Sometimes it is necessary to call out evil, even when it is the evil of an entire Christian generation.
In Matthew 12:34-39, Jesus said, “Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words, you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Then, some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”
What part of voting for Joe Biden had anything to do with your Christian faith? What justified the utter betrayal of your faith? Why did you vote for evil? There is no excuse. You are naked in your choice and it is time to cleanse your soul.
Behold the face of evil. Joe Biden is not just a doddering old man, he is in the throes of depraved indifference. Sin and shame cling to his spirit like a film of acid rain. He oozes immorality.
You who voted to make him the leader of the free world, let me ask you this: Which of his qualities compelled you? Had he forged a heroic past? Was there ever anything about Joe that was not illegitimate, smarmy, or a layer of sludge of smoky backrooms? It is easy to see how those qualities extend your Christian conviction.
He did not really go into politics. He slithered onto the scene—spineless and reptilian. He can crawl through a barrel of pretzels and not touch a single one. He has certainly never touched decency or honesty. No wonder he warmed the cockles of your Christian vote.
Sometimes it is necessary to call out evil, even when it is the evil of an entire Christian generation.
In Matthew 12:34-39, Jesus said, “Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words, you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Then, some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”
What part of voting for Joe Biden had anything to do with your Christian faith? What justified the utter betrayal of your faith? Why did you vote for evil? There is no excuse. You are naked in your choice and it is time to cleanse your soul.
Behold the face of evil. Joe Biden is not just a doddering old man, he is in the throes of depraved indifference. Sin and shame cling to his spirit like a film of acid rain. He oozes immorality. He stares at his watch while caskets of heroes are being draped in flags in front of loved ones.
You who voted to make him the leader of the free world, let me ask you this: Which of his qualities compelled you? Had he forged a heroic past? Was there ever anything about Joe that was not illegitimate, smarmy, or a layer of sludge of smoky backrooms? It is easy to see how those qualities extend your Christian conviction.
He has certainly never touched decency or honesty. No wonder he warmed the cockles of your Christian vote.
He did not really go into politics. He slithered onto the scene—spineless and reptilian. He can crawl through a barrel of pretzels and not touch a single one. He has certainly never touched decency or honesty. No wonder he warmed the cockles of your Christian vote.
Trump may have hurt your feelings, but Biden is killing your fellow Americans and your brothers in Christ. He brings in Covid from the southern border and leaves Americans in the hands of the Taliban in the east. He seems bored and must check his watch several times while waiting for the plane returning from Afghanistan, carrying the bodies of the soldiers killed by his indifference. He is gleefully unmoved by the slightest pang of conscience when confronted by the grieving mother of one of those soldiers.
Biden carries his own low temperature with him. No fire of generosity ever sparked in him. He is what Tolstoy said of Napoleon: “He lost the power to think a decent thought.” Biden can’t say anything kind, compassionate or wise. He can only spill the bile of his soul. I see the attraction to your Christian values.
Satan said to Biden, “Close the airport before you get the Americans out. Better to keep your promise to the Taliban than to the people you serve.” He makes parents childless. He makes widows and orphans. He has shamed the U.S. military in the sight of the entire world.
He made our men and women in uniform leave behind those who did not deserve to die. The most deeply held value of the America military is, “No man left behind.” He broke their hearts. But somehow, he convinced you he was the right man to vote for.
You urban pastors who were receiving money from the Democrat Party to get out the vote, must live with your infamy. You prostituted yourselves and, worse yet, you prostituted your pulpit. You aided evil. You helped put unprecedented vileness in the People’s House. Take a long look in the mirror and see if you are beholding a Christian man—let alone a preacher.
Take a long look in the mirror and see if you are beholding a Christian man—let alone a preacher.
Yeah, I am going on record that everyone who falls under this heading has done evil and God will not hold you guiltless. When you voted for Biden, you made a statement. You said something—something you must face. Jesus said, “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37).
The iniquity of your vote still echoes in your soul. You wear a label. You bear a stain. You carry the stigma of a perverted generation who are shaking their fists at God.
A blog should end in hope. I should try to comfort you. Maybe your traitorous vote didn’t actually put him in. But it is still a traitorous vote. But such comfort belongs to other kinds of people, making other kinds of choices. To proffer you hope in your sin, would bring me into agreement with it.
