Christmas has come back with a sweet vengeance. People are saying Merry Christmas. Stores once again use the word Christmas in their advertisement. We no longer languish under Obama’s horrid “holiday tree.” We have, once again, a national Christmas Tree.
The main reason for all of this, of course, is President Donald Trump. Yes, as difficult as it is for his enemies to digest, he has added Christmas to his growing list of victories.
Nevertheless, there is still strange resistance to Christmas. Many love to rewrite history and accuse Christmas of originating from paganism. This fake news about Christmas is also held by an unlikely source: religionists.
Yes, it’s true…a lingering religious spirit hampers many from rejoicing at this time of year, believing Christmas was appropriated from pagans.
That is why I am going to quote rather generously from an article by Jeremy Lott that nails the origin of Christmas and why you should lose the bah humbug and join the triumph of the skies. -Mario Murillo
No, Christmas didn’t replace a pagan holiday
Chastising conservative Christians in the Sacramento Bee, former talk show host Bruce Maiman cited the “fact” that “Christmas occurs on a pagan feast day, Saturnalia,” and alleges that “the earliest Christians deliberately moved the birth of Jesus to December 25, making it easier to sell Christianity to the Romans.”
The only problem with this criticism is that it doesn’t make one lick of historical sense.
Saturnalia was celebrated not on December 25 but on December 17 through 23. December 25 was during the throbbing “Oh please kill me” dry-out period between Saturnalia and New Year’s. It was thus a horrible time for sermons or celebrations – and Christmas was always a mix of both.
Christmas in itself is supernatural.All people of the earth celebrate it. Even pagans celebrate it. Children get to see a portion of Heaven. Year after year after year.The seventeen hundreds the 18 hundreds the fourtys the fifties unil now Businesses are blessed. Only God could be orcastraiting this. The Carol’s the instruments. Family. Presants lights joy in the midts of pain and suffering and sadness.Blessed Christmas Gift from God. A taste of Heaven.
I believe the reason people put down the Christmas holiday in general is because they’re neither hot nor cold regarding our Savior & King Jesus Christ. Thank you Mario for speaking truth about such lack of knowledge, may there be many who seek & find our King Jesus this Christmas holiday for Christ’s glory!
The spirit of giving because HE FIRST GAVE HIS SON! Merry Christmas to ALL!