Editor’s note: On April 7th, 2014, at 3:17 PM Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom. Read it again in the light of what is happening right now.
What would you do if they expelled your young daughter from school for being a Christian? What if it had nothing to do with bad behavior? She was expelled for her beliefs…pure and simple. What would you do? You would storm down to the principal’s office and demand your rights.
You could also understand your neighbor doing the same thing if this happened to one of their children. One thing you would not do is accuse your neighbor of being judgmental, political or “not walking in love.”
Many Christians think that speaking out against Obama, Eric Holder, the IRS, and the NSA is “different” than parents protecting their children against coercive schools. Oh really? How is it different? The only thing I can see that is different is that it hasn’t hit home yet. So far we have seen executives fired for defending traditional marriage; the IRS attacking Billy Graham; healthcare hijacked and all of our phone calls monitored. If they do all of this today what will they do tomorrow?
You say, “If my child is banished for being Christian I would act!” The problem is that by that time it is too late. The local school is usually the final stop for tyranny. Before there can be a blatant attempt to ban Christianity at school a lot of other bad things must first take place, and they are.
The public must be reprogrammed to accept the loss of freedom. Tyranny trickles down through several layers like acid eating its way down to the hull of a ship.
But Romans 13 tells Christians not to speak out against rulers right? Verse 2 says, “Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.”
The ruling authority of the United States is the Constitution, something the White House swore to uphold and protect. Instead, it has been this administration’s unswerving passion to undermine the first 4 amendments to the Constitution; setting aside everything from freedom of speech to the right to privacy.
In my opinion, they are the ones that Romans 13 says is resisting authority. This administration has crossed a dangerous threshold!
There are tens of millions of Americans who would take it one step further and say that they even question the validity of the last election.
This is not the first time that Christian leaders have had to reach a painful point of opposition that was not popular. In the 20th century Christian heroes opposed tyranny:
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand stood alone among more than 1,000 leaders to denounce the control of Romanian communism.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German theologian famous for his stand against Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. His beliefs and convictions ultimately cost him his life in a Nazi concentration camp.
Corrie Ten Boom violated German law by hiding Jews in her home.
Watchman Nee was persecuted and imprisoned for his faith by Chairman Mao and spent the last twenty years of his life in prison.
Each one of these heroes had that moment of denial that said, “This can’t be happening!” Each one came to that point of clarity in their conscience. Each one said, “This is the right thing to do.” Each one faced rejection for trying to convince others of impending coming tyranny.
It is ironic that each is honored as a hero but if they were alive today most Christians would reject them for their open opposition to political leadership.
Today there is a greater danger because when Hitler, Mao and Stalin raised their evil empires there was a free America that could intervene. Where will you or anyone else go for freedom if America itself is overtaken by tyranny?
For a growing number of Christian leaders and me it is time to speak out. The silence we see today is not because of politics but because of fear. It is time to quit hiding behind that excuse.
It is not my place to order any leader to speak out. I can only tell you what I believe passionately; I believe that the leadership of the American Church should unite to stop this administration and hold them legally accountable for the damage they have done to our freedoms.
Tomorrow I want to talk to you why my stance is not going to hinder my ability to win youth to Christ and why it is not too late for effective action.
Thank you, Mario. Freedom is not free, it is won with a price! Standing with you in Prayer! Standing with Israel in Prayer! Praying for this country to return to God! Right now we are lost and only God and His Son can bring us back to His Path for our country.
Someone needs to fix 2 misspellings, pretty sure you meant tyranny but put tranny 2xs… sorry hate to be that one, but I can’t help
Done thanks
I’m assuming you meant tyranny and not tranny in the two paragraphs under the first photo.
Yup. Typo fixed
May God bless you and greatly increase your influence as you stand. Courage is contageous, and those who fear God more than man strengthen the backbones of many.
On Fri, May 21, 2021, 2:01 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
I have declared Psalm 27 over you .. yours ..& your nation .. also UK& RSA .. the terrible twins Must come down..The Tyranny of the Terrible & The demon of Political Correctness.Bless you for your stand .. As One! Bev Campbell .
Sent from my iPhone
Right on point Brother Mario!
Mario !!!
Untrustworthy , useless men of GOD , money grabbing socialist bigots run with the hares and hunt with the hounds just to keep their âchurchesâ OPEN â¦OR ⦠CLOSED !!
