by | Jul 31, 2018 | Christianity Today | 20 comments

What you are about to read explains my blogs better than anything else.  The greatest harvest in the history of Christianity will be placed in the hands of special ones—faithful ones.   Already they are being chosen.  Already they have an appointment with destiny that will bring them into an unimaginable nearness to Jesus.

These blogs which rain down rebuke on the unrighteous leader, do—with equal fervency—prophesy to the righteous core who have held to their integrity.  That is because—with atom of my being—I know an amazing act of God is on the horizon.

Day after day, I have written the burden the Lord has placed upon me.  Often, the words have been directed at certain leaders.  The messages have targeted shallowness, compromise, hypocrisy, and gross negligence.

Gross negligence, because it wasn’t just what they did that made them despicable—it was when they did it.  They thrashed about in false success—leaving the flock unguarded—as Satan unleashed his most destructive assault on the church and the nation.  That is a profound accusation…but I stand by it.


They made a conscious decision to exchange their calling for temporal success.  They knew they were tailoring their sermons to inflate attendance even as it deflated discipleship.  They wantonly closed their ears to the political policies that dismantled faith and morality in America.

They are as guilty as those who voted to destroy marriage—they are as guilty as those who voted to force our taxes to fund abortions—they are as guilty as the architects of the God-hating mobs that roam our streets, teach in our universities, and people our institutions.

“How could you accuse me of such things?”  To which I answer, “How could you have chosen to build a man-made entertainment center when you could have surrendered to God for a moral awakening?  You could have seen revival.

Am I harsh?  Not so much as Charles Finney who said, “If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

But, these blogs which rain down rebuke on the unrighteous leader, do—with equal fervency—prophesy to the righteous core who have held to their integrity.  That is because—with atom of my being—I know an amazing act of God is on the horizon.

It will be at once glorious and humiliating.  Glorious to a company of people who, at this moment, labor in obscurity.  Suddenly they will be raised up.  At the same time many who are celebrities will suffer a great demotion.

Those who are called to this will ask and receive things that prior generations could not imagine.  We are talking about awesome things!

They don’t know who they are.  The Lord is testing them in obscurity.  It’s the only way that yields a vessel who can be trusted with great power.  They have been rejected for refusing to conform to the counterfeits.  God made them misfits.  Because He knew what was coming.

God not only knew the insanity of today was coming—He took steps to prepare a special relationship, that would produce special powers for His Children.

Jesus saw the future and uttered an explosive prayer: PRAY THE LORD OF THE HARVEST TO SEND WORKERS INTO THE HARVEST.  Notice He did not say ministers, or celebrities.  He said workers.  Many want the titles, attention, and rewards…but they don’t want to do the work.  A special core burns white hot with passion win lost souls and heal the sick.  They are hidden now but soon they will shine like the sun.

But there is another miracle awaiting this unique breed.  They will be allowed to see the world around them from the vantage point of the throne of God.  Ephesians 2: 6 says “and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”

What do you see from this vantage point?  You see that all the vile railings of our culture are not—in any way—a threat to the purposes of the almighty.  He knows the hollow arguments of the haters.  He is not moved by the mental monopoly of fake news and leftist social media.  He saw it all coming and prepared the response.

The Lord of the universe is not poor.  He has pooled untold wealth to transfer it into the hands of trusted, proven, purified vessels whose only passion is to obey.

Finally, learn the truth of the slingshot.

They are being hurt, wounded and brought to the brink of despair before their breakthrough.  In their pain and agony, they will cry out why—why am I being pulled away from my promise?  Why does each day take me further and further away from what You promised me?

Like a slingshot, God is deliberately building up the tension—the frustration—the fire to act…and at just the right moment, He will release you.   There is a great falling away coming and it will result in new voices and new anointing leading to the greatest harvest of souls in history.



  1. Phyllis Falco

    Have you heard of the vision of Tommy Hicks It was in 1961 and hasn’t.t come to pass yet .God bless you .Sharona

    On Tue, Jul 31, 2018, 11:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “What you are about to read explains my > blogs better than anything else. These blogs which rain down rebuke on the > unrighteous leader, do—with equal fervency—prophesy to the righteous core > who have held to their integrity. That is because—with atom of my” >

  2. Helen Sanders

    This is such a great encouragement to those of us that have done all we know to do but see things constantly under pressure to discourage and destroy what God is doing in our lives. Thank you for not only being a listener, but an exhorter to those that need to hear from God. May his blessings flow into your life and ministry abundantly.

