by | Apr 1, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 108 comments

I am asking you to change the way you pray for America. But first, let me ask you this question: how is it possible for Biden to desecrate Easter so blatantly with little or no backlash from America let alone the church?

I wanted to wait until after Easter before telling you what is really going on. It is a lot bigger than you know.

It was a display of power. They want to demonstrate that they have all the power. They can do whatever they want—without consequence.

It is a ploy to convince you that there is nothing you can do about it. Not even elections matter. This is intimidation pure and simple. An intimidation to crush hope, induce despair, and discourage resistance.

They are signaling that they have complete control and want to rub it in our faces.

How is it possible for Biden to desecrate Easter so blatantly with little or no backlash from America let alone the church?

There is a demonic hedge around Biden.

They could have easily changed the date of this Transgender visibility fiasco.  It is an act of war. They are telling you and me to pick up our toys and go back to our safe place. They are telling us who matters in the new America and who does not. It is sheer evil.

And all that evil emanates from the White House.

The same applies to the media, Woke corporations, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and China.  We are watching a supernatural obliteration of decency and freedom. I had to change my approach. I had to go to God to ask for help.

Last night I gained a better way to fight back against this nameless evil.

Last night I gained a better way to fight back against this nameless evil.

God opened my eyes. First, I saw that the American church was abusing the goodness of God. We glibly declare it is all in God’s hands. That idea, while blessedly true is not the truth that is needed in this hour.

The truth is this: Jehovah has designated prayer—fervent prayer as the weapon to push back evil. There is more in our hands than we realize.

To break that spell we must resort to a different kind of praying: vehement, targeted intercession.

There is a demonic hedge around Biden. This hedge blinds millions. It dulls our natural sense of danger and outrage. America is under a spell.

To break that spell we must resort to a different kind of praying: vehement intercession. We must pray prayers that execute eviction orders on Satan.

They declared war on us. Now we must declare war on devils and their power structure. We must aim our war prayers directly at principalities and rulers in the heavens.

We must aim our war prayers directly at principalities and rulers in the heavens.

Here are our key verses: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)”

Those verses say we have authority to tear down their hedge of protection. As soon as I realized this a strange confidence came over me. Faith rose up within me.

“The weapons I am using now will tear down strongholds!”

I began asking and declaring specific things. I raised my hands to heaven declaring, “The weapons I am using now will tear down strongholds!” The power of God will move through prayer—mighty prayer.

This is why we were so viciously attacked in Phoenix. God used it to get me to this fervent and lethal form of prayer. It drove demons back and got us the fairgrounds!

Here are the specific things God gave me to ask for for over America:

Confuse the media. Just as God came down and confused the languages at the tower of Babel, I declare that confusion and division will come between the leftist powers in the media and government.

Derail the agenda of the Democrats, ‘woke’ billionaires, and China. According to 2 Chronicles 20:22-23, “Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated. For the people of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir to utterly kill and destroy them.  And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another.”

Bring greater fire into the hearts of vessels of God as well as terrifying conviction upon lukewarm preachers, until the church rises as one voice to rebuke the workers of iniquity for their depravity.

Will this kind of prayer work? In Exodus 17, we see that it works. Joshua went down to the battle, while Moses went up to the heights over the battle and raised the rod of God. Aaron and Hur helped to hold up his arms, until the battle was won.

This is no time to cave in to fear and anger. This is no time to fret about the future of our nation.

Moses was cutting off the demonic power of the Amalekites, just as cutting off the hedge of protection of the ongoing evil is how my prayer is now targeted.

This is no time to cave in to fear and anger. This is not time to fret about the future of our nation. This is the time to remember an old familiar friend: fervent prayer.

And not only that, but to see anew the power that resides in prayer. Let us unlock the power of this old friend to tear down impossible strongholds.

We must funnel all the energy that you used to expend worrying and being angry over the evil in our nation, into a new way to pray for America.

Join me in prayer and, together with Lord of the Armies of Heaven, let’s tear down these strongholds!

When evil is exalted, God looks for deliverers. He scans the nation to see who will cleanse themselves from the carnal church and the intoxicated preachers. He looks for those who will allow God to make them indestructible voices to restore righteousness to America. Be the person God is looking for in this crisis.



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  1. Salamatu Mambula

    This is powerful, a spiritual strategy to defeat evil that the body of Christ always had in its arsenal. Now we must deploy it to action. Thanks brother Mario for this Word because I was getting angry and not knowing what to do, until I read this.

    • Colleen MacPherson

      Thank you for this Mario. I’ve been praying like this for some time now. It’s encouraging to know others are joining in the fight. God bless you.

      • Dean A Yoder

        I couldn’t agree more with my brother Mario! There are many Scriptural examples in both Testaments of the Bible. Whether it is the prophet or king of the Old or Jesus or Paul or Peter or Jude we have the examples of how to prayer. We also need to be in unity to pray like this . But we should also remember that if God is for us , who can be against. The Church must reawaken to the authority Jesus has given us via our Beloved Holy Spirit.
        We must not think of ourselves as chocolate soldiers that melt under slightest pressure and heat. We must rise up in ALL that we are called to live our lives in. We must also remember that we are not our own, we’ve been bought with a price. Let us go in all-out war against these enemies of our souls. We should remember that Jesus has already won our victory. Claim it.

