Today we woke to the up to the sad truth that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws and evil leaders.
Doesn’t the Bible tell us to obey them no matter what? Absolutely not. And it is shocking how many believers do not know their Bible or have been given false teaching. There is no verse in the Bible that tells you to obey evil government or laws. And again, if we don’t realize that now, before we sit back and let our nation be destroyed.
Christians during the American Revolution understood that the Bible does not teach us to obey evil laws or leaders. There would be no America if Christian Colonists believed they should obey the evil laws of England.
Let me prove to you beyond any doubt that the Bible tells us what we must do in the face of wicked government and laws.
First, I will expose a pathetic heresy that many believers commonly accept as truth. This is a widespread excuse for submitting when we should disobey.
Here is an example of someone who wrote me while under the influence of this false teaching:
“Out of curiosity, how do you justify your argument against obeying the government when you read Romans 13:1-7. The government Paul was talking about was even more oppressive than anything we can imagine. You could truly be martyred for your faith under the Roman government. And, what was Paul’s response? Did he call for governmental reform? Did he call for us to protest the government? Did he demand his rights and call on the government to recognize his rights? None of the above, he said, in the face of a brutal government, to obey. He didn’t say obey if your rights are recognized, he said obey. The church of today has to realize that the government is not our arena as Christians. Never, in the history of the church, has God used the government to bring about change.”
This defense of submission to evil government is riddled with error and falsehoods. Here are my responses to selected quotes:
1.“You could truly be martyred for your faith under the Roman government.” First the writer tells us to obey evil laws, but then mentions martyrs. They never would have been martyred had they not broken the law by being Christians.
2. Then he asks, “Did (Paul) call for governmental reform? Did he call for us to protest the government? Did he demand his rights and call on the government to recognize his rights? None of the above…” The truth is, Paul did all of the above. “Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out” (Acts 16:37).
3. And finally, the zinger—the heresy that has sidelined the Body of Christ in the hour when we are most needed: “The church of today has to realize that the government is not our arena as Christians. Never, in the history of the church, has God used the government to bring about change.” Totally untrue. William Wilberforce was a Christian who used his faith in Jesus to abolish slavery in England. In fact, believers throughout history have created child labor laws, health regulations, and have exposed injustice, and corruption. It is safe to say that Christians are more responsible for influencing government, bringing about reform by forcing laws to be changed, and standing up for justice, than any other group in history.
So how did this writer get it so wrong? By doing what so many do. Isolating one set of verses, taking them out of context, and arriving at a conclusion that looks holy, but is in fact, pure and simple fear.
Let’s look at the verses that have been violated:
“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore, you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor (Romans 13:1-7).
It seems to say that we are to honor government in every form, right? Wrong. To demonstrate what Paul is saying I offer this example. Say some parents leave the house, and leave the oldest child in charge. The child is given strict instructions not to open the door for anyone, except for a postal messenger whom they are expecting to deliver an important package that day.
The parents tell the child, “He will have blonde hair. He is wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. Don’t let anyone else in.” So later, a man with black hair, a blue shirt, and black slacks knocks on the door claiming to be the messenger with the package. Do they let him in? Of course not.
Lost in all the quoting of this verse on submission to government is the most important part: The description of the ruling authority. The Bible tells us what they are wearing! Look at the description:
1.They are not a terror to good works. Any government that terrorizes the innocent is not of God. How can you say that Hitler was God’s will for Germany? Hitler and other tyrants are in fact the ones being warned that there were God appointed governments who would destroy them: “But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” That is why the just powers of the world rose up and destroyed the Nazis.
2. They praise good works. Authorities that are endorsed by God do not hate or oppose Christian activity. They are the ones who—even if they are not Christian themselves—do not insult soul winning or fight the work of God. They are the cops, teachers, politicians who are glad that children are getting out of gangs and off of drugs.
3. You must be subject for the sake of conscience. When it becomes tricky, is when government is a mixture of right and wrong. Jesus said of the Pharisees, “Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, but do not do” (Matthew 23:3).
Do what they say, but don’t partake of their hypocrisy. Watch them for that moment when they cross the line and come between you and your God. Just as our conscience should drive us to obey the law, we should also know when our conscience tells us not to obey an evil law.
Here’s when Peter reached that tipping point, speaking to those very same Pharisees: “So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:18-20).
And again, in Acts 5:29, “Peter and the other apostles answered and said: “We ought to obey God rather than men.””
God not only does not endorse evil government: He will have no part in it. “Can a corrupt throne be allied with you—a throne that brings on misery by its decrees? The wicked band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death” (Psalm 94:20). There is your answer. A corrupt throne (government) cannot be allied with God.
The Amplified Bible (1974) puts it this way: “Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one which frames and devises mischief by decree [under the sacred name of law]?” How much clearer can it be than this? It proves that laws can be evil and cannot be allied with God.
In fact, evil laws are the worst form of sin. They provide legitimacy to evil. Matthew Henry said, “Iniquity is daring enough even when human laws are against it, which often prove too weak to give an effectual check to it; but how insolent, how mischievous, is it when it is backed by a law! Iniquity is not the better, but much the worse, for being enacted by law; nor will it excuse those that practice it to say that they did but do as they were bidden.”
