[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js7JTyezZW8&w=560&h=315]
America is screaming for a new breed of Christian Warrior—believers who have escaped the Christian Witness Protection Program. Millions of Christians are done with watered-down Christianity. To them, it has been a terrible waste of time and money. Modifying the Gospel by omitting the “offensive” parts removed its power to transform society. That is why we are in a moral landslide.
Click here to register now
By Mario Murillo
Millions ask disturbing questions. Why have we cast it aside? Why have we accepted a cheap substitute? Why can’t we see the desperate need?
Millennials need to see power that will break the break the bankrupt ideologies they get on campus. The American culture needs to be pierced by young vessels who speak words their generation cannot resist—warriors who carry addiction breaking, disease killing miracle power. How do we get those kinds of vessels?
That kind of Warrior will not be created in an echo chamber of religious role playing. They must be infused with indisputable Holy Spirit power. They must hunger for something beyond “feel good” experiences.
Is that you? Then it’s time for you to experience the Warrior’s Workshop. A workshop that is not theoretical, emotional or apologetic. This is a workshop that will forge a lifetime of unexpected effectiveness.
God ordered me to create this Workshop. It was forged from 48 years of front line success against the powers of darkness. It is revelation mined from world changers who have poured into my life.
Oral Roberts, Kathryn Kuhlman and David Wilkerson did not leave their world unchanged. What they forged in me and others cannot be taken lightly. These treasures must be handed to hearts ready to be used in a fresh worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Is that you?
This workshop makes an audacious claim: With just 3 skills, you can revolutionize America and the world! You can get these skills at the Warrior’s workshop. These talents seem so simple but they are profound: 1. How to win a soul. 2. How to heal the sick. 3. How to walk in continual victory.
Perhaps you wonder if you have the courage to change the world. Courage is the main thing you gain at this workshop. Generals know good military training does not just prepare soldiers for combat—it makes them long for it.
Give me just 3 hours and you will long to confront the enemy. Why not you? You can become the effective weapon our nation and the world needs now. See you there! The Workshop is free but you must register!
Click here to register now!
I don’t know what’s website is.
I remember those days of the Holy Spirits Power!
Awesome workshop! Be a warrior for Jesus Christ!!
When are you coming to Fresno?
We have a revival stirring. This next and frankly last great revival is going to be all about the Holy Spirit. I’ll be praying for your workshop in Bakersfield, and that we can organize one here in Fresno as well
Love Mario Muriel ministries.
Yes, We warriors are ready to go to the streets. Holy Spirit will flow over into the lowlands of our community and beyond.
Would like to know when Mario Murrillo in bakersfield?
Gloria, Mario is in Bakersfield on Saturday January 28th at 10 AM At City Center The address is 3201 “F” Street. The Workshop is free but you must register. Click here to register http://igfn.us/f/wna/n
Looking forward to being taught