Forget everything you heard about winning souls in America.  By Mario Murillo

by | May 17, 2018 | Christianity Today | 5 comments

In a tent, in the wrong part of Las Vegas, God is making a loud and profound statement.  This statement, cuts against the grain of prevailing wisdom about bringing people to Christ in America.

Myth number one:  The only place for Christianity to flourish is in the family oriented suburbs.  This rationale is people with good jobs want safe places of worship.  That myth exploded.  Crowds from all over Las Vegas cast aside their fear.  Their hunger for spiritual awakening outweighs their concern about the neighborhood.  We thank God for the on fire mega churches in the suburbs, and for the urgent work they are doing for Jesus.  All we are saying is that it also thrives in the inner city.

Myth number two: Outsiders won’t come to hear a convicting message.  The message here is very direct.  It rips the mask off of addiction, perversion, and deception.  Not only is hell mentioned…it is showcased as the final result of the hell many are already in.   The invitation is an unapologetic demand of total surrender to the one who gave His all for their sin.  Every message is peppered with the very Bible verses experts tell pastors to leave out.  It is not unusual for up to one third of the audience to quickly answer the call and fill the front of the tent.    You can see below  that those who come forward are from all races, ages, and social levels.

Myth number three: Signs, wonders, and miracles can only appear after an extended emotional atmosphere primes the audience.  Jesus heals by His power—power that is present without the aid of human inducements.  Sometimes the calm presence that prevails can be misleading, but there is no doubt that it is Jesus who present to heal.

Myth number four: Crusades cannot succeed without widespread church support.  A handful of churches, led by Ron and Cari Wilson—a mighty core of intercessors led by Gloria Chapman—the heroic team from Inner City Action led by Frank Saldana—a powerful and committed worship team led by Benjamin Cortez—and of course, my staff which is the best anywhere, are making this event a stunning success.

We have no corner on this wisdom.  Many works across America are rediscovering the raw power of God to preach an uncompromised Gospel to touch the darkest places.

Not only that…we know that we cannot take the credit.  All Glory must go to Jesus Christ.  Come see for yourself what He is doing here.

We only have tonight and tomorrow night at 7 PM left in this wonderful Living Proof Crusade.


  1. Evan. Roger Culwell

    amen Father give them many many souls’ save heal deliver and set free from all bondage, and meet every need.

  2. Marti Hoogendonk

    I’m glad to learn his crusade is drawing all kinds of people to make a decision to accept Jesus Christ.

    Sent from my iPad


  3. Rose Flores

    Praise God for all the souls that are being saved delivered healed I will continue to pray for you brother Mario and the whole Crusade God bless

  4. megagenius

    It’s NOT by might, it’s NOT by power, but it’s by my Spirit says the Lord.

  5. Brother Fred

    The uncompromised gospel is the most powerful weapon on the face of the earth. No work of the devil can stand before it. Everything else is just a myth. Go Mario, you are proving that the Word of God is true!!!



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