by | Sep 1, 2021 | Faith In Action, Prayer and Healing | 148 comments


I received a major healing. But I feel the fear of God in telling you about it. This is not my miracle. This is God’s miracle. And, in sharing it with you, you understand and feel my trepidation. Here are my points of concern:

We are ashamed to admit it when we are sick. I have long been part of the Word of Faith movement, and it works strongly in me. But in our movement, it is sometimes difficult to ever admit you are sick. I believe we must follow Christ’s model. When the twelve disciples thought Lazarus was asleep, Jesus cleared the air: “Then Jesus said to them, plainly, ‘Lazarus is dead’” (John 11:4).

Many have lost loved ones to Covid. This makes my celebration bittersweet. I am heartsick at the vast loss around the world. Most acute is my devastation at the early draconian measures, when grandparents could not say goodbye to their grandchildren. Mechelle and I welcomed our first granddaughter only one year ago. The idea of not being able to see her again is an agony which takes my breath away.

Now, let me tell you what happened. I had just completed the tent crusade in Sacramento, when I prepared to leave for Batavia, New York, in anticipation of what would be our greatest leadership gathering ever.

How strange that I and everyone who attended were so supernaturally protected in all the tent crusades, to be personally sideswiped by one irresponsible action which was aimed against me when I was far away from the tent. But, since I got a miracle, there is no need for recrimination here.

“To be personally sideswiped by one irresponsible action which was aimed against me when I was far away from the tent. But, since I got a miracle, there is no need for recrimination here.”

I did not know why I was suddenly feeling weak. I knew I could not get on a plane for New York. That is when Larry Rutledge and I made the astounding decision to make the journey of 1,600 miles by automobile. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but we put everything on the line. I was supernaturally held up by the power of God. They tell me the message I gave in Batavia was effective, but I can barely remember what I preached.

The drive back to Nashville took another 12 hours. Those long hours brought home to me the true horror of my condition. Imagine what Mechelle was facing the whole time. Her worst fears were confirmed when she saw me. I was quickly bundled into the car and driven to the hospital.

Thank God for Williamson Medical Center in Franklin, Tennessee. What an excellent staff of doctors and nurses! One blood test and an X-ray revealed what appeared to be a raging case of Covid-19, as well as pneumonia in both lungs. They immediately admitted me.

But it was when I was placed in my room that something that was not of this world began to happen.

“But it was when I was placed in my room that something that was not of this world began to happen.”

Warfare prayer for me went up immediately from many, many saints. I am living proof of this verse: Philippians 1:19, “For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ…”

In less than 8 hours, my temperature dropped from 101 to 98.2. Then came the oxygen miracle. Struggling to breathe, I was terrified when the question of putting me on a ventilator arose. Instead, at approximately 10:40 p.m., my oxygen level began to rise. They told me I would be on oxygen for two more days, but the very next morning my oxygen level rose to the point that the nurse said, “We are taking you off oxygen now.” All glory to God!

My condition improved so radically that I was cleared to go home just 48 hours after being settled in my room.  At this moment, my lungs are clear. My taste and smell have returned. But something else is on my mind.

“This is not only my miracle. It is a sacred and fearful mandate for me to do more than ever for lost souls and to rescue America from tyranny.”

I am walking in a brokenness, feeling a weight of gratitude for God’s mercy and for the love of my friends and family who prayed. This is not only my miracle. It is a sacred and fearful mandate for me to do more than ever for lost souls and to rescue America from tyranny.

Finally, the most important thing Christ did in me, came while I was in the throes of the pain from hell that raged in my body. It was a rare opportunity for me to learn a lesson. Here are the thoughts that came out of that hell:

“When this is over, we will remember only one thing: “It won’t be the pain or the agony. It will be the fight in our spirit. Did we leave it all on the field? Did we fight with a nasty junkyard-dog-rage and fire to the very end? Did we seethe with holy zeal? Was our blood burning? Did the devil feel our total rage and defiance? Vicious victory in our soul is all that matters!! Symptoms be damned!!! Amen!”





  1. Roger Culwell

    amen sir praise the Lord

    • Mary Loher

      Praise the Lord for a faithful servants healing🙏🏻🕊

      • Lillian Ruckman

        Thank u Lord Jesus’s for being there by ur side being the Doctor of doctors to Him be the Glory

      • Miranda Farris

        Thank you Lord for healing your faithful servant!!! All Glory and Honor and Praise belong to you Lord!!!

    • Lauren Jones

      Hallelujah! Fervent prayer of believers brings on miracles! Your faith combined with that so many others lifted you up and that room Full of faith brought a quick end to Satan‘s attack upon you! We thank God for your rapid recovery, and your determination to not miss a moment of serving God,. If we Christians could maintain our faith level it would be a lot less sickness and a lot more faith, and a lot more miracles happening. We need to let go of our fear and latch on to God‘s word.