      • Linda Stewart

        Thank you for this encouraging word ! Truly, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

    • Anthony Hamilton


    • Jerry Givan

      Awesome, thanks for this powerful word, a true time for intercessors to arise, pray God’s word.

    • KC

      There is a good book I use all the time. It is a small book 5″x7″ filled with bible verses with prayers to route demons. The Book is called “Prayers that Route Demons” by John Eckhardt. You can buy this online or order it. I went to the bookstore to buy it and they did not carry it, but they ordered it for me. Interesting the bookstore did not want this on their shelves.

    • Kathryn E Williams

      I am praying none stop till we see what God will do for our country. Thank you for what you shared to be prayer warrior until the victory.

      Kathy Williams

    • Annette Marie Rousseau

      How about FASTING? 2 Chronicles 7:14
      “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”12. This is a verse from the Bible, 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV2. It is a call to repentance and prayer, and a promise of forgiveness and healing from God12.

  2. Cheryl Ford

    He’s been having me pray against the witches and warlocks and their camp.

  3. Ange Beggs

    Yes and Amen
    Thankyou Mario
    Praise God and God bless you

  4. Keith

    Thx Mario! I have been praying along these lines for quite a while now. I also believe others are fervently prayin in this order as well. Your vision and word for “New Prayer for America” is already a taking place and this message strengthens and encourages prayer warriors and watchmen in America.
    Thank you for this timely word.

    • Denise Myers

      I would agree with you that many prayer warriors have been praying this way. It is absolutely true that people are blinded by the enemy right now. I’m amazed because it’s so obvious that some are so clueless about the spiritual warfare going on all around us.

  5. Ron Richardson

    This is the way I’ve been praying every day for the past 2.5 years every day using the same verses in this article and God has been giving me victories over demonic situations. Thank you for putting out the call for front line prayer warriors.

  6. Angelia Vinson

    Mario, absolutely unequivocally agree. Your message reminds me of an old song …..” It’s a battlefield, Brother, not a recreation room; It’s a fight and not a game. Run if you want to, run if you will…. But I came here to stay(PRAY)!”
    We love you and your ministry. Keep doing what you are doing!

  7. John

    Amen and Amen.
    Thanks Mario, we have to become unified in our prayers for this nation.

  8. Michael

    I will pray for America

  9. Larry Lavallee

    YES LORD!!! We will be that people who stand up and Fight 🛡⚔️🏹🤺🔥 The SUPERNATURAL POWER of Heavens Army is be released Now!!! America Shall Be Saved!

  10. Brenda Hagan

    This message is spot on Mario. We as GOD’S Children must rise as One Voice to Heaven and then to the Earth.. We are The Redeemed! The HOLY SPIRIT Dwells within Us. We are called to arise, put on HIS Armor and tear down the the strongholds of powers and principalities, destroying evils kingdom and raising The Banner of Our Righteous KING, YESHUA/JESUS,. WHO Is The KING Of kings and The LORD Of lords, The ALMiGHTY GOD!! YAHWEH !!

    • Linda Kersman

      Your comment was quickened to my spirit. Jesus fought for us (and still does) and now it is our duty to fight for Him raising the Banner of Our Righteous King, Yeshua/Jesus. Holy Spirit, help me to fight hard and faithfully for Jesus.

    • James Montano

      Thank you very much for such beautiful words of wisdom. I just recently started watching you on U Tube. You’ve such an inspiration to me and my family. If there anyway I can help you please let me know. Where can I send money to you, to help you with your revival? Please let me know. God bless you. James Montano.

  11. Jody

    Thank you Mario for this very insightful message. Your words are very helpful and full of wisdom. I shared the link with my prayer group.
    Blessings to you and your staff.

    • Mary Thompson

      Thank you Mario. I have been struggling for a year to know exactly how to pray and take authority over all of this evil. This has given me the direction I needed.

  12. Janet Drawhorn

    Amen! I will be the fervent prayer!!!

  13. Samantha

    I needed this badly, I was feeling that my prayers needed a (supernatural) punch behind them. Thank you for these wonderful words of wisdom from the Almighty God.

  14. Janet Drawhorn

    Part of a prayer this morning from Dutch Sheets. People of God wake up!!!


  15. Kathy Andrews James

    Amen Brother Mario! Standing and praying with you and others setting the pace to overcome these forces of darkness and Standing and doing all to “STAND!”

  16. Ray

    Amen: II Sam 15:31b “And David said, O Lord, I pray thee, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness.” A prayer point the Lord showed me in dealing with situations. A situation that played out in time as we read the results up to II Sam 17:23. Thank you so much for sharing what He shows you bro Mario ! Glory to God !

  17. Susan Gillingham

    God opens the doors no one can close, and closes the doors no one can open. We need to pick our battles and God will open the right door for that.

    Just think about this. Biden destroyed himself some more with the desecrated mentality of pushing our buttons. He’s done it to himself and his lame movement. We don’t need another Jan 6 and that’s what he is pushing for, allegedly.

