by | Apr 27, 2024 | Phoenix | 73 comments

Phoenix was a massive victory. If you saw the videos, you know. This tent crusade set records for livestream views. The thousands who attended are eye witnesses. It was a victory!

But I am praying that God will show you just how big a victory it was. I believe that Paul was trying to do something similar when he prayed for the Ephesian church.

He said, “…the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power” (Ephesians 1:18,19).


In fact, if you knew all of the headwinds that crusades face today it would shock you.

In the same way, Phoenix was a greater victory than you know. You see, experts say what happened in Phoenix cannot happen today. They claim the day of mass soul winning crusades is gone. But they are only one threat.

In fact, if you knew all of the headwinds that crusades face today it would shock you. The truth is, soul winning crusades have the most enemies of any Christian endeavor.

Here is just a short list of threats to crusades:

-Division between churches.

-The hatred of the media.

-Trends that claim Americans are turning away from God.

-Venues that persecute Christians.

-Past abuses in crusades


In the light of all these things, the crusade in Phoenix was a much bigger victory. It shattered the lie that churches cannot work together. It destroyed the myth that people are not hungry to be saved. Most of all, it shows that Americans are not listening to the media.

We are all disturbed by the recent ‘stage’ behavior in churches. So much carnal foolishness to attract a crowd. The format in the Tent goes against the grain of all of that.

But there is more. We are all disturbed by the recent ‘stage’ behavior in churches. So much carnal foolishness to attract a crowd. The format in the Tent goes against the grain of all of that.

By comparison, there are no gimmicks. The preaching is based on and saturated with scripture. We have no smoke machines or strobe lights. In short, we are violating all of the marketing principles that supposedly draw a crowd. But we are getting the crowds!

Therefore, we can rejoice that God has made us into a weapon of mass conversion. We having meetings that are led by the Holy Spirit. We can go forward knowing that a vast harvest awaits us and nothing can stop the power of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice with us that this ministry is moving with furious faith into a great awakening!



  1. Susan Coyne

    Glad to hear it. I had an encounter myself with God serving on the salvation team, praying for someone after they went forward to receive salvation. The anointing was strong. God Bless you Mario & we look forward to your return!!

    • Ma

      Praise God!!!. It is refreshing to see some get back to the basics of God’s word and the power of the Holy Spirit! I am tired of entertainment churches

      • Amy Williams

        Praise God, and all glory to our Savior, Christ Jesus. I was blessed to be apart of it from my home, praising , praying and rejoicing with the lost who were saved, the many who were healed, and for your health recovery Mario!

    • phil beatty

      AMEN!!! GLORY!!!!!

    • Vicki Kern-Short

      Please come to Illinois as Satan is in over-drive with our Governor promoting Illinois as the abortion capital of America. Christians are drowning in the Land of Lincoln. Thank you for loving people enough to have these Crusades. May God continue to bless your endeavors.

    • Chrissy Boyajian

      Praise and glory to the Most High God. Each service exploded with the Holy Spirit penetrating the atmosphere as He received the honor and true divine worship from His creation. It reminded me of the tabernacle of Moses and how the first church crafted it with the most pure love. It ended on Wednesday and on this Saturday I still feel God’s courtship carrying me in a blanket of peace. My prayer is that MMM is able to bring the new modern tabernacle to every state in the nation. In Jesus name, Amen. Thank you my brothers and sisters for serving me during the Phoenix tent crusade.

  2. Sandra Davis

    YES! My brother Steven, sitting in the audience was speaking in tongues! All on his own, the Holy Spirit came on him. Hallelujah.

    • Terry Marie

      Praise the Lord… Holy Spirit is so needed in these last days.

  3. Shirley Webb

    I love watching you and the work that you do for God. I was saved for Christ in 1958 and really got to know so much from a Tent Revival. I am 86 years older than then but I still believe that God can use me and He does. I appreciate you and the way you obey God works through you. God Bless you

    • Ann Britt

      He saved the sweetest wine for last!

  4. Sandra Davis

    Tuesday night I saw three teenagers coming come up to the altar in doubt. Return on Wednesday night. Hallelujah.

  5. Brenda Diehl

    Oh, Praises to our GOD, Brother Mario. Praises to our GOD. Bring on the continued Holy Spirit outpouring upon ALL flesh all across this nation! The Lord be with you and the MMM team as you obey His leading!

    • Gale

      Come to Las Cruces, NM

  6. Bill Seashols

    Thank you

  7. Janis Pollard

    What touched me the most from the four nights that I attended in Phoenix and volunteered was the awesomeness of how many people were going forward for salvation and for the power of the Holy Spirit. People are open and people are obviously longing for what they gained at the crusade. Thousands were hungry and open and it was certainly proven this last week. Go God!

