Announcement: We have decided not to live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be allowed.
Some have told us that they hoped these sessions would be live streamed, in order to save them from having to travel to Fresno, CA. I beg you to reconsider—if traveling distance should be the factor in your decision.
Why am I going to these extremes? The short answer is that we are in a war. America is under the domination of an anti-Christian power-structure. The threats are real. Their tactics are insidious. They want to use anything they can to discredit Christianity.
They are not the only problem. Lukewarm and counterfeit Christians are also a threat to revival. You cannot imagine how some of them are offended by songs about the Blood of Christ. Still others are in their pulpits pressuring believers to just submit quietly to laws that may silence the Church in America permanently.
Even many of the Christians you and I see as harmless, are a potential threat. They are giddy, relying on entertainment and concerts to push back the enemy. They have an immature picture of evil and also of God’s authority. They believe they can flirt with evil. They believe they can fight, but only lightly, and fairly.

God has given me a true profile of the kind of believer it will take to save our freedom and win back this nation. I must have the freedom to speak forcefully—and in some cases bluntly—to the devastating division and ignorance of many believers.
For an example, I deeply respect Franklin Graham, but I believe he is ill-advised to say that we should accept the results of the last election and just pray for the Biden administration. He is a highly visible Christian leader who likely does not understand that to mollify the Left with such policies sets us up to accept fraudulent elections in the future.
Not only that, but there are many bills that have passed the House that are nothing short of evil. These bills, if they ever become law, are designed to destroy our Constitution—the last firewall against Democrat tyranny. That threat can never be adequately met with ‘Christianity-lite’.
I must be free to instruct, rebuke, and inform to the degree that this national crisis demands. That is simply a conversation which is too private to leave open to everyone.
Finally, in-person sessions are especially essential for FIREPOWER. I am going to pray for you. I am going to ask for the fire of God to fall on you. What if there is such a drenching of God, and transforming of those who attend, that we need more than just the normal session to make room for it?
One of my heroes and a personal mentor, was David Wilkerson. He had gatherings with pastors that were legendary for the depth of God’s dealing with those who attended. It is what we need today, as the curtain of freedom is coming down on us. God wants to make warriors who are equipped for this ongoing threat.
I cannot implore you enough to make time for this event. If you simply cannot attend, then be assured that we will review the footage and release what the Holy Spirit says to release.
I urge you—do not hesitate to secure your place at FIREPOWER!

Date And Time
Fri, May 21, 2021, 6:30 PM –
Sat May 22 11 AM/ 6:30PM
Sun, May 23, 2021, 6:30 PM PDT
Cornerstone Church / The Historic Wilson Theater / Main Auditorium
1445 Fulton Street
Fresno, CA 93721
I am so excited to be able to offer this Master Class on Warfare and FirePower. I have always yearned to train the remnant on firepower—the power that damages the enemy and moves the army of God to meaningful breakthroughs against sickness, and demonic strongholds.
This weekend of classes will skip the fluff. You will find the weapons that tear down strongholds. I am reallly excited to be teaching all the classes with you.
We do not just need an army—we need an army that can defeat the new threats and win a nation back to God.
Again, the class is Free but you must register. Register now.
Disappointed as I live in Australia but I understand totally. You are a wise man and I stand with you in all that God advises you to do. You are making a huge difference to this world so thank you.
Like Jannene in Australia, I cannot come from UK but I also completely respect and understand your decision. Will be backing you in prayer, and utterly believing for great fire- power to come forth. God bless and greatly use this initiative. God bless America.
For though some are absent in person in the Modesto meetings, yet they are with you in the spirit, joying and beholding the glorious workings of the Holy Spirit, as the the real gospel of God is being preached with signs, wonders, and miracles confirming the anointed word of God! Colossians 2:5
Wow, I had thought I would follow from Nigeria. Nevertheless, I rejoice at what God is doing through you Sir. God bless you greatly.