But there is hope in repentance! You can renounce the horror of your error. You can be cleansed, but this is no light cleansing. There is far more involved in getting rid of this wicked choice than you realize. Do not wait and do not deny your crime. To the honestly repentant, there remains this promise:
1 John 1:9 “If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].”
It is time to cleanse your soul.
This is what I was thinking too. I know that the town that I live in all voted for Trump, everyone except the church. Thank you so much Mario for speaking out. To me this has been an unspeakable horror. The southern border, but the last straw was Afghanistan. Bless you Mario. I miss your blogs coming to my email address.
When Mario was lying on that hospital bed he said with the roar of a lion, “I’LL BE BACK”!
Mario, as Jeremiah spoke truth to ears that wanted false prophets to be outspoken and God to be silent because by the Spirit of God it burned in him like a holy fire destined to be proclaimed!
May our God and Father and His Son Jesus continue to embolden you by the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the awakening of this nation sir!
All blessings, power and anointing in Him who moves your heart,
Dave Mastel
I agree, repentance is needed in the church! They are putting themselves in the place of GOD!
Well don’t post my comment! You are no better than facebook and believe me I know all about the two that own it and where they came from! And I stand for right and justice and freedom not being denied free speech!
I see Christian’s making decisions on their fleshly feelings and opinions instead of the word of God. They cannot discern good from evil. They seem to believe EVERYTHING but the bible!! It’s frustrating because you can’t reason with them. They defend abortion and gay rights. They defend people flooding our borders. President Trump was the bad guy for shutting off our borders. We’re not compassionate because we side with his evil ways. Much of the church is truly BLIND!! THANK YOU FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH BRO MARIO!
Thank you Brother Mario, you put my own words perfectly of what I’ve think of that thief Joe Biden, He is not the President he and all his partner are thief. And God is still on the Throne. President Trump is the President . I believe God will place him back as he did with Absalom and David , David was the rightful King. Brother Mario I am so thankful your Obey God and speak The Truth, God continue Blessing and Boldness be with you on you and through you Daily.
So true!! Biden is NOT my president!! So glad I had enough sense to vote for Trump!! Only pitiful, ignorant, pethetic people voted for vile Joe!!!
There are many Christians who voted for Biden. I agree but in that group there are minorities that just like Catholics, they vote Democrat because the family were democrats not knowing that Abortion is the crown jewel of the Democratic Party.
In short the real reason these Christians vote Democrat and cannot see what we see is only one thing: IDOLATRY.
Minorities worship their race and it makes them blind to the abominations the democrats stand for.
The white Christian liberal worship their self righteous ideology and not the LORD JESUS CHRIST because when these masqueraders are left with choosing GOD commandments and leftist ideology they will always choose and justify the leftist ideology over the COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD. They Always appeal to love and compassion (attempting to project their virtue) to justify abomination and murder.
Spot On!!!!!!
Pastors and missionaries that I talk to are absolutely silent about this. They profess to have no knowledge of what is going on in Afghanistan. They say they do not listen to the news. not even the Christian news. They have no idea or knowledge that a tthirdawakening is occurring. This is why I left my church. Seldom even an alter call. One Baptism in 2 +’years No mention of Gods lview point about associating with leaders who legislate evil !! They have checked out! I am so pastors and Church are now the BIBLE teaching churches Warxh on line, who do not shrink from Gods truth n and believe InThe inherit truth of the Word of God. These are also the churches and entities that quietly made arrangements to get to Afghanistan and start bringing Christians back to the United States.
Well said, Mario
God have mercy on all the Christians who voted for that fake, want to be, leader of God’s USA!
His hands are blood stained!
Thank you for being courageous!!!!
FYI: looks like parts of this blog were repeated 2x. Or something. We love you Mario! So glad to hear you are still vertical!
Maybe there are some who need to hear it more than once as obviously they are not listening to Holy Spirit.Thank Gid for repentance!!
Strong words for a weak generation of Christians. Thank God for your bold statements.
Never would I vote for any on the evil democratic side, platform and all the evil they do….also some bad republicans too. They celebrate killing babies, don’t believe in God, steal election, and do everything the opposite of what should be done….the are one step away from Marxism and everything they is against God.
It still blows my mind how and Christian’s, nominal or not, could vote for such evil. We will not keep silent, we will speak for the Lord and we will never give up on our nation and the world to spread the Goodness of God.