    Biden is revealing his true nature, the devil loves to flaunt it and it’s causing many to wake up to the evil that is Biden and his impending doom for America. He is doing the work for us. So thanking God for all He is doing for our nation and the world is a wonderful prayer. It goes like this, “Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord.”

    Wise as a fox, gentle as a Dove, although the Dove of the Holy Spirit is powerful beyond definition.

    Any takers? There were three different masked strangers. Two for sure now. Check out the right ear and the variety of it. Look back at old pics and you will see a longated ear lobe (is real) and compare with various masks currently used. Check out the forhead, the facial features with the eyes and wobblely chin. They are still working on getting it right BUT haven’t yet. “They’ve been playing us, allegedly.”🔥💛🔥

  18. Debra Gleason

    I believe it is even deeper. We, the Church needs to cast off the religious tradition of Easter. Why do we call the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection, Easter? Easter is a pagan holiday created for the worship of a pagan goddess, and worship of Pan and Baal. I am seriously trying to understand why The Church promotes the celebration of His resurrection by calling it Easter and promoting Easter Egg hunts and rabbits? Could this tradition disempower the Church?

    • Sharon Leathers

      I am with you Debra. It hurts my heart that they put the bunny before the Lamb. So many have Easter egg hunts and the Easter bunny. How sad God must be, I know I am. I will still say Happy Resurrection Day and hope others will catch on.

  19. Rebecca parsons

    Thank you for standing strong in the face of evil.

  20. H Cappadonia

    But you have to admit….transgenders are on to something.

    They are smart enough to know SOMETHING INSIDE HAS TO CHANGE. They are changing THE WRONG parts. Instead of gender parts, they need a HEART change. They are confused and confused people shouldn’t be intimidating to us. Confusion makes people weak. But one has to examine the lengths and the expense these people are willing to go through to make their perverted change. How far are we as a church, willing to go to make a change FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS?

    Who has more power, the confused one who can go from MALE TO FEMALE or the Christian who went from DEAD TO ALIVE?

    THIS is what our children need to see in us.

  21. Brian

    Liberal progressives carry their sin as a badge of honor. The deception is that they believe that they hold the moral high ground. They do not. Their conscience has been seared with a hot iron, not being able to tell good from evil. Heb 5:13

  22. Carleen Rowan

    The Holy Spirit told me “the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” one morning not long ago when I was brushing my teeth. I did not know what it was referring to specifically, but now you have made it clear. I will pray the way you suggest for America, Mario. I do believe that there is a demonic hedge around Biden, and his puppet master Barack O’Bama.

  23. Susan Arroyo

    I wholeheartedly agree! Targeted intercession is the sword we need to tear down the strongholds of the enemy. The sword of HIs Word slays the enemy.

  24. Linda Myers

    Lord, strengthen Mario and all intercessors

  25. Shimon

    O Lord our God we have sinned, committed iniquity and acted wickedly. We have not listens to Your prophets who spoke in Your Name. We have not obeyed Your voice but rather, choosing our own way, we made a mess of everything our hands have touched. But now O God, we return to You. We confess our sins and ask You to forgive us. Please Lord restore us to You this day and cause Your face shine upon Your servants again. To Jesus be all glory, honor and praise. Amen.

  26. Lisa Wright

    I can’t tell you how much I hate the devil and he knows it. This thing against living proof phoenix is another ploy of the devil himself but then it wouldn’t be the devil if he didn’t trY… BUT GOD!!!! I guess Satan never learns that you can’t out do God and as for Easter thst is Gods too… As upsetting as it is l have to remember God never allows His kids to be left hanging out there alone. Gods plan is much bigger and His Kids do WIN. Mario keep standing strong because what the devil tried to stop only made things bigger and better …I mean this is Huge for the Kingdom of GOD. God is NOT little ..He is Massive. Get ready for Huge things. My heart is just racing as I tell you this because wasn’t it in Arizona that big voter fraud happened? The devil wants this to go away and stay away but the worm him self has opened up his own can now and the cat (Lion)is out of the bag per say ….I can hear His Roar already. To GOD be the Glory!!!!

  27. Maggie Birch

    Love your blog❣️

  28. Ginger Richter

    Praying fervently!

  29. Mary L Moylan

    This is so true! There was absolutely no need for Biden to issue an ‘official proclamation’ on the Trans Day; he did it deliberately and on purpose to spit in God’s eye and ours. But by doing so he ripped off the mask that has been over the american people and especially the church and revealed the battle lines.
    I have started a prayer group in my church that is teetering on the edge of coming fully out and running with your message. At our first meeting, just three weeks ago, the use of the imprecatory prayer, just as you described, was the opening prayer, and we have continued it ever since. We are just a small group of about 8 people, but we will fight for our country with all the power the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Thank you for this message!