Whilst I appreciate your main calling is to the USA and particularly California, I am in the UK and we desperately need the kind of faithful tenacity and commitment to God’s word that you are displaying. The church in Britain has lost its way. How we need an outpouring of God’s power and fire here. Please, if you have opportunity consider a visit to encourage the church here. If that is not possible I would humbly ask that you and anyone reading my words please pray for a regeneration of life in the UK and a fresh encounter with Father Jesus and Holy Spirit. May the Lord truly bless you all. Your brother in Christ, Tony.
I fully understand why you cannot live stream. Thank you Mario. From “sleepy” United Kingdom, desperate here for teaching like yours.
Amen. Longing for this in Scotland/UK! Mobilising of those who know their authority but are isolated and therefore limited in what can be taken on, by the individual believer.
I understand, but for those of us who are International and can’t get through the border…it is disappointing. 🙁 Perhaps brother you can find your way up to Canada again
PEACE Kellie Mast
We will record the class for later release.
God Bless you Mario for bringing in God’s harvest. Praying here for you .May God give you a double Annointing of the Holy Spirit
In Jesus Holy,Mighty ,Matchless Name and I seal it with the Blood of Jesus,So be it ,Amen.
Watching you from Canada.
Wow! It is a blessing to see how other nations are praying for the success of this enormous undertaking. Jannene and Joy, I am also a concerned Australian. What happens in America eventually makes its way to our beautiful country.
There is evil and spys among us to, Gals 2:4 and that because of the false brethren privily brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage. there are those who want to destroy and even the Government is watching every move to see how we act and what we do, that they might stop us, Thats why they want us to stop singing and praise and worshipping they watched and know that bring his presence down, Psalm 100:4, and they listened and know the power is where the people worship and allow the Holy Spirit to have his way, and they know the only thing that can defeat them is the power of the Holy Spirit and they want to silence and stop the one’s who are Spirit filled and so do the so called church of today, seeds planted among us, to destroy the works of the Lord and to stop the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, we have some pure devils working in the church, some are just mislead I think, but some are pure evil, that satan planted so he could do just what he is doing in America, many danced with the devil and he took the lead, and we are the only hope for the world to bring Jesus and the Holy Spirit and fire back, for they are the only one’s who can save us now, so much phony and fake and imatating in the church, and we need a real Church on fire with the Holy Spirit to change things and people who will stand and fight, they cut us down and say we are full of pride and even narcissist now, because we preach the truth of the word of God, if it offends we should not preach it they say, thats narcissism, NO THATS HOLY GHOST FIRE FILLED MEN AND WOMEN OF GOD, they called me a false preacher yesterday because of the joy, it seems every thing of God that has to do with power and helping or healing the people or releiving thm of depression is illegal to them, they seem to want depression, and oppression, and people sick, well God doesn’t, we have a messed up people, so it is time to protect the anointing, God Bless you sir and the work you and for the soul winning.
Thanks Roger Culwell and everyone! You hit the mark! The Unity in the bond of peace in the Lord is real and we need the Holy Spirit to keep us in it! God, Almighty, we need you more than ever before. God bless Mario Murillo Ministry! God Bless Murillo! God bless us, the remnants of the TRUTH! God Bless America! God bless those that seek His Face! To God Be All the Glory forever and ever, AMEN!!!
I would love to attend because you are the only voice I’m hearing that is speaking the truth of the evil taking place in churches and the nation. Would you be able to have more then one class. Your dates are on 3 family bdays, 5 yr old granddaughter on May 22, which I will not miss . Please consider other dates! May the Lord strengthen and continue to pour out His fire upon you!!!!
Yes, there will be more classes.
We are seniors and live in Canada. We can’t make it. But God bless you and may the fire fall on us.
Praying for you in England ??????? U.K. ??. Please pray for us. ✝️
You keep on preaching the Fire brother ! This is what does great damage to the enemy’s camp. And never let our adversary the devil know your plans. You have a very important calling on your life concerning our United States but likewise you also have an uncompromising Anointing of The Holy Ghost to accomplish your mission with healings, signs, and wonders following as the evidence of HIS power is displayed in the meetings. We are praying for you and your team.
Please pray for me as I preach the Gospel In the county jail. Thank You sir.