      • Leroy Thompson

        aMEN mY bROTHER!

      • Vincent J Mack

        All Praise, Glory and Honor to the father,son and the Holy Spirit

    • Trish Barton

      Just reading about your miracle I feel the mighty presence of the Almighty! Thank you Jesus!!

    • Colleen L Janke

      Praise God!! The Lord heard His children praying. The enemy was trying to get rid you but Only God! God knows there’s more
      to be done & He needs you and His children to accomplish His Will. Hallelujah! Praise God ALMIGHTY!

      • Phyllis Rampley

        Praise God for your healing.

    • Arline Reed Trowbridge

      Praise God. I missed you, and prayed for you.!

    • megagenius mind of Christ

      “For a great and effective door is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries” The greater the battle, the sweeter the victory. I Corinthians 16:9

    • Alen Givens

      Glory to God , its revelation 12: 11 we will win.

      • Johnpatrick

        The Lord of Lords is on the moVe❗️
        We are waiting for Jesus to shoW up but ’ God is already waiting for US
        🌈the Church🌈ALL to RISE UP❗️Bottom line is⚡️God Is In ControL
        …..⚡️Period❗️Go out ayn’ spread the good neWs….. Miracles match your faith… it’s His Miracles but it’s your
        “🎶Living Faith….. “Come Holy Spirit… Come Holy Spirit ayn’ fill us up with your
        🌟Holy Presence🌟❗️ God bless y’all…… ayn’ reach out dailY❗️
        God has spoken,” Did I not command you?” “Be brave, Be courageous, do not fear, do not get discouraged! Wherever you go knoW that I am with you❗️
        God’s Peace eVeryone❗️
        God bless your ministry Mario…..
        You haVe inspired me to do His bidding,
        not my glorY but His❗️🍀

    • Steven W. Honeycutt

      Thanks for sharing your testimony Mario!

    • Karen

      Praise God through whom all blessings flow! I’m so happy to hear of your healing!

    • mrsbmp

      We overcame satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Rev 12:11. vs 12….Therefore, rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! We rejoice with heaven for the victory over satan’s evil attack. Never apologize for your personal testimony! God bless you and all the glory goes to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    • Miriam Flanagan

      Praise God Mario. The same Angel who stood by Paul kept him during the tempest has kept you to fulfill Gods purpose. All praise to our Great and loving God. True to His Word. The faithfullness of the prayers of the saints how we covet them!

    • Thora Evans

      I am so thankful for Gods intervention in your life. I am so thankful that God also spared me. I recently lost four friends as a result of covid. Two of them came down with it the same day I did. I survived, they did not. at 85 I am the oldest of them all. God must have a purpose.

  2. Curtis Munoz

    The battle is fierce!!!!
    Glad you made it thru the fire also….

    • Alana

      Mario….I love this strong word to look at God’s miracle and 🔥🔥🔥🔥burning in you and across this land. We are also in this victory. Our daughter also went thru this miraculous healing as our beloved there in Tulsa. She said it was hell but we have the miracle!🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

    • Roger Vandevert

      So happy to hear of your battle, won 🏆. You’ve been on my heart and know I see why..Be encouraged, Mario.

    • Griselle Trujillo

      Right, we think we are invulnerable. but it’s not like that. We are in a polluted and lost world and the dragon wants to knock us down with its tail. The issue is not whether we get sick or suffer; instead it is: what am I going to do in that process? Who will receive glory in the midst of everything and in spite of everything? One day, while going through a terrible process, I asked the Lord why had He allowed me to go through all that pain? And HE answered me: “Daughter, I am preparing you to understand the pain that everyone goes through; that is the only way to minister with love and compassion. That is why I came into the world as a man, to understand the pain that they go through. everybody.”

  3. Ellen Kania

    Praise God Almighty for your healing, in Jesus’s name!

    • Pamela A Parnell

      God is so good! Healed by His mercy. So happy you are back Mario Murillo, I missed you and the word

  4. Mike Van Buskirk

    In addition to your position of faith and strong spiritual stance, is there anything you did in the natural that you believe helped; besides going to the hospital? Rejoicing with you for this great victory!

    • Deborah

      What the enemy intended for harm, God used for His Glory Amen

    • Natalie Grandinetti

      Your link took me to Rumble; excellent! Search for And We Know on Rumble. He has Godly truth and wisdom. Praise God that Mario was able to leave the hospital and God bless you, Sally.

    • Darlene W

      Yes! It is the protocols.