Notice how at the end, Henry says we can’t use the excuse that we were just obeying the law. That is why Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
The laws being created by Democrats, using the coronavirus as an excuse, are far worse than the virus itself because, unlike the virus, those new laws become permanent. It is time for the church to wake up and take action, beginning with voting the evildoers out of office and quit calling our submission a godly thing, when it is just a cowardly thing.
18 January 2025
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
2 Nights of Miracles, Charlotte NCDaily
The Encounter Charlotte, 1651 NC-24, Midland, NC 28107
Excellent article. I’m going to try to print it so I can reread over again and ponder.
In my early walk and into so many years, I use to think of pray for your enemies and one who do you wrong. Until one year a friend of mine of about forty yrs. said to me ” Bessie , I really like you and admire you for who you are but I have to say , I see that you are timid.” So I looked up timid definition and here it is ” lacking in courage or self-confidence a timid person. 2 : lacking in boldness or determination a timid policy.” When I experience God so strongly in 78, I was in a twinkling of an eye transformed and felt the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Pray for your enemies. About four yrs ago, I experienced what now I realized is bullying from my husbands friends from his high school yrs., as we visited his hometown on and off over the yrs. This time it bought thoughts of a voice say “Have a drink” along came the memory of the warmth the first shot would bring. I heard a voice say “What go back to your own vomit!”Next came “End your own life” than come the words “What go into a hellhole where you will be for eternity!” Then Gods joy returned as I recognize who was my enemy. With this experience it gave me the insight into what behavior is called bullying. Now I can stand up for myself to all and come back with an answer that ends their behavior. I saw how Pelosi tore up the papers four yrs. ago in from of our nation on the media. That was a bullying attitude in front of all . Teaching the public and people of our country to bully Trump for four yrs. with her attitude and passing it onto the public. No wonder , if grownup act this way, we have rampant bullying in the school system and society. We as people who voted for Trump should have done something about the constant barrage of bullying going on against Trump and now they are doing that to Rudy Giuliani who stood with Trump in his last days of office.
I agree. ALL Believers should read this outstanding blog in this critical hour.
Great idea! I will be printing mine also.
Thank You Mario for the truth from scripture, and for your time spent in prayer, study and sharing it with me. God Bless.
Big amen I refuse to unite with evil, and have been attacked over this very thing today and to night, when will Christians really learn how to pray against evil, instead of uniting with it, thats our whole problem, we fight for the devil instead of binding and casting out and down evil, it would be nice if the church fought on Gods side and not the enemies, we might really do good and change the world.
Great message.
I posted the article below about a week and a half ago, but in light of today’s message, I think it bears repeating. It’s about “praying for those in authority,” according to 1 Timothy 2:2. Most of the time when people think of this verse, they have this preconceived notion that our prayers for leaders are supposed to be all “sugar and spice and everything nice.” ?
Well, this article offers a contrasting perspective:
Finally: Thank you Mario for your perspective on Roman13 – for our “good” and not for evil. My prayer for this new president and V.P. is to be with this blessing of: God’s holy fear to fall upon him; the conviction of the Holy Spirit bring to repentence, just one for example his faith’s position of the murder of the unborn as well as other unbiblical executive orders he is already signed; salvation in truth instead of his false witness as a Christian instead of walking in a Biblical Christianity; lastly- that the righteous justice of God from His throne (Ps. 89:14) that brings His judgment upon Joe Biden that only God can bring. In the spiritual state he is in he is not blessed by God in his going out or coming in (Duet. 28) and if God does not bless him with sucess, this the above is only way I can pray for them. P.S. this is from a pastor who is now being censored by F.B. for speaking out. Rise up with love that is fueled for Jesus, His kingdom mandates and love for this country which He is calling out to be great again.
Yes, this morning pondering what might happen if we praying millions turned our focus to j &k? I’m convinced that our prayers for t kept him upright under the onslaught. I am also praying for justice to be served, a great revival, and for people’s eyes to be opened to the truth. The present authority does not have our best interests at heart, to put it mildly.
Thank you for that timely link you included. Hard assignment to pray for the soul of this Commander a Thief. ?
No problem, mamahaskins. Yes, it’s not a real fun assignment, is it? ?
The law of God is above any other laws, and especially, when it goes against what it says in the Word of God. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make free.
I’m going to take it back old school, to the Mid 90’s, during the Brownsville Revival. I hear this song rising in me. It’s also on YouTube, maybe it will ignite some fire in you and cause you to RISE UP.???⚡️?? ⛺️
Enemy’s camp lyrics
Well, I went to the enemy’s camp and
I took back what he stole from me (x3)
I went to the enemy’s camp and
I took back what he stole from me
You know
He’s under my feet (x6)
Satan is under my feet
I went to the enemy’s camp and
I took back what he stole from me (x3)
I went to the enemy’s camp and
I took back what he stole from me
You know
He’s under my feet (x6)
Satan is under my feet
I went to the enemy’s camp and
I took back what he stole from me (x3)
I went to the enemy’s camp and
I took back what he stole from me
You know
He’s under my feet (x6)
Satan is under my feet
Great message Mario!! You are SO right…we must obey God rather than man!