Chaplin Bob
Mr. Murillo,
I believe everything you wrote below. I would love to attend the Firepower Master Class; however, I can’t afford to fly out, hotel, rental car, etc. Would you still pray for me – for the fire of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of God to be used in me, in humility and love, in these days for His kingdom? Thank you for all you do for Jesus. Dawn Jarvis 717.644.8146
On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 2:55 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
Mario, I totally respect you and your ministry. I wish we had someone like you in Georgia. I hope you can advise me on something. Why won’t our pastors preach about what is going on in America? I love my pastor but he never preaches about the issues in our world. I have sent him information on HR-5 from Dutch Sheets and how we can get involved but not a word about it to the congregation came forth. I don’t know whether to find another church or to hang in there, praying God will convict him. This is a pentecostal church. I hope you can respond to me..
Peggy, I fear we here in SW Florida have the same thing going on in my church. They are still tightly masked and seem to only care about attendance in the building. I watch the livestream sermon and not a word about the danger our nation is in by this evil administration. I believe church attendance will decline as we awakened Christians seek pastors like Mario who keep the Holy Spirit fire burning. God bless you!
I would absolutely love to attend your training, but will not be able to attend live. Regardless, I will keep you in my prayers and will continue to pray that your anointing be that which starts the revival we so desperately need in this country and around the world. God bless you, sir.
Will you be offering this class again? I need to attend but have already scheduled and paid for another conference that is happening the same weekend.
It will be offered again and this one will be recorded.
Thank you so much for listening to the Holy Spirit and being willing to follow his plan set out for the remnant Church.
Your words are real and truth.
We must not submit to the enemy and his evil schemes and plans carried out by ignorant and unlearned man.
I believe you made the right choice
Sent from my iPad
Is it possible to receive this master class via CD? I am a full-time care-giver to a 103-year old husband with dementia. Unable to leave him. Thank you. God bless all of your efforts to enlighten the Body of Christ. I am thankful. Elisabeth King. Elisabeth King
Totally understand why this program cannot be live streamed. I regret but I will not get to attend one of these, but frankly I am elderly which is an advantage because I was well taught in school and Was extremely well t taughtThe ins and outs of Marxism, Lininism, communism, and Socialism. I regret that I do not still have my textbooks and other publications which werein my possession until two years ago when I had to downsize into a much smaller dwelling with no room for my extensive library. I would love to have shared these books with my grandchildren now. I wish that today’s children and adults could experience seeing the horrors of these terrible and godless governments. It is despicable that some can be so totally misled by The lure of something for nothing, and that the equality they are being promised is only equality in poverty and slavery. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your willingness to teach them not only the truth of the tyranny and horror of these kinds of oppressive government, but also showing them how even our churches have been Led away from the true word of God, by pastors! Who have sold their souls to the devil and given into greed and now serving the devil and supporting The legislation of EVIL by our government. It is heartbreaking to see even Franklin Graham turning from the true word of God and encouraging Christians to bow to A godless, satanic Government, in total disobedience to the word of God! True Christians must see the importance of teaching God‘s word and obeying God‘s word!
God has told many of us that we are warriors and we will fight. About Franklin Graham: I support Samaritan’s Purse which is the avenue that Rev Graham uses to respond to disasters world wide. He helps millions. I do, however, do not pray for the demonic President or the demonic people in Congress. They have been given over to a reprobate mind. It is a demonic power grab to control everyone and the true Christian is the real threat. Jesus defeated satan over 2000 year ago. The Christians who never read or study the Bible may be lost.
My prayers are with you for a successful meeting. This is in line with what God is doing. God bless you, Mary
On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 2:04 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
I am so blessed that Yahwey led me to you!! I’ve been listening to you and reading your messages and forwarding them on FB and to my friends for the last few months and will continue to do so. I pray more and more people will seek the truth.
I won’t be able to attend but look forward to the messages you share.
If you ever travel through the great State of Wyoming it would be awesome to have you stop and share the Word!
I can’t afford the trip…but Gods’ people, will be praying for your seminar…TO BE HEARD LOUD AND CLEAR!!!