I second your post NickT
Brother Mario , As California is 11 days away from our “RE-CALL” of the California Governor. I am still shocked of the many “Christians” who are still supporting Gavin Newsom. I could have moved out of California, my house is paid off and can be sold as soon as it hits the market. BUT Better to stay in CA with GOD in the face of the enemy than to retreat without God to a different state. Ask Texas what they think of the 800,000 families who have left the state already. THe RE-CALL has roots of corruption and with a Super Majority in our state of TDS people and democrat’s, we are about to have another Nov 2nd cheating …..BUT God. Many of these same christian did not even have the courage to stay and live under what they voted for! They voted for ” Pretty Boy” of CA, and just hate Trump. Did they judge him by his action as POTUS, no, his past action were. While giving Joe biden a pass who is the poster child for abortion. I am Praying everyday and standing for righteousness, there are great men and women doing great things like Inner city Action Pastor Frank & Sister Kim with the most POWEFUL answer to the homeless and addictions I have ever seen, snice the founding of Teen Challenge. Mighty works of God are happening. As California summer comes to an end, the action of our Governor is to predictable 1. after recall if he is still in office, he will shut down the state. 2. he will promote this due to the delta Variant and Washington will be pressured by the Dem’s to extend again the unemployment benefits. The teachers Union has been planning on this Mid October shut down of schools. Watch Sacramento Districts. AS many Christians and people are standing up against CRT, in the public schools. The fires, and a shortage in delivery drivers to bring much needed food to schools has hit a big road block. Quality of air, lack of workers, and higher cost are all coming to a head and about to impact CA. NONE OF THE CURRENT LEADERS ARE DOING ANYTHING. CALIFORNIA IS ABOUT TO HAVE IT’S VERSION OF THE AFGHANISTAN ABANDONMENT. And IF Gavin Newsom is ousted, he will hand CAlifornia the ” Proverbial finger” as HE did SF before leaving. it is not time now to get scared, it is the time to be full of the Holy Spirit and stand in the gap.
CS1, so when are you selling your house?
He’s not selling He’s staying and fighting! We’ll pray for him and all who believe that God can turn this situation around in CA
right on Brenda. We must trust in God and do our part to do our best to keep our rights. Nuisance Newsom must go.
I am not selling it I am staying and fighting as Lord wills me to do. 20 years served in the US Navy been to Iraq Afghanistan and Oakland 🙂 The Lord is with me in all places 🙂
I was joking. Keep your house and fight the good fight of faith!
Joe Biden and the legions if democrat followers, are TRAITORS and should be legally accused, tried and convicted of their crimes/decisions against the United States of America—read their histories! Biden us one of the most self-serving corrupt politicians ever. He has never worked, rather, he has sucked from the public trough like Bernie Sanders and others, his entire life. The CCP owns Biden. I am appalled as Christians-both Dems and Reps fail to vote for what people represent/do for the. Country and Godly principles, rather than hate and jealously. How can people call themselves Christian or faithful to God when they continue to support murdering innocents! America did not have shortages of workers until after Roe vs. Wade—count the years. Every decision made in the past 8 months by Biden has been anti-American. We cannot afford such evilness—it’s not what God wants for America and it’s beacon of hope to the world.
TY for truth! We place our financial support and heart with this ministry because it is TRUTH. MAY God continue to bless and lead Mario as the servant called FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!
This will hopefully hit home to people no truer words were ever written except the word of the lord.
I never thought I’d see America in the shameful state we are in. Our only hope is in JESUS and our repentance. We have sinned greatly against our loving creator GOD. I am very thankful to you, Mario, for saying “yes” to Jesus and for obeying HIM in the ministry HE’S given you. I love you Christian brother and pray daily for you. AMEN to your blog today. All Christians should be agreeing.
Amen! I have a blog in Word Press as the Father’s feet. I saw your blog there. I wanted to comment but they do not let me there. I have tried several times in the past as well. You are definitely on the right track. I appreciate your wisdom and strength in the face of adversity. God bless.
MARIO, That is Exactly what I heard three days ago:
Wow, A powerful word. We can only continue to fight the enemy’s lies by declaring the truth of God’s word. Father gives us more boldness, your truth must be trumpeted.
