Yes, we are going to see a scorched earth political campaign from the left. They will be carpet bombing the nation with propaganda. The flood of fake news, character assassination, and criminal activity during the election season will be worse than anything you have ever seen. At a certain point, it will look impossible for our side to win. However, I know we can—I know God wants to do a miracle.
I have sought the Lord. These days of my slow recovery do have a downside for Satan. I have time to pray, study, think, and write. Last night it hit me. There are 5 clear and notable steps to a miracle in November. Here they come:
1. Activate: Realize that there are more of us than you know. There are millions who love Jesus, America, and support our president. You don’t need to engage in endless debates and change someone’s mind—all you have to do is activate those of like mind.
Activate them by telling them what is at stake. By taking the House and the Senate, the left can do as much damage as having Hillary in the White House. The first thing they will do is impeach Donald Trump. While it will take more than impeachment to remove him from office—they will move to do that next.
Ask if they are registered to vote. Ask what their plan is to make sure they vote. Talk to them about studying a sample ballot so that they will prepared to vote correctly. Talk to them about early voting. Make sure they know where to vote.
2. Talk to your pastor. Make sure you do not threaten to leave if you don’t get your way. Gently ask if he or she would consider instructing the Body on what is at stake. One fact should outweigh everything else: THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS DECLARED WAR ON CHRISTIANITY. You are not lying or exaggerating when you tell that to leader.
Spiritual leaders need to know they are not getting political by being vocal about the election. It’s the Democrats who have gotten anti-God. It is a natural extension of a preacher’s calling to destroy the works of Satan, which in this case, is the left’s plan to drive the church underground.
3. Educate yourself on the issues and take public stands. No, I don’t want you glued to cable news, but you should understand your why you are pro-life, pro second amendment, and why you support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Yes, you can win debates and change minds. When your child comes home from school a victim of leftist encroachment, you should know your parental rights. I have found that many ideas of the left are easily defeated, and young minds believe silliness because they have never heard an opposing view.
Write letters to editors. Call into radio shows. You’ll be amazed at how much noise you can make, and how many minds you can change.
4. Understand that by taking stands against leftists you are not being unloving. Paul knew when to stand up for his civil rights: Acts 16: 36 “So the keeper of the prison reported these words to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go. Now therefore depart, and go in peace.” 37 But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out. 38 And the officers told these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Romans.” Paul knew his rights. He didn’t worry that he was unloving. He forced a political change in that city.
5.Understand warfare intercession. Prayer can’t be polite in this election cycle. It must be intense. It must be targeted. It must be deliberate. It must discern what is happening. Arthur Matthews said, “principalities and powers in heavenly places have mustered their unseen array rigged their Trojan horse infiltrated society and opened the gates for a flood of evil to take over.”
Once alerted to that inescapable fact the soldier of Jesus must set themselves to unleash heaven of the powers of evil. Tragically, most believers are ignorant of the invisible battle. Edith Schaeffer says that “there is a deadness, a blindness, an insensitivity among many Christians, for they refuse to recognize the war in which they are involved.”
The good news is that Jehovah only needs a handful of true intercessors to thwart Satan’s plans in this coming election. You must understand however, your duty, and your authority. Again, Arthur Matthews says, “Barriers are not moved by God’s omnipotence until the believer takes the initiative and stands his ground in the heavenly places to engage the powers of evil that are directly the cause of the ground-level troubles, and resists them in the name of the Victor of Calvary.”
When the enemy came to steal Israel’s water Moses took action to cut off demonic power at the source: Exodus 17: 8 Now Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim. 9 And Moses said to Joshua, “Choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.”
So long as Moses held up the rod over the battle the Amalekites were defeated. You know the rest, Aaron and Hur held up his arm until victory came.
Hold up the standard of God in prayer. Hold it over the demons who drive the left to their insane extremes. Let your intercession disrupt them. Watch as God divides, confuses, and neutralizes the strategies of devils until we see a miracle in November. Hallelujah!
Thank you Mario Murillo
In agreement.
Thank you! Amen!