HUSTUSA ________________________________
I heard the testimony of a man of God working the border who was offered money by the cartels to stop and he refused, and asked them why the amount of money they offered and the cartel told him that was the amount of money many border patrol agents have taken to not do their job and look the other way. I would not be surprised if an offer of a billion dollars to stay silent about the blatant fraud, corruption, compromise, lies, deception, manipulation, propaganda and indoctrination against America the constitutional republic under God, to keep people from knowing the truth and rising up in righteous indignation against what our so-called “government” is doing under the activity of satan. God help us to restore America as a republic under the King of kings and Lord of lords. Thank God for MMM and the upcoming teaching on spiritual warfare with firepower! all glory to God our Father and his Christ!
I agree with not live streaming the Class event! The Pastor in Canada, Artur Pawlowski has had to demand the police to leave his Church service twice and he does not mince words even shouting at the and calling them Nazi’s! But he has to take this approach and too many Pastors/Christians in the US don’t understand this. Too many think if we act nice and go along they will leave Churches and Christians alone! WRONG! This is really the Devil at work and his goal is to make babies out of Churches/Christians! I pray that you keep staying strong and do as God instructs you!
A generation of lazy people. Take the easy way out. My ancestors walked miles or went by horse and buggy on dusty roads to hear the word of God. The Scottish Celtics were wanders, always on the move to find God. Praying for you
Many of these lukewarm christians would be the ones who openly accept the antichrist
100% concur with Mario’s position. He has been more faithful and wise than many other Christians for decades, so we must trust him on this subject.
Mario is definitely trustworthy!
Wise decisions in this terrible time of destruction. Thank you for being willing to put it out there and tell it like it is. The Church hasn’t seen times like these very often and it’s taken sold-out-for-God people to carry the torch. This physical division is indicative of the spiritual division going on right now. The sheep from the goats.
So appreciate your ministry. Would love to attend Fresno, but as in a previous post, distance and age prevents me. Texas would not be too far, age….. pushing hard at 80 I just do not have the stamina I had at 40. I will continue to lift you in prayer and pray that those who are blessed to be able to attend will receive the teaching, the impartation, the fire America so desperately needs. LET GOD ARISE, HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED. aw/tx
As usual, right on Mario!!!
Christians are killing other Christians… and… Gov. Newsom (Mr. Demon) at the forefront… BEWARE!
So very awesome! Wish I could get there for this, and understand the gravity of it!! Prayers going up for this!!! ???
Dear Mario, I’m writing to you from Canada, we are in the same darkness & also dealing with a church that is not only lukewarm, but asleep! Communism is crouching at the door of this nation & we too have Christian leaders & pastors who are telling their flocks to obey the government & be good little citizens! You have undoubtedly heard of Pastor James Coates who was imprisoned here in Alberta & now his church is in jail, because he held the enemies feet to the fire & continued to meet together as the church should. He is the exception! I applaud you Mario for the lengths you are going to to protect your meeting from the wolves ? n sheep’s clothing.
God Bless you Brother! Joanne Burrows
Sent from my iPhone
I would love to attend these meetings and I’m sure many like me would love to also. I appreciate your message and believe in the anointing that God has placed on your life especially for this season. I watch Flashpoint and enjoy hearing what each one has to share on the program. It always gives me hope!
Thank you for offering the classes free of charge but many like me can not attend because of the cost of flights, hotel stays and transportation. Which makes me very sad.
I so longed to have been a part of the Modesto meetings. Not just attending but a part of the ministry team reaching people in the streets.
My heart in sending this email is not to gain sympathy but to ask that you remember those who long for the opportunity be a part of what is happening and yet can’t.
Please pray for the same impartation that will be released into those who attend will be extended to us!
Much Love, Charlotte McIlnay
On Mon, Apr 26, 2021, 1:57 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
Mario, several years ago you told us it was going to be like this.
Persecution etc.
More at stake than most realize.
So I get it.
Sure appreciate you.
Over the years I’ve shared your warnings and exhortations with people and always blown away by there response.
All walks of life.
I gave your latest book to the leader of a fairly large fellowship and he spoke highly of you.
I remember the first interactive posts you did back before this blog.
