by | Sep 21, 2019 | Christianity Today | 26 comments

I rented an entire baseball stadium to have a prayer meeting—an actual prayer meeting—a meeting where you pray.  And before you finish reading this, you will understand that I am promising you a night of true prevailing prayer, for a miracle in California!

The shocking part is this: I have to stipulate that we are actually going to be praying.  That is because of the terrible thing that has happened to many major prayer gatherings in America.

They seem to do everything but pray.  They sing, they teach, they exhort, and they declare things—but they never just seem to pray.

There is no mystery why they do not pray:  it’s because they need to get a crowd. And let me tell you, my friend, there is a science to getting a crowd in Christian circles these days.  The key is three-fold: Politics, entertainment, and, last but not least, money. You need to get a famous Pastor, a famous worship team, and a famous theme for the event.

The planning for these events looks like a bill winding its way through Congress. By the time the committee sponsoring the prayer covers all the bases, prayer is just an add on.

First, there is the politics of appealing to various camps in the Body of Christ. You must appeal to the prophetic camp, the reconciliation camp, the worship camp, and to what I call the ‘superstition’ camp. They will not come if you don’t, at some point, feature their pet doctrine or their latest ‘revelation.’ All this takes time, and it takes time away from prayer.

Others will not participate until you promise them time to announce their ‘special’ projects and products.  Prayer is submerged beneath endless announcements and commercials.

Then there are the ‘superstition’ people who are big on curses.  They insist on digging up events from past history and trying to figure out which group should apologize to whom, for something their ancestors did.  I remember a pastor saying to the millennials in the stands, “I know you didn’t own slaves, I know you didn’t create segregation,” and here he yelled at the baffled youth, “but, I forgive you!”  You could feel the Holy Spirit departing from that stadium.

Other ‘superstition’ folks believe you must ‘spiritually map’ the area and learn the name of the ruling demonic spirit. Let me tell you plainly, my friend, that is nowhere in the Owner’s Manual.

What I see in the Word of God is the account of how Philip went down to Samaria and preached Christ to them.  When he arrived, he never asked the name of the local demon in charge. Rather, the demons began screaming.  I don’t know the name of the demon that rules over California, but I do know the NAME that will cause him to flee!  I know the authority that will say, “Pack up and get out!”

Then there is the crowd that worships worship.  God is not the object of their singing.  Musically chanting the same phrase over and over merely induces a trance-like state that has nothing to do with exalting the name of Jesus.  And, it feels like some kind of New Age mantra. Here again, prayer is put on hold. Singing absorbs the event, with maybe 15 minutes of prayer tagged on at the end.

Finally, prayer faces a threat from another unlikely source: The Famous Celebrities.  Each one of them gets up to pray, and then tries to be more eloquent than the previous Famous Celebrity, or ‘influencer.’  They are not calling on the name of the Lord from a broken heart; they are just making speeches under the guise of prayer. Wow! Even when we get to prayer, the prayer isn’t really prayer.

So that is why I rented a baseball stadium: because California needs prayer—honest to God prayer. Hell-shaking prayer.  Devil-busting prayer.  Old fashioned sobbing at a wooden altar type prayer.  We need prayer that travails and prevails. We need prayer that doesn’t regard man, time, or emotion.  We need prayer that has nothing to do with feelings.  We need prayer that is not poisoned by ulterior motives or ego trips.

Let me tell you, my friend, the vile talons of Satan have California by the throat.  There is no other remedy but God.  There is no stopgap measure to save this state.  The condition of California is beyond words and beyond human wisdom.  We are at a point where only intercessory prayer can break the grip of the enemy.

Will there be a powerful worship team at this event?  Yes. But you won’t be hearing their name, because they want you to come to pray.  They will flood the stadium with anointed music and will then yield to the true Spirit of Prayer.

Will there be famous preachers at this event? Yes. But they don’t want you to know they are coming. They are vessels of God who will lead prayer with true passion and power.

