraged God is and will In Jesus Name Kathleen
Always the Truth MMM! Love it! This morning the Lord spoke to me saying ” If President Trump got in right away, it would have been too easy for the church.” Wow, it’s so true. We haven’t fought nearly as hard as we need to and have to! Or even pray and bow our face to the floor and put on the armour we declare we have.
“STAND, RISE UP and take up your mat” and keep marching forward, looking up towards the Lord. Like Jesus said….”the harvest is plenty, the workers are few.” Praying for the strength of the Lord and the joy of the Lord to be burned in our hearts. Amen.
Many of them did.
The American people need to follow your advice We are in the driver’s seat if we stick together Don’t be fooled by the bread crumbs they try to throw to make you think they are for America Keep your eyes on Jesus your heart open to the Holy Spirit guidance and hide the word of God in your heart
Thank you for a great word today! May God bless you and your ministry with increased favor and ministry opportunities, and financial increase!
Thank you for this.
Sent from my iPad
I ordered pillows last night and am going to order towels today. My friend is ordering sheets. I’m cancelling my decades-old Kohl’s account. Unsubscribed from BB&B emails. Wayfair, I quit a few years back when they dropped Laura I. for saying something against that Camera Hog kid.
Look at the difference between how that kid was treated, btw, and how the Covington kid was treated. It’s bizarre, the way these leftists think.
I turned to tv to some obscure channel. I was not letting them count this household as watching their phony inauguration of their phony president.
I believe that those Christians who voted democrat and those republicans who congratulated Biden and are slobbering all over the left to curry favor, are going to pay a price.
I just saw that 500 publishers are calling for blocking all Trump associates from getting any books out. This is the “tolerant” Left! The idiots actually think they are needed. Independent and Christian publishers abound. The truth will not be squelched. This is God’s America. The devil may have his day, America may eventually go into the NWO, if that is the will of God, only He knows-but it is not yet.
Judgment is coming.
Kingskid, just to let you know, when you link to an email in Google, we can’t see it. We just get a generic screen about “getting started with gmail”.
It seemed as though our dear “Debra”, Amy Coney Barrett, stood alone today. Fear not, dear one, Angels surrounded you and will not stop. The country is praying for you, God is your wisdom. Listen to Him. You looked alone and very sad. We will hold you up!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! You are appreciated and loved!
darlene zink
Thank you for your post, Mario… yes, we must keep our eyes on Jesus! He is the TRUE Commander in Chief, loves His people and will uphold the Father’s will as He bears the governments (ALL – not just USA) upon His shoulders.
Yes and Amen. Truth may be ignored, but you cannot bury it. It is still truth and that truth is what will set this country free!!!!
It’s going to get interesting. Be sure to read to the bottom.
I would feel hope if it were not for voter fraud. Our voices can not be heard. We can rally, we can scream but if we can’t vote, what do we have?
Conniecrispin our voices most certainly have been heard by ALMIGHTY GOD!!!
God did not do all this uncovering of evil just to let it continue to prevail. He is not finished with Trump or America.
This is a Red Sea moment. All we see at this point is water but God has a dry path for us to cross it just has not manifested yet.
We need to stop looking at this with physical eyes and start looking at it with our spiritual eyes.
I believe President Trump was inaugurated today and the prophets are correct. In my spirit, I saw President Trump administered the oath of office by the Judge of all creation. Amen.
Thank you, Mario. You are a truthsayer!
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021, 3:13 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Mr. Murillo:
Well…this evil age will be good exercise for our faith muscles. We will need it to prepare for the coming Tribulation and for when Satan is loosed after the thousand year reign. Yes, we church potatoes are going to have to get up from our pews, from our computers, and TVs to discover our assignments and as you said “get busy.”
Many of those 74 million will crack and go with the same flow that half of their friends and family are doing, that is moving to the left. That pattern will continue, unless something drastic and miraculous happens sooner rather than later. It could happen within hours, days or weeks, but much longer than that and we will see support of Trump melt even faster.
Spot on!
AMEN!! God bless you!
Roger on your last!
Harry Leonard
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On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 2:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Thank you so much. Well said. Mandy
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
I’m 100% behind you Mario. You couldn’t have said it better. Quoting Marilyn Hickey, “It isn’t over until you win”. How true! I’m not a quitter & will fight this thing until we win, and we most certainly will.
God Bless!!!!!
Some hacker is having a good time. LOL! Go to and it takes you to
That is actually hilarious!!! I tried it and you are right.
I have a revelation! BOYCOTS!!!Boycot the oppressors and find a way to buy direct.
Especially from Truth Lovers.
Now that the steal is complete. And we have prayed and fasted to prevent it.
The Battle is the Lord’s.
I remember a testimony Barry McGuire gave once about being accused of being brain washed…
Something to the effect that he was thankful his brain had been wash by the blood of Jesus, who wants a scuzzy filthy brain anyway???
Keep up the good work! I’m standing in faith with you and all the people that voted for President Donald J. Trump. GOD will have HIS way. He never lost a battle. Blessings
I’ve been following this guy ever since my mother started speaking highly of him. I’ve read nearly every post over the past year+ and am struggling to find Christ in his teachings. There’s a lot of “us v. them” and negativity toward anyone who claims to be liberal. There’s an immense support for one man, done so “in Jesus’ name” rather than discussing Christ’s teachings.
Somebody show me where Christ’s teachings support this rhetoric.
Would it be possible to add a link to share your posts on MeWe?
It is such a blessing to have the Truth of God’s Word presented to those us of who are so desiring ministries to speak Truth. And am so grateful you are being used by the Holy Spirit to give instructions to God’s Children concerning this spiritual warfare we are fighting.