When you had time you literally gave me direct advice about ministry and other things through that forum.
I will never forget that time you took with a simple guy like me so
I hope to be well enough and be present for firepower.
I’ve been stuck for a while because of physical stuff, but I’m feeling better and there is a sense of urgency about this.
Hope to be there.
By the way we reopened yesterday after being forced into zoom meetings the last several months.
Thank you for your diligence.
You gave me and my wife a word in October 2018 that made no sense, a bunch of it has come to pass with frightening accuracy.
I have the word on flash drive and occasionally refer back to it, am blown away.
God bless you and your precious wife.
Brother Mario, we cannot say thank you enough to God for you and what you, your team are submitting to and allowing God to do through you. Take courage! It has been said that if you control the language- the narrative- you control the culture. Thank you for proclaiming the Light of the Kingdom gospel true narrative. For in knowing The Truth, we are set free from The deceptive Lies of Darkness. Thank you, Sir. And others like you whose words, narrative, Biblical language is taking back our God Blessed Individual and cultural origins, heritage and destiny.
Be encouraged in joining with others in celebrating The American Family Reunion Proclamation and The Declaration of FREEDOM SEASON found here:
Lord Bless.
In God We Trust
I agree with non-live-streaming, though I really wish I could be at this particular event. So many times speakers are saying something we need to know and the AI editor steps in and nukes the sentence. I’d rather wait a few days and be able to access content as intended to be received. Thanks for letting us know.
On Mon, 26 Apr 2021 at 07:55, Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
Very WISE decision. Bless you Mario!
Sent from my iPad
Shalom, Mr. Murillo. Is there anyone in Cincinnati who is doing what you do, preaching as you preach? With honesty, clarity, rebuke where needed, encouragement, and Holy Spirit fire? I have been following your ministry and receiving your email messages, plus watching you on Turning Point. Thank you, and may God continue to bless the work He is doing thru you!
Sheryl Medina
Maineville OH
I agree you shouldn’t live stream Mario – such insight and wisdom. It isn’t possible for me to attend Fresno ~ but I will continue to pray for you, your family and the ministry. I’m glad there will be one official recording, and I will gladly purchase/contribute for the cost of mailing etc.
Bless you sir.
Will you offer this class in the Sacramento area? I am unable to travel to this Fresno event. Thank you! Connie Torres
On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 11:53 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
Is this event just for Pastor’s?Sent from my Samsung Galaxy , an AT&T LTE smartphone
it is for all
I want to attend this class. But I do not have the means to get there, stay the night, eat, etc. So would it be better to register by faith and pray for a way to go or ro allow someone else to have the spot that I might not be able to use? Thank you, Eve. b
Go ahead and register and lets agree for a miracle.
Mario, Cornerstone Church cannot hold the numbers that will want to attend. If you cannot live-stream, please consider making a DVD available to those who support you and what you are doing. We are now in Arkansas (left CA last November), and will not be able to attend. You and Mechelle are welcome visitors in our home if your travels take you to the I-40 corridor in Arkansas. We are attending Russellville 1st Assembly of God and greatly enjoying the ministry of Pastor Ronnie Morris. Praying for your Modesto outreach.
Blessings, Jim Lowell
We will be recording it.
I ditto the words of those here who are disappointed with their pastor’s lack of speaking out about what is going on in the nation. Unfortunately, our head pastor made the statement -again-on Sunday that it does not matter whether we vote Republican or democrat. He did not use to be wishy washy on politics and the culture in such a manner. I don’t know what’s happened to his discernment.
As I’ve said before, it will be the Evangelists that bring in the Harvest. Not the churches. But the churches had better at least be ready for the overflow.
Mario…I count it a joy and privilege to support your ministry as well as I can. I would love to come to Fresno but I am unable to do so. I would like to be able to PURCHASE CD’S of those instructions. I am a warrior and am learning to be a commander in the Lord’s army. I endorse your ministry and your assignments and pray for the true word of God to hit the hearts of millions to their transformation.
Go Mario! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered !!!
