by | Sep 22, 2019 | Christianity Today | 44 comments

I was once with a great man of God who was looking back on his life and surveying the wreckage he has seen in America.  This general in the army of God sighed deeply and said, “If only I were a younger man…”  I interrupted him and said, “YOU ARE A YOUNGER MAN!”  At that moment I had nothing to back up my statement, but I felt that I had just blurted out something very important.

Not long after that, I was with an older woman who had received a great miracle of healing.  While she was grateful for her restored health, she was also regretting the years that Satan had stolen from her.

Soon after, I was listening to another saint explain how unfair it seemed that huge chunks of her life had been taken from her.  She added with regret, “I just want them back!”

Right now, a lot of people are looking back on their lives and feeling that many years have been stolen from them.  They recount scenes of besetting sin, betrayal, calamity, sickness, and just plain mistakes that have had a huge impact on their lives.

There are lots of people who are feeling a special turmoil right now.  They are torn by conflicting emotions—they are feeling like they are too tired or that it is too late to start over—while at the same time they are burning with passion to take on a new mission.

Hollywood senses this and makes films like RED: Retired and Extremely Dangerous that touches this need for revenge on the past.  There is a right way to do this. This is not for personal gain bur by the vengeance of our God.

However this turmoil is far from just a crisis that is felt by those who are older in years.  Many young believers struggle with the sense that something has swept in like a swarm of locusts and robbed not just their past, but their future.  Dreams are held in limbo, and they live feeling like they are trapped in a holding pattern and that they are losing valuable time.

Joel 2:25 says, “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust.”

So what does that mean?  Can we be renewed like the eagle? Can we get back the years that the enemy has stolen?

The answer is: WE NOT ONLY CAN, BUT WE MUST!

In that moment when I exclaimed to that man of God, “YOU ARE A YOUNGER MAN!” it was not clear to me what I was actually saying.  Now I realize that the Holy Spirit does want to give us back the years that Satan has stolen!

Here is how:

1. Wait on God for specific fire to burn out spiritual fatigue and regret. Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”  

It is time for you to get up and get going! But to do so, you will need to make some bold moves and big decisions.  Realize that it is not so much that your body is tired, as your spirit.  Go to war in prayer! And specifically, claim, seize hold of, and seek God’s promise that He will fuel and direct those who wait on Him.

2. Do not merely settle for restored energy—what you are after is a total revolution in your mind and body.  Some of what you have suffered in your past has been because you have not been bold, but timid.   You went along with things and you did not make the demands on life that were just, right, and Biblical.  Now you must boldly press into the promises found in God’s Word. And you must also apply God’s grace.  You will now say, ‘No’ to things that you once said, ‘Yes’ to.

Repeat after me: “No, I am not too old.  No, I am not going to sit still.  No, it is not too late!”

Conversely, you will now say, ‘Yes’ to things that you once said, ‘No’ to!

“Yes, I can do it!  Yes, I can finish my race! Yes, I can do all the things that Christ gives me strength for!”

Here is what your new attitude must look like:

Joshua 14:10, “And now, behold, the Lord has kept me alive, as He said, these forty-five years, ever since the Lord spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness; and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. 11 As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out (to war) and for coming (back) in.”

3. You get back the years that you have lost by now receiving an abundance of years!  Locusts destroyed Israel’s crops because of judgment.  The damage ate up years of crops.  What God promised in Joel was: “I will restore the years.”  God promised that you shall be comforted according to the time that you have been afflicted, and shall have years of plenty that will more than make up for the years of famine.

There is a similar passage in one of the few Psalms written by Moses, Psalm 90.  In it, Moses is asking for equal time. 15 “Make us glad in proportion to the days in which You have afflicted us, and to the years in which we have suffered evil.”

This is not just added time, but it is added results that will put your life back in the plus column:  Haggai 2:9, “The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former,” says the Lord of Hosts; “And in this place will I grant you peace…”

Not just added time, but long life that satisfies: Psalm 91:15, “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.”

4. Live to leave something for the next generation. Psalm 71:18, “Now also, when I am old and gray headed, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.”

I believe that great men and women have been kept alive by their passion to impart a legacy to the next generation.  So long as they stubbornly mentored, imparted, and wrote great works of wisdom, it kept them alive.  