  5. ggrammaAlyce

    Oh my Goodness Mario!! I have missed you from FB and your blogs for days and wondered why? Then after hearing on Flashpoint you had been sick I knew why when I was praying for some time ago and now I do not remember the days, but I felt strongly to pray for healing for you and I asked the Lord about it and felt He said just pray!! I did, trusting there must be a need!! Praise God for His wonderful healing power and for your rapid recovery!!So thankful I obeyed !SO ThANKFUL YOU ARE BACK!! Continued prayer ….much Love to you and Michelle!!!
    Alyce Prewett

    • Deborah Townsend

      I am currently facing a physical war myself so I am unable to accurately express how much this speaks to me. I’m so blessed you are well and forever give praise to the One Who is worthy! Thank you so much for sharing!

    • Leigh M

      I thank the Lord you have been restored! I’m grateful that you will continue to reach this lost nation. 2Chronicles 7:14 needs to be every believers verse!

  6. Olga Kelly

    Thank you Jesus.

  7. Cappie Stuff

    I heard you where sick with covid asking for prayer. I was suprised. I STOPPED AND BEGAN TO PRAY.I felt the Lords presence and I said to myself its taken care of. I knew God was on it in one moment. So happy!

  8. Kathy Markowski

    Amazing and powerful testimony. God is so gracious and loving. You are a living and breathing miracle.

    • Kim Deenner

      Mario I saw that you are opening two revival centers and I know that you are extremely busy. I also know that you are getting older and must take care of yourself. My prayer for Mario isn’t so much that God’s uses you mightily but that God gives you strength and health to continue to do what you are called to do. I love your ministry. I’ve been involved with it since Oakland night of miracles.
      You are one of my favorite Generals in the faith. I am so grateful for your voice in these dark days.
      My prays are with
      God is with you

    • Ann Carroll

      Praise God for all He has done in and through you. Breathe restoration fire over our nation.

  9. Susan

    Glory to God! Amen

  10. Janice

    All glory to God in the highest, who loves us eternally and cares for us every day whether or not we ask or sometimes even know what’s happening in the spirit realm. I praise God, and have believed for the tent meetings in Batavia, N.Y. I have watched and seen and prayed for California and believed for revival in my home state NY where I have roots for 76 years. I lived most of that time in Spencerport and Rochester suburbs.I have more anticipation now more than ever for what God has in store for NY. God has raised you up and did battle for you for a great cause spiritually And I give him the glory and thanksgiving. My nephew is fighting covid in a Florida hospital and by the Grace of God has won. After a couple of weeks on respirator and dialysis he is beginning to be weaned from the ventilator. I live in Va. and get updates and requests for continued prayer as he progresses! Praying for great revival as I continue to pray and keep faith in His plans. God Bless you !

  11. Omar Marin

    Resist the devil and he will flee you till the end !

    • Sharlene Carpenter

      I was at the Batavia Leader meeting and I knew as soon as you walked out onto the stage that you weren’t well. I also knew what was wrong and I am sure that others were aware also. The Lord put on my heart to pray through out the meeting for you and we give him all the praise for healing you.Thank you for loving our Lord so much that you continued on with his word that day. I am looking forward to your tent revival in Oct. and what the Lord brings to us.

  12. Pauline Browne

    Praise God for healing Mario. God bless him and his family.

  13. Regina

    Thank you for sharing this story of God’s faithfulness.

  14. Tanya

    Praise the Lord for recovery.

  15. Ron sellers

    Thank you for being honest. Not only with your Covid experience but also your marriage experience. Brokenness makes a true man of God. God continue to bless you Mario.

    • Christie Zulim

      amen. Praying that God will continue to strengthen you, give you courage and boldness. America needs you at this critical hour. You are a forerunner for others to follow. I pray a hedge of protection around you for each and every day. God is good. Goodness and mercy is following you, brother!

  16. Andrea

    I really would like to know how you became sick. My reason is simple. How to avoid what happened to you! Unless someone spit in your face. I am 75 and have supported your ministry for many years. No fear. But suddenly so many are becoming ill. Even Christian’s !!

  17. Sally delgado

    Go God. Go Gods people. Amen amen.

  18. Paul Dubois

    Wow Mario what a battle and a word . Blessings over u and your family.

  19. Kelly Hall

    Amen! God is good all the time!

  20. Debbie shiflett

    Praise God for your healing. I and my son and three grandchildren had it in Feb. 2020 just before covid was announced in the media. God is good we all recovered at home thinking we had the flue but we were all negative when given a flue test. Prayer, taking communion, and rest got us healed by the hand of Jesus.
    Again.. Praise God! Blessings to you!

  21. Mary


    • Linda Percival

      Amen hallelujah

  22. Bee

    Thank you for sharing. It IS a great reminder 2 fight the good fight of FAITH. Never up, give in. NEVER! GOD is a good good GOD.