Blessings and Prayers, Shirley Young,
On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 11:55 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
We, as believers, are not without power to affect the successes of MMM events. The same Holy Spirit that teaches them teaches us. We are needful to the Body to hold them up in powerful prayer, for these events.
*In the Name of Jesus, by the power of the Living God, we declare the Blood Line in & all around the Historic Wilson Theatre in Fresno, California. The precious Blood of the Lamb not only resists sickness & disease, it repels ALL evil!
*We declare every lying voice, wickedness, and evil plot against the Master Class be now silenced! defeated! and rendered useless!
*Thank You, Father, for Your Holy Spirit’s anointing to direct & oversee every upcoming events of Mario Murillo Ministries.
*We ask for Your favor for clement weather, travel safety, order, & miraculous signs & wonders be done in the Name of Jesus.
*Thank You, Father, please bless the city for making yet another way for Your Truth to be known.
*Amen, so be it.
if we can’t be there in person, we can be there in spirit!
Amen, united, as one voice, speaking His Words; and powerful in Jesus’ Name!
Amen, NewHeavenonEarth!
Mario, we knew for months you were one of the few men of God carrying the mantle to freedom for our country.
I will share the info with ones that might be able to come. Surgery for my
husband will not permit us to come.
Thank you and your lovely wife for obeying God’s commission…
Sincerely, Christy and Frank
I live in South Carolina and, unfortunately I can’t attend in person. Even if I had the funds to go get there, I have 3 furbabies that I am unable to board or have anyone look after them. They don’t know anyone but me (since my husband passed into Glory in 2016). They won’t allow anyone near me since then. I pray that this Class is Blessed beyond measure! I am truly Blessed by your blogs and I am so excited to see California changing and coming to the Lord! I was born in Pasadena and raised in South San Gabriel. I moved away in 1980. My family still lives in So. Cal and it has been difficult watching my home state being devoured by evil. Thank you for being faithful to God and destroying the strongholds of evil! God Bless you!
Do not worry We are going to do class nearer to you.
AMEN MARIO! I stand in total agreement with your every word in this message!! The war we are in is vicious and we must have Gods “ fire power” to fight it!
I pray for your holy boldness to speak bluntly and powerfully the truth as God is revealing to you!!
Thank you for this powerful word from the very heart of God!!
I would definitely be at the fire power sessions in Fresno if I were able, but simply cannot do it as I am elderly, and at 87 I am somewhat limited in traveling these days!!
However! I can and DO pray in the Holy Spirit daily for you, Mechelle, and family!
You are a mighty warrior for the Lord and of vital necessity in this “war” to lead, guide, teach and equip the “army” of “ fire-powered” believers coming forth !!
May the Powerful Anointing of Holy Spirit continue to empower you to speak with such Holy Boldness! And I pray always for HIS protection, strength, and guidance and Peace to be Yours and Mechelles every day!!????
Mario, I used to support Franklin Graham but this is precisely the reason why when he said that that I stopped paying months partnership with him, I changed over to Andrew Wommack, and am going to support you sir, Can we do a direct deposit as I do for Andrew via phone call, I do not do any if possible monthly over the internet. I am a senior with fixed income but would love to support you can you give me a phone no? I need prayers for my health, as something is going on since I became a prayer facilitator. Sophia
Thank for speaking frankly and firmly and rebuking preachers and leaders who must not have a relationship with the Holy Spirit! We can fight this fight without HIM. I believe GOD will expose the evil and change our government to less so we can help other Countries get rid of evil in government! If God did it to the Jewish Nation who is man to think HE will not do it to us? Praying for you and your ministry and so thankful for a watchman like you! Pray you raise up more like you on fire for GOD not for themselves!!!!!!!!
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Thank you for speaking the Truth in love; boldly and confidently and uncompromisingly!
I agree with you totally! Your forthrightness and willingness to speak the truth is having impact. I pray that the snoozing church will wake up and see what is at stake. I’ve woken up, but used to have my head in the sand, so I know there are others who are starting to come alive and blaze the trail too.
Standing with you all the way. Jesus is our Victory! Our Savior. Our Lord of Lord. We shall overcome because He is our REDEEMER! To God be the Glory!