  30. Mike Navarro

    God bless you brother!!!thank you for that word I will be praying fervently.it was heavy in my spirit when I heard Biden speak his evil I was burdened.now I know what to do🙏👍🏼👍🏼

  31. Allan Cougle

    Dutch Sheets in this AM’s GH15 declares:
    “God IS breaking this delusion off of America, and using the church, the Ekklesia, to do so. We must continue to pray and decree the “promises” of God’s Word, along with Holy Spirit’s prophetic words, over our nation. As we do so, the Scriptures – and the dream – assure us that angels will aid us, carrying the power of our prayers and decrees across our nation. The wind or breath of God will also carry and empower these prayers.”

  32. Charlene Case

    I agree,, it’s the spirits that we aim our sword at not the flesh.
    May we rise up as mighty Warriors because of the Authority He gave us, the power of the blood, His Name, His Word, by Faith of God in us, and , praise and worship. May we become fearless for the Kingdom of God is within us. He goes before us and hedges us in and about.

  33. Carolyn Tallent

    Love Mario’s words of God he is so inspiring. There are not many that will stand and speak it like it really is. Thank you Mario.

  34. Ben

    Thanks ,Mario God has show me the same prays to be prayed ,God is the same yesterday ,today and forever ,He hears and will move in this nation for His mercy to be seen is this land,for the goodness of God bring men to repentance.

    • Kathy

      Please pray for Mike Johnson to vote with the Republican conservative Christians on Monday 4/8 regarding funding the government. He is under a lot of pressure and needs our prayers. Thank you Mario for showing us how to pray to save our country.

  35. Susan Schiller

    I will pray the way you have ennumerated. Our government has partnered with evil and I’m praying God bring His chosen servant back to the White House that righteousness may be restored to this great nation. Oh God have mercy. Show your people favor as we pray. Holy Spirit fill us to overflowing to pray perfect prayers.

  36. Lillian C Conti

    Thank you Mario – I will be praying fervently in everything!

  37. Pastor Lucas

    I say yay and amen to what you’re talking about brother Mario I myself have been an intercessor for over 30 years and it is time for us all to do that which needs to be done. I am 100% backing you this is what’s needed at this moment. Thank you so much for your boldness. All glory to Jesus our lord and savior our commander in chief.

  38. Joanne Cookson

    Greater is He that is in us, than he that’s in the world!

    Praise The Lord, Praise The Lord!

  39. Ron Rupp

    Amen, The Name that is above every name..HE Triumphed over them and made a show of them openly

  40. Laura Barber

    This is the real deal. Thank you Mario. You are one the the deliverers.

  41. Tony Perone

    Yes Mario, amen to the call for fervent prayer against the demonic forces and false gods that arrogantly parade with blasphemous rainbow flags and proclaim perversions as their right and freedom. These demonic forces are not a new enemy but the ancient foes that God has taken the power from in the cross of Christ. “It is finished!” Jesus proclaimed and the keys of the kingdom are for believers to lock down and lock out the spiritual wickedness in high places that deceive and delude humans that refuse to accept God’s saving grace. But no weapon formed against believers can thwart our mighty God’s power, and believers need to keep our eyes on Him who works with and through His faithful ones.

  42. Tanner from Louisiana

    2️⃣ Chronicles 2️⃣0️⃣
    It’s an encouraging word for such a time as this.

    Jehoshaphat’s Prayer

    12“O our God, will You not judge them❓ For we are powerless before this great multitude who are coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but OUR eyes are on YOU.” 💯

    Jahaziel Answers the Prayer

    15and he said, “Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the LORD to you, DO NOT FEAR or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s💯 17‘You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, STAND and SEE the SALVATION of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ DO NOT FEAR or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the LORD is with you.”💯
    18Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the LORD, worshiping the LORD.

    Enemies Destroy Themselves

    22When they began singing and praising 🙌🏻 the LORD set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; so they were routed.

    Triumphant Return to Jerusalem

    27Every man of Judah and Jerusalem returned with Jehoshaphat at their head, returning to Jerusalem with JOY, 🙌🏻 for the LORD had made them to REJOICE over their enemies. 28They came to Jerusalem with harps, lyres and trumpets to the house of the LORD. 29And the dread of God was on all the kingdoms of the lands when they heard that the LORD had fought against the enemies of Israel.

    We see here the peaceful assurance of VICTORY that attends on FAITH.

    Praise King 👑 Jesus. We will see Victory and Vindication.