  23. JoAnne Davenport

    I am a spirit filled Christian and have had COVID in its various forms 3 times. I did not go to the hospital but fought through it at home. God’s breath blew through my lungs on the 5th day the first time and healing came, The second time was not as deadly I assumed I had the anti-bodies to fight it. The third time was the delta variety which was long and drawn out and I’m still battling a cough and some lung issues which I continue to stand against! The thought that this was created by men who intentionally created this pandemic to destroy peoples lives I still struggle to understand. We are under attack by an enemy who has no mercy! We must refuse to live with this evil and especially for our children! We are at war and the church must not settle. It must be eradicated from the earth!

  24. Lori

    So So So incredibly THANKFUL.

  25. Geneva D Green

    Praise the Lord, faithful and true! May you be renewed in your body, spirit and soul with greater power, anointing and fearlessness than even your former years. May you see with your eyes the deepest desires of your heart as they come into fruition. Our God is an Awesome God!

  26. Lillian Conti

    Praise the Lord for your heeling that you can go on preaching the truth ! Hallelujah Brother Mario! Praising God!

  27. Sheila Thompson

    AMEN Glory to God

    • Lesa Jeffrey

      Father God bless you for your faithfulness

  28. Dorothy O'Hara-Pinkham

    Praise you Father God!!!!

    • John Blaylock

      Thank God for the victory. You are an encouragement to us. My wife and are battling Covid as I read this Blog. And as a member of the Word of Faith. I understand what it means to hold fast your confession. At the same time we have to walk in truth. I believe for the victory.

    • Robert Norris

      I am thankful for your testimony and I, myself, am dealing with surgery on my rotator cuff. I have plenty of time on my hands and believe it is God wanting me to grow closer to him. I am healed through the stripes of Jesus CHRIST my savior. Thankful for your complete healing for HIS sake. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD, bless you and your ministry

  29. Terry Hightower

    Mario, you are a true and amazing man of God!!! He has used your words and example to strengthen and encourage me over the last 1 1/2 years! Thank you for allowing God to use you in so many ways, and thank you for your love for the lost!!! You’ll never know this side of Heaven how greatly God has used you to open the eyes of those who need Jesus and to heal them spiritually as well as physically! My dream is to be a part of one of your crusades, soon, not just as an observer but to assist in any way that is needed! I’m so very grateful God completely healed you! Be well. I pray for you and that God will continue to prosper and protect you and your family!

  30. Jane Schmitt

    We all have a powerful God.. Let’s welcome him into our hearts.. Just ask his love is everlasting..

  31. NickT

    That is a great testimony of saints praying and divine healing from the Lord. Praise the Lord!
    I’m looking forward to the day like the book of Acts
    healing where all are healed who called upon the name of the Lord!
    My story is a little different. I was diagnosed with a tumor on one kidney. They prayed for me at church and I hoped the Lord would remove it. My wife an I have been Full Gospel, Bible believing Christians for over forty years. The Doctors did catch it by accident but I think it was the Lord. Had it removed and am cancer free PTL also. no complications either.

    Also I am asking for prayer my company states we all must get the Jab for Covid by Oct. 1st. or I will loose my job of 16 years. I am praying for right decision to make as I am totally against the mandate jab but also need my job. Sorry this sounds like a facebook post but when I quit FB… this blog is the only thing I have left to vent with.
    Again glad for your healing and all you do for the Lord, God Bless. Looking forward to a God sent revival across the world.

    • prayinginok

      Nick, don’t let them force you into doing something you’re not comfortable with.

  32. Teresa Rezendes Atkinson

    God was NOT going to let the devil take one of his very important people, He has to get His revival going full speed. I think maybe you NEEDED to rest and this may have been the only way to get you TO REST! I’m sorry you went through it, but Im so happy to hear you are healed and rested. On to what Gods plans are for you now. Be blessed sir and TY for everything!

  33. Cynthia Smith

    Thank you, Mario, for choosing to give this honest account of your health situation with everyone. We love you. We thank God for you in our lives and the lives of those you touch who do not know you. We thank God for your willingness to walk out the path he has laid before you. And we thank God for his continuous blessings on your life and your family. We love you.

  34. Tanner from Louisiana

    Hallelujah! Praise the Lord Brother Mario, God is good. Lets continue to take back what the enemy has stolen. Satan has been 🥊🥊🥊beat down again, let’s continue to kill Giants. Shalom 🔥🔥⚡️⚡️🦅🌊🌊🌊🚂🚂🚂

    Build the tents 🏕 🏕 fill the stadiums 🏟 🏟

  35. Cindy

    Amazing and Powerful testimony brother Mario! No weapon formed against you shall prosper! Take that satan! You have the Angelic Angels all around! What a miracle! Praise Jesus! To God be the Glory! ❤️🔥

  36. Pamela

    Last night was the first time I heard your message in person. As I was watching your ministry I thought he doesn’t look well. Come to find out you survived. God is a good God. He takes care of his disciples. You are one of the best. God bless and keep you.

