I have so much news for you that I can hardly contain it. I have big news about Highway 99. Stunning news about our tent. And, amazing news about Living Proof Sacramento!
The river of salvation is flowing up and down Highway 99 in California. God just warned us that this was only the beginning of the harvest. The question is, will we take the gigantic leap of faith that God is demanding of us?
You were not aware of the major war of faith going on behind the scenes. You saw the images of people sitting and standing outside our tent in Fresno, Bakersfield, and Modesto. Our current tent is too small and the harvest is only getting bigger, so we had to find a new tent. But not just any tent.

Heading into war, you need excellent weapons—cutting edge weapons. I wanted a new state-of-the-art tent. We needed a brand new one.
So we took a giant leap of faith. We found the right tent, and we bought it! This magnificent tent blocks out heat from the sun. It has been created to withstand major winds. This design has been put through brutal tests of weather. They tested these tents by leaving them up for years, through snow, heat, and humidity. The result was excellent. No pin holes in the material, and no cracks in the poles.
However, the most important part was the size. Our current tent is 8,000 square feet. Our new one is 16,800 square feet. We will now be able to seat thousands!
(The picture above is an exact replica of the tent we are having made. Below is a comparison to our current tent.)

The Holy Spirit is making a very bold statement to us in having us purchase this tent. First, it is designed to last for many years, which says we are not going to let up—that we are in this until Jesus comes. Next, the size of the tent, which He led us to, indicates the size of the harvest that is coming!
Even bigger news: Sacramento is now our main target! God has turned our focus to the seat of power in California. We are aiming at a giant, and this demands a massive strategy. This invasion will require more from us than all of the previous crusades along Highway 99, combined.

We will not do just one Living Proof Crusade in Sacramento—but three! Think of that! Here they are in order:
Sunday-Wednesday, May 2-5. The first crusade will be on the Campus of William Jessup University, this very weekend. We thank God for pastors Greg and Kathy Fairrington and Destiny Church in Rocklin, CA, who are spearheading an amazing 4 nights on the field of the soccer complex of William Jessup University.
Sunday-Friday, August 8-13. The second one will be a partnership with Pastor Sammy Rodriguez, at New Season Campus, 6555 44th Street, Sacramento, CA, 95823. This will be a major invasion of neighborhoods. It will be a mirror image of the outreach we did in Modesto.
Fall 2021: Under our new tent, date to be announced. The third crusade will be at a venue that gives me chills as I anticipate it! But since we are still in negotiations, I am unable to announce the location, quite yet. What I can tell you is that it will be in the Fall, and will be the maiden voyage of our new tent. I am beyond excited!
There is absolutely no appeal for funds in this announcement. There is only a call to prayer. Everything within me says that whatever we are going to do for Christ in California, we must do now.
Yes! Let us rejoice! But then we must pray, pray, pray!


Date And Time
Fri, May 21, 2021, 6:30 PM –
Sat May 22 11 AM/ 6:30PM
Sun, May 23, 2021, 6:30 PM PDT
Cornerstone Church / The Historic Wilson Theater / Main Auditorium
1445 Fulton Street
Fresno, CA 93721
I am so excited to be able to offer this Master Class on Warfare and FirePower. I have always yearned to train the remnant on firepower—the power that damages the enemy and moves the army of God to meaningful breakthroughs against sickness, and demonic strongholds.
This weekend of classes will skip the fluff. You will find the weapons that tear down strongholds. I am reallly excited to be teaching all the classes with you.
We do not just need an army—we need an army that can defeat the new threats and win a nation back to God.
Again, the class is Free but you must register. Register now. https://warfareandfirepower.eventbrite.com
Amen! Time to reap the Harvest!????
“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations: spare not, lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes; for you shall break forth on the right hand and on the left; and your seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.” Isaiah 54:2-3. Occupy! Expand the Kingdom of God!
SO EXCITING! Thanks for sharing!