    Build the tents 🏕️ Fill the stadiums 🏟️

  43. Ron Sawvel

    Another very timely commentary Brother Mario – Thank you!
    For too long it has felt as if our prayers have done little more than beat the air around us with zero effect.
    It would be so easy to burn with indignation and wrath, even hate, towards the bad actors in these days.
    But they are just puppets.
    Just as feeble Biden is clearly the puppet of some person or persons hiding in the White House background, even the most sophisticated and capable of his master manipulators are themselves merely puppets, controlled by hidden forces of spiritual wickedness in high places.
    If, in our anger, we somehow managed to pray a puppet down, the puppet-master would simply produce another marionette.
    The puppet masters, evil principalities behind all these heathen, must be defeated.
    Why do the heathen rage?
    Why do the people imagine a vain thing?
    Because they are simply reflections of their controlling powers.
    We must free ourselves from all the nonsense and ineffectiveness (even the so-called prophetic) we’ve embraced and find a path to effective fervent prayer.
    The true prophetic ALWAYS has one overriding message: “How long halt ye between two opinions?”
    It ALWAYS provokes to repentance.
    Only then does fire & rain come.
    We’re certainly very zealous for the Lord – But, like Elijah, we’ve been looking for His move in all the wrong arenas… Else we would have been more effective.
    It is time for us to return to the thunderclap of God’s still, small voice.
    The locust army is clearly here & devouring our children’s inheritance.
    God’s prescription (Joel 2:15-26) is sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly (I believe that’s what you’re doing), and gather the people.
    Then for the priests and ministers of the Lord to weep between the porch and altar where they’ve stood for so long obstructing the flow of God between the people’s sacrifices and the holy of holies.
    Then (and only then) the Lord will restore the years that the locust has eaten and pour out His Spirit.

  44. Corina Kostreba

    Amen. I agree with you and will put my fire suit on. On Sunday, I received an email. It was an Open Letter to Joe Biden. https://click.email.thenrcc.org/?qs=1dccaae42cbb23b480fe58854b007c451a18285232051af477973e5729604d22499054faa5467a52893c2d11a6eb0c2a0880b342db26ee64

    An open letter to Joe Biden regarding Resurrection Sunday and his Transgender Visibility Day. I signed it immediately, sent it off and prayed. Been praying. Your targeted strategy is excellent and I will follow your lead. Thank you brother Mario.

    Shalom in Yeshua our Messiah,

    Corina Kostreba

  45. Carolyn Walker

    AMEN Mario!!
    You are SO right about the enemy you’re describing! I believe that he DOES have a stronghold over our nation & prayer on a different level is called for during such times as these. I sincerely appreciate the way you are showing us to pray & I am engaging immediately! I am SO thankful for your fervency & your passion for the Truth…I am praying that your words sink deep into the hearts of those who read them & that believers across this great nation will be moved to intercede according to your wise counsel. This desperate situation we are in requires a greater degree of intensity on the part of ALL of us who sincerely love our country & desire to see the demonic powers defeated.

  46. Randy Lucas

    I am convinced that prayer is for preparation. We must stop asking the Lord to do what He has commissioned us and empowered us to do. He is CEO. We are His employees. The employee doesn’t pick up the phone and call the CEO asking Him to do what he hired the employee to do. We are wasting our time and wearing our Lord’s patience with such prayer. The five foolish virgins waited too long to prepare. “Lord, give me the strength, the words and the courage to do exploits in your name. Amen.” It is time for action. Jesus attacked His enemies with His Words and He violently vacated the temple of evil men and their trafficking. He is our example, our source, our power and our vindicator.

  47. Lin-Marie Engelman

    Yes it’s truly time for this type of prayer!!

  48. Jean for God and Trump

    Yes Mario I will pray for America. I’ve wondered WHY riots haven’t happened already!!!!! I’m sick of biden being protected. It’s like the democrats follow Lester Crowley “Do as thou Wilt”
    He’s so incompetent to skate for STEALING classified documents yet can remain in office to continue to destroy America. He needs deliverance, but he is happy to live with his demons.

  49. Joan

    Mario you are right on point. The church has become weak and afraid to address the issues of today and issues that our our nation faces. They are more concerned with offending members than standing for truth. They feed us a watered down gospel that leaves us dry, confused and worthless to fight the battle that is raging against our country. They are afraid of the bottom dollar. Losing money!! Losing numbers! They love money more than truth. They continue to give their little feel good message that might take you through a few hours but fades fast. We need the FIRE of God to consume our stand and our prayers. Thank you that you are on the front line of this battle and will not compromise to the evil overlords. Blessings

  50. Deb G

    Ah Dear Mario, Dear Man of God, YOU KNOW that it is NOT just Democrats!
    PLEASE PLEASE use your voice, influence and soap box to rightly state that we are and have been in a war with a uniparty cabal of luciferian worshippers and followers. Why oh why would you and other spiritual leaders continue to place all blame on the Democrats. Surely, surely Holy Spirit has shown you more? Tell the people the truth and shine the light on who/what we are really fighting. And it is not Russia!!!, but an ancient worldwide plan of luciferians dedicated to delivering this earth into the hands of the god of this world.

    • Joan

      Because you the Democrats voted for this. You stand for abortion and many, many other evils. Hatred for Trump has blinded the eyes of the Democrats.

  51. Karen Barber

    Yes, I will join you in prayer for our Nation. That Christians all over these United States, will join you in prayer for Righteousness in our country. Amen and Amen

  52. Wenda

    What Biden is doing is taking Easter back to the very thing Satan wanted and so many Christians are ignorant of the fact that they are helping the devil accomplish his goal. Easter is a pagan holiday and it was chosen on the day Jesus was Resurrected. Satan hopes that Christian ill focus on a bunny laying eggs, and a false god who is responsible for the seasons, instead of the Sacrifice that Jesus Christ gave to all of us. We serve a living God. A jealous God and Christ Resurrection should NOT be shared with anyone! Christians lie to there children about the purpose of this time of year and celebrate it by a bunny laying eggs, instead of realizing the price Jesus Christ paid for our sins. When will Christians wake up and become what God desires them to be. That is what we need to be praying for.

