15 February 2025
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Pastors & Leaders Brunch, Tyler, TX
Tyler Metro Church, 14196 Hwy. 110 South ~ Whitehouse, Texas 75791
some one said he was about to do something in northern Cal. sound’s like there about to put a stop on the church to me.
Spiritual apathy is the best description for what is happening to us as a church. It is time to wake up. A Radical Church must arise in radical California!
only wish I could post this on facebook
I just did! You hold down on the picture with the red slash circle ? over the cross and copy it. When you paste it into FB it will show this page. Go for it! You can do it too!
You can. Just look for the share button, and FB is right there. I just shared it
Amen. John..couple of years ago, i cried out to God about the condition of the church in general..He replied quickly and cleary; He said my Church is a Sleeping Giant that needs to Wake Up, Find it’s Voice and Become the Head and no Longer the Tail..He also showed me a few major ramifications of the church not being awake; Abortion, Perverted Sexual Revolution, Overcrowded Prisons, Our Nation in a Nose Dive..But he also showed me the Antidote to all of this..2 Chronicles 7:14.if My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. . amen.
Lord Jesus give the Christian community wisdom and revelation to fight this bill intellectually and stop it from being past. This bill is prejudicial and offensive to my believes.. we are born this way it is called Sin and we can overcome the nature’s of the flesh which movitate man to hurt themselves and others.
It is first understanding that no judge or law has any right to take away the knowledge of Christ salvation redemption so as others can make a freewill choice based on the value of being presented the truth about redemption salvation which empower each believer with a Holy Spirit anointing to conquer the evil within themselves and others. Sincerely Linda chapman
I’ve posted this on FB. Everyone needs to be able to make their voices heard on this matter! Let’s push back the darkness and preserve our freedom of religion in CA!
Just copy the leading graphic with the ? over the cross. Paste it in on FB and the link and graphic will appear. Let’s Do this thing! ??
And don’t forget to contact our representatives as noted at the end of this blog! ?
If an exchange of money is the problem. Then do it for free
We already do it for free. Problem is, if this wins, then after this they won’t even let us do it for free.
This is concerning CA/AB 2943
I am a registered voter in the state of California. Today is the first I have heard of this Bill. That is very concerning to me that such an important issue would be brought before an Assembly without proper public notice. As it stands now, I believe we should not allow this Bill to pass. This action that infringes on the Constitution concerning the right to assemble, the right to practice religion of choice, and freedom of speech, among others is unacceptable. The public was not properly informed about it.
Don’t pass this Bill!
Joyce Buskirk
My wife and I reacted to this five years ago. We moved to Nevada!
We will be praying for you, Mario.
Hello neighbor!
I spoke to Travis Allen running for GOV. of Ca. He says he’s on board and did vote against this. Mr. Cox did not answer my question to him. I will continue to fight here in CA , until I will be a neighbor to you all. But remember they have changed Co, NM, parts of tx, Minn, and az and Fl the red states are becoming more blue liberal. If we lose Ca, we will have to take a stronger stand then we have . I will email you from jail 🙂
We must keep our eyes on the God who gives us the victory. Who calls the shots. Just like Pilot had no power over Jesus (Jn. 19)… except it was given him from above, so no one can have power over the church except it’s give them from above. Pray !!!!!!! Our God has our backs either way.
By the way I did contact Ed Chau, to do all in his power to stop ab2943 from going anywhere.
we cast our cares to our Lord.
Halleluiah !!!!!!!
We will defeat this bill (enemy)!! Warriors lets start the intersession now. We declare victory in the name of Jesus we are taking back the land for Christ! What once look dead He will bring back to life.. We need to rise up!!
Moving to Nevada is not the answer. Standen flight! Moving from about is the answer go to the heart of the beast and kill it.
We declare victory ! I declare the church is rising up in the name of JESUS !!!