They (mega churches have lost ALL credibility and should be chucked unceremoniously OUT THE BODY OF CHRIST â PERIOD.
One only ONE example of a REAL PASTOR IS GREG LOCKE.
When we get more like him and less like damp squibs franklin Graeme, fakes like oosteen and money launderers like farce Copeland
The church will be in a better state.
So called Keith A Stocker, you need help. Get it before it’s too late!
That is ONLY your opinion!
Certainly, NOT the rest of us.
YES! I have watched Pastor Greg Locke another BOLD speaker ?
Pls edit this post quickly. First uses of *tyranny* are misspelled *tranny*. Confusing until I read further.
I’ll keep reading. Love what you are doing, Mario.
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 3:02 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
done! thanks
Wow! The typo of the word tyranny has caused a firestorm in here. Has this changed Mario’s life forever?
There’s a song from several years ago says” we stand, We rise, we give our lives! The Believers you mentioned in this blog, lived out the word. I’ve heard several believers saying”we overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony” but they leave out the last part” not loving their lives to the death” I PRAY for that resolve in my own life. Thank you Mario for your boldness. Praying for you.
Every word here is full of wisdom and truth, and the revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ. Please keep telling people the whole truth.
I am an elementary school principal in a public school in WV and I see the leftist Socialist agenda beating on the doors like never before.
We’re usually some of the last to get slammed with what comes from more liberal states, but it’s getting past that.
Federal money is now tightly tied to these far left agendas. Schools buy in automatically, some not fully realizing the depths of the political propaganda.
I know it’s my call to stand as a watchman and a gatekeeper, but it is absolutely imperative for parents to stay alert to what their children are taking in at school and at home.
Sadly, many parents are buying in to all kinds of vain philosophies and not discerning the times or knowing the truth.
The most popular video games and apps are designed to steal the minds of our children. They are intentionally set up for children to engage with addictively and targeting them as a major tool to infiltrate their mind, to desensitize them and to indoctrinate them.
Too many parents buy and allow these repetitive interactive formulas which basically program young brains and are used in the place of the parent to raise their children.
Constantly we must plead the blood of Jesus Christ over every home and school, and pray for mercy for the children.
Bless you for your consistently strong and courageous voice. God is making your voice louder over the noise of the enemy. Time is so short.
Well said Ms. Jill & Mario
God BLESS you U both!
Totally agree with you, Jill. Thank you for stating the issues plainly and clearly. We must contend to the Father for our children and their teachers. I think it’s time for Christian parents to very carefully and thoughtfully consider whether to homeschool. Even many private schools have fallen for political correctness and ideologies that are directly counter to God’s Word and truth. As a result, many schools now indoctrinate students rather than teaching children to think critically.
(I taught in public schools for 18 1/2 years.)
Amen and Amen and Amen!!
Except now, it’s biden and the entire Congress in concert with him.
Yeah, I posted it on Facebook, we’ll see how long it stays up.
It is *very* troubling and disappointing to warn and warn and warn and get no positive response.
(Except from God, thankfully!)
We still have accurate prophetic voices in the church!
Amen Mario,
I have always have agreed with what you are doing to stir up Christians and make them think.
As you said:
Most Christians would reject open opposition to political leadership.
Today there is a greater danger because when Hitler, Mao and Stalin raised their evil empires there was a free America that could intervene. Where will you or anyone else go for freedom if America itself is overtaken by tyranny?
For a growing number of Christian leaders and me, it is time to speak out. The silence we see today is not because of politics but because of fear. It is time to quit hiding behind that excuse.
It is not my place to order any leader to speak out. I can only tell you what I believe passionately; I believe that the leadership of the American Church should unite to stop this administration and hold them legally accountable for the damage they have done to our freedoms.
Amen, speak out Christians about all the injustice going on in our nation and the world!