  53. Bette Bond

    Dear Mario,
    I love what you are doing and have helped in your Crusade. The problem is the SWAMP in the church. Examples: Godly women being severly persecuted in a seminary by a professor who was mad at his wife! No one had the guts to stop him. One staff employee who would not be a part of the seminary cover up was severly persecuted. Finally, 2 lawyers represented one abused woman and the abused man. The seminary has still not repented.

    Another situation: A respected evangelical church had a senior pastor who with a major hospital would get his parishioners to change their wills while under morphine so he got the money (not loved ones). The hospital/pastor blocked loved ones from seeing the dying. Lawyers were brought in to rescue the Christians from the leadership. The dying woman may have died alone. The lawyers could not work fast enough to allow spirit filled Christians to see her. The pastor skipped the state.

    There is hope. God has brought 1 major senior pastor back to the priority of the Great Commission. He has publically repented of not doing enough evangelism.
    Praise God.

    We have power in prayer. Why not host a prayer meeting? There is a furnished apartment you can stay in for free and a CA church that would let you use their building for free.

  54. Kristie

    Grand Junction Colorado needs you to come here. Drugs , theft is crazy. We need you to come and set it on fire with a word from God.

  55. S. Pitts

    I will join you in praying this way.

  56. Pearl Dalton

    Amen 🙏 I am a prayer warrior for Christ.I am agreeing with you 🙏 🙌our prayers will avail!!!!

  57. Suzanne Hoffman

    My brother. Thank you for reminding us that we are victorious in the mighty name of Jesus. Our prayers are a weapon in the hand of our God. We stand with you as watchmen on the wall to defeat the enemy. We declare awakening is coming to the body of Christ.
    and that millions of souls will be saved as we boldly proclaim the name of Jesus. For He alone is our hope and deliverer.

  58. Richard Clarke

    Mankind has been created for governance on Earth; God waits for us to accept that responsibility. His kingdom must be expressed through us.
    Yeshua-Yehovah’ has released the Heavenly Hosts, but we must commission them to their assigned tasks. They wait upon us. Mankind has been created with authority that the angelic hosts do not have. The angels have been created with power that mankind does not have.
    We have the authority, but not the power; the angels have the power, but not the authority. Mankind and the angels been created in that manner so that we must co-labor with each other.
    When I was considering the resources at hand for a campaign, Jesus (Yeshua Ben Yosef) said to begin with the Angelic Shakers.
    Since the details and strategy can get very involved, and there is so much more, if you desire to continue with send an email to Manosoverain@gmail.com

  59. Kathi McDonald

    We were enraged yesterday when we heard this! The audacity of the President to say such a thing!

  60. Marleen

    Standing with you and the thousands of like-minded believers to bring down these strongholds, in Jesus’
    all-powerful Name!

  61. Sandra Moore

    These were the rules for the children’s Easter egg designs at the White House. NOTICE that Easter religious designs were lumped in with “bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against a group or individual”.

    The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was lumped in with evil things!

    “Children of the National Guard are prohibited from submitting religious Easter egg designs for the 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event at the White House.”

    “Children also can’t promote material that promotes “bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age” in their designs.”

    From an article on Fox News. com

  62. Bobby

    Amen and amen!

  63. Brenda

    Lord, I’m agreeing in prayer with my brother Mario. Your power dwarfs the enemy. You alone can deliver us. Please overthrow and destroy the enemy’s strongholds, wherever they have been erected – including seats of power in government, the media, the schools and our churches.
    Shine a light so that we may see our sin and turn from wickedness in this nation that declared itself to be under God. Thank you for hearing our prayers, Lord.

  64. Patsy

    I recently posted on face book 2 Chronicles 20:1-30. I titled my message The Bible is not your but the Lords. Only one person liked it. No comments. Either it’s to long for people to read or doesn’t tickle their ears. King Jehoshaphat called for a fast, prayed to God. The Spirit of the Lord cane upon Jahaziel. The Lord said do not be afraid and dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but the Lords. Again He said do be afraid or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them for the Lord is with you.
    The King said believe the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.
    God gave them a great victory, as they Praise the Lord and sang to Him.