Join me and many others in the heart of Fresno, which is in the heart of California. Let’s present ourselves to Jesus and ask for revival—heaven-sent revival.  Let’s put doubt, fear, and apathy aside and stand as one, before God, with only one purpose, to implore Him to have mercy on California! Let’s come together to pray the prayers that God hears and answers!

Come to Chukchansi Stadium in Fresno, CA, on Sunday Night, October 20th.  We start at 6 P.M.  All seats are free. We will raise our cry to the heavens in a way you have never experienced before!


If you want to volunteer to work at this night of prayer please click here


  1. Bobbie

    Yes, PLEASE PRAY AND WORSHIP! Just Pray, no formula’s, no bulletins, come together in Prayer and Worship.
    “Then there are the ‘superstition’ people who are big on curses. They insist on digging up events from past history and trying to figure out which group should apologize to whom, for something their ancestors did. I remember a pastor saying to the millennials in the stands, “I know you didn’t own slaves, I know you didn’t create segregation,” and here he yelled at the baffled youth, “but, I forgive you!” You could feel the Holy Spirit departing from that stadium.
    Other ‘superstition’ folks believe you must ‘spiritually map’ the area and learn the name of the ruling demonic spirit. Let me tell you plainly, my friend, that is nowhere in the Owner’s Manual.” NO KIDDING, New Ager’s wasted time.

    Do you remember years ago atmosphere changed in a City when a Church Choir took it upon themselves just to WORSHIP and it changed the atmosphere of that demonic City and City Officials knew the difference. Will do the Clarion Call for everyone to Pray and Worship, Intercede on the day and leading up to Event.
    At the end of 1-27-1991 Leonard Ravenhill “end time” message on Internet Please LISTEN TO SOVEREIGN HOLY MOVE OF GOD, OF WAILING AND TRAVAILING of INTERCESSION OF THE POWER OF PRAYER. Thought the walls and ceiling were going to come in NEVER seen anything like it except with small groups like “Power of the Blood” by H. Maxwell Whyte; until 4-16-1998 and been in some powerful prayer meetings. People sad, are content to live without orders from headquarters-throne room or instruction or spiritual revelation, spiritual understanding, spiritual discernment and SPIRITUAL WISDOM! I’ve seen Open Heaven Worshipper’s also, lot’s of healing goes on in Worship, lot’s goes on in Prayer and Worship!

  2. Jessy Allan

    I don’t live in California, but will be partnering with you in prayer before , during and after the prayer sessions!

  3. Bobbie

    Mario: People have been waiting for someone to pull everyone together for Prayer all over the World; letting them know.

  4. premiere708

    Hopefully you can livestream the event so other Californians can take part.

    On Sat, Sep 21, 2019, 9:04 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “I rented an entire baseball stadium to > have a prayer meeting—an actual prayer meeting—a meeting where you pray. > And before you finish reading this, you will understand that I am promising > you a night of true prevailing prayer, for a miracle in California” >

  5. Thomas Craig

    I am a native Californian. I loved California as a kid. Never thought for a minute I’d ever live anywhere else. It’s been 20 yrs now since everyone in my family left. I’ve been back to visit, but nothing feels familiar and my childhood memories seem like they occurred on a distant shore. It is still my home state and holds a place in my heart. I would like to be there for this event and will be praying for God to demonstrate His sovereignty and abounding Grace to everyone present and beyond throughout the state. Praying also that it is an undeniable and newsworthy visitation of Holy Spirit power and deliverance kind of prayer meeting.

    • Bobbie

      Thomas Craig:
      Remember over 35 years ago maybe more, Derek Prince talking about California on Radio Broadcast as he was in CA and left. He was trying to wake people up in California then they wouldn’t heed. He said he’s been in So. African with the Voodoo Drums drumming their witchcraft and not realizing he was laying out the Jezebel teaching even then (which I consider Jezebel=satanism). Consensus was CA didn’t want to pray and heed and see what was going on. It’s like Joseph/Mary days such a mass exit of people I know moving and exiting CA.