“God has not given us a spirit of fear.” “The fear of man brings a snare.” Remember those verses? Cowardice has no place in the body of Christ! If Christians won’t speak out against evil, who will? So WHAT if people call us bigots? What does that have to do with anything? “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11
Hero’s do not bow to tyrants or tyrannical rulers, and thats what we have a small group saying what we can do and can’t do, this morning I awoke to a 7 day ban on Twitter, because a woman Iranian name ask why would you not take the vaccine give ma a good reason, I wrote it cures nothing, it prevents nothing, it introduces foreign gene Theop. into your system and has baby parts in it, I wrote it two days ago, but was locked out during the night, a few evil people control what they say we can say or back their lies, oh I can get back in If I recant and say I lied, I didn’t lie and I will continue to tell the truth even to death, to live is Christ to die is gain, and I don’t bow to lying dogs, power must be taken away from these people they are the main one’s behind stealing the last election and if we ever have a chance at a fair election they must be stopped if we all stood and spoke out we could stop this mess, and if Congress would do there job Big Tech wouldn’t have the power they have, but to many who claim to be Gods mins. cave and don’t stand for anything, I had rather stand for whats right and on the word of God and die than bow to devils, and thats what so many have done they bowed to devils, they cut us down this is not feild our lane, strange God owns all the fields and lanes, we act like we are to not change the world, and thats why we have the mess we got today, they don’t want controversy well sorry but thats what living a Christian life brings, unless you don’t change, we are the world changers, we win souls to Jesus, we warn of evil, and we change the evil and prepare people for whats coming, so when they say deny Christ or die, you will not even have to think about it, for to live is Christ and to die is gain, and I get to be with Jesus, but many today have become cowards not hero’s of the faith, and some things are worth dying for, I had rather die on my feet, than crawl on my knees to devils, to me thats the worst kind of death, and if we claim to he children of the most high we need to grow a back bone and get filled with the Holy Spirit and fire, and do what the Apostles did, but to many are lacking something inside, well they better be fixing it, for most of it is a right relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, how many santified and filled and on fire do you not see giving the Holy Spirit control and doing what they are supposed to, NONE all do, so apparently our problem is we need to get santified and filled with the Holy Spirit and fire, and do what God has called us to do and change things in all walks of life, and win souls, our calling covers many areas and speaks where any wrong is being done, THATS OUR JOB AS THE SPIRIT FILLED CALLED OF GOD. GOD BLESS SIR
You are point on. So many Christians are passive and refuse to take a stand. If you do, they make you out to be a rebel and you need to turn the other cheek on these issues. Thank you for being a watchman on the wall. Great article. Thanks. We will keep praying and pressing forward. Jesus is Lord!
We have to stand for what is right and Godly or be damned! Today we have to chose Heaven or Hell, GOD or Satan ( who wants you to be in Hell and forever absent from your Father! Sorry to say but our children have been brain washed! Hope these enemies that have brought this on burn more. But everyone that goes to hell will admit it is their own fault and can blame no one else! Sad situation that so many don’t want to hear the truth! Praying for many souls in your crusades!!! And for GOD’S glory to fall on all! What adad yet awesome day to be alive!
I, as a pastor, am ready and willing to do whatever it takes to save this nation!!! I am praying for a way to unite us all. We desperately need a leader.
Aren’t you a leader? What are you waiting for? All leaders of the spoken truth are leaders who all need to stand together. Will you be the first one to start this?
Now we can look back and see exactly why the Lord had you start your blog! And of what great significance it had and has! Hallelujah! He is so amazing!
God bless you sir, I am not a leader in any church but I will stand with you. I am just a believer in GOD, JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT, and yes it is time to take back our country.
Bill Hoy
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 1:55 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
God bless you and God bless America
Sent from my iPhone
Amen , my prayers for you and Michelle and team be strengthened and protected spirit soul and body in all you set your mind/heart to do for the Kingdom of our God !!
I just did a search of this blog, and found out that the blog post that changed Mario’s life forever was from April 7, 2014.
I think inserting the year in the article above would make things a bit clearer. 🙂
Mario, I find your blog to be a blessing. And read everyday. I find it interesting that 2 times I’ve tried to reply to C. Jones and I’m referring to the freedom you seem to allow on your; however, you will not let me respond. Very strange indeed because you have allowed negative opinions and my comments have only been intended to understand why C. Jones attacks
Freedom of speech
AMEN MARIO!…wish I could have seen this blog when you received it! It was a true prophetic word! …and here we are just as foretold! Praying for your powerful anointed ministry and powerful crusades !! The great awakening is upon us!!…God is never late and never falls short of finishing what He starts!!
A M E N !!!!!!!!
This is what happens when pastors are ruled by their senses and not by the Holy Spirit.They can not discern the times we are in or lead the flock.
