Christian Leader: Do you really care about your people?

by | Jan 24, 2020 | Christianity Today | 19 comments

Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America. I am talking to those of you who won’t support Donald Trump. You who believe all these subjects are divisive and outside the jurisdiction of your pulpit.

Here’s the thing—by doing this you are hurting the people, and hurting them badly. You are hurting them in ways you never imagined.

Not only that, but hurting the people is more dangerous than you might think. You will give an account before God for withholding truth, care, protection and guidance. Hebrews 13:17 is a warning to believers to “obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

You know what’s even more chilling about those verses? They tell the people that they should put their trust in you because you realize you must give an account to God.

I did an experiment when preaching recently in Fresno. I asked a packed house some questions.

“How many of you have been threatened at work for witnessing?” Hands went up.

“How many of you have had a child sent home for wearing a Christian T-shirt?” Hands went up.

“How many of you have been fired because of what you said about your beliefs on social media?” Hands went up again.

Then I turned to all the pastors and leaders and asked them, “Are you preaching comfort to these sheep? Are you training them to give an answer? Are you taking action against persecution in your area by confronting politicians and government about religious freedom?”

These and many other kinds of things that the Left does are inflicting pain on your people. They should not be forced to be silent or suffer because they are not properly trained to push back on leftist bullies. Neither should their children have to suffer.

In my book Vessels of Fire and Glory I wrote: “Pastors who refuse to clarify their political positions are ignoring hazards their people face every day. Politics hurt. Its costs Christian bakers their business, it costs believers being fired from their jobs, students getting expelled. It’s why men in bizarre women’s clothes and make up are reading to children in public Libraries. Politics is why you and I are accused of hate speech. Politics is why many Christian outlets have stopped performing marriages. Politics is why your tax dollars fund the cost of abortion. You did not leave the Democrat party, it left you. They told God to get out. They booed God and Israel at their convention. They champion everything your Bible condemns. They are now controlled by the radical wing of their party, a wing that will gladly finance terror and give illegal criminals Constitutional rights. What part of that is still unclear to you? THIS IS NOT ABOUT LEGISLATING MORALITY…IT’S ABOUT STOPPING THE LEGISLATION OF IMMORTALITY.”

Peter told the Sanhedrin officials he would not obey their commands if it contradicted God’s word. Acts 4:19 “But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge, 20 for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”

Then he did something else—something every loving leader should do: Verse 23 “And being let go, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.” Peter told them, because the threat affected them as well.

The solution was a prayer for boldness to tell the truth and for miracles to confirm the Gospel. Verse 29: “Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, 30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”

How can you ask God to look at a threat that you refuse to admit is a threat?

My last question is about the debacle of Trump’s impeachment. Is it just because it’s Trump that you can’t see the catastrophe? Is it because it is just easier avoid confrontation? Are you aware that your silence comes at a price you can never repay?

We will all pay with our children’s future if we do not openly rebuke this miscarriage of justice. Democrats have invented a crime. Then they invented a way to prosecute that crime. Then they told you that they would use their invented power to destroy anyone who gets in their way.

If they can do this to Trump they can do this to you, and worst of all, they can do it to the souls God told you to take care of. If you love them—inform them—train them—encourage them—and empower them, to walk in the truth, and in the might of God.

Acts 20: 26 “Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.”




  1. megagenius

    Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  2. spiritoflifeministriesinternational

    Good word! I will never compromise truth when I teach or preach!! I respect you and your ministry because of your taking a stand. It may one day cost us our lives but praise God we will hear “ well done thou good and FAITHFUL servant!

    May God continue to bless you and keep you safe.

    Sent from my iPhone


  3. isaacpaulprather

    What Mario said in this article is 100% truth. If you and I do not use the voice that God gave us to speak up and fight against the wicked agenda of the left, we will be brought into swift bondage, and this nation will be literally destroyed, both from the inside, and then from the outside. We and our children will die because we refused to take authority and exercise the power God Almighty has given us to rule with righteousness. God has a moral law. The left has totally departed from it. If we allow them to continue to legislate their error and to impose it upon this nation, God will have no choice but destroy it, like he did Sodom and Gomorrah. Where are the righteous ones who will arise at this crossroads of the United States and boldly stand up to the evil leftist Democrat, socialist, communist, satanic agenda, and say we will no longer tolerate your hatred for all that is right! Because you have tried to keep back an entire generation from hearing the gospel so they can be saved, you will be blind for a season! That is what Paul the Apostle did to a sorcerer in Acts 13 who did not want the people to hear the Word of God! Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and all those following their actions are NO LESS using sorcery to try to deceive the masses in this country. Besides that, they are guilty of high treason, and should be tried for their crimes and put in prison. But as long as the Church remains asleep, that will never happen. Awake to righteousness and sin not, for not all have the knowledge of God. Isaac Paul Prather(revivalist and author)

  4. Debbie Reed

    Thank You!!!!! This is right on! Bless you!


    How or what can be done to form a national prayer chain to pray for our president, staff, family, and country 24/7. There is power in prayer, unity and great leaders but we are scattered. We need unified prayer to push back the black tide coming against us.