Wise decision! Why tell the enemy the plans! Mario, I will be praying and there in spirit! I want this FIREPOWER! Pray that we afar will feel the drenching with you!
Barbara Sullivan
Kerrville, TX
Reblogged this on free73735 and commented:
Re-blogging to reach others.
praise God
Mario, You said you deeply respect ——– ——. That bothers me that you would make that statement because of what you stand for, but again I do not know your relationship with him, which that should not make a difference. Anyone that continually makes numerous statements just to please the masses and not lead by the spirit leads people astray and he is continually doing this. I am seeing a “number” of Red flags which concern me. There are a many pastors that will see the wrath of God for leading people astray. I personally cannot support anyone like this let alone “Deeply” respect them. Be Blessed!
Yes, it’s sad about Franklin Graham. When I saw his post like that, I saddened. By the way, I totally understand Mario’s reason not to do live stream. I love to go take the class in person and get prayed by you from Texas. But as I’ve seen troubles of flights, I checked CA state regulation for travelers. I refuse to get vaccinated and I think I’d be a non essential traveler. Then, in that category, if I don’t get covid tested before, it asks 10-day quarantine. If I get tested 3day before and 3-5 day after arrival, it asks 1 week quarantine. I don’t know if it is really working that way, but I don’t have enough PTO for quarantine days. Maybe this is for Californians. Mario, do you still want me to go in person, or are you plan ( the Holy Spirit says) to have your master class in red states or access the full version online ??
Makes total sense why the class won’t be live-streamed. Keeping things on the DL is a wise decision. As the Bible says, we Christians are to be as wise as serpents. ?
Well, I don’t—not after I read this shocking exposé: 😛
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| | | MMM, Franklin Graham said Jesus would take the vaccine! That was sick! How dare him! He is obviously one of the pastors who took the $30,000 to promote the vaccine!
I am sorry, but I can’t respect him. How can I respect a man who said that? I don’t pray for this administration like other Christians are saying we should do. I got banned from a site because I said I don’t pray for evil! What is wrong with them? This administration has reprobate minds! A reprobate mind is lost!
God Bless Mario Murillo Ministry and families! |
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Never cast your pearls before the swine. Agreed MOG. Those who have never walked in God’s power are a hindrance too those who have and are equipped because they are mature believers.
*Thank you for answering this question on live streaming. I totally understand the privacy factor. I will look forward to seeing what you can release later. I can not travel due to many health issues. I will intercede from home for your class. Excited for those who can attend. *
On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 12:54 AM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
Dear Mario Murillo,
Thank you for your bold, spiritual stand about what we need as the true Church of God today.
I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Canadians also desperately need what you will be teaching and imparting. Our border situations are making it unwise to travel to the USA.
Please make available whatever material is possible from the Firepower Master Class.
It would be appreciated greatly.
I watch Flashpoint and pray with Dutch Sheets for America, as well as praying for our country.
I have family is USA as well.
Linda Lewis
Sent from my iPhone [Linda]
On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 11:56 PM Mario Murillo Ministries wrote:
> mariomurilloministries posted: ” Announcement: We have decided not to > live-stream the upcoming FIREPOWER Master Class. Not only that, there will > be only one authorized video recording. Those in the class will even be > required to turn off their phones. No unauthorized recording will be a” >
Totally understand Mario. You Will be totally prayer covered during all gatherings you are doing. Just heard Sean Feucht’in air near collision yesterday. Prayer does move the hand of Godband changes the course of his story!
Sent from my iPhone
Much as I would love to attend in person it is not possible from outside the US
I am not sure if you will see this but… Are you possibly planning on holding any of these classes in Phoenix Arizona? ? ?
There will be more Firepower classes in the future.
Awesome!!! Thank you for the reply. Continual blessings for you and your ministry. ?
I would love to attend these meetings and I’m sure many like me would love to also. I appreciate your message and believe in the anointing that God has placed on your life especially for this season. I watch Flashpoint and enjoy hearing what each one has to share on the program. It always gives me hope!
Thank you for offering the classes free of charge but many like me can not attend because of the cost of flights, hotel stays and transportation. Which makes me very sad.