Thank you for having the courage to say where others are silent. This has been building for decades & we are here. American churches, most of all feed & exist in a Laodicean coma of delusion.
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 2:59 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
Definitely fear. Fear of the government. It’s hard to believe this is America these days. When I was a teenager, we were taught Bible Prophecy regularly from the pulpit that these days were coming. Although we mostly believed the Church would be gone by the time things got this bad, we were at least prepared if did see it. Now, hardly any of the pastors know anything about the Books of Daniel or Revelation. And prophecy conferences are held in big hotels, not in churches.
Now that those days are here, the people are unprepared. They’ve been taught to pray for , “blessings, blessings, blessings”, and not taught how to fight (spiritually), but also not being taught how to stand. We are now vulnerable to our enemies, with a weak administration, the effemination of the military, the dumbing down of students at all levels (California is cancelling math classes), the destruction of proper grammar, drag queens reading to toddlers on PBS.. ….and on and on. Russia is beefing up it’s ads for military recruitment with men that look like they could squash a person with their fist. Ours look like woke cartoons.
The great Carl Gallups said recently on Skywatch that he doesn’t condemn any church or pastor for not speaking out because he doesn’t know what they might be dealing with in their state, but it’s too bad that all pastors at all churches didn’t take a stand and speak out, at the same time and say in one accord.
Kingskid48… you said “ Although we mostly believed the Church would be gone by the time things got this bad, we were at least prepared if did see it.”.
You inadvertently hit the nail on the head. What you’re referring to is the pre-trib rapture that’s taught in many, if not most, Protestant churches. I was brought up in the A/G church and for the first 40 years of my life believed and defended the pre-trib teaching. Around 1990 that all began to change as God led me to really READ the scriptures for myself and quit depending upon someone else to tell me their interpretation.
To make a long story short, I now know that Tribulation is perpetrated by man, Wrath is perpetrated by God. In other words, the whole Great Tribulation period is not God’s wrath… most of it is tribulation caused by the Anti-Christ and those aligned with him. A very small time period at the end is God’s wrath AFTER the body of Christ has been raptured. Christians will go through most of the Tribulation and many (not all) will give their life for their testimony.
Point is… MOST OF TODAY’S CHRISTIANS ARE NOT PREPARED FOR THE DECEPTIONS THAT ARE ALREADY HERE, AND BIGGER COMING, AND MOST ARE NOT PREPARED TO DIE FOR THEIR FAITH! Why?? Because of the heresy of the pre-trib rapture teaching! The “we’re out of here before it gets bad” mentality is going to literally send MILLIONS to hell because they are totally unprepared spiritually, mentally, and physically and will take “the mark” when it comes along. Look and see how many Christians have rushed out… out of pure fear… to get the deadly Covid shot! Whatever happened to trusting the Lord to protect us from harm?? Anyway, that’s a whole different subject.
God bless and keep us all from great deception and deadly teachings!
Thank you Pastor Mario, for being a courageous and bold warrior for the Kingdom of God! Praying for other Pastors to take a stand on the front lines, knowing, and being confident in the Lord that He is with them. Praying for our Nation! God bless you, and keep you, family, and Ministry.
I saw a movie on one of the inspirational channels about End Times and the Mark of the Beast. I’d never heard of it before that. I think it was called, New World Order.
The Mark was being, “suggested and advised”, but not mandatory (sound familiar?) The story centered around two girls who were refusing the Mark. Everyone around them was getting it. At first, the parents supported their decision, but ended up turning them in.
Long story short…one of their girls stood fast till the end and was martyred. The other gave in and took the Mark.
It was creepy, but the worst part is, it feels like we’re going through a dry run with this whole vax thing. Now, they’re trying to say that having antibodies does not mean a person is immune. What happened to wanting those people who had, “recovered”, to donate blood for antibodies-back, before the vax came along?
Two doctors were on Fox last night and they both agreed that that was nonsense, trying to say recovering from the virus does not make you immune to catching it again. Thank God for honest doctors who have not bought into the lies.
Please be supportive of the real Conservatives on Fox. They are putting a lot of information out there that is important. They did not drink the Koolaid.
Not too long ago, authors Jenkins’ & LaHaye’s Left Behind series shook so many people INTO the Kingdom. Local postal branch was completely hooked on those books: many salvations, recommitals, much prayer, miracles occurred! What a time!