The bottom line is, you are not done—not by a long shot.  Pray, plan, and pursue God, expecting to receive unique gifts that will help us all to overcome the evil of our time!




  1. Ron DeLouis

    I was just getting up this morning thinking about all the opportunities I have missed. At 64 I have an awesome history of walking with God for 40 years. But I have never been able to fully realize my call. I was feeling discouraged and guilty and regretting. Then I opened this email that ministered to me. Thank you. I believe God can restore those years. Please pray for me and call me. God bless you brother. Ron DeLouis 412-628-2761.

  2. Darlene Rodriguez

    Glory to God. I am at a crossroad in my life with my employment. I am starting to say “No” to things I always said “yes” to. Some of the verses you wrote here have been going through my mind over and over lately. One thought that I feel strongly is “God will do a NEW thing.” Hallelujah! I Do “Have a Future and a Hope.” Praise Him! Gods Word is always on time.

    Darlene Rodriguez

  3. Peggy Hirst

    Good word What an exhortation!!!!!

    Sent from my iPad


  4. Nancy Hoven

    I’m 66 and just diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. I really needed to read this. Some of the verses you quoted are what the Holy Spirit has shown me. Thank you!

  5. Kimberley Flink

    ???thank you!!!! This is exactly ????????????????
    Yes & Amen, so be it according to your word Abba?

  6. Carolina

    Thank You Mario for those encouraging words. My husband and I are in our mid 60’s, he just had a sudden heart attack 2 weeks ago and survived by the Grace of Jesus Christ. I’m facing a major Cardiological workup myself and just last Friday I was fighting back the inclination to feel despair at the lack of time left to serve our Lord King Yeshua and bemoaning the lack of physical strength to do it.
    We are the clay HE is The Potter, may HE mold and reshape us for HIS new plans to use us prior to HIS return. Amen.♥️

    • Mark Stripling

      Carolina, prayed for you today. God strengthen and heal you both.

      • Carolina

        Thank You Mark Stripling.
        We need all the prayers we can get!

  7. Mark Stripling, Ransomed Ministries

    You struck a chord for many more than you know in this writing. My wife and I have said we do not intend to rust out as we live our final years. When we breath our last breath, we are going down in flames, Holy Ghost flames that is. They will have to allow our bodies to cool off before putting us in the casket! A week ago in a prison crusade, we saw the greatest number of salvations ever. In four services at 3 different units we saw 134 prisoners come to Christ! God is moving as never before. We also minister in drug and alcohol recovery settings. Neither of us have ever seen anything to compare to how God is moving. She and I have both been through tragic situatiins in years past. But God truly has restored the years the swarming locust has eaten. He has renewed our strength. We are pressing onward and upward, and our God is doing amazing things!!! Sometimes we stand there stunned as we watch God show off!!! To him be all praise and glory.

    • Bobbie

      Mark: I need to read this as worked Care-giving, Hospice, Cemetery and just sat by my Best Friends bed and watched breathe last breath and told them would Love them forever and ever and wouldn’t give up the Fight of defending abused children and ALL that we were all involved in for over 40 years.
      Isaiah 60:ALL highlighting verse 1-60 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
      2 Timothy 4:7-8 King James Version (KJV)=NOT UNTIL HE SAYS IT’S DONE, as our next breath is NOT our own and he knows each and every one of us as he created us Psalms 139:all and Jeremiah 2:all), like Psalms 27:4=not before our time, to fulfill the one that created and sent us for this time like Esther, and the so many examples.

      Remember hearing a message years ago about those who were born for this time and now it was an amazing message about God knew. So, that’s why ask him to order my day and I want to fulfill my call and destiny while on planet earth as “the heart may be flaming, but the body is fading”. Never too late.
      Remember movie where to the tune of: pick up the Sword and fight, fight with everything you have, NEVER surrender’ and of course we know, we are not going to die; we are going to live forever.

      P.S. Famous actor going through Trials and Tribulation, grew up in an Christian Home he who is Apostolic in Call and doesn’t realize like so many; wife gifted same; neither serving Lord. Please pray for ALL those and keep them in prayer. Thank you!

  8. Larry Sims

    I am 68 years and for years I speak everyday that I am as strong at 68 as I was at 48. I am never defeated and I will never give up. Blessed be His Holy Name.

    • Mark Stripling

      Amen, Larry!!