I so longed to have been a part of the Modesto meetings. Not just attending but a part of the ministry team reaching people in the streets.
My heart in sending this email is not to gain sympathy but to ask that you remember those who long for the opportunity be a part of what is happening and yet can’t.
Please pray for the same impartation that will be released into those who attend will be extended to us!
Much Love,
Charlotte McIlnay
Mario, I am in total agreement with all you say and do. The very first time you had a revival in or around Modesto, I asked God to send me, that I would pack my bags that night if he would arrange it. That’s how excited I was. He knows of my age and health problems, so it didn’t happen. In the meantime, I am spreading the word re Victory and the work of the Prophets. I Praise the Lord for all of you. Thanks be to God.
Mario, I am in total agreement with all you say and do. The very first time you had a revival in or around Modesto, I asked God to send me, that I would pack my bags that night if he would arrange it. That’s how excited I was. He knows of my age and health problems, so it didn’t happen. In the meantime, I am spreading the word re Victory and the work of the Prophets. I Praise the Lord for all of you. Thanks be to God.
I’m a little confused about the class/classes. Is this one class, presented several different times, or a series of classes presented over the course of the weekend. I would love to attend but live at a distance and unable to be away from home three consecutive nights.
Thank you, Barbara Long
Barbara, Firepower is a series of classes presented in 4 sessions. Each class however is a stand alone presentation of truth. Since the classes are free–requiring only a reservation–consider taking in what portions of Firepower that you can. The classes will be recorded and released later. But nothing, no matter how little, will match the live experience. God bless.
Mario Murillo team. I live in a small town in Northern Ontario Canada. I will not be able to attend but I am praying that in the future you might offer a DVD of this teaching. I have followed very closely your blogs and teachings over the last year or so and believe that as the U.S. goes Canada will follow. We are a lukewarm Country with not many outspoken men and women of God which I believe puts us in a worse condition than the U.S.
it will be recorded and made available later. God blless.
Dear Pastor Murillo, I started watching you on Flashpoint and I thank God for you!!! I was a new Christian in 1994 and had the privilege w/2 sisters in the Lord to visit David Wilkerson’s church.
I lived in Long Island, NY at the time. We were so amazed by the service. We got there early and after finding our seats in the center of the church, congregants began to go up to the alter and pray before the start of service. I felt I was in the presence of the Lord as men and women speaking in their heavenly language became as one. Every tribe & nation & tongue, gathered together, it was beautiful! As Pastor David began the service…”it was all about praying for the pastor’s on Long Island. We looked at each other and realized. this was a divine appointment. I could not wait to tell my pastor. I worked at my church, helping pastor’s secretary. flower min., banner min.. choir. bookstore….cleaning classrooms, going to bible studies or anything else that needed to be done. When I spoke to my pastor about our eventful night, he simply smiled and nodded. He really never said anything! But, that Sunday, his wife came to the pulpit and began to give a message about how wrong it was for us to go to other churches. Mind you, my sister & I somehow became part of an inner circle w/pastor’s family & friends & church members….I was so hurt and confused. As a new believer, I began to sense a controlling spirit taking over and felt ashamed of my feelings. Eventually, I first. then my sister left the church..they hurt her deeply (a matter I won’t go into at this time). I now live in So. Florida and was very happy w/my church here, hiding away in a big church. I have not been able to physically go there since 2015, but faithfully watched online. Since Covid19, it took them a long time to open the church, which disappointed me greatly, and although the word is preached, they’re not teaching the full gospel. I no longer feel fed, mainly after watching Pastor Jack Hibbs, JD Farag, Amir Tsarfati, yourself, Dutch Sheets and some other Pastor’s that are not afraid to speak the TRUTH in love.
Several weeks ago I wrote a letter to Franklin Graham to find out if it were truth that he told Christians they had to take the vaccine. Like you, I feel he is misinformed. Deception has become so rampant.
Because I am unable to travel, I cannot be at your class,. but will pray the Holy Spirit will fill this event with Holy Fire and spread around the globe.
God Bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you, may the Lord lift is face upon you and give you great peace.