Father, Forgive us for we have sinned! Remove the stench and break the assignment of the enemy that’s been at work! In Jesus name amen
Wow He didn’t mince words. He is courageous. I pray The Lord’s covering over Mario and his family.
Thank you, Mario. Praying and believing with you and many others for this nation.
Thank you for your truths and boldness. Jesus bless you and your ministry.
God bless you for the boldness to speak the truth! This evil must be exposed and repentance come . If those who are called by my name will seek my face and turn from their wicked ways THEN I will hear from heaven and heal their land! May God have mercy on America and bring bring justice and judgement on the evil doers
And Amen!
Mario murillo That was very well written very well said my hat is off to you keep up the good work and don’t let these leftist liberals get an inch on you. Amen
Thank you for this blog. I pray many will come to repentance.
Thank you, my Brother, for speaking truth! We cannot fix what we won’t admit! God bless you and yours, Thank God for the Healer in you!
“He slithered onto the scene—spineless and reptilian. He can crawl through a barrel of pretzels and not touch a single one. He has certainly never touched decency or honesty.”
In all the years I worked in broadcast journalism, I’ve never seen, heard, written or read of a more deserving politician more accurately dissected in fewer, better-chosen words. Nailed him, so you did!
Amen – thank you for speaking the TRUTH!!! My oldest sister is a Christian and she voted for this evil man because she hates President Trump – may God open her eyes!
The church is so ignorant of the Word and easily deceived. Wish we had more leaders to lead us properly. It is now up to each member of the church to know the Word for themselves. God bless you Mario.
Thank God, No one who is in my family or my circle of friends voted for Biden. We know this last election was stolen
from us. Thank you for speaking the Truth. We are not passive Christians any more; we must be warriors.
You lead on, brother Mario. Linda Fuller in Polk City, Florida
Excellently said! How it breaks my heart to think of those I know who voted for him. It has divided families and friends. But worst of all it has revealed the state of their hearts.
I agree totally with you Mario. My thoughts exactly. Thank you for speaking out!
Very well stated, Mario; I’m all in! I’d like to post a question, please. How can any otherwise intelligent American adult (Christian or not) — and who we’ll assume appreciates freedom, truth, and the rule of common law, while having access to the internet — possibly vote for someone like Biden or basically ANY democrat?? I mean just a small amount of common sense is all that would be necessary…
Come on Man!
Don’t candy-coat it, tell us what you REALLY think 🙂
Very, very well put brother Mario!
I have never (at the Lord’s specific direction) had Faceplant or any of the other social media accounts but, nevertheless, my wife and I have been unfriended by many fellow believers, church leaders, and pastors in the last few months. Not for any definable offense, but because we refuse to submit to false authority and evil in our own walk.
I think a lot of the rejection many are experiencing is because of the uncomfortable light we project and the self-awareness of many that they have aligned themselves out of fear with darkness.
As ministers, we have been slandered and black-listed in some churches for refusing to sheepishly comply with the current illegitimate regimes of men, but, praise God, there are still many leaders who hunger and thirst for the uncompromising Word & move of God.
Instead of crawling into holes they are actively leading their congregations in evangelizing and ministering the Gospel of the Kingdom out in the streets where the church belongs.
For those who have compromised, thank God for 1 John 1:9!
Don’t waste time in condemnation, just repent, believe the Gospel, get on your feet, and declare personal war on the enemy!
Praying that God would manifest His Glory and righteousness in this nation.
You are one of few pastors in America that is fearless to,stand up to the evil,and deceptive beast of the government that is destroying a nation that was built on the Judeo-Christian values by imperfect people.Now is the time for the remnant to declare the truth unashamedly in stand against the enemy in the name of Jesus
Than you Mario for the boldness to speak truth.
Thank you for talking like Jesus did!
Thank you, Mario! Thank you for this powerful post and thank God for you. May God continue to bless you.
BTW – Does anyone know of a church that worships God in Asheville NC? I have looked, but have found only Biden churches. I would love to find it!
Start one!!The HOLY SPIRIT will empower you to bring HIS Truth andThe Salvation of The Gospel of JESUS.. Don’t wait, don’t depend upon someone else!! The HOLY SPIRIT has revealed the need! Step up!! That’s what GOD is calling you to do!!
Thank you Brenda, that is food for thought!
