by | Jan 3, 2020 | Christianity Today | 13 comments

I spoke one Sunday morning in Stockton, and that afternoon I took a nap before the evening rally. God gave me a dream. He told me that California Highway 99, from Red Bluff to Arvin, would be a raging river of healing and salvation. When I woke up I had no idea I was to have any involvement in fulfilling this prophetic dream. I assumed it was for the audience in Stockton, where I was going to preach that night.

Five years later, Rick Wiles gave us a beautiful new 8,000 square foot tent and 1,000 chairs. We suddenly knew that the dream I had in Stockton was a mandate for us. God had called us to take His miracle power down the full length of Highway 99.

At the same time we were given that tent, without our knowing about it, Frank Saldana and Inner City Action felt led to study how tents are erected, and were learning how to use them in ministry.  God was putting a team together.

At the same time, God was forming a close friendship between our ministry and that of Jim and Kristine Carpenter from The Bridge in Marysville. We knew Marysville would be our first stop on the Highway 99 corridor of Glory.

God made it very clear: no matter how little support you have—no matter how much resistance you face—no matter how impossible it looks, keep moving forward to set up the tent where the Spirit directs you, and don’t stop.

There was a reason God exhorted us in this way. Our journey always looked impossible. There was an amazing amount of resistance. We had to rely on support that came from shockingly unexpected sources. We had to repeatedly pick ourselves up, after many setbacks.

We learned the hard way that a great portion of the Body of Christ is not interested in winning souls—especially not in dangerous locations.

Marysville proved that our calling was truly supernatural. We had to fit our tent onto a parking lot that barely fit our tent. The weather turned cold and wet, and still, crowds came from everywhere. We saw the dream become reality when the river of healing and salvation broke out in Marysville. Thank God we were able to move the tent to a professional baseball stadium.  We closed out that first crusade in constant rain, and then the temperature dropped down to 40 degrees. But, in spite of this, it was packed!

We had no idea where the tent was supposed to go next. All of this was so sudden that we never had the luxury of advanced planning.

Then the Lord told us our next stop was to be Paradise, California. I protested, ‘Paradise is burned to the ground. There is no electricity or water there. Most of all, there are no people there.’  So I placed it back in God’s hands and said that, if we get a call to come to Paradise in the next week, we will go.

Seven days later we received that phone call, and during our time in Paradise we witnessed the power of God to save, to heal, and to bind up the many broken-hearted who had lost loved ones in the fire.

Our next tent crusade was in Stockton and was our most dangerous yet. We were shouted down. The fire department would not let us put on the sides to our tent, leaving us wide open to a park filled with addicts, the homeless, and gangsters. We were literally sitting ducks.  Yet again, we saw God overrule the powers of darkness as the openness worked to our advantage, and He gave us souls and miracles.

When we arrived in Dinuba, we proved the power of God in a way we had not seen in any other crusade. The entire town was aware of the tent sitting on the bare ground where the new Dinuba High School would soon be built. And, it was in Dinuba that we first encountered crowds that overflowed the tent.

The report of healing miracles spread across town, and the stories about how wounded souls were being transformed got out into the community, and it soon became clear that the entire city knew God was at work.

And finally, toward the end of November, the last tent crusade of 2019 took place in Hanford. It was the most powerful on every level. The unity among the pastors there was the best we had seen. The excitement level was greater than anywhere else. The altars were crowded every night with souls seeking Jesus. God did wonderful and undeniable healing miracles.

Thousands upon thousands were reached by Christ in this tour on Highway 99. Local churches have been fired up and equipped to expand and continue the revival.

Paul wrote in Acts 26:19 that he “was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” And:


To all who gave so sacrificially to make this tour possible—to all who prayed, worked and battled alongside us—to all who stood with us in the face of unimaginable resistance, both from inside and outside the church—to all of you I give my deepest thanks, and I am praying that God will richly bless all of you!

Now we come to the most astonishing news. Our momentum is carrying us forward into 2020. We are able to announce that we are going to continue down Highway 99 once again in the coming New Year. The Lord has directed us to reach 5 cities in 2020, and these dates are locked in:

Everything in me is telling me these meetings will be bigger, more powerful and more effective than any tent crusades we have held so far. God is taking us from reaching thousands to reaching tens of thousands. We very strongly desire your prayers. We need your church to back these outreaches. We are praying the Lord of the Harvest to send the needed workers.

And so, dear friends, by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, and with your continued support, the river rages on!  Join us for our first event in Chico.

Special nights of miracles in Chico to kick off the California tent tour!