  9. Judy Bauman

    Wow!!! I say, “Yes, Lord!”

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  10. Jim Alford

    Thank you Mario.
    I had just finished praying concerning this very situation before reading your post.

    Hebrews 12:1-13

    • Bobbie

      Actually Hebrews 12:All is excellent, read it twice due to referenced.

  11. Jeff Arendt

    Awesome Word….Praise GOD !!!

  12. Gregory A Dean

    Yes. This is something that I have thought of a lot.

    Many are waking up to the fact that they have lost 20 years of their life. The Millennials will soon hit 40 and that will be a huge concern.

    Look there is much I regret. I wish that I had been wiser when young. It took me a long time to grow up. To become wise. Now I am pushing 70.

    Not all bad. I served in the Military for 30 years. Did my last combat tour before I turned 60. But nothing that was of greatness. Once I did my last tour I used that hardship of that tour to push myself harder. Started guitar lessons. Started Hebrew lessons. Found out that the state community college allows those of 60 to go for free.

    I am looking get my pilots license. I would love to get a PhD.

    I know that I cannot add years to my life. But I can add life to my years.

    And G-D lets me know that life is not over. The world says that I should sit down and die. That I am worthless as I am old. I feel like G-D is training me for something big.

    • Beverly Benedetto

      Thank you sir for sharing. I would love to quote you on “I can’t add years to my life. But I can add life to my years.” I am 52 and I have been battling cancer off and on for 4 1/2 years. God has me working with preschool students as a Teacher’s Assistant. I never imagined working in a school, but it is a blessing to be making a difference somewhere. The job is perfect to where my doctor appointments fit in with the school schedule. Our family just completed a shift at our church packing meals for the hungry. It’s something I have always wanted to do for years. I came home so full of life and energy. There are so many opportunities out there to be used by God, regardless of our circumstances. It makes me get out of bed or get off my couch to keep going and living by giving.

      • Carolina

        God Bless you Beverly Benedetto, You are an example to all of us of how to, “Stand strong in The lord and the power of His might.” ✝︎

  13. Tyler Garth

    Praise the Lord Brother!

  14. Lynn Reeb

    Thank you Mario! This is a great word of encouragement. I plan to go after this wholeheartedly.

  15. Fots

    This was the word I was looking for. What a powerful revelation for the body of Christ and beautiful promises of God to overcome the enemy.

  16. Rich Balswick

    Mario This expression is a confirmation beyond my natural comprehension! I’m so thankful for your gifted ministry! You are Blessing the Body of Christ So Faithfully! The Lord’s Blessing Be Upon You Today! Thank You, Rich (Now 79 years old finally learning to walk in His Word..Psa. 90:11-17 ..a prophetic word ultimately confirming my work as I finish this race so as including God’s Glory being shown to my family!)

    Sent from my iPhone


  17. Roland Ledoux

    Reblogged this on FOR THE LOVE OF GOD and commented:
    This is too important an article for my friends and family not to see. Be encouraged and take to heart! God bless you all richly!!

  18. gowergirl

    Yet again you have spoken into my life. thankyou.

  19. Andrea

    Amazing timing and confirmation and encouragement for me. So many thanks!

  20. kingskid48

    Wow. Count me in with these remarks. You definitely heard from the Lord on this, Pastor Mario. Blessings to you and your family.

  21. Thomas

    As beloved C.M. Ward would say, “God Be Praised”. Once again, your inspired words are right on time and speak directly into my life. Thanks for caring about your readers and the Body Of Christ by being obedient to the Holy Spirit and for creating this forum.

    • mariomurilloministries

      Thank you Thomas. Brother Ward was the greatest radio preacher in history!

  22. Rose kahika

    Thank you, thank you, thankyou Mario Murillo ! You have spoken HOPE into my life today, such a timely prophetic and powerful encouragement to continue to press IN ??

  23. bhopper

    So many years of unwise choices. But trusting the Lord to restore.

  24. Bobbie

    Deuteronomy 34;7 KJV
    “And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated”. THIS should ALL encouage our hearts.

  25. free73735

    Reblogged this on free73735 and commented:
    Good word Mr Murillo…!

  26. Mark Stripling

    May God unleash all who commented here, who are mature gray hairs, upon the church and the world. It is not too late for God to use those who have lived, learned, experienced, been broken, been repaired, have seen, have heard, have grown, and who have matured spiritually for his glory.