Th Rock of Asheville
Canada stands on the brink of a similar catastrophe. We need bold people here too!
“These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots. And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants.
He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men[a] and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves…..”
1 Samuel 8:10-18
This depicts Biden Boy perfectly. He is a narcissist from head to toe. He runs to the Catholic Church to receive communion, wipes his mouth and says, “I have done no evil”.
Biden is a modern day Saul, a disaster going somewhere to happen. Destruction and misery are in his path. The Duke of Death.
WOW right on Mario!!!
Mario – welcome back! Thank you for this message – it has been on my heart for days – and you have articulated and put it into words much better than I could. God bless you.
Amen Brother. Thank you for an honest true assessment of the what has gone on!! May God in His infinite mercy grant godly sorrow that leads to repentance to those who are guilty of walking hand and hand with evil. Blessings and strength to you as you stand and encourage the rest of us to stand as well.
Thank you, Mario for putting this blog out! This needed to be said because many people voted for murder over tweets! May repentance come!
Thank you, Pastor Mario. We are so glad to see you here again, and so very glad to hear of how God healed you miraculously. And we so appreciate your bold words of truth.
IMO, and in the opinion of many, this cannot all be by accident. And as intellectually-challenged as Joe is, even he cannot be that stupid. Every single thing he has done since the day he “took office” has been wrong. The opposite of what he should do. He lies continually. It does not appear that he has the ability to tell the truth any longer, if he ever did.
This is not normal. At some point, we have got to admit that our government is under strong demonic influence. If you have a few moments to read this article by a military chaplain, I would like to know what you think of this. I’m not really sure that he’s indicating it was a prophetic word, as much as what he is observing.
If this is true, we are in serious danger, until we get a real President back in office, and get the House and Senate under Republican control. And democrats, along with rino republicans, need to be removed from office.
Very sorry. I guess it would be nice, if I refer to an article, to actually post the link:
There was no confusion about what each voter was choosing The party platforms were either for abortion or against it, and likewise on other issues. If you are going to say you are a follower of Jesus, you need to align with His principles. You cannot give your approval to something He says is an abomination.
I was shocked and greatly saddened by “Christian leaders” who chose to ignore the fruit of the Trump administration in protecting life, improving job opportunities and quality of life in the inner cities, and bringing greater peace for the people in the Middle East.
The final responsibility rests on those who worked to steal the election, but they could never have succeeded if the church had been united in upholding righteousness.
Thank you Mario for your courage and commitment to Truth. We are so glad and grateful for your healing and ask God to strengthen you every day in every way
No brother God bless America
Well, my comment is awaiting moderation, and my link did not show up at all. So, I guess I am not doing it right.
So, I’ll just say I’m so glad Mario is well, and back bold and strong.
Kingskid, all of us await moderation now probably has to do that with all the trolls out there.
Mario, thank you for standing for God’s truth and for speaking it out clearly. This morning both those scriptures came to mind as I was thinking about what we put into our minds. I thank my LORD who gives me His thoughts, words and deeds through His Word. I pray the Lord’s protection on you and your family, spirit, soul and body now and always. Amen!
Mario, I agree with all you have written. It’s bold and it is true. And it makes me so angry that many people I know voted for this Demon, and this demonic party. I feel betrayed by them, because I tried to warn them. But you know what? I have heard not ONE apology, or remorse, or anger or word of repentance from a single one of them. They are truly in the darkness or are too full of pride to admit that the are co-conspirators who are partly responsible for this debacle and the lies. Hopefully, in the quiet of their room they have repented, but they also need to speak out. Time is running out. But they still have a short time to join the right side–the side of righteousness and truth–the Righteousness and Truth of God. Awake O Sleeper. And the Spirit and the Bride say, “Maranatha! Come, Lord, Jesus.” Keep looking up!
Well said, Mario. Thanks for speaking the truth. Keep up the good work.
Vicky from the east coast
“The Truth will set you free”.
Thank you Mario for doing what too many others are afraid to do.
Biden Friday said, “I respect those who believe life begins at the moment of conception and all … I respect that. Don’t agree. But I respect that,” Biden said to reporters after a speech at the White House.
If there’s one thing Joe Biden is passionate about it’s fighting to stop the beating hearts of innocent babies. This man and most democrats are pure evil when it comes to their passion to kill the unborn. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Pray God changes their hearts and saves our Country.