This is beyond thrilling!!! Get ready, get ready!!! No holding back a Mighty Move from God! Amen and amen!???☝️
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021, 11:08 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have so much news for you that I can > hardly contain it. I have big news about Highway 99. Stunning news about > our tent. And, amazing news about Living Proof Sacramento! The river of > salvation is flowing up and down Highway 99 in California. God just” >
Hats off to the tent crew!
The work to put up and tear down a tent is is no joke.
The atmosphere is so worth it!
It’s glorious and there is nothing like the rumble of God’s people crying out in prayer contending before a tent revival service.
Halelujah! Such wonderful news! Come, Lord Jesus!!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Let the fire Fall Holy Spirit! All the dates are in the mind of The Lord God! Nothing can stop Him!
Jesus please send workers, finance and protection! Health!
Praise God for souls, souls and healings! Bless you Mario Murillo Ministries and teams!
I pray for a harvest of souls for the kingdom! May the lord bless and prosper everything you are doing out there in central California, by the way the apostle Paul was a tent maker also you are in the best company Amen ?
Mario, I was reading this article and took to prayer right away and as I was praying for these next crusades, I saw an old fashioned tin funnel in the sky with the draining end pointed right at your tent! God is ‘funneling’ his power, and anointing into these miraculous meetings! Confirming that He is with you, He is for you and to encourage you to continue in His strength!
The “Old Fashioned Funnel” you saw is in Jeremiah 6:16. “ Go stand at the crossroads and look around. Ask for directions to the old fashioned road, The tried-and-true road. Then take it. Discover the right route with rest for your souls.” The Funnel depicts the Strait Gate and Narrow Way that leads to life. Mario’s Tent is at the Crossroads in California, where he is preaching the Word of the Cross (The Pure Old Fashioned Gospel). Mario is preaching the true gospel with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. 1 Peter 1:12.
Praise God for His blessings on your work and ministry
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you for your encouragement and inspiration as you bring the updates!
Would the Masterclass being offered be available online as we are not in CA?
What an amazing God we have..Thank you for sharing this news.
IMPORTANT..I signed up for the warfare conference thinking it would be livestreamed..I cannot be there in person..I live on the East coast. I don’t want to take up a reserved seat when I can’t be there.. Would u kindly remove my name from the registration so someone can occupy that seat.
On Fri, Apr 30, 2021, 1:55 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” I have so much news for you that I can > hardly contain it. I have big news about Highway 99. Stunning news about > our tent. And, amazing news about Living Proof Sacramento! The river of > salvation is flowing up and down Highway 99 in California. God just” >
Mighty Warriors,
There is overwhelming gratitude for the work that Mario Marillo Minstries is doing in my home state of California. My church home groupin Bend, Oregon stands with your ministry in prayer Although I no longer live in the state I have immediate family that lives in Chico. Every time I visit, my heart is torn for the condition of Nor Cal. Over my lifetime I have seen the spiraling condition of people in this area. Drugs, gangs, alcoholism, and homelessness have risen to levels I never thought possible. Churches have almost all disappeared and many closed their doors during Covid. I read information online that stated that the Chico/Redding area ranked #5 as the most unchurched cities in the nation. Will Mario Marillo ministries be moving up Hwy 99 to Chico and Redding? We would also welcome you here in Central Oregon!
Love in Christ, Penni Borghi
Sent from my iPad
I am excited beyond belief on the mighty growth. All praise be to God. Our Holy Spirit is leading your onward and forward!
God bless you! Mario and team!! SOOOOO exciting!
Wow! Praise God! He is moving through America! God bless you all!
Haleluiah!praise The Lord.Thank you Jesus.Because you are Faithfull Mario.
Brother Mario, I do hope on your website in the future we would be able to purchase tapes of the “FirePower” on Warfare. It is important to learn how to fight Satan. But due to Covid & traveling people can’t get to the classes. Put one love to purchase the videos. Mario, We Love you & great work in CA. May God Bless You.
Mario answers: THY WILL BE DONE
LORD GOD to Mario: Mark 16:15-20…
When the righteous rule, the people rejoice!