Currently: Have you read where the Red Cross is refusing blood/plasma donations from people who are vaccinated ?? What does that tell us!!
Thank God for America’s Frontline doctors, a platform to educate/inform the populace. They give referrals, offer hope!
As well, as you said, all who speak Truth and the Saving grace of God!
Holy angelic hosts of the LORD GOD, go and thresh down those lying/faux foundations of science & medicine, of education, of news media, of religion, of family and government! In the Name of Jesus Christ. Father, Your kingdom come, THY will BE done in earth as it is in Heaven.
To YOU be all the glory, the honor, the praise, all the power, AND THANKSGIVING FOREVER. AMEN!
Amen, Word for World. I’m not surprised the Red Cross won’t take donations of blood from people who have had the shots; very telling. I’m praying, in spite of all the anguish it will cause, that total exposure and truth will be made known about this and all the other horrors that people don’t know about because they trust the MMM. it has to happen for people to repent and be saved, and i hate it, but truth is the only way to do this.
WATCH ” DAYSTAR ” they are continually given viewers ALL the T R U T H ! On COVID-19. Very informative!
“*Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM Mario Murillo would see his life change forever….”*
Hi! I’d just like to point out how someone might think this opening statement means April 7th, *2021.*
I sometimes read the blog post within my email where some of the photos and graphics do not show up. This time, I just happened to click the link *after *reading the post, and saw the picture of Mario with the complete statement on the picture which reads: *Editor’s note: On April 7th, 2014 at 3:17 PM Mario Murillo would see his life change forever because of one blog.*
I clicked the link to the blog this time, after reading most of it, because I follow Mario and it seemed like this was something of a prophetic nature. Just desirous of readers getting the whole picture – the fact that it was written 7 years ago – which was a main point. But perhaps you had a purpose in leaving out the year in the Editor’s note.
So appreciate this ministry and Mario’s humble heart for the lost and hurting.
Blessings, Cynthia
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 12:56 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
Good eye! Thanks the year has been added.
Not Just Truth. A. Ring. Of. Truth. As Always, Thanks For Sharing And Posting. Thank You And God Bless You.
The word “tyranny”… has had it’s “Y” removed and become a TRANNY!!! You might want to fix that!!!
On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 11:57 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
Hard not to see the irony of that typo. Tranny is now tyranny. Thanks!
Am I carnal for finding that humorous my wife just rebuked me for laughing?
Tranny means the Train Of Tyranny. Don’t let those Tyrants take you for a ride.
Thank you Sir. We can and will stand against all oppression against our Father God, Jesus our Savior and Holy Spirit, his people, our churches, our children and grandchildren
Thank you Mario for speaking the truth. I long to find a church home my area that takes a stand as you do. You are a great leader and encourager! Keep it up and we will continue to spread the good news!
The foxes have invaded, but THE LION OF JUDAH is poised to strike! There be more with us than be with them. Praise Jehova God!
Oh yes Michael. Where are we heading from here?
Sent from my iPad
Thank you, Mario! Praying for you and your ministry. I’m thankful, too, for Harvest Rock and the other churches that sued California for their illegal and unjust lockdown.
Sent from my iPhone
Pastor Murillo, Praise God for your efforts. It is people like you who are leading the Christian charge to retake America. We will succeed because we have an ally stronger than anything the enemy can come up with – the Lord Jesus Christ. I enjoy watching you with Gene Bailey on Flashpoint where I can hear some truth coming from the media. I pray that God will continue to lift you men of God to persevere in your efforts. I have prayed a lot about the election and its results – almost to the point of depression. Two words keep coming back to me “Just wait!” so I eagerly await the hand of God releasing His power upon this nation.
God Bless You MMM! IN Jesus Name. Amen
Yes sir, I am with you! Amen to everything you said! It is time to take a stand! I am sick & tired of weak anemic leadership that won’t speak out & take a stand! I am with you 100%! In Jesus name!!!
I stand with you, which from what I have read in your blogs and books, I infer that I am standing with Christ against the onslaught of satan, who is always the one behind tyranny. Today is the time to stand and fight him and his attempts to enslave the human race worldwide. Recognize the agenda of critical race theory: it’s agenda is to divide and conquer. If you refuse to recognize this, you have already fallen, you have already been deceived by satan. There is only one race. The human race. It is time for all of us to recognize this, and examine our hearts and determine if we stand with Jesus.