Your message is so timely in view of where we are with a new administration set in place to further enhance some already tyrannical Governors and give them their due, such as Newsom !! We have a serious challenge before us! A true fight of Good over Evil…I pray we, the church, are awakened to see truth and stand against a tyrannical Government system!!
Thank you for this message!! ??????????❤️❤️
Reblogged this on nuggets4u.
Thank you brother Mario
for telling the real truth
and exposing the lies that
are backed by cowardly excuses.
As mentioned in Revelations 21-
Cowards go to Hell.
That is the best teaching on civil disobedience I’ve ever come across!
This article is “A Must Read”. It contains “The Sword of the Spirit ” that precisely cuts through the scheming lies of the enemy. Taking the Word in context and setting the captives free. Thank you Mario for Boldly speaking the Truth in Love. God Bless you and may we all act on this Word.
Mario. What about paying TAXES to DC (a foreign corporation!!!!!
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I, too, was wondering about paying taxes to fund abortion to foreign nations (bad enough our own!!)
Mario, could you please address this issue? ??
Thank you & God Bless your ministry!
Dear Mario,
I am so thankful to God for you and all you do. I have been watching Flashpoint and I have a question. You and others say to vote the right people in…..but we have this last election BUT the fraudulent one’s got in….I believe this presidential election was corrupt and fraudulent and all across the State’s. Like Washington state where I live. I truly believe Govenor Inslee is corrupt and won illegally. My question is how do we vote now the right one in offices? And what else can we do? How do we get involved in the politics. I want to know what I can do. I pray, fast, read God’s word, worship, seek Him for answers. Thanks for you words and all of God’s Blessings to you, Taryn.
Thank You, MARIO…We need this word NOW!
Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
Thank you Mario! It is so good for my body, soul and spirit to be encouraged and challenged by your message. Your passion for righteousness comes thru in your words in such a way that moves me to pray relentlessly for my community, to pray for revival in my city and to seek Him in a way I’ve not done in a long time. I will continue to pray for boldness, courage and protection for you and your team.
Excellent! Re-posted to Facebook:
And finally, the zinger—the heresy that has sidelined the Body of Christ in the hour when we are most needed: “The church of today has to realize that the government is not our arena as Christians. Never, in the history of the church, has God used the government to bring about change.” Totally untrue.
Amen! We are to be salt and light in this world! If we, the salt are not mixed into the government how then shall it be preserved? If we do not speak up and shine the light on the evils in our government how than shall they be illuminated, exposed and corrected?
Did you cry salty tears with your face on the floor when you wrote this? Are you going to run for an office in our government? You would make a difference for sure.
Yes, and please remember to pray without ceasing for these new representatives – the Pro-Life ladies who are taking a stand against this tyranny! Pray for their protection from the enemy’s camp! For strength, wisdom, discernment, understanding & knowledge, as they fight the good fight in the middle of the lions den! Pray that they will not be overtaken by the scheming lies & deception of DC politics! ??????
Thank you for your leadership, clarification, as well as compassion for addressing this topic. I am reading many conversations online where Christians struggle/argue with Who or What to obey, especially given the obvious sinful agenda of those just sworn in. Out of lack of understanding, fatigue, apathy or perhaps laziness, there are too many Believers ready to give up, turn yet another bloody cheek, go with the flow, & unfortunately partner with evil and ungodly directives. Misinterpretation of Scripture has kept many in bondage, such as those who stay in horribly abusive marriages and ‘submit’ to their husbands. Your discussion reminds us that God’s Law & Authority is above all others. It is through our more thorough understanding & obedience to what God is truly saying in His Word that we are set free. I find your writing & insight to be of much value as we navigate through these current & ongoing swampy waters of life on Earth. Thank you for taking time to stay in touch.
Amen and thank you for this message.
Amen. So exactly true. Quoting Romans 13 unthinkingly and submitting often isn’t done out of piety but out of self-preservation.
Thank you brother, I have had this discussion so many times in the past year. Most times with supposed pastors who have been to a bible college. Your words are as mine, but i have lost what i thought were good friends. Keep up the fight and thank you so much for being, strong in the LORD
Thank you!!!! My ‘Christian’ school is telling me this lie and I refuse to believe God wants us to honor an authority that wants babies killed and churches silent.
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021, 1:24 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Criminal behavior
…there is something very wrong when a good man is treated like a criminal, and the criminal is adored like a savior! The rules have changed, and the multitudes are rendered helpless to fight the contagion that sweeps the world towards chaos Makes one wonder what drugs they are addicted that alters good as evil, and evil as something to worship!!! When leaders conspire to ger rid of lower-class people, is a form of ethnic cleansing of the “rich and privilege” attacking the poor and gullible.
searching for the truth ________________________________
God bless you brother Mario!!! I agree with all you are saying, and thank you for bringing this message of clarification to the body of Christ!!! Straight from THE WORD!!
We seek God and His wisdom, and obey Him!