Exciting news! Not only California is rejoicing that the Light has come, nations share the joy with us!
BLESSINGS OF GOD BE to Mario & Mechelle, MMM, all the wonderful volunteers & the saints, for their faithful prayers & donations, in Jesus’ Name, amen!
Hallelujah! What incredible work. I’m on the opposite coast in Florida, but I’m praying for all the work that is being done in California. May it continue to spread across our land like fire!
“Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” Ps 50:15
Fill the tent Lord!
Hallelujah! I find it very interesting that after so many months of ministering in the hurting, forgotten Central California cities, God is now leading MMM directly into the seat of power. And that with the recall election in the offing, an Oxnard, CA pastor is running for Governor. I’m not familiar with this pastor, but here is his website, if you’d like to check it out as you pray for the state of California.
Thank you for posting that.
Yes, thank you for posting that. When that elderly lady cried, I did too. There are no words, and we must all pray and help for this most hurting place in our Nation, beautiful California.
Praise Almighty God for He is great and provides for the workers in His Harvest!
Thank you for your obedience and faithfulness, as Pastor Bailey said on Flashpoint, I would like to be able to board and plane and come to California. I am a former resident of So. Calif. now a Texas resident and member of EMIC.
This is beyond thrilling, Pastor Mario. I will continue to pray for you, your family, crew, and volunteers, and to support by donations.
I’m thrilled!! Look what the LORD is doing!! I am and will be praying for each of these endeavors and all they will entail.With love for your ministry,Nancy Swecker
Sent from my iPhone
Wish I could be there! I don’t live in the USA…. May the fire of God descend!!
To Mario Murillo Ministries: God bless you all for your great and effective ministry. To help maintain the effectiveness of your emails, please accept the following critique that I offer.
First, however, please let me clarify that a “critique” is NOT a “criticism.” As in the engineering design process, a critique is a purposeful “suggestion” to improve the design of a product. Thus, an engineering “Design Review” is frequently held during the design of a product so that senior engineers can “critique” a developing design and “recommend” changes, etc. that will make the design more effective, cost effective, etc. Similarly, I am offering a critique for your newsletter. Many readers may not have noticed the glaring error in your tent comparison email, but, some people, like me, may have noticed the obvious discrepancy. Any discrepancy in your emails may degrade the effectiveness of your message and your ministry. Thus, I offer this critique with a sincere “thank you” for your ministry.
To wit: Your tent photos (to compare the size of the old 8000 and the new 16800 square foot tents) are not effective to demonstrate the actual increase in area covered by the new tent. Both of your photos show tents that cover the exactly same area; the only difference is a modified roof. The photo of your new tent needs to show the effective increase in area of the new tent. That can only be done by showing a longer and/or wider tent that covers about twice the area of the current tent. Proof? Just look at the length and width of the two tents (in your photos) as compared to the number of RVs along the road, or as compared to the number of cars lined up along the near side of the tents. The two tents are exactly the same size and, thus, do not demonstrate any increased size for the new tent.
Please accept this email to help increase your effectiveness in sharing God’s word, and not as a simple criticism.
God bless you, Mario Murillo, and all of your staff. Best regards, Gene K. Baxter
Gene K. Baxter, Ph.D., P.E., Forensic Consulting Engineer, < baxter@forensicgroup.com>
BAXTER ENGINEERING, 1243 N. Norwalk Street, Mesa, AZ 85205-4038, 480-832-7744
This is great news! That tent reminds me of the Big Tent that was set up, for the, “Rock of Ages,” I used to attend almost every year. There were so many people there, they would bring their own lawn chairs and sit outside of the tent. There was a loud speaker all over the grounds so we could hear the music and teachings anywhere we were. This was a week long event where believers went from all over the world.
The price of admission and food was so reasonable almost everyone could go. And, if someone couldn’t afford a meal, someone would step up and pay for her or him. We used tickets, not money.
We also had a, “House of His Healing Presence,” wherein we could go to pray in silence.
I sure miss those days.
