The price of God’s miracle working power. When Saint Francis of Assisi visited the Pope in Rome, the Pope tried to impress Francis with the wealth of the Vatican. After showing him all the treasures, the Pope referred to Acts chapter 3, saying, “No longer can the church say, ‘Silver and gold have I none.’” To which Francis replied, “And neither can it say, ‘In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk.’”
Do you wish to see the lame walk? The blind regain sight? The deaf hear? In short, would you see these diseases healed by the power of God? I am asking you that question in total honesty.
I will never forget the first time the Holy Spirit asked me that question. My introduction to miracles was different. It was always life and death.
God cast me into the white water rapids of campus revolution where words alone were not enough. They had to be confirmed by the power works of God. I soon learned that is the real way to preach the Gospel.
Author’s note: All of the photos you see are taken at the moment of their healings.
Paul did not believe that he had fully preached the Gospel unless there were signs and wonders.
Paul did not believe that he had fully preached the Gospel unless there were signs and wonders.
Romans 15:19, “In mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the Gospel of Christ.”
The fully-preached Gospel is rare today.
It is rare because the church is infected with self-promotion. It is even worse than you know. The church has lost significant cultural battles. Why? Because too many are chasing fantasies.
So much that excites believers today is banal, powerless, even cringy.
So much that excites believers today is banal, powerless, even cringy. Entire churches and leaders are swept up in out-of-Bible experiences. And it could not come at a worse time.
I have never seen so many Americans wanting to get right with God. And I have never seen this many Christians playing games instead of winning souls and healing the sick. What a heartbreaking disgrace! We must repent!
I have never seen so many Americans wanting to get right with God. And I have never seen this many Christians playing games instead of winning souls and healing the sick. What a heartbreaking disgrace! We must repent!
But there is something else we must do: we must pay the price. Paying any kind of a price is science fiction to this generation of coddled Christians. Modern preaching protects the people from God’s rightful demands.
Worse yet, we have counterfeited power, miracles, and authority. We are in sin—the same sin as King Rehoboam.
1 Kings 14:25-27, And it came to pass in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem; and he took away the treasures of the house of Jehovah, and the treasures of the king’s house; he even took away everything: and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made. And king Rehoboam made in their stead shields of brass and committed them to the hands of the captains of the guard, who kept the door of the king’s house (ASV).
And what did Rehoboam do? Replace the shields? Yes, but not with fine gold. He had shields made of brass.
A wise man asked, “And what did Rehoboam do? Replace the shields? Yes, but not with fine gold. He had shields made of brass, and they did not fill the empty place on the walls of the king’s house but were kept in the chamber of the guards.”
In the time of the greatest harvest of souls in American history, we have become the sounding brass and the tinkling cymbal mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:1!
Oh that we could collapse in sorrow! God is willing to forgive and cleanse and then grant His power.
Oh that we could collapse in sorrow! God is willing to forgive and cleanse and then grant His power.
Learn how Jesus destroyed the works of the devil! The Bible is not vague about this. Acts 10:38, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, Who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
The power lies in these simple words: “God was with Him.” It stings us to hear it, but God is not with our projects. Most of what is passed off as ministry on social media is manmade. It is not the work of God.
Visit to know more about the exciting crusade in Los Angeles.
What then must we do?
What then must we do? It begins with self-emptying. Oral Roberts despaired of life itself in his hunger to understand miracles. He was pastoring without power when he went to Kansas City to hear William Branham. That encounter with the supernatural was his line in the sand. He went into fasting and prayer. Oral went into the prayer closet and died to himself.
Kathryn Kuhlman visited several healing meetings. She left disgusted and broken-hearted. Her tears and prayers reached critical mass and she made a holy vow to conduct meetings that were full of power and dignity.
Waiting. Acts 1:4, And being assembled together with them, (Jesus) commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father…
Waiting on God’s timing is the key! Abraham could not wait, and he created an Ishmael. King Saul could not wait, and he lost his kingdom. Esau could not wait, and he lost his birthright.