Wow, Mario – you nailed it! Thank you for learning well the lessons from your recent healing and moving forward with boldness and fire! Though some may be offended, others will hear the truth and repent, and that’s what matters…
Thank you for speaking without the fear of man. Strong words but absolutely true. It’s time for any born again followers of Jesus who voted for this evil to open their eyes, get honest, repent and get cleansed. It’s time for the Bride of Jesus to make herself ready and stand for righteousness. We are not a political party. We are not a race. We are children of the most high God.
Excellent word!
How I praise God for leaders like Mario!! He speaks truth with clarity & we just love him so much – always in our prayers Mario! We did a Bible study on your latest book! Xox
Thank you for speaking the truth with boldness, and grace extended for repenters.
I totally agree with you. I have several friends, plus some relatives, who are Christians and they DID vote for Biden, Obama, etc. and they hate Trump. It makes me sick too because they are being SO very deceived. But they won’t listen to any reason. You can’t talk to them because they are right and I am wrong. I hate the way all this is dividing people. How can these people call themselves Christians when they are on the side of evil? It makes no sense. God help them.
You are one of the few Christian leaders who is not afraid to tell the truth and call this current governmental presidency what it really is–a travesty of pure evil! Most pastors and leaders where I live will not even take on this subject. I’ve lost respect for a lot of them. I deeply respect your courage to speak out. Keep up the good work. I am very grateful for your ministry. I find your words very motivating and encouraging. Thanks!
I have one son who did not get indoctrinated in the educational system, but unfortunately his sister did. We used to be so close. My siblings are also in the enemy’s camp, I suspect my sister, who is in the education system, may even be practicing witchcraft. My father was against the jab for months, but somehow my brother talked him into getting it. But at least they are willing to communicate with me about family matters, although they are completely intolerant of my conservative Christian values. I believe that the Left/liberal media etc. was able to so easily control the sheep not only through fear and brain-washing, but through demon possession as well. After the cabal and their minions are exposed and brought to justice/court-martialed, etc. our lost family, acquaintances, etc. will need us to help them wake up and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior before its too late. Please don’t become like the enemy by hating. So many are still watching liberal media and are completely brainwashed. Trump won by a landslide, but the cabal clawed their way into power mainly by voter/election fraud. Many are openly regretting their vote for Biden, now that his corruption is exposed. I don’t believe that voting for someone whose corruption was completely disguised by the media makes you responsible for their criminal actions.
Deny what is important, holds back contents
That make Pandora’s box contents look non-violent
Behind my eyelids are islands of violence
My mind shipwrecked, this is the only land my mind could find
I did not know it was such a violent island
Bullet tidal waves, suicidal crazed lions
They’re trying to eat me blood running down their chin
And they know that I can fight or I can let the lion win
I begin to assemble what weapons I can find
‘Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind
America 🇺🇸 needs to cry out to God for repentance. 🌲Let’s take back what the enemy has stolen. 🌲
1 John 1:9 “If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].”
It is time to cleanse your soul.
Build the 🏕tents 🏕 Fill the🏟stadiums 🏟
Hallelujah Shalom
Anyone can put the word Christian in front of their name but that doesn’t make you one. It takes nerve to vote for evil and then say, I am a Christian. Ignorance is no excuse for voting for evil. I am a child of the Most High God but no way will you ever hear me say I’m a Christian because to me that means Christ like, and I’m as far from being Christ like as they come. But I have no problem telling that I have a love for God and I am His child. If you want to be Christ like then we need to walk the walk and talk the talk land do the works that He does. I don’t know anyone capable of that.
This blog is FIRE!!! God bless you for standing up and speaking out!!!
The treatment of the 45th president for the last 4 years, which reflects the treatment of 80 plus million Americans, by those in government/media/Tech companies etc.. will live in infamy, even beyond the attack on Pearl Harbor. Back then, ALL Americans came together and fought the enemy beyond our borders. In this case, a covert operation of foreign and domestic enemies within our own republic, all sell outs in bed with China for Greed and Control, ganged up on the one they felt their agenda was being threatened by, and are terrified of being exposed for ALL their hidden corruption and Evil. Well, it ALL comes out into the light one day, either now, or when you’re standing on the other side of the gavel facing eternal judgement.
