It has been another hot day in Phoenix. As Day Two of the Living Proof Tent Crusade kicked off, I was very glad that the heat hadn’t kept the people away. The Tent was once again full as Catherine Mullins and her team led the people in a powerful time of worship.
Before Mario took the stage, Catherine led the people in the song, “I Speak Jesus.” This powerful praise song which has become an anthem for the Tent meetings ushered in the presence of God. As His anointing filled the Tent in a powerful way, the people worshiped our amazing Savior.
When Mario began speaking, he said that America does not need any more ‘normal’ church services, but rather, America needs to have an encounter with the Power of God. And it is tragic that too many modern preachers have lost the sense of the power and soberness of talking to someone about their soul.
He said that of all the things Satan wanted for you, the thing he wanted most was to make sure you had a bad father.
He said that of all the things Satan wanted for you, the thing he wanted most was to make sure you had a bad father. Not drug addiction, or homelessness, or perversion, but a bad father. And the reason Satan wanted your father to be negligent or absent was because every other human ill grows out of that.
When Paul was in Athens, he spoke to the people there:
“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring’” (Acts 17:26 – 28 NKJV).
Mario added, “God is your Father. God created you, therefore, you as a creation of God are a child of God. But you have no benefit of it, you don’t know your identity or purpose, nor do you have your inheritance because you are living outside of God’s power and direction.”
Mario then continued with what Paul told the Athenians:
“Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a Day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man Whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead” (Acts 17:29-31).
When Adam sinned, the human race became orphans.
Mario asked, “Why is it that people, after becoming successful, still feel like they are at the bottom of the pile? Or when they reach that level, why can’t they work with other creative people?” It is what psychologists call ‘an orphan spirit.’
A study was done about the role of a father in a child’s academics. The minute a father is involved helping a child’s homework their grades skyrocket.
Mario told about how young girls are not able to have healthy relationships with men because they did not have their father’s affection. And young men relentlessly pursue approval because of the lack of hugs, all the events their father never attended, achievements that were never celebrated, and congratulations for their accomplishments that were never received.
He can retroactively heal the psychological damage caused by all the years of a lack of a loving father.
But the message of Jesus is this: right now, the Holy Spirit can come into your life, and He can retroactively heal the psychological damage caused by all the years of a lack of a loving father.
Mario then told about Jacob, who wrestled with God. How his wrestling was an attempt to achieve an identity. To receive acceptance from a father. Jacob wrestled with God and refused to let go until God blessed him.
Mario told about a pastor who once asked him, “Why don’t we see signs, miracles, and wonders in our church?” Mario answered, “That is because you can live without them.” Then the pastor asked him, “Why do I have frustration, no peace, and limited success?” Mario answered, “Because you can live with it.”
What Jacob found out is, “I can’t live this way anymore, not one more minute.” He knew wrestling with God could cost him his life, but he didn’t care.
Mario told the audience that he is going to ask God to make them so desperate for joy, peace, and meaning, that they wouldn’t want to go one more minute without Jesus. That they would say, “I don’t want some of Jesus, I want all of Jesus, and I want Him now!”
God cannot resist the cry of one of His children.
He then asked why it is that God could break the inner sinew of Jacob’s thigh and yet God did not remove Jacob’s arms from around Him. It is because God cannot resist the cry of one of His children. It wasn’t the force of Jacob’s arms that held him to God, it was the cry of his heart.
Mario then told about a time he was invited to speak at a gathering of representatives from all the major world religions. His turn came between Transcendental Meditation and Scientology. Each representative was given only five minutes to prove that their religion was right.
He said he would tell them what the highest pleasure a human being will ever know is.
Each person that spoke told of what people would gain by joining their religion. They were promised pleasure and success in this life. When Mario’s turn came to speak, rather than talking to the spectators at the event, he turned around and spoke directly to all the religious leaders. He said he would tell them what the highest pleasure a human being will ever know is. He then quoted from -1 Thessalonians 4:1 where Paul said, “When we were with you I taught you how to live in order to please God.” -1 Thessalonians 4:1
He said the greatest feeling there is, is to lay down at night and feel the smile of God on your life. He asked, “Do you know what it means to make God smile? The power of pleasing God?”
Mario told the people by raising their hand in response to his call, the curse of Adam would come off them. The chains and bondage of a lifetime of lack of love from a true Father would be erased by God.
Mario called for those who wanted to have the love of a true Father to raise their hand, then to stand, and finally to come forward.
The response was even greater than last night. The people were stretched across the front of the stage and down the aisles. It was a beautiful sight to behold, as all these souls were being restored to their true Father.
Mario then prayed with them and directed them go outside for some personal ministry with our wonderful group of volunteers.
Catherine and her worship team came back up on stage and sang, “Look What the Lord has Done!” It was incredible as we all sang and declared what God had just now done under the Tent.
Mario then began to share more truth with the people, but mid-way through, he was interrupted as the Spirit of God began moving among the people and healing power began to flow.