      By the way Mario: Those people that you mention praying wrong prayers, was the very ones I heard in Pasadena, CA praying for a man who was a Dr. to lose everything to come to Jesus which is total witchcraft. How would you like Pastors/so-called Christians praying that over you and it came to pass and then their giving the guy platform to give his Testimony; didn’t people see and hear that? You lose your job, your House, your Family, your reputtion and INSTEAD OF BLESSING AND RIGHT PRAYERS we are cursing? Google all the Bible Verses that Blessing and Cursing should NOT come out of the same mouth. Wake up call to Imprecatory Prayers. That’s why used David Wilkerson about and created Report Church Abuse List due to wrong praying/prayers.

      • Thomas Craig

        It’s so timely that you mention Derek Prince, Bobbie. His teaching sessions have been added into my classic Pentecostal preacher rotation just a few months ago. I listened to him on the radio as a new Christian in the 80’s and am thoroughly enjoying his wise and insightful knowledge of the supernatural realm again. During the same time frame, I learned of a young preacher from CA in the summer of ’82 who was holding revival down the street from where I lived in Irving, TX. It was the first revival I ever was a part of and was riveted every service for weeks and weeks.

        Mario, you enlisted me in God’s army that summer and it was life changing and continues to challenge me to wage war and wield our God given weapons for those without Christ and for our homeland which is the soil of our command posts and battlefield.

    • Bobbie

      Thomas Craig: MUST have the timing for the Derek Prince Video’s because I give out his book: “Blessing and Cursing you Choose” and some how came across his book by accident “Lucifer Exposed, How the Enemy Wants to Destroy Your Life”; came across “Husbands and Fathers” guess because looking @ books his Video’s popped up and exactly where at in warfare and needed to hear. Started to listen to a many short timed Video’s as one was over 1.5 hours. It’s MEAT, like this site as “Why Revival Tarries/America is Too Young to Die by Leonard Ravenhill.

  6. Carolina

    So TRUE Mario!! you wrote…”Other ‘superstition’ folks believe you must ‘spiritually map’ the area and learn the name of the ruling demonic spirit. Let me tell you plainly, my friend, that is nowhere in the Owner’s Manual.”

    I’ve heard and seen it all regarding prayer, from praying off generational curses to the mapping idea, another theological stumper is the idea that Christians have to be in an “open heaven” area for prayers to ascend to heaven. You are so correct NONE of that prayer hype is recorded in the Bible.
    I can’t go to Fresno CA for this prayer gathering, but I know my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, and I’ shall be praying about this knowing also that my Lord is well able to do exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all we could ask or think in Christ Jesus. AMEN?

    • Bobbie

      What they do is waste time and your money and it’s INEFFECTUAL AS NOT SCRIPTURAL, psycho babble dung! Look at all those people they said come over here to this rally and that rally or the New Age whatever item they were doing and funded by luciferians to waste your time and money especially as just going after the youth is cult mentality and NO FRUIT in what doing AT ALL. Mr. M. B. and your evil regime and you need to repent and get right with God and NOT your god. As been confronting that for years and why aren’t the MEN calling out all this dogma and dung that’s ineffectual, Mario did. HOPE/TRUST EVERYONE COMES TOGETHER TO PRAY AND NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT, TALK ABOUT PRAYER BUT ACTUALLY PRAY!
      All the years heard all these dead leaders talk about prayer but NEVER did.

      Again, back in the day when would meet Intercessors would ask them their Books/Teachers on Prayer and # of people gave me their list and NEVER heard of any of them because Prayer was NEVER important in any of the regimes, movements and dynasty’s grew up in at all unfortunately big demonations we can see the fruit in all or the LACK THEREOF!
      Derek Prince: Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting-1973
      Anything by Leonard Ravenhill as each page of a book is repent, wail, travail and pray. These men are Holiness guys and Holiness is a major missing element in many very sad to say and we didn’t judge the fruit of that either.