Perhaps in HIS infinite Wisdom, God let evil doers have their way, after 4 years of having a David like leader who loved America and her citizens, and did so much to restore her, compared to 8 months of this puppet depraved sell out POS, controlled by China and 3rd term Obamanation, the dirty rat behind all the spying, to EXPOSE so much evil, and wake up the people after comparing the 2 different administrations.
In the chambers of the house & senate, they have above them engraved in stone “In God We Trust”. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, so shall he reap”.
Father God, Righteous, Holy, Perfect, Pure, Just, Living, Majestic, Glorious, Gracious, All Powerful, All Wise, Eternal, Almighty, Wonderful, Government, King of kings and Lord of lords, Faithful and Trustworthy and TRUE, our Abba Father through Jesus the Messiah for ALL tribes, tongues, nations, and people, we ask and thank you for Your Help from Above!!!
I’m a Trump supporter, but in all fairness and honesty, I think Trump should have spoken out to try to prevent the Afghanistan debacle. I read that the withdrawal of troops was conditional upon the Taliban drawing up a peace agreement with the Afghan govt., which they never did. During the negotiations when Trump was in office, only one Taliban leader was willing to talk to the Afghan president – don’t know if they ever talked or not – but the other Taliban leaders refused to recognize the Afghan govt. as being legitimate. I thought all former U.S. presidents got intelligence briefings, so if that is true, then Trump would have known that the Taliban were already in the process of taking over the country while Biden was in the process of withdrawing troops. Maybe I missed something, but I saw only a statement from Trump saying that Biden should not wait until 9/11 to withdraw the troops. I never saw a statement saying that the agreement he made with the Taliban had been broken by them when they started trying to take control, instead of making a peace agreement with the Afghan govt. . . . Most people, even Trump, have focused on those left behind under the rule of terrorists. But most of those who became trapped had no reason to leave, until after they learned the Afghan govt. had fallen to terrorists! So, either the U.S. should have helped the Afghan military to kill so many Taliban that they could not re-group again anytime soon or it should have given fair warning to all the people who don’t want to live under Taliban rulers that the Afghan govt. might fall and thus maybe they should leave as a precautionary measure. But Biden was telling news reporters that he had faith in the Afghan military, even as the Taliban were taking over rural districts and probably even after the Afghan president had asked him for air cover. The Americans and their translators could probably have boarded commercial flights prior to the takeover of Kabul, if anybody had given them a warning. Who in the world would have thought that the U.S. would go ahead with withdrawal and allow its propped-up Afghan govt. to fall to terrorists? Who would have thought that Trump (who sometimes has a problem with keeping his mouth shut) would not have issued a statement to try to prevent the disaster? Did he foresee the potential disaster on the horizon? If so, he could have at least discussed with Boris Johnson and Pres. Macron what ideas they had about preventing it. (World leaders still talk to each other sometimes, even if they are no longer in office). If Trump did not foresee the potential disaster, then I have to question his current ability to handle foreign policy. Maybe the 4 years of hell the Democrats and media put him through have taken their toll on his mind? I say that as someone who absolutely cannot vote for a Democrat.
Interesting that you descrbie your anointed Trump and call him Biden. That’s as close to “truth” as you’ve gotten in your miserable excuse for a life.
You are, BTW, a traitor, a coward, a fool and a puffed-up little pomposity.
Your pretensions are laughable; your power that of a baby rat’s fart. Get the point? I’m challenging you – your authority, your power, your right to usurp the names you profane.
You, Marillo, are false – prophet, pastor or even friend. Pitiful.
Dear ones I wanted you to see what a “Christian” Biden Supporter sounds like. MMM
My city is a democratic city in the state of Texas. But the conservatives are starting to rise up . Our officials are corrupt in our city. My church almost all voted for Biden and the Socialist party. I told them a vote for Biden was a vote for the Socialist takeover of America . They told me it was not true. I pray for my church that their eyes will be open to the truth and that their God my God would speak to their hearts about truth. I belong to the intercessory prayer team at church. We pray for our leaders for their salvation. There are some independents. Its a military church.