It’s why I cannot unite. I cannot unite with Evil, which is anything against God,: murder of the unborn, marriage laws against what God said, how God created us, not how we change ourselves Etc.Etc. We are under God and we pray for those in authority, not agreeing with those in authority. Church wake up. Read what it says. Thanks Mario for rightly dividing the word of Truth.
Amen, brother!
Dear Mario,
Sir, may I copy and paste your posts to FB.
Your words inspire me! Thank you for being a man of God who stands for truth. For being willing to preach the Word in season and out of season. Actually God’s Word is never out of season, is it?
May the Lord continue to strengthen you. To give you rest after laboring for the Lord God Almighty.
BLESS THE LORD, in His love, Dona
yes of course. thanks for your prayers
why do people feel the need to correct the profits and the leaders of the church that are effecting change and try to unify the body . I was thinking how many church would stand together when (and I say when ) the government threatens them with their 501c3 ,to quiet them ,I was an associate paster at a church when Obama did that , the paster at that church folded and got in line , when I said let them have it ,I was asked to leave . we are at that place again , God will provide , when I read the article I thought how miss guided some christians are and don’t know the word , where do they think the 3 Hebrew boy where ,in the government ,danial,joseph,david,moses, oh my the list is too long God bless you Mario
I completely agree with you, Mario. The only part I disagree with you is how can we vote these evil doers out of office when they clearly stole this election? Biden did not win. There is no way we will ever be able to vote in a free & fair election from this moment forward. I only see Christian martyrdom from here onward until Jesus returns. Unless there is a civil war but with Biden in cahoots with China… I don’t see a win unless the military overthrows this administration. I was hoping they were going to arrest them before the inauguration but they didn’t and Trump’s administration let the evil doers takeover… its not looking good.
The Lord is not finished. Stand firm, keep praying, the Lord has promised justice!
Gosh, with you there Lisa! I was so hoping the national guard was there to arrest the treasonous Biden/Harris team! I still think though that there’s no statute of limitations on this, so asking God still to expose it, and them, all!!!
Good points, Lisa. Yes, the argument about “voting the evildoers out of office” rings kinda hollow, doesn’t it? ?
Dear Lisa this is the time when we have to shut our natural eyes and ears and turn off our natural thinking and start to really Believe God. Because everything you are saying in the flesh/natural is what it looks like. But our God is not natural, He is Supernatural and He loves to show off!!! Listen to Kat Kerr and the people who are standing firm and not backing down. God is up to something, He is cooking up a storm to take us All by surprise, especially those who have openly challenged Him. The current Administration is Illegal and Illegitimate. God is laughing at them. Wait for the “Light Bomb”! Have your victory cake ready….
I agree with you Mr. Murillo, And furthermore, We need to call for an end of the voting machines asap, return voting to it’s original working practice where cheating cannot take place, insist on transparency in every area of government, and legitimate transparent investigations into the fraud, independent of the fbi and cia which have been corrupted.
I invite God our Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit back into the White House, all State Capitols, All Corporations, All alphabet government agencies, Jails, Prisons, Courtrooms, Courthouses, Town Squares, Schools, Hospitals and dr’s offices, I invite God back into the houses and homes of every American, into the hearts minds bodies and souls of Christians, to do what’s right in God’s eyes.
I pray for the five fold ministry to get together in a Holy Spirit think tank so that they can get the Mind of Christ on what His will is for His Body and Bride. And take that message to the whole Church at the local level, Not allowing unjust laws by lawmakers, and lawyers who have no interest in God, His Word, or His Way to get in the way.
May the Lord God put down the owners and ceo’s of Silicone valley big tech giants, and others who set themselves up against the anointed Holy One of God.
I’ve called the supreme court, left messages, called reps of the house and senate, left messages.
The arrogance of elected public servants is unprecedented. It’s like the republicans have been working on all the democrats desire and call it bi partisan. Which is not what bi partisan is at all.
Then there’s the public servants enriching themselves with enemy spies and selling their fellow Americans into the hands of the enemies. Then there’s Rowe V Wade illegitimate laws. Poverty laws that are against God….. Things that need to be dealt with.
In Jesus
Some time ago that voice in my head that accepts no argument told me to read Ezekiel Chap 34.
I read it…again and again and again.
Why me? Because for over forty years I was a hill famer in the hills of North-west England. I understand flocks and shepherds. Our Father made sure of that.
Can you not see it? The false shepherds, both political and religious, who grow fat off our backs.
They turn and run with whatever political wind is blowing… in pursuit of worldly power and influence.
We, the flock, the people, have become complacent. Many of us just go with the flow.
My real sheep showed more character. The further you tried to drive them off their own ground, the more difficult they became. Eventually one or two stronger ones would rebel and lead the others back to where they knew they should be… I’ve seen it… It does not do much for a dog’s self esteem to be over-run by a flock of sheep. It needs a pack of hard dogs who can act viciously to control those sheep.
That is what I fear is coming next.
PRAY. Pray for the inner strength to resist.
PRAY that some leader will come forward.
PRAY that God’s Truth will prevail.