  37. n9nwo

    Often we who are leaders tend to not want to admit weakness. It is not so much G-D, rather it is the adversary, who does this to us. But G-D does use it to allow us to grow, to be blessed by others.

    Sometimes we are so focused on giving that we make it hard to receiver.

  38. ali

    PRAISE be to our God – Who leads us into VICTORY. Thanking God for His faithfulness. Stay strong, stay well. You are in our hearts and in our prayers. You are loved.!!!!!!

  39. Collin

    We are so thankful to our creator for his swift mercy and healing for you. Had no idea you were being attacked. This is a wake-up moment to us to continually pray for our friends and family. Bless you and your family.

  40. CS1

    amen brother Mario, I remember when I had COVID in november of last year, God healed me and I went to new York in April, many restrictions but God made a way. I praise the Lord with you and rejoy in your healing. God bless you .and the Murillo family

  41. Candy Goddard

    All the glory be to God! So happy you are healed, Pastor Mario. Have missed receiving your blogs.

  42. LuAnn Morton-Earl

    I just saw this today…. I do Praise God, The Lord Jesus Christ that He healed you so quick!! I had COVID in Dec 2019 before they even knew what it was. That is the sickest I have ever been. I am just a nobody and who am I that the Lord would pay any attention to me. I fought it off, it lasted for 2 weeks. I finally had to have a doctor prescribe some antibiotics. I lost all taste and my lungs hurt so terribly, I could hardly breathe. I know God preserved my life and led me to do what I had to do to survive. I didn’t go in the hospital, I had no insurance at the time, not even Medicare. I know what you were experiencing. I am so grateful you are okay and you came through this miraculously. Glad you are still with us!! I have missed your posts.

  43. Larry Franklin

    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
    People continue to pray for all believers, that God will protect, heal and meet all their needs in Jesus’ Name.
    Mario may God continue to bless you and all the people around the world that are being the hands and feet of the Lord

  44. Joshua

    Bless you Mario for Sharing! Glory to God!! You are right “This is not only my miracle. It is a sacred and fearful mandate for me to do more than ever for lost souls and to rescue America from tyranny” The enemy tried taking you out but it backfired!!
    Go Time n Jesus Name!

  45. Gunnar

    Ephesians 6:13
    “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
    Isaiah 59:19
    “So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.”
    Romans 1:17
    “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”
    Isaiah 40:31
    31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
    Matthew 11:12
    12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
    Philippians 4:6
    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

  46. Michelle

    The Spirit of the Lord is upon you because HE hath anointed you to preach the gospel to the poor; HE hath sent you to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

    All Glory goes to God. People in Riverside County have been praying for you and the ministry. Keep going and tear the people away from the devil by the power of God!!!

  47. Rachel

    Was missing your blogs, now I see God had a mighty testimony to be set forth! Praise our Lord for His faithfulness and thank you for sharing!

  48. gennawalter

    I started to miss your blog and I mentioned to my daughter and my husband that I had not seen any of your blogs. Although, I had a need to pray for you and your ministry. Little did I know you had been sick! God has praying warriors that are helping out in this times. God is never slow in his timing. I am glad you came out of this. You are one of a few of the last Minister we will ever have to preach the truth. I am so happy for your quick recovery and Glory be to God up on high for always being there; when thing occur by surprise we are not alone. May God’s protection cover you and your family. God Bless!

  49. Rachel

    Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! I am so encouraged by your obedience! Thank you.

  50. NewHeavenOnEarth

    All thanks and honor, all praise and worship and glory, all dominion and power and authority to Father God and his Christ! The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy we gratefully thankfully humbly worshipfully RECEIVE Abba Father! AND your testimony of the Power of God our Great Physician is testimony AND prophesy of the Greatness, Mercy, Wisdom, Grace, Glory, Kingdom, and POWER of Eternal Almighty God!!! Thank you Jesus!!! We love you God and are called to Your Purpose! Thank you Abba Father!!!

  51. Allan Newell

    Praying for your complete healing. May the Lord Refresh and Heal you as you have poured yourself out for others. Thank you Jesus 😊

  52. Michael McBane

    Mercy how can we fathom how deep, how wide it is? We live in its grace, breathe by its wonder and are brought near to God in its draptng.