  6. Christine Martin

    Thank you Mario.  Christine

  7. Estrella R Gonzales

    I agree Mario but I would also say, that we must demand our Pastors PREACH GOD’S WORD! That they take a stand according to GOD’S WORD. Those Christians who are now eating meat so to speak, KNOW The WORD and KNOW when it is not being spoken. WE have become agreeable because we have enjoyed the “no repentance, every thing is OK because GOD loves us and forgives us” group and thus we empower the Pastors to do “church light.” Your posts are spot on and thank you for being obedient to GOD!

    • nuggets4u

      Amen !!!!

  8. Shoshanna

    This morning my husband asked me, ” if I knew Planned Parenthood was opening a new murder shop in, Fort Myers Florida? ” As upsetting as this is, I was told they had a new service for our city, not sure the right term, but you can take your kids there for hormone treatment so little boys can transition.
    I contacted six women from other churches and no one knew this was opening in our city. Does anyone have any suggestions? News didn’t give the address or opening date.

    • Bobbie

      Shoshanna: Yes, I can give you entities that will help but will have to research (more coming): Get a Pen and Tablet, write down Names, Addresses and Fax, emails and who you talk to and their phone number and extention: First thing Monday, call Focus on the Family and ask for help and what to do as all the following. Start doing Clarion Call of getting Men/Women/Children, any help you can. 2: World Net Daily as for David Kupelian and Joseph Farrar. 3: Call Jay Sekulow’s Office. 4: Call John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute 5: Call Charisma Magazine 6: Call J. Lee Grady and his Ministry. 7: Women Exploited by Abortion Group-WEBA-Nancy Jo Mann (read her story). 8: Moral Majority Group. 9: Phyllis Schlafly-Eagle Forum (she is a Constitutional Lawyer as John Whitehead). 10: Constance Cumbey Lawyer out of Michigan (read her Books). 11: Julie Roys and let her know you need help getting the WORD out as she has a Blog (; same for 12. 13. Christianity Today (let’s see if they help). 14. Christian Post. 15. Randy Alcorn-Eternal Perspective Ministries. Make EVERY Church/Pastor in your State know what’s going on and get involved and sound the alarm across the USA any group that is Pro-Life. Ephesians 6:all. Tip of iceberg. This is off the top of my head. Who were the early day protestors at the Abortions Clinics get them involved. Print out the articles and gather names.
      Google: All email addresses for Media and all Mailing put it on a USPS Postcard. Make people aware anyway you can. Read the 1st Paragraph of “Troublemakers in the Church” 6/2007 PDF he was praying for armies of you. Want help?
      P.S. Don’t assume, ask any entity for help, don’t throw them out because of wrong perceptions. Would give you the example of asked help from an entities that you would find extremely offensive; needed help and publicity-save lives!

    • Bobbie

      Shoshanna: Whatever people can donate, time, money, resources.
      P.S. Another thing, your going to need a “War Room” and just let people run with their gifting whether it be making Protest Posters or March on Washington or being “the letter writer” to ALL of Congress, House and Senate. Who will give up Garage or a House whatever space. Hire a reader to keep you informed and research (people who research and gather names). Go to the Library and have them print out on Avery Label Format every address of Congress etc. so you can put on a Post Card; not a letter as let everyone read the Post Card or people to hand deliver and interview the person and their stance. You do not want California Bile and Vomit and Agenda on any State or person. Have some go to the Library, print out page on every Magazine and Newspaper that has Publisher, Editor, Managing Editor and Address/Fax Info. Newspapers and make them aware. Ask Library Reference Department for help. Law Libraries also. Make sure ALL News Outlets know especially those who are conservative and Pro-Life and not Death. Ask Lawyers for help. Pray hard and that it all gets exposed!

      Google: “Why Pro-Life?” By Randy Alcorn (this was on Julie Roy’s site and disappeared how convenient, that’s why you need to print out everything before it disappears). Go to: Assisted Living and or Nursing Homes and ask the Seniors for help as they have time; give them hope, place and purpose and lot’s of talent never been utilized and or realized. They were my #1 Battle Axe’s for getting the Public Education School Books out that told our Children to kill themselves was the running theme. Those Articles ran in Citizen’s Magazine by Debbie Mendenhall-Focus on the Family. Don’t shut up and don’t be silent. Do not allow Hitlerism-Auschwitz at all; especially in the guise of politically correct name Planned Parenthood. Take out Ads, Billboards. Do Documentary. At the end you can write a book and expose the Good and the Evil and the Justices and Injustices. You are going to find out the Fruit of your Pastors, Churches, People. You’ll find out if they Love, Serve and Help people! We are in a War-Eph. 6:all.

  9. kingskid48

    Oh, Boy, you read my heart, Pastor Mario. I love our pastors in this area, but I know there has been something mission for several years now. I walked into the Church Book Store of one church that I attended for a while, and they had a great pastor. But every book that I saw in the store was on prosperity. There was not a single book addressing the culture, Israel, current events/state of the nation and the church’s responsibility, or Bible Prophecy. I am not trying to be critical. I’m just very concerned. Too many times I have tried to talk to Christians about what is going on, and their eyes glaze over. We have got to have the firey preachers of yesteryear. We watch this circus in Washington this week nearly made us ill. Thank God, the sane side is beginning to speak today. Facts will finally come out. The democrat’s game is almost over. But how much has it cost us?