Hi Dickatbarn when I was a new Believer (didn’t know the Bible very well) Holy Spirit highlighted this chapter to me. It was so powerful. As I read it I cried at the end when I fully realised that God was talking to me – “You are the sheep of My pasture” It helped me understand the situation within the assembly I was in at the time where the pastors et al emphasized “Obey the Oversight” I knew that God had given me permission to obey His voice first, then men; even pastors. I never forgot the message: Obey God First. Jas 4:7 “Submit to God and Resist the devil and he will flee from you” If we are submitted to God first, then we can resist evil with God’s permission. Fear Not
How can I put this on FB? I would like to share.
Orene.blum. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Please use it whatever way suits you best.
I don’t do Facebook, or other social media so I am not sure how you go about it other than Copy and Paste.
Absolutely right! There is no way we can support laws such as the killing of babies. Keep speaking out, Mario!
As excellent response!
Thank you, Mario for taking a stand against this evil of passivity and ignorance. It is time for the church to stand and take her place!
I fully concur!!!!!
I would like to change my email address, but don’t find where to make that change ☹️
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Our votes have been taken causing Our voice as We The People to be silenced. Our only hope is a miracle from God.
And that miracle from God IS COMING
Yes and Amen! That is such a good message! STANDING! The Power of God is Flowing! Amen
Thank you so much for clarifying in God’s word the whole idea of submitting to authority and His establishing authority over us. This needs to be shouted from rooftops so God’s scared, confused children will walk out of their comfort houses and participate in exposing evil.
big amen
I think we will see more of these types of questions submitted trying to get us to conform to the world’s ideologies by “infiltrators” and NWO ops to herd us to their way of thinking. Their actions will become more aggressive in the future. They start out subtly to see if we are easily swayed. Just look at what comes out of the universities and seminaries these days. Infiltration has always been of their plan, to distort the truth.
I believed the reports of what President Trump could do when he used up all the tool’s available to him. Next could be the Insurrection Act or marshal law. It wasn’t until I watched Trump fly back to his castle with his security team that I hit bottom.
This morning I have been repenting for making Trump my idol and deliverer, also, for spiritual pride I feel broken. He was the best President in my lifetime. I believed the prophecy from the late Kim Clement and words I received when praying. I need to remember that Jesus is the vine and I am fortunate enough to be a branch. Never in 50 years that I have walked with the Lord have I been so completely wrong.
Thank you Mario for your blog today I needed your voice and direction.
Just want to add one more thought.
When Corrie Ten Boone’s sister Betsy realized that they were in a death camp she said, “Corrie we are in hell.” Then they lived their faith in front of the dying and oppressed. So after I have a few days of grieving and praying through I will put on my big girl pants, and get ready to sweep in the greatest end time harvest the world had ever seen.
You did not make Trump your idol. You put your hope in his actions. I don’t think you should give up on God. With God, all things are possible. Keep praying and have Faith and Trust in the Lord that He has a plan in place but it has to be in His time. We don’t want a Civil War. Hearts must be softened and the world really needs to see that there is evil and wrongdoing. Keep praying!
Amen, K. Mason! Thank you for the clarification. The world’s eyes are on us. And they will see God’s Glory, not man’s. But, remember, Satan needs to cripple the U.S. in order to move his agenda forward to destroy Israel. God will not break covenant with us nor will He alter the thing that’s gone out of His lips. Watch God be God.
That was a great post SMS!!!!!
Thank you Mario! For it is TRUTH that will set us free. Righteousness and justice will prevail.
Thankyou for your concise explanation, Mario. This definitely clearly defines our direction and reaction to this illegitimate government that wants to take control. I pray that I may receive this wisdom that you are receiving.
I will stand. Praise be to Jesus.
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021, 1:50 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Thank you for “spelling” it out… This is so clear. There are many who do not have an understanding of this truth. Blessings to you!
Thank you Mario for truth and speaking the Word with integrity! The only time one scores is when you are in the offense position….its time to continually war until we get back what was stolen from us! We are warriors and we are going forward!
Thank you, Mario!
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021, 1:50 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
This was an excellent article!!! I will keep it close at hand-helped give me clear understanding of these scriptures. Thank you so much!
Sent from my iPad
Thank you Mario for speaking truth and keeping our hearts and minds focused on the Word!
Well, I don’t know anything about the date, but I think you are right. All the evil is being exposed, and people who wouldn’t deal with it are going to have the bejabbers scared out of them and repentance will begin on a big scale. The Left tried to unseat Trump for four years. Boomerang is about to happen, all their traps are what they are going to fall into. It is no problem at all for God to re-inaugurate President Trump, just like it was no problem at all to raise Lazarus from the dead, four days later. God is great at The Impossible! Thanks for believing that!
Amen Mario!!!! You brought out the answer I have been asking for.
Illegitimate President
Good word Mario! The problem in the Church today is “ignorance. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” The knowledge of God’s word is absolutely necessary to live a victorious life in Christ. Thanks for sharing the Truth with us.
Dear MNM, Thank you so much for being our forerunner and matching us straight for the kingdom! Great idea to print this and carry it around to show the church God gave us, this nation, to wake up. God told me yesterday during praying morning time, “that if He put President Trump in it would have been too easy for the church”. It’s always about God and His bride. For those believers who have never experienced the beauty of God when your face is on the floor with tears clinging to God, now’s the time, if you are so willing to get in the trenches with our Savior. The swelling of a new heart is undeniable. Standing strong, and praying that I do everyday because the evil is ramping up, but we will be prepared for this!! Amen! We love you Jesus!