How long will you have to wait? AS LONG AS IT TAKES. All the powers of hell will challenge your decision to wait. Satan has much to lose if true healing power flows. It will not come easily. Your flesh will scream for release from your vigil.
Wait for true miracle power. Do not settle for the life you had before this quest. Your patience will be rewarded beyond measure. God will come in power. There will be no doubt.
This is the price of God’s miracle-working power, but it is more than worth it.
P.S. We are only a few days away from a mighty crusade in the Los Angeles area. Invite someone if you can. Even better, bring someone. At the very least pray for a massive awakening of salvation and healing to break forth. You can still register to volunteer. Use this link right now.
Awesome. Teach me, Lord, to wait.
My dear it is your choice to make, you decide to wait, you press in. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8
This is the most unpopular message on social media! But the truth!His ways are not our ways, but He IS truth! Keep voicing it, Mario!
Please come to North Central Wisconsin. We are thirsty for the Word of God, Revival, Healing, Deliverance, all great. Thank you for all you are doing, with the Love of Jesus, God Bless You.
I was at the ICFM Conference that you spoke at. My hubby ushered. I interceded. Afterwards we prayed for a couple we knew had driven nine hours. He had had 16 strokes. We heard popping sounds coming from his head. We know God was healing him. We got their number. We are trying to keep track of them. Hoping to come help again.
How can I help Mario? Where do I send my donation?
Thank you for your gift to win souls. If you mail a check our address is Box 408 Lafayette TN 37083 or you can give online at Again thank you for loving lost souls!
Mario, thank you for your work. Since I live across country I cannot make it LA. I would ask for healing. I was diagnosed last week with lymphoma. I don’t know much more since I will see the oncologist tomorrow, Sept. 6. I pray for complete healing with the spot on my arm and that God will be glorified.
I prayed for healing. Having walk through times of uncertainty in life; am praying also that you have a special friend or family to listen with compassion as you face this uncertainty.
I believe in Gods healing power. Teach me on God to wait!!
R u referring too. Copland
Not at all. God bless.
Powerful words, Brother Mario. Thank you.
The first paragraph brought a feeling of grief knowing that this is true today in most of the churches in America. While I have been experiencing some personal healing (some supernatural) and know of many many others who need to be healed, it raises the question of whether the true Gospel is being preached. I have been waiting a long time to receive the anointing to lay hands on the sick for healing, so much so that yes, my flesh screams at times for release. Yet, I wait. Thanks Mario for this word of encouragement!
Yes, it is time to die to my flesh.
Thank you Mario Murillo for bringing Truth to us.
What are the consequences for lost souls if we don’t respond to this call?
“He that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30
So the reverse would be true if we do not win souls making one foolish.
See also Ezekiel 3:18-19
All Glory to the Lord!🙏. Thank you Mario for your service to the Lord!
My prayers are with all as well as support.🙏
May the harvest & healings be abundant for the LORD!
Great word, yes heart wrenching. Acts11:4 Did I not say to you that if YOU WOULD BELIEVE you WOULD SEE the glory of God?
From Canada
We pray for a great awakening for the people of God
And manifestations of your power for salvation and healing
that will impact Canada and other nations as well
Waiting on God does not mean just sitting around waiting, but with eager expectation. Teach me that kind of waiting LORD!
This has got to be one of the most captivating messages or at least at this particular time to captivate my attention in a big way. Love what you shared! I don’t want to forget what you shared and may try to copy it and post it for my own information. I hope that is alright to do so.
Don’t get me wrong, the Lord has been speaking to me in many areas and has used anointed people to get through what the Lord is wanting me to hear. A lot has to do with daily reading of the Bible and praying daily. It has to go beyond our area of comfort. I have been lazy and when attacks from the enemy came, I should have known what to do to get out of them. Yet, because I was not reading the scriptures for years and only started to read them again lately and praying, yet, not consistently and not for long enough, I succumbed to the attacks. Thank God for those who prayed for me and who brought clarity to me through videos or through a connection to me.