  53. Goldie

    Do people not get it yet?? Since the rollout of the “clot shot”, there has been a drastic increase of serious illness and death. Tens of thousands have died from the death jab. Far more are suffering heart, nerve, organ damage, and a myriad of other bizarre side effects. The most highly vaccinated countries have the highest cases of Covid and deaths from Covid. Truth seekers can easily find the truth.

  54. Margarita de Jesus Eriksson

    Mario, I thank God for your Miraculous Recovery. I have been to your Tent Revivals in Modesto and Sacramento. You are such a Spirit Filled Evangelist and God still wants your assistance for all those souls to be saved. So I Thank you Jesus for keeping Mario with us here in California and other states to continue his Godly Work.

  55. jeanne

    Of course we are very happy for you.

  56. Tina

    Glory be to God for your miraculous healing. We prayer for you and your mission daily and your fire and zeal for the Gospel is an inspiration to us all. God bless you

  57. Rebecca

    Thank you Lord for this miracle for Mario! I know He does have much more for you to do in His name. You are strong in His power and His might. You prayed and prophesied twice over me in Branson and I too received miracles! My prayers will always be with you! God bless and keep you and your family!
    Love in Christ , Rebecca

  58. Dawn M Prince

    Thanks Mario, your experience is so like my husband and myself with covid, we were blessed that when admitted to hospital they put us together in one room. We have no idea where it came from and like you we have been in the Word of Faith for many years and with us we have come to a place that only our Lord can take our life when we walk in His ways. Christians are attacked with sickness and it must be our trust in Him that whatever happens we are in Him. We are of the age that they say will not survive but here we are and in a few days we will celebrate 59 years of marriage. PTL!!!

  59. lordswarrior111

    Bravo! Symptoms be be damned, the Kingdom advances! Praise the Lord!

  60. Duane Wessel

    Praise God we are all Vaccinated with the Blood Of Jesus! AMEN! Isaiah 54:17 NO WEAPON (No Covid) formed against you shall prosper…

  61. Patricia Powell

    Bro Mario, I rejoice nd celebrate your healing. God is so good. Love your courage, boldness, in these final hours before He Returns. This is truly a Fight of faith against the forces of darkness. God bless and keep you for His purpose and plan.

  62. Marie Kinch

    So grateful for your recovery and your testimony.

  63. Betty

    Praising God for your miraculous healing and continuous protection.

  64. Patricia Delea

    This was extremely encouraging! My own sister in South Carolina is going through this right now. Bless you for sharing. Thanking Jesus for her total recovery! So thrilled our wonderful Jesus healed you Mario! Much love, Pattie and Ray

  65. Beverly

    Thank you Jesus for your healing touch on are brother Mario. And for his faithfulness all this years. We pray he gets the rest that he needs . And for him to recive the word from you . I pray that his life is worth so much in America and a round the World . That he has the glorious power of God on his life that no man or demon in hell can stop what you have started. I thank you in Jesus name. I prayer for peace, strength, and the blood & oil of Almighty to go forth in Mario know .

  66. fromanislandinnewhampshire

    I was praying for you anyway, Mario, but I did not know why. Thank God He pulled you through this thing. We will all pull together and move forward in Jesus Name!

  67. chiana72

    Praise and thank you God. All glory and honor to you Lord.

  68. Jim Lowell

    Praise the Lord! Still hoping God directs you to Russellville, AR!

  69. Betth

    Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever. I thought when I watched the meeting in NY state you sounded like you were sick. Please continue praying for our healthcare workers. I have 2 nurses in my immediate family. God bless you Mario & your family.

  70. megagenius

    The greater the battle, the sweeter the victory!

  71. Genciana tyau

    I am always in awe of the goodness of God His healing power supersedes all natural powers. Praise be to God!

  72. prayinginok

    What the devil meant for evil, God turned around. Thank you Lord!

  73. megagenius

    Knocked down but not knocked out! Mario is fighting with wild beasts in America, and has been delivered out of the mouth of the lion! I Cor.16:9.

  74. Debbie Kliewer

    Amen and praise God! What a testimony. Also,
    I am writing down the last paragraph for a checklist. It is powerful.

  75. Darlene W

    Covenant promise in Exodus 23 verse 25 is comforting. You shall serve the Lord your God. He shall bless your bread and water, and take sickness from your midst.

  76. Trudy L

    Praise God for healing! So sorry to hear you got so sick! I wish I had known, I would have been praying too. But I was wondering why it was so long since we’ve heard from you, so there were times I would ask God’s protection over you and that all was well. Thanks for letting us know! The power of prayer is truly amazing!!

  77. Kathy MM

    Oh my brother, I thank God for your victorious fight and deliverance. This worlds enemy tries to afflict us all, with much, and “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all”.ps34 As another brother stated “no weapons formed against us will prosper” Is 54 does not say that no weapons will be formed …just that they will not prosper. One Accord is God’s dream and the good fight of faith/trust is a worthy fight (no shame involved) and The Book of the Wars of the Lord have many more chapters to write.