  1. Elena Pegov

    Thank you for your obedience Mr. Murillo!! I do believe that California is Golden for Christ and that’s why the powers of darkness have been fighting here the most. I also do believe that CA will be “flooded” with the Glory of God as long as we partake in His work that he began in many believers and ministries like yours: bold and courageous for Him!! No more compromise!

    • Carolina

      Mario this scripture speaks of You and Your Kingdom assignment, You are a prince of THE King and on Your generosity You will stand:

      (Isaiah 32:1-8)
      Behold, the King will reign in righteousness,
      And princes will rule with justice.
      A man will be as a hiding place from the wind,
      And a cover from the tempest,
      As rivers of water in a dry place,
      As the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.
      The eyes of those who see will not be dim,
      And the ears of those who hear will listen.
      Also the heart of the rash will understand knowledge,
      And the tongue of the stammerers will be ready to speak plainly.
      The foolish person will no longer be called generous,
      Nor the miser said to be bountiful;
      For the foolish person will speak foolishness,
      And his heart will work iniquity:
      To practice ungodliness,
      To utter error against the LORD,
      To keep the hungry unsatisfied,
      And he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.
      Also the schemes of the schemer are evil;
      He devises wicked plans
      To destroy the poor with lying words,
      Even when the needy speaks justice.
      * But a generous man devises generous things,
      And by generosity he shall stand.* ?

  2. Marcia Cutsinger

    I am so grateful you are coming to Modesto. How can I get involved? I want to volunteer. I serve in a ministry that reaches the homeless and needy of Modesto. One of our target areas is the west side where the tent is going up, John Thurman field. If you could let me know who to contact, or how, I would love to volunteer. Thank you

  3. Shonnie Standefer

    This is such an uplifting report! Your map of California reminds me of maps from the Bible showing the cities where disciples traveled sharing the gospel. Thank you for being a modern-day disciple! California needs our prayers!! Praying for continued protection and blessings!

  4. Kathy Sanford

    California is so blessed in these days. You, Mario Murillo are privileged to bring the gospel to all who will hear. My brother lives in Fallbrook. Because of the frequent terrible fires California has often been in my prayers. In my wildest dreams I could not have forseen this miracle of a revival. We need the same here, in Eastern Washington. We have the wretched influence of the SPLC. We need revival so badly. Blessings from here.

  5. Joy Hodge

    Glory to God Hallelujah ? ?

  6. Grace Bristol

    I remember way back when Mario preached at Melodyland in Anaheim CA across from Disneyland…That day he questioned why the youth was listening to Madonna as she was not attractive and her voice was very ordinary. I could not agree with him more..Must be she was used of the devil..My daughter in law later told me she was a “Material Girl” and her marriage vows meant nothing and she left my son for a richer prospect. He never remarried…Just thinking here today.

  7. kingskid48

    This is so thrilling. But I was thinking as I read it, in a world where truth was honored, and real news was reported, these tent meetings would be front page news. But we know the devil controls most of the media. Still, I’m sure I am not the only one who has prayed for miracles and healings to happen that the press cannot deny. God will shake the world with what He is doing in the coming days. God bless you, Pastor Mario, for being willing to be His humble servant.

  8. Robert Trickey

    Brother Mario, Do you know yet when you plan to be in Roseville? I am very encouraged to hear that, as I have a daughter living in Roseville, who very much needs what the Lord is offering through your vessel. Be filled with the living water as it continues to pour forth rivers from your midst. Shalom.


    • mariomurilloministries

      On Sunday night at 6 PM March 8th, I will be at Abundant Life with Pastor Doug Bird. 706 Atlantic St, Roseville CA 95678. Then we return in the tent April 19-22 Placer County Fairgrounds.

  9. Ana Ogren

    Mario, I attended your first meetings in Marysville…I pray that God will continue to build what He started! Bless you as you partner with Heaven to follow this mandate. I will be praying for you. Ana

    • mariomurilloministries

      Ana, Your prayers and attendance for our first outreach in Chico are so appreciated. We are at Jubilee Church Sunday and Monday January 26 and 27th. Then we come back to the fairgrounds in Chico on March 15-18th.

  10. Theresa Winter

    Pastor Murillo, Last year in church God showed/told me he is going to “wash” California. I told my pastor as I didn’t know why God revealed this. However, I told my pastor all of California, and God reprimanded me when I got home because the vision only showed northern California down to central california. I had to go back and tell my pastor it wasn’t all of California, the flood of water only went part way. Now I’ve been reading about your 99 corridor and I feel it is confirmation of the vision. I’ve lived in Kern County my entire life, and through the mouths of many witnesses we’ve been promised revival here. I’ve prayed it would be in my lifetime (I’m 65). Praise God, the tent will be here in Bakersfield this year. Prayers for you and yours, and the continued imparting of God’s most holy spirit.




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