Pointing toward one section of the audience, Mario told them to be ready to receive their healing. Then turning to another section he called out a woman and informed her that her lungs were being healed.
He again tried to return to his message, but instead called out a man who was being healed of heart disease. And then the man next to him received the same healing.
Next he pointed to another section and said that someone’s spine was being healed. He told them to stand, and four people stood and were healed.
He then singled out one woman and had her come out into the aisle. This woman was healed from her neck down to her feet. Nerve and vertebrae damage was healed in her body. She began to weep and praise God as she moved her neck, shoulders and legs. When Mario asked if she had been healed, she shouted, “Yes!”
Then he had that woman go to another woman from that group who had stood, and that woman was healed of seven different maladies in her body, among them: her spine, her red blood cells, anemia, eyes, and legs. In her joy and gratitude, she began jumping and shouting, and came near to falling to the floor under the power of God.
Mario then declared that all over the Tent the power to move legs without pain was happening.
Then Mario began to speak in Spanish to another of the women in that section, telling her that God was healing her. He had her come forward and he continued to speak to her in Spanish as God was healing her body.
Mario declared that an awakening and a visitation was beginning in the city of Phoenix. He then turned to the other side of the Tent and had another woman stand and had her put her hand on her forehead. He then declared the pain was gone and would never return.
He then pointed toward the middle section and bound cancer in the name of Jesus, as he called out four people in that section who all had cancer. Mario spoke, saying that the power of God was burning tumors out of their bodies.
Then another woman was being healed of multiple sclerosis. Mario had her walk out into the aisle, then up to and across the front of the Tent. All her muscles began to work freely, as she was smiling, and walking without any difficulty.
Then Mario had all the people raise their hands and pray in the language of the Holy Spirit. As they did, diabetes, cancer, COPD, congestive heart failure, vision problems were healed, and many other miracles began to happen across the Tent.
Mario said that the Lord had shown him that someone’s entire esophagus had been burned, but that it was now being healed, and even the scars were being removed.
Mario encouraged the people to allow the Holy Spirit to move. To not stop or limit Him, and the people continued to pray in tongues. Mario then asked every person who was certain that the power of the Holy Spirit had come upon their bodies to raise their hand. Hands went up all over the Tent.
He told the people to stand if they had been healed and it was clear to them that a healing had occurred in their body. All over the Tent hundreds of people stood up. It was such a beautiful sight. God is so good!
If you didn’t make it out to the Tent during the first two nights, there is good news—there are still two more nights: Tuesday, April 23rd, and Wednesday, April 24th.
I encourage you to come to bring someone you’ve been praying for who needs salvation and healing.
Arizona State Fairgrounds in Phoenix, AZ, at 6:30 PM each night. Free parking, free seats, and air conditioning in the Tent. See you there!
Thank you Jesus. I hope that one day Mario will come to Western Kentucky.
Reading about his tent meetings is an inspiration to me to seek more of God.
I, too am praying for a visit to Western Kentucky! There is much hunger for God here!
I would also like to see Mario come to Ottawa the Capital of Canada for a tent meeting. Lord can see all those requests and will answer. His timing is always the best time.
And to those “learned” theologians who believe miracles ceased when the last apostle died… no, not quite!
Thank you for your loving obedience to the call that God has on your life thank you.
Praise The Lord, and to God be All The Glory!! Thank you Father and Thank you Brother Mario Ministries for all those saved Souls in Arizona. Satan is having many heart attacks. I’m praying that The Lord brings you to the Ventura County Fairgrounds. WE NEED A REVIVAL FIRE IN THIS COUNTY AND THEIR CHURCHUS.Many, many lost Souls and backsleds that nedd to come to The Lord!!
Wow, what a blessing to read how God is moving. Mario had been so wise in listening to the Lord and bringing in the great end times harvest! Help us Holy Spirit to do the same things in our callings.
So we can all do the greater things.
The Awakening is growing. Thank you Mario for your commitment, dedication and holy boldness. It’s like Peter on the day of Pentecost in the Book of Acts.. Am praying for you allPaul C
What an awesome God we have. Thank you Mario for your heart for the people and the lost. I live in Canada and am not able to come at this time, but am and have been praying for the Meetings. Our God so loves the lost and wants to see them free. Thank you again Mario for all you and the team are doing. The Lord richly bless all you put your heart and hands to do…
Awesome to hear of God on the move to save, heal, and show his grace, mercy, and love to his children. Praise him forever.
bro. mario what a marvelous start to this AWESOME VISITATION IN THE AREA THERE.
God bless you brother Mario! ✝️🙏🇺🇸
Thank you for obeying God and coming to Phoenix. We needed this so badly.