  7. Greg Dean

    The left has been rejoicing over the decline of faith in the US. They hope that a culture crisis will push the people into submitting to them. The left wants young men filled with a void who are seeking meaning in extremism.

    However while this pattern was successful in Russia in 1918 and nearly successful in Germany in the 1930s, it will fail here as we have more godly people here than either of those two countries had. Our people have been turning to G-D starting in 2015 when the left created manufactured crisis starting with Ferguson. Every six weeks we had a crisis, all designed to destabilize the US.

    Prayer is our major weapon. And we are using it.

  8. Mark Stripling, Ransomed Ministries

    We will gather some folks together on that evening to join you for prayer. Praying for your outreach to California, and praying for our nation. Jesus still builds his church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. If God be for us, who can be against us? We are super-conquerors through Him that loved us, for I am persuaded……….. God bless all of your efforts.

  9. Jana D.

    WOW! Dear LORD, prosper this endeavor far beyond the greatest thing that could be imagined. And may it bring forth groups that will continue to pray. Hallelujah! This is so offensive, just like Jesus was. And the Bible so often says that the common people received Him gladly. May the common people of Los Angelos, San Francisco, and other really blue (as in the mood) areas receive Him gladly.

  10. linda mullen

    I so wish to be part of the prayer for California. Will you podcast it so I can be praying with you at home?

    On Sat, Sep 21, 2019, 9:03 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:

    > mariomurilloministries posted: “I rented an entire baseball stadium to > have a prayer meeting—an actual prayer meeting—a meeting where you pray. > And before you finish reading this, you will understand that I am promising > you a night of true prevailing prayer, for a miracle in California” >

  11. iamseatedwithhim

    Amen. And when you are done all that, please prayerfully consider either bringing or sending it all up to Canada -starting with the west coast here as well.
    We need the same Mario. What has happened there has happened here (verbatim) and the solution needs to be applied here as well. Confirmed prophecy has also been given that revival will start in the west coast of Canada.
    Nevertheless, as God wills.

  12. Daniel L Hutto

    Thank you, God hears heart felt prayers.

  13. Noel

    Hallelujah! May true and contrite hearts assemble in Fresno on October 20th.

    Isaiah 66:1-2
    Psalm 51:17

  14. Diane Zeller

    Thank you Mario! We are praying with you!
    1 Timothy 2 The Message (MSG)
    Simple Faith and Plain Truth
    2 1-3 The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live.

    4-7 He wants not only us but everyone saved, you know, everyone to get to know the truth we’ve learned: that there’s one God and only one, and one Priest-Mediator between God and us—Jesus, who offered himself in exchange for everyone held captive by sin, to set them all free. Eventually the news is going to get out. This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth.

    8-10 Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray—not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God. And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the latest fashions but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.

  15. Aaron

    Prayer and true dominion cannot be separated

  16. kingskid48

    I would so love to be there in person. I can’t do that, but I can support you in prayer and donations, and urge others to be praying before, during, and after the event. This is the only thing that will save California-heart-felt, Holy-Ghost-led, humble-before-God-prayer!

  17. waibera mahamba

    thank you

    May God bless you abundantly

    Our vision: Planting Churches around the nations of the world as we minister to people who have no hope.


    2019-09-22 6:02 UTC+02:00, Mario Murillo Ministries

  18. Mary E. Stewart

    Mario, thank you for what you have written. It is often easier to talk about prayer than to actually pray. I have been to some prayer meetings which consisted of people going to the microphone to “talk” about prayer; very little time was spent in actual praying. But, thankfully, I have been to prayer meetings in which people actually spent time praying—how refreshing it was!

  19. Patrick Maiyo

    Powerful article Sir. Reading this from Kenya, East Africa. The same thing happens here these days. We have “kesha” (Swahili for overnight prayers) in many churches but these days it’s anything but prayer. Mainly singing. Your blog is awesome and I’m glad that I follow it.

  20. Margaret Eargle


  21. Lysbeth Nelson

    Thank you Sir for laying out the truth. I sincerely wish I could be there.




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