  65. Linda Vassallo

    Dear Marillo,
    Yes I have never been so angry, while I was in church to get that news was a slap in the face that still stings!! How dare this woke president and he minions do this! How dare them desecrate our holiest of holy season of our Lord being tortured for our transgress ( like what they are doing I consider sin) he literally died for them also and still loves them but you and I know the situation. You nailed it! Why in the 1st place do the transgenders even get a day of their own!!! This is a personal issue between them and there families what identity ( mental illness) and mutilating of there bodies before they are old enough to know better. Why do they get a day ? There is no good answer. I wish my pastor would be more diligent when it comes to things like this. He mentioned it after apologizing for speaking of politics, and just asked us to pray for the president. That’s all. I love my pastor but there is alot going on that I disagree with and so I supplement my spiritual walk by listening to you. I am glad I saw this blog I have been searching for someone I trust to say something and how to deal with this! And I thank God he put you in my path. I will also be seeing Jonathan Kahn who is close by in Wayne NJ and pray my pastor stops worrying about if people leave, they already left. I believe more people would come if he shared the inmitigated word of God and let the Holy Spirit speak. Thank you for tell me how to pray. It starts now getting my house in order and being on fire for the Lord. My church is lukewarm, I’m sorry but it’s true. I have the gift of discernment and not only that, he hasn’t spoke about Sin in the church in years?! His own daughters are going out drinking and fornicating for all the world to see on social media! It’s sad and I am between a rock and a hard place. But I know what’s needed. Thank you Mario for being honest and caring for souls. Let me clarify I live my pastor but I pray every day he changes up his messages. Like he used to. Hod bless you and your family

  66. Mark Benassi

    What I am finding really disgusting with these woke people is the way they are increasingly using “scripture” to attack traditional Christian believers. I put scripture in quotes because they love to take things out of context and twist the meaning into something antithetical to what any real believer thinks. Amazing and incredibly evil because it can mislead people who do not have a clear understanding of what the Bible is about.

  67. Linda Tvetan

    Amen and amen brother. We are in total agreement and pray the church will wake up and realize humility and unity can break every stronghold the enemy thinks he has over the church, ,,,,the gates of hell will not prevail. Thank you for standing for righteousness and we continue to pray for you, your family and your ministry.

  68. NP

    Yes and amen!!! I join you in executing our weapon of FERVENT prayer!!! So long overdue. May America join in!!!

  69. Rich Chiero

    Something heard frequently in Christian circles is: “God is on the throne.” Well, of course, yes He is – and then many of us lean back in our chair as if to say, He will take care of whatever the situation is. So what are we here for then? To take up space? To keep the pew warm for the next person? If John Wesley’s adage of “without prayer God can do nothing” is true, or frankly, mostly true, then we have a clear responsibility to bring change to situations we face, individually and corporately. If that is not so, then why did Jesus twice in Matthew (chapters 16 & 18) state that He had given us the “keys” to the kingdom of heaven. And what were those keys? “Binding and loosing” things on the earth to conform with how they are in heaven. Couple that with the verses Mario quoted from 2 Corinthian’s 10, and I think one (we) has the winning hand, providing it is played with fervency and discipline. I love Daniel’s take in 11:32b “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Let’s join in with Mario and pray with conviction and fervency! Let’s be those people!

  70. Arlene Ward

    Count me as joining together to be a fervent prayer warrior this 1st day of April 2024…no more the fool’s day.

  71. Benjamin Shavitz

    I’m in let’s go to war yes fervent prayer!!

  72. Frances Hamilton

    God tells us He will heal our land IF we, His people will seek His Face and Pray AND turn from our wicked ways..,.llChronicles 7:14. Our God is waiting on we, His People……..

  73. Kathy Madeya

    Hi Mario, when are you coming to
    Pittsburgh? Or close by. I would love to see you in person. Thank you for doing God’s work, and
    Fighting for our Country also.
    God bless you!
    Thank you!

  74. Susan Jones

    Yes! I was told by God that a satanic hedge of protection was around the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, the Schumer’s, the Pelosi s, the Biden s and the people in league with them. I have been communicating the satanic hedge around them to FALL! in Jesus’ Name! Hallelujah!

  75. Susan Jones

    Commanding not communicating

  76. Bob Quinn

    Amen Brother Mario!

    Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

  77. Dianne Bourgeois

    Brother Mario,

    I just want to say “Thank You” for taking up the mantle to seek God about how to resist the enemy’s attacks in this late hour. we need strong, godly leadership in this hour. As I was praying today I felt impressed to go to Leviticus 18:28. I do not read the Old Testament much so this was an eye opener and I felt impressed that “The land will vomit out the evildoers and righteous and justice will be restored,” as we pray and seek the Lord. Even as 8 years ago, when all the news was poised for a win for Hillary to sneak in after Obama, God surprized them all. I believe he will do it again. Thank you Dear Brother for your work in the Kingdom. Praying for an abundance of altar workers and helpers for your upcoming crusade.

  78. Bill Leon

    Brother Mario, thank you for sharing this word and instruction from the Lord. Thank you for speaking the truth with boldness. I will definitely join you in this offensive prayer.

  79. Nancy Grunewald

    I was just writing an email this morning about this topic. I saw Biden’s proclamation as an open declaration of war on Christianity. I agree about fighting back in warfare prayer and fasting. We need solemn assemblies to address our apathy and foster repentance. How much more of a “Wake up!” call does the Church in America need to get our heads out of our religiousness and “church-centric” ways–our half-dead state? “Onward, Christian soldiers!” Pastors, do what is right in the eyes of the Lord, not what pleases “the people.”
    Anyone who sits in church and considers themselves Christian yet holds on to Democrat Party ideology needs to bolt! They need to flee like people fled from the tent of Achan, the Troubler of Israel! Because God is not pleased with this blasphemy on the day we celebrate the resurrection of the Savior of the World.