Fight on brother
How prescient Mario was then, and how correct he is now. If the church doesn’t stand for truth, who will???
God bless you & keep you in His care. We are standing with you believing we need to be strong in the face of this adversity!
I very much appreciate the sweet ring of truth……….. may your courage be bountiful.
Have you seen the latest speech my Martin Iles.
I’m hoping to get these emails daily but Friday was the last one I got.
Here is what should concern every Christian. We see happen in New York, and other places with the increase of anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews People and Israel, and those “liberal Christians” should concern the church. Because I can ensure you very quietly
The Supreme Court ruled on a church in Southern California about churches closed due to COVID-19.
How many of you read the SCOTUS Judgment? They found California violated the church in LA rights on Discrimination and ordered California to pay over 1miilon $ in court fees for that One Church.
Here is what the Justices asked How can Governor Gavin Newsom Close down all Christian churches but allowed Mosques to be open?
And that not be targeting Christians?
He did not have a reason. The People who violated the laws were the very ones who made them. They had special dinners, events, closed down parks, yet they went to them. Closed down businesses yet kept their open.
IF we don’t stand for the injustice done to jews in our own country and others, we too will suffer the same.
I hear many Christian say We are to obey the law of the land, and not doing so is a sin.
It is unbiblical to obey a law that stops the gospel from being preached. You are just ruled by fear and cowardliness.
The law of this land IS the US Consitution which our POTUS and elected official swore to protect. But, instead, they vioLated the law of the land.
NOT YOU And I. Peter said this in Acts, and I think it really sums it all up.
Peter was in trouble for doing a good deed, and he was arrested, he said:
Acts 4:3-
And they laid hands on them and put them in custody until the next day, for it was already evening. Then, however, many of those who heard the word believed, and the number of the men came to be about five thousand.
And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, “By what power or by what name have you done this?” Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: “If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, “let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole.
They attacked Peter for doing what was right. That was unlawful for these men to do Peter said when ordered by them :
“So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.”
Peter and John answered that back.
But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”
Peter obeyed the laws of the land and Did a Good deed that was called evil.
Then he had an attack on the freedom to speak about Jesus as WE are today. Did He obey the leadership of the land Pastor?
Did he shut up and close the church, Pastor? NO!. We better stand for the jews because they are already attacking us.
And if you think hiding and holding on until the trumpet sounds is what the church is to do, I don’t see that in the book of Acts.
I am a spirit-filled minister of the Gospel of the yet, I cannot take credit for much of what I have said but have paraphrased a great man of God who I will not mention who was Born in 19 None of your business. I do not want to be accused of plagiarizing. Render honor to whom honor is due.
I was healed of Diverticulosis this Saturday. And I learned much of what I already knew but was not doing. learned
About “Hungry,” the stake, the General. The gifts of the Holy Spirit, asking what am I to do? So much more.
God bless you, Mario Murillo, and your dear family. I was very critical of you in Stockton CA, please forgive me. I am fully on board with God be the glory. I hope you have received my message about the “second Stike capability.”
See you later, Lord willing
Very respectfully,
Thank you and your ministry! ?❤??
On Fri, May 21, 2021, 2:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
Here is what should concern every Christian. We see happen in New York, and other places with the increase of anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews People and Israel, and those “liberal Christians” should concern the church. Because I can ensure you very quietly
The Supreme Court ruled on a church in Southern California about churches closed due to COVID-19.
How many of you read the SCOTUS Judgment? They found California violated the church in LA rights on Discrimination and ordered California to pay over $1miilon in court fees for that One Church.
Here is what the Justices asked(basically) How can Governor Gavin Newsom Close down all Christian churches but allowed Mosques to be open?
And that not be targeting Christians?
He did not have a reason. The People who violated the laws were the very ones who made them. They had special dinners, events, closed down parks, yet they went to them. Closed down businesses yet kept their’s open.
IF we don’t stand for the injustice done to jews in our own country and others, we too will suffer the same.
I hear many Christian say We are to obey the law of the land, and not doing so is a sin.
It is unbiblical to obey a law that stops the gospel from being preached. You are just ruled by fear and cowardliness.
The law of this land IS the US Consitution which our POTUS and elected official swore to protect. But, instead, they vioLated the law of the land.