It is the recognition that this was not about Trump, but the worldwide takeover of everything that is Righteousness, Truth…and the Church! It’s is much wider and deeper than we could imagine. It is about waking up to the fact that, we will be putting on the Warriors Armor and putting the Word into daily practice, not just reading it on a page! If you are not awake yet, I fear for you!!!
Thank you for your honesty, your boldness, and your straightforward messages of truth. Thank you for showing us what having a backbone really looks like!
God, I pray that every reader would be infused with the boldness and the anointing on Mario—impart it directly into our hearts and backbones so an army arises and stands on their feet as a wall against evil. Let it not be said of us that we cowered in fear, but that we are those of a different spirit—giant killers!
EXCELLENT comments. Thanks.
Thank you Mario for continuing to be a strong voice for truth in the midst of chaos, conflict and criticism. For too long Americans have snuggled down in comfort and ease expecting others to fight their battles while they sit on the sidelines and await more goodies. I pray that true followers of Christ will recognize we must engage and not expect others to do what we ourselves will not do. It is time we take our position as soldiers in the LORD’ army and fight the good fight of faith. LORD BLESS. Standing strong, fully engaged, trusting in the goodness of my God.
There’s no way true Christians can unite with the Left in these days. Their agenda makes it impossible. A relative of mine, who I always believed was a committed Christian and had wisdom, voted for Biden. Her excuse when asked about his abortion agenda was that they only believe in abortion if something is wrong with the baby. What kind of nonsense is this for a Christian? So, it’s okay to kill your child if it isn’t in perfect health? This shows how easily even a Christian can fall under delusion. I’m not saying her soul is in trouble, but she may have a hard time explaining that stance when she stands before the Lord. Not defending the life of the most innocent? How do you explain that to the Creator?
Especially when His Word says children are a gift from Him!
Thank you, Mario!
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Very Good, Mario! Gary A. Loftsgard, CFP Integrated Trust Systems (AZ) 602-377-9000
Ps 40:1-3
I thank my God for the remnant like you brother Mario who still have eyes that see, ears that hear, and tongue that heralds truth! The love of Christ controls us! 2Co 5:13-15
Thank you Mario, Myself just a normal humble and God fearing citizen I can’t stand the thought
of the evil that has attached itself to running our country and it really concerns me that the entity is working so hard to undo everything good that has been accomplished.
My house is not recognizing the man as a leader just a pawn of pure evil to do the bidding of satan.
I will not follow or bow down to these evil doers.
We patriots and warriors of God are many and I feel that we are many.
that we will stand with God and destroy everything they stand for and all the evil deeds be brought out
and shown to everyone so that Gods Glory will be shown.
I totally agree. I will not refer to him as president. Simply Biden. That’s it. And Kamala.
Why did you stop having church just because democrats told you to?
In 1961, President John F. Kennedy spoke before the Canadian Parliament, capping off his speech with a popular expression: “As the great parliamentarian Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’”
Thank you so much for the message clarifying what so many people seem to distort. God Bless you Pastor. I hope many will read this message. I’m trying to copy and paste in my Facebook page but it will probably be removed.
Brenda Horton
Just an addition, what about when Paul appealed to Caesar? That was using his right as a Roman citizen. What about when he avoided one more beating and torture, this time in Jerusalem, by asking if it was legal to treat a Roman citizen that way?
Should have put this in my other comment but didn’t think of it at the time.
What about in our own history, pastor’s were key in fighting slavery, during the Revolutionary War there were pastors who joined the continental army to fight the British. In both cases, they were justified.
As always……FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Mario.
This is a very pertinent word and I agree with you whole heartedly. I will borrow much of it.
Mike Albright
I am very grateful for this ministry.
On Thu, Jan 21, 2021, 1:48 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Thank you for sharing your insight. I am inspired, enlightened and encouraged. Sister in the Lord, Heidi
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We cannot ever obey an evil government. Wonderful article. It isn’t just about Trump, it’s about the Church and America waking and rising to it’s God-given mandate to be His army on the ground in every avenue of life and in our respective assignments. This is our call to be brave and shine right on top of the table! We will please God. He will hear us.
By faith I see the victory ahead!!!!! Hallelujah! Remember that old hymn?
You’ll see what I mean when you hear what God told Kat Kerr this morning:
Yes! And I’ll watch Kat Kerr; she’s great. Down to earth and in the Heavenlies at the same time.
Victory ahead! Victory ahead!
Through the blood of Jesus, victory ahead;
Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqueror’s tread,
By faith I see the victory ahead!
A great verse for today:
Excellent verse. Thank you for sharing it!
No problem, Susan. 🙂 I wasn’t aware of the verse, but someone posted it on another forum yesterday, and I just had to share it!
We are in desperate need of God right now, and I mean desperate. I’m watching Laura I. and the list of things Biden is already doing to the country is staggering in its implications. He is putting Americans in mortal danger with all that he is doing. We are being pushed to the place that only God can save us. We are at critical mass.
