by | Jan 7, 2023 | Political Leadership, Saving America | 14 comments

Mario Murillo’s new book entitled It’s Our Turn Now exposes the most explosive undercurrent in the world. Mario proves that there is an event currently in progress that, more than any other trend, will decide the fate of our nation.

While others look at weather, interest rates, and global turmoil, Mario sees something deeper at work. Something is happening to millions of people—all at the same time.

While others look at weather, interest rates, and global turmoil, Mario sees something else. Something is happening to millions of people—all at the same time.

Here, in his own words, is the explanation of this vast undercurrent. And he explains why the Church must seize this opportunity now:

“It’s our turn now.” That phrase kept repeating in my heart.  Simply put, political, corporate and media villains have had their day, and their say. But it is our turn now.

I began wondering why it was our turn. The answer is undeniable.

While others look at weather, interest rates, and global turmoil, Mario sees something deeper at work.

Mario Murillo’s new book entitled It’s Our Turn Now exposes the most explosive undercurrent in the world.

It is our turn now because the misery caused by the Left and Wokeness will ignite the largest influx of conversions to Christ we have seen in our lifetime.

The billions of dollars spent to erase the Christian faith will prove to be an utter waste. Instead, we are entering a season of Christian influence in places where it has been totally absent.

The living God holds the power to reverse plots, make plans backfire, and boomerang the wrath of man. He has been quietly working. His handiwork is being revealed.

Jesus said, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are ready now for reaping” (John 4:35).

A massive field of human souls are being ripened by misery, corruption and tyranny. How do I know this is true? Because I have already seen it. I wrote this book because something shocking is happening in our tent crusades.

Order it now!

The billions of dollars spent to erase the Christian faith will prove to be an utter waste.

Back in the height of the pandemic lockdown—in California, the bluest state in America—thousands were being converted to Christ. You can barely get Californians to a Christian meeting when it is convenient. But they overflowed the Tent during a lockdown!

It filled me with questions: “Why were they coming to the Tent, now that leaving their house was almost impossible? What was happening? Why was it happening?”

Soon, it was clear that this was a widespread phenomenon. Reports of sudden conversions were too big to be ignored.

That was when Mario widened his investigation. Soon he saw its presence in education, business, sports, entertainment and even in church. It was everywhere.

“I wrote this book because something shocking is happening in our tent crusades.”

Soon he saw its presence in education, business, sports, entertainment and even in church. It was everywhere.

But the book does something that is unheard of these days. The book goes beyond the exhausting fad of pointing out all of the evil and corruption, without providing an answer. Here is an answer, a plan, and even training for executing the plan with Bible references throughout.

This book is essential to anyone who wants to win souls and be ready for the immense harvest which is about to hit us. Tragically, many churches and Christian leaders are going to miss it. They will miss it because they are stuck in mindsets that are no longer valid and they are trapped in systems that deny a miracle harvest is possible.

Here is an answer, a plan, and even training for executing the plan.

It’s Our Turn Now is a book you must read! It will be released nationwide on February 7th. Please, preorder it now. The very best way to preorder is through the link on the bottom of this page.

There are several reasons that we are asking you to order it directly from Mario Murillo Ministries. First of all, Mario will sign your book. You can’t get that from Amazon!

Secondly, all the proceeds from this book go directly to winning souls. Not one dollar will be spent for anything, except to save the lost. Don’t give your money to Amazon, give it for lost souls.

Last of all, this offer includes free shipping. The term win-win is used a lot, but it rarely applies. This however, is a true win-win situation. Many are going to buy the book in stores, for the simple reason that it could easily be the most important new book of this year—but you are getting it with the added joy that souls will meet Christ.

It is our hope that you will order it right away! Thank you!




  1. Fred Holk

    Looking forward to obtain a copy of your new book

    • Carolyn

      I ordered 40, now that they are being read people want more. This will be sold out. Make sure you have enough to share.

  2. Nick

    I’m ordering it today. I already sense God’s power being conveyed through these written words. Which I do not doubt align with His Word and His Will.

  3. Maria McPherson

    Do you ship to Canada?

  4. Nancy Goodman

    I Will be pre- ordering this book. Thank you!

  5. Michele Weiss

    May I pay via check through the mail?
    I do not participate in on line financial transactions.
    Thank you.
    Michele Weiss

    • Mario Murillo

      Send your check made out to MMM and mail it to PO Box 408 Lafayette TN 37083. God bless you.

  6. Brian M Stowell

    Ez 36:22-32

  7. Dora Moffat

    Is it available for canadians to order.

  8. parrillaturi

    God will never fail. The enemy is defeated. Mario. Are you returning to Flash Point? Miss you. Blessings.

  9. parrillaturi

    God will never fail. Mario. Are you returning to Flash Point? Blessings.

  10. Sue Pollard

    Does free shipping include New Zealand?

    • Mario Murillo

      I apologize that we are not equipped to handle international sales.

  11. Angela Chambers

    There has been a shift in New York and I sincerely believe it is due to the tent revivals. There is an article on CBN about the prayer that has been going on and has not stopped since the collapse of the Buffalo Bill football player. It showed the team members praying on the field and the sports commentator said a public prayer on ESPN – not a moment of silence – a real prayer! So refreshing to see after all the taking of the knee during the national anthem and politicization of our football games. This is a major shift, not only for New York but our entire nation. Thank you Mario for stepping out in obedience. We are making a difference!




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