Thank you Mario .. you said all I have thought and I pray that all will hear and consider your words. We are in a terrible place due to Biden and we must repent for so much that we have let slide over the years to end up in this final showdown between God and the enemy. We will win the victory through God but it didn’t need to be this hard if we had stood in the pulpits and preached the truth and sat in the congregation and welcomed the true word of God. So much to recover from and this is a time when we need to come together in agreement and call on God for His help so we are fit to reach out to those in the harvest. Bless you and your boldness and love of God and His people.
It’s time to lift Jesus Up and remember he is our Commander and Chief. As much as I like Donald Trump, there are times I’m disappointed in certain areas. I do believe he is God’s anointed and the one trait that stands out to me is how he loves people and wants to help them and enables them to be strong. He is a giver and works tirelessly to serve this county, but he can’t do it alone. So often I feel we are looking to our own ways to save us, but we have a Deliverer, King and Lord, Savior and Friend who is worthy of all our praise and honor. When are we as a nation going to put God first and exalt His Word and His Spirit. We have become so carnal and self centered. The truth is we as God’s people have fallen away in many areas and we need to get back on our knees and humbly seek God and His forgiveness, .My question is are we seeking to exalt ourselves or are we truly seeking God and making Him Lord. We can’t expect the world to fix things when they don’t even know him. We have His Spirit and His Word living in us. How will they know unless someone goes and tells them. Blessed is the Nation whose God is Lord! For a while now I have been thinking about a Pastor who passed away whose message was, How to walk in the power of an ungrieved Holy Spirit. Could it be that we have grieved God’s Spirit and need to make things right by humbling ourselves and seeking His face once again?
Like an Old Testament prophet crying out in the days of judges and kings… Mario your powerful rebuke and stern warning could not be more timely.
We are glad for voices like yours and I hope that this is read from thousands of pulpits today and in the coming weeks!
Can’t wait to see you at the truth and liberty conference this next weekend! Hallelujah
As my husband used to say “Tell me how you really feel”. I cannot believe the deception that has engulfed our Nation and the fact that intelligent human beings were drawn into that deception. May the scales fall from their eyes.
Mario, you have the might, courage and knowledge to call out all the pitiful, judgemental liars of the faith who openly declared as “Evangelical Christians” they were called to vote for biden! My former pastor, whom I loved and respected, sat under his ministry for 10+ years was one of these individuals. My prayer is that someone will or already has sent him this message.
Thank you Sir, for your boldness for speaking the truth on this matter!! WELL SAID!!
Keep hammering away, Mario. The Lord promises to work all things for good, and maybe the prick of conscience, upon seeing the manifest evil of the Left and Democrats in action, will finally awaken some out of their stupor. We are in a fix now, because Biden in his corrupt incompetence has swiftly realigned the world around a much stronger China and a very much weakened US. May the Lord have mercy on us, and also achieve His good ends.
There were many African American voters in 2020 that voted for Joe Biden because they believed that Biden would put an end to systemic racism in our nation. They were badly deceived. I voted for President Trump because I knew that Joe Biden and his administration was corrupt. President Trump is our true President.
I was thinking the same thing last week, that everyone who voted for Joe Biden needs to repent. Amen. Glad to see this confirmed because I did sense the Holy Spirit on that thought
People need to continue speaking up. This blog was exactly what needed to be said. Now if only pastors would follow your lead. You are exactly right. It is beyond ineptitude at this point and it is pure evil coming from the White House.
Mario!!! I love you and all that you/your ministry does. You are spot on here! Keep speaking with such fire and authority. Joe Biden and his usurpers absolutely have no blessing on them and I am praying daily that the Hosts deploy and counter everything evil they are attempting to do. Love watching you on TV and seeing updates from your crusades. I am praying for you and your ministry team… may God continue to use you to win souls for Christ!
Ever since the election I repeated over and over again how could Christians vote for this man who stands against everything that Christianity teaches.
Thank you Mario for putting it out like it is many ministers do not want to speak about this do not understand it. They do not want to offend their people, that is the only thing I can figure out.
God blessyou for the work you are doing.
I have not logged into this thread in a while and just saw this.
I wish I had gotten to them first.
I know people like to take the apathetic approach when it comes to trolls like this guy.
I wish Christians could grow a spine and learn to confront demonic scum when it treads on legitimate ministry.
Really gross, but all it does is cause me to make bolder stands for Jesus, reinforce the understanding that your over the target and increase my loyalty to your ministry.
Sure appreciate you Mario.
Believing & contending for revival in Hemet Ca.