  3. Sandra Douglas

    Such poignant truth penetrates the atmosphere to expose the religiosity and man-manipulated falsehoods of the day and age we are in and we must enlighten the kingdom as ambassadors for Christ and expose the perils and pitfalls of complacency within the community of church
    Attendees as to this responsibility ….love reveals and also restores to the true Royal Purpose of Glorifying God on the earth that a God-fearing “peculiar people” may be blessed beyond measure as God’s Majesty is proclaimed according to the Scriptures (Gods very own words ) by yielded vessels of honor, men and women Spirit -filled and Spirit -led humble lovers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ….following and serving Him alone …
    That all the world will rejoice at His soon appearing ….
    Thank God you are leading the charge!

  4. John Escalante

    This confirms a word that was spoken by my pastor from.Templo De La Cruz in Hayward at the turn of the of the century 2000. “Before The Lord returns there will be a great falling away, and there will be a mighty revival” – Dr. Richard K. Tanon

    • mariomurilloministries

      Congratulations on the 100 year anniversary of the great and mighty church Templo De La Cruz!

  5. Diane m Holstein

    God is stirring up the pools of Bethesda! He is coming in MP. (Not one feeble among them…)

  6. Roger Culwell

    Big amen Brother Mario preach it, you hit the nail right on the head, God Bless Brother.

  7. Karen

    The apostate times in which we live are fueled by the greatest weapon ever designed, “deception” which started in the garden. The church has become a social club, a place of prestige, celebrities, programs, entertainment and error. The church is community not a building. Christ can’t return until “the great falling away” which is continuing right before our eyes, happens. The apostate church will rise to the forefront and be called “the church”, “Christians”, etc. , they will 8ntermingle with government helping to reform the one world religion along with one world government and one world currency. A revival will happen because of real truth being revealed by the increase of knowledge. A great revival because of knowledge not size.

    • Dee Ception

      But see the deception is sly n sneaky like devil himself full of false light
      To deceive if possible even the elect it has to be very deceiving truth nnlits if it mixed with error
      The acclimating church the hypergrace seeker friendlybor sleeping churches don’t deceive the elect but can be spotted right away
      They aren’t the apostate churchnor the great deception
      The new apostolic reformation is the biggest threat to Christianity that will lead to great falling away from Jesus n unto following man n his dreams n revelations
      Right into error n hell
      Waked from classical Pentecostalism to deeper do called streams n the ????to big yo silence
      From sowing for miracle heresybyo we the Joel army the locusts that will bring revival
      Did you know the Joel army actually army of judgement not revivalists looknip Jacob prasch kingdom now gnodtiscim look up Roberta Morrison YouTube sounding alarms
      New age new thought in pulpits
      Nar joining all churches of all denomeven Mormon n he ain’t that bad anymore see vid with Joyner n Bakker show!! N hyper charismatic s love papa Francis
      We left the mother church these fools running straight into her wide open arms
      Why ? To help create the one world religion that’s why
      The Trojan horse in the church that will bring church down is the NAR
      Do t delete this post if there’s nothing to fear .. Truth defends itself n will win if it’s Truth…. but date this unknowns words n see study tick Joyner manifesto on civil war in church disgusting n chuck pierce same leading church to fight against brothers who don’t follow the new crap they trying to feed masses worldwide
      May the Lotd rebuke all lies in all camps n expose them but good for thought.. never will you hear mainline Christianity fight the nar n charismatic with threats etc
      No they just expose lies in nar n defend it with bible
      Look who is using force like terrorists would to whoever doesn’t follow
      That’s not jesus
      And neither is Jesus so powerless that needs us to fight brothers into submission of the new
      The remnantbeill arise but it will be those that kept yo old ways awakened n standing strong against errors trying to forcebslt change Christianity into one world false religion
      Nar helping apostasy church arise
      They are the Trojan horse we let in by one twisted scripture here to one false word there one false sign nnwinder healing here one false unity there
      The old preachers never joined up with others who don’t profess same but heck Joyner says Mormon’s believe in jesus n jw food people too says Kim Bakker look up vid look up pierce n Joyner
      The deception is how they sweetly say these things but passive aggressive kind getting there agenda in
      They want us all to listen n follow their dreams over bible
      Heck noooooo
      Jesus n bible is our manifesto back off false movements
      Though bible talks much more of apostasy coming than revival folks
      Poor nar when cities n 7 mountain sham font pan out n squat happens year in yr out
      No kiddin they gotta force this into church to conform to produce results
      By man or look foolish but already do
      From bob jones asking ladies to strip for prophecy to Paul Cain gay to Bentley child molester as teen then sec scandal to these nar leaders like Joyner n Dutch n pierce n Johnson etc anointing him as he in middle of adultery hilarious! No discernment in that camp with no Real Jesus ,no kiddin.. come out from among them get back in bible line upon line n bible teaching churches not woaaaaa signs n wonders n tales tales tales straight from vain imagininatikns not Gods heart..
      The remnant is the church that stayed on the scone by path clutching unto jesus n bible for dear life
      The apostate church n falsexapostles n prophets are the ones that strayed from main teachings n added to bible with extra biblical stuff from revelation so hard to prove yet even a nonchristian can spot babbling fools sweet words s mike away
      An old saint could have spot Bentley or Cain or jones in sin a mile away.. squat discernment in nar csmpnyet we gotta follow these monsters
      Yes mobsters n monsters says this Italian who knows a mobster when spots one
      Repent nar n folk following n return back to Jesus