Democrats have gone off the edge. They’ve totally lost their minds. How can they think this country can survive with these actions and policies? Giving 3 trillion dollars to enemy countries? Flooding the border with illegals while Americans are locked down and under forced unemployment, barely getting by, many committing suicide? Forced to wear masks even at home, while illegals flood in to take what resources Americans have left? Dear God, are these people nuts?
I don’t believe that this is happening by accident. I believe God is showing us that we have to be totally dependent on Him, and He will receive the Glory for what happens.
I to just wanted to panic, But in all truth everything is in Gods hands and we just need to trust in him. He knows all things and allows all this to happen for his own glory.
I prayed in the beginning before Jan 3rd 2021 and God gave me a peace that all men would want
Don’t get me wrong I must say that some headlines from the left get me ryled then I remember God is in charge and the peace and calm falls on me like a beautiful waterfall.
Trust in God Not our own understanding friend.
I recently watched a video from the ’60s, by G Edward Griffin, about communism. (YT) I was astounded to see that what he was describing is exactly what we are seeing unfolding before our very eyes! But God…!
I will trust in the Lord with all my heart & not lean on my own understanding; I will acknowledge Him in all I do, so that He will direct my paths! In the meantime, I will continue to take the authority He has given me and suit up daily to continue to stand for what is right, according to His Word! I will continue to disrupt my neighbors with the sounding of the shofar & proclaiming that, “The Lord God Omnipotent Reigns!” at the top of my lungs, and then, I will sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic – also at the top of my lungs! God is still on His throne, and will take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for His glory & our good! Praise the Name of the Lord God Jehovah!! ??????
Amen bro
Let’s celebrate and eat cake as we wait for what our God is going to do for our nation as he turns this evil into good!
Amen Brother!
Here’s a great video on why all of us need to dump Big Tech (including the infamous YouTube) pronto:
Keep waving that sword of truth, Bro. Mario!!!! Oh, the things we lay down for and swallow that aren’t God’s truth or heart! We make it so easy for the devil, what we fall for.
Just like others have posted, I, too, refuse to use the word “President” with Biden (or VP for Harris). To do so, to me, is coming into agreement with evil. And besides, I’m expecting they will be removed anyway. The devil is a THIEF. I’m not going to align myself or submit myself to his works, but to Jesus.
To me, it’s like if I gave birth at the hospital. Then someone comes in the middle of the night, bribes the nurses and steals my baby. And now I have to see that person everywhere with MY baby in THEIR arms. I have to watch everyone oohing and aahing – even the nurses and doctor who KNOW the truth and delivered my baby! BUT I’M THE ONE who’s expected to “accept it as God’s will” and “move on” and “show honor” and “pray for my enemy”?!!!!!! Give me a break!!!!
JESUS!!!!! JUSTICE!!!!!!! Remember Your people! Remember Your promises! Remember Your covenant with America! We won’t stop crying out to You, in faith!!!!! We know our God!!!!!
In my daily devotional reading today:
“The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD” (Exodus 7:5).
Good verse, Susan!
I agree. Absolutely. But this should awaken believers to pray through our disappointment and questions as to why the Lord allowed this to happen. We have had it pretty easy the last 100 years, not fearing for our lives because of our faith. Think of all the Christians around the world that are persecuted, even put to death. Are you willing to give up your life for the Lord? It may come to that. We need to pray through this and ask God to not only protect and strengthen ourselves, but for believers all over America, that we ALL will choose to serve Jesus no matter what.
What happened to Donald Trump? So many foretold that he would win. I have been let down.
Yes, the so-called prophets have been very disappointing. But regardless of what happens, God has a plan. And what we need to focus on now is prayer—including doing all that we can to expose the election fraud, to bring about justice, and to stay away from corrupt corporations (like the Tech Giants). It’s all about glorifying God and advancing His Kingdom. Of course, the battle is the Lord’s, because it’s way too difficult for any of us to do by ourselves.
Sam, I think it’s a little early to “throw in the towel” on what the prophets said. God’s ways and His timing are very different than ours. He isn’t moved by “January 6th” or “January 20th”. He has a plan that I believe you will see unfold in the next month or two. And He WILL be glorified. 🙂
Thanks for your comment, prayinginok.
I get what you’re saying, but some of the so-called prophets clearly got it wrong. For instance, Robin Bullock said that God told him that 1) Biden would never be President and 2) there would be a surprise by Christmas remedying the whole situation. Completely inaccurate! 😛
If we need to give the prophets more time, then we need to ask ourselves this: How long? If a year from now, Trump is still not back in the White House, should we still be giving the prophets the benefit of the doubt? What about ten years? 😉
God is not the author of confusion. I agree that God’s ways and timing are very different from our own, so I’m not “throwing in the towel” on God. But I’m very skeptical about these so-called prophets, who seem to be motivated by money and fame. Also, they never said in their prophecies that Biden would actually be inaugurated. The Bible tells us to test all things, and so far these prophecies appear questionable at best.
