by | Sep 5, 2017 | Christianity Today | 16 comments

Mario Murillo says, “Many Christians are fed up with the world system—especially the way it operates in the church.  They leave church thinking, ‘this is not it, there’s something bad wrong here.’  They can’t stomach the glitzy entertainment centers anymore…”


by Mario Murillo

Many Christians are fed up with the world system—especially the way it operates in the church.  They leave church thinking, “this is not it, there’s something bad wrong here.”  They can’t stomach the glitzy entertainment centers anymore.

They are angry at ego-centric pastors with grandiose, expense and carnal visions.  They accuse them of being distracted—even derailed from their first love.   Disciples are abandoning attraction churches—something revolutionary is happening inside them.  God has started a secret work in them.

Many honest Pastors are also in divine turmoil.  The enemy condemned them for having a smaller church.   After years of blood sweat and tears their churches were battered, broken and diminished because they can’t compete with mega-mania.

And why can’t they compete? It’s because they keep their integrity!   When they see large crowds and big money pour effortlessly into churches that either hide or pervert the Gospel…it’s easy to feel like a fool for staying true.  The Bible says, “Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain, And washed my hands in innocence. For all day long I have been plagued, and chastened every morning.” Psalm 73:13,14.

However, our friend in Psalm 73 came to a great conclusion. After being bull-dozed by the success of the wicked he took action “16 When I thought how to understand this, It was too painful for me—17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their end.”  Many pastor’s  hearts are crying out for more—for a miracle they can’t even describe.

When he entered the sanctuary exhausted and discouraged, the greatness of God began to overtake him.  He saw that there is no version of this battle where Satan wins.  This is a part of the secret work God is doing in pastors!

A growing number of hungry hearts agree—with all its money and crowds—the compromised church did nothing to rebuke America’s sin.  The seeker model was a house of cards against the onslaught on the unborn and marriage.  While men slept, we had millions of abortions and marriage was destroyed.  The last 10 years we have lost battle after battle in government, education and the media.  We are a hopelessly divided nation—to a large extent the pulpit is to blame.

Charles Finney said, “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

Deep, deep in my soul where the real knowing happens—I know God is doing something new.  Every atom of my being tells me that God is doing a secret work in His people.  God is finished with hirelings.  He is drawing a remnant out of corruption and into a special, supernatural nearness to Him.  They will empty themselves of everything, every ambition will be burned out but one…to love and please Christ.

Is God doing a secret work in you?  Has God closed you in and stripped you of all enjoyment of lesser things?  Are you in divine frustration because you are going to be a part of something only God can do?

What if millions of Americans get so miserable that they cry out to God in total desperation?  What if their cry is too deep and their hunger is too great to ever be happy in a lukewarm church?  This is why the Holy Spirit is recruiting a new breed…a breed that can be trusted in an awakening.

God is doing a secret work!  He is pulling a remnant to Himself.  He is taking the prophetic core and communing with them—training them—empowering them—preparing them for one last mighty blast of power.  The Holy Spirit sees that our nation hangs by a thread.  The death-rattle is in America’s throat.   Before God allows destruction—He is going to do one last massive miracle.  What will that look like?

-People no one’s ever heard of will come to the forefront.  They will arrive with awesome power and piercing messages.  Not all of them will be regular ministers.  In fact, the majority will not leave their secular careers as God is using them.  Some will be children!

-Strange locations will house massive outpourings.  Churches that have been small for years will become ground zero of God’s presence.   People will flock in from everywhere to these centers of fire and glory.  Stunning signs and wonders will rock entire communities.  These churches will be forced to stay open 24 hours a day.

God is doing a secret work in you.  He is making you miserable to make you into a miracle.  

A.C. Valdez was a child at Azusa Street who later became an evangelist.  God showed him the future and here is what he said:  “All the electrifying adjectives in the dictionary shaken together, pressed down and running over will not begin to describe the soon-to-come, greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit of all times-what the Bible calls “the latter rain.”  You are going to see lay members carry out an amazing ministry through gifts of the Holy Spirit.  There will be wholesale cures of “incurable” conditions, healings of the blind, deaf, dumb, and handicapped, and creative miracles that will strain the imagination.  For those born without eyes ears, fingers arms or legs-or those who have lost them through disease or accidents- God will make new ones. Many astonishing miracle swill happen to bring on an international Christian breakthrough.”  I believe A.C. Valdez is not talking about a time far off in the future.. he is talking about now because, my friend it is now or never.

Think about it.  You are going to attend a conference, seminar or convention this year.  Choose the one that will change your life and equip you to change the world.   The convention is free, but you must have a ticket.  You can print out your ticket right now by using the link below.  Do it now.  Space is limited.



  1. Vicki L Piebenga

    Wow….what a powerful message! I loved it. It is so relevant to our times and I believe it to be true. This message gave me new strength to “keep on keeping on” for the good and for God. Thank you!