  10. Steve Lyublanovits

    “To not legislate morality is to legislate immorality”

    ________________________________ From: Mario Murillo Ministries Sent: Friday, January 24, 2020 10:56:32 PM To: Subject: [New post] Christian Leader: Do you really care about your people?

    mariomurilloministries posted: “Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America. I am talking to those of you who won’t support Donald Trump. You who believe all these ” Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Mario Murillo Ministries [] [] Christian Leader: Do you really care about your people? by mariomurilloministries

    Some of you Christian leaders won’t mention politics from your pulpit. You don’t take public stands on abortion, same sex marriage, or the leftist takeover of America. I am talking to those of you who won’t support Donald Trump. You who believe all these subjects are divisive and outside the jurisdiction of your pulpit.

    Here’s the thing—by doing this you are hurting the people, and hurting them badly. You are hurting them in ways you never imagined.

    Not only that, but hurting the people is more dangerous than you might think. You will give an account before God for withholding truth, care, protection and guidance. Hebrews 13:17 is a warning to believers to “obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

    You know what’s even more chilling about those verses? They tell the people that they should put their trust in you because you realize you must give an account to God.


    I did an experiment when preaching recently in Fresno. I asked a packed house some questions.

    “How many of you have been threatened at work for witnessing?” Hands went up.

    “How many of you have had a child sent home for wearing a Christian T-shirt?” Hands went up.

    “How many of you have been fired because of what you said about your beliefs on social media?” Hands went up again.

    Then I turned to all the pastors and leaders and asked them, “Are you preaching comfort to these sheep? Are you training them to give an answer? Are you taking action against persecution in your area by confronting politicians and government about religious freedom?”

    These and many other kinds of things that the Left does are inflicting pain on your people. They should not be forced to be silent or suffer because they are not properly trained to push back on leftist bullies. Neither should their children have to suffer.

  11. Mark Stripling

    I read a letter written by a Dallas pastor who “repented” before God and his congregation for the fact that he only “participated in ” and did not actually ‘officiate’ the weddings of his LGBTQ “members.” He will never again refuse to pronounce them wife and wife or husband and husband again. Their website announces them as a congregation “led by the Holy Spirit.” How many will die and go to eternal hell because of this deluded reprobate in the pulpit? Many of America’s “spirit filled” pulpits and leaders are compromised by demons. Mario, I will say it outright, because I have preached in their churches!! The “Welcome” sign should read “DO NOT DISTURB!” They are comfortable, the people are docile, demons roost comfortably in the rafters, and their neighborhoods and towns perish spiritually around them. God, please visit the pastor’s study in churches across this land with Holy Ghost fire!!

  12. cactusflower18

    Amen Bro. Mario; keep telling it like it is!!!
    Did I see you on Sid Roth recently? I think I did and loved what you had to say and share. I saw you talk with Bro. Lance Wallnau too; wow!!!
    I’m not a Leader but if I ever am put in a place where God wants me to be; you bet I will shout from the housetops what needs to be said in TRUTH! My prayer would be that my hearers would have open hearts; eyes that see and ears that really hear what God our Father is saying through the Holy Spirit to His people and reveal the Son of God to them!!!

  13. Brenda Dowdin

    Thank you for preaching the truth and sending out the alarm. Lord raise up the voices of truth in our nation before it’s too late!

  14. Jim Alford

    This is perhaps is more suited for yesterday’s blog.
    To the never Trump “Christian Leaders” of today:
    1) Were you sinless when you came to Jesus Christ?
    2) Were you immediately perfect after being born again? No!
    3) There is only one unforgivable sin – blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
    4) God received a Gentile harlot named Rahab.
    Jesus gave forgiveness to the woman that was caught in the act of adultery.
    Jesus gave forgiveness to the Samaritan woman who had been married five times (Trump three times), further, she was then living with another man out of wedlock.
    Mary of Magdala, a prostitute, was forgiven and became one of Jesus’ most ardent followers.
    The man in Corinth involved in the incestuous affair was brought to repentance and forgiven.
    5) God put Trump in the presidency.
    6) You will stand before the judgment seat of Christ Jesus and give account of your rebellion (you are kicking against the goads), and you will not be able to do so.
    7) I finished college (university) and I finished Bible College. I had a successful career (recently retired). I have preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in the USA, in Mexico, and in Guatemala, seeing numerous people born again, baptized in water, baptized with the Holy Spirit, delivered, and healed.
    How about you?
    8) I also gave thanks for and prayed for “such wonderful examples” of presidential leadership as: George Bush 1, Bill Clinton, George Bush 2, and Barack Obama.
    9) If you would desire to compare Biblical knowledge and understanding with me, fill free to contact me (how’s that for an elitist statement)
    Thank you,
    Jim Alford

  15. mary moore

    Thank you !!! Well said !!!

    Sent from my iPhone





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