All who are Christians, should you read this, I strongly encourage you to read the scriptures for hours a day if you can and to be in prayer for much time daily. Not only is it good for you, you need to be strengthened in this area to die to the flesh and to truly operate in the spirit. None of us know how much time we have to live. No matter your age, do get busy doing what is needed. Sadly, many of us have been the 5 unwise virgins and not the 5 wise virgins. I got my “wakeup call”. If you hear the Lord calling you, answer Him. Do not ignore Him. Not only is it for your own good to do so. It is for all whom you shall come in contact with.
Yes, this message which you have delivered, Mario Murillo, resonates deeply within me. I did not realize that I was such a mess. I knew that my physical state was and is still hampered. I knew that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be spiritually, also, yet, ignored it for years and put it on my “to do list”. I believe that I am not the only one who has done this. It is time that we truly took a good look at ourselves and saw the true condition that we are in. This is not a game. We may love the Lord and still not be doing His will. I have a few books which I have not yet read and shall do so soon. One is by a man whose name I cannot recall at this time. He is well known. It has to do with the fear of the Lord. I can’t even recall the name of the book. Unless we have the fear of the Lord (a healthy fear of God) we can go through life loving God and even telling people about God, yet, we could be in danger of not making Heaven ourselves. These are my words – not the author’s – I have not read the book, yet.
People of God, do wake up. The hour is late and for some of us very late. I will be 72 years old in November. You know we can think that we are ok and not be so. We have a knowing of it but it can get so far in the background that we are not fully aware of it. I am glad that I am finally awake. How many times the Lord tried to wake me up when I went through years in depression and being heavily medicated and I simply could not wake up. I’d pick up the Bible and could not stay reading it. Actually, it was that way with a lot of books for years. Yet, when I did have energy and was doing well, I chose to do my own thing and not to get back to reading the scriptures and praying as I was so called to. Yes, I had times of prayer and in reading as much as I chose to do so in Bible reading. Listen, I am being real. It is not time to play games. If any are doing as I have, please “wake up” I forget the exact wording in the scriptures. Many are called. Yet, the way is narrow and few find it. I should look this up in the Bible. Hang on … It’s in Matthew 7:13-14. It reads as follows … Matthew 7:13 Enter ye all in the “strait gate: for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth into life, and few there be that find it. Some may attribute this only to finding the Lord. I see a deeper meaning in it than that. Many believe that because they received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior that it is an automatic guarantee of entering Heaven. I do not believe that to be so. I believe that many do not read the Bible and do not clearly understand and are not properly nourished and fed spiritually. Many do go the way of the world in many areas. They are not outright bad people as some would say, yet, they remain lukewarm. Many do not fellowship with other believers in person due to circumstances either of their own doing or because they do not know any around and are not easily able to get to a gathering/churches that is on fire for the Lord. Whatever it is that is an obstruction in our lives, let us remove it. We need to live a fruitful life for the LORD. We will give an account for our lives. Was our life fruitful in serving the LORD? Perhaps, no one will read this. Yet, it has become plain to me that I have and have known several in my Christian walk who have missed the mark and even gone back to a lifestyle that was unbecoming to the LORD. I was one of them and have seen strong Christians in the faith who were serving the LORD and a part of several ministries who when an attack came that hit the family in one example and there are countless people who were struck at one point in their lives and it totally ended up destroying them and bringing them back to matters of the world. Not all were totally destroyed. I take that statement back. Yet, in one way or another, they did miss the mark or were not consistent in their walks with the Lord. I was so glad for this one sister of the Lord returning to Him while ill and making her amend with Him. It can happen to anyone. She was a strong believer, went to church, went to bible meetings, served Him faithfully for many years, had Bible teachings even in her home when I was first saved. I have seen many go into doing things which they knew not to do and I did so too. We need to take a good look at ourselves and truly examine ourselves. Even our true condition can be hidden from ourselves after we have made enough excuses for the way that we are and what happened and whatever else we come up with. Our LORD loves us and is calling us back unto Himself for all who are backslidden in one minor way or a big way. Please respond to His nudges or invitations. Do not be deceived. Many of us are called to do far more than what we have done. May we spend time with our LORD and start living 100% sold out to our LORD and using the talents which He has given up with a revenue on those. Love each one of you.