  27. Jill Anderson

    I don’t believe that I have ever heard of more encouraging words for those of us who feel that precious time has slipped away and the things of the Lord that he has previously prophesied to us years ago telling us of our future assignments in his Kingdom; that it can still happen. This is good to hear and that it is now not too late. Yes, we are part of that group. Please pray for my husband Jim and me. Yes, hopefully we have grown and matured through life’s many trials and can still be useful in the Lord’s work before he returns. To God be all the glory.

  28. Denise Loftus

    Thank you Mario. As always, I get great comfort from your emails. ?

  29. Mike Silva

    Thank you Mario. This is such a perfect word for me. I am 61 and although a Christian 42 years, I have had some gnarly locust chewing happen to me. Your word is so helpful to turn that around and finish strong. Love you brother! You have always been a helpful voice. I first saw you in Santa Rosa at Jesus West Coast in the mid Eighties…isn’t that crazy!

  30. Eleanore Reise

    I have been in the valley, the Lord carried me. Today at 88 yrs I host dinners for a group of Christian’s where we gather once a month to praise, give testimony and worship the Lord. I do the cooking, planninng and decorating. This has been ministry where we gather to go out and speak boldly of what the Lord has and is doing. The Doctor said I can’t and the Lord said I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. Amen. Thank you Mario Murrillo for your ministry. You speak life to the feeble, boldness to the timid and hope for the hopeless. I pray the strength of the Lord to be with you to bring hope to all whose Wells that ran dry. Bless you.

    • Carolina

      God Bless You Eleanore Reise, it sounds like Christ took your Valley of Achor and turned it into a door of Hope.?
      Keep on keeping on!?

  31. Beverly

    Thank you for your posts Mario. Many have spoken to me but none as powerfully as this one as I am more in Joshua’s age group than others replying. Yesterday, I was brought up short being reminded of my chronicle age and thinking….how’d I get so old so quickly” and I became discouraged but your post has brought me back to God’s promises to me: promises I have believed for 40 plus years and I an renewed knowing God is not a man that He should lie and these promises will be fulfilled no matter how old I am. This morning I look forward to better things coming and thank you for that.

    • Carolina

      God Bless You Beverly, reading your comment about God’s promises I remembered what AP-Paul said, about God’s promises… “Yes” has come about in Him. For every one of God’s promises is “Yes” in Him. Therefore the “Amen” is also through Him for God’s glory through us.”
      (2 Corinthians 1: 19,20)
      I say to you Beverly YES and Amen.?

  32. LuAnn M Morton-Earl

    Printing this one out!! My husband and I are in our mid 60’s…. I needed to hear this today… greatly!! We are in a situation where we can not move… no resources… we live isolated in the mountains and are barely getting by. There are lots of opportunities… we can not take advantage of them due to no money. People don’t realize how much finances support or hinder one from doing ANYTHING. We want out of the wilderness…. we want to move out of the wilderness…. but this is not enough. It’s not because I didn’t try to plan ahead. I did… but through a series of unfortunate events… we have lost everything.

    We need finances to do… People say… “well, just DO it”… HA, yeah right!! I can not even move our stuff without the finances ’cause we can not rent a truck to move with. What are we to do… pack our bags and walk out and join the ranks of the homeless in a land where snow and cold are prevalent?? And, then…. Physically… we need help to load it all, THAT costs money, too. Prayer for the resources to do what God has shown us. His vision, His dime…??

    Yes, I am in conflict over all of this… and I know conflict & confusion are not of God. I have Faith that God CAN…. but, will He? That comes from years of unanswered prayers.

    • Carolina

      LuAnn M Morton-Earl, Oh how I understand, the place, the position, the lack of needed funds and when one has planned ahead only to have a “series of unfortunate events” occur that can put one in harms way unexpectedly. 20 years ago this happened to us similarly, due to serving, giving and working in full time ministry without enough on going help from those who had resources. We lost everything. Even now 20 years later I still feel the sting of those days as if it were yesterday.
      I can only share with you what I Believe Holy Spirit said to me…’The answer comes, when it does walk through the open door without hesitation’…
      and I would add, never give up, never give in, it is Christ The King Who always wins.



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