  78. Marsha Carol Watson Gandy

    To GOD be ALL THE GLORY. When I think about the timing of this Attack on you, it was to prevent you from being able to Stand in the Gap for our soldiers and Americans, and others in Afghanistan who had helped us—and to prevent you from praying for those more than 50 Contractor Service Dogs who were left behind…..BUT GOD IS A VERY PRESENT HELP…HE IS OUR HELPER AND OUR COMFORTER.


  79. Cheri Fahrenkrog

    The Holy Spirit woke me at 3:00 a.m. Central time Sept. 1st. And told me to pray in the Spirit. I had no idea who I was praying for but prayed in obedience for some time until I fell back to sleep. Yesterday I thought who knows I may be even praying for myself. I have been interceding for the body of Christ throughout the world and will continue to do so. Several months ago I was burdened to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world. I feel in my Spirit this to be on going. To God be the Glory! Let us wear our armor daily!

  80. Beverly Banta

    GLORY HALLELUJAH!!!!! Rejoicing in your healing and your powerful testimony!

  81. Thomas J Albrecht

    Mario, I am praying for you daily for full recovery and strength for the journey.
    Pastor Tom Albrecht
    Christ’s Church of the Rockies

  82. Tonia Borowski

    I thank the Lord Jesus for His love and mercy and for healing you. Praise the Lord!

  83. Susan Norman

    Hallelujah!! God is so good!! Thank you Father for the miracle of healing for Mario – we are so grateful.

  84. Thomas J Albrecht

    I have tried to send a reply a couple of times but couldn’t get it to go, so I’ll try again now. I am praying for you and know what it is like to come under the attack of the enemy. On Easter Sunday I got sick and by the following Tuesday was hospitalized with Covid19 in both lungs. I had to shut down our outreach ministry to the homeless and shut down our church for 5 Sundays. I could not believe how sick I got so suddenly, but God touched me and I am healed and whole. I know it was an attack of the enemy, and I know the enemy does not like what God is doing through your ministry. I am praying fervently for you, don’t stop preaching the gospel with signs and wonders confirming the word.

    Your Brother in the Battle
    Pastor Tom Albrecht
    Christ’s Church of the Rockies

  85. The Dumb Donkey

    Amen Mario to symptom’s be damned!!!

  86. The Dumb Donkey

    Amen Mario to Symptoms be damned!!!

  87. Wordforworld

    Hey Mario! Pardon us if we are rejoicing for your…
    miraculous recovery!

    Totally proud of our Father for showing Himself so masterfully against the triple whammy plus a hurricane that tried to take out His Servant Mario!!!
    SO thankful for Larry Rutledge your companion in the faith, and by your side. Just like St Paul’s beloved companions.
    SO thankful for Williamson Medical Center for rising up to the ministration in medical assist for God’s Anointed!
    You, Mario, better believe they are grateful to have been available to God on your behalf. Privileged!
    You are blessed!
    SO grateful for Mechelle’s call for the Body of Christ’s help for her dear one.
    In Jesus’ Name, we rejoice!

  88. Tracy

    Praise GOD for your healing! We serve a Loving and Merciful LORD. All glory to HIM. I know you will be all the more determined to win souls, souls, souls. Blessings to you and your family.

  89. Rebecca Nkanor

    The devil is a liar. We thank God for His Mercy and your complete Healing. To God be the Glory.

  90. Brian LaRue

    Think about this…You are not “walking in brokenness”, you are walking in newness of life. You may be weak because of the battle, but not broken. It’s because Christ’s body was broken (not yours) that you can receive healing.

    I am in a faith church, but it’s normal to accept that people get sick and need healing.
    Always pray for you

  91. chiana72

    Praise and thank you Lord. All glory and honor to you.

  92. Susan Lynch

    God is so good, Hallelujah! Giving thanks and praise for his good work in you Mario, onward and upward Christian Soldier.

  93. David Caltabiano

    It’s a demonstration of what can happen when the church fights as one. The enemy can slow you down but he cannot take you out before your time. I fear that we have lost many great vessels because they were left to fight the enemy alone. Your work Mario is a big threat to the enemies plans but God will prevail if the church cares for those in battle and fights as one by praying for those who are advancing the kingdom into the territory that enemy thinks is his! Mario you will retake territory that was once Gods land.,,preach and bear witness to all the ends of the US and make known Gods glory everywhere you go…and let them see his glory again…some of the places you will see have not seen the glory of God for hundreds of years yet there is a history of His presence in these places in the rocks and the ancient structures…it was once common to see the glory in these places let it be seen again!

