15 February 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pastors & Leaders Brunch, Tyler, TX
Tyler Metro Church, 14196 Hwy. 110 South ~ Whitehouse, Texas 75791
big amen praying brother.
Yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord I will continue to pray for this Outreach more Miracles More healings more Deliverance more salvation praise God
Our God is wonderful! His love and His power are amazing. He is gathering the lost, the broken, the poor. He is saving, healing, delivering, restoring, filling His people and working through them to bring in the harvest! Thank you for laying your lives down for the kingdom. I’ll be praying. Wish I could be there in person.❤️
Praise Jesus for his miraculous works!! We will continue to pray for you and your team and for those who are coming. God is solo good! He answers prayers.
Thank you thank you thank you for obeying His call to come to Vegas! I have prayed for you to be able to for years. We want to attend to witness His glory but tbh, we are saved and praying for the seats to be filled with people who need to be there instead! Nevertheless, praying for you!
my eyes filled up reading this. God speed. I am praying with you.
My husband & I continue PRAYING for this GREAT outpouring of The Holy Spirit & Fire!… Mario, IS anointed for this, the time is NOW – the place is Las Vegas.
Mario and Friends, I spoke Truth to the sleazy morality brokers here and I hope it helps…https://vimeo.com/269932331
My heart is overflowing with praise for these souls who now belong to Jesus…..I pray each of them will spread the good news to others and revival will explode in Las Vegas! God bless you for your obedience to hold these meetings in spite of the enemy’s relentless attacks on you. God is building His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!!!!!
There is no place so dark that God’s light can’t penetrate……..
Glory to Almighty God. The enemy will not prevail over the Spirit of the Almighty God doing His work in all the ones He has chosen. Not one will be lost but set into the household of Almighty by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Not one will be lost belonging to Him.
Greetings Mario Murillo Ministries.
I have followed your ministry since the late 90âs and continue to love your stand for the Gospel.
Keep on keeping on Armed and Dangerous Ones.
Yours in His Service
EV. HERMAN SNELL and the Revive All Nations Team
Tel : 021 951 1956
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“Save the Lost. Revive the Saints.”
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I was in town for Monday night’s service and it was so refreshing to be in the presence of God and in the midst of our Holy Spirit loving and ministering to his sons and daughters as needs were met and lives healed and changed. Bro Mario, I’ve been in one other crusade of yours and it was a life changing experience for me as a newly born again young man. It was 1982 in Irving, TX and the meeting lasted for several weeks and I attended every service. I felt that same anointing in Las Vegas on Monday night and if there was any way I could have stayed for the whole week; I would have in a heart beat. May the wonderful work your doing bear much fruit in Las Vegas and I pray it continues and permeates every anointed ministry in Las Vegas for a harvest of souls such as the city as never seen.
It’s the Banquet where God brings in the lost and lame. Glory to God the great harvest! The down trodden salvation has come with signs and wonders!
pleasure to let you know that I have been to your website and have been so much attracted to learn more for our spiritual growth here. Indeed it is good work done and you are going to be a blessing to many who have not seen the light.
I am a leader of a christian fellowship group that has not yet got established to have well defined procedure of church worship. We merely meet for praise songs and prayers. It will be indeed wonderful for God to get us through to His chosen servants whom to grow spiritually. I hope we shall find room in your mansion and from here get to truly worship our Lord in the right way and procedure.May God bless you.As am waiting to hear from you soon on how we should fellowship together.
thank you’
Brother bonface from Kenya.