  8. Scott Murison

    Just awesome! May God visit Australia in a similar manner. “If My people……

    • Judy Killian

      I have been watching all the crusades and indeed, God is pouring out His spirit upon all!!! Hallelujah!!!

  9. Jeff Stouffer

    What an AWESOME move of God. Mario, you and your crew are to be congratulated for a job well done. Bathed in prayer and fasting, The Holy Spirit moves mightily.
    I am looking forward to your next Crusade.

  10. Stephen Muzick

    The arms of the Lord are not short. The same God who divided the Red Sea is the same God we serve today. God cannot fail. God wants us to grow his family.. So, God will make a way where the seems to be no way. We are the ones who allow the devil to whisper in our ear that it is impossible. We are the ones that have to fight against that. And when we do miracles happen. God bless you Mario for not only keeping crusades alive but showing that anything is possible with God.

  11. Ena Howard

    Love you Mario. God bless all of you. So very grateful to our God for doing this. Watching every place you go to. Loving it. Reminds me so much of what we had here in South Africa 40 years ago. And I weep and long for it here.

  12. Wendy Cairns

    Blessings from Australia, I rejoice with you Mario, how great is our God! Who can be against us if God is on our side. How lovely are the feet of them that bring good news, no weapon formed against you has prospered, wonderful Savior!

  13. Judy Page

    Doing it the GODS WAY!! Thank you Mario for your obedience to Jesus! The results are awesome! Waiting and excited for a move in Michigan!

  14. Maggie Birch

    I am so thankful for Mario Murillo leading this crusade. I love reading your blog and seeing all the people’s faces in the pictures. They tell the story by looking at them. What a blessing.

  15. Pearl Dalton

    I am rejoicing with you. Praising God, for all the blessings that He is meeting the peoples needs. Much needed for such a time as this

  16. Matthew777

    Therefore, we can rejoice that God has made us into a weapon of mass conversion. We having meetings that are led by the Holy Spirit 🙌🏻 We can go forward knowing that a vast harvest awaits us and nothing can stop the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Rejoice with us that this ministry is moving with furious faith into a great awakening!
    Hallelujah 💯 Praise Yeshua!
    Isaiah58:12Those from among you
    Shall build the old waste places;
    You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;
    And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
    The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.
    Build the tents ⛺️ Fill the stadiums.

  17. Curtis Cabezut

    Praise God we give you Thanks and Praise Jehova Nissi we Magnify your Holy Name El Shaddai

  18. Mary Belschner

    I claimed my healing for the Bronchitis that had attacked me.

    Nothing can stop the Power of our GOD !
    We thank and Praise HIM. GLORY

  19. M

    Praise YAH HAPPY PASSOVER Everyone!

  20. Bob Blair

    Praise the FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT! Praise the THREE in ONE! HE in me and I in HIM! He in us and we in HIM! Exponential power and Victory to the Power of HIM!

    We can do all things through Messiah which strengthens Us!

    “For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.” Isa 61:11

  21. Richard Turnage

    I love the updates. Your ministry is so encouraging in this time of uncertainty. If I didn’t know the One who has control, I’d be scared out of my mind. Thank God that He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    • Ruth Kent

      Glory to God, beautiful in mercy, glorious in truth. Such a blessing, to be in community, fellowship with the body of Christ, doing the will of the Father. God keep us, each and everyone in the palm of His hand.

  22. Gilbert Garcia

    Praise God. Brother I pray that God will continue to bless you, your family, your team and ministry. Keep on going where the Lord Jesus directs your ministry. I live in NM and it would be awesome to see and attend one of your tent revivals. Prayers and blessings for you.

  23. Robert B Goode

    Well done good and faithful servants. Blessings and Shalom

  24. Judy drury

    How encouraging! Thanks!

    • Willa Richardson

      I praise and thank God for you and your meetings!

  25. Ria Davids

    Mario’s crusades pale all other christian meetings by comparison. God is in control of every facet. Praying that others will follow suit here in Canada.

  26. Teresa Thomas

    All across the world people are turning to Jesus. Hallelujah! Thank you for having these tent services. I was born in 1953. I lived in Texas. Our church had a lot of brush arbor revivals. The atmosphere was always so spiritual and exciting. God is moving and I can see fires of hope burning everywhere.