Mario Murillo’s message so deeply cut into me as it showed me how many have neglected to answer what they were called to and so few answered His call. And, many are deceived in prophesying or having talks about the Lord and going to ministries and hearing and yet, not producing many fruits if any at all. I am in no way coming against these things. We are not to despise prophecy. We, also, need a good foundation and to be in fellowship with our LORD at all times. That is for all Christians not only for those in leadership. I believe that I have said enough now. I simply needed to pour this out as this is what came out of me from hearing this impactful message from Mario Murillo. I simply want to add one thing. Let not what I have shared lead anyone into self condemnation. We all sin and we all come to Jesus with a repentant heart and He does forgive us. Yet, if we have been wasting time, let us determine to no longer do so. Love you, all!
Ephesians 5:35-27 tells us the washing of the water of the Word cleanses us and prepares us for Jesus.
So glad that God is getting through to you at such a deep level; and yes this last blog was a sharp, but clean cut from Murillo.
Your insights here are valuable, but I think much should have been kept in a personal journal. Weigh and consider shorter exhortations in the future.
Thank you for your testimony. I am a 65yo woman who received her “wake-up” call this past January 28, 2023..Our story is so similar, I am sure that is why the Lord brought me to your message. Two messages I get continually, study and show thyself approved and redeem the time. Holy Spirit expands on these daily. Again thank you, and yes, game time is up! We must set our face like flint, and having done all, STAND.
Wow…that was a good word, Mario! I have been in that wait and it’s horribly uncomfortable. I will wait.
Oh I have been wanting to be in HIS FLOW OF HEaLing. Salvation and deliverance for decades
I believe exactly so as you write,y brother.
I am only 74. But am housebound waiting for miracle hip healing.
Thank you Mario for sharing with us. I have experienced God’s healing in my own life, but I long to see others healed. My sisters in Christ who need God’s healing touch. One has cancer in her blood and one is going blind. One had a stroke and can not speak. I pray for them but do not know how to pull down the power of Christ. I am praying that God will show me how he wants me to live committed fully to him and still manage by household and family.
Believe God Sis. Charlotte! If you believe in God, He is calling you to lay your hands on the sick. Give them the gospel of Jesus Christ and lay your hands on them! It’s impossible for nothing to happen when we pray and believe!
Mark 16:17-18
“And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Amen and Amen Mario!! Every word true and convicting !!
Thank you for always speaking truth. My flesh hates it on many levels, but my heart greatly loves and craves it at the same time!!..
Praying for Los Angeles!!
Thank you again. God Bless you!
I am reminded the Israel in the wilderness ONLY moved when the cloud of Glory lifted, no matter if they had been stationary for a day, month or year.
For me, the cloud is moving. Time to arise to deeper levels of global intercession
Thanks for telling the truth about the church, Mario. We that are aware and know the power we have through the Holy Spirit yearn for a breakthrough of miracles, signs and wonders for those who deny the power. I pray along with 4 other intercessors that this kind of thing is going to happen to the luke warm church. We pray and believe and just try and stay humble for we know that each one of us was where many of these lost “Christians” are. So with the love of Christ, we pray.
Mark 16:15-18, Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature…
Please read the rest.
Thank you, Mario. I read every one of your blogs and watch Firepower. While my faith is strong, your words today bolstered that faith and made me stronger. I await God’s power and healing even after my recent dismal CT scan. I still await my healing to break forth and rebuke these cancer cells in Jesus’ name. I will be traveling down to Pomona for this crusade and bringing my family with me. I pray one of my brothers will make the altar call. I know God has a plan and I want to feel well enough to walk the path He leads me to. I have faith and trust in Him.
We have never experienced in serving in the church but we experienced at living proof in Colorado Springs and being called out to volunteer at proof for LA the honor and privilege to see signs wonders and miracles and all the things we are going to see at this next revival we think Mario Murillo ministries for this opportunity for salvation for many Ramon and Lori Garza The Rock Church of Greeley Colorado
Helped me a lot, just what I was searching for : D.