  80. Steve

    By the call of God! We started praying every day @ 3:33 we’ve been doing this now for 3 months. We set our phones for a daily notification, so we stop! And pray.. it’s absolutely off the charts what God is doing.. it’s fire, it’s warfare, it’s targeted… victory!!

  81. Jodye Johnson

    All hail the power of Jesus name!

  82. Terry Haight

    Mario, this has been my prayer for some time now. Praying with The full armor of God Almighty. Praying against all forms of evil, principalities in high places, rulers of darkness, thrones of iniquities, even their dominions. That God will shake the Heavens and the earth once again exposing and judging every form of evil showing their nakedness. Oh Lord send your mighty Army Angels to gather up all forms of evil cutting off their finances and removing them from positions of power and deliver them to the place you have prepared for them. Never to be seen again. In Jesus mighty name, AMEN!

  83. Sierra

    Oh amen and amen!!!!!!!

  84. Keith

    Dutch Sheets, Give Him 15 post this morning says almost exactly what Mario is declaring. Here is an excerpt from GH15: (A Cairos / timely msg)
    If America is to remain “the land of the free,” as our anthem states, its citizens must have the “delusion” broken over them. This delusion was caused by a “spell,” obviously referring to its demonic roots. This deception could apply to several areas: morality, justice, government (the declaration was made at the Capitol, and the sound first encircled it), marriage, education, media, and more. Most definitely, it refers to America’s need for – and relationship with – God

  85. Doug Krause

    We have a blood covenant with Almighty God, that is writtened in our Constitution, and after much prayer, and faith it was fought for, to gain our freedom, and independence. The contradiction to what we had, is that the foundation of that faith, was corrupted by serpentine dust, that skews our flesh.
    When satan fishes for men, our flesh is his bait, such as when pride tells us to take the credit for our victories, and forget what led our inherent spirit being to rise up, to the will of Our Fathers Holy Spirit, and trust in His written words of life for us. When we grasp the purposes of our Father, creating a Kingdom for us, and speak His words, with the conviction of the authority given back to us, thanks to Jesus, we can stomp on these serpentine evil principalities, and send them back to hell, for God to judge accordingly. Jesus gave us the Spirit of a lion, as a fearless means to roar, as we pray, and the strength to speak with the authority, He has reclaimed for us, wherever we go. Are we willing to be His faith filled warriors, and partner with His Heavenly Hosts? God’s influence over creation, and His Kingdoms, inspired mankind to write down and record the history of the Old, and New covenants of testimony, as the events of their days took place. God is the answer to our temporary time here in this wilderness. God’s will for us is to read History of Jesus, conquering Mortality, with the absolute love, and will of Holy Spirit glory. Praise Jesus for paying the price, for the weakness of our flesh. His Fathers spoken words creatively fill the voids of dark corruption, with His way, of victory over death, and a joy filled eternal destiny, for our spirit and soul. God had plans for you, before you were born, your spirit is your greatest asset, to become aware of them. He is waiting for you to seek His Spirit for them.

  86. Thomas Holohan


  87. Becky

    When God’s people come together, He will be there IN POWER!

    This post is enlightening, yet really just a confirmation of what many of us are feeling also. Prayer, prayer, prayer and seeking God’s face, intentions, help, and harvest! Something which I have been feeling strongly of late has been to be in prayer and to state God’s Word in the Bible, as it never returns void, it always accomplishes that for which it is sent.

    Let’s all join Brother Mario and the others who have posted here to pray For America and Against the enemy of souls! And enlist others in the army of the Lord!

  88. theresa evans

    Hakhel…The gathering of the people…
    Moses commanded them, saying, “At the end of seven years, at the time of the Shemitta (sabbatical) year, during the festival of Sukkot, when all of Israel comes to appear before Hashem, your God, in the place that He will choose, you shall read this Torah before all of Israel, and they shall HEAR it.” (Deut. 31:10–11)
    …..say what G-d says…don’t say anymore
    Blessed be He


  89. Duane

    The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, just imagine what the righteous prayers of a hundred thousand+ will accomplish!

  90. Sherry G Shumway

    When I read 2 Chronicles 20:22-23, the Lord spoke to me the words “Lion of Judah.” I looked up Lion of Judah and this song came up with this from Elevation Worship. Let the Lion of Judah ROAR over this nation!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2go_dOJVwc4

  91. Jeanie

    It saddens me to see that many in the Church are NOT praying! However, this is ONE SISTER who will not stand by mute, as demons blasphemy our Lord’s Resurrection Day. The enemy doesn’t hold a candle.
    Jesus said: “The Kingdom of God suffers violence, but the violent take it by force!
    You can rest assured there is no passivity in this sister. We understand the strategies of the enemies, but what is perplexing is that we don’t understand the dullness of many in the Church that allows and puts up with Satan’s strategies.
    I have prayer partners who join me in prayer over this country, the churches all across America and our families and friends.

    Thank you brother Mario for all you do for the Kingdom of God.


  1. Fervent Prayer - Mountain Movers - […] *https://mariomurillo.org/2024/04/01/why-we-must-change-the-way-we-pray-for-america/ […]




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