  8. Lisa Erskine

    Wow !
    Here i am Lord, send me

  9. Carolina

    Another excellent word for today’s problem Mario!
    What we need is The great CHANGE, how can the Beloved God operate & co-operate within today’s modern church disfunction? Charles Finney’s words have already come true – I hope yours are next, we need the transfer of the wealth of the wicked given to the righteous for Kingdom work.

  10. Debra

    Comforting! ?

  11. kingskid48

    Another great word, Pastor Mario, thank you for your faithfulness to proclaim loudly and clearly what God is giving you to say. Thank you for not compromising in even the least way. Thank you for your boldness while remaining humble at the same time. I don’t like to speak out against Christian leaders or speakers by name, but I’m embarrassed by what some of what is going on and being said by certain leaders, and frustrated by the lack of discernment. May God protect and bless you mightily.

  12. Hayden Wheeler

    This word is hitting my heart like a freight train. It seems God has been preparing me for this time since I was born again, radically transformed from drug addict to child of God, in 2012. It seems God has had me in the fire for quite sometime purifying me and sanctifying me. He has spoken to me many words about the great sending movement and great revival amidst crookedness and chaos. What a timely word

    • Mark Stripling, Ransomed Ministries

      God bless you, Brother! I minister with former addicts and ex-prisoners who have been radically saved and powerfully anointed by God for ministry! May God fulfill all your plans! (Psalm 20)

  13. Mark Stripling, Ransomed Ministries

    Thanks for the good word. And I do believe it will be so. This world desperately needs fresh Holy Ghost fire, and a revived anointing of power to demolish the strongholds of hell that have manifested in our nation!

  14. maria amarillas

    WOW! BOOM! This word is so encouraging and right on point i feel the exact thing and confirm what you say is truth!! Thanks again Mario for your boldness and your relationship with Jesus through all these years that you can hear him clearly! I TRULY BELIEVE ITS ANY SECOND NOW HE WILL let the slingshot go!!! People of God Boldness in Jesus name!

  15. Dan Swaningson's words and wit

    Thank you for confirming what my heart knows but my mind struggles to believe. As a bi-vocational pastor of a small church the pressures to “sell out” are immense, especially as I have been a part of the entertainment church and seen what “sucess” looks like. I constantly struggle to swim upstream with my band of misfit Jesus freaks to follow God and be poised for the coming great putpouring of his Spirit in these dark days. Lord give me, give us, patience and strength.

  16. Donna

    The intense networking, the false prophets, the apostle on every corner, pew and pulpit…the NAR has infiltrated the House of God…the names listed are astounding and a pause to consider.
    Mystics and witchcraft is the replacement of The Dove, euphoric experience over solemn assembly and programs and teaching over discipline and relationship with Jesus. Yes, the great falling away is at a breaking point..and only by the grace extended to us are we not also entangled.
    The threefold cord- The Cross, The Blood and The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.




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