  94. Rosemary New

    I am sitting in the seat of the astonished…
    A few weeks ago I deleted ALL my emails, unsubscribed almost everything that was coming at me – including Mario Murillo blogs… because I was overwhelmed by the volume I had signed up for… and being in Australia I couldn’t keep up with American newsletters and blogs.

    Get this: I had UN-SUBSCRIBED! But today your blog CAME THROUGH my email!
    Surprised – STUNNED – I read it… the LORD sent this miracle word to me to teach me about Prayer for the sick. I have now confessed and repented to our Holy, Righteous God about an erroneous belief that was deeply embedded in my spirit.
    He is so faithful to teach me by sending your blog today, this is His miracle so I can learn by His miracle in you!
    And Australia must also be rescued from this tyranny of evil.
    Re-subscribing with gratitude and praise for your recovery by the Mercy of His Healing!

  95. Ana

    Praise God!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  96. Jim Neuerburg

    Praise God for your healing. Riding me to be grateful for what God did for me and my wife when we had covid earlier. Thank you for sharing!

  97. Linda Kidder

    I have two thoughts as I have been pondering your blog today. First, I believe that this is the devil’s attempt to discredit you as one who has seen the miracle healing power of God in your tent crusades. Second, a Scripture came to me,2 Cor.4:7-9 “But we have this treasure in Jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed.” The devil will regret that he did this to you, because this will bring even more glory to God on High. bless you brother, can’t wait to see what our Father, Son and Holy Spirit are going to do in New York!!!!

  98. Vicky

    Praise the Lord for His Love and healing power! Thank you so much for sharing your story, Mario. It is truly an inspiration and a faith builder for me and so many countless others. God is using you in such a powerful way all over this country, and the devil cannot stop you from your precious ministry. May God continue to bless you so much!

  99. Kasma

    Wow! Praise God for your speedy recovery! I still keep you and Michelle in prayer and will add, “from satan’s attacks against their ministry”. It’s sometimes difficult to concentrate on what is “relevant and essential” until through prayer God resents our priorities and perspectives. God’s ministry through you is vital to the health of our nation! I’m so glad to be on earth to witness all He has done and will continue to do through you! So good to know, too, that miracles still happen, as they have for me. Our salvation, alone, is the top miracle, when I see my self-centeredness creeping through my mind. Thank you for your perpetual “push” to stand firm, deny what is only temporary desires, seek God in humility and then see the salvation of God”! Keeping you in prayer

  100. Mary J.

    I am recovering from covid now. I loved your final comment. I made sure to fight with all the might I could muster against that beast. I sang and danced and stomped that dog’s head when my body said I couldn’t move. I yelled healing scriptures over and over when all I wanted to do was roll into a ball. Spirit trumps body and soul, but we must ACT in faith!! That’s my testimony!

  101. wholibaugh

    Glory to our God!!! You are surrounded by the saints who love and care for you, beloved Mario. I also had covid and I thank God for the victory. Our voices are will not be silenced. Now pay back seven-fold, devil!

  102. Edna Lewis

    Praise God! Thank you for your healing testimony!

  103. JoAnn Bojorquez

    I have missed you. Praise God for your healing

  104. Betty Cone

    So glad to hear that you were HEALED miraculously! You’re one of God’s Generals, whom I and many others love, respect and follow. No one can word things like you do, and I appreciate your ministry so much. Godspeed to good health, strength and tenacity, as you continue in ministry! Look out, devil!

  105. Jean Edwards

    So glad you made such a marvelous recovery. god is great! Did not know you were sick but saw you on FlashPoint this week. What a great program!

  106. leo

    Mario, Houston, Texas needs your Spirit and Anointing. The amount of homeless here now and people camping under bridges is staggering. Bring the tent(Tabernacle of Meeting)!

  107. Annie

    Thank you, Mario for this word! Exactly what I needed. I just spent five weeks in an ulcerative colitis flair. My husband stayed home from work to take care of me. The blessing in our time together is a whole nother story. Last week I made a miraculous one day recovery. All bleeding stopped. Word went out to our prayer warriors. All rejoiced. But when the weekend came I started having slight bleeding again. We knew it was an attack. We didn’t tell anyone but then I read your blog. I immediately alerted a few to continue to pray for me. I too was raised to speak and walk in faith and thought that calling for prayer again would not be walking out the healing. Wrong! We needed those prayer warriors! THAT is walking out our healing. Thank you again. So glad that you shared your testimony.

  108. Gigi

    So glad you’re well! Praise God!

  109. Mary Clark

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt

    Thank you, Mario, for being the “real deal” and winning victory for The LORD in the face of great opposition! March on!

  110. djbrepair

    Amen. Faithful servant of God!




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