by | Sep 18, 2017 | Christianity Today | 2 comments


The church has a limp-wristed, tepid, disjointed and incoherent response to this frontal assault to the Gospel.  Our unfounded fear of being labeled racist, homophobic, Islamophobes paralyzed our ability to obey God.   Tragically, we should have known that no matter what we do they would call us these names.


By Mario Murillo

The Body of Christ is to have a unique influence on America.  From the jump, our founding fathers realized that morality and love of truth would breathe life into the Constitution.  They believed in liberty not license, they believed in freedom not anarchy. They understood that the system of government they created must work in concert with God fearing, hardworking, freedom loving citizens.

The church refuses to face a simple truth today.  That is why we are powerless if the face of our ongoing national destruction.  We must face the fact that grid-locked Washington is about to kill America and only the Gospel will save America.

Social progressives will accuse me of blaming the victim.  I am not blaming the victim—I am naming the villain.  The leftists believe they are the only ones who care about poverty, racism and injustice.

Secular progressives will say they love the poor.  If so, then they loved Detroit to death.  After 61 years and hundreds of billions of dollars Detroit has been reduced to a pile of rubble by liberal programs.   The same damage can be seen in any urban area where liberals dominate.

Early America had a compassionate but tough love stance.  Ben Franklin said, “I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”

The Detroit formula continues to cripple incentive and dignity in many cities.  The results are undeniable.  The nation is poorer and heroin addiction has doubled in just a few years.

Leftist ideology is attractive to three kinds of people:

  1. Those who do not want to work.
  2. Those who want to gain power by posing as champions for the poor.
  3. Those who feel self-loathing and guilt for their ancestor’s sins.

The Social Justice Warrior’s The church should be a great force for saving America but we have been neutralized. Obama, leftist politicians and the media changed the rules our Founding Fathers cherished about how God and government.

Obama made it fashionable to bash the church, the Bible and Israel.  On the other hand, he made it wrong for the church to defend itself—directly attacking our freedom to preach the Gospel.

The church has a limp-wristed, tepid, disjointed and incoherent response to this frontal assault to the Gospel.  Our unfounded fear of being labeled racist, homophobic, Islamophobes paralyzed our ability to obey God.   Tragically, we should have known that no matter what we do they would call us these names.

What makes true saints want to pull out their hair is the fact that this sick and stupid leftist agenda is easily destroyed by the power of the Gospel.  The real enemy is our doubt of the Gospel.

We demonstrate our doubt in the Gospel a million ways.  That doubt keeps America from believing.  We show it in our redacted preaching—leaving out the active ingredients of the message of Jesus.  We show it in our emotional binges and bizarre meetings—meetings designed like séances—that are only for hardcore adherents.  We show it in our terminology.  We apply the label “prophetic” to anything we want to sound deep and spiritual.  Nobody knows what you are talking about!  We are a massive question mark.

We show our lack of confidence in the Gospel by our priorities.  We are busy with everything but soul-winning.  We are silly with programs and orchestrated church.

None of our shenanigans are lost on the outside world.

Paul did not shrink from calling out evil government.  Acts 16: 37 “But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out.” 38 And the officers told these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Romans.”

I believe that evil politicians should fear us.  Paul did not believe that his gospel integrity would be ruined by speaking out. Nor do I believe that my out spoken opposition to liberals is in anyway is inconsistent with love or truth.  Christ did not worry that turning over tables and evicting the money changers would ruin His image of love and compassion.

However, our silence has another root: Christians has lost faith in the power of the Gospel.  We have forgotten its surpassing impact.  We do not remember how effective it is in situations just like this.  We have forgotten that it is supernatural.

California values are a crippling counterfeit of the Gospel.  The wackos in Sacramento are tinkering with an America without God and a Bill of Rights.  The answer is fresh passion for the greatest message mankind has ever heard.    We must roar it without apology.  Should we have a bold and fiery  declaration of Christ?  YES. I shudder to think what will happen if we don’t!

We must also shake off all embarrassment of the Gospel.   Yes, there have been abuses but remember what Woodrow Wilson said,  “The proof that the Gospel is divine is the preaching it has survived.”





  1. Aaron

    Dear Mario

    I was astounded by the lack of a sense of urgancy in people who call them selves christians until The Lord brought me to rememberance of times in my own christianity were I was without a prayer life let alone faating and never even read my bible except in church.
    I am greatful to now have these disciplines in my life but it was through the preaching under conviction and having a pastor who i saw in prayer every morning at the church who i saw treating his wife right,who i saw contending for the supernatural and reading his bible and loving me and my family that God used all those things to help me.
    Mario could you write about how important men of Gods influence is you are an influence on pastors and leaders.
    If men behind pulpits dont.get it right our nation is in big trouble.



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