Yes, I agree that God definitely has a plan to expose all the election fraud. Yes, He isn’t moved by “deadlines” the way that man is. So, I will be looking to Him to do it—in His way and timing. In the meantime, though, as Mario pointed out a while back, I will stop looking for a “prophetic word” to bring me comfort and reassurance. 🙂 After all, God certainly knows what He’s doing.
Oh, here’s a comforting verse as well to help us with our disappointment:
This is a 15 minute recording I made almost 4 years ago. Much has changed since then. But the stakes are no less dire. This is unedited, outdoors at a Liberty Parkway Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at Tift Park. It’s called “The Gatekeepers”.
I think in all we have to be led by Holy Spirit every hour and day. The word and the Spirit are our guides. Great post. We have to stand for righteousness at the cost of our lives.
FB has permanently disabled my account. Are you on MeWe, USA.Life or Gab? I enjoy the missives but will not get them for sharing on FB any longer.Blessings! Valerie Silence is assent…
Michael and Kay
Remember all the intercessors reveal what God tells them to reveal. God is on his own timetable
not ours God is not done yet we should have faith and celebrate that God is going to destroy the evil
that took over by theft. Although President Trump was and is a great President, He is only a man and we shouldn’t put our faith in any man but God.
In this dark time we need to stick together and pray for the light of God will shine through
and break the hold that satan thinks he has on the world.
Last night I was watching Flashpoint on the govictory channel and I was by myself in the kitchen afterwards and I just started laughing because the enemy biden and the evil bunch have no idea
what is about to happen to them, Gods wrath is about to come down on them like a ton of brick.
I can’t wait to see that day it’s coming.
Pray and be patient and God Bless.
In theory, ybear211, but since we all make mistakes, 1 Thes. 5:21 tells us to test all things. This article lists a whopping 8 reasons why prophets often mess up:
Whenever someone says, “God told me this,” our first reaction should not be: “Oh, it must be true then!” 😉 As Proverbs 14:15 says: “The simple believes every word, But the prudent considers well his steps.” Instead, our first reaction should be to carefully test the message. If it doesn’t ring true with the Bible and God’s character, then we are completely free to reject it. We must become as wise as serpents.
We as pastors, Christian workers have a designated duty to speak the truth in Love, “Instead speaking the truth in love, WE will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is CHRIST.” Ephesians 4:15 We have a responsibility to Study (THE WORD), to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD of Truth. Do not judge until you know what you are talking about. Get ALL the facts and know your history, especially of this Republic of the United States of America. Thanks, Rev. Karen A. Fulcher
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AMEN, Brother Mario! Thank you for being a voice of truth in the sea of “holier-than-thou” Christians chiding the church to just go along to get along.
Watch the video of him giving his farewell speech on 19 January – if you can find it. Rush Limbaugh has it on his website.
All of the accomplishments during his administration and the encouragement in it. – it was like: wow.
While the political elite tried to destroy him – he raised the bar.
He accomplished in 1 term what presidents couldn’t do in 2 or 3. While watching it – there was no doubt that all of that could not have been done without the hand of the Lord.
We don’t understand it now, but God has our back.
Seek the Lord and keep praying, reading your bible, and worship God. Be full of the Holy Spirit.
In my daily reading today:
“The Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD” (Exodus 7:5).
Thanks for the warning, SeaShell. And apparently Hank Aaron just died—only a couple weeks after taking the vaccine. Just a coincidence? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. ?
“It was supposed to be used to inspire African-Americans to take the vaccine.”
Oops! But you know the mainstream media won’t mention the vaccine in conjunction with his death.
Exactly, SeaShell.
Even a lot of so-called conservative outlets, like Breitbart, didn’t question the connection either, prayinginok.
As for the mainstream media, no doubt they’ve already “fact-checked” and “debunked” the idea that the two events were related. ?
God bless you, Mario, for speaking out during this time! Love seeing and hearing you on Flashpoint. And love your books. Let revival come!! In your next to last paragraph- But we can’t VOTE the evildoers out of office because they have rigged the elections! Unless that huge problem is fixed nationwide we don’t have a lot of options. My hope is in the Lord!
-Diane Britt On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 1:30 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Right, Dan and Diane. That’s why we should avoid tossing out the “vote them out” line, because as of now, our election system has no integrity. As you said, our hope is ultimately in God alone!
Apparently Gab is starting to ban people now too! ?
The video above also lists some alternatives to Gab, such CreationSocial.
Thank you, thank you, thank you‼️ I appreciate the Biblical clarity you bring to this issue. Our pastor loves God but has been using the verse in Romans to justify not opening church to meet together as a matter of principle. I truly don’t think it is because of cowardice, because in his live-streamed sermons he has called out and preached strongly against the liars and hypocrites. Blessings, Rochelle
On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 10:27 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: “Today we woke to the up to the sad truth > that Democrats have declared war. They are demanding unconditional > surrender. No only from the church but from innocent citizens. Their war > compels believers to look again at what the Bible says about evil laws an” >
Thank you for all your posts God bless you!
I agree with everything you said! We need more people like you! I don’t know of any in New York that speak out like this in truth! The pastor and prophet I know and recently heard said the exact opposite! I could not agree with them So glad that you speak truth and are so right about all of this! God Bless you in all that you do! ♥️????