????????Praise be to God!!!!Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
Reblogged this on free73735 and commented:
Sharing the GREAT NEWS!
This is great, God is moving. Soon a tent won’t be able to hold the hungry for God people!
Mario, you will need stadiums for the glory of God! If renting stadiums can happen in these woke times…I’m sure there are true Christian that own them and would like you to hold a crusade for the glory of Lord!
Praise God!!
I would love to attend a Warfare in Texas. I’m petitioning the Holy Spiirt to encourage you to come to Texas. Blessings, Shirley LindseyNew Caney, Tx
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
To Mario Murillo Ministries: God bless you all for your great and effective ministry.
With egg on my face, I write to apologize for not understanding your comparison of the old and new tents that you showed in your email, below. When I wrote my comments, directly below, I did not realize that, what I thought was a “modified roof” was actually supposed to represent the old 8000 square foot tent – superimposed onto the roof of the new 16800 square foot tent. Therefore, please disregard my comments below.
Again, God bless you, Mario Murillo, and all of your staff. Best regards, Gene K. Baxter
Gene K. Baxter, Ph.D., P.E., Forensic Consulting Engineer, < baxter@forensicgroup.com>
BAXTER ENGINEERING, 1243 N. Norwalk Street, Mesa, AZ 85205-4038, 480-832-7744
From: Gene K. Baxter [mailto:baxter2@cox.net] Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 1:14 PM To: ‘Mario Murillo Ministries’ Subject: RE: [New post] BREAKING NEWS! LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!
To Mario Murillo Ministries: God bless you all for your great and effective ministry. To help maintain the effectiveness of your emails, please accept the following critique that I offer.
First, however, please let me clarify that a “critique” is NOT a “criticism.” As in the engineering design process, a critique is a purposeful “suggestion” to improve the design of a product. Thus, an engineering “Design Review” is frequently held during the design of a product so that senior engineers can “critique” a developing design and “recommend” changes, etc. that will make the design more effective, cost effective, etc. Similarly, I am offering a critique for your newsletter. Many readers may not have noticed the glaring error in your tent comparison email, but, some people, like me, may have noticed the obvious discrepancy. Any discrepancy in your emails may degrade the effectiveness of your message and your ministry. Thus, I offer this critique with a sincere “thank you” for your ministry.
To wit: Your tent photos (to compare the size of the old 8000 and the new 16800 square foot tents) are not effective to demonstrate the actual increase in area covered by the new tent. Both of your photos show tents that cover the exactly same area; the only difference is a modified roof. The photo of your new tent needs to show the effective increase in area of the new tent. That can only be done by showing a longer and/or wider tent that covers about twice the area of the current tent. Proof? Just look at the length and width of the two tents (in your photos) as compared to the number of RVs along the road, or as compared to the number of cars lined up along the near side of the tents. The two tents are exactly the same size and, thus, do not demonstrate any increased size for the new tent.
Please accept this email to help increase your effectiveness in sharing God’s word, and not as a simple criticism.
God bless you, Mario Murillo, and all of your staff. Best regards, Gene K. Baxter
Gene K. Baxter, Ph.D., P.E., Forensic Consulting Engineer, < baxter@forensicgroup.com>
BAXTER ENGINEERING, 1243 N. Norwalk Street, Mesa, AZ 85205-4038, 480-832-7744
Good man.
you go bro
Praying for a rich harvest of souls – only revival with repentance can turn our country around at this point. Thank you for leading the way, Mario. We love you and lift you up before our Father’s throne!!
Not only CA I’m praying for revival but also all across United States every town, city and suburban will be hit hard with revival that no one can miss. To God be the praise for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Praise God for His Favour a d answered prayer.
Thank You Lord Jesus, for MMM spreading your T R U T H. And the misery this demonic Gov. of CA’s & his followers have caused great chaos to so many of God’s chosen.
I’m PR?YING for your state, all 50 states & the world.
Keep up the the F I R E, Brother Mario this would be the one to ignite & spread to the ends of the earth. God Bless you & you wife.