Lord bless you, you wife and your God ordained ministry!
Agree! Can’t wait!!!!
Yes I totally agree and my eyes are “totally” open.
Thank you brother Mario for all of your hard work
and insight. You are appreciated much.
Dear Mario,
In reading this today and having watched you since the election I think you should run for office. You would have gleaned an enormous following during this time and someone needs to galvanize the 74 million voters plus many other supporters together to fight on as one unit. Whats that old saying ‘United we stand, divided we fall’?
You have done an astounding job in your ministry, perhaps it is time to pray about the next season. Has God given you this position of prominence simply to comment over an election result that didn’t go your way or my way, I don’t think so.
I encourage you to pray over this Mario in the coming weeks and months, the mid-terms are only 2 years away and God knows government needs good Christians like you in there who are well able to fight.
Graham Cameron
We are not backing down, brother Mario, we CANNOT for Jesus’ sake. We are not people who align ourselves with lawlessness which is exactly against the Word of the Lord. I refuse to refer to Biden as the title he stole for that is to align myself with darkness. Lord, I WILL NOT agree with evil. Or call what is evil good.
I’ve seen the wicked who came against me defeated before my face when it looked like for a few years justice would never come but when it did, God did it so well, it was like He had a list with checkboxes on it where I needed justice and vindication, and He made sure He didn’t miss one. Hallelujah!
I also wrote this to declare before the Lord and encourage others, “The parable of the unjust race”
Excerpt: “There was a major race of significant importance, the stadium filled with 30,000 plus onlookers at the edge of their seats. “Who will win the race?” they wondered aloud. Millions watched from home online from all over the world.
The runners in their readied positions heard the start gun and took off.
A minute passed and already several runners trailed way behind the two that were now in the lead.
Another minute passed, and one of the leading runners sprinted and took a significant, undeniable lead. The crowd roared for it was the favored runner of the majority, DJ. It looked like it was over for the runner in second place, FJ, for the race was almost over.
Suddenly, like dark magic, FJ, began to speed up, making otherworldly long strides, fast approaching DJ. Just as DJ’s foot touched the finish line, FJ, flew past him but not before shoving DJ backwards with all his might.
An audible gasp filled the stadium. People worldwide couldn’t believe their eyes.
Smoke began to rise from the back of FJ’s sneakers who quickly kicked them off and shouted, “I won! I won! Peace and unity! Peace and unity!”………..
P.S. got my MY PILLOW yesterday. 🙂
With all of the temporarily depressing, fiery dart political events/results threatening us lately, I found it refreshing to read Howie Carr’s review of all of the blessings that God poured out on Americans through President Trump’s four years of determined hard work:
I’m so disappointed with this whole election and how Nancy Pelosi decided to “impeach” President Trump for absolutely no valid reason and no valid documentation as to why she wants to impeach someone who did good for this country I think they need to impeach Nancy Pelosi Biden and his cohorts!
More details about foreign interference in the 2020 election:
Trump thinking about forming a new party:
Hold on, Saints.
Sometimes, we get too impatient, waiting for God to move. It’s a human thing. But He is going to move:
My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you, my friends American Believers. Today as I was driving my car on the motorway I saw a Mainfreight Truck. Here (NZ) they all have a “homily” on the back. I looked at this truck and thought I wonder what this homily is?….. I did a complete double-take: it was
“Believe in Miracles”!
I continued on my way Praising God. “He has sounded forth the trumpet that will never call defeat, He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgement seat, Oh be swift my soul to answer Him be jubilant my feet, our God is marching on”
I get these too. 🙂
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 7:19 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Spot on MMM!
76 million is a conservative figure too. Take out the cheats – no surprise for it to be over 80 million!
Feeling the prayers of all the Christians around the world. God has this!
God Bless you MMM – beyond expectations.
There needs to be a website that names those corporations like Bed Bath and Beyond who are supporting those who are cancelling us and Trump supporters like Mick Lindell. Bed Bath and Beyond made a big mistake. 74 million people, like Mario said is a lot of buying power. Personally I’d like to see a national boycott of the Super-Bowl, in protest of the rigged vote, let it be known, we have to start our peaceful protest, a high profile event like the Super-Bowl is a great place to start.
Ask and ye shall receive: 😉
You’re right on Mario! I just keep praying for justice and avoid any pictures or statements from the swamp because they make me nauseous.
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 2:53 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” At least 74 million Americans voted for > Trump. They are not ‘loons’, despite what Bill Maher or Katie Couric > thinks. Neither are they ‘brainwashed.’ Nor do they have a ‘cult-like > adoration’ for Trump. Of course, every movement has its fringe, but the > mil” >
Where is Mario this morning ?
Sent from my iPad
Gosh! So many of your blogs are spot on! This one especially to my beliefs! There will be something going on, and God will bring to light what is necessary to expose these evil-doers.
I keep thinking also of a “volcano”……….
While we can certainly thank God for impressing upon Donald Trump to run for President we must realize that is not Trump who is behind this movement. We must realize that God’s Holy Spirit is what is motivating Trump and his supporters. This is why we must never throw in the towel we must never give up until the swamp in our government is drained of those who do not have His Holy Spirit in their heart. Nothing will please God more than to have every person on the face of this earth filled with His Holy Spirit. God has given His church, His people, the message that He has chosen to save those that believe His message and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. God has given us the way to receive His Holy Spirit, Act 2:38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The more people who receive His Holy Spirit the more we will find His love filling the heart of His people. As that happens hate will be replaced with His love and we will be able to love one another the same way He has loved us.