Thank you Mario for not just having faith in our creator, but for also spreading his gospel and doing his work for his kingdom purposes all over the nation! That is what this world needs most in such a time as this! May you be filled to overflowing with the presence of the Holy Spirit, discernment, knowledge, wisdom, anointing, gifts of the Spirit, increased miracles, signs, wonders, protection, prosperity, fruitfulness, strength, favor, healing, peace, joy, boldness, and humility more and more each day! Stay blessed and safe in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Yeshua Hamashiach Amen hallelujah 🙏🏻✝️🔥🕊️
I love reading this! We are promised a later rain before His return, with signs and wonders and miracles that testify of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Hallelujah!!! We will see you in Michigan in May!! God bless you and all your team! We are with you in Spirit
Paster, did Mario mention where in Michigan he is coming to? Dates? My wife and I would like to come. God bless you both.
WOW! GOD! Do it again Lord! Show yourself big!
Praise God for what is happening in Phoenix. 😆👏👏👏👏💜💜💜
I am praying and looking for a church In my area (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill) that believes in and teaches the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
It is good if a church believes but better that you believe! You can pray anywhere and any time for the Holy Spirit to provide healing to the sick and salvation to the lost in Jesus name! Find a friend or prayer group to assist and go into the field ripe for harvest.
Please come back to San Luis Obispo
Please come to Michigan. We under the reign of evil leaders.
This is one of your best word and works Mario. Thank you, please pray for Matt.🙏
Glory to God!!
Wow! I wish I was there! I have been struggling my whole life due to issues with my abusive dad. I have never been able to be successful in a relationship with a man without having a lot of drama and stress constantly present. Which transfers to my spine, hips, and legs in a very painful way on a daily basis. I refuse to take drugs, so I never really sleep, just cat naps when I get so tired I just fall asleep. I pray for healing all the time, but it is not my time just yet – so I am told to be patient and wait and continue to be a prayer warrior against the works of the evil one.
God is so amazing and I love Him so much and will take the pain any day because my savior Jesus Christ took a lot more pain to save me, so I can endure until my time comes. I wish Mario would come to Ocala, Florida one day.
Thank you so much for coming to Phoenix!
It gladdens my heart to see this. It is almost like the fulfilment of visions I have had in the past of a great end tie harvest. I wish I was there. I live in Australia.
Pastor Robert Carter
We live in Canada. We are slowly losing all our freedom . Our government has put a noose around our necks. Canada is like the story in Exodus with modern day Pharoahs subverting justice and destroying life with their policies on euthanasia, abortion and the indoctrination of our children with rampant ” trafficking ” stealing our children.
We know that the U. S. has been fighting fierce battles and we long for the day when we can put up a large tent and invite MARIO MURILLO to usher in a revival and break the strongholds in our nation. We are seeking God Almighty , following the 2 Chronicles 7:14 prayer strategy. Please include Canada in your prayers. We desperately need a tsunami of His Spirit.
God bless you for your determination and faithfulness. HE IS LORD!
There is a 7-year-old in New Freedom PA that needs a miracle in his lungs and kidneys. There is a group of people praying for him they are called Dakota’s Army. He needs a miracle ASAP.
It’s just glorious. Thank you for the update. Blessings MMM.
Please come to Portland, OR
Please come by to Northern California…
We need you here…. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
We are praying you will come…
God Bless Your Journeys….
I came on Monday night praying for my friend who has MS and unable to fly. I felt led to be there as her proxy, that she could be healed.
Awesome news. Thank you for “going”.
I am so blessed just reading about the Move of Holy Spirit. I am blessed knowing that thousands are coming to Christ and people are healed. Thankyou for your commitment to Christ Mario. Father let there be a mighty outpouring tonight
Cannot wait until May. I will see you in Michigan too!
Our God is a mighty God. Thank you for leading all that have come to You, Lord. I pray for Mario for strength & continued boldness. Also that cold, the devil can’t have his way in your body Mario. You will endure because the healing power of Jesus & the Holy Spirit are upon you.
God’s people were on fire last night! They came hungry and thirsty and they were fed. What a refreshing time of the Holy Spirit Fire!!! Thank you Mario Murillo for coming to Phoenix! You said you will be here again! May God protect you and your team as you continue on your crusades. Hallelujah! Amen!
I read the news letter it was awesome. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless everyone that attends Mario tent Revival.
He is working just Iike I knew in my spirit and I am smiling daily for all I know He is doing! We serve a Good Good GOD. Praying daily for you all! In JESUS name.
God bless you for your faith and being obedient to the Lord’s leading. I pray that the Lord will heal people with mental illnesses and for my niece in WA state. I pray the Lord leads you to the Sea/Tac area.
Hallelujah for all the healing of peoples bodies. thank you, Mario ministry for all the care you take to save souls.
I thought you were coming to upper state of NY, which is five hours away, please , please in the Name of Jesus come!! CT is cold, I have gone to five churches, and can’t find one ,, so I am on line doing the best I can. Doing deliverance, and it is a real slow process getting healed. Peace be still
Our crusade will be in Western New York. We will be in Batavia NY June 23-26 in our tent on the campus of Cornerstone Church.