  27. Bernadette Pickles


  28. Alles Payne

    Thank you Jesus….❤️

  29. Terry Bardeen

    I’m so excited that you are coming to Batavia New York!!!! I believe God is going to open up the portals of when Charles Finny was here.
    I’m looking forward to helping with these meetings.
    God bless you your family

    • Terry Marie

      Yes, it’s time for those portals to be opened and a might move of God in Batavia NY.

  30. Patricia Dove

    Praying for you daily. And thanking God for your faithfulness!

  31. Patricia Foxworth

    I wasn’t in Phoenix but I live streamed it and the anointing was in the atmosphere and filled the air waves. God is moving in a powerful way. These tent meetings are throwing the enemy like Sisera and all his chariots and warriors into a panic like in Judges 4. Victory over Sisera, for the Lord is marching ahead of you. Get ready!!

  32. DiAnn

    Yes! Glory to God! Rejoicing with you, Mario! This is just the beginning of what God is about to do…”greater works than these”… “that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:12-13

    • LAUREN Pamela Laub

      I was in Phoenix and was honored to serve on the prayer and salvation team. What a glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit under and around the location of the tent! Blessings and favor on this ministry to bring salvation to the lost all across this country and beyond

  33. Sandra Schurr

    Do not grow weary team!! Praying Abba refreshes and covers you with His rest and peace! God bless this ministry and God protect you Mario and everyone!!

  34. Rolanda Shrader

    HIS amazing love O how sweet it is!!! I thank God for you and all the team work that touches lives for Him.

  35. Deborah Rackliff

    I wasn’t able to be there physically but I was able to support it financially and prayerfully. Grateful for this ministry and all that help to bring this to pass!

  36. Carole Beck

    Praise the Lord!

  37. Marilou S

    I personally experienced so many headwinds 3 weeks prior to volunteering at Phoenix tent crusade (3 weeks prior-weariness, many decisions to make, my business laptop died but i had backed up the data prior, my Phoenix lodging was cancelled last minute, on and on) BUT FOR GOD, the Holy Spirit was 2 steps ahead of me in fire, clarity & strength each step to get everything done before leaving for Phoenix. So grateful, humbled & honored to volunteer and serve Christ at Phoenix.

  38. Larry Lavallee

    The Army of GOD is “FINALLY” moving in a Powerful, Unified, and Victorious assault against the demonic forces that are hindering the Plan of GOD for America 🇺🇸 by the Power of THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST 🔥🤺We are Victorious, AS ONE!!!

  39. Susan Sculley

    I was there, as were others from my SCW Church. Most important, the Holy Spirit was there and His presence was truly palpable. Supernatural healings occur everyday. We witnessed instant healing. I missed out on the 1970’s revivals. What a BLESSING to be part of today’s undeniable worldwide revivals breaking out everywhere!! Please shut off your TV and instead, proactively be a part of GOD’S movement!! We are in a worldwide revival… Supernatural healing are real and I’ve had several instant Supernatural healings. Let’s all be the “HIS CHURCH” by seed planting, soul saving, and praying for ALL whom are Spiritually deaf, blind and know not what they do! Pray for lost souls, pray for enemies whom do not know the Lord! I used to be one of those whom did not know JESUS! Thank you for TENT REVIVALS spreading His Love, healing, mercy, forgiveness and grace. May someone be richly blessed by this message! Amen.

  40. Peggy

    I Praise God with you Mario for All God has done and is doing in your Crusades !
    Truly, you are moving with Furious Faith into God’s Agenda For His Harvest!
    Praise God for His Mercy !!
    Thank God for strengthening you, your family and team!
    The Best is yet to come!

  41. Tony


  42. Ronald Delp

    I was raised in the main-line Mennonite Church in the Shenandoah Valley of NW Virginia, 2 hours SW of Washington, DC and 30 miles from the West Virginia state line. The Mennonite Church at that time, was still mostly “conservative and traditional” in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. The (George and Lawrence) Brunk Brothers Evangelistic Campaign team during those years, still held evangelistic crusades in a huge circus tent, transported by a fleet of full-size 18-wheelers. The photos of the overflow crowds in and around the tent at the recent Mario Murillo Crusades, reminds me a lot, about literally “walking the sawdust trail” at a week-long Brunk Tent Revival – when I was maybe 15.
    Check out the old black-and-white photos of a huge “Brunk Tent Revival” in Southeast Pennsylvania in the 1950’s, at the following URL:

  43. Deb Switzer

    What a joyous oportunity it was to volunteer for the Phoenix Crusade!! (Even restroom duty!) So Many people came to or found their way back to their Savior!
    On Wed p.m. I was near a woman walking with a walker in great pain. When Mario focused on the east side sections calling out healing for Spine, back, hip, pain issues, I placed my hand on her shoulder and said, This is for you. Stand up! As prayer went up she began to move around. I encouraged her to do something she couldn’t do before. She walked out to the open area and moved her walker out of the way!! She came and hugged me and thanked me for praying with her. We gave God the Glory then broke out into Holy, Joyous Laugher!! Truly, TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!

    • Michael McMacken

      wonderful, I was there a volunteer, and God healed me of cataracts.
      To my surprise driving to my motel after one meeting I could now see clear.

  44. Adelin Schauer


  45. Tom Crandall

    A great victory indeed! So grateful for MMM pioneering the way!

  46. Jillian

    Canada needs a MMM crusade It is being attacked by Satan.

    I pray God will agree and bless our people with revival.

    Thank you Mario. I will pray for you.

  47. Ernestine Graham

    Thank you for coming to Phoenix. Two years ago I asked God to send you and bring the tent because no evangelist here was raising up. As a pastor I know what we need and we needed to see unity. We need a fresh outpouring and a rebellious spiritual awakening! Praying God will continue to prick our hearts to steward what was deposited. This picture is our team. They are praying for me and I received an incredible impartation. They were fueled and filled! Believing for greater things and praying for you to be strengthened and protected!

  48. P. Roloff

    We are Rejoicing with you all!!!!

    Now praying for growth and Discipleship training to go forth through the true church.

    Thank you all for your faithfulness to your calling.

  49. Kat

    Habakkuk 1:5

    The Lord’s Answer

    5Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.

  50. Laura Marble

    To God be the glory!!! Thank you for coming to Phoenix, and for all you did for this glorious camp meeting revival!!! I look forward to your return!!! Only eternity will reveal all that was done here. May the Lord richly bless and reward you all!!!

  51. Eloise Vasquez

    I was so glad to be a part of the great Courage Tour and Phoenix Tent Crusade! I was blessed to volunteer Sunday evening and all day Monday and Tuesday. I met some wonderful brothers and sisters on the volunteer team as well as met up with people I hadn’t seen in years. The speakers Lance lined up in the morning shared a wealth of information and impartation. The worship led by Catherine Mullins was amazing as she led us into the presence of the Lord. Mario’s message to the lost, the church and prayers of healing and deliverance was phenomenal! Surely the presence of the Lord touched ground in Phoenix!!! It was a blessing to see Mario in person again after almost 49 years when my friends and I used to attend the Night of Miracles every month in Oakland, CA in the late ’70’s. The same fire he carried back then, he carries today. As the old timers would say, “I was born in the fire and I can’t survive in the smoke!” Now I’m that old timer and honored to carry the fire!😊 God bless 🙌

    Prayers for the Tour and the Crusade as they continue to put down stakes in the other cities they will be going to. Prayers of strength and endurance for those who set up and take down the tent. May the provision of the Lord flow unto the vision of this great work 🙏🏻

  52. Sharon Sewell

    You are a Joshua. The Commander of the Lord’s army is with you. Fight on.

  53. Joanne

    My husband and I enjoyed handing out posters and cards in Phoenix inviting people to come to the Revival. Then we enjoyed working Mon. Thru Thurs. To set up for the Revival and Saturday orientation, and then the Revival ! Tuesday was the best night, the Presence of God was so beautiful and all those that received the baptism in the Holy Spirit was glorious! We connected with several believers in our area, and I believe it will be life changing. We were so blessed that the Lord told Mario to come, and are excited for his return. God bless M.M.M. Ministries! ❤️

  54. Saundra Forbes

    Praise God for you Mario.I have been following you.all the lost souls that have been saved through your mission.we need man like you.Thank you

  55. Carleen Rowan

    Praise God!! Wish I could have been there!!

  56. Bryan Smithers

    Mario Preaches Jesus and gives Him the Glory so Jesus shows up and heals people just like the Bible says in Mark 15 in the Great Commission imagine that, not one Gulfstream 5000 or smoke machine needed and notice those airplane guys Jesus does not show up and heal either Imagine if other preachers made it about Jesus instead of themselves what could happen. I for one will support ministries like this one where Jesus shows up the airplane guy’s better look for a new racket

  57. Sharon Schoof

    Amen to the power of our Holy God!!! He is so great – there is no one like Him. He has worked many miracles in the Phoenix crusade and this is only the beginning. Satan – WATCH OUT!!

    God Bless You, Mario,


  58. Christina L Pietryga

    My daughter and I were there and I am still feeling the vibration from the Holy Spirit on my back. Fresh fire from heaven came down! Praise the Lord!




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