  2. Phyllis Falco

    DearBrother ,I firstly want to Praise The Lord for what God is doing through your ministry ,
    Do you remember the Vision or dream of Tommy Hicks ?
    Also a,at this time ,brethren from the Isles of the sea ,Poppa New Guinea ,Australia ,Hawaii and others have been praying together for Thirty -one years and have seen visitations of the Lod in various places , However ,at this time the Prophetc word came that the Cloud was moving to Jerusalem at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles on October 10-13andthat the brethren humbled themselves to the leadership in Israel and asked them to seek the Lord for confirmation ,Also that they would take the role of He Elder Brother and the authority and responsibility of organization This is called A Gathering to Welcome the King Of Glory ,
    After several months of prayer Brother Arvi Mizrachi affirmed the request , We at this late date are praying for a meeting place since we were turned down by the one we originally had , The reason being that we were Messianic Believers and the religious opposed it ,.
    Please ask the Lord if you would be able to hold this up in prayer ,
    God blessyou
    Sharona (Phyllis)Falco

  3. shirley cochran

    In 2005, God gave me a word,,it was “WARNING”. I asked what He meant, He was telling me to pray for Lukewarm Churches. My heart stayed so heavy for weeks. People would look at me and say,,”glad thats not my church”. He wanted me to feel some of His Hurt. There are signs and wonders all around, and still “The Church” is not paying attention. I asked Him to take this burden, as it got so heavy,, but I turned and told The Lord,, “No, I will carry this burden and pray.” It is great that He is letting more and more see this though.

  4. Omotayo

    Sir, you just hit the nail on the head with this post. Thank you

  5. johnwillis

    I concur… “Isaiah 56:10 KJV
    [10] His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

  6. Matthew Adney

    The reeper will overtake the sower.before the seed can be sown the fruit will be sprouting. The fishers of men will be overwhelmed. The fish will be jumping into the boat to be caught. Churches will not close because people will not want to get one step out of the presence of God or go one second without hearing His word or seeking His face, because the awaking of their soul, the quickening of their spirit and revelation of the reality of GOD will be so real and the truth so clear they will be a raging inferno of holy fire so full of faith, the dead will rise the sick will be well, the broken made whole, the blind will see, and it would take years to disclose all the exploits the church ( not the institution the true church the body of believers) will do in the name of the Lord during this later rain outpouring

    • Vessel of His Mercy

      Beautiful. Thank you.

  7. Nelly Smith

    Yes! Ty my dear brother and Apostle, for a most accurate and necessary word to His Bride! He is calling us indeed! Awaiting in excitement for His most outstanding move of His Spirit! Blessings

  8. Carolina

    Good analysis Mario!
    Back between 2003 & 2010, I prophesied my heart, brains, and finances out, to the universal church as well as to several high profile Protestant church leaders, up close & personal… some I considered personal friends at the time. I told them of this day we’re now in and that it was coming if they continued to preach, teach and promote the world’s style, mega church mentality and the socialization of a church “culture.” Many of them didn’t listen they didn’t heed and starkly rejected the prophetic word of God brought by His ordained people me included. And now they wonder “why?” Why the church roles are vacating as we speak by the thousands. Lukewarm is true as to what mainstream church culture became… in all candor it’s really just more politics as usual. The highest profile Pastors and church leaders have become “like” the American Congress & Senate. Unable to move, mired in a consistent state of selfish inertia, and still they have the temerity to demand unbiblical tithes from the Flocks of The only True Shepard Jesus Christ. Just like the politicians demand unconstitutional taxes.
    Many, many of these Pastors, teachers, evangelists, live in 10 million dollar mansions- flying exorbitant jets wearing $5,000 suits men and women alike, & then they scratch their heads wondering “why” anyone inside or outside the household of faith wouldn’t understand them! Shame on these who’ve exchanged light for darkness and evil in place of good, for when the blind lead the blind they will both fall in a ditch.
    THE ROCK has rocked their worldly cradle! May they finally grow up!…and weep between the alter & the portico. Yet just get OFF of their high horse.

    • Vessel of His Mercy

      The difference between hirelings and Shepherds. Be refreshed by Isaiah 53. A look at our true Shepherd. Jeremiah shows that Judgment is coming and Revelations 20. We are not the judge however, we are discerning.

  9. Michael DeWitt

    Laodicea: PC in the Pulpit:
    Church should be both a Blessing and a Conviction, not one or the other. To know the Lord is to know that Conviction is a Blessing and proof of our Lords Love for us. A Good Shepherd doesn’t shy away from the Truth for the sake of his coffers.

  10. Vessel of His Mercy

    Come Soon Lord JESUS ! Pour out Your Spirit and sweep over the lands. Do a quick work and save Your people. It has become so vile here. Have mercy on the land, animals, people whom you love. Strengthen us Lord but come soon. Forgive us, your people and cleanse us where we have become dirty. Forgive us for turning away from you. HOLY Spirit, convict the world of it’s sin through our lives and our words..Help us to stand strong. Amen. Please, come soon JESUS.

  11. Vessel of His Mercy

    Occupy till I return.

  12. Robert Notestine

    Mario, so looking forward to seeing you at Bethel and BSSM in a few! You always manage to bring firey joy!



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