I was healed this weekend from Diverticulosis at FirePower Saturday evening. I am a spirit-filled man of God, and I learned much. I am hungry and understand the stakes and who my General is. I know the gifts of the Holy Spirit and asking the Lord what do you want me to do. God bless you, Mario, and your dear family. I was critical of you in Stockton, and I am asking you to forgive me for that. I am fully onboard and willing to help and would be honored to do so in Sac.
Very respectfully,
Reblogged this on El Noticiero de Alvarez Galloso.
Mario I’m so grateful- for your ministry! It’s just ON TIME BROTHER!!
Haven’t got any blog from the ministry lately.
Is everything alright?
Maybe things are on hold in Sacramento?
Anyway, hoping things are OK?
Blessings to you Brother Mario.
I think Mario had his warfare class over the weekend. Perhaps he is busy with the editing of the tapes to determine what he is going to release?
I am just guessing. Maybe someone else has some info.
I am certainly missing the blogs. I know he said at one point that he foresaw the end of the time for the blogs coming, but I hope that time is not yet. However, it’s between him and the Lord.
I’m anxious to be able to order any cd or dvd he may decide to release from his class.
Hi Mario, We have been very blessed by your blogs. Have you stopped writing blogs for now or permanently? We love you and continue praying for the upcoming crusades God bless you! Perry Teymourian pteymourian@gmail.com
Sent from my iPhone
Been receiving blogs for years, and they stopped suddenly a few days ago. Could I be reinstated ?
Rob Dorsey Sr. (Judy)
“Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty” Zech 4:6Rob Dorsey Sr. (Judy)
Bro. Mario;
I haven’t received a message from you since 5/21. I look forward to reading each of your messages. Just letting you know.
Blessings, Clay
God help us.
Can you send me these posts daily please
I guess my post was not approved LOL.
I hope your tent crusade makes it down to Houston in a hurry. It should be an easy gig really…at least You won’t need to pack the tent. There are so many people living under the overpasses downtown that You will be completely out of the elements when You go and preach to them!
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 1:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
We really miss your emails! Hope all is well with you and your ministries!
Please send me the daily posts on my email account…egepp@sbcglobal.net…..would rather get them here than on face book. This the last one I got on my email which is almost a week ago…please help.
I am missing your Blog… I pray you and yours are well…
Mario what happened to your blog that I use to see everyday? I haven’t seen it since this post. Are you somewhere else that I need to get on so I can see it. So miss it. Thank you and blessings, Jean
Sent from my iPhone
I have not received any emails from Mario Murillo Ministries since May 21st. Have there been any sent since then? If so what do I need to do to continue receiving them?
Thank you,
Fran Hardy
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 12:13 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
How are you doing Mario? Missing your email posts very much. Bless you. Judy
On Thu, May 20, 2021, 11:57 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
Memorial Day 2021
Hey everyone! Check out Mario’s blog from May 27, 2018! So appropriate, timely. “SOME FOR HONOR, SOME FOR DISHONOR”.
God bless all who have served, those who are no longer with us. And bless those who still seek for the honor of God & country!! May they see the WORK of the LORD for our beloved nation and be satisfied!
(Note re that blog you can see only 3 comments: Roger, Dorrie, and Carolina. Haven’t heard from the latter 2 in a while.
Read it, and thanks for the reference. It’s really good
Why am I not getting any of your post are u blocked
On Fri, May 21, 2021, 1:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
Has your blog moved
On Fri, May 21, 2021, 1:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Editor’s note: On April 7th at 3:17 PM > Mario Murillo would see his life change forever. It was a blog that would > slam the doors of churches shut to him. It was a blog that accused > Christian leaders of refusing to face the destruction of American freedom.” >
I check my email every day for this blog. I haven’t gotten one since May 21st. Are you taking a break?
Blessings! -Mindy
I have not received anything from you since May 21, 2021
Mario, we pray all is ok with you. We are deeply missing your blogs and consider you a light in darkness. A voice of one calling in the desert. We pray you are well, blessed, and have a joyful Memorial Day.
The Harts
Sent from my iPad
Hi Mario, This was a terrific and bold blog. And I too have not received another communication from you since May 21. I think the “word police” have tried to silence you. I have no doubt that you will find another way to communicate with all of us. The enemy cannot silence you.
Praying for you.
I am missing your blog too! May God open the